Hosted By 主办单位:   Supported By 协办及支持单位:
Committee of The Zhongsin International Music Competition
Asia Arts Alliance;
Taleon Artists Agency
< 新加坡华源会

Resorts World Sentosa
Hua Yuan Association
The Star Performing Arts Centre
St. Petersburg State Conservatory Of Music, Russia
Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media
Malta International Music Festival
Gade Music Research Institute

活动报告 Report

色彩程序 2020 Program Booklet

比赛简介 Competition Introduction

首届新加坡中新国际音乐比赛于2007年在 新加坡举行。该比赛旨在成为最专业,包容性最强的国际音乐比赛之一。 自这项比 赛成立至今,它已得到了新加坡国家艺术委员会和新加坡华人音乐协会的大力支持.

The first Zhongsin International Music Competition was held in Singapore in 2007. The Competition aims to be one of the most professional, all-encompassing international music competitions. Upon its founding, this competition received tremendous support from the National Arts Council of Singapore and the Singapore Chinese Music Association.

比赛包括预选赛和决赛,预选赛包括50000多名参赛者,同时每年会有1000名决赛选手参加比赛。 比赛中的竞争选手来自美国,瑞典,加拿大,日本,新加坡,韩国,中国,马来西亚,印度,印度尼西亚和俄罗斯等在内的多个国家; 他们将在钢琴,声乐,弦乐,吉他,管乐,电子琴,手风琴,打击乐器和民间乐器等各种类别中一较高下。

Competitions include preliminary and finals, the preliminary qualifiers have over 50,000 entrants, and 1,000 finalist attend the competition every year. Competitors have come from countries such as the United States, Sweden, Canada, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, China, Malaysia, India, Indonesia, and Russia; they compete in categories of piano, voice, strings, guitar, winds, electronic organ, accordion, percussion, and folk instruments.


The preliminary auditions are held in Singapore, China, Japan, Malaysia and other major Asian countries.

来自中国大陆的参赛者分别来自中央音乐学院,中国音乐学院,上海音乐学院,天津音乐学院,四川音乐学院,西安音乐学院,武汉音乐学院,星海音乐学院, 厦门大学艺术学院,吉林艺术学院,云南艺术学院,深圳艺术学院等高校。

Competitors from mainland China includes entries from the Central Conservatory of Music, China Conservatory of Music, Shanghai Conservatory of Music, Tianjin Conservatory of Music, Sichuan Conservatory of Music, Xi'an Conservatory of Music, Wuhan Conservatory of Music, Xinghai Conservatory of Music, Art Institute of Xiamen University, Jilin College of the Arts, Yunnan College of the Arts, Shenzhen Arts School, and others.
夏罡(新加坡中新国际音乐比赛委员会创始人兼秘书长)– 四川音乐学院副教授,中国音乐家协会中国手风琴协会高级成员。 Xia Gang (Founder and Secretary-General of Committee of the Zhongsin International Competition) – Associate Professor at the Sichuan Conservatory of Music, Senior Member of the China Accordion Association (CAA) of Chinese Musicians Association.

16日星期四 – 注册 Thursday 16th – Registration

欢迎来到新加坡 Welcome to Singapore!

超过800名国际参赛者到达并报名参加独奏与合奏类比赛。 比赛现场有一支强大的组织团队来确保比赛各项事宜顺利进行。 With over over 800 international contestants arriving and registering in the solo and ensemble categories. There is a large organisation team to ensure everything is running smoothly.
每位参赛者会收到一份欢迎礼包,一张参赛人员卡,一次比赛抽签机会和一张周六举行的联欢晚会门票。 Each competitor receives a welcome pack, contestants card, competition draw and playing time and tickets to the Gala Concert held on Saturday.

李思思女士 - 新加坡中新国际音乐比赛执行委员会主任,正在为参赛者们准备欢迎礼包。 Mrs Li Sisi - Director of the Executive Committee of the Zhongsin International Competition preparing welcome packs for the contestants.


组委会和评委团简介 Committee Meeting and Jury Briefing

比赛组委会与评委团在比赛前已成立。 每位组委会成员都会进行身份介绍,并就其为音乐节所做的工作发表致辞。 夏罡教授也发表了演讲,介绍了今年比赛的新内容以及他们未来即将举行的活动的相关计划,包括社区音乐厅的建设。 A committee meeting and jury briefing is held before any competitions. Each committee member is introduced and delivers a speech regarding their work towards the festival. A speech is also delivered by Xia Gang introducing the new elements for this year’s competition and plans for their future upcoming events including the development of Community Concert Halls.
评委团与组委会成员 Jury and Organising Committee

选定的国际评委团 Selected International Jury Groups

1月17日星期五 - 比赛 Friday 17th January - Competition

比赛包括四个演奏厅,每个演奏厅可容纳超过200名参赛者,比赛会从清晨一直持续到晚上。 With four rooms running with over 200 contestants in each, the competition lasts from early morning to evening.

Group Number Age Range (years old) Birthdate Range
I 7 or younger After 18 Jan 2012
II 8 & 9 19 Jan 2010 - 18 Jan 2012
III 10 & 11 19 Jan 2008 - 18 Jan 2010
IV 12 & 13 19 Jan 2006 - 18 Jan 2008
V 14 & 15 19 Jan 2004 - 18 Jan 2006
VI 16 & 17 19 Jan 2002 - 18 Jan 2004
VII 18 or older Befort 19 Jan 2002


乐器 Instruments:

钢琴 Piano

中国古典乐器:古筝,阮,琵琶,扬琴,二胡,竹笛 Chinese folk instruments: Guzheng, Ruan, Pipa, Yangqin, Erhu, Bamboo Flute

现代键盘乐器:手风琴,电子管风琴,电子钢琴 Modern keyboard instruments: Accordion, Electronic Organ, Electronic Piano

弦乐器:小提琴,中提琴,大提琴,低音提琴 String instruments: Violin, Viola, Cello, Contrabass

吉他:古典吉他,指弹吉他 Guitar: Classical Guitar, Finger Style Guitar

管乐器:双簧管,长笛,单簧管,大管,萨克斯管,圆号,小号,长号,竖笛 Wind instruments: Oboe, Flute, Clarinet, Bassoon, Saxophone, Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, Recorder

打击乐:爵士鼓; 世界打击乐 Percussion: Jazz drum; World percussion

声乐 Vocal

“独奏”,“二重奏”或“ 合奏”类别,会被分为不同的种类,例如 “自己选择'',“民乐“,”复音的“,“浪漫的”
Ensemble categories which are divided into different genres, i.e. Own Choice, Folk Music, Polyphonic, Romantic.

1月17日,星期五 - 晚宴与畅谈会 Friday 17th January - Banquet Dinner & Discussion
晚宴过后,包括位于榜首的流行作曲家(Eric Ng),作词家 Xiaohan 和音乐评论家苏立华(Sam Su)在内的畅谈会顺利举行。 After the banquet dinner, a discussion was held with chart topping pop Composer Eric Ng, Lyricist Xiaohan and music critic Sam Su.

苏立华(新加坡中新国际音乐比赛艺术策划总监)– 著名音乐评论家,并于2000年开始为世界一流的古典音乐唱片公司 Channel Classics 工作,后来与 Channel Classics 开始合作,为中国顶尖音乐家和中国国家交响乐团制作了一系列的 SACD 专辑 。 Sam Su (Director of Art Planning – Zhongsin Int. Competition) – Renowned Music Critic, who in 2000 began to work for and later with Channel Classics, a world leading quality classical music record label, co-produced a series of SACD release for leading Chinese musicians and China National Symphony Orchestra.

Eric Ng 是一位高居榜首的新加坡华语流行音乐歌曲作者,音乐制作人和音乐编曲人以及会期/巡回吉他手。 他还是 Funkie Monkies Productions 和 The Songwriter Music College 的创始人。Eric Ng is a chart-topping Singaporean Mandarin pop music songwriter, music producer and music arranger, and session/touring guitarist. He is also the founder of Funkie Monkies Productions and The Songwriter Music College.

Xiaohan 是一位屡次获奖的中国流行音乐作词家,在新加坡工作,是 Funkie Monkies Productions 和 Songwriter Music College 的副导演。 Xiaohan is an award winning Chinese Pop Music lyricist based in Singapore and a co-director of Funkie Monkies Productions and the Songwriter Music College.


周六18日 - 音乐会庆典与颁奖典礼 Saturday 18th - Gala Concert & Prizegiving

新加坡中新国际音乐比赛的最后一个夜晚是在拥有5000个座位的新加坡星宇表演艺术中心举行的,包括演讲,评委团成员的表演以及向那些获得了其所在年龄级别第一名的精英候选者颁发奖牌. The final evening of the Zhongsin competition is held at the 5000 seat The Star Performing Arts Centre and consists of presentations, performances from the Jury members and golden medals to the elite candidates who have received the top marks for their age groups.

一些演讲介绍是献给参赛选手及其家人的,另外两场演讲介绍则是面向领导们的。 Presentations were given to the parents and contestants and two presentations were given to officials.

Xu Lin - 上图: Exuberant English school 创始人,四川省青年联合会教育部门副秘书长,CTPH全国青年口译比赛的发起人和组织者

1. Xu Lin - Picture above: Founder of Exuberant English school, Vice Secretary General of the Education Sector of Sichuan Youth Federation, Founder and organiser of the CTPH All-China Young Interpreters Competition

苏立华 (新加坡中新国际音乐比赛艺术策划总监)- 著名音乐评论家,著名音乐评论家,并于2000年开始为世界一流的古典音乐唱片公司 Channel Classics 工作,后来与 Channel Classics 开始合作,为中国顶尖音乐家和中国国家交响乐团制作了一系列的 SACD 专辑.

2. Sam Su (Director of Art Planning - Zhongsin Int. Competition) - Renowned Music Critic, who in 2000 began to work for and later with Channel Classics, a world leading quality classical music record label, co-produced a series of SACD release for leading Chinese musicians and China National Symphony Orchestra.

音乐会由吉他手和流行乐作曲家 Eric Ng 开幕。 同时,来自 The Songwriter Music College 的学生和 Zhou Yan (位于新加坡的中国古典钢琴演奏家,国际评审委员会成员,中国 WPTA 协会秘书长)为他进行了钢琴伴奏。 他们演奏了他的八首热门歌曲。 The concert was opened by Guitarist and Pop Composer Eric Ng. He was accompanied with students from the Songwriter Music College and Zhou Yan (Chinese classical concert pianist based in Singapore, International jury member and General Secretary of WPTA China) on piano. They performed a medley of eight of his chart-topping hits.
Eric 与 Zhou Yan 进行在舞台上进一步探讨了古典音乐与流行 音乐作品之间的差异,以及它们是如何相互碰撞以产生新的音乐作品的。Eric continued with Zhou Yan and had a discussion on stage with the differences between classical and pop music compositions and how they can collide together to produce new music.
获胜者代表在演奏。 Representative contestant winner selected to play.
音乐会仍在进行,国际评委团中选出的音乐会艺术家也参与到了音乐会中。 The Gala Concert continued with concert artists selected from the international jury.
古筝 - 周展 与 盛秧 Guzheng – Zhou Zhan & Sheng Yang
周展 - 著名古 筝演奏家,中华筝会副会长。 他为了完善古筝教学系统,曾先后编著出版了《学筝 一百课》,《筝重奏曲集》和《中华筝教程》等教材。 由他研发的“中华筝”五线谱 教学专用弦 - “五色弦”获得了国家发明专利Zhou Zhan - Renowned Guzheng Performer, President of China Zheng Society. He has published “Learn Guzheng for one hundred courses”, “Guzheng ensemble” and “Chinese Guzheng Course” for a new teaching system. He also researched and developed the professional teaching strings for “Chinese Guzheng”,furthermore the “Five colored strings” is obtained National Patent.

盛秧 - 浙江音乐学院国乐系副教授,中国音协古筝协会理事。 著名艺术家兼教师 。盛秧女士发行过《跟我学古筝》,《西楚霸王》,《浙派古筝名曲》,《西泠话 语》等专辑。 盛秧从事音乐教学已有20多年时间,她的学生们获得过包括中国文化 部颁发的奖项在内的许多重大奖项。Sheng Yang - Vice Professor of Zhejiang Conservatory of Music Chinese Traditional Music Department, and committee member of China Music Association Guzheng Society. Renowned artist and pedagogue, Ms. Sheng Yang has published albums titled "learn Guzheng with me", "the great conqueror of Western Chu", "famous titles of Zhe Guzheng faction", "Xi ling chatters in the Rain", etc. Sheng Yang has been teaching for over 20 years, and her students have won major prizes including awards given by the Ministry of Culture of PRC.
手风琴 - Grayson Masefield, Accordion - Grayson Masefield
Grayson Masefield – 世界级冠军手风琴家,国际赛事评委,新西兰奥克兰大学手 风琴导师。Grayson Masefield - Multi World Champion accordionist, international adjudicator and Accordion Tutor at the University of Auckland, New Zealand.
吉他演奏家 - 徐宝 Guitar Artist - Xu Bao
徐宝 - 徐宝副教授曾先后于1991年和1993年获得全国古典吉他冠军,并在上海音 乐出版社出版了他的个人专辑。 他于2001年在南京艺术学院首创了古典吉他专业。 他目前就任四川音乐学院古典吉他副教授和硕士生导师。Xu Bao - Vice Professor Bao Xu won National Classic Guitar Champion in 1991 and 1993, and published his solo album by Shanghai Audio and Video Publishing House. He created a the classical guitar major 2001 in Nanjing University of the Arts. He currently is the Vice Professor of classic guitar and master tutor in Sichuan Conservatory of Music.
Mezzo-Soprano Esther Choi 表演中,由 Paul Weigold 进行钢琴伴奏Esther Choi accompanied by Paul Weigold
Esther Choi - Mezzo-soprano,生于朝鲜,是一位国际表演艺术家。她最近与乐团 一起在海德堡春节以及波尔图/葡萄牙表演过。 作为“Schola Heidelberg”的成员,她 曾在苏黎世,阿姆斯特丹和巴黎举行的欧洲主要音乐节上演出过。Esther Choi - Mezzo-soprano, born in South Kore, is an International Artist that has recently appeared with orchestra at both the Heidelberg Spring Festival as well as in Porto/Portugal. As a member of the “Schola Heidelberg” she has performed in leading European festivals in Zurich, Amsterdam and Paris.

Paul Weigold 新加坡中新国际音乐比赛艺术委员会副主席)是德国汉诺威音乐 媒体与戏剧学院教授兼声乐/歌剧系系主任。 他还是首尔艺术学院的客座教授,并长 期在柏林艺术大学教授指挥课程。Paul Weigold (Vice President of Art Committee – Zhongsin Int. Competition) Professor and Head of the Voice/Opera department at the Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media. He is also Guest Professor at the Seoul Art College and teaches regular conducting courses at the Universität der Künste Berlin.
小提琴二重奏 - Gleb Dontsov 和 Marianna Terteryan 在演奏,由 Miroslav Kultyshev 伴奏Violin Duo - Gleb Dontsov & Marianna Terteryan accompanied by Miroslav Kultyshev
格列布·顿佐夫(Gleb Dontsov)曾多次获得俄罗斯全国比赛的冠军。 他曾是莫 斯科柴可夫斯基音乐学院交响乐团的首席指挥和独奏小提琴家,也是深圳交响乐团 的首席指挥。 他还是澳门交响乐团的首席和香港城市室内乐团的客席音乐会指挥, 同时也是深圳艺术学校的教授。Gleb Dontsov is laureate of several national competitions in Russia. He was the concertmaster and soloist violinist in the Symphony Orchestra of Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory and the concertmaster of Shenzhen Symphony. He is also a Guest-concertmaster of the Macau Symphony Orchestra and Hong Kong City Chamber and is a Professor of Shenzhen Art School.

玛丽安娜·特尔特扬(Marianna Terteryan),著名俄罗斯小提琴家,曾多次参加 国际演出(包括作为莫斯科国家爱乐乐团的独奏家)并参与过多次乐曲录制(CD, 广播及电视)。 Marianna 曾是与 Victor Tso 合作演奏中国云南民间旋律的小提琴协 奏曲的第一位演奏家,她也曾是一位独奏家,也是深圳交响乐团的成员。 玛丽安娜 (Marianna)与小提琴手格列布·顿佐夫(Gleb Dontsov)一起演出Marianna Terteryan, renowned Russian violinist with multiple international performances (including soloist of the Mosocow State Philarmony) and recordings (CD, Radio & T.V.). Marianna was a first performer of Violin Concerto with Yunnan folk melodies by Victor Tso in China, past soloist and member of the Shenzhen Symphony. Marianna performs as a duo with violinist Gleb Dontsov.
钢琴 - 米罗斯拉夫·库尔蒂谢夫 Piano - Miroslav Kultyshev
米罗斯拉夫·库尔蒂谢夫(Miroslav Kultyshev)(新加坡中新国际音乐比赛评委团 主席)- 国际艺术家,2007 第13届柴可夫斯基国际音乐比赛获奖者及其他多项国际 比赛的冠军。Miroslav Kultyshev (President of Judging Panel – Zhongsin Int. Competition) - International artist, winner of the 2007 XIII International Tchaikovsky Competition and multiple other International Competitions.
巴扬 - 奥列格·夏洛夫 Bayan - Oleg Sharov
奥列格·夏洛夫(Oleg Sharov) (新加坡中新国际音乐比赛组委会主席)- 俄罗斯 功勋艺术家,俄罗斯圣彼得堡音乐学院民乐系主任,同时他也是英格兰皇家音乐学 院,瑞典斯德哥尔摩皇家音乐学院 ,比利时安特卫普音乐学院和中国的四川音乐学 院的客座教授。)Oleg Sharov (President of Committee – Zhongsin Int. Competition) - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Director of Folk Music and Professor at the St. Petersburg Conservatory of Music, Visiting Professor at the Royal Academy of Music in England, Stockholm Royal Academy of Music in Sweden, Antwerp Academy of Music in Belgium, and the Sichuan Conservatory in China.
古筝 - 盛秧 与 获奖学生 Guzheng – Sheng Yang & Prizewinning Students

颁奖典礼 Prizegiving

奖杯与获奖证书 Trophy and Awards
金牌奖选手 Gold Medalists
金牌奖选手与获奖冠军 Gold Medalists and Award winners
国际评委团 International Jury
新加坡中新国际音乐比赛创始人夏罡与两位获奖选手 Founder of the Zhongsin International Music Competition Xia Gang with two medalists
年轻的金牌奖选手 Young Gold Medalist

社区音乐厅项目 Community Concert Hall Project

成都(伽地)社区音乐厅是晋江区双桂路党工委和街道办事处与伽地音乐研究所 合作于2019年启动的中国第一个社区音乐厅。 它位于攀城港区五福桥社区和成都市 新商业文化企业中心。 Chengdu (Gade) Community Concert Hall is the first Community Concert Hall in China started in 2019 by the Party Working Committee and Sub-district Office of Shuanggui Road, Jinjiang District in cooperation with Gade Music Research Institute. It is located in Wufuqiao community District, Panchenggang District, and the new commercial and cultural enterprise center of Chengdu.

成都(伽地)社 区音乐厅的管理获得了世界上第一个“文化艺术活动的建立,实施和管理” ISO9001国 际质量管理体系认证。 The management of Chengdu (Gade) Community Concert hall has the world's first ISO9001 international quality management system certification of "the establishment, implementation and management of cultural and artistic activities".

每年,音乐厅将为成都市民举办多达100场的高质量公共音乐会,公共艺术活动和社区居民活动。 公开表演和活动的主 要成员是具有音乐和艺术学院和大学的高级头衔的专家们,国际比赛的获胜者,国际 知名的艺术家和业内有影响力的音乐家。 Every year, the concert hall will hold up to 100 high-quality public concerts, public art activities and community residents' activities for Chengdu citizens. The main body of public performances and activities are experts with senior titles from music and art colleges and universities International competition winners, internationally renowned artists and influential musicians in the industry.
音乐厅采用 专业的声学设计来建造,配备了一流的表演设施和设备,可以满足各式表演的需求 。 同时,大厅里还建立了一个“现代乐器微型博物馆”,该博物馆由徐宝吉他和现代 手风琴艺术组成,以提高观众的音乐艺术沉浸感。 The concert hall is constructed with professional acoustic design, equipped with supreme quality performing facilities and equipment, which can meet the needs of all kinds of recital and medium-sized performances. At the same time, a "modern instrument micro Museum" is set up in the hall, which is composed of Xu Bao Guitar and Modern Accordion Arts, to enhance audience-enjoyment.

成都(伽地) 社区音乐厅将在优化社区资源,增强社区居民参与能力,改善社区生活环境,努力 建设一流的国际社区音乐艺术生态链等方面发挥积极作用。 有助于建设高质量,和 谐和宜居的社区。 Chengdu (Gade) community Concert Hall will play an active role in optimizing the community resources, enhancing the ability of community residents to participate, improving the community living environment, striving to build a first-class international community music and art ecological chain, and add luster to the construction of a high-quality, harmonious and livable community.

成都社区音乐季 Chengdu Community Music Season

第一个音乐季是从2019年11月到2020年10月。音乐季着重于各种室内音乐 表演,包括艺术家表演,有影响力的比赛获胜者音乐会,由著名音乐学院教授主持的 音乐会,国际知名音乐活动,本地艺术人才以及艺术主题的讲座。 每年的演出将超过 100场。著名手风琴家, Gade Culture的创始人夏罡先生是音乐季的艺术总监。 The first season is from November 2019 to October 2020. The music season focuses on all kinds of indoor music performances, including artist performances, influential competition winner concerts, concerts led by professors from prestigious music conservatories, internationally renowned music events, local talents as well as art themed lectures. The annual performances will exceed 100. Mr. Xia Gang, renowned accordionist and founder of Gade Culture, is Artist Director of the music season.
公众可以通过关注“伽地音乐厅”微信公众号观看现场直播。 伽地希望做好成都市民 的音乐管理服务,同时大力促进艺术教育的转变,为社区培养艺术管理志愿者,努力 将成都(伽地)社区音乐厅建设成中国首个真正意义上的社区音乐厅。 Members of the public can watch live broadcastings by following the "Gade Concert Hall" Wechat account. Gade hopes to do a good job of music stewardship service for Chengdu citizens, at the same time, to promote the change of art education, train art management volunteers for the community, and strive to build Chengdu (Gade) community concert hall into the first real Community-based concert hall in China as it is intended.

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