16 Febbraio 2007
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Accordion Yellow Pages  www.accordionworld.com  the worlds largest accordion yellow pages covering everything to do with the accordion - free  listings
www.search-accordion.com is a search system for accordion sites information  -  free listing
Accordion Links  www.accordionlinks.com  is the worlds largest accordion links site, for all sites accordion  -  free listing
www.MusicForAccordion.com  the largest  eSheet accordion music site with all types of accordion music, and  lots of  CD's  available,  all through highly secure bank credit card payment system

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Fisitalia blue

Fatti ed avvenimenti da tutto il mondo
Coupe Mondiale/Concorso per fisarmonica a piano – USA
20° Compleanno della Fisorchestra Zero Sette Lasarte-Oria – Spagna
Nuovi direttori per il Management della Hohner/Trossingen – Germania
Informazion su Concerti, Masterclasse, Festival, Concorsi etc
Friedrich Lips Performances, Moscow – Russia
Prossimi Appuntamenti
National Accordion Convention, Texas – USA
IX Winter Accordion Festival, Kokkola – Finland
NAO North Central Festival, Yorkshire – UK
Appuntamenti con Marco Lo Russo – Italia
Improvisation Ensemble Concerts – France
Julie Best Concert, Staffordshire – UK
James Crabb Concert, London - UK
2nd Printemps Tout Tango, Grau du Roi-Port-Camarg – France
Fisitalia black
CD Review
Nuovi ed aggiornati Siti

National Accordion Association
Coupe Mondiale/Concorso per fisarmonica a piano – USA
Contributo di Faithe Deffner/organizzatrice del 2007 Coupe Mondiale

The Il vincitore del Coupe Mondiale nella categoria “fisarmonica a piano” riceverà come premio $ 5000 in denaro offerto dallo sponsor Carmen Carrozza Scholarship Fund dell’ American Accordionists' Association ed inoltre un tour di concerti in Nuova Zelanda ed Australia sponsorizzato dal CIA Membro – la New Zealand Accordion Association (NZAA).

Il vincitore sarà ospite del South Pacific Accordion Campionato del 2008, del Festival in Auckland, del 14° Australian International Accordion Campionato e del Festival di Sydney.

Tutti i 6 vincitori delle varie categorie del Coupe Mondiale saranno invitati ad esibirsi sul palco del Kennedy Center's Millennium Stage in Washington DC, sabato 7 agosto 2007 che verrà radiotrasmesso in diretta.

Il 2007 Coupe Mondiale si svolgerà nel Holiday Inn in Alexandria, Virginia dal 13 al 18 agosto. Sono ancora disponibili camere a condizioni speciali “Coupe Mondiale $ 99” al Radisson Hotel che rimane poco distante dal Holiday Inn. I due alberghi sono raggiungibili tramite un servizio shuttle.

Regolamento, premi e informazioni generali su tutte le categorie del Coupe Mondiale sono on-line al www.coupemondiale.org Per ulteriori informazioni contattare la coordinatrice del 2007 Coupe Mondiale Faithe Deffner: FDeffner@aol.com
Accordion Repairs Made Easy - John Reuther
20° Compleanno della Fisorchestra Zero Sette Lasarte-Oria – Spagna
Contributo di Rob Howard

La Zero Sette Akordeoi Orkestra di Lasarte-Oria della regione Basca nel nord della Spagna celebra il suo 20° compleanno con una serie di eventi:

In Gennaio è stata organizzata un’esibizione con foto, trofei ed altri oggetti importanti della Zero Sette Akordeoi Orkestra nel centro d’arte Manuel Lekuona in Lasarte-Oria. In questa occasione è stato pubblicato il libro: ’20 anni della Zero Sette Akordeoi Orkestra, scritto da Javier Zatarain.

Concerti all’ Arts Center Manuel Lekuona.

Il 21 aprile alle ore 19.30 la Zero Sette Akordeoi Orkestra.

Gorka Hermosa (fisarmonica) il 4 maggio alle ore 20.

Il 29 settembre alle ore 19.30 Zelaia Nathalie Boucheix – Francia, Elsene Accordion Orchestra – Olanda e la Zero Sette Akordeoi Orkestra.

Serata speciale il 24 novembre per tutti I membri ed amici della Zero Sette Akordeoi Orkestra.

Per ulteriori informazioni email: 07ao@zerosette.es
Music catalog of Ernest Deffner  Publications
Nuovi direttori per il Management della Hohner/Trossingen – Germania
Contributo di Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Il consiglio dell'amministrazione Matth Hohner AG ha nominato il sig. Arthur Chuang, 40 ed il sig. Klaus Stetter, 44, come direttori di management della Hohner Musikinstrumente Gmbh & Co. KG, dal 1 febbraio 2007. Dopo alcuni anni di approfondimenti operativi, questa nuova squadra d'amministrazione sotto la direzione del Dott Bräuning, prenderà tutte le misure per un sviluppo internazionale dell'azienda ed un vantaggioso e continuo futuro.

Con la lunga e profonda esperienza di affari del sig. Stetter e del sig. Chuang in campo musicale internazionale, compreso sei anni d’esperienza nella Hohner Company ed il direttore generale Dott. Bräuning–la Hohner Musikinstrumente Gmbh & Co. KG è pronta di per raccogliere ulteriori sfide per lo sviluppo a lunga durata dell'azienda.

Per ulteriori informazioni email: BConrad@hohner.de
National Accordion Association

Alexander Shirunov CD forsale
Friedrich Lips Performances, Moscow – Russia

Recently Friedrich Lips had two major performances in Moscow. The first one was dedicated to famous Russian composer Sofia Gubaidulina, to celebrate her 75th birthday. The Great Hall of Moscow’s Tchaikovsky Conservatory saw performances of the composer’s ‘De Profundis’ and in ‘In Croce’ (together with cellist Vladimir Toncha).

On February, 10th Lips had the pleasure to perform a Piazzolla-program - ‘Aconcagua’, ‘Four Seasons’, and other tangos) together with the Russian Philharmonic at the full-packed House of Music to an overwhelmed Moscovite audience.

For further information email: herbert@accordion-cd.co.at
Fisitalia black

eSheet music catalog, over 600 titles

National Accordion Convention, Texas – USA
Contributed by Norman Seaton

The 2007 National Accordion Convention will be held from March 7th to 11th at the Richardson Hotel in Richardson, Texas. This popular annual festival will this year feature 'Accordion Diversity' and offer fun, workshops, jam sessions, accordion orchestras, the Swap Shop, Polka Festival and concerts. Billed as a ‘hands-on convention’, all participants are invited to bring their accordions.

The Convention Coordinators for this year include: Dick Albreski - Orchestra Librarian, Sharon Seaton - Traditional Workshops, and Ron Pivovar - Buttons and Polka Dance. There will be piano accordion workshops led by Dee Langley, Dale Wise and Jessica Faltot; Tex-Mex accordion taught by Joel Guzman, and accordion orchestras directed by Alice Aman and Daniel Orza. Dr. Daniel Kott will lead folk dance and polka dance sessions.

The 2007 Convention celebrates the 20th year of the National Accordion Association. Performers include Dee Langley and Trio Bez Ime, Marge Ford, Patti Gersich, Fred Ziwich, Don Lipovac, and the Pivovar Trio. The trade show includes Accordion-O-Rama, Ballarini/Petosa, Castle Accordions, Kohl Music Company, Monarch Accordions, and Mr. E's Music Company Swap Shop.

For further information email: natlaccordion@sbcglobal.net
Frankfurt Music Fair
IX Winter Accordion Festival, Kokkola – Finland
Contributed by Raimo Vertainen

The 9th Kokkola Winter Accordion Festival takes place from February 18th to 25th, and includes a wide variety of music - classic to folk music, harmonicas to Tex-Mex, from today's modern pieces to evergreens and from church music to hard rock. Concerts, dances and open-air events form a part of the festival.

This year’s festival includes Fratres - hard rock and heavy rock concert, Osthrobothnian Chamber Orchestra with Mikko Luoma - live broadcast on Finnish Radio1, Maria Kalaniemi, Best Wishes, Sväng - a harmonica quartet, the Guardia Nueva orchestra, and the Gotan Project.

For further information email: raimo.vertainen@pp.inet.fi
la fisarmonica da concerto ed il suo repertorio - Paolo Picchio
NAO North Central Area Festival, Yorkshire – UK
Contributed by Rob Howard

The NAO North Central Area Festival takes place at the Victoria Hall, Saltaire, West Yorkshire, on February 24th. This event is a qualifier for the NAO UK Championships in Scarborough (4th - 6th May) and also incorporates the Yorkshire Accordion & Music Festival, which includes additional sections for accordion, guitar, keyboard and piano.

The festival also features a trade show and an evening ceilidh, from 8pm, with music by accordionist Gary Blair. The adjudicators are Raymond Bodell (NAO Chairperson), Gary Blair and Karolyn Broiadhead and in attendance as the NAO Executive representative is Gina Brannelli (past NAO Chairperson). The event organiser is NAO Executive officer Harry Hinchcliffe.

For further information email: r.smith@ukaccordions.com
Gary Dahl esheet
Appuntamenti con Marco Lo Russo – Italia
Contributo di Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Marco Lo Russo ha realizzato come attore, esecutore e compositore alcune scene di tango della soap Centovetrine che andranno in onda fra marzo ed aprile del 2007.

Il giorno 31 dicembre è stato contattato dal grande M° Ennio Morricone complimentandosi sul suo ultimo CD Mediterranean Accordion pubblicato e prodotto da RAI TRADE di “ Marco Lo Russo quartet” per commento sonoro a programmi televisivi.

Prenderà parte alla prima rappresentazione italiana dell’opera Maria Galante di Kurt Weill dal 20 al 25 febbraio al Teatro Nazionale dell’Opera di Roma. Per l’occasione la ditta di Castelfidardo “Armando Bulgari”, di cui è testimonial, ha messo a disposizione uno strumento appartenente al museo personale del titolare risalente agli anni ’40, con carcassa in legno vivo con intarsi e dotata di un suono particolarissimo.

Marco riprenderà la tournée con il M° Piovani in Marzo.

Info su Marco www.marcolorusso.com
Accordion Jazz Chords - Norbert Seidel
Improvisation Ensemble Concerts – France
Contributed by Rob Howard

The Improvisation Ensemble is a non-profit making ensemble – duo, trio or quartet – that performs classical music by popular composers such as Mozart, JS Bach, Strauss, Brahms, Rossini and Bizet. The members include: Eric Blin – accordion and piano, Maryse Richard - clarinet, Damien Loiseau – clarinet, Yannick Orain - saxophone, Olga Hunzinger-Popova – violin, Nathalie Jouenne – flute, and Natalia Ermakova-Blin – cello. They have recorded two CDs, and will soon be releasing a third.

The Improvisation Ensemble’s concert dates include:
February 18th, 8.30pm – Church of Pre en Pail
24th, 8.30pm – Church of Chambray-les-Tours
25th, 4pm – Church of St Nicolas de Chateaubriant
March 4th, 4pm - Church of St Patrice de Bayeax
9th, 8.30pm - Church of Notre Dame de Vitre
10th, 8.30pm - Church of St Sulpice de Fougeres
11th, 4pm - Church of St Front de Domfront
17th, 8.30pm - Church of St -Denis d’Amboise
18th, 4pm - Church of Notre Dame de La Coutere du Mans
25th, 4pm - Church of Tremont
31st, 8.30pm - Church of Chateauneuf
April 14th, 8.30pm - Church of St Lazard de Leves
15th, 4pm - Church of St Pierre de St Georges des Sept Vaux
20th, 8.30pm - Church of d’Evrecy
21st, 8.30pm - Church of Pontlevoy
22nd, 4pm – Chapelle de L’Oratoire, Passais
28th, 8.30pm - Church of St Martin d’Argentan
29th, 4pm - Church of St Anne de Buais

For further information email: original.music@wanadoo.fr
Charnwood Music Publishing  - UK
Julie Best Concert, Staffordshire – UK
Contributed by Rob Howard

Accordionist Julie Best is in concert at the Audley Theatre, near Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire, on February 23rd, at 7.30pm. The North Staffs Accordion Band will also be performing.

For further information email: lilylynch1@yahoo.com
Music catalog of Ernest Deffner  Publications
James Crabb Concert, London - UK
Contributed by Rob Howard

Accordionist James Crabb and cellist Arto Noras, with the English Chamber Orchestra, perform ‘Seven Words', by Sofia Gubaidulina, on March 28th at the Cadogan Hall, London, UK. The concert begins at 7.30pm.

For further information email: david.smith@englishchamberorchestra.co.uk
National Accordion Association
2nd Printemps Tout Tango, Grau du Roi-Port-Camarg – France
Contributed by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

The second Printemps Tout Tango, a competitive music festival, takes place on April 7th and 8th. The closing date for entries is February 25th.

This year 2 entire days are dedicated to the world of Tango: Saturday 7th of April at the Grand Palais des Sport and Culture and Sunday 8th of April at the Casino ‘Flamingo’, featuring orchestras, dancers and music until early morning.

For further information email: toutango@free.fr
An A to Z of the Accordion - Rob Howard

    Critica di
   Joan Cochran Sommers
L' Arbre de Vie (The Tree of Life)


Mika Vayrynen, Accordion
 The Ins and Outs of the Accordion - Thierry Benetoux

National Accordion Association
A new site for the 2007 World Diatonic Competition being held in Sterzing, South Tyrol, Italy.
la fisarmonica da concerto ed il suo repertorio - Paolo Picchio
Franco Cambareri releases 6 new arrangements of 'Gigolino', 'La Giostra', 'La Polketta', ‘Maestoso’, ‘A Night in Paris’, and ‘Elena’. Samples of the music are available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.
Viatcheslav Semionov CD's  for sale
The Viennese Accordion Chamber Ensemble site has been updated to list their new cd online Live at the Castle.

Fisitalia blue

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week