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Weekly News from Around the World - 02-Jun-2017
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Особенности Highlights

Кубок мира 2017 - прием заявок открыт, Италия
Новый выпуск: немецкая книга Фридриха Липса "Искусство транскрипции классической музыки для аккордеона", Германия
Harmonika-WM 2017 в Außervillgraten, Австрия
Видео: Гран-при "Российского Ренессанса" на Конкурсе камерных искусств, США
7-ой Фестиваль Harmonika Fest в Тивате, Черногория
Ежедневный репортаж/ видео: 2017 Южный Тихоокеанский Конкурс аккордеонистов, Новая Зеландия
Финальный концерт музыкантов Королевской академии музыки, Лондон, Великобритания

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

9th Osaka International Chamber Music Competition & Festival - Japan
International Week of the Accordion 2017, Alcobaça – Portugal
Video: 1st Stefan Oberhofer (IT) 10th Weltmeisterschaft for Steirische Harmonika - Austria
Accordion Babes Pin Up Calendar, California - USA
Video: 2nd Marko Gostencnik (SLO), 10th Weltmeisterschaft for Steirische Harmonika - Austria
Frank Vilich QSM, NZAATC, 23 July 1930 to 31 May 2017 - New Zealand
Video: 1st Anže Krevh (SLO) 10th Junior Weltmeisterschaft for Steirische Harmonika - Austria
Video: 1st Klara Missebner Category Stufe A 1 - Austria

Будущие события

Leonard Brown & Bryan Gear Concert, Sheffield – UK
Gorka Hermosa Concerts, Master Class, Jury Member – Spain, Portugal
Bob Liddle Entertains, Scotland – UK
Rob Reich Concerts, California – USA
The Mad Maggies June Shows - USA
Romane & Eric Bouvelle Quintet, Paris – France
Heather Smith @ North Staffs AC, Staffordshire – UK
Martynas and Mikroorkestra Concert, Bleckede – Germany
Norimichi Nagasaka Concert, Osaka – Japan

Новые и обновленные сайты

Интервью«Наши знаменитости», Fismen Accordions, Кастельфидардо, Италия
My Vanishing African Dreams eBook by Susan M. Hall - Kenya

CD Отзывы

Review of The Shortcut to Playing and the Bellows-Technique for The Accordion by Lars Ek

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Особенности Highlights

Кубок мира 2017 - прием заявок открыт, Италия

2017 Coupe Mondiale Artwork
Aurelio AlabardiГенеральный секретарь CIA Киммо Маттила сообщает, что онлайн-регистрация на Кубок мира (Coupe Mondiale 2017) открыта для подачи заявок на конкурс, который проводится в 70-й раз

Дата окончания приёма заявок - 31 июля 2017 года. Вся информация о конкурсе и размещении доступна здесь: Coupe Mondiale

На этот раз Кубок мира 2017 принимает член CIA, "Итальянская Аккордеонная ассоциация" (IAC) вместе с художественным руководителем Мирко Патарини, который с гордостью представляет постер Кубок мира 2017 известного итальянского художника Аурелио Алабарди (фотография слева).

Распечатайте красочный постер A4 Coupe Mondiale: 2017Alabardi.pdf

На Кубке мира 2017 всего 7 международных категорий для классической, виртуозной развлекательной и ансамблевой музыки.
На конкурсе нас ждут и другие мероприятия - новый показ цифровых аккордеонов, концерты с участием итальянских исполнителей и выступление Всемирного Оркестра аккордеонистов IX.


Новый выпуск: немецкая книга Фридриха Липса "Искусство транскрипции классической музыки для аккордеона", Германия

Die Kunst der Bearbeitung klassischer Musik für AkkordeonИздание доступно на немецком языке.
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Ссылка на покупку: kslips02


Harmonika-WM 2017 в Außervillgraten, Австрия

Harmonika-WM 2017 in Außervillgraten
Stefan OberhoferВсемирный конкурс и национальный австрийский конкурс Steirische Harmonika проходил в Ausservillgraten в Osttirol, небольшой деревушке, в которой насчитывается 760 жителей.

Все они тепло принимали выступления музыкантов (независимо от их известности) - как настоящих звезд. Исполнителей встречали шквалом аплодисментов.

Местные власти ежедневно держали руку на пульсе. Хорошая организация конкурса и прекрасная погода сделали каждое мероприятие особенным.

Смотрите видео, фото, результаты конкурса: 2017Harmonika
Außervillgraten, Austria


Видео: Гран-при "Российского Ренессанса" на Конкурсе камерных искусств, США

Выдержки из статьи Мартина Слагтера: ансамбль “ Русский ренессанс» с участием Ивана Кузнецова (балалайки), Анастасии Захаровой (домры), Александра Тарасова (аккордеона) и Ивана Виноградова (балалайка-контрабассо), покорил аудиторию и жюри в четверг, 4 мая, в Hill Auditorium. На Конкурсе камерной музыки ансамбль взял M-Prize.

Россияне получили в качестве награды 100 000 долларов! И это, говорят, самый большой приз в мире в таком жанре, как камерная музыка. Конкурс был организован Школой музыки, театра и танца университета Мичиган.

Победители, кроме денежного вознаграждения, получают возможность концертировать и преподавать в мичиганской Школе музыки, театра и танца в 2017-18 учебного году.

В международное жюри вошли бывший концертмейстер Нью-йоркской филармонии Родни Френд, виолончелист "Juilliard String Quartet" Астрид Швин, швейцарский саксофонист Ларс Млекуш, знаменитый флейтист Кэрол Винценс, мультижанровый виолончелист Джеффри Цейглер и оперная певица Dawn Upshaw, удостоенная премии «Грэмми».


7-ой Фестиваль Harmonika Fest в Тивате, Черногория

Raymond Bodell, Anna Bodell, Yuri Shishkin, Petar Maric and Predrag Jankovich.
Yuri Shishkin, Petar MaricФото выше: Раймонд Боделл, Анна Боделл, Юрий Шишкин, Петар Марик и Предраг Янкович.

Участники и гости фестиваля посетили 10 стран, чтобы принять участие в 7-м Harmonika Fest, организованном NVO «Harmonika Montenegrina». Этот фестиваль состоялся в Тивате 29-31 мая 2017 года.
В нем приняли участие более 160 конкурсантов в категориях сольной, камерной и оркестровой музыки.

Члены международного жюри, в которое вошли Раймонд Боделл (президент, CIA), Юрий Шишкин (Россия), Мильян Бьелетик (Сербия), Януш Патер (Польша), Ирена Мердович (Черногория), Боян Мартинович (Черногория), Владимир Мандич (Сербия) , Мирослав Илич (Черногория) и Петар Марик (Сербия) высоко оценили выступления участников разных категорий. Победителем в высшей категории стал Душан Чеганджак (Сербия), студент Мильяна Бьелетика.

В рамках фестиваля прошло несколько концертов, в том числе, потрясающий открытый концерт в Galerija Ljetnikovca Buca. Сначала выступил Владимир Домазетович (фортепиано), затем Петар Марик, многократный победитель Кубка мира (Coupe Mondiale). Петар представил вниманию зрителей ряд новых электронных аранжировок и выступил дуэтом с Вуко Джавановичем (фортепиано).

На следующий вечер в отеле Regent прошел "на ура" концерт русского Юрия Шишкина, знаменитого исполнителя и организатора Кубка мира 2016 в Ростове-на- Дону. Его программа, составленная из разных аранжировок, блестяще исполненная, вызвала большой зрительский восторг.

Фестиваль завершился открытым концертом на берегу моря Orkestar Harmonika из Kragujevac, дирижёр Bojan Spica (фото ниже).

Смотрите всю информацию: 2017Tivat.pdf


Ежедневный репортаж/ видео: 2017 Южный Тихоокеанский Конкурс аккордеонистов, Новая Зеландия

Daily Reports: 2017 South Pacific and New Zealand Championships and Festival
Ежедневный отчет о Южном Тихоокеанском и Новозеландском Конкурсе аккордеонистов (суббота, 3 июня и воскресенье, 4 июня), включая результаты.

Фотографии и видео будут доступны по адресу: 2017SouthPac


Финальный концерт музыкантов Королевской академии музыки, Лондон, Великобритания

Ilona Suomalainen, Katariina Ahjonienemi and Inigo Mikeleiz-Berrade.
Фото выше: Илона Суомалайнен, Катария Аджоненеми и Иниго Микелейз-Берраде.

Финальные концерты учащихся состоятся в четверг 8 июня с 15:45 до 21:30 в концертном зале David Josefowitz в Королевской академии музыки, Лондон. Это возможность услышать выступления трёх студентов-аккордеонистов Академии в заключительном концерте.

Студенты и аспиранты учатся у Катарины Ачжонинеми, Илоны Суомалайнен и Иниго Микелейз-Берраде. Каждое выступление длительностью 50 минут включает сольные и камерные музыкальные произведения.

За дополнительной информацией обращайтесь по электронной почте: K.INGRAM@ram.ac.uk


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

9th Osaka International Chamber Music Competition & Festival - Japan

Video: Performance of the Duo Prokopiev, 20th May, final round of the competition.

Music list:
0:00 Concert Fantasy "Dedication to Yehudi Menuhin" (composers A. Kugaevsky, A. Davtyan, N. Prokopiev)
10:27 A. Cuss Waltz "The Amur Waves"
14:40 A. Piazzolla Tango "The Shark"
18:41 V.Monti "Czardas"
23:37 RNP "Valenki" arr. Shalova

This very prestigious international competition takes place every three years in the categories: I (string quartet), II (wind ensembles) and Festa (in memory of the world-famous violinist Yehudi Menuhin).

The Duo Prokopiev of Artyom Davtyan (domra) and Nikolay Prokopiev (accordion) from Novosibirsk (Russia) participated in the "Chamber Music Festa" and won the 1st Prize (Menuhin Gold Prize) through their excellent performance and carefully selected program.

The historical background, is that the teachers of these two musicians, Andrei Romanov (accordion) and Andrei Kugaevsky (domra) took part in this competition in 2003 and also won the gold medal.


International Week of the Accordion 2017, Alcobaça – Portugal

The 21st International Week of the Accordion "Alcobaça 2017", which runs from May 27th to June 4th, presents competitions, concerts and other activities. The event is organised by the Associação de Acordeão de Portugal ASACORD.

The event includes the National Trophy contest and International Competition, and these have a large and record number of entries.


Video: 1st Stefan Oberhofer (IT) 10th Weltmeisterschaft for Steirische Harmonika - Austria

Harmonika-WM 2017 in Außervillgraten
Video: Stefan Oberhofer (IT), winner of the 2017 10th Weltmeisterschaft for Steirische Harmonika organised by the Harmonikaverband Verband Österreich (HVÖ) on the 26th May.

Daily Reports, pictures, video and results at: 2017Harmonika


Accordion Babes Pin Up Calendar, California - USA

Accordion Babes 2017
The Accordion Babes 2018 Album & Pin-Up Calendar is in preparation, but the deadline for submission of photo, song on CD, art, pre-sales and advertising, etc, has been extended until June 26th.

Renee de la Prade, the organiser, writes: “Our theme for next year is Calling All Muses. The world needs inspiration in these troubled times. When you plan your photo shoot, think about what inspires you to play music, or think about how you want your character and costume in the photo to inspire other artists”.

There are lots of tips and diagrams available from Renee de la Prade for producing a calendar-quality photo, including nuts-and-bolts stuff like image dimensions, and some do's and don'ts for your photo shoot. There are new guidelines for photos, and please note that a photo needs to be accompanied by a photo release form signed by the applicant and her photographer.

Applicants also need to submit a professional quality CD featuring them playing accordion. Songs can be traditional or own compositions, but not covers.

For further information email: editor@accordionpinupcalendar.com


Video: 2nd Marko Gostencnik (SLO), 10th Weltmeisterschaft for Steirische Harmonika - Austria

Video: 2nd place Marko Gostencnik SLO in the 2017 10th Weltmeisterschaft for Steirische Harmonika organised by the Harmonikaverband Verband Österreich (HVÖ) on the 26th May.

Daily Reports, pictures, video and results at: 2017Harmonika


Frank Vilich QSM, NZAATC, 23 July 1930 to 31 May 2017 - New Zealand

New Zealand Accordion Association header
Frank Vilich QSMFrank's musical career commenced at the tender age of five years when his father gave him a ukulele. Although his father was a guitarist and singer Frank's preferred instrument was to be the accordion. He was given a concertina when he was seven, and an accordion for his 10th birthday.

His early years were spent in Australia where he learned drums, playing them in the Broken Hill Junior Boys Brass Band. In these early years, Frank was involved in entertaining as a child accordionist on the radio and later while in Sydney he formed his own dance band. While living in Sydney his accordion was stolen from a train, but this misfortune was compensated for, when he made music with a Dalmatian group, an activity he loves and is renowned for.

In 1951 Frank made a visit to NZ where he travelled to Dargaville to meet a number of his countrymen who reside in that area. One evening he was invited to a dance and on returning to his seat, he found a lady and her very attractive daughter had occupied his vacant seat. He soon became acquainted with that beautiful daughter Stephanie Sutich and she became the reason he stayed in NZ, and a little later she became his wife.

After he settled in Dargaville, Frank was to contribute to making it one of the centres of the accordion in NZ. Although a small town, at its peak, it boasted six accordion bands and has produced some of NZ's best accordionists. Frank soon started teaching the accordion and formed the Frank Vilich Accordion Band (FVAB) as well as performing with the Dargaville Tamburica Orchestra.

His accordion band never accepted fees for their performances even though they travelled over much of Northland and performed ten or twelve times per year for many charity functions.

They were instrumental in raising thousands of dollars for these charities. The accordion Museum in Dargaville currently has memorabilia on display from these times.

It was a sad day for Dargaville when Frank left to live in Auckland. However Auckland has benefited from his enthusiasm for music and the accordion and once again Frank began teaching and formed the Frank Vilich Revival Accordion Band, which, as it had done in Dargaville, delighted so many people with performances of Dalmatian and other types of music.

Here in Auckland the dominant feature has been helping good causes without accepting remuneration. Frank often returned to Dargaville to entertain at various functions held by the community.

In addition to these activities Frank has judged regularly at the NZ Accordion Championships, and played for a number of years at night clubs and restaurants.

During his brief tenure as President of the NZAA he initiated a picnic and a regular Association Ball. While living in the North he was a member of the first music group to make a recording in that area and in later years while residing in Auckland he has recorded for local radio stations.

Frank is a Life Member of the New Zealand Accordion Association. In 1990, Frank Vilich was awarded the Accordion Examination Board of New Zealand Merit Award. In 1996 Frank Vilich was awarded the Queen's Service Medal for Community Service (QSM) in the New Years Honours.

Frank has entertained at retirement homes for many years, both in groups and as a soloist. During his lifetime he has given pleasure to tens of thousands. Thank you Frank Vilich.

Requiem Mass to celebrate Frank's life will be held at 11am on Tuesday 6 June also at Christ the King Catholic Church. Dearly loved husband of Stephanie and cherished Father and Father-in-law of Carleen and Robert, Sonja and Giles, Deanna and Paul, and Petreece and Bob. Loving Grandpa of Milos and Mariam, Mara, Terence, Gregory and Madeleine. God has you now in his keeping, we have you in our hearts. Requiem Mass to celebrate Frank's life will be held at 11am on Tuesday 6 June also at Christ the King Catholic Church.


Video: 1st Anže Krevh (SLO) 10th Junior Weltmeisterschaft for Steirische Harmonika - Austria

Harmonika-WM 2017 in Außervillgraten
Video: 1st Anže Krevh (SLO) 10th Junior Weltmeisterschaft for Steirische Harmonika organised by the Harmonikaverband Verband Österreich (HVÖ) on the 26th May.

Daily Reports, pictures, video and results at: 2017Harmonika


Video: 1st Klara Missebner Category Stufe A 1 - Austria

Harmonika-WM 2017 in Außervillgraten
Klara MissebnerVideo: 1st was 8 year old Klara Missebner in the Category Stufe A 1, Harmonika-WM 2017 in Außervillgraten.

Daily Reports, pictures, video and results at: 2017Harmonika


Будущие события

Leonard Brown & Bryan Gear Concert, Sheffield – UK

Leonard Brown posterOn Saturday June 3rd, 8pm, accordionist Leonard Brown and Shetland fiddler Bryan Gear perform together in concert at the Gleadless United Reform Church Hall, Hollinsend Rd, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S12 2NP.

Leonard Brown’s latest DVD 'A Toast to Scotland’, released this month, features Leonard Brown and his band, and was filmed on location around Scotland and in The Salutation Hotel, Perth. The DVD includes a series of tributes to legendary Scottish musicians such as Sir Jimmy Shand, Will Starr, The Alexander Brothers, Lindsay Ross, James Scott Skinner, Andy Stewart, Bobby MacLeod, Ian Powrie, and more. The band includes Liam Stewart, John Sinton, Duncan Findlay and Malcolm Ross, with special guest fiddle player Paul Anderson.

For further information email: leonardbrownaccordion@gmail.com


Gorka Hermosa Concerts, Master Class, Jury Member – Spain, Portugal

Gorka HermosaAccordionist and composer Gorka Hermosa performs in a quartet on Saturday June 3rd, 8pm, at the Malandra Club, Donostia, Tabakalera, in the Basque region of northern Spain.

Later this month Gorka Hermosa, a Professor of Accordion at the Santander Conservatory in northern Spain, visits Santarem, Portugal, where he is a Jury member at the Santarem Accordion Competition, holds a master class, and also performs in a concert.

For further information email: gorka@gorkahermosa.com


Bob Liddle Entertains, Scotland – UK

Bob LiddleThe versatile Scottish accordionist, guitarist and vocalist Bob Liddle entertains and plays for dancing on Saturday June 3rd, 9pm, at Templehall Hotel, Morebattle, Scottish Borders, Scotland.

Bob Liddle, from Kelso, plays the 5-row button accordion, guitar, keyboards, Highland bagpipes, drums, bass and bohdran. Also a composer and singer, he plays at accordion clubs, functions and weddings, both as a soloist and with the Blackthorne Ceilidh Band, and has recorded several albums.


Rob Reich Concerts, California – USA

Rob Reich Concerts
Accordionist Rob Reich and his band perform three concerts at venues in San Francisco, California, in the next week, as follows:

Sunday June 4th, 11.30am – Gaucho, Boxing Room, 3999 Grove St, San Francisco
Wednesday June 7th, 5pm - The Page Bar, 298 Divisadero, San Francisco
Friday June 9th, 6.30pm – free admission, Wilsey Court, De Young Museum, 50 Hagiwara Tea Garden Dr, San Francisco, California

Performing are Rob Reich – accordion/piano, Ben Goldberg – clarinet, Erik Jekabson – trumpet, Vic Wong – guitar, Daniel Fabricant – bass, and Beth Goodfellow – drums.

For further information email: rob@robreich.com


The Mad Maggies June Shows - USA

Excerpts from the Mad Maggies newsletter.

We've been cooking up some musical madness for you all. We're rehearsing and recording new tunes and can't wait to share them with you at our next live performances which just happen to be in a few days.

• Wednesday June 7 - 4:20pm Lagunitas Brewing Company Tap Room and Beer Sanctuary, Petaluma. We always have a good time at this relaxed venue. Good sound, good stage, delicious beer and food. Dogs and kids are welcome.

• Friday June 9 - 8pm - the Big Easy, downtown Petaluma.
"A Night with the Mad Maggies" $5 cover. This is our first time at this true music-lovers venue. Come show your support and enjoy our show in a laid back atmosphere with good drinks.

• Sunday June 11 - 4:30pm Berkeley World Music Festival - Free, all ages, outdoors. We will be rocking People's Park as part of the 14th annual BWM fest. We are very pleased to have been invited to play this popular gathering of world musicians.


Romane & Eric Bouvelle Quintet, Paris – France

Romane & Eric Bouvelle
On June 9th and 10th, 9pm, the gypsy jazz guitarist Rome and accordionist Eric Bouvelle, with accompaniment, perform in concerts at Sunset, 60 rue des Lombards, 75001 Paris.

Eric Bouvelle, born in 1972, was making recordings and winning competitions when barley into his teens. In 1987 he toured Finland with Marcel Azzola, and in 1988 won the Entertainment Section at the CIA Coupe Mondiale in Trossingen, Germany. He has subsequently performed all around Europe, Russia, USA, Canada, and further afield in Martinique and Guadeloupe. He is much in demand as a musette dance and jazz musician, with many CDs and DVDs to his credit.


Heather Smith @ North Staffs AC, Staffordshire – UK

Heather SmithHeather Smith is the guest at the North Staffs Accordion Club on Tuesday June 20th, 8pm. The venue is the Goldenhill Working Men’s Club, Kidsgrove Road, Stoke-on-Trent ST6 5SH.. Admission is £4, pay at the door.

Heather Smith, from Hull, was a British Champion in the 1960s, and came second in the CMA Trophee Mondiale. Since then she has become the organiser of accordion festivals in Caister, Pakefield, Mundesley, Blackpool, and Seacoft, and is the editor of the monthly magazine ‘Accordion Profile’. Heather pays the Music Tech digital accordion in the East Coast Swing Band.

For further information email: stevehg0@gmail.com


Martynas and Mikroorkestra Concert, Bleckede – Germany

MartynasLithuanian virtuoso accordionist Martynas performs ‘The Four Seasons’ by Vivaldi, and music by Tchaikovsky and Piazzolla, with the Lithuanian string ensemble Mikroorkestra at the Festspiele Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Bleckede, Lower Saxony, Germany, on Friday June 23rd, 7.30pm.

Martynas graduated from the Royal Academy of Music in London, played at the Royal Albert Hall, Auditorio Nacional in Mexico, Debussy's residence in Paris, the Berlin Waldbühne, etc. In his home country he won ‘Lithuania’s Got Talent’ on national TV.


Norimichi Nagasaka Concert, Osaka – Japan

Norimichi NagasakaAccordionist Norimichi Nagasaka performs in concert with a jazz violinist and two guitarists on Thursday June 29th, 7pm, at the restaurant Beronica, Kyobashi, Osaka, Japan.


Новые и обновленные сайты

Интервью«Наши знаменитости», Fismen Accordions, Кастельфидардо, Италия

Fismen Accordions
Интервью из рубрики«Наши знаменитости» с руководством компании Fismen Accordions:
Лучиано Гуффо (директор)
Сильвано Пальмьери (директор)
Франческо Стаккиотти (директор )

Редактор: Холда Паолетти-Кампль

Рубрика «Наши знаменитости» из Кастельфидардо знакомит нас с теми, кто стоит за производством аккордеонов и баянов в городе Кастельфидардо. Ведь эти люди прославили свой небольшой городок своими замечательными инструментами.
Интервью: 2017Fismen

Фотография ниже: Лучиано Гуффо (слева) и Сильвано Пальмиери (справа)
Luciano Guffo and Silvano Palmieri


My Vanishing African Dreams eBook by Susan M. Hall - Kenya

My Vanishing African Dreams book coverSusan M. HallThis book is not about accordion but it is a fascinating read and its written by Susan M. Hall, a superb Kenyan artist.

The author writes:
"My Vanishing African Dreams describes my unusual and exciting life as a women, both on our cattle ranch where we were traders in beef cattle in Kenya, and my remarkable experiences exploring Kenya's mostly uninhabited Norther Frontier District.

My story includes the mountains I've climbed and the dangers of those climbs, as well as treacherous experiences encountering wildlife."

Further information about the book and the artist at: Susan M. Hall

Buy the eBook pdf edition emailed to you, only US$9 or Euro equivalent, Shopping basket link: Hall101


CD Отзывы

Review of The Shortcut to Playing and the Bellows-Technique for The Accordion by Lars Ek

Lars Ek book coverCD Reviews Index for the Review of the eBook (sent to you by email) written by Lars Ek, reviewed by Franco Cambareri.

The Shortcut to Playing and the Bellows-Technique for The Accordion by Lars Ek
CD Reviews Index


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