02 Novembre 2007
Weekly news from around the world
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accordions.com  (English)
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Accordion Yellow Pages  www.accordionworld.com  the worlds largest accordion yellow pages covering everything to do with the accordion - free  listings
www.search-accordion.com is a search system for accordion sites information  -  free listing
Accordion Links  www.accordionlinks.com  is the worlds largest accordion links site, for all sites accordion  -  free listing
www.MusicForAccordion.com  the largest  eSheet accordion music site with all types of accordion music, and  lots of  CD's  available,  all through highly secure bank credit card payment system

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Fisitalia Blue

Fatti ed avvenimenti da tutto il mondo
Editor’s Note:
Piazzolla Caffe & Bar Prossima Apertura! Cantanhede – Portogallo
Cambiamento nel Management della Matth. Hohner AG, Trossingen - Germania
Nuovo CD: ‘The Trio Album’ – USA
Informazion su Concerti, Masterclasse, Festival, Concorsi etc
All Scotland Championships, Perth - UK
Roland Press Conference in Pesaro - Italy
Fisarmonica Festival in Loreto - Italy
Prossimi Appuntamenti
Bosnia Express Concerts, Gothenburg – Sweden
Guy's Klucevsek's Activities, New York – USA
Taraf de Haidouks’ UK Tour – Romania
Accordion and Melodeon Concert, Sussex – UK
Italian Lunch Party, Wazemmes – France
Fisitalia Black
CD Review
Nuovi ed aggiornati Siti

The International Trio - CD
Editor’s Note:

Keeping accordionists everywhere informed about what is happening is what Accordions Worldwide is all about. Please tell us about your activities or events, large or small, wherever they might be. Remember the old show business adage: “If they don’t know, they won’t go”.

From this point, the correct and only email address to send news to is: robaccord5@hotmail.com As the Hotmail email system upgrades its service to accommodate their own increased demand, some emails sent to Hotmail are receiving failure messages. A confirmation 'email received for consideration for News publication' will be sent upon receipt, for emails submitting news items.

Accordions Worldwide Sites:
The server updates are now complete and we appreciate everyones patience during this time. These server upgrades are a pledge of our committment to provide our clients and visitors with the highest level of service and reliability.

Rob Howard
Gary Dahl esheet
Piazzolla Caffe & Bar Prossima Apertura! Cantanhede – Portogallo
Contributed by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Il Piazzolla Caffe & Bar, di proprietà di una società di cui fa parte il fisarmonicista Joao Gentil, sta per aprire nella città litorale portoghese Cantanhede. Ecco come è stato presentato:

“Nella storia dell’Europa, piccoli caffè hanno qualche volta un ruolo di importanza enorme. Per esempio il caffè Rotonda di Parigi aperto all’inizio del 20° Secolo, fu il ritrovo dove famosi scrittori, poeti e pittori (Picasso fu uno di questi) discussero le loro idee, prepararono bozze e appunti e trovarono fonti di ispirazione.

Piazzolla Caffè&Bar a Cantanhede, Portogallo diventerà il luogo per tutti coloro che amano la musica immortale di Piazzolla. Verrà messa in evidenza la musica di un celebre fisarmonicista europeo, Joao Gentil, le cui appassionate interpretazioni di composizioni di Piazzolla hanno conquistato il pubblico di tutto il mondo. E chissà? Forse questo caffè diventerà il Rotonda del 21° secolo?!”
Accordion Repairs Made Easy - John Reuther
Cambiamento nel Management della Matth. Hohner AG, Trossingen - Germania
Contributed by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Nella riunione del comitato dei Supervisori della Matth Hohner AG del 7 Settembre 2007, Philippe Wuibout (57) è stato nominato vice membro della Management Board della Matth. Hohner AG, con effetto a partire dal 30.10.2007. Mr. Wuibout succede a Horst Mucha (74), che lascia il suo incarico su propria richiesta alla fine dell’assemblea degli azionisti dell’azienda del 30.10.2007.

Horst Mucha ha lavorato per la Hohner per 57 anni. Fin dal 1982 è stato Presidente della filiale americana , e dal 1996 è stato membro del consiglio di amministrazione . Con il suo spirito imprenditoriale, Mucha ha contribuito in modo significativo a fare di Hohner un marchio famoso e di successo nel contimente americano. Dopo un periodo di formazione a Trossingen, si è immediatamente occupato di vendite export. Dopo poco tempo è stato assegnato alla agenzia portoghese, per essere preparato al successivo trasferimento in Sud America.

Nel 1956 diventò amministratore dell’agenzia Honher in Brasile dove ebbe grande successo nell’incrementare il locale mercato della fisarmonica.

Successivamente si trasferì in Argentina. Nel 1960 la sua stradà lo portò alla destinazione finale, alla filiale Honer degli USA, di cui fu responsabile generale per 25 anni. I buoni profitti che la gestione Horst Mucha ebbe nella filiale americana, per molti anni furono un’ancora di salvezza per l’azienda madre durante i suoi periodi più turbolenti.

Nei suoi prossimi anni Horst Mucha si dedicherà alla famiglia e ai suoi hobby , accompagnato dai migliori auguri dei componenti del consiglio di amministrazione e del comitato dei supervisori dell’azienda.

Philippe Wuibout è Presidente della Hohner SA, la filiale francese della Matth. Hohner AG a Semur en Auxois, Francia, dal 2003. Egli manterrà questa posizione anche in futuro. Con l’incarico a Wuibout di vice membro del consiglio di amministrazione, continua la consolidata tradizione della distribuzione internazionale delle cariche più importanti.

Il consiglio di amministrazione della Matth. Hohner AG, nella sua nuova composizione con il Dr. Horst Bräuning (Chairman), Stefan Althoff (vice membro) e Philippe Wuibout (vice membro), continuerà nella sua strategia di crescita del gruppo Hohner cominciata due anni fa.
Accordion Jazz Chords - Norbert Seidel
Nuovo CD: ‘The Trio Album’ – USA
Contributed by Rob Howard

Il nuovo CD, ‘The Trio Album’, dimostra di nuovo il talento del fisarmonicista jazz americano Eddie Monteiro, che suona la sua fisarmonica Cavichord MIDI con i partners del suo trio, Joe Cocuzzo alla batteria e Lenny Argese alla chitarra.

‘The Trio Album’ è jazz suonato in stile Latin e Brasiliano, di alto livello tecnico e artistico. Brani inclusi: ‘Skylark’, ‘It Might as Well be Spring’, ‘Did It Really Happen?’, ‘Velas’, ‘The Man in the Moon’, ‘Only Trust Your Heart’, ‘Secret Love’, ‘Blusette’, ‘Agua De Berber’, e ‘Corcovado’.

Per maggiori informazioni, inviare una email a: don@chordguy.com
Fabio Alderight CD

All Scotland Championships, Perth - UK
Contributed by Rob Howard

The 58th All Scotland Accordion & Fiddle Championships, organized by Bill Wilkie MBE, took place in Perth, Scotland, on October 27th. The festival began with a ceilidh at The Queen’s Hotel on Friday October 26th, with music played by a band led by John Carmichael.

The competitions took place mainly in the New Concert Hall, and were keenly contested. Results (first place winners only) are below.

The Saturday evening variety concert starred accordionists Domi Emorine & Roman Jbanov – the Paris-Moscow Duo, whose performances of musette and Russian music made a nice contrast to the otherwise Scottish entertainment. Performers included the Bill Wilkie Accordion Orchestra, singer Donald Maxwell, comedian Eddie Rose, the Sandra Wright Dancers, solo accordionist Robert Black, the Dansarena Irish dancing troupe, and the show came to a rousing finale with the James Coutts Scottish Dance Band.
Charnwood Graded Music
Roland Press Conference in Pesaro - Italy
Contributed by Harley Jones

On the 30th November Roland held a Press Conference in Pesaro to announce the international solo and group category finalists competing at the Roland Festival on the 9th and 10th November in Pesaro. The list of adjudicators was also announced and a history of the development of the Roland V-Accordion instruments made available.

Roland management announced that over 2,000 Roland V-Accordions have now been built and a new model planned to sell for around €1,700, will be available soon.

The Roland Central Europe Final which took place on the 26th of October was discussed. The best accordionists of France and the Benelux gathered to claim themselves as best V-accordionist of Central Europe. The six finalists were: 1. Felicien Brut 2. Bereswinde Olland 3. Amelie Castel 4. Pieter Bosma 5. Louis Triemstra 6. Jorind Josemans. Unfortunately, Felicien Brut (the winner of the French semi-final) and Jorind Josemans (the third of the Benelux semi-finale) couldn't make it to the final which was of a very high level!

After hearing the impressive performances, the jury had a hard time to come to a verdict, but the winner of the Central Europe final was the French accordionist Amelie Castel (left), 2nd was Bereswinde Olland (middle) and 3rd Pieter Bosma (right). We are positive that Amelie Castel will give the other international
contestants a hard time at the International Final in Italy!

Full details of the Roland Press Conference are online and the Roland Festival will also be fully reported.

Fisarmonica Festival in Loreto - Italy
Contributed by Harley Jones

The City of Loreto hosted a concert titled Fisa Story (Accordion Story) with narrator Beniamino Bugilacchi and performers La Damigiana folk group, Mirco Patarini (accordion), Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi (accordion and bandoneon), Vlentino Lorenzetti (accordion and midi).

The small theatre had a good crowd for this an interesting concert. The concert even included the very first type of record player with an old disk of Diero Senior (USA) playing (picture right - Beniamino Bugilacchi).

The performers played music through the ages as part of the story of the development of the accordion including mention of famous accordion manufacturers of the area and short talks with the performers too. Beniamino Bugilacchi, a founder of the accordion museum in Castelfidardo, made the concert something different with his narration of accordion historical development.
Fisitalia Black

Peter Piccini music
Bosnia Express Concerts, Gothenburg – Sweden
Contributed by Rob Howard

Bosnia Express, formed in Gothenburg in 2001, play an original mixture of traditional music from the Balkans, gypsy improvisation and Rock and Blues. Featuring accordionists Mulio and Gane, they have performed at many weddings, private parties, rock festivals, jazz clubs and carnivals. Concert dates include:

November 3rd and 4th, 6pm – World Music Festival, Angered, Västra Götalands län

November 30th, 7pm – Varberg

December 26th, 8pm – Oslo, Norway

March 1st, 8pm – Kulturhuset, Unterjorden, Gothenburg

29th 9pm - Kulturhuset, Unterjorden, Gothenburg, Västra Götalands län
Finland Recordings
Guy's Klucevsek's Activities, New York – USA
Contributed by Rob Howard

Guy's Klucevsek's new recording, ‘Song of Remembrance’ was released on the Tzadik label on October 23rd. It contains his compositions ‘Fallen Shadows’ for voice, violin, accordion and piano, and ‘My Walk with Ligeti’, for solo accordion.

Klucevsek's November activities include solo concerts at Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, New York, on November 6th, The Scottish Rite Center in Santa Fe, on November 9th, and the Outpost in Albuquerque, on November 10th.

Repertoire will include Guy’s own compositions, plus pieces written for him by John Zorn, Jerome Kitzke, Mary Ellen Childs, Alvin Lucier, and Fred Frith.

On November 8th, Guy will introduce a screening of Stephen Scwietert's documentary film, ‘Accordion Tribe:  Music Travels’, at the Santa Fe Film Center.

For further information email: gklucevsek@si.rr.com
Titano Accordion Company
Taraf de Haidouks’ UK Tour – Romania
Contributed by Rob Howard

Taraf de Haidouks are a troupe of Romanian Roma musicians, from the town of Clejani, the most prominent such group in Romania in the post-Communist era. The current line up has about 14 musicians, including three accordionists.

The group formed in 1989, shortly before the death of dictator Nicolae Ceausescu, and were discovered by Romanian ethnomusicologist, Speranta Radulescu, who first recorded them in 1993 for the archive of The Institute for Ethnography and Folklore. Since then, the band has recorded 7 CDs and become commercially successful through international tours. In 2007 Taraf de Haidouks were awarded the BBC Radio 3 Award for World Music in London by the film actor Johnny Depp. In November, the band performs in England as follows:

November 26th – Queen Elizabeth hall, London
27th – Bridgewater Hall, Manchester
28th – Birmingham Town Hall
29th – Anvil, Basingstoke

Also performing on these concerts are the Forty Thieves Orkestar, a band whose music is an eclectic mix of Balkan, Middle Eastern rhythms, and reggae, featuring accordionist Martin Green.

Accordion and Melodeon Concert, Sussex – UK
Contributed by Rob Howard

On November 15th, 8pm, Mark Bazeley - accordion, and Jason Rice - melodeon, perform English traditional dance music, song and step dancing from their home county of Dartmoor at the Royal Oak Folk Club, Station Street, Lewes, Sussex.

For further information email: tinvic@globalnet.co.uk
Viatcheslav Semionov CD's  for sale
Italian Lunch Party, Wazemmes – France
Contributed by Rob Howard

An Italian-style lunch party, with Italian cuisine and entertainment will be held at La Maison Folie de Wazemmes, 70 rue des Sarrazins, Lille, on Sunday December 9th, from 12.30pm – until approximately 7pm. The music will be performed by La Grappa Spumata: Thierry Montagno - accordion, Roberto Dossini – guitar/vocals, Paolo Dossini – drums, and Erich Pralat – bass.

For further information email: communication@wazemmeslaccordeon.com
The Ins and Outs of the Accordion

Teatro musicale contemporaneo con tre appuntamenti in sequenza che, partendo da Cesare Zavattini giungono al dramma attuale del popolo Ogoni, perseguitato e sterminato avendo, come unica colpa, abitato sopra un enorme giacimento di petrolio sul delta del Niger.

In PRIMA ASSOLUTA al Teatro La Cavallerizza, Reggio Emilia, 6 - 8 novembre, ore 19 TOTO' IL BUONOOOOO Di Daniele Abbado . Allestimento teatrale liberamente tratto da "Totò il buono", "Non libro" e "La Veritàaaa" di Cesare Zavattinim Regia: Daniele Abbado Con:Boris Stetka, Danilo Nigrelli, Marco Maccieri w Fisarmonicista solista: Mirko Ferrarini

Un doveroso tributo al genio dello scrittore luzzarese, attraverso video, letture e musica, per introdurre all'ascolto dell'opera "Miracolo a Milano". Una banda musicale, a fine spettacolo, uscendo dalla Cavallerizza condurrà il pubblico al teatro Valli, dove alle 20,30 va in scena l'opera.

Per informazioni : uffstampa@iteatri.re.it Tel.0424.600458
An A to Z of the Accordion - Rob Howard

    Critica di
   Joan Cochran Sommers
The Last Supper


Friedrich Lips

William Schimmel CD's
The Mengascini Nello Accordion Factory have updated their site and have a new site address: www.mengascini.com
Karthause Schmuelling Musik and Media
A new site selling a CD titled "Amuletti" with sound samples. Music recorded by Finnish Accordion Institute. Purchase online.
Alexander Shirunov CD forsale
Karthause Schmuelling 8 sheet music of "Fantastisches Scherzo", "Caprice Nr. 1", "Fünf spanische Bilder (5 mvt für Akkordeon und Querfloete)", "6 neue Kompositionen für Akkordeon", "Intermezzo im russischen Stil; Präludium", "Scherzo cis-moll", "Erinnerungen eines alten Clowns" and "Sonate Nr. 1". Samples are available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.
Yuri Medianik CD's
Charnwood site releases 10 new sheet music of "Joy of Youth - Score + 2 of each part", "Autumn Mood - Score + 2 of each part", "Alpine Meadow - Score + 2 of each part", "Jennys Polka - Score + 2 of each part", "Gemma Waltz - Score + 2 of each part", "Waszana Mazurka", "Musette Blues", "If Only", "Piccolo Mio ( My Little Boy )" and "The Wedding". Samples of the music are available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.
eSheet music catalog, over 600 titles
A CD titled "Towards The Sun" has sound samples available now. Music recorded by Yuri Shishkin of Russia. Purchase online.
Friedrich Lips collection of 16 CD's
A CD titled "Images Of The Passing Time" has sound samples available now. Music recorded by Yuri Shishkin of Russia. Purchase online.
Sebastiano Cali  music catalog
A CD titled "Favourites" has sound samples available now. Music recorded by Yuri Shishkin of Russia. Purchase online.
Yehuda Oppenheimer
Karthause Schmuelling 11 sheet music of "Partita concertante Nr. 3 (5 mvt)", "Gavotte en Rondeau; Gigue", "Sonate Nr. 1", "Kindersuite Nr. 1 (5 titles)", "Kindersuite Nr. 2 (7 titles)", "Kindersuite Nr. 3 (4 titles)", "Kindersuite Nr. 4 (5 titles)", "Kindersuite Nr. 5 (5 titles)", "Kindersuite Nr. 6 (5 titles)", "Jazz-Rock Partita Nr. 2 Einsatziges Werk" and "Tokkata". Samples are available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.

Charnwood site releases 10 new sheet music of "Golliwogs Cakewalk", "Pip’s Promenade", "Sunrise", "Alla Danza” Score + 2 of each part", "Masque Of The Tudor Chessmen - Score + 2 of each part", "Merry Englyshe Pastimes” Score only", "The Courtly Consort - Score + 2 of each part", "Janita - Score + 2 of each part", "Serenade - Score + 2 of each part" and "Spanish Impressions - Score + 2 of each part". Samples of the music are available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.

Fisitalia Blue

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week