21 Settembre 2007
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Accordion Yellow Pages  www.accordionworld.com  the worlds largest accordion yellow pages covering everything to do with the accordion - free  listings
www.search-accordion.com is a search system for accordion sites information  -  free listing
Accordion Links  www.accordionlinks.com  is the worlds largest accordion links site, for all sites accordion  -  free listing
www.MusicForAccordion.com  the largest  eSheet accordion music site with all types of accordion music, and  lots of  CD's  available,  all through highly secure bank credit card payment system

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Fisitalia blue

Fatti ed avvenimenti da tutto il mondo
Mika Väyrynen suonerà le Variazioni Goldberg a Tokyo, Giappone
Hohner Product Manager per fisrmonica – USA
Petosa Accordions Chiude Petosa Music - USA
‘ACCOntempoReD’, Vilnius - Lituania
Informazion su Concerti, Masterclasse, Festival, Concorsi etc
Mount Angel Oktoberfest, Oregon – USA
Gerardo Amato’s New CD ‘Terra Mia’, Rome – Italy
Memorial Scholarship, Auckland – New Zealand
Prossimi Appuntamenti
Iñaki Alberdi and Iñigo Aizpiolea Concert, Lodi - Italy
Master Class Series, Rimini – Italy
Lasarte-Oria Accordion Festival, Gipuzkoa – Spain
Accordion Week, Castelfidardo - Italy
Those Darn Accordions Concerts and New CD, San Francisco – USA
Lydie Auvray and her Auvrettes Tour - Germany
NAO North West Championships, Fleetwood – UK
1st Roland Virtual Accordion Contest - National Finals, Ontario – Canada
Fisitalia black
CD Review
Nuovi ed aggiornati Siti

Gary Dahl esheet
Mika Väyrynen suonerà le Variazioni Goldberg a Tokyo, Giappone
Contributed by Kevin Friedrich

Il concertista finlandese Mika Väyrynen apparirà nella prestigiosa Sumida Triphony Hall a Tokyo il 25 Settembre alle 19.30, dove suonerà le Variazioni Goldberg di J.S. Bach (opera completa). Il concerto sarà parte di una serie di esecuzioni delle Variazioni Goldberg su strumenti musicali differenti. Quest’opera di circa 45 minuti sarà eseguita al pianoforte, clavicembalo, organo e bayan. Mika è stato invitato per questo concerto dopo la critica estremamente positiva del suo CD Goldberg Variations (ALBA – ABCD191).

La Sumida Trophony Hall di Tokio ha paerto i battenti nell’Ottobre del 1997 ed è la sede della Nuova Orchestra Filarmonica Giapponese (NJP). La parola “Triphony” viene dall’armonia di tre suoni diversi: il bubblico, l’artista e la sala stessa. Per infomazioni sui biglietti, contattare il Triphony Hall Ticket Center (03) 5608-1212.
Accordion Repairs Made Easy - John Reuther
Hohner Product Manager per fisrmonica – USA
Contributed by Scott Emmerman

Posto Vacante. La filiale Hohner, Hohner Inc di Richmond, Virginia, USA, sta cercando un Product Manager per la fisarmonica. Sono richiesti per questa posizione familiarità con la fisarmonica e con l’attività di vendita nel mercato degli strumenti musicali. Esperienze specifiche nella vendita, marketing, o gestione a livello nazionale costituiranno titoli preferenziali. Gli interessati possono vedere il profilo completo della posizione di lavoro sul sito web Hohner.

Per ulteriori informazioni inviare una email a SEmmerman@hohnerusa.com
Accordion Jazz Chords - Norbert Seidel
Petosa Accordions Chiude Petosa Music - USA
Contributed by Rob Howard

La notizia circolata recentemente circa la chiusura completa di Petosa Accordions di Seattle, Washington, è completamente infondata. Invece sta chiudendo Petosa Music, che era l’attività collaterale basata sulla vendita delgi accessori, e Petosa si concentrerà d’ora in avanti esclusivamente sulle fisarmoniche acustiche.

Petosa Accordions fu fondata nel 1922 da Carl Petosa. Il figlio, Joe Petosa, ha continuato l’attività di famiglia, che è ora gestita da Joe Petosa Junior. L’azienda gode da sempre di un’ottima reputazione nella produzione di strumenti di alta qualità e i musicisti che suonano Petosa includono Frank Marocco, Carmen Carrozza, Zhang Guoping, Dick Contino, and Tony Lovello, solo per nominarne alcuni.

‘ACCOntempoReD’, Vilnius - Lituania

Il 24 Settembre il fiarmonicista concertista ed insegnante Raimondas Sviackevicius introdurrà il suo nuovo progetto chiamato “ACCOntempoRED”. Si tratta di un recital in due parti che sarà presentato nella Vecchia Chiesa di Santa Caterina in Vilnius, la capitale della Lituania.

Il pubblico potrà ascoltare musica cotemporanea per fisarmonica sola, incluso “A Farewell to arms” (congedo militare) di Nomeda Valanciute, dedicato a Raimondas Sviackevicius che ha realizzato un CD chiamato con il titolo di quest’opera. Raimondas suonerà anche “Konzertstuck” di Vytautas Juozapaitis e musica sperimentale del compostitore americano True Rosaschi.

Diverse nuove opere saranno suonate in Prima Esecuzione, inclusi “Seseliai” (Ombre), per fisarmonica, violoncello e strumenti elettronici, Jurgita Miezelyte; “TubACCOrdo DUO”, per fisarmonica e tuba, di Vaida Striaukaite-Beinariene; “Chanson”, per fisarmonica, violino e pianoforte, di Vytautas Germanavicius; e “Unisono 2”, per fisarmonica, voce, computer e strumenti elettronici (live), di Agata Zubel.

Il concerto includerà anche libere improvvisazioni contemporanee da parte di Janas Maksimovicius (sassofono) e Arkadijus Gotesmanas (percussioni). Il Concerto-Progetto si concluderà con composizioni improvvisate di tutti i concertisti partecipanti.
James P O'Brien music catalog

Charnwood Graded Music
Mount Angel Oktoberfest, Oregon – USA
Contributed by James O’Brien

The small town of Mt. Angel lies in the foothills of the Cascade Mountains, about 40 miles Southeast of Portland, Oregon - home to the Native Americans for centuries, the first white settlers arriving to this rich area in 1867. Then, in 1878, Mathias Butsch founded the first Catholic Church and the railroad station. He was the agent who brought the Benedictine monks to Mt. Angel. Prior Adelheml Odermatt dubbed the village ‘Mount Angel’, which was named after his own Swiss home, Engelberg.

The area flourished for decades but only held its first Oktoberfest in 1966. Mt. Angel’s Oktoberfest, now celebrating its 42nd year, is a wonderful harvest festival that brings accordionists from around the world to perform in one of the four performance venues as well as the street. Bavarian music and yodellers thrive in the Biergarten, Weingarten, Alpingarten and the village square.

Jim and Shirley O’Brien, residents of Tucson, Arizona, returned to Oktoberfest for their second time this year as performers on the town gazebo. For three afternoons, they performed popular German music for hundreds of visitors, both playing their accordions and singing in German and English. Among the favorites presented were the ‘Liechtensteiner Polka’, ‘Beer Barrel Polka’ and ‘Muss I’ Denn’.

Several highlights of this year’s festival included a visit by the famous team of Clysdale horses, a blessing of the festival by the local priest, wonderful weather, a festival Mass, incredible German food and, of course, boundless accordion music from European, Canadian and American groups. You can check out the Mt. Angel Oktoberfest website.

Gerardo Amato’s New CD ‘Terra Mia’, Rome – Italy
Contributed by Rob Howard

Italian accordionist Gerardo Amato has released his first CD ‘Terra Mia’, a recording of dance music that includes tango, meringue, polka, tarantella, mazurka, musette waltz and the original Tyrolese Waltz, and four songs with the female voice ‘Cha cha cha’, and a male Roman voice ‘Roma Eterna’, where the accordion plays together with these beautiful voices. The CD has already been heard on several radio broadcasts.

Gerardo Amato (born 1978) first started accordion lessons at the age of 9, in Ardea in the Province of Rome. He competed in various music competitions, and since 1993 has been composing his own music: dance tunes and music for easy listening, in various styles. In 1995 he graduated from the ‘L. Refice’ Academy of Music in Frosinone. Gerardo performs in clubs and concerts, often with other musicians. In addition to the accordion, Gerardo also plays the guitar and the flute.

For further information email: postmaster@gerardoamato.it
Friedrich Lips collection of 16 CD's
Memorial Scholarship, Auckland – New Zealand
Contributed by Heather Masefield

On Sunday 16th September the Accordion Examination Board of New Zealand hosted the Allan William Jones Memorial Scholarships in the Dove Theatre at Kristin School, Auckland, New Zealand.

Scholarship Recipients were Aghilan Newman, Daniel Robinson, Rosita Hendry & Grayson Masefield.

The Annual Merit Award In Recognition of Outstanding Services to the Accordion Movement was awarded to Stephanie Poole and the Douglas Mews Rosebowl for the examination with the highest mark was awarded to her student Edward Giffney.

Performers were the NSAO conducted by Heather Masefield, Musicale conducted by Carol Yan, Music Makers conducted by Christine Adams, Major Soundz & Super Soundz both conducted by Lorraine Parnell & soloists Jessica Chen & Daisy Huang.
Fisitalia black

Finland Recordings
Iñaki Alberdi and Iñigo Aizpiolea Concert, Lodi - Italy
Contributed by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Spanish accordionists Iñaki Alberdi and Iñigo Aizpiolea perform in the Italian village of Lodi at the Festival ContemporaneaMente on September 21st.

The concert programme will include works by Luis de Pablo, Joan Guinjoan, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Albert Sardá, Stravinsky and the world premiere of ‘Transfiguración’ by Jesús Torres.

For further information email: accordion@ialberdi.com
Titano Accordion Company
Master Class Series, Rimini – Italy
Contributed by Claudio Jacomucci

The 2007-2008 courses at the Accordion High School of the Istituto Musicale Pareggiato ‘G.Lettimi’ of Rimini consists in 6 master class with Claudio Jacomucci (resident teacher), Friedrich Lips (Gnessin Institute, Moscow, Russia), Geir Draugsvoll (Royal Academy of Copenhagen, Denmark), Yuri Shishkin (Russia) and Luciano Biondini (jazz accordionist, Italy). The courses are sponsored by Pigini Accordions of Castelfidardo.

For further information email: info@claudiojacomucci.com

Lasarte-Oria Accordion Festival, Gipuzkoa – Spain
Contributed by Rob Howard

The 2007 Lasarte-Oria Accordion Festival takes place on Saturday September 29th at the Casa de Cultura, Lasarte-Oria, in the Basque region of Northern Spain. Artistes performing include Enrike Zelaia (Spain), Nathalie Boucheix (France), the Elsene Accordion Orchestra (Netherlands), and the Zero Sette Akordeoi Orkestra (Spain).

For information e-mail: 07ao@zerosette.es
Viatcheslav Semionov CD's  for sale
Accordion Week, Castelfidardo - Italy
Contributed by Claudio Jacomucci

Accordion Week, October 8th to 12th in Castelfidardo, features master classes, workshops and concerts involving Claudio Jacomucci, Friedrich Lips, Luciano Biondini, Egbert Spelde, Xiao Cao Qing, and Radomir Tomic.

The itinery is:
Claudio Jacomucci
Monday October 8th – 9am to 12.30 and 2.30 to 6pm
Tuesday 9th - 9am to12.30pm

Friedrich Lips
Tuesday 9th – 2.30pm to 6pm
Wednesday 10th – 9am to12.30pm and 2.30 to 6pm

Luciano Biondini
Thursday 11th - 9am to12.30pm and 2.30 to 6pm

Friday 12th – 12noon to 6.30pm
’Meeting Point’ - Italy/Netherlands/China/Serbia
Concert of the best students of the High Accordion School of ‘G.Lettimi’ Institute in Rimini (M. Claudio Jacomucci), Deventer Conservatory (Egbert Spelde), Bejing Conservatory (Xiao Cao Qing), and the Accordion School of Kraguievac (Radomir Tomic)

Presentation of  ‘Wonderlands’ (2007) solo CD by Claudio Jacomucci (Stravinsky, Ravel, Jacomucci, Taktakishvili, Zorn, Armenian traditional)
The Ins and Outs of the Accordion
Those Darn Accordions Concerts and New CD, San Francisco – USA
Contributed by Rob Howard

Those Darn Accordions have released a new CD, ‘Squeeze Machine’, which recently had its official launch.

The TFA publicity writes: “Our 2007 touring season is winding down, but we've still got a few big shows to go. Two of them are old favorites -- Oregon's Columbia County Oktoberfest and the Eldorado Great Italian Festival in Reno -- and one of them is very new to us: San Antonio's International Accordion Festival. We have been eyeing this event for years, and we finally get the honor of performing there. (I hear there will even be an accordion workshop conducted by TDA squeezers.) Book your flights now!”

September 28th and 29th - Columbia County Oktoberfest, St. Helens, Oregon
October 6th and 7th - Eldorado Great Italian Festival, Reno, Nevada
October 13th and 14th - International Accordion Festival, San Antonio, Texas

For further information email: tdapublicity@yahoo.com
Deffner Music catalog
Lydie Auvray and her Auvrettes Tour - Germany
Contributed by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

German accordionist Lydie Auvray is soon to embark on a nationwide tour, which includes the following dates:

October 5th – Ratssaal, Georgsmarienhütte
6th – Kulturscheune, Salzgitter
18th – English Church, Bad Homburg
19th - Kulturzentrum Dieselstraße, Esslingen
25th – Stadthalle, Merzig
26th – Pumpwerk Hockenheim
27th - Savoy-Theater, Düsseldorf
November 3rd - Kulturkirche Jubiläums-Gala, Cologne
8th – Rantastic, Baden-Baden
11th - Aula im Schulzentrum, Rietberg
22nd – Kulturforum, Kiel
23rd - Theodor-Schäfer-Werk, Husum
24th – Passionskirche, Berlin

For further information email: lydieauvray@netcologne.de
Karthause Schmuelling Musik and Media
NAO North West Championships, Fleetwood – UK
Contributed by Gina Brannelli

The National Accordion Organisation’s North West Championships take place at the Marine Hall, Fleetwood, Lancashire on Sunday November 25th. The organiser is Gina Brannelli, and the adjudicators are Adjudicators Frederick Parnell, Mavis Parnell, Raymond Bodell and (Wendy Farran and – at UK I am sure it was Ken only judging) Ken Farran.

Prestigious Challenge awards include ‘The Fisherman's Friend’ "Eros" Challenge Award, ‘The Les Dawson Show business Award’, ‘The Rudi Mancini’ top accordion soloist award, and International Awards: ‘The Maestro Gervasio Marcosignori Award’, ‘The Maestro Bio Boccosi Strumenti e Musica International Award’, ‘Adamo Volpi Challenge Award’ – Italy, and ‘The Paul Pasquale  'Concerto' Award’ – USA.

The festival concludes with an evening concert starring Julien ‘Speedy’ Gonzales, from France, the contest winners plus a guest accordion orchestra.

The weekend also known as the Blackpool and Wyre Accordion Festival, includes competitive sections for keyboard, piano, guitar and voice.

For further information email: accordions@btinternet.com
Alexander Dmitriev - CD's
1st Roland Virtual Accordion Contest - National Finals, Ontario – Canada
Contributed by Caitlin Campbell

The first Canadian National Finals of the Roland V Accordion take place on September 27th, 7pm – 9.30pm, at Hansa Haus, 6650 Hurontario Street, Mississauga, Ontario.

After weeks of intense competition, the field has been narrowed and Roland Canada (www.roland.ca/v-accordion) will proudly present the three semi-finalists of the 1st Roland V-Accordion Festival at the National Finals. Join us for this FREE family-friendly night of music and competition!

For further information email: ccampbell@roland.ca
An A to Z of the Accordion - Rob Howard

    Critica di
   Renato Belardinelli


Lydie Auvray

William Schimmel CD's
William Schimmel has an updated sites with his 8 new arrangements of 'The Chariot Race', ‘Lydia’, 'The Bullfight', 'Serious Blues', 'The Traveler', 'Bumping Cars', 'St. Anthony's Canon', and 'Alien Air'. Samples of the music are available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.

Gary Dahl has an updated biography.

Fisitalia blue

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

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