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Weekly News from Around the World - 31-Jan-2014
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Особенности Highlights

15 международный аккордеонный фестиваль 2014, Вена – Австрия
CD ‘Summer Sunshine’ – Джоан Соммерс (Joan Sommers) и Стас Венглевски (Stas Venglevski) – США
Условия поступления в академию Académie Supérieure de Musique, Страсбург – Франция
Грэмми 2014, аккордеон в составе двух ансамблей победителей – США
Международный фестиваль ‘Encuentro Internacional de Acordeones’, Сальто – Уругвай

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Gorka Hermosa’s new CD ‘Heterodoxia’, Santander - Spain
Video: Patagonia Tori Trio - Slovenia
‘Accordions at the Castle’ Festival, Blackpool – UK
Video: Concerto da Camera, Ouyang Fang (Accordion) Concert in Hong Kong - China
Angelo DiPippo Master Class @ NHAA, New Hampshire – USA
Video: Alicia Baker Demonstrating at the Winter NAMM Show 2014 - USA
‘14 Years Ago’: Accordionists Greet the Chinese New Year in January 2000

Будущие события

Milos Milivojevic February Concerts, England, Scotland – UK
Klaus Paier & Asja Valcic‏ Concerts – Austria, Germany
Cajun Squeezebox Shootout Accordion Championship
Victor Prieto Trio Concert, New York – USA
Robert Black @ Arbroath Box & Fiddle Club, Scotland – UK
International Jazz Accordion Course, Calabria - Italy
West Coast Tango gig, Cape Town - South Africa
NAO Area Accordion Festivals, Hertfordshire, Manchester – UK
Mika Väyrynen Performs with Symphony Orchestras - Finland
Winter Accordion Weekend, Eastbourne – UK
Winter Accordionists’ Weekend, Kněžice u Jihlavy - Czech Republic

Новые и обновленные сайты

Gary Dahl Releases New Arrangement - USA
Updated Accordion Examination Board of New Zealand (AEBNZ) website

CD Отзывы

Johann Sebastian Bach - Volume 2 - The French Suites 4 – 6 Prelude and Fugue in A minor Air

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Особенности Highlights

15 международный аккордеонный фестиваль 2014, Вена – Австрия

15th International Accordion Festival, ViennaЕжегодный Международный аккордеонный фестиваль пройдет на площадках Вены с 22 февраля по 23 марта. В центре внимания в этом году страны-соседи Австрии.

Скачать программу из 37 страниц можно на: 2014Vienna

Фестиваль откроет двойной концерт:
22 февраля в атмосферном купольном зале Венского Технологического Университета выступит австрийско-хорватский дуэт Клаус Пайер (Klaus Paier – фото слева) и Ася Вальчич (Asja Valcic) совместно с фольклорными музыкантами из Австрии, Италии и России.

На следующий день, 23 февраля, состоится второй концерт открытие «Гала 2» с участием местного ансамбля Grossmütterchen Hatz.

Программа представит внушительный список многих других исполнителей и групп., которые примут участие в фестивале Помимо аккордеонной музыки каждое воскресенье будут проходит утренние трансляции немых фильмов с музыкальным сопровождением в здании венского ‘Filmcasino’.

Дополнительная информация по e-mail: friedl@akkordeonfestival.at


CD ‘Summer Sunshine’ – Джоан Соммерс (Joan Sommers) и Стас Венглевски (Stas Venglevski) – США

Summer Sunshine CD cover
Joan Cochran Sommer and Stas VenglevskiВ честь 80-летия Джоан Кохран Соммерс известный баянист Стас Венглевски выпустил новый компакт-диск оригинальных сочинений для дуэта аккордеонов 'Summer Sunshine', записанный совместно с Джоан.

Диск состоит из 14 треков. В записи некоторых приняли участие Майкл Бритц (Michael Britz – бас) и Энди Ло Дуко (Andy Lo Duco – барабаны).

Джоан Соммерс была удостоена звания почетного профессора почетным после ухода из Консерватории Канзас-Сити Университета Миссури (США), где она разработала программу преподавания на аккордеоне и преподавала в течение 40 лет.
В период своей аккордеонной деятельности Джоан Соммерс занимала различные должности в нескольких музыкальных организациях, в том числе в Международной гильдии аккордеонистов и преподавателей (ATG) и Международной Конфедерации Аккордеонистов (CIA - IMC- ЮНЕСКО).

Профессор Соммерс продолжает работать в жюри, преподавать, писать инструментовки для оркестра аккордеонистов, а также регулярно работает с аккордеонными оркестрами и является вице-президентом CIA. В CIA она основала захватывающий мира Всемирный оркестр аккордеонистов, который в рамках проведения «Кубка мира» дал выступления по всему миру от Шотландии до Китая и Новой Зеландии и в этом году в начале ноября представит свою восьмую программу в Зальцбурге, Австрия.

Артистизм, прекрасные технические данные и музыкальность принесли Станиславу – Стасу – Венглевски, уроженцу Республики Молдова, признание как виртуозу баяна. Двукратный победитель баянного конкурса в Республике Молдова, Стас является выпускником Российской Академии Музыки в Москве, где он занимался под руководством Фридриха Липса. В 1992 году он эмигрировал в США .

Репертуар Стаса включает его оригинальные композиции, широкий спектр классической , современной и этнической музыки. Он много гастролирует как солист на всей территории бывшего Советского Союза, Канады, Европы и США, в том числе совместно с Доком Северинсеном, Стивом Алленом и Гаррисоном Кейлором в шоу ‘Prairie Home Companion Show’. Он исполнил мировую премьеру «Концерта № 2» Энтони Галла-Рини , а также сочинения ‘Bayan and Beyond’, написанного Дэном Ловицем (Dan Lawitts) специально для Стаса. Он является постоянным участником симфонического оркестра Милуоки в программе Community Education Program (ACE); выступал с Чикагским симфоническим оркестром и симфоническим оркестром Такомы; снялся в телевизионных рекламных роликах, принимал участие в театральных постановках, а также сделал многочисленные записи.

Вместе эти два разнохарактерных музыканта объединили свою страсть и знания в области аккордеона, чтобы исполнить свежие, артистичные сочинения Стаса, охватывающие разнообразные стили и настроения от юмора до меланхолии.

Дополнительная информация на сайте http://www.stasv.com/


Условия поступления в академию Académie Supérieure de Musique, Страсбург – Франция

Pascal ContetАккордеонист и педагог Паскаль Контен (Pascal Contet) пишет о вступительных требованиях на курсы Академии Académie Supérieure de Musique в Страсбурге, Франция.

Срок окончания подачи заявлений 14 февраля 2014 года. Вступительные экзамены для учебного года 2014/2015 будет проходить с 1 по 17 апреля. Сроки обучения – степень бакалавра 3 года, магистра 2 года.

Сайт с требованиями и регистрацией

Программа Erasmus – Международные обмены: заявки принимаются до 1 июня:
http://www.conservatoire.strasbourg.eu/academ ie-superieure-musique/echanges-internationaux /

Специализация: 1 или 2 года после получения степени магистр – заявления и вступительные экзамены в середине сентября.

Дополнительная информация по e-mail: pascalcontet@wanadoo.fr


Грэмми 2014, аккордеон в составе двух ансамблей победителей – США

La Santa Cecilia Performance
Interview of La Santa Cecilia Group after Awards Presentation
Clifton ChenierГруппа ‘La Santa Cecilia’, базирующаяся в Лос-Анджелесе, появившаяся в последние пару лет, выиграла в номинации «лучший лэтин рок/урбан/альтернатив альбом» за свой дебютный альбом «Treinta Dias». Если вы еще не слышали их уникальное звучание, в котором слились рок, джаз и латинские ритмы, а также невероятный голос Марисоль Эрнандес, поищите их выступление NPR Tiny Desk Concert.

Группа 'Louisiana’s Terrance Simien & The Zydeco Experience’ победила в номинации ‘Best Regional Roots Music Album’ за свои “Dockside Sessions”. Мало того, что Симиен фантастический музыкант, он также был ключевой фигурой в создании номинации "Best Cajun/Zydeco Album» в 2008 году (которую он позже выиграл).

Легенда стиля Зидеко Клифтон Шенье также был посмертно удостоен премии Грэмми “Lifetime Achievement” («За заслуги»). Если вы смотрели это шоу, томогли заметить, что в свое время The Beatles получил тот же награду. Довольно хорошая компания для короля Зидеко, а?


Международный фестиваль ‘Encuentro Internacional de Acordeones’, Сальто – Уругвай

Encuentro Internacional de Acordeones logo
5 международный фестиваль “Encuentro Internacional de Acordeones”, организованный Сильвио Превиале, пройдет 19 июля 2014 года в Театре Teatro Larrañaga, Сальто, Уругвай. Этот международный фестиваль, посвященный памяти аккордеониста Сильвио Б. Преваиле, отца организатора, представит публике аккордеонистов разнообразных стилей из Аргентины, Бразилии, Колумбии, Чили и Уругвая.

В рамках мероприятия пройдет уличный парад с последующим вечерним концертом, который начнется в 8 вечера с участием около 50 аккордеонистов. В концерте примут участие Eris Bridges и Lácides Romero из Колумбии, Ignacio Hernandez из Чили, Mario Braun, Raul Varelli, Walter Gialdi, Adelqui Bertotto, Anibal Gomez, Facundo Torresan и Mariela Campodónico из Аргентины и многие другие.

Дополнительная информация по e-mail: academiaspreviale@hotmail.com


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Gorka Hermosa’s new CD ‘Heterodoxia’, Santander - Spain

Gorka Hermosa’s new CD ‘Heterodoxia’Spanish accordionist, composer and historian, Gorka Hermosa has celebrated the 25th anniversary of his first concert with the release of a new CD ‘Heterodoxia’, a collection of hitherto unpublished recordings.

In this album, there is a variety of recordings that perfectly reflect the unorthodox musical personality of this musician, ranging from contemporary music, to jazz and roots music (tango, Iberian folklore, flamenco ...).

Gorka Hermosa, Professor of Accordion at the Conservatorio de Santander, Spain, is the author of ‘The Accordion in the 19th Century’ (published in 2013), an academic and detailed study of the evolution of the accordion and its free reed relatives and composer of accordion works that have been performed in many countries of the world.

For further information email: gorka@gorkahermosa.com


Video: Patagonia Tori Trio - Slovenia

Published on 17th January, 2014. RTV SLO, Aritmija Concert 2013, Music by Eduardo Contizanetti.

Performers are: Jure Tori (accordion), Eduardo Contizanetti (guitar), Ewald Oberleitner (double bass).


‘Accordions at the Castle’ Festival, Blackpool – UK

Giancarlo Caporilli (Italy), David Vernon (Scotland)Denise Leigh (operatic soprano) & Stefan Andrusyschyn (accordion), Harry HusseyThe annual ‘Accordions at the Castle’ festival takes place from May 11th to 16th at the Norbreck Castle Hotel, Blackpool, Lancashire. The festival includes concerts, meet the guest sessions, orchestral workshops, Scottish dancing, and a trade show.

The guests booked to date include Giancarlo Caporilli (Italy), David Vernon (Scotland), Denise Leigh (operatic soprano) & Stefan Andrusyschyn (accordion), Harry Hussey, Rosemary Wright, and Bert Santilly.

Caroline Hunt will display some of her large collection of antique accordions.

There is also an organ/keyboard festival taking place in the hotel, May 11th/16th, complete with its own huge trade show.

The festival organiser is Heather Smith, and to book, telephone 01780 782 093 between 10am and 4pm on weekdays (Sceptre Productions).

For further information email: heather@accordions.karoo.co.uk


Video: Concerto da Camera, Ouyang Fang (Accordion) Concert in Hong Kong - China

Concerto da Camera Ouyang Fang's Accordion & Chamber Music Concert, supported by Hong Kong Arts Development Council, was held on the 17th of November 2013 in the Hong Kong City Hall. Video publisher 24th January, 2014.

Concerto da Camera Performers: Ouyang Fang (accordion) is a graduate of the Hochschule für Musik und Theatre. Karen Yeung (bassoon), Wilson Chu and Louie Lai Lai (violins) and Jamie Jim Wai Man (cello). www.concertodacamera.org


Angelo DiPippo Master Class @ NHAA, New Hampshire – USA

Angelo DiPippoMother Nature couldn't stop Angelo DiPippo or his diehard admirers from braving a heavy snowstorm to attend New Hampshire Accordion Association's Afternoon with Angelo DiPippo on January 18th 2014 at Accordion Connection LLC, Gilmanton, NH.

As white flakes coated the trees, DiPippo, who has collaborated with countless illustrious names in the music industry, presented a master class with accordionists Richard Messina and Doreen Kimball, offered anecdotes, and took questions about his long, storied career as a performer, arranger, composer, conductor, and producer.

The first annual NHAA Membership Kickoff Dinner followed at a cozy bistro in Manchester with Angelo DiPippo as guest of honor.

NHAA meets at Accordion Connection, LLC, 136 Route 106, Gilmanton, NH 03237.

For further information email: regisdonna@yahoo.com


Video: Alicia Baker Demonstrating at the Winter NAMM Show 2014 - USA

Alicia Baker demonstrating the Roland FR-8X Digital V-Accordion at NAMM Music Show 2014, Los Angeles. Published on 25th January, 2014.


‘14 Years Ago’: Accordionists Greet the Chinese New Year in January 2000

Li CongThe Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending February 4th 2000 included a report of accordionists celebrating the New Year in China – a happy occasion indeed!

Accordionists Greet the Chinese New Year – China
Contributed by Li Cong

A "Greet the Chinese New Year with the Accordion" party was held at the Li Cong Accordion School, Shanghai on January 30th. Over 600 students and families attended the event, which included a 250 person accordion orchestra performance and a variety of accordion games for the children such as ‘Big Challenge’ and ‘Playing Freely’. One of the most influential Shanghai newspapers ‘New People Evening’ (Xinming Evening) included a report on the event. This Chinese New Year (February 5th) is the Golden Dragon Year, which only comes once every 60 years. Chinese people believe it is a very lucky year.


Будущие события

Milos Milivojevic February Concerts, England, Scotland – UK

Milos MilivojevicLondon-based accordionist Milos Milivojevic performs this month, as follows:

February 1st, 7.30pm - Tangley Parish Village Hall, Wildhern, near Andover, SP11 0JE
Dinner served as part of the evening’s entertainment
February 6th - Workshop and performance with eclectic ensemble of vocalists and instrumentalists, Ensemble Zar, to experiment with musical and theatrical techniques led by composer Bushra El-Turk, University of Birmingham
February 14th, 4pm – solo concert, "Bach to Baby Concert Series", Clapham, London
February 20th, 7.30pm - Kosmos Ensemble, Charity Concert in aid of The Beatson Pebble Appeal (in memory of Keir Smart 1953-2013), St Andrew’s in the Square, Calton, Glasgow G1 5PP; tickets £10 available from daisy@classicalmusiciansscotland.com
February 21st, 1.10pm - Kosmos Ensemble, Reid Concert Hall, Edinburgh University, Bristo Square EH1 1EY, Scotland. Free entry
February 21st, 7.30pm - Kosmos Ensemble, Falkirk Town Hall, West Bridge Street, Falkirk, FK1 5RS, Scotland
"Bach to Baby Concert Series" - Solo Concerts
February 26th, 10.30am - Borough
February 27th, 10.30am - Camden, London
February 28th, 10.30am – Greenwich
For all information, tickets and directions please visit: www.bachtobaby.com

Serbian born accordionist Milos Milivojevic is a first prizewinner at International Competitions in Germany, France, Italy and Denmark. In July 2007 he became the first accordionist ever to win the RAM Club Prize at the Royal Academy of Music, where he had studied with Professor Owen Murray. Milos has performed at such prestigious venues as the Wigmore Hall, St Martin in the Fields, National Portrait Gallery, Keble College Oxford, and has performed at the Foundation Day awards ceremony in front of HRH The Princess Royal. Appearances at festivals include Cheltenham International Festival of Music Aldeburgh Festival, Oxford Chamber Music Festival, Deal and Chichester, Swaledale, and many more.

For further information email: milosmusic@hotmail.com


Klaus Paier & Asja Valcic‏ Concerts – Austria, Germany

Klaus Paier & Asja Valcic‏Video above: Klaus Paier & Asja Valcic - Singing Bird, Histoire d´amour recorded at the Festival Kunstflecken 2011.

Accordionist and bandoneonist Klaus Paier and cellist Asja Valcic perform as follows:

February 1st, 8pm – Kulturzentrum, Rossstall, Austria
February 12th, 8pm - Ilipse, Illingen, Germany
February 14th, 8pm – Kulturforum, Lörrach, Germany
February 16th, 5pm - Hemingway Lounge, Karlsruhe, Germany  
February 17th, 8pm – jazz accordion workshop/concert, Dreikönigskirche, Dresden, Germany
February 20th, 7.30pm - Rathaus Festsaal, St. Paul/Lav., Austria    
February 21st, 8pm – Raj, Klagenfurt, Austria
February 22nd, 8pm – International Accordion Festival, University of Technology, Vienna

Video: Klaus Paier & Asja Valcic - Singing Bird, Histoire d´amour recorded at the Festival Kunstflecken 2011.

Klaus Paier (born 1966) graduated from Klagenfurt Conservatory, specializing in accordion, jazz and composition. He has performed in most European countries as well as Egypt, Israel, Canada, Algeria, Vietnam, and the USA. In 2011 in Moscow, Russia, Klaus Paier became the first Austrian accordionist to receive the Silver Disc prize - a special award for accordionists and their achievements.

For further information email: klaus.paier@aon.at
8 CDs availabe online at: Klaus Paier


Cajun Squeezebox Shootout Accordion Championship

Cajun Squeezebox Shootout Accordion Championship logo
The Shootout is a family event designed to expand and promote Cajun music and culture. The contest is open to diatonic nine-and-ten-button Cajun accordion players of all ages. The competition features FOUR divisions - Youth, Junior and Adult Divisions while the newest division - Professionals - includes players of all ages.

The prizes include recognition as the 2012 Cajun Accordion Champion, as well as trophies and a $500 Grand Prize in the youth, junior and adult divisions. $100 second prizes and $50 third prizes will also be awarded. The professional division will have only one winner and that contestant will take home $600 in cash and a 17” tall trophy.

The deadline to register to compete is Tuesday, February 14 at 3 p.m.
To register for competition or learn more about the Shootout go to the website: www.jeffdavis.org or call (337) 821-5532 or email polly@cityofjennings.com.


Victor Prieto Trio Concert, New York – USA

Victor PrietoThe Victor Prieto Trio performs twice at the City Winery brunch concert series, 155 Varick St, New York, NY 10013, on Saturday February 2nd, doing sets at 11am and 1pm. With Victor will be Edward Perez – bass and Jordan Perlson - drums.

For further information email: victorprieto2001@yahoo.com


Robert Black @ Arbroath Box & Fiddle Club, Scotland – UK

Robert BlackOn Sunday February 2nd, 8pm, accordionist Robert Black is the guest at the Arbroath Box & Fiddle Club, Arbroath Golf Club, Elliot, Angus DD11 2PE.

Robert Black comes from an accordion playing family, and has been an All Scotland Champion no less than five times. His accompanying skills have been employed by most of Scotland's leading artistes including Andy Stewart, Kenneth McKellar, Bill McCue, Moira Anderson and Valerie Dunbar. He has worked in several London musical productions such as ‘Irma Le Deuce’ and ‘Fiddler on the Roof’, and is also a jazz accordionist.


International Jazz Accordion Course, Calabria - Italy

International Jazz Accordion Course poster
Antonio Spaccarotella leads an International Jazz Accordion Course on February 8th at the Conservatorio di Musica Tchaikovsky, 88047 Nocera Tirinese, Calabria, Italy.


West Coast Tango gig, Cape Town - South Africa

West Coast Tango posterStanislav AngelovThe duo West Coast Tango - accordionist Stanislav Angelov and pianist Albert Combrink - perform everything from Piazzolla to Beethoven at The Darling Experience, Cape Town, on February 9th, 11.30am.

For further information email: music@goodmusic.co.za


NAO Area Accordion Festivals, Hertfordshire, Manchester – UK

NAO logoNAO logoOn Sunday February 9th, 10am until 5pm the NAO Thames Area Accordion Festival takes place in Hatfield Heath Village Hall, Bishops Stortford, Herts CM22 7EA. The festival organiser is local accordion teacher Stella Hughes.

This year’s NAO North West Area Accordion Festival takes place on Sunday February 23rd at St Matthew's Church Hall, Chapel Lane, Stretford M32 9AJ (close to the M60). Entries close on February 10th and the organiser is Marika Pronysyzn, tel (0161) 881 6763.

The area festivals are qualifying stages of the NAO UK Championships, will take place from April 25th to 27th at the Adelphi Hotel in Liverpool.

For further information email: ray.anna@btopenworld.com


Mika Väyrynen Performs with Symphony Orchestras - Finland

Mika VäyrynenFinnish accordionist Mika Väyrynen will perform a series of concerts in February and March with symphony orchestras.
His first appearance will be at the Kotka Concerthouse at 7pm on February 12th performing renowned composer Erkki-Sven Tüür's ‘Prophecy’ - Concerto for accordion and Symphony Orchestra with the Kymi Sinfonietta under the direction of Alexander Mickelthwate. They will perform the work again on February 13th at the Kouvola City Hall at 7pm.  On February 27th, at 7pm, Mika will perform Aulis Sallinen's Chamber Music V – ‘Barabbas Variations’ - with the Pori Sinfonietta under the direction of Juha Kangas at the Promenadehall.
To conclude the series, on March 12th he will once again perform Erkki-Sven Tüür's ‘Prophecy’ - Concerto for accordion and symphony orchestra at the Jyväskylä Teatherhouse at 7pm with the Jyväskylä Sinfonia under the direction of Olari Elts.
For more information on Mika Väyrynen and his extensive series of recordings and premieres, please visit www.accordions.com/mika
CD's available online at: Finnish Accordeon Institute


Winter Accordion Weekend, Eastbourne – UK

John RomeroThe festival ‘Winter Accordion Weekend’ takes place, February 14th to 17th, at The Cumberland Hotel, Eastbourne. The organizer is accordionist/organist John Romero, and the artistes guest list includes Ian Watson, Julie North, Gary Blair, Lisa Lee Leslie, Harry Hussey, Alan Young, and Roman Voloshchuk.

The trade show includes The Accordion Shop, Birmingham Accordion Centre, Trevani Music & Gifts, Harry Kipling's "Accordion Treasures", Jackie’s Threads, and Carillon Studios.

For further information email: jr@carillonstudios.co.uk


Winter Accordionists’ Weekend, Kněžice u Jihlavy - Czech Republic

Accordionist at WinterA Winter Accordionists’ Weekend takes place from February 21st to 23rd at eco-centre Chaloupky, Knežice u Jihlavy, Czech Republic.

This will be a weekend workshop with an easy atmosphere, where players have the opportunity to meet other accordionists, play together and talk. There will be thematic workshops, an exchange of scores and recordings, practising together, individual consultations or playing and singing in the evenings. The teachers are Tomáš Görtler, Jindra Kelíšek, and Stanislav Samuel Raška.

For further information email: jindra.kelisek@gmail.com


Новые и обновленные сайты

Gary Dahl Releases New Arrangement - USA

Gary Dahl - Author, composer, arranger, recording artist and music educator announces the following updated music title for purchase on-line.

'Crimson Time', catalog: DH0245

Sample for this music is now available at the Music For Accordion web site. The music is in eSheet format e-mailed directly to your computer. Easy purchase with credit card.


Updated Accordion Examination Board of New Zealand (AEBNZ) website

Accordion Examination Board of New Zealand (AEBNZ) logoAccordion Examination Board of New Zealand (AEBNZ) logoThe Accordion Examination Board of New Zealand (AEBNZ) website has been updated with 2014 examination prices, entry forms and also a newsletter for teachers.


CD Отзывы

Johann Sebastian Bach - Volume 2 - The French Suites 4 – 6 Prelude and Fugue in A minor Air

Johann Sebastian Bach - Volume 2 - The French Suites 4 – 6 Prelude and Fugue in A minor Air CD coverCD Reviews Index for the Review of Johann Sebastian Bach - Volume 2 - The French Suites 4 – 6 Prelude and Fugue in A minor Air CD by Mika Väyrynen, Accordion, in English language, reviewed by Joan C. Sommers.


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