Paracolpi e fungo a vite
Bumper and threaded mushroom

Pelli - per valvole senza e con feltro attaccato
Leather for valves, with or without felt

Feltro - spessore 1-4 mm
Felt - thickness 1-4mm

Vinavyl - 1, 5, 20 kg - Vinavyl 1,5,20 kg

Sapone - giallo e gallite - Soap/ white and yellow

Disco - flanella morbido - Soft felt or semi-rigid disc

Bloccaggio - Latch

Distanziatore - Spacer

Gomma per guarnizioni per fisarmanica - Rubber gaskets for accordions
Feltro adesivo da 1-6 mm - Adhesive felt 1-6mm
Mezzi fili per telarini - Half threads (to be inserted between bellow and wood)
Tronchetto di plastica (diam.7,5 mm) - plastic bolt (7.5mm diameter)

Panno - vari colori LC7350 per tastiere, fisarmonica e pianoforti
Cloth - various colours LC7350 for keyboards, accordions and pianos

Rondelle in feltro, gomma o plastica
Washers in felt, rubber or plastic

Varie misure per fisarmoniche, tastiere elettriche e pianoforti
Various sizes for accordions, electric keyborads and pianos

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