04 Maggio 2007
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Accordion Yellow Pages  www.accordionworld.com  the worlds largest accordion yellow pages covering everything to do with the accordion - free  listings
www.search-accordion.com is a search system for accordion sites information  -  free listing
Accordion Links  www.accordionlinks.com  is the worlds largest accordion links site, for all sites accordion  -  free listing
www.MusicForAccordion.com  the largest  eSheet accordion music site with all types of accordion music, and  lots of  CD's  available,  all through highly secure bank credit card payment system

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Fisitalia blue

Fatti ed avvenimenti da tutto il mondo
Studio di postura ed ergonomia  per fisarmonicisti, Minnesota - USA
Vadim Fedorov al ‘Accordion Day’, Reykjavik – Islanda
Trio Contet nominatet for: Victoires du Jazz 2007 - France
Reportage giornaliero degli eventi di fisarmonica in GB & Germania
Acordionists = divertimento – Italia/Columbia
Informazion su Concerti, Masterclasse, Festival, Concorsi etc
Aidar Gainullin Concert – Rome - Italy
Chicago Debut for Australian Accordionist, Illinois – USA
‘Friends of the Accordion Meeting’, Vendée - France
Prossimi Appuntamenti
Antique Accordion Exhibition, Scotland - UK
Zoltan Orosz and Friends, Budapest – Hungary
Tom Alexander in Concert, Stockport – UK
Masterclasses with Bruno Maurice - France
Accordion Camp with Lars Holm, Spittal - Austria
‘The classic accordion – what does it offer to the female composer?’, Vienna – Austria
Fisitalia black
CD Review
Nuovi ed aggiornati Siti

Las Vegas International Accordion Convention
Studio di postura ed ergonomia per fisarmonicisti, Minnesota - USA
Contributo di Harley Jones

La Dott.ssa Lynda Griffith sta effettuando uno studio approfondito sui fisarmonicisti,  concertisti e bandoneonisti riguardo al loro modo di tenere lo strumento, osserverà  la  postura degli artisti cercando di trovare una soluzione per le possibili  lesioni o dolori muscolari che a volte disturbano i musicisti. Presto sarà pubblicato un libro su questa ricerca proprio per aiutare a prevenire spiacevoli contratture.

Lynda Griffith ha raccolto dati di circa 400 artisti da più di 25 paesi. Il libro sarà utile come riferimento per artisti, insegnanti e medici.

Oltre ad essere laureata  in medicina/ fisioterapia, Lynda conosce in modo molto approfondito, la fisarmonica, infatti è un ottimo  tecnico qualificato in riparazione per fisarmonica, concertina e Bandoneon,e non finisce qui....! Suona  tutti i sette dei strumenti principali della famiglia della fisarmonica! Insomma è un vero portento.Per migliorare e completare il suo studio scientifico Lynda Griffith vorrebbe mettersi in contatto con cittadini  Europei, Asiatici, Russi, e Africani, quindi invita ad insegnanti, ai loro studenti, colleghi ed amici di partecipare a questa ricerca inviando il compilato questionario.

Lynda è inoltre un membro dell'associazione Performing Arts Medicine e Performing Arts Special Interest Group della American Physical Therapy Association.
Angel Luis Castano
Vadim Fedorov al ‘Accordion Day’, Reykjavik – Islanda
Contributo di Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Il 5 maggio si svolgerà  nella City Town Hall in Reykjavik la“giornata della fisarmonica”. Ospite d’onore sarà il bayanista russo Vadim Fedorov, ora residente in Islanda e vincitori di numerosi concorsi internazionali.

Vadim Fedorov
si esibirà con il suo trio jazz composto da: Leifur Gunnarsson (bass) e Gunnar Hilmarsson (chitarra). Il trio è stato formato da Vadim in novembre del 2006, ed ha raggiunto una grande popolarità in Reykjavik.

Per informazioni e-mail: vadim@hive.is
Gary Dahl esheet
Trio Contet nominatet for: Victoires du Jazz 2007 - France
Contributo di Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Pascal Contet con il suo Trio è stato nominato per il premio “Victoires du Jazz 2007” per il suo CD ‘Contet, Chevillon, Corneloup’.

Questo prestigioso premio per tutti I musicisti è stato precedentemente vinto da  Richard Galliano, Marcel Azzola e Daniel Mille.

Pascal si sente molto onorato di essere stato scelto per la selezione. Il CD è disponibile su Internet per il prezzo di euro 15 + spese postali invece di Euro 22.

I risultati finali saranno trasmessi il 9 giugno in TV e radio Française (France 3 TV, France 4 TV e France Inter Radio).

Per informazioni sul CD e-mail: contact@incircumgirum.com
Accordion Repairs Made Easy - John Reuther
Reportage giornaliero degli eventi di fisarmonica in GB & Germania
Contributo di Harley Jones

Reportage giornaliero con Accordions Worldwide sul campionato e festival di fisarmonica in GB che si svolge dal 4 al 6 Maggio.

Cliccando sul banner NAO si possono consultare tutti i dettagli sul programma, concerti, eventi e risultati dell’evento.

Reportage giornaliero anche del 44° concorso e festival internazionale di Klingenthal in Germania.

Il direttore di Accordions WorldwideHarley Jones da il benvenuto a tutti i fisarmonicisti ed appassionati della fisarmonica di consultare ogni giorno il sito della Accordions Worldwide per poter partecipare virtualmente a questo grande evento internazionale dove metterà a disposizione tutti i particolari del concorso con una documentazione fotografica, risultati degli eventi, ogni particolarità ed altri informazioni interessanti.
Accordion Jazz Chords - Norbert Seidel
Acordionists = divertimento – Italia/Columbia
Contributo di Harley Jones

Fisarmonica in primo piano! In prima pagina sul quotidiano il "Corriere Della Sera", uno stupendo articolo,è dedicato al fisarmonicista Omar Geles che si diverte in una festa privata durante il Vallenato Festival in Valledupar nel nord della Colombia.
National Button Accordion Festival

la fisarmonica da concerto ed il suo repertorio - Paolo Picchio
Aidar Gainullin Concert – Rome - Italy
Contributed by Dr Herbert Scheibenreif

On April 29th, accordionist Aidar Gainullin, laureate of international competitions and composer, and the famous cellist and conductor David Geringas, Professor at the Hanns Eisler-University of Music in Berlin, performed a grand concert with symphony orchestra in the famous hall of ‘Santa Cecilia’ in Rome.

Their program included music of composers from Latin America. To conclude the concert the musicians performed several works dedicated to the memory of world-known cellist M. Rostropovich, who had passed away last week.

Aidar Gainullin has recently received a scholarship from the fund of Rostropovich, who has personally and substantially supported his career.
Charnwood Graded Music
Chicago Debut for Australian Accordionist, Illinois – USA
Contributed by Rob Howard

Australian-born, visually impaired accordionist, Bernadette Conlon, who is now residing in Rockford, Illinois, gave her debut performance for the Chicago Accordion Club.

Picture from left to right: Lenny Leto, Bernadette Conlon, and jazz accordionist, Mike Alongi. The new look Bernadette delighted the audience, with her charm and versatility, playing her own dazzling arrangements, which ranged from Tchaikovsky's Waltz of the Flowers, to an ABBA medley, selections from West Side Story, to traditional accordion selections, to her boogie version of Under the Boardwalk, to a warm standing ovation.

Bernadette is delighted to play for such groups, which keep the accordion alive and allow and encourage such artistes as herself to perform, encouraging new work and allowing artistes to lure the instrument into the realms of popularity.

The enthusiastic Chicago Accordion Club meets on the third Monday of the month, at the beautiful American Legion's Club in Elmhurst, with pre-meeting music from 6.30 pm, general business meeting at 7.30pm and the featured artist at approximately 8pm.

Next month's program will feature Seattle's wonderfully talented Zydeco and jazz accordionist Murl Allen Sanders.
Friedrich Lips collection of 16 CD's
"Friends of the Accordion Meeting" Vendée - France
Contributed by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

On April 14th the ‘Friends of the Accordion’ gathered in the Ormeaux Hall in Herbaria, Vendée. In 1989 group was formed by the late Mr Hilaire Vinet, and is now led by Eugene Arnoux. Starting with only 17 accordionists, having become an association in 1993, they are now a group of 107 members!

Next year they will celebrate their 20th birthday and on this occasion they will meet again around a good meal accompanied with good music - naturally! All the occasions are good fun. In January they organize their general assembly, then in Spring a meal with dancing, in the Summer an open air picnic, and finally a Ball in order to help finance the association. They have developed a partnership with a music school and retired accordion Professor such as Alain Fillon who helps out some of these impassioned musicians!

The group meets every second week to play music and to exchange their ideas. Present at their last meeting the Mayor of the Herbaria, Mr Guy Duchenne, the accordion repairer with his trainee Catherine Barré, and Jean-Louis Noton, demonstrator for Cavagnolo accordions, who presented one of their latest model: Zykbox. A successful festival – bound to continue!
Fisitalia black

National Button Accordion Festival
Antique Accordion Exhibition, Scotland - UK
Contributed by Rob Howard

There will be a display of 100 antique accordions at Grantown Museum, Morayshire, from May 6th to 20th, from 10.30am to 4pm daily. The instruments are owned and displayed by Caroline Hunt.

For further information email: accordionbook@huntc.fsbusiness.co.uk
eSheet music catalog, over 600 titles
Zoltan Orosz and Friends, Budapest – Hungary
Contributed by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Accordionist Zoltan Orosz’s long tour of Hungary will finish soon. The last concert will be held on May 18th, in the largest covered venue in Budapest, the László Papp Sportarena in Budapest.

After that Zoltán will perform 2 concerts with the group that is closest to his heart: ‘Zoltan Orosz and Friends’. This group features accordion, guitar, bass-guitar and percussion, which is a standard formation. A one-week tour of Transylvania will soon be undertaken.

For further information email Judith Benko: benkojudit@harmonika.hu
Las Vegas International Accordion Convention
Tom Alexander in Concert, Stockport – UK
Contributed by Rob Howard

Tom Alexander, from Glasgow, best known as the one of The Alexander Brothers, legends of Scottish entertainment, is the guest at Stockport Accordion Club on Wednesday May 9th, 8pm, Woodley Methodist Church, Stockport, Cheshire SK6 1BL.

For further information email: robaccord5@hotmail.com
Deffner Music catalog
Masterclasses with Bruno Maurice - France
Contributed by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Accordion master classes with Bruno Maurice during the summer in France include:

Académie des Arcs (Savoie), from 17th to 27th
Académie de Guérande (Bretagne), from August 11th to 25th

For further information email: bmaurice@neuf.fr
Finland Recordings
Accordion Camp with Lars Holm, Spittal - Austria
Contributed by Harley Jones

In the enjoyable Ambience of the Rojachhofs Lendorf, Spittal, (a former castle) the Kärntner Accordion Association organizes from August 5th to 11th for the 5th time an accordion camp for students, and an accordion workshop for accordion teachers under the educational and artistic direction of Lars Holm. All students who want to meet and play with other accordionists are invited to participate and enjoy one week of fun.

Activities planned include: ensemble playing, percussions-workshop and common rehearsing of pieces also free improvising, free time activities such as walking tours, table tennis, football, as well as a large final concert for family and friends.

Accordion teachers are invited to participate in a workshop for further training. The aim of this accordion workshop is to offer a platform for teachers in order to make possible contacts, exchange of experiences, an accordion ensemble for teachers and discussions in relaxing atmosphere.

The ensemble rehearsal times and the favourable situation of the Rojachhofs (very near to the mountains, the lake Millstaettersee and the city of Spittal) offer excellent possibilities for various vacation activities - with family members and friends, who are very welcome at the Rojachhof.
Las Vegas International Accordion Convention
"The Classic Accordion - what does it offer to composers?" Vienna - Austria
Contributed by Hermi Kaleta

A workshop under the intriguing title "The Classic Accordion" - what does it offer to composers?" takes place at the Conservatory in Vienna on Sunday May 8th, from 10am until 4pm.

On the previous evening, May 7th, at 6.30pm, there will be an opening concert featuring some specially commissioned compositions by the Japanese composer Makoto Nomura.
An A to Z of the Accordion - Rob Howard

    Critica di
   Joan Cochran Sommers
Under Duress


Eddie Hession, Accordion Chris Grist, Cello and The London Concertante
 The Ins and Outs of the Accordion - Thierry Benetoux

National Button Accordion Festival
Pascal Contet – concert details on: www.accordions.com/contet

FM Manufacturer for Accordion Accessories in Castelfidardo - new email contact details: www.accordions.com/fm
la fisarmonica da concerto ed il suo repertorio - Paolo Picchio
Lanzinger Harmonikas/Accordions - All kinds of Harmonikas (steirisch/diatonic) and accordion types produced by Peter Lanzinger in Italy.

Reeds manufacturer Harmonikas is situated in Louny, Czech Republic since 1946. The company is offering a wide range of reed quality including hand made, hand type, export type reeds for a variety of instruments such as harmonium, bayan and bandoneon. New technologies for precise cutting, profile grinding, semi-automatic tuning plus skilled workers ensure high quality. 
Enzo Giribaldi eBook Accordion Course for Beginners
Czech Republic accordion/harmonica makers based in Horovice (founded by Josef Kebrdle in 1920) now owned by Zdenek Koutny - AKORDEON SERVIS. These businesses are manufacturing the brands Josef Kebrdle, Lignatone, Delicia, Fantasy (custom made upon request) and are also importers of Italian and German made instruments and accessories and sellers of second-hand instruments.
Web: http://www.harmoniky.cz and www.delicia.cz
William Schimmel CD's
A new CD cover titled "Accordion Mon Amour" with sound samples. Music performed by Yehuda Oppenheimer of Israel. Purchase online.  

Fisitalia blue

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week