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  Malta Celebrates World Accordion Day

The Santa Maria Accordion Band from the Mediterranean Island of Malta celebrated World Accordion Day with a concert on 8 May, 2010. The concert was held on Mother's Day for the residents of the St. Catherine's Retirement Complex in the town of Attard in Malta.

The Santa Maria Accordion Band, the only one of it’s kind in Malta, was formed in 1992. A unique ensemble, The Santa Maria Accordion Band is led by one of the foremost accordion teachers and band directors Marthese Busuttil Cassar, L.B.C.A.

Each of the seventeen band members play a variety of acoustic songs from classical, tango, folk, country, and popular music. Together as a Band, they play at celebrations, community events, festivals, church services, and national events.

The main goal of the orchestra is to share enjoyment of all the players and audience, while promoting this beautiful instrument, the accordion. Accordion music is one of the most popular forms of live music for events. An accordion band has a special sound all unto it's own that creates a feeling no other band can.

For more information:

Please enjoy the pictures from the World Accordion Day Concert held in Malta.

1. The Santa Maria Accordion Band (Malta)
Conductor: Marthese Busuttil Cassar, L.B.C.A.
Marthese Busuttil Cassar (L.B.C.A.) - Conductor
Noelia Meri Spiteri (one of the youngest accordion students in Malta!)
Above left: Luigi Sammut
Above right:
Pamela Zahra
all of these youngest accordion students in Malta (Noelia, Luigi and Pamela)
played Solo with the Orchestra
Above left: Karen Vin Camilleri, Neal Camilleri
Above right: Ivana Grech, Martha Busuttil, Cleve Zammit
Above left: Joseph P. Grima, Ivana Grech
Above right:
Members of the The Santa Maria Accordion Band (Malta)
Above and Below: The Santa Maria Accordion Band (Malta)
Conductor: Marthese Busuttil Cassar, L.B.C.A.
Left to right front row:
Neal Camilleri - Accordion, Karen Vin Camilleri - Accordion, Ivana Grech - Accordion, Martha Busuttil - Accordion, Cleve Zammit - Accordion, Christabel Zammit - Accordion, Maria Cefai - Accordion
Left to right second row: Lisa Marie Zammit - Keyboard, Clayton Zammit - Violin, Joseph Grima - Accordion, Dominic Micallef - Percussion, Simone Scicluna - Accordion, Noel Camilleri - Tambourine

What:  World Accordion Day
When: 6th May
Why: a unified global effort to celebrate and promote the Accordion
Where: World Wide!
Contact: Harley Jones - CIA Public Relations Officer e-mail:

Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) - General Secretary

Kimmo Mattila - Kyrösselänkatu 3, FIN-39500 Ikaalinen, FINLAND
Phone: +358 3 4400221, Fax +358 3 4589071 E-mail:

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