Theory Syllabus Examinations

Category of Examinations.

Theory known as Category T.

Category T is in eight grades (plus a Preliminary grade) as follows:

Grade Pre
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8

  • The examinations will be held twice yearly on a Saturday in March/April and in November. The Notification Card, with details of the examination date, time and place, will be sent to each candidate about 10 days beforehand. This card must be produced at the examination, when it will be exchanged for the paper to be worked.

  • Candidates must provide themselves with pens, pencils, etc..

  • Blind candidates may qualify in Theory of Music by taking a viva-voce examination based on the requirements for the appropriate grade of the Theory of Music written Examination.  Details concerning entry may be obtained from the secretary.

  • The examination papers will be sent to the Local Representative in a sealed packet. The Invigilator, who must be a responsible person selected by the Local Representative to conduct the examinations must be present during the whole period of the examination. The Invigilator will open the packet in the examination room in the presence of the candidates, and will read aloud the following before distributing the papers.

  • All answers must be written on the printed examination paper. Manuscript paper is provided for candidates’ rough work. At the end of the examination candidates MUST place the examination paper and rough manuscript paper in the envelope provided, seal and sign it across the seal.

  • Each candidate must ensure that his or her name, the name of the centre, and the date, are written in full in the space provided on the examination paper. The times allowed for working each paper are as follows:

    Preliminary, Grades 1 and 2
    One Hour
    Grade 3
    Two Hours
    Grades 4 and 5
    Two and a Half hours
    Grades 6,7 and 8
    Three Hours

    The Invigilator will collect in the papers at the end of the appropriate period.

  • There must be no talking during the examination, but candidates may, without leaving their seats, ask any reasonable question of the Invigilator. Question and answer (provided they can be reasonably given) must be stated aloud.

  • All forms of irregular aids are PROHIBITED.

  • Smoking is NOT allowed.

  • A candidate will not be admitted to the examination after 30 minutes have elapsed since the commencement of the examination. A candidate may not leave the examination room until after 30 minutes have elapsed from the commencement time. Re-entry will not be permitted under any circumstances.

  • When a “short essay “is asked for it does not mean a word for word quotation from a standard published work and this cannot be accepted.

  • When questions within a paper have been answered in what is apparently different hand-writings, supporting the examiners’ view that they are not the sole, unaided work of the candidate, the entry will be disqualified. Any appeal, if made, will be referred to the BCA, which will be the final arbiter in the matter.

  • The BCA reserves the right to send an official representative, suitably authorised, to any Written Theory Examination Centre, without prior notice, to ensure that the examinations are being conducted in accordance with the BCA Regulations.


    T. Pre                  Preliminary Grade

  • Note values and rests of semibreve, dotted minims, minims, crotchet notes, and crotchet rests.
  • Simple Time-signatures:  2/4, 3/4, 4/4.
  • To identify and write Notes on the treble stave, ranging from middle C up to G above the stave. To show knowledge of the stem rule
  • To write the scale of C Major in semibreves, one octave ascending or descending, on the treble stave only, and marking the semitone steps with slurs as required.
  • To answer questions on the following musical terms and signs: legato, staccato, moderato, forte(f), mezzoforte (mf), mezzopiano (mp), piano (p).

    Grade 1
  • Note values and rests of semibreve, dotted minims, minims, dotted crotchet, crotchet, quaver and semiquaver. Tied notes. 
  • Simple Time-signatures:  2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 2/2 and C, the grouping of the notes listed within these times. Composition of a two-bar rhythm in answer to a given rhythm starting on the first beat of the bar.
  • To identify and write treble and bass clefs and names of notes on the stave, including middle C in both clefs. No ledger-lines other than middle C will be required.
  • Construction of the major scale, including the position of the tones and semitones. Scales and key signatures of the major scales of C, G, D and F in both clefs, with their root position tonic triads, degrees (number only), and intervals above the tonic (by number only). Scales maybe required to be written with or without key signatures in a given rhythm.
  • To answer questions on the following musical terms and signs:  legato, staccato, piano (p), mezzopiano (mp), mezzoforte (mf), forte(f), andante, moderato, allegro, rallentando (rall), crescendo (cresc),  diminuendo (dim).

    Grade 2
      All the requirements for Grade 1 Theory of Music together with the following:
  • Simple Duple, Triple or Quadruple Time-signatures with 2, 4 and 8 as the lower figure and the grouping of notes and rests within these times.  Triplets and triplet note groups with rests. Composition of simple four-bar rhythms starting on the first beat of the bar and using a given opening.
  • To write or identify notes on treble and bass staves. The pitch range will include two ledger lines below and above each stave. Sharp, flat and natural signs will be required.
  • Construction of the minor scale (harmonic or melodic at candidates choice), including the position of the tones and semitones. Scales and key signatures of the major scales of keys up to and including two sharps and flats and the minor scales of A, E and D in the treble or bass clef, with their root position tonic triads, degrees (number only), and intervals above the tonic (by number only). Scales maybe required to be written with or without key signatures in a given rhythm.
  • To answer questions on the following musical terms and signs:  a tempo, fermata (     ), fortissimo (ff), pianissimo (pp), accelerando (accel.), da capo (DC), dal Segno (DS),     , fine,  coda.  To show an understanding of the effect of dots over or under notes, the pause, slur, tie and the signs for the same.

    Grade 3
      All the requirements for all previous Theory of Music grades together with the following:
  • Simple Duple, Triple or Quadruple Time-signatures and Compound Duple time and the grouping of notes and rests within these times. Composition of simple four-bar rhythms which may start on an up-beat
  • To write or identify notes on treble and bass staves. The pitch range will go beyond two ledger-lines below and above each stave. The transposition of a simple diatonic melody from the treble clef to the bass clef or vice-versa, at the octave.
  • Scales and key signatures of the major scales of keys up to and including three sharps and flats and minor scales of A, E and D (harmonic AND melodic), with their root position tonic triads, degrees (number only), and intervals above the tonic (number and type)
  • To answer questions on the following musical terms and signs:  al, allegretto, cantabile, decrescendo (decresc.), grandioso, ritenuto (rit,) ottava (8va), ottava bassa, loco, portato, non-legato, mezzo-staccato, staccatissimo. To show an understanding of accent and articulation marks and repeat signs.

    Grade 4
      All the requirements for all previous Theory of Music grades together with the following:
  • All Simple and Compound time signatures and the grouping of notes and rests within these times. Double dotted notes and rests. Irregular note groups (triplet and duplet). The composition of a rhythm to fit given words.
  • Alto clef (C clef centred on 3rd line) Identification of notes in the alto clef in any keys set for this grade. To write, identify or explain the effect of sharp, flat, double sharp, double flat, natural signs and enharmonic changes. To transpose a diatonic melody one octave up or down in major keys only, using the same or a different clef.
  • Scales and key signatures of the major scales of keys up to and including four sharps and flats and minor scales of keys up to and including two sharps and flats (harmonic AND melodic), with their root position tonic triads, degrees (number only), and intervals above the tonic (number and type). Technical names for the notes of the diatonic scale (tonic, supertonic, etc.) To write or identify all intervals, not exceeding an octave, between any two diatonic notes in any of the keys set for this grade.
  • To write or identify root position triads (Tonic, Subdominant & Dominant), written in close position on either treble or bass stave in any of the above specified major or minor keys. The recognition of root position chords on Tonic, Subdominant & Dominant notes in any keys set for this grade (the harmonic form of the scale will be used in minor keys)
  • To answer questions on the following musical terms and signs: ad libitum  (ad lib), alla marcia, adagio, bis, calando, divisi, dolce, espressivo (espress.), largo,  lento, leggiero, meno, morendo, mosso, piu, poco a poco, sostenuto (sost.), tenuto (ten.), vivace, vivo.  To recognise and name the following ornaments: appoggiatura, acciaccatura, upper mordent, lower mordent, trill, turn and inverted turn. Simple questions about standard orchestral instruments.

    Grade 5
    All the requirements for all previous Theory of Music grades together with the following:
  • All simple and compound time signatures, groupings of notes and rests, including irregular time signatures of 5/4, 7/4, 5/8, 7/8.  The composition of a rhythm on one note to fit given words.
  • Tenor clef (C clef centred on 4th line). Identification of notes in the tenor clef in any keys set for this grade. The transposition at the octave of a simple melody from any clef to another.
  • To complete a melody of eight bars, the opening of which is given and writing for a specific instrument and the composition of a melody to given words. Performance directions relating to tempo, dynamics and articulation will be required.
  • Scales and key signatures of the major scales and minor scales of all keys (harmonic AND melodic), with their root position tonic triads, degrees (number only), and intervals above the tonic (number and type). To write, identify or classify all simple intervals and their inversions.
  • The write or identify root position triads or 1st inversion triads of the tonic, supertonic, subdominant and dominant chords in all major or minor keys. The identification of the 2nd inversion chord, and of the progression Ic – V.
  • To answer questions on the following musical terms and signs: agitato, animato, a piacere, assai, attacca, con, e, forte-piano (fp), forza, fuoco, grazioso, maestoso, marcato, mesto, molto, poi, senza, simile, sforzando (sfz), larghetto, subito, sempre.  To re-write in full the following ornaments appoggiatura, acciaccatura, upper mordent, lower mordent, trill, turn and inverted turn. Questions will be included on the types of voices and names of instruments, the clefs they use, instrument family groups and the basic way by which they produce sound.

    Grade 6
    All the requirements for all previous Theory of Music grades together with the following:
  • To answer questions on time, keys, all kinds of intervals, clefs (treble, alto, tenor and bass), transposition, ornaments and abbreviations. To answer questions on the following musical terms and signs: dolente, doloroso, giusto, grave, incalzando, non tanto, non troppo, perdendosi, pesante, risoluto, scherzando, scherzoso, spirito, tempo primo, un poco.
  • To complete a melody for a specified instrument of eight bars, the opening of which is given AND the composition of a melody to given words. Performance directions relating to tempo, dynamics and articulation will be required. Modulation to related keys will be required.
  • To write or identify triads and their inversions built on all degrees of major or minor scales, in close position.  To write root position primary triads with one note on the bass stave and three notes on the treble stave, placing the root, third or fifth of the triad at the top as required; and in progressions forming Perfect, Imperfect and Plagal cadences.  To write or identify chords in root position or any inversion written in close position, these will include major, minor, diminished, augmented and Dominant Seventh chords.
  • To indicate or define any of the following elements of musical form: sentence, phrase, section, figure or motive, anacrusis, binary, ternary and simple rondo forms. Questions on short extracts of music designed to test the candidate’s knowledge of the elements and notation of music, including the realization of ornaments, the identification and notation of underlying harmonic structure, phrase structure, style and on the voices for which the works were written.

    Grade 7
    All the requirements for all previous Theory of Music grades together with the following:
    • To identify the following unessential notes in a given passage: passing notes (accented and unaccented), auxiliary notes (upper and lower), appoggiaturas, suspensions and anticipations.
    • To identify chords or discords with their inversions, the naming of modulations where necessary and the naming of cadences.
    • To complete a melody of eight bars, the opening of which is given, the composition of a melody to the given words. Modulation to related keys will be required. Performance directions relating to tempo, dynamics and articulation will be required.
    • Harmonizing a given melody and/or bass for SATB in short score, making use of secondary sevenths, dominant, dominant ninth, dominant eleventh and dominant thirteenth.
    • Harmonizing a given melody and/or a bass in two parts for keyboard or two orchestral instruments. One part will be given.
    • To indicate or define any of the following elements of musical form: sentence, phrase, section, figure or motive, anacrusis, binary, ternary and simple rondo. Also questions will be asked on the music written after 1600 and its composers and on the instruments of the orchestra in detail including their written compass.

    Grade 8
      All the requirements for all previous Theory of Music grades together with the following:
  • Transcribing a short passage in short score for instrumental ensemble, which may include transposing instruments. Also to know in detail the instruments of the orchestra, including the layout of the normal orchestral score.
  • To continue a melody to a length of 16 bars, the opening of which is given and including two modulations.
  • Harmonizing a given melody and/or bass for S.A.T.B. in short score, making use of simple chromatic harmony including the Neapolitan 6th, the tonic and supertonic chromatic 7ths, the tonic and supertonic chromatic 9ths, the Diminished 7th, the German 6th, French 6th and Italian 6th.
  • Two-part counterpoint for keyboard or two orchestral instruments involving some use of imitation. One part will be given.
  • To write in detail short notes on the Form of Music.