09 Marzo 2007
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Accordion Yellow Pages  www.accordionworld.com  the worlds largest accordion yellow pages covering everything to do with the accordion - free  listings
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Accordion Links  www.accordionlinks.com  is the worlds largest accordion links site, for all sites accordion  -  free listing
www.MusicForAccordion.com  the largest  eSheet accordion music site with all types of accordion music, and  lots of  CD's  available,  all through highly secure bank credit card payment system

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Fisitalia blue

Fatti ed avvenimenti da tutto il mondo
Sergei Kolobkov Passes Away, Moscow - Russia
44° Concorso a Klingenthal - Germania

CD ‘The Last Supper’ di Friedrich Lips – Russia
2 LP di Joe Burke su CD, Galway – Irlanda
CNFA eccellente finale - Francia
Fleur du Cap Theatro / Cape Town – Sudafrica
Campionato mondiale diatonico a Sterzing – Italia
Informazion su Concerti, Masterclasse, Festival, Concorsi etc
VAMÖ Accordion Competition, Vienna – Austria
Kleine Harmonikatage Competition Results, Klingenthal – Germany
Jean-Louis Noton al “Musiche Dal Mondo Festival” Roma – Italia
Prossimi Appuntamenti
‘Accordion Showcase’ Concert, London – UK
Klaus Paier Tour Dates – Germany, Austria, Denmark, Italy
Tango Argentino Concert, Neunkirchen - Germany
Festival ‘Amours d'Accordéon’, St Quentin la Poterie - France
Bert Santilly Concert, Stockport - UK
Pascal Contet Concerts – France
All Ireland Accordion Festival, Westmeath - Eire
Seminario “Saltarello Marchigiano” – Italia
Fisitalia black
CD Review
Nuovi ed aggiornati Siti

James P.  O'Brien
Sergei Kolobkov Passes Away, Moscow - Russia
Contributed by Dr Herbert Scheibenreif

Sergei Michailovitch Kolobkov passed away on March 8th 2007. During his artistic life he was a soloist, musical director of bayan ensembles and conductor of the Russian folk orchestra ‘Ossipov’. He taught a bayan class, which included Juri Vostrjelov, Friedrich Lips and Alexander Skljarov among his students. From 1963 to 1966 he was head of the chair for folk instruments, later he became Professor and Rector (18 years) of the Gnessin Institute (nowadays the Russian Gnessin Academy of Music), People’s Artist of Russia (1991) and from 1981 to 1984 he was Vice Minister of Culture in Russia. In 1995 he was conferred the ‘Silver Disk’ of Moscow’s festival ‘Bayan and Bayanists’ for special achievements in music.

He recorded the First Concerto for Bayan and Orchestra by F. Rubzov, was the author of transcriptions for bayan and bayan ensembles and was editor of ‘Bayan and Bayanists’, with scientific articles dealing with the bayan. On the international scene he took part in the CIA international accordion confederation events several times and also became CIA Vice-President.

In 2002, Sergei Kolobkov was awarded the CIA Merit Award in Copenhagen, Denmark for his many years of service and achievement towards the development of the accordion.

Celebrity Interview

For further information email: herbert@accordion-cd.co.at
National Accordion Association
44° Concorso a Klingenthal - Germania
Contributo di Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Il 44° concorso internazionale per fisarmonica, bandoneon, solisti e gruppi si svolgerà a Klingenthal (vicino la frontiera della repubblica Ceca) dal 4 al 10 maggio 2007. Tutte le iscrizioni devono essere inviate entro il 15 marzo 2007.

Il concorso di Klingenthal ha una lunga tradizione sempre in cerca di promuovere solisti e gruppi per entrambi gli strumenti, per tutte le fasce di età e generi di musiche includendo nuove composizioni.

Per ulteriori informazioni rivolgersi alla segretaria del concorso intern.akkordeonwettbewerb@t-online.de
Friedrich Lips collection of 16 CD's
CD ‘The Last Supper’ di Friedrich Lips – Russia

L’ultimo capolavoro di Friedrich Lips il CD nominato ‘The Last Supper’ ha una forte presenza di temi cristiani riguardanti l’ultima cena, ‘The Passion of Judas’ di Michael Bronner; Christ’s Crucifixion – ‘Seven Words’ di Sofia Gubaidulina; e ‘Hymn – Prelude’ di JS Bach.

Per informazioni e-mail: herbert@accordion-cd.co.at
Angel Luis Castano
2 LP di Joe Burke su CD, Galway – Irlanda
Contributo di Rob Howard

Il fisarmonicista diatonico di Galway ha riprodotto 2 dei suoi più celebri LP ‘Traditional Music of Ireland’ (1972) e ‘The Bucks of Oranmore’ (1986) in un doppio CD.

Joe Burke è stato 2 volte All Ireland Champion su la sua diatonica a 2 file negli anni 1959 e 1960 ed è considerato un maestro per la sua interpretazione di musica tradizionale. Ha vissuto per tanti anni a New York, ma è ritornato a Galway nella sua città nativa dove vive con la sua moglie Ann Conroy-Burke (anche lei fisarmonicista). I due artisti insegnano ed organizzano master classe e seminari durante il periodo estivo. Recentemente ha inciso un CD “A Tributge to Andy McGann” con il fiddle/violinista Brian Conway e il pianista Felis Dolan in onore di Andy deceduto nel 2004. (1928-2004). Questo CD sarà sul mercato nel mese di luglio prossimo.

Per informazioni e-mail: joeburkemusic@eircom.net
Viatcheslav Semionov CD's  for sale
CNFA eccellente finale - Francia

Il concorso della Confédération Nationale Française de L'Accordéon per la selezione alla CIA Coupe Mondiale (13-18 agosto 2007) si è conclusa a Selle sur le Bied il 3-4 marzo.


Nella giuria: Lydie Kotalie (CNFA), Kevin Friedrich (CIA), Frédéric Deschamps (CMA President), Raymond Bodell (CIA & CMA) e Phil Bouvier (2004 CIA World Champion).

La CNFA, membro del CIA per la Francia rappresentante l’Accordeon Club francese, l’Association des Professeurs Hohner (APH) e l’Union Nazionale des Accordeonistes Français, ha deciso, in comune accordo, di non dare più la propria collaborazione.

Sabato sera si è tenuto un concerto con Phil Bouvier, Grayson Masefield (Nuova Zelanda), il duo Paris-Moscow con Domi Emorine e Roman Jbanov, 2006 CMA World Champion Vincent Lhermet ed il duo Inglese Classic Buskers. Offrendo al vasto pubblico esibizioni di altissimo livello. viziandolo con tutto e di più.

Domenica Grand Bal Musette con il pluri campione mondiale CIA Jérôme Richard e la sua orchestra.

Un perfetto weekend con tanta musica per tutti!
Accordion Repairs Made Easy - John Reuther
Fleur du Cap Theatro / Cape Town – Sudafrica
Contributo di Rob Howard

L’Ensemble Cape Town Tango con il fisarmonicista Stanislav Angelov sono stati invitati alla cerimonia della premiazione “Fleur du Cap Theatro” il 4 marzo all’Artscape Teatro di Cape Town – l’evento più prestigioso del Sudafrica che attrae tutto il mondo dello spettacolo come sceneggiatori, coreografi, compositori, critici, tecnici delle luci, costumisti e rappresentanti dei media.

L’ensemble ha eseguito musica per la coppia del Tango Mark Hoeben e Ina Wichterich durante la loro performance di ‘Por una cabeza’, ‘Payadora’ e ‘Tango Club’ (‘Tango Club’ è una composizione di Stanislav Angelov).

Il Cape Town Tango Ensemble (normalmente un quartetto) si è presentato per la prima volta come sestetto: fisarmonica – Stanislav Angelov e Ludmila Rukavishnikova, violini – Jacek Domagala e Elina Koytcheva, piano – Albert Combrink e double bass – Charles Lazar.

L’evento sarà trasmesso nelle prossime 2 settimane sul canale nazionale della TV Sud Africa.

Per ulteriori informazioni e-mail: sangelov@netactive.co.za
Frankfurt Music Fair
Campionato mondiale diatonico a Sterzing – Italia
Contributo di Rob Howard

Il 5° Campionato mondiale diatonico avrà luogo a Sterzing in Sud Tirolo dal 7 al 10 giugno 2007. Il presidente della manifestazione è Werner Weibert, Vice Presidente dell’Assoziazziona Austriaca dell’Harmonika. Iscrizioni fino al 30 marzo 2007.

L’ultimo campionate si è svolto nel 2005 in Saalfelden, Austria, con altissimi livelli dei 86 candidati nelle 27 categorie internazionali e 59 nazionali. Nella categoria senior (categoria principale) i primi 3 classificati hanno presentato musiche dai stili diversi, pezzi originali, composizioni personali e brani classici.

Il vincitore della categoria senior era Nicola Bettiol di Treviso, Italia. Secondo classificato Christoph Blatzer dall’ Austria. La categoria Junior è andata al giovane Tirolese Markus Oberleitner e Mitja Novak della Slovakia al secondo posto.

Un grandissimo successo della Harmonica Society (HVOe) organizzatrice per la quarta volta dell’evento.

Per ulteriori informazioni e-mail: w.weibert@tele2.at
National Accordion Association

la fisarmonica da concerto ed il suo repertorio - Paolo Picchio
VAMÖ Accordion Competition, Vienna – Austria
Contributed by Hermi Kaleta

The VAMÖ accordion competition took place on February 25th in the Waldmüllersentrum, Vienna. The competition winners were:

Category 1A (under 10 years) – Lotta Marie Klaus
1B (under 12) – Marlies Furst
1C (under 15) – Nikolas Lazic
2 (under 18) - Dragoljub Brkic
3 (adult) - Eva Maria Mitter

The jury members were: Herta Habersam-Wenghoefer, Eva Haupt, Gertrude Kisser, Kathrin Thorack and Adolf Wutscher.

For further information email: kaleta.hermi@aon.at
Gary Dahl esheet
Kleine Harmonikatage Competition Results, Klingenthal – Germany
Contributed by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

The Kleine Harmonikatage competition took place on February 24th and 25th in Klingenthal. The weekend included a concert with the Akkordeonorchester Hof, directed by Guenther Zeilinger. The results below include many successes by Czech accordionists.

Next year’s competition dates are February 23rd and 24th 2008.

Category 1A
1 Ernst Stötzner
2 Michaela Švecová
3 Therese Schindler
Category 1B
1 Ranjeeta Röber
2 Jan Korelus
3 Veronika Lukavská
Category 2
1 Daniel Kühn
2 Markus Fritzsching
3 Anna-Katharina Schau
Category 3
1Clemens Bernhard Winter
2 Felix Sowinski
3 Verena Roider
Category D1
1 Lisa-Mareike Munke / Markus Fritzsching
2 Jan Korelus / Michal Ronovský
3 Lena Franke / Charlotte Schröder
Category D2
1 Mathias Grünig / Conrad Zibolowski
2 Toni Leuschner / Christian Delitz
3 Marcela Matejkova´ / Barbora Blazkova´
Accordion Jazz Chords - Norbert Seidel
Jean-Louis Noton al “Musiche Dal Mondo Festival” Roma – Italia
Contributo di Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Il Festival "MUSICHE DAL MONDO" che si è svolto la settimana scorsa al  Teatro Traiano di Fiumicino (Roma) ha visto sul palco: "Quadro Nuevo" (Germania), "Eros Tango Project" (Italia-Argentina), "Sound Bazar" (Italia), "Lanegra" (Italia),), "Hot Strings" (Italia) ed il fisarmonicista "Jean-Louis Noton" (Francia).

Jean Louis ha tenuto una lezione-concerto sulla storia della fisarmonica e fisarmonica-midi. Hanno partecipato a questo incontro circa 350 studenti. Il concerto serale, ha visto il "tutto esaurito". Un successo senza precedenti che ha saputo emozionare il pubblico presente in sala.
Fisitalia black

eSheet music catalog, over 600 titles
‘Accordion Showcase’ Concert, London – UK
Contributed by Romano Viazzani

A concert given by accordion students will take place at the Royal Academy of Music, Marylebone Road, London NW1 on Monday March12th, 7.30pm.

The concert takes place in the David Josefowitz Recital Hal, and includes solo and chamber works by Bach, Piazzolla, Valpola, Trojan, Gubaidulina, Schnittke and Zolotariev.

Professor of Accordion at the Royal Academy is Owen Murray.

For further information email: romanoviazzani@btconnect.com
Sebastiano Cali  music catalog
Klaus Paier Tour Dates – Germany, Austria, Denmark, Italy
Contributed by Hermi Kaleta

Austrian accordionist Klaus Paier is on tour with clarinet and saxophone player Gerald Preinfalk, and then with his trio - Klaus Paier - accordion, bandoneon, Stefan Gfrerrer -  bass, and  Roman Werni - drums, percussion. The dates are as follows:

Paier/ Preinfalk -
March 9th, 11.30am - Jazzahead 2007, Congress Centrum, Bremen, Germany
March 10th, 8.30pm - Altes Kino, Landeck, Austria

Klaus Paier Trio -
March 21st, 8.30pm - Cafe Museum, Passau, Austria
22nd, 8pm - Musikwerkstatt Wels, Wels
23rd, 9pm – Jazzclub, Bamberg, Germany
24th, 8.30pm – Spielboden, Dornbirn
25th, 6pm - Arthotel Blaue Gans, Caverne, Salzburg, Austria 
April 14th, 8pm - Bierstindl, Kulturgasthaus, Innsbruck 
29th, 8.30pm – Jazzfrühling, Kempten, Germany  
May 25th, 7.30pm - Golf Club Jazz Restaurant, Lana, South Tyrol, Italy
June 20th – Jazzhous, Copenhagen, Denmark
21st – Mailand, Italy

For further information email: kaleta.hermi@aon.at
National Accordion Association
Tango Argentino Concert, Neunkirchen - Germany
Contributed by Hermi Kaleta

A concert of Argentine Tango music by the Trio Perez-Sabatier-Pedreira takes place on March 14th, 7.30pm, at the Sparkassensaal der Musikschule, Neunkirchen.

For further information email: kaleta.hermi@aon.at
Alexander Shirunov CD forsale
Festival ‘Amours d'Accordéon’, St Quentin la Poterie - France
Contributed by Rob Howard

The first ‘Amours d'Accordéon’ accordion festival takes place from May 17th to 20th at St Quentin la Poterie in the South of France, close to Nimes, Avignon and Orange. The festival includes a public parade, concerts, master classes, ginguette and a bal musette. The festival is promoted by L'Office Culturel de Saint-Quentin la Poterie, who are aiming to promote the accordion to the public.

The guest artistes include Clémence and Jérémie Buirette (picture left) – piano and accordion, Nany Swing, Luc Adam, Pat’Cryspol, Kristel de Rio and Christophe Rohr.

For further information email: contact@officeculturel.com
Finland Recordings
Bert Santilly Concert, Stockport - UK
Contributed by Rob Howard

Bert Santilly, from Cambridge, is the guest artiste at Stockport Accordion on March 14th, at 8pm. Bert Santilly is a most accomplished accordionist and teacher, and known to many as a workshop leader at the Caister and Pakefield accordion festivals. Stockport Accordion Club is based at Woodley Methodist Church, Chapel Street/A560 Hyde Road, Woodley, Stockport, Cheshire SK6 1BL.

For further information email: robaccord5@hotmail.com
Alexander Dmitriev - CD's
Pascal Contet Concerts – France
Contributed by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

French accordionist Pascal Contet performs as follows:

March 15th, 2pm and 6pm - Lille
17th, 3pm and 5pm - Festival de l’Equinoxe, Poiters
18th, 6pm – Church, Soyons
19th - Soyons
20th, 8.30pm – Auditorium du Palais des Congrès, St Raphael
26th and 27th, Vesoul Region
31st, 8pm – Festival Archipel, Geneva, Switzerland

For further information email: pascal@contet.org
Titano Accordion Company
All Ireland Accordion Festival, Westmeath - Eire
Contributed by Rob Howard

The All Ireland Accordion Festival takes place in the Tuar Ard Arts Centre, Moate, County Westmeath on March 31st and April 1st. The organisers are John and Yvonne Chilton, and the adjudicator is Ian Watson. The festival includes solo, duet, ensemble and orchestral sections.

For further information email: chilton_accordion@hotmail.com
Yuri Medianik CD's
Seminario “Saltarello Marchigiano” – Italia

Il 25 marzo si svolgerà un seminario “Saltarello Marchigiano” con Danza e Tamburello à Bologna dalle ore 15 alle 19 con Alessia Calducci ed Alessandro Baleani (Danza) Diego Ravarelli (Tamburello) ed Gianni Donnini (Organetto).

Il Seminario è organizzato della Scuola di Tarantella e Danze popolari del Mediterraneo con collaborazione di “L’albero del maggio”.

Per informazioni e-mail domenico.candellori@gmail.com
An A to Z of the Accordion - Rob Howard

    Critica di
   Joan Cochran Sommers


Friedrich Lips, Bayan
 The Ins and Outs of the Accordion - Thierry Benetoux

National Accordion Association
A new site selling a CD titled "The Red Bike" with sound samples. Music recorded from the Finnish Accordeon Institute in Finland. Purchase online.

A new site selling a CD titled "Russian Hammond’s Bolero" with sound samples. Music performed by Jon Hammond. Purchase online. 
la fisarmonica da concerto ed il suo repertorio - Paolo Picchio
A new site selling a CD titled "The NDR Session Projekt" with sound samples. Music performed by Jon Hammond. Purchase online.

Franco Cambareri - accordionist, composer, producer, releases 5 new works for accordion available for purchase online. 'Angelina', 'Blue Lake (Lago Blu)', 'Don Miguel', 'Marching Parade', 'Russia by Night'. Samples of this music are available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card. 
Enzo Giribaldi eBook Accordion Course for Beginners
A new site selling a CD titled "The Last Supper" with sound samples. Music performed by Friedrich Lips. This cd has a strong Christian theme, featuring music that concerns the treachery of Judas at the Feast of the Last Supper. Purchase online.
Viatcheslav Semionov CD's  for sale
The Viennese Accordion Chamber Ensemble site has been updated of new photos on the main site and also cd cover photos with correct information on new cd site.

The site for the 5th International Competition for Styrian and Diatonic Accordion site has been updated of more information and photos. 
Charnwood Music Publishing
New website for New Zealand accordionist Grayson Masefield.

New site with updated information regarding the accordion manfacturer Mengascini, of Castelfidardo, Italy.  
Deffner Music catalog
New site for famous French artist Jerome Richard.

New information on Beltuna Accordions factory of Castelfidardo, Italy. 

Fisitalia blue

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week