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Weekly News from Around the World - 03-Apr-2009
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Заработал сайт Accordion-space4u.com – Интернет
Всемирный чемпионат исполнителей на диатоических гармониках, St Kanzian – Австрия
Международный конкурс ‘Ascoltate 2009’, Приенаи – Литва
Мастер-классы Юрия Медяника, Интернет – Россия
Более 400 заявок на участие в чемпионате, посвященном 60-летию NAO, Блэкпул - Велиуобритания
Скончался Мики Бинелли (Mickey Binelli), Лондон – Великобритания

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Jean Louis Noton – up in the air - France
‘Renzo Ruggieri Collection’ CD, Castelfidardo - Italy
Steve Roxton Wows the French!, Avranches – France
Museum Concert and Gary Daverne Work Premiere - New Zealand
4th Paks Accordion Festival - Hungary

Будущие события

Jose Valedez Concert Dates, Monterrey - México
Claudio Allodi at Uxbridge Accordion Club, Middlesex – UK
Frank Marocco Concert, Alabama - USA
Renato Borghetti’s 2009 European Tour

Новые и обновленные сайты

H S Production New Music Releases
Yehuda Oppenheimer release 1 arrangement for Acccordion
Charnwood Publications New Accordion Compositions
Gary Dahl updates and releases new works for accordion

CD Отзывы

“Dreams, Music of Davor Bobić”

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Всемирный чемпионат исполнителей на диатоических гармониках, St Kanzian – Австрия

World Diatonic Logo6 Международный конкурс исполнителей на диатонических гармониках (the World Diatonic Accordion Championships) пройдёт в городе St Kanzian (около Lake Klopein) с 21 по 24 мая. Это соревнование организовано Австрийской Ассоциацией Аккордеона и Гармоники (HVÖ) и пройдёт в Kongresszentrum K3, Klopeiner Straße 5, A-9122 St. Kanzian am Klopeiner See.

Конкурс пройдёт по категориям «юниоры» и «взрослые» исполнители на диатонической и штаерской гармониках, а также по категории «фольклорные ансамбли», в составе которых есть диатонические гармоники. По вечерам будут танцы в сопровождении аккордеониста Фредди Дженнера (Freddy Janner) – в пятницу, и Ханси Стерметца и его ансамбля (Hansi Stermetz & his Ensemble) – в субботу.

Дополнительная информация по E-mail: w.weibert@tele2.at


Международный конкурс ‘Ascoltate 2009’, Приенаи – Литва

Jury members, Mirco Patarini, Ray Bodell and Viatcheslav Semionov9 международный конкурс исполнителей на баяне/аккордеоне ‘Ascoltate 2009’ пройдёт в Приенаи, Литва, с 3 по 7 июня. ‘Ascoltate 2009’ организован Творческой школой Veiveriai Antanas Kučingis совместно с Аккордеонным Сообществом города Каунас.

Первый конкурс прошёл в 1993 году и с самого начала завоевал популярность, поскольку включал в себя самые разные категории от исполнителей-солистов до различных ансамблей и оркестров. Начиная с 2005 года во время конкурса начали проходить также и вечерние концерты. Инициаторами этого фестиваля стали основатели Аккордонного Сообщества – Гражина Лукошене (Gražina Lukošienė) и Бируте Рушениене (Birutė Rušėnienė), работавшие лекторами в Каунасской консерватории Ж. Груодиса.

Члены жюри: Вячеслав Семёнов (Россия), Раймонд Бодель (Великобритания), Мирко Патарини (Италия), Роман Пехман (Австрия) и Эдуардас Габнис (Литва).

Заявки принимаются до 1 апреля.

Дополнительная информация по E-mail: mindaugas@akordeonas.lt


Мастер-классы Юрия Медяника, Интернет – Россия

Yuri MedianikИнтерактивный гитарный журнал и центр «Pluri Art» объявляют совместную акцию - первый интерактивный online мастер-класс с концертом исполнителей на баяне и гитаре.

Сотрудники интерактивного гитарного журнала и центра «Pluri Art» познакомились на зарубежном концерте гитариста Артёма Дервоеда, выступавшего совместно с президентом Pluri Art аккордеонистом Юрием Медяником и проектом Emotion-orchestra. На концерте как зрители в зале, так и online аудитория получили огромное удовольствие от исполнения на этих двух инструментах – гитаре и баяне.

22 апреля в 19.00 по московскому времени на сайтах гитарного журнала и центра «Pluri Art» пройдёт online трансляция мастер-классов, которые проведут гитаристы – педагоги и лауреаты международных конкурсов – Артём Дервоед и Евгений Финкельштейн, и баянисты – педагог и лауреат международных конкурсов Юрий Медяник и профессор РАМ им. Гнесиных Фридрих Липс. По окончании мастер-класса музыканты исполнят в эфире несколько композиций.

Четверо исполнителей на каждом инструменте будут отобраны для 20-минутного персонального мастер-класса. Для бесплатного участия в мастер-классе желающие должны прислать аудио или видео запись, пригодную для публикации в Интернете. Заявк принимаются до 5 апреля.

Публичное голосование пройдёт до 15 апреля, после чего организаторы мастер-класса выберут участников. Результаты голосования будут учитываться при отборе.

Дополнительная информация по Е-mail: yuri@yurimedianik.com


Более 400 заявок на участие в чемпионате, посвященном 60-летию NAO, Блэкпул - Велиуобритания

NAO logo
Более 400 заявок было прислано на конкурс NAO UK Championships 2009, который пройдёт в Metropole Hotel, North Pier, Блэкпул, Ланкашир, в рамках празднования 60 годовщины NAO (Национальной Аккордеонной Ассоциации).

В Чемпионат NAO UK Championships первый раз войдут:
- конкурс композиторов, очень важная возможность для популяризации новой музыки и композиторов, пишущих для нашего инструмента;
- Национальный Финал конкурса the Roland V Competition, совместно с Roland UK, а также выступление специально приглашенного популярного исполнителя, победителя Кубка Мира и Трофея Мира в категории Junior Variety, Марио Д’Амарио из Италии.

Это мероприятие также представит традиционных любимцев, таких, как Гэри Блэр (Gary Blair) и его ансамбль, играющих Ceilidh (суббота, вечер), а также выставку-ярмарку в Метрополь-отеле. В составе международного жюри Джордже Гажич (Djorge Gajic), Мирко Патарини (Mirco Patarini) и Романо Вьяццани (Romano Viazzani).

Более полная информация на сайте NAO или по E-mail: naouk@btinternet.com


Скончался Мики Бинелли (Mickey Binelli), Лондон – Великобритания

Mickey BinelliВ воскресенье 29 марта в возрасте 87 лет скончался лондонец Мики Бинелли (Mickey Binelli – 1921-2009).

Первую известность Мики приобрел в первые послевоенные годы как участник лондонского аккордеонного ансамбля (Accordion Band, MD George Scott-Wood). В 1950-е,60-е он являлся постоянным участником признанного квартета Генри Крейна (Henry Krein Quartet), одного из самых известных и популярных аккордеонных ансамблей того периода, знаменитого по многочисленным радиопередачам BBC.

Хотя он не запомнился как сольный исполнитель, Микки Бинелли с начала 1950-х годов был весьма уважаемой фигурой в мире сессионых музыкантов, работающих в студиях звукозаписи. Мики участвовал во многих записях, а также играл в саундтреках к фильмам, таких, как хит 1968 года, музыкальный фильм «Оливер».
Мики играл итальянскую композицию ‘La Piave’ в саундтреке к фильму 1996 года ‘In Love and War’. Благодаря своей сессионной работе Мики заметно повлиял на записи других музыкантов. Например, появление мюзетного аккордеона в некоторых треках альбома "Парижская гармоника", записанного виртуозным исполнитедем на гармонике Томми Рейли (Tommy Reilly) в 1971 году. Он играет на аккордеоне с оркесторм Генри Манчини на диске 1991 года ‘Cinema Italiano’, на котором представлены киномелодии Эннио Морриконе и Нино Рота.

Мики Бинелли вдохновлял многих Британских аккордеонистов в послевоенные годы. Наиболее известные из них Джек Эмблоу (Jack Emblow), Тони Комптон (Tony Compton) и Джон Лесли (John Leslie).


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Jean Louis Noton – up in the air - France

Jean Louis NotonAnd he did it once more! In the series of exploits in extreme situations, Jean Louis Noton has really done one this weekend: he played the accordion during a paragliding flight! It happened on Saturday March 21st in Champagny en Vanoise, where he flew in a two-seater with Pierre. This flight allowed him to test the new wireless system developed by Liberty Premium Cavagnolo! The ascent was filmed by Bénédicte Schemeil (Director of Video Production Remembrance of Courchevel and Méribel).

But that's not all, Jean Louis Noton took the opportunity to go play the accordion at the Glacier Chiaupe (on top of Bellecôte) of 3,250 meters in the company of trackers of the glacier, and at the bottom of the cave Glacier ice measuring 140 meters deep and at the end of which is under almost 35 meters of ice, a place with a beautiful sound which gave a magical air to the music of Jean Louis Noton!

And then as it was not enough, he completed the adventure by a superb delivery to ‘Timbale’ commercials in which he gave a concert, "accordion-bar" in the eyes of his audience impressed!


‘Renzo Ruggieri Collection’ CD, Castelfidardo - Italy

Renzo Ruggieri CollectionRenzo Ruggieri, demonstrating at the stand of Ballone Burini at the Frankfurt Musikmesse last week, introduced his new CD the ‘Renzo Ruggieri Collection’. This is a complilation of recordings made between 1998-2008 - a collection of 13 hits, including ‘Carnevale’, ‘Tango Italiano’, ‘Grande Jo’, ‘Piccolo Walzer Francese’, ‘Terre’, etc.

For further information email: info@associazionepromozionearte.com


Steve Roxton Wows the French!, Avranches – France

Steve RoxtonBritish accordionist and vocalist Steve Roxton impressed French devotees of the instrument at the first ‘Festval d'Accordeon’, held in Avranches, Normandy, with his performances on both nights of the event. The week-end of March 14th and 15th attracted over 1,000 visitors to the Salle Victor Hugo, keen to listen and dance to the elite of the French accordion scene.

The festival, featuring Jean Dauvin, Jean-Marc Torchy, Jocelyne Daniel and Michel Lemenager, was headed by non other than the legendary king of "bal musette" himself, Andre Verchuren. At 88 years of age he gave an outstanding concert on the final night. As he sang and played his hits to an audience, many of whom gathered around the stage, the organiser, Daniel Dolley, invited Steve Roxton on to the stage to perform with the master himself. Steve, who has followed Andre Vercheren's career was overjoyed at this opportunity to meet his idol.

"Whilst we were shaking hands the microphone was thrust in front of me to say something" said Steve, "For everyone in life special moments arrive, and for me this is one of them" he said, (in French, of course). They then went on to play three well known musette pieces together, to the delight of the assembled crowd.

Steve's rise to prominence in France was brought about through a chance meeting with ex-World and European champion Jean Dauvin during a twinning association event in St Helier, Jersey, with the Normandy town of Avranches. Steve was booked to play French accordion music and during his performance he was suddenly surprised to hear the sound of another accordion behind him, duetting perfectly with him. Steve and his wife Margaret ran the accordion club ‘Les Amis de l'Accordeon de Jersey’ at that time, and immediately booked Jean Dauvin for a concert the following month. Since that time Jean and Steve have appeared at venues and festivals both in the UK and France and have recorded a CD together, ‘Entente Accordiale’.

Asked by Andre Verchuren how he had obtained such a high degree of technique with musette music he confessed to having listened to Andre's LPs at half speed to capture the intricacies of his style. During the meal after the concert Steve was greatly honoured to be formally dubbed "The English Verchuren" by those present.

After some 21 years in Jersey Steve and his wife Margaret are now back home in Middlesbrough in the North East of England, where he presents his one man show which covers Irish, Scottish, German Bier Keller, Country & Rock 'n Roll along with Old time sing-alongs and ballads

For further information email: margaret.roxton@sky.com


Museum Concert and Gary Daverne Work Premiere - New Zealand

Kevin FriedrichThe Dargaville Museum presented "An Afternoon of Music" on Sunday March 29th to celebrate the new hand made Kauri (a beautiful New Zealand wood) cases in which the accordions will be displayed.

The program featured accordion group Noteable Soundz from Auckland, a youth group preparing for the 2009 Coupe Mondiale in Auckland in August. Their Director Lorriane Parnell also played a few solos.

Dargaville vocalist Cindy Randall and pianist Nolene Osbaldiston performed then Lionel Reekie sang and played.

Kevin Friedrich then performed on the instruments from the Dargaville Museum, starting with the oldest, about 130 years old through to the modern instruments of today, explaining each instrument as he played it.

The world premiere of a new work by Gary Daverne "Three Songs Without Words" was performed by Kevin Friedrich with the orchestral score performed on piano by Nolene Osbaldiston.

The very appreciative audience was then invited to visit the Museum Music Room, and view the exceptional collection of accordions that is there.


4th Paks Accordion Festival - Hungary

Ernie Weszely, Balazs KishshAlexander PoeluevOn the 28th March, the 4th Paks Accordion Festival was held in Hungary. Accordionists came to Paks City from all over Hungary for this competition and festival.

Day one of the competitions, involved seventeen contestants in three categories: Junior 1, Junior 2 and Adult category. Junior 1 first prize was not awarded due to the small number of competitors. Junior 2 was won by Balazs Kishsh (Picture - left, School of the Arts in Paks) and the Adult category was won by Gabor Perlaki.

In the afternoon, Alexander Poeluev (Russia - picture right), honorary guest, held a very successful master class for Hungarian accordionists and their teachers and afterwards, the students were excited and practising very hard.

The day ended with a Gala concert, which announced the competition results and prize giving. Performing at the concert were the competition winners and concert guest musicians and ensembles. These included the famous Hungarian accordionists Ernie Weszely (picture left) and István Horváth.

Last to perform was guest artist and Laureate of international competitions, Alexander Poeluev who enjoyed long applause from the audience. Some of his most enjoyed works were: Chromatic and Toccata and Fugue by Bach and Hungarian Czardas. The Gala concert ended with an encore by Poeluev.

Finally, you can wish everyone a good journey home and start preparing for the next accordion festival in Paks in 2010!


Будущие события

Jose Valedez Concert Dates, Monterrey - México

José ValadezConcert accordionist Jose Valedez performs recitals in several cities and towns in the state of Nuevo León, México. The tour is called ‘Caravana Cultural’, and is organized by Conmarte, Consejo para la Cultura y las Artes de Nuevo León (Council for the Culture and Arts of Nuevo León). The recitals will be performed in schools, elementary and junior high school, as follows:

April 3rd – Hualahuises
May 15th - Gral Terán
22nd - Abasolo
29th – Anahuac
June 5th - El Carmen
19th - Los Ramones
26th – Paras
August 21st – China
September 11th - Los Aldamas
24th - Juárez
25th - Apodaca

For further information email: joseavaladez@prodigy.net.mx


Claudio Allodi at Uxbridge Accordion Club, Middlesex – UK

Claudio AllodiOn Monday April 6th, 8pm, Claudio Allodi performs at the Uxbridge Accordion Club, The Anglers Retreat, Cricketfield Road, West Drayton, Middlesex UB7 7HG.

For further information email: david.lukins@btinternet.com


Frank Marocco Concert, Alabama - USA

Frank MaroccoThe Alabama Accordionists Association presents Frank Marocco in concert on April 18th, 1pm, at Bluff Park United Methodist Church, 733 Valley Street, Hoover, Alabama.

Frank Marocco has had a career spanning nearly 60 years and is one of the most recorded accordionists in the world. He has conducted orchestras, and has worked with many well-known artistes and conductors. Other credits include nearly 300 movie soundtracks, over 200 TV programs, and over 150 commercials.

He has composed and arranged classical, jazz, and other genres of music. Frank has received many awards throughout his life, the most recent being the coveted Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Accordionists’ Association, received in June 2006.


Renato Borghetti’s 2009 European Tour

Renato BorghettiBrazilian diatonic button accordionist and composer Renato Borghetti, fronting his Quartet, performs in Germany, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Italy, Belgium and France during May.

Borghetti works in many genres, including traditional styles from his home state of Rio Grande do Sol, samba, jazz and classical music. Borghetti won a Latin Grammy award in 2005 for his CD 'Gaita Ponto Com', and has now released a new CD 'Fandango'!, in conjunction with the tour.

Tour dates include:

May 6th - Singers & Players Club, Oldenburg, Germany
7th - Masala World Beat Festival, Hanover
8th - Harmonie, Tangofestival, Bonn
9th - Kesselhaus, Kulturbrauerei, Berlin
12th - Palac Akropolis, Prague, Czech Republic
13th - Moods im Schiffbau, Zürich, Switzerland
14th - Festa del Patrono, Castelfidardo, Italy
15th - Fiera del Libro, Turin, Italy
16th – Milan - TBC
17th - Festival Instrumenti e Musica, Spoleto
18th – Brasilfest, Bologna
20th – Muziekpublique, Brussels, Belgium
22nd - Festival Accordéons-nous, Trentels, France

For further information email: sabina@cultureworks.at


Новые и обновленные сайты

H S Production New Music Releases

H S Production releases 8 new pieces, 'Leave, Masha, catalog:hs444', 'Eastern Melody, catalog:hs447', 'Good Night Arrangement, catalog:hs448', 'That Snowflakes, As Fuzzes, catalog:hs449', 'Spring Waltz, catalog:hs450', 'The Cheerful Girl Lena, catalog:hs451', 'The Doll Dance Krakovyak, catalog:hs452' and 'Who Takes The Tambourine Faster, catalog:hs453'. Samples of the music are available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Yehuda Oppenheimer release 1 arrangement for Acccordion

Yehuda Oppenheimer releases 1 arrangement for acccordion - 'Mini Valse (Duet), catalog:OY597'. Samples of the music is available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Charnwood Publications New Accordion Compositions

Charnwood Publications releases 5 new pieces by arranger Ken Farran titled, 'St Antoni Chorale (Score and 2 of Each part), catalog:B048', 'Largo - New World Symphony (Score and 2 of Each part), catalog:B049',and 'Gloria in Excelcis, catalog:M626D', 'Flower Duet, catalog:M627D' and 'Soveig's Song, catalog:M629D'. Purchase with credit card.


Gary Dahl updates and releases new works for accordion

Gary Dahl - accordionist as well as a composer, arranger, recording artist and music educator, releases 2 new works and 1 new update work for accordion available for purchase online, ‘Abide with Me, catalog:DH0217’, ‘What a Friend We Have In Jesus, catalog:DH0218' and 'O Mio Babbino Caro, catalog:DH0086'. Samples of these music are available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


CD Отзывы

“Dreams, Music of Davor Bobić”

CD Reviews Index for the Review of “Dreams, Music of Davor Bobic” by Alessandro Mugnoz


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