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Weekly News from Around the World - 01-Jun-2012
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Mort d’un pionnier de l’accordéon Emilio Gioacchini, FAS – Italie
16ème fête fédérale d’accordéon, Winterthur - Suisse
Castelfidardo: Jour dédié à la fabrique historique Farfisa - Italie
Création d’un Double Concerto, Autres concerts de Angel Luis Castaño – Espagne, Allemagne

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Festival Honors Yehuda Oppenheimer - Israel
South Pacific Accordion Championships - New Zealand
New Works Composed and Performed by Nihad Hrustanbegovic - Netherlands
Metodie Buzhor with the St Petersburg Musette Ensemble, St Petersburg - Russia
Stephanie Poole Performs with Bach Musica, Parnell Catheral – New Zealand
Accordionist is Featured by American Idol Contestant - USA
Young Conquerors Parade, South Belfast - Ireland
‘14 Years Ago’ – The Accordion Meets The Beatles

Future events

Milos Miliojevic BBC Radio Interview and June Concert Dates, London – UK
Marco Lo Russo Performs for Pope Benedict XV1, Milan - Italy
Gjovalin Concerts, Brussels, Falaën – Belgium
Veronika Todorova @ Accordion Festival, Apeldoorn – Netherlands
Denys Gigot plays for dancing, Les Isnes – Belgium
Arosa Music Course Weeks, Arosa - Switzerland
Morley Accordion Orchestra Concert, London – UK
Duo Accordeon Melancolique Concerts – Netherlands
Salford Folk Music Workshop, Lancashire – UK

New and Updated Sites

Yuri Medianik Releases New DVD
Gary Dahl new and updated music

CD Reviews

CD REVIEW - Beyond by Claudio Jacomucci, Reviewed by Joan Cochran Sommers

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Mort d’un pionnier de l’accordéon Emilio Gioacchini, FAS – Italie

Emilio GioacchiniUne des personnalités historique de l’accordéon s’est éteinte, lundi 28 mai à l ‘âge de 87 ans. Emilio Gioacchini était très connu et très apprécié dans la ville de Castelfidard, où l’entreprise FAS di Gioacchini Emilio & s.n.c produit des blocs d’anches.
Les débuts de cette fabrique datent d’il y a bien longtemps, et c’est maintenant son fils Marco, ayant appris le métier dans l’entreprise familiale à la pointe de la production, qui a repris l’entreprise avec la même passion que son père Emilio, servant la communauté des accordéonistes à Castelfidardo et partout dans le monde.

Sont dans la peine sa femme Maria, son fils Marco, sa fille Patricia et sa nièce Laura.


16ème fête fédérale d’accordéon, Winterthur - Suisse

16th Federal Accordion Music Festival, Winterthur
Ruedi Bieri and Markus JordiLes 9 et 10 juin prochains aura lieu la 16ème fête fédérale de d’accordéon à Winterthur, en Suisse. Le comité d’organisation attend environ 100 différents groupes représentant environ 1400 musiciens provenant de tout le pays.

Depuis 1951, ce festival a lieu tous les quatre ans à différents endroits de Suisse. Les organisateurs locaux sont soutenus par « Akkordeon Schweiz », l’association nationale. En haut à gauche, le président d’ « Akkordeon Schweiz » Ruedi Bieri, en dessous, Markus Jordi, président du comité d’organisation.

Les groupes participant interpréteront leurs morceaux de concours dans 5 différents endroits, tous situés au coeur de Winterthur, la 6ème ville de Suisse (plus de 105000 habitants).

Les morceaux de concours doivent être choisis à partir d’une liste de différentes compositions et/ou arrangements. A la fin du festival, le dimanche à 16h, les participants obtiendront leurs résultats.

Les autres activités planifiées :
- Exposition de nouveaux accordéon et concerts en plein air dans la vieille ville
- La radio SFR va produire une émission en direct de 30 minutes sur son canal princpal
- C’est la fête le samedi soir : Global Kryner, d’Autriche, (entre autres), présentera un show de deux heures.

Consultez en ligne le libretto de 64 pages : 2012musikfest


Castelfidardo: Jour dédié à la fabrique historique Farfisa - Italie

Farfisa Factory picture
Claudio Capponi - Marco SignoriClaudio Capponi, l’un des accordeurs de piano les plus respectés, se souvient encore parfaitement du temps de la fabrique Farfisa, qui a produit des instruments populaires pendant de nombreuses années, qu’elle a distribués dans le monde entier, offrant ainsi du travail à de nombreuses familles dans la region de Castelfidardo.
Sa passion pour l’histoire de Farfisa donna l’idée à Claudio Capponi de créer un site web – www.capponiclaudio.it – dédié à l’histoire de cette entreprise. Le site comprend une histoire de l’entreprise, les nombreux modèles des instruments Farfisa fabriqué et les témoignages de musiciens qui ont travaillé tout au long des années comme démonstrateurs pour la fabrique.

On compte parmi eux : Gervasio Marcosignori, Riccardo Puppets, Mirco Patarini, Santi Latora, Dino Cocchini, Premici Ferruccio, Francesco Castagna, Pine Gulizia.

A partir de cela germa l’idée de se rencontrer et de créer un jour dédié à la Musique. « Castelfidardo Day » est le titre de cet évènement musical qui a eu lieu le 27 mai 2012.

Gervasio Marcosignori et Mirco Patarini (vainqueur de compétition internationale) ont participé à cet évènement. Ce magnifique jour en l’honneur de l’usine Farfisa s’est terminé au Théâtre Astra avec une prestations du Fisorchestra avec la Ville de Castelfidardo, dirigé par Maestro Riccardo Puppets.

Pour plus d’information : Claudio Capponi, e-mail: info@capponiclaudio.it
Accordion Monument in Castelfidardo


Création d’un Double Concerto, Autres concerts de Angel Luis Castaño – Espagne, Allemagne

Angel Luis Castaño
PosterLe mardi 8 mai, l’accordéoniste de concert espagnol Angel Luis Castaño a fait la première de « Mistral », un Double Concerto pour accordéon, guitare et orchestre, écrit par le compositeur espagnol David del Puerto (Music National Award 2005), au théâtre du Canal, Madrid

La première était jouée par Angel Luis Castaño (accordéon), Miguel Trápaga (guitare) et le ORCAM (Community of Madrid Orchestra), avec le directeur argentin Juan José Garcia Caffi. Il y avait un public de plus de 750 personnes.

Angel Luis Castaño prepare actuellement ses prochains concerts : Carmen Replay's Ballet, écrit par David del Puerto (une version de concert avec des images vidéo) avec l’ensemble « Rejoice » - image ci-dessous : Angel Luis Castaño (Roland V-Accordion), Laia Falcón (soprano) et David del Puerto (guitare et musique électronique)
Ils auront lieu à l’institut Cervantes, Hambourg, Allemagne, le 8 juin à 20h, et lors du 37ème festival international de musique de Segovia, Espagne, le 25 juillet à 22h.
Il va également enregistrer un nouveau CD à la fin mai avec l’accordéoniste finlandais Mika Väyrynen, et participer à un summer course du 22 au 28 juillet à Segovia.

Pour plus d’informations information email: raquelru@gmail.com
Angel Luis Castaño, Laia Falcón, David del Puerto


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Festival Honors Yehuda Oppenheimer - Israel

Yehuda OppenheimerThe accordion festival Nahalal in May honored the recent passing of Yehuda Oppenheimer, enormously respected accordion composer, performer and teacher of Israel, and known to many in Israel as the Accordion Prophet.

Yehuda Oppenheimer was well known internationally for his CD's, his many compositions and arrangements for the accordion that are available online at: Yehuda Oppenheimer

Also just published only months before his death was a book (picture right) about Yehuda Oppenheimer which included many of his compositions, which is also available on the website.


South Pacific Accordion Championships - New Zealand

South Pacific Accordion Championships logo - New Zealand
South Pacific Daily Reports including results and photographs will be online after the weekend.

The South Pacific Accordion Championships, which includes the New Zealand Accordion Championships, is held at Epsom, Auckland, on June 2nd and 3rd.

South Pacific Daily Reports including results and photographs will be online.


New Works Composed and Performed by Nihad Hrustanbegovic - Netherlands

Nihad Hrustanbegovic news articleThe above videos were performed at the Concertgebouw Amsterdam on the 18th May 2012.

Nihad Hrustanbegovic, concert artist, composer and accordion teacher from ArtEZ Conservatorium, Arnhem in cooperation with Dutch art magazine ‘Palet’, is presenting the ‘Opus Magnum 12’ during his solo concert tour in The Netherlands from April 21st until December 14th 2012.

‘Opus Magnum 12’ is new music for solo accordion composed by Nihad Hrustanbegovic and inspired by 12 masterpieces of painting.

Sky Blue – Wassily Kandinsky,
Kinderen der zee – Jozef Israëls,
L’enfant à l’accordéon – Fernard Leger,
Guernica – Pablo Picasso
Jeremiah Lamenting the Destruction of Jerusalem – Rembrandt van Rijn,
Girl with a pearl earring – Johannes Vermeer,
Amandelbloesem – Vincent van Gogh,
Toonbeeld’ – Theo Wolvekamp,
Le Moulin de la Galette – Pierre–Auguste Renoir,
Wanderer above the Sea of Fog – Caspar David Friedrich,
Mona Lisa – Leonardo da Vinci,
Victory Boogie Woogie – Piet Mondriaan.

This tour is the first ever accordion solo tour to the 12 greatest classical concert halls of The Netherlands.

Future tour dates:
June 15th - Zeeuwse Concertzaal, Middelburg
September 15th – Waterstaatskerk, Hengelo
September 28th – Vredenburg Leeuwenberg, Utrecht
October 21st - De Oosterpoort, Groningen
November 10th - Agora Theater, Lelystad
November 23rd - Theater De Muzeval, Emmen
December 14th - Dr Anton Philipszaal, Den Haag

For further information email: info@nihad-accordeon.com
The CD, Opus 7 'The Cross-over' is available at Nihad Hrustanbegovic


Metodie Buzhor with the St Petersburg Musette Ensemble, St Petersburg - Russia

Vladimir Ushakov and Svetlana Stavitskaya
Vladimir Ushakov and Svetlana StavitskayaOn May 24th, in the St Petersburg major Oktyabrsky Concert Hall, was held the first recital concert of Metodie Buzhor, the Moldavian singer, who now lives in St Petersburg. The advertising poster stated that the concert was dedicated to the beloved city, which on May 27th celebrated 309 years.

Within the 2.30 hours concert, there was a large part of the program performed by Metodie Buzhor, accompanied by the internationally acclaimed Saint-Petersburg Musette Ensemble.

Their program was dedicated to tango music. They started with their own version of ‘Chiquilin de Bachin’, by A. Piazzolla, continued with two popular Russian songs, ‘Autumn’, by V. Kozin and ‘Only Once’, by B. Fomin. Their performance ended with the world famous ‘Por una Cabeza’, by C. Gardel. All arrangements were specially written as accompaniments to the singer.

At the beginning and at the end of the group performance, soloists of the Saint-Petersburg Musette Ensemble Svetlana Stavitskaya and Vladimir Ushakov (pictured) performed two pieces as soloists with accompaniment by Saint-Petersburg Concert Orchestra, conducted by Andrey Medvedev.

They performed popular waltz ‘Cascade de Paris’, by E. Doga, and the famous tango ‘Jealousy’, by J. Gade. During the performances of the soloists and group the tango dancers duet ‘Rendez-vous’ performed on stage.

The concert was enthusiastically greeted by the audience, which numbered 4,500. The public gave a 15 minutes standing ovation to the artistry of Metodie Buzhor and his friends!
Vladimir Ushakov and Svetlana Stavitskaya


Stephanie Poole Performs with Bach Musica, Parnell Catheral – New Zealand

Stephanie Poole with Bach Musica
Stephanie PooleOn Sunday 27th May Stephanie Poole performed at the Cathedral in Parnell with Bach Musica.  The concert program read:

“In 2011 Bach Musica collaborated with the John MacKay Jazz Trio and accordionist Stephanie Poole in a fusion of jazz and classical music.  We received many requests for a repeat concert. Today’s program introduces further arrangements by John MacKay, two works by Piazzolla with Stephanie Poole and a world premiere of a work by Michelannne Porster and John MacKay that pays homage to Bach.”

All of these works were very well received by the large and enthusiastic audience.  Stephanie’s Piazzolla was a well practiced warm and inspired rendition, matching the sound of the bandoneon very effectively.

Founded in 1977, Bach Musica is a choir and orchestra specialising in music of the Baroque and Classical periods, and how become widely recognised as one of New Zealand's premiere Baroque ensembles.

Stephanie Poole (nee Grey) was born in Auckland and has been a prolific winner of competitions in New Zealand, including three times winner of the New Zealand Solo Accordion Championship. She was principal accordionist with the Air New Zealand Accordion Orchestra which toured extensively through Europe, the United States and China.

Stephanie has been the accordion teacher for the University of Auckland’s Bachelor of Music (Accordion Performance) program and has also taught a number of New Zealand’s recent solo Champions with good results internationally at the Coupe Mondiale World Accordion Championships.

Photos courtesy of Hans Weichselbaum


Accordionist is Featured by American Idol Contestant - USA

Season 11 American Idol TV show closed with Phillip Phillips taking the title. But it was contestant Elise Testone that caught the eye of accordionists when she sang Billy Joel's "Vienna" with only a pianist and accordionist on stage with her.

Elise Nicole Testone is an American singer and songwriter from Mount Pleasant, South Carolina. She placed sixth on the eleventh season of American Idol.

In the words of a writer at the Hollywood Reporter “she he absolutely nailed it .... I loved the accordion, loved the hair, the dress, the delivery - all of it!”

Elise earned a standing ovation from all three judges, and many subsequent reports on the show complimented her on the use of the accordion as musical backing in her performance.


Young Conquerors Parade, South Belfast - Ireland

The Young Conquerors Parade is held annually in South Belfast and features a number of marching accordion bands which are very popular in the area. These videos were taken a few days ago at the Young Conquerors Parade 2012.


‘14 Years Ago’ – The Accordion Meets The Beatles

Domenic Amatucci
The Accordions Worldwide news for May 29th 1988 included an item about a concert of Beatles music in Canada, performed by accordionist Domenic Amatucci. Amatucci, still active today, is renowned for his love of Beatles tunes, and has performed and recorded much of the Fab Four’s repertoire.

Although some people attribute the decline in the accordion’s popularity in the 1960s to the rise of the Beatles, it should be noted that John Lennon played the accordion in his early years, and Sir Paul McCartney usually features an accordionist in his backing band.

Contributed by Domenic "the Accordion Beatles guy" Amatucci

On June 3rd Domenic Amatucci will perform an accordion Beatles concert at the Safari Bar Grill & Billiards, Toronto, at 7.30pm. He will play a variety of Beatles songs from Please Please Me to Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, as well as zydeco, rock, blues, jazz, pop, tangos, musette, latino, waltzes and polkas.

The Internet Life magazine "Yahoo" included an item recently on Domenic, and his Accordion Beatles page was featured in Yahoo's Pick of the Week. Domenic has been performing Beatles hits in Toronto subways since October 1997. He recently attended the Canadian Music Week and took part in an interview of Sir George Martin.

For further information email: domenic@ican.net


Future events

Milos Miliojevic BBC Radio Interview and June Concert Dates, London – UK

Milos MiliojevicAccordionist Milos Miliojevic did an interview yesterday for BBC World Service program ‘The Strand’ with Oliver Jones who was very much interested in popularity of the accordion worldwide.

Upcoming concerts:
June 1st, 7.30pm - solo recital for Iffley Music Society, Iffley Town Hall, Oxford
June 6th - Kosmos Ensemble perform live for BBC Radio 3 – ‘In Tune’, Sean Rafferty.
June 7th - Kosmos Ensemble perform at the Kings Place, London
June 8th, 7.30pm - recital with violinist David Juritz and Milos Milivojevic, The Studio, Essex
June 9th, 7pm - recital with violinist Harriet Mackenzie, St Nicholas's Church, Denston, Suffolk
June 10th, 10-6pm - Royal Academy of Music Accordion Department, 25th Anniversary Celebration, London; email accordion@ram.ac.uk for further details
June 25th, 7.30pm - London Tango Quintet perform at the Bedford Park Festival, London
June 29th – recital with cellist Matthew Sharp at the opening of the Deal Festival of Music & Art
June 30th - Milos performs with violinist David Juritz in Amberley, West Sussex

For further information email: milosmusic@hotmail.com


Marco Lo Russo Performs for Pope Benedict XV1, Milan - Italy

Marco Lo RussoOn Saturday June 2nd accordionist Marco Lo Russo participates in World Family Day, an event presided over by Pope Benedict XV1 to be held at Parco Nord Airport, Bresso, Milan.

The event, to be broadcast live on the Italian radio station RAI 1, involves readings by many well known actors and performances by national and international musicians, including Marco Lo Russo, culminating by an address by the Pope, who arrives at 8.30pm.

For further information email: dina.tomezzoli@alice.it


Gjovalin Concerts, Brussels, Falaën – Belgium

Gjovalin NonajThe Belgian-based Albanian-born accordionist Gjovalin Nonaj has two concerts on Saturday June 2nd.

The first of these is with clarinet player Julien, 12 noon, at the Centre Européen de Médiation, 119 rue de l’Hôtel des Monnaies, Brussels.

The second is a solo concert, 7pm, at l’Espace  Catharose, Falaën Rue de la gare, Falaën, Namur, Belgium.

For further information email: Gjovalin_nonaj@hotmail.com


Veronika Todorova @ Accordion Festival, Apeldoorn – Netherlands

Veronika TodorovaThe festival Mega Accordeon Uitverkoop takes place on June 2nd and 3rd in Asselsestraat 275/2, Apeldoorn, Netherlands. This year’s special guest is accordionist Veronika Todorova.

For further information email: info@gertnijkampnl


Denys Gigot plays for dancing, Les Isnes – Belgium

Denys GigotAccordionist Denys Gigot plays for dancing on June 6th, 2pm, at Les Amis Du Casino, 27 Rue Phocas Lejeune 5032, Les Isnes, Belgium.


Arosa Music Course Weeks, Arosa - Switzerland

Grzegorz StopaIn spring, summer and autumn 2012 the 25th series of the Arosa Music Course Weeks will take place. These courses are organised by the Arosa Cultural Circle – a Swiss charitable organisation – and are open to all musicians: professional, student and amateur. It is the largest music festival of its kind in Europe. There are numerous reasons why the Arosa Music Course Weeks are so popular: excellent course leaders, ideal facilities, holiday feeling, great atmosphere, wide variety of courses, non-profit orientated and cost effective.

For the very first time Prof. Grzegorz Stopa will hold an Accordion Master Class from Sunday September 2nd until Saturday 8th. The theme: using original literature, new interpretation and tone techniques for modern accordions, with transcription from all periods of style, for soloists and ensemble. Practical exercises, workshops and discussion, with emphasis on more effective practice and ways to achieve artistic independence.

The course is intended for advanced amateurs, students, and professional musicians. The teaching format includes individual and group instruction; for those who are interested, chamber music in collaboration with participants from Lars Mlekusch’s saxophone master class that is taking place at the same time. Detailed information is available from the course leader. The course fee: CHF 570.-/730.

For further information email: info@kulturkreisarosa.ch or gvstopa@freenet.de


Morley Accordion Orchestra Concert, London – UK

Morley Accordion Orchestra
The Morley Accordion Orchestra (Ian Watson) perform in concert , on July 7th, 7.30pm, at the Lost Theatre, 208 Wandsworth Road, London SW8 2JU. The program includes everything from Tango to Klezmer to film scores to show music to original music for accordion orchestras. Special guests will be the soprano Christine Kinsella and the violinist Sarah Crisp.

For further information email: morleyaccordions@gmail.com


Duo Accordeon Melancolique Concerts – Netherlands

Duo Accordeon MelancoliqueThe accordion duo Accordeon Melancolique, Jean-Pierre Guiran and Cherie de Boer, perform as follows during June:

June 3rd, 11.30am – coffee morning concert, Zwiepse molen, Zwiepseweg 165
June 15th, 8pm - Slot Schagen, Slotplein 4
June 22nd, 8pm - Witte Kerkje, Rijksstraatweg 38
June 24th, 2pm – Ampitheatre, De Uelenspieghel, Winkelsteeg 5, 7975 PV Uffelte

The duo Accordeon Melancolique’s varied repertoire includes original music, French musette, Antillean waltzes, Indonesian melodies, Argentinean tangos, Italian, Jewish and Greek folk music, Swing standards, film music, Gypsy music, Classical, Merengues, Tex-Mex, and Mediterranean accordion music.

For further information email: cheriedeboer@acmel.nl


Salford Folk Music Workshop, Lancashire – UK

On Friday June 8th, 8pm, accordionist John Trigg is the guest leader for the evening at the monthly meeting of the Salford Folk Music Workshop, Pendleton Bowling Club, 13 Eccles Old Road, Salford M6 7DE.

John Trigg will be working through a program of Continental music. Sheet music is supplied. All are welcome.
For further information email: john.trigg@mypostoffice.co.uk


New and Updated Sites

Yuri Medianik Releases New DVD

Yuri Medianik selling new DVD titled Constellation Of Temptations, catalog: YMDVD001 with sound samples. Music performed by Yuri Medianik. Purchase online.


Gary Dahl new and updated music

Gary DahlGary Dahl - performer, composer, arranger, recording artist and music educator announces the following new music titles for purchase on-line.
'Adagio', catalog:DH0237,
'Ah Marie', catalog:DH0238,

Updated music titles, '
12th Street Rag', catalog:DH0055,
'The Blue Danube', catalog:DH0060,

Samples for these music are now available at the MusicForAccordion web site. The music is in eSheet format e-mailed directly to your computer. Easy purchase with credit card.


CD Reviews

CD REVIEW - Beyond by Claudio Jacomucci, Reviewed by Joan Cochran Sommers

Beyond CD coverCD Reviews Index for the Review of Beyond CD by Claudio Jacomucci, in English languages, reviewed by Joan Cochran Sommers.


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