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Weekly News from Around the World - 01-Apr-2016
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Особенности Highlights

Неделя аккордеонного искусства в Харбине 2016 (‘2016 Harbin China Summer International Accordion Art Week’) – Китай
Успех Зимнего Конгресса CIA в Калабрии – Италия
Международная музыкальная выставка 'Frankfurt Musikmesse 2016’ – Германия
IX международный конкурс композиций для аккордеона имени Франсиско Эскудеро (‘Francisco Escudero’) – Испания

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Video: Yuri Shishkin Concert, 2016 Accordion Plus, Rostov-on-Don - Russia
Roland Sponsorship of 2016 Coupe Mondiale Digital Category - EU
Released: Margarita Composed by Gary Daverne, In Different Formats - New Zealand
Douglas Ward Enjoying the Milk & Coffee at 11,000 metres - Switzerland
Zeljko Bedic "AMEB 25 Year Examiner’s Service" Award - Australia
Pat Gray CD 'Scottish Pleasures', Aberdeen – UK

Будущие события

Marco Lo Russo News and Events - Sicily, Italy, Caribbean
Jac & Co's French Evenings, Philadelphia – USA
Stas Venglevski Concert, Wisconsin – USA
Finbarr Dennehy Concert, County Kilkenny - Irish Republic
Mika Väyrynen to perform World Premiere, Recital in Pula - Finland, Croatia
Christine Schmid Cabaret, Bad Krozingen - Germany
Gennaro Fiondella Charity Concert, West Sussex - UK
Marcel Loeffler and Domi Emorine CD Release Concert, Strasbourg – France
41st International Accordion Competition, Pula - Croatia
Accordion Master Class, Perpignan – France

Новые и обновленные сайты

1st April USA News Now Online
1st April Diatonic News Now Online
Chapters 17 and 18 "Play Your Accordion Without Pain" Released - USA
Newly Released Tibidabo Composition by Yehuda Oppenheimer - Israel

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Особенности Highlights

Неделя аккордеонного искусства в Харбине 2016 (‘2016 Harbin China Summer International Accordion Art Week’) – Китай

2016 Harbin China International Accordion Art Week
Prof. Wang HongyuХудожественный руководитель фестиваля профессор Ван Хонжу (Wang Hongyu, фото слева), президент Харбинского педагогического университета, опубликовал список приглашенных иностранных гостей / членов жюри.

Наряду с известными китайскими преподавателями аккордеона, они сформируют состав жюри международных соревнований, которые являются частью Недели аккордеонного искусства в Харбине 2016.

Среди международных гостей и членов жюри фестиваля множество известных музыкантов и педагогов из разных стран: Ондассин Абдуллахаев (Ondassyn Abdullahayev, Казахстан), Франк Анжелис (Franck Angelis, Франция), Патришия Бартель (Patricia Bartell, США), Мильян Бьелетич (Miljan Bjeletic, Сербия), Рэймонд Бодель (Raymond Bodell, Великобритания), Харли Джонс (Harley Jones, Новая Зеландия), Эдди Йознф Флешин (Eddy Jozef Flecijn, Бельгия), Александр Капитан (Россия), Александар Коловски (Aleksandar Kolovski, Македония), Таня Лукич-Маркс (Tatjana Marx, Австралия), Ив Мулин (Yves Moulin, Швейцария), Мирко Патарини (Mirco Patarini,Италия), Примош Паровел (Primoz Parovel, Словения), Зоран Ракич (Zoran Rakic, Босния и Герцеговина), Владимир Рунчак (Украина), Самгар (Samgar, Казахстан), Вячеслав Семененко (Россия), Юрий Шишкин (Россия), Иван Сверко (Ivan Šverko, Хорватия), Раймондас Свячкявичус (Raimondas Sviackevicius, Литва).

Правила и заявки на китайском и английском языках можно скачать здесь: 2016Harbin
Дата окончания приема заявок: 25 июля

Харбинская Неделя Аккордеонного Искусства 2016 организована Министерством культуры Китайской Народной Республики и муниципалитетом народного правительства Харбина, принимающей стороной выступил Харбинский педагогический колледж, Харбин, Китай. Мероприятие является частью 33-его Китайского Харбинского Летнего Музыкального Фестиваля. В 2010 году Харбин был назван ЮНЕСКО Городом музыки.


Успех Зимнего Конгресса CIA в Калабрии – Италия

Poster, Antonio Spaccarotella
Winter Congress postersМеждународной Конфедерация Аккордеонистов (CIA) провела свою 135 Генеральную Ассамблею в Калабрии, на юге Италии, с 18 по 20 марта. Члены CIA из 11 стран собрались на встрече, которая проходила в небольшом городке Четраро.

Конгресс был организован южным филиалом итальянской ассоциации 'Italian Accordion Culture’ (IAC). На фото выше: руководитель SIAC Антонио Спаккаротелла ожидает прибытия делегатов.

Программа состояла из очередных заседаний комитета и Генеральной Ассамблеи международных делегатов, а также музыкальной программы, представившей местных музыкантов разных специальностей.

На Конгрессе прозвучал подробный отчет о подготовке к «Кубку мира 2016», который состоится в Ростове-на-Дону с 11 по 17 сентября. Система онлайн заявок заработает в апреле, окончание приема заявок в конце июня. Полная информация на сайте: Coupe Mondiale.

На Конгрессе были утверждены две почетные награды CIA – для профессора Юргена Лёхтера (Jürgen Löchter, Германия), а также для известного баяниста Юрия Шишкина (Россия). Кроме того, премии «Почетный друг аккордеона» были удостоены профессор Херми Калета (Hermi Kaleta, Австрия) и Массимо Пиджини (Италия). Новая молодежная премия ‘Youth Merit Award’ была присуждена Антонио Спаккаротелле.

Очередной Всемирный День Аккордеона вновь пройдет 6 мая, и все члены CIA приглашаются внести свой вклад в этот специальный проект.

Делегаты обсудили также состояние архивов CIA, которые собираются уже несколько лет и хранятся в штаб-квартире CIA в Финляндии. Конгресс принял решение продолжить проект по оцифровке документов и фотографий и загрузить их в Интернет для всеобщего доступа членов CIA.

На Конгрессе настоятельно подчеркивалось, что все члены национальных организаций могут поддержать этот важный проект. Интернет-платформа будет разработана в целях улучшения использования архивов.

Концерт Симфонического оркестра Калабрии был одним из ключевых моментов Зимнего конгресса в Италии. Встреча-закрытие состоялась в воскресенье в Четраро, а после окончания Конгресса некоторые делегаты провели дополнительный день, наслаждаясь солнечной погодой южной Италии.

Благодарим южное отделение (IAC), члена CIA от Италии, за проведение успешного Зимнего Конгресса.

Фото ниже – делегаты Конгресса, еще ниже – фото с Конгресса.
Delegates Photo, Congress


Международная музыкальная выставка 'Frankfurt Musikmesse 2016’ – Германия

Frankfurt Musikmesse building
‘Frankfurt Musikmesse’ – крупнейшая международная выставка, представляющая музыкальные инструменты, нотные издания, музыкальную продукцию и маркетинг.

- 7-10 апреля (с четверга по воскресенье) 2016 года, часы работы с 10 до 19;
- Открыта ежедневно для торговых представителей и частных лиц;
- Более 30.000 инструментов в 7 выставочных залах;
- Множество мастер-классов, концертов, демонстраций и дискуссий.

В этом году все клавишно-язычковые инструменты будут представлены в холле 9 (Halle 9).

НА выставке буду представлены следующий производители:
Beltuna ’ – Halle 9 Ebene/floor 0 Stand B80
Bugari Armando’ и их новая модель цифрового инструмента ‘Bugari Evo’ – Halle 9 Ebene/floor 0 Stand E81
Dino Baffetti ’ – Halle 9 Ebene/floor 0 Stand D90
Fismen ’ – Halle 9 Ebene/floor 0 Stand C79
Harmonikas s.r.o.’ – Halle 9 Ebene/floor 0 Stand D84
MusicTech ’ – Halle 9 Ebene/floor 0 Stand B88
Pasco Italia ’ – Halle 9 Ebene/floor 0 Stand D78
Pigini ’ – Halle 9 Ebene/floor 0 Stand C90Bugar
Scandalli ’ – Halle 9 Ebene/floor 0 Stand C81
Zero Sette ’ – Halle 9 Ebene/floor 0 Stand E81

Полный отчет о выставке будет доступен онлайн после открытия выставки по адресу: Frankfurt2016


IX международный конкурс композиций для аккордеона имени Франсиско Эскудеро (‘Francisco Escudero’) – Испания

Accordion Composition Competition Francisco Escudero posterОрганизатор конкурса ‘Hauspoz Euskal Herriko Akordoei Elkartea’ предлагает композиторам принять участие в IX Международном конкурсе композиторов "Франсиско Эскудеро".

Целью данного конкурса является содействие созданию сольной и камерной музыки для аккордеона и баяна.

В конкурсе одна категория, в которой рассматриваются сочинения для аккордеона/баяна соло и для аккордеона в камерном ансамбле. Продолжительность сочинения не должна превышать 10 минут. Камерные произведения должны предназначаться максимум для квартета, в составе которого есть хотя бы один аккордеон/баян.

Конкурс открыт для композиторов любого возраста и национальности.
Дата окончания приема заявок 5 сентября 2016 года.

Скачать информацию для участия здесь: 2016Escudero.pdf


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Video: Yuri Shishkin Concert, 2016 Accordion Plus, Rostov-on-Don - Russia

The 2016 International Competition and Festival "Accordion Plus" took place from 26th to 30th March 2016 in Rostov-on-Don, organised by the International Music Centre "Harmony".

Video excerpts from the first part of the concert of 29th March by Yuri Shishkin.

This was a special concert to celebrate the real birthday of Viatcheslav Semionov with him present, in the Great Hall of the Rostov State Philharmonic. Honored Artist of Russia Yuri Shishkin, "with love to his teacher", performed works of Semionov in the 1st part of the concert.

The video starts with a presentation to Viatcheslav Semionov by President Raymond Bodell, Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA).

In the 2nd part, Yuri Shishkin performed transcriptions of piano and orchestral music, some of which will be performed for the first time.

Video of the second part of this concert and other concerts will be available here next week.


Roland Sponsorship of 2016 Coupe Mondiale Digital Category - EU

Roland Sponsor
Video above: 2015 Coupe Mondiale International Digital Accordion category winner Netta Skog (Finland).

Roland have confirmed their sponsorship of the Coupe Mondiale Digital Accordion Competition, part of the 2016 Coupe Mondiale World Accordion Championships & Festival, to be held in Rostov-on-Don, Russia, 11th - 17th September.

Roland is a leading manufacturer of electronic musical instruments, including the V-Accordion, the world’s first digital modeling accordion. Roland has worked together with the CIA, organisers of the Coupe Mondiale, since the introduction of the Coupe Mondiale International Digital Accordion category in 2009.

Teachers with suitable level students, are encouraged to make full use of the exciting creative possibilities that the artistically very free Coupe Mondiale rules allow for this category.

The competition rules and entry information for the 2016 Coupe Mondiale International Digital Accordion Competition are online at: Coupe Mondiale.


Released: Margarita Composed by Gary Daverne, In Different Formats - New Zealand

Gary DaverneMargarita is a duet composed by New Zealand composer, arranger and conductor Gary Daverne, dedicated to "my friend Rita" who is Rita Barnea Davidson, Editor of the monthly internet USA News.

Due to requests from his musical friends, Gary Daverne has also composed this work in 8 different musical duet formats.

ED0051 Margarita - accordion duet
ED0052 Margarita - accordion & flute
ED0053 Margarita - accordion & piano
ED0054 Margarita - accordion & soprano saxophone Bb
ED0055 Margarita - accordion & viola
ED0056 Margarita - accordion & violin
ED0057 Margarita - piano and viola
ED0058 Margarita - piano and flute

The music is available online in eSheet format (pdf file) able to be sent to you by email. Pay with your credit card using the very secure Paypal system.


Douglas Ward Enjoying the Milk & Coffee at 11,000 metres - Switzerland

MilkDouglas WardWell known UK accordion composer and performer Douglas Ward sent a picture on board a flight from Switzerland last week.

Douglas Ward wrote: "I was delighted to find little milk containers (to go with freshly brewed coffee) that showed a picture of a diatonic accordion. It seems the accordion is everywhere - even when you drink coffee!"


Zeljko Bedic "AMEB 25 Year Examiner’s Service" Award - Australia

Zeljko Bedic and Prof. Anna ReidZeljko Bedic was born in 1961 in Bjelovar, Croatia and migrated to Sydney Australia in 1969.

Zeljko has been the Director of Bedic Music Studio for over twenty years and has over thirty years teaching experience.

Zeljko Bedic was recently presented the "AMEB 25 Year Examiner’s Service Award" for examining accordionists, at the inaugural annual AMEB Presentation Ceremony for 2016. Presentation by Professor Anna Reid, Acting State Chairperson AMEB, New South Wales, Australia.


Pat Gray CD 'Scottish Pleasures', Aberdeen – UK

Pat Gray CD coverAccordionist Pat Gray’s new CD 'Scottish Pleasures' features 13 of his latest compositions in a Scottish traditional style.

Pat Gray plays an Excelsior 5-row button accordion with midi. He has been playing music since he was 8 years old and over the years has played with Jimmy Shand and Will Starr and also appeared on TV with the Jim McLeod Band and Englebert Humperdinck.

Tracks: Gig Hornpipe, Aberdeen Scotland Waltz, Your Choice 2, Una's New Found Home, Pat's Polka, Family Favourite, Skipping Through The Crowd, Scottish Flavour, Scotland's West Coast, Celtic Mood, Leonard's Return, Happy Harry, Memories Of Will Starr.

For further information email: jiml@musicinscotland.com


Будущие события

Marco Lo Russo News and Events - Sicily, Italy, Caribbean

Video: Marco Lo Russo with the Orchestra of Havana, Director Daiana Garcia perform El Cartero Il Postino by L. Bacalov.

Marco Lo Russo, after the recent tour during which his ‘Made in Italy’ show on the Baltic Sea - from Poland to Lithuania - and then in Caribbean Sea, where Lo Russo was in season with big names in the international artistic world such as the violinist Uto Ughi and the composer, guitarist, conductor Leo Brouwer, Marco is now is touring in Italy.

Before a tour of Italian theaters begins he is a special guest in the play ‘Silences of War’ by Renato Raimo, in which the well-known accordionist and composer plays the role of a musician soldier. The show is at the Teatro Verdi in Casciana Terme, Pisa (Italy) on Saturday April 9th at 9.15pm.

On Sunday April 3rd, 6.30pm, Marco Lo Russo will be the undisputed star at the Teatro E. Sollima Marsala, Trapani, Sicily, with a solo recital titled ‘Linguistic Changes’, with Mediterranean and contemporary sounds that range from classical repertory to Argentinean tango with jazz influences, original compositions, and soundtracks by Morricone and Bacalov. The scores of Satié, Piazzolla, Paganini, Lo Russo and Rossini will also be performed during the evening. The concert is part of the international concert season in 2016 organized by the Cultural Academy L.V. Beethoven of Marsala (Italy) with the artistic direction of the Italian pianist Giuseppe Lo Cicero and has the sponsorship of the Sicily Region, Province of Trapani and City of Marsala.

From April 11th to May 2nd Marco Lo Russo will visit the Caribbean for several events and concerts. The performances involve solo concerts, collaborations with the Society of Theatre Dance Retazos, directed by choreographer Isabel Bustos, with Giulio Vinci at the piano and the involvement of known local artists.

It is worth noting that on Sunday March 20th the film ‘CityZen’ by Ruggero Gabbai, with original music by Marco Lo Russo, was screened at the Milan Film Festival in collaboration with the Italian Film Library. The film will be presented at the International Film Festival of Taormina next June.


Jac & Co's French Evenings, Philadelphia – USA

Jac & Co
Video of "L'Ephémère" composed by Jacques Pellarin.

The Champs-Élysées might be thousands of miles away, but France will feel much closer this spring at Ardmore's ‘A la Maison Bistro’. The eatery again welcomes accomplished French musical duo Jacques and Corinne Pellarin for its ‘April in Parls’ celebration.

Born in Chambéry and trained as an accordion player, Jacques is now widely considered a virtuoso. Over the course of his three-decade career, he's been a composer and a producer whose credits include multiple albums and world tours. He joins his wife, Corinne, a chanson singer, to create authentic French café music. Together, they’re known as Jac & Co, and their stripped-back performances evoke both the rustic French countryside and smoky Parisian brasseries. Their range of mastery and dynamic interaction on stage recalls the likes of Edith Piaf, Francis Lemarque and other great French performers of the past.

"Corinne has that French-café style, that distinct, sultry kind of singing," ‘A la Maison’ owner Ted Miller says, "and they perform all the French classics."

This April marks the third year the pair will perform at ‘A la Maison’, where patrons are no strangers to an authentic musical experience. The restaurant hosts various artists throughout the year. Miller believes performances like these add an extra dimension to the dining experience. "Music lends a warmth and entertaining spirit to the dining room," he says.

Jac & Co performs two to three days a week throughout the month of April at 353 Lamcaster Ave., Ardmore, (484) 412-8009. The dates include April 1- 8 -15 - 23- 29) plus April 10th for The Corinthian Yacht Club of Philadelphia.

For further information email: jacques.pellarin@wanadoo.fr


Stas Venglevski Concert, Wisconsin – USA

Stas VenglevskiOn Sunday April 3rd, 6pm, Stas Venglevski performs in concert at the Hanni Strahl Concert Hall, World of Accordions Museum, 1401 Belknap, Superior, WI. 

Stas Venglevski, originally from Moldova, has toured extensively as a soloist throughout the former Soviet Union, Canada, Europe, and the United States. Additionally, he has performed with symphony orchestras throughout the United States. He performed the world premiere of ‘Concerto No. 2’ by Anthony Galla-Rini and also the world premiere of ‘Bayan and Beyond’, composed for Stas by Dan Lawitts.

For further information email: accordion@sprynet.com


Finbarr Dennehy Concert, County Kilkenny - Irish Republic

Finbarr Dennehy
Accordion entertainer/vocalist Finbarr Dennehy performs at The Rising Sun, Mainstreet, Mullinavat, County Kilkenny, on Monday April 4th, 9pm. The evening begins with a supporting set from accordionist Mary Prendergast.

Finbarr Dennehy, from Glanmire, County Cork, has recorded two CDs, ‘Not Before Time’ and ‘Groves of Glanmire’.


Mika Väyrynen to perform World Premiere, Recital in Pula - Finland, Croatia

Mika VäyrynenOn April 17th Mika Väyrynen will perform the World Premiere of Veli Kujala´s work 'Mefisto Maze' for solo accordion. The concert will take place at Pyhän Laurin Kirkko (St. Lauri´s Church, Vantaa, Finland) at 18.00 where Mika will also perform works by Shurbin, Sallinen, Ravel and Mussorgsky.

To begin the April concert series Mika will perform on Sunday, 3rd April in Kemijärvi, Lapland (Northern Finland) at 19.00 at the Kemijärvi Cultural Center. The Concert titled "Pictures at an Exhibition" will feature works by Mussorgsky, Shurbin, Sallinen, Galynin, Pihlajamaa, Väyrynen and Saint-Saens/Horowitz.

On April 10th, Mika will perform at the Akaa Church at 18.00. He will again perform the magnificent "Pictures at an Exhibition" as well as works by Shurbin, Sallinen, Galynin, and Ravel.

At April comes to a close, Mika will travel to Pula, Croatia where he will serve as a member of the competition Jury, he will perform a solo recital and at the conclusion of the festival teach a Master Class. For more information, please visit http://www.accordions.com/mika


Christine Schmid Cabaret, Bad Krozingen - Germany

Christine SchmidOn Friday April 8th, 8pm, accordionist and vocalist Christine Schmid performs a cabaret concert at Litschgikeller, Basler Str 10-12, Bad Krozingen, Germany.

Christine Schmid studied at the Hohner Conservatory Trossingen and at the Opera Workshop at Basel Conservatory. Later she attended the Jazz School Basel and Paris in music theory, accordion and vocals. After her studies she had various engagements such as the title role in ‘Marlene Dietrich’ at the Musical Theater in Basel and regular appearances as a guest soprano with the Spa Orchestra Badenweiler, followed by appearances on radio and television. Christine Schmid is also vocal and speech trainer and also as a successful model and mannequin.

For further information email: christ.schmid@web.de


Gennaro Fiondella Charity Concert, West Sussex - UK

Gennaro FiondellaAccordionist Gennaro Fiondella performs in a charity concert on Saturday April 9th, 6pm, at St Peter’s Catholic Parish Hall, West St, Shoreham-by-the-Sea, West Sussex BN43 5DU.

Gennaro Fiondella, born in the USA and of Italian descent, was brought up in the UK. He performs at restaurants, hotels, pubs and clubs along the south coast, composes, teaches, conducts, and also repairs accordions.


Marcel Loeffler and Domi Emorine CD Release Concert, Strasbourg – France

Marcel Loeffler and Domi Emorine
Accordionists Marcel Loeffler and Domi Emorine perform together in concert on Friday April 15th, 9pm, at the Jazz Club du Rhin, 20 rue du Port du Rhin, 67000 Strasbourg, France. Dinner is available from 7pm, and admission to the concert is 10 Euro.

Jazz accordionist Marcel Loeffler and World Champion Domi Emorine have combined their respective and contrasting talents to record an album. Their concert on April 15th marks the official release of the album.

For further information email: sfbm.contact@gmail.com


41st International Accordion Competition, Pula - Croatia

41st International Accordion Competition, Pula
The 41st International Accordion Competition takes place from April 27th to 30th at the Army House, Dom hrvatskih branitelja, Leharova 1, Pula, Croatia. The venue is near to the city Theater and Post Office in centre of Pula.

The competition has sections for solo, chamber ensembles and orchestras. Full details are now published on the festival website.

The closing date for entries was Thursday March 31st.


Accordion Master Class, Perpignan – France

Fanny VicensFor the 4th consecutive year, the International Academy of Villelongue-dels-Monts hosts an accordion master class. Jean-Etienne Sotty and Fanny Vicens will teach during the Academy and will be very happy to welcome the students there.

It will take place from July 27th to August 8th at Perpignan in the South of France. This multidisciplinary meeting - in addition to instrumental and chamber music lessons provided by major figures of the classical or jazz disciplines - offers a wide range of workshops extending musical practice. Four days of intense festival containing thirty concerts given by more than sixty artists will close the Academy. More information available at www.academie-dels-monts.com

For further information email: accordeon.vicens.sotty@gmail.com


Новые и обновленные сайты

1st April USA News Now Online

USA News
1st April USA News is now online at: USA News
Over 27 articles, pictures and videos of accordion news in North America, Editor Rita Davidson Barnea


1st April Diatonic News Now Online

Diatonic News
1st April Diatonic News is now online at: Diatonic News
Over 40 articles, pictures and videos of diatonic, cajun, steirische, bandoneon etc, from around the world.


Chapters 17 and 18 "Play Your Accordion Without Pain" Released - USA

'Play Your Accordion Without Pain, book coverJohn Bonica PT CMP NZRPChapters 17 and 18 of the book "Play Your Accordion Without Pain" by John Bonica PT CMP NZRP is now released.

John Bonica writes: "Chapter 17 has been prompted by several accordionists who have called or written me requesting advice about exercises to increase endurance or strengthen shoulders and arms following injury or debility because of a long lay-off in playing."

The chapter also contains important information should you feel pain while playing the accordion.

Chapter 18 is about "An Anatomical Discussion of the Correct Wrist, Elbow,
and Shoulder Position for the Treble Keyboard"

There will be a minimum of 24 chapters, 18 chapters released so far. Special introductory offer, you can purchase the whole book for US$22 (or Euro equivalent) and be sent each chapter by e-mail as it is released.

For more information, and to purchase: John Bonica


Newly Released Tibidabo Composition by Yehuda Oppenheimer - Israel

TibidaboYehuda Oppenheimer passed away in 2012 and this is one of 25 works by Oppenheimer that are now going to be available as eSheet music, pdf files able to be sent to you by email, with no postage costs or post delays.

Catalog: OY616 Tibidabo composed by Oppenheimer who has over 100 compositions and arrangements published online at: Yehuda Oppenheimer


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