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Weekly News from Around the World - 31-Aug-2018
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„Breaking“: John McCain Beerdigung mit Renee Fleming Singing Danny Boy - USA
19. Jährliche Internationale Akkordeon Konvention in Las Vegas - USA
Marco Lo Russo auf RAI 1 TV - Italien
Weird Al Yankovic auf Hollywood-Walk of Fame, Los Angeles - USA
Jane Christison - Janie Next Door® - Kindermusikerin - USA
Video: Neues Arrangement, The Jackson Medley von Renzo Ruggieri - Italien

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

"Tracce di Ottocento" - Castelfidardo / Italy
Video: 2018 Little Big Shots Interview, Texas - USA
Der 14jährige Mathias Rugsveen gewinnt einen wichtigen Musikwettbewerb
Video: Tian Jianan, 2018 China Harbin Summer International Accordion Art Week - China
Ryan Corbett’s Success @ Harbin Summer International Accordion Art Week - China
Video: Liu Yanting, 2018 China Harbin Summer International Accordion Art Week - China
Working Accordion Heads Nintendo Labo Creation Contest Winners - Japan
Video: Young Trio Winners, 2018 Harbin China Summer International Accordion Art Week

Future events

Deep Squeeze Accordion Festival, Washington – USA
Larry McEvoy @ Matchmaking Event, Lisdoonvarna – Irish Republic
10th Festival D’Accordeon, Cirey-sur-Blaise - France
2nd meeting of accordions/accordionists in Alta Val Tanaro - Italy
Clydesdale Accordion & Fiddle Club’s 2018/19 Programme, Scotland – UK
Accordion Summer Courses, Stradella (PV) – Italy
‘Gran Peña Folklorica’ Concert, Buenos Aires – Argentina
Erstes Kolner Akkordeon Orchester 1935 Concert, Cologne – Germany
Alan Kelly Gang and Eddi Reader September Tour Dates – Ireland
Alexian Group Concert, Naples – Italy
Seacroft 2018 Accordion Festival, Norfolk – UK

New and Updated Sites

New Stas Venglevski Compositions - USA

CD Reviews

Now in German and English, Book Review: The Art of Arranging Classical Music for Accordion by Friedrich Lips

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„Breaking“: John McCain Beerdigung mit Renee Fleming Singing Danny Boy - USA

Guy KlucevsekVideo: Die John McCain Beerdigungsmusik war mit der bekannten amerikanischen Sopranistin Renee Fleming, die Danny Boy sang und begleitet wurde sie von einem Quintett und Guy Klucevsek am Akkordeon. Video von Global News wurde von ca 50-70 Millionen Personen im TV verfolgt5.

Guy Klucevsek trat mit dem Diderot String Quartet auf, Mitglieder waren Adriane Post, Paul Dwyer, Kyle Miller und Johanna Novom.


19. Jährliche Internationale Akkordeon Konvention in Las Vegas - USA

2018 Las Vegas International Accordion Convention
Grayson Masefield, Cory Pesaturo, Stas VenglevskiJoan Sommers, Mary TokarskiDie 19. jährliche Internationale Akkordeonkonvention von Las Vegas (LVAC) findet vom 15. bis 18. Oktober 2018 im Gold Coast Hotel statt. In diesem Jahr wird die Rückkehr zum Herbst mit dem Thema "Oktoberfest Fun" inklusive deutscher Küche, gefeiert!

Auf vielfachen Wunsch kehren Grayson Masefield (Zürich, Schweiz) und Cory Pesaturo (North Providence, Rhode Island) - beide Weltmeister - zurück. Am Donnerstagabend gibt es die 11. Ausgabe des Internationalen Akkordeonorchesters von Las Vegas unter der Leitung der geschätzten Joan Cochran Sommers.

Die Anmeldegebühr für die Veranstaltung umfasst 7 wundervolle Bankettessen in Las Vegas mit Konzerten sowie über 40 Workshops und Meisterkurse, die von diesen Experten abgehalten werden. Sehen Sie sich die Sonderpreise an, die bis zum 15. September gültig sind: 2018LV.pdf

Weiters gibt es fast unglaubliche Zimmerpreise bis zum 15. September von nur $ 39 / $ 47 - alle Details unter: 2018LV.pdf

Sie können sich online unter www.AccordionStars.com registrieren oder Paul Pasquali, Veranstalter, telefonisch unter 1-800-472-1695 oder (801) 485-5840, E-Mail: paul@accordioninfo.com kontaktieren.
Las Vegas artists and clinicians


Marco Lo Russo auf RAI 1 TV - Italien

Marco Lo RussoVideo oben: Videointerview aus dem mittelalterlichen Dorf Sermoneta, Italien.

Am Samstag, den 1. September um 16.25 Uhr (italienischer Zeit) auf der RAI 1 wird der Akkordeonist Marco Lo Russo auftreten und zu Gast in der Fernsehshow 'A Sua Immagine' sein, die Lorena Bianchetti, direkt aus dem Garten von Ninfa, präsentiert Provinz von Latina, Italien, von der New York Times als einer der schönsten Gärten der Welt.

Marco Lo Russo wird nicht nur interviewt, sondern auch eine Instrumentalversion, ein Akkordeon solo, des von ihm komponierten und dem Papst Franziskus gewidmeten Liedes "Ave Maria", direkt in der natürlichen Umgebung des Gartens von Ninfa spielen.

Die Teilnahme von Marco Lo Russo in der TV-Sendung "A Sua Immagine" ist Teil des Konzepts "Made in Italy" von Marco Lo Russo, dessen Ziel es ist, die italienische Kultur und ihre Schönheiten in der Welt zu verbessern.

Um die Verbindung von Musik, Kultur und Geschichte zu fördern und den Besuch des künstlerischen Erbes zu steigern, hat Marco Lo Russo am vergangenen Freitag, den 24. August, ein ausverkauftes Solo-Konzert für Akkordeon im archäologischen Museum Lavinium in Pomezia, Provinz Rom, aufgeführt.

Vor den nächsten geplanten Konzerten und Tourneen nach Übersee, Ende September, Marco Lo Russo wird Konzerte in Sardinien und anderen italienischen Orten geben, die ein Symbol für Kultur und künstlerisches Erbe sind.

Für weitere Informationen senden Sie bitte ein Email an: press@marcolorusso.com


Weird Al Yankovic auf Hollywood-Walk of Fame, Los Angeles - USA

Weird Al YankovicDer innovative Entertainer und Humorist Weird Al Yankovic erhielt am Montag, dem 27. August 2018, den 2.643. Stern auf dem Hollywood Walk of Fame. Er ist am 6914 Hollywood Boulevard (direkt gegenüber dem Chinese Theatre) in Los Angeles zu sehen.

Weird Al Yankovic (* 1959) ist ein US-amerikanischer Akkordeonist, Singer-Songwriter, Film- / Plattenproduzent, Satiriker und Autor.

Er ist bekannt für seine humorvollen Lieder, die die Populärkultur beleuchten und oft spezifische Parodien zeitgenössischer Musikacts parodieren, originelle Songs, die Stil-Pastiches der Arbeit anderer Acts sind, und Polka-Medleys populärer Songs.

Seit seinem Recording-Debüt 1976 hat er mehr als 12 Millionen Alben verkauft und seit 1985 vier Grammy Awards gewonnen


Jane Christison - Janie Next Door® - Kindermusikerin - USA

Jane Christison – Janie Next Door®
Jane Christison – Janie Next Door®Eben vorgestellt: " Come Sing Along with Janie Next Door ™ LEARNING GUIDE" Jane Christisons preisgekrönte Kinder-CD mit 18 originellen, fröhlichen Songs in aufmerksamkeitsstarken Lektionen, die Klassenlehrer, Musikpädagogen und Homeschooler gerne in der Vorschule bis zum frühen Grundschulalter, unterrichten.

Debbie Gray, Musikpädagoge, erprobt diese Techniken mit zwei CDs - der Originalversion mit Janie-Gesang und einer ohne Gesang, die für studentische Darbietungen verwendet werden kann - plus 90 Malvorlagen, Rätseln, Wortsuchen und Erweiterungsaktivitäten verbinde MUSIK mit:
- Kunst, Mathematik, Wissenschaft und Sprache Künste
- Geläufigkeit und Verständnis lesen
- Bewegungserziehung, Körpererziehung, Turnen
- und Spaß!

Die Schüler werden diese Lieder und Aktivitäten immer wieder machen wollen!

Für weitere Informationen:
Jane Christison - Janie nebenan®
www.janienextdoor.com 913-492-3883 janec@musicwithasmile.com


Video: Neues Arrangement, The Jackson Medley von Renzo Ruggieri - Italien

Renzo RuggieriDas von Renzo Ruggieri für Virtuoso Entertainment arrangierte Jackson Medley ist jetzt online für den öffentlichen Verkauf erhältlich. Sehen Sie sich die Beispielseite und das Performance-Video oben an.

Katalog: rrenzo519 Das Jackson Medley

Video: Viivi Maria Saarenkylä spielt das Jackson Medley (arr. Renzo Ruggieri) bei der Abschlussgala des Internationalen Akkordeonwettbewerbs Shenzhen Xixiang Music Valley in China, Juli 2015


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

"Tracce di Ottocento" - Castelfidardo / Italy

Laura Francinella, period dressed ladiesThe 4th Historical Reenactment organized by the "Tracce di Ottocento" Association and the Municipal Administration was held in Castelfidardo on 10 and 11 August 2018. Castelfidardo has moved the hands back in time and has recreated the village of 1886, when the city aqueduct was inaugurated, electricity was used and the traditional activities of the countryside and domestic life were flanked by the construction of the musical instruments.

Therefore Paolo Soprani's workshop could not be lacking, where some working phases of the instrument were reproduced thanks to Castelfidardo's artisans who still carry on this tradition of trust and have voluntarily made themselves available to the project.

They are part of the accordion artisan group, coordinated by Laura Francenella: Daniela and Tonino Alessandrini, Marinella Petromilli, Sabrina Alba and Gianfranco Marincioni, Rodolfo Spadari, Roberto Monaci, Giuliana Zanirato and Giancarlo Francenella. We also thank the Carini family who made available original historical instruments by Paolo Soprani.

At the end of the two evenings, an exciting and spectacular architectural video on the history of Castelfidardo, from the Risorgimento Battles of 1860 to the success of Paolo Soprani and the other artisan craftsmen who with their instruments have given prestige to our project, have been projected onto the facade of the Palazzo Comunale, moving through time to arriving with images of Gervasio Marcosignori and other famous musicians.

The video will be re-projected on the occasion of the 43rd Castelfidardo International Accordion Competitions and Festival in September.
period dressed ladies


Video: 2018 Little Big Shots Interview, Texas - USA

Video: Yaxeni and Ricardo Los Luzeros De Rioverde on the "Little Big Shots" program with host Steve Harvey. Yaxeni and Ricardo were born in Houston Texas and are very proud of their Mexican heritage and make a delightful interview.


Der 14jährige Mathias Rugsveen gewinnt einen wichtigen Musikwettbewerb

Mathias Rugsveen
Das Finale des norwegischen DNB Nationalen Solistenwettbewerbs wurde im Gomerhuset in Verbindung mit dem Fjord Cadenza 2018 organisiert. Hier waren einige der größten Talente Norwegens, die sich im nächsten Jahr um große Geldpreise von DNB und Solist-Auftritten versammelt. Dieser Wettbewerb hat nationale und internationale Anerkennung gefunden und sich für viele Teilnehmer als Sprungbrett für die nächste Stufe ihrer Karriere erwiesen. Das Niveau des Finales war sehr hoch, und die musikalische Bandbreite der Darbietungen in Gomerhuset, Skodje laurdag, erstaunlich groß. Mathias Rugsveen ist Student bei Friedrich Lips‘ Sommerkursen in Österreich.

Das Ergebnis des Finales lautet wie folgt:
Name: Alter: Instrument:
1 Mathias Rugsveen 14 Akkordeon
2 Henrik Enger Holm 19 Gesang
3 Katinka Nilssen 18 Violine
Mathias Rugsveen


Video: Tian Jianan, 2018 China Harbin Summer International Accordion Art Week - China

2018 Harbin China Summer International Accordion Art Week
Video: Winner of an Artist category that had over 30 entries was Tian Jianan. Here she is performing one piece from her program, a new work by Franck Angelis, at the Prize Giving Concert of the 2018 China Harbin Summer International Accordion Art Week.

Video of Prize Giving Concert in Daily Reports (11th August) online at: Harbin 2018


Ryan Corbett’s Success @ Harbin Summer International Accordion Art Week - China

2018 Harbin China Summer International Accordion Art Week
Talented Scottish accordionist Ryan Corbett has become the youngest person – and first Scot – to secure a commendable 5th place in the Artist Category at the recent Harbin Summer International Accordion Art Week in China, one of the world’s important competitions for the instrument.
Nineteen year old Ryan, who has studied at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland’s Junior Conservatoire for four years, came 5th in a field which included many undergraduate and postgraduate students from all over the world.

1st Tian Jianan
2nd Zhang Zhiyuan
3rd Cheng Yuhan
4th Wu Dannong
5th Ryan Corbett
6th Qiao Shuoqi

He said: “I didn’t know much about this competition until I arrived in China. There were 300 competitors from all over the world. It was a much bigger festival than I thought, it was global. I wasn’t nervous playing in front of the huge audience. As a musician you learn how to deal with your nerves and put all of that into good use. I just got up there and hoped that the adjudicators, also from all over the world, liked what they heard.”

The competition result was the latest milestone for Ryan, who started playing the accordion by teaching himself at the age of 11. At 14 Ryan, who also plays piano, started receiving lessons from Junior Conservatoire staff member Djordje Gajic.

Djordje supported Ryan during his trip to China and said: “This is a fantastic achievement for Ryan and the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland. Ryan is a very talented, hard-working and highly motivated student who never fails to impress me with his ability, he is a pleasure to teach. If he continues to develop and work hard, I think Ryan has the ability to establish himself as one of the leading performers of his generation.”

For further information email: M.Good@rcs.ac.uk

Daily Reports of pictures and videos of the Harbin Summer International Accordion Art Week online at: Harbin 2018


Video: Liu Yanting, 2018 China Harbin Summer International Accordion Art Week - China

Winner of an entertainment category was Liu Yanting performing one piece from his program at the Prize Giving Concert of the 2018 China Harbin Summer International Accordion Art Week.

Video of Prize Giving Concert in Daily Reports (11th August) online at: Harbin 2018


Working Accordion Heads Nintendo Labo Creation Contest Winners - Japan

Nintendo Labo Creation Contest Winners
Nintendo has revealed the first batch of winners in its Labo Creators Contest, where users were asked to create and decorate their own versions of the cardboard accessories for the Nintendo Switch.

Nintendo Labo sees players fold and build a range of cardboard-based objects known as Toy-Cons that can be attached and incorporated with the Switch mobile console.

The first round of winners for the competition in the USA includes a piano Toy-Con decorated to celebrate The Legend Of Zelda series, as well as new inventions including an accordion. The Zelda piano was created by Chris Brazzell, who told Nintendo he used origami and clay to build the Zelda elements attached to the piano.

The Master Sword feature also functions as an infra-red sticker – one of the elements used to trigger the animations on Labo Toy-Cons – and removing it while in the coding area of the Labo’s software, known as the Toy-Con Garage, sparks an additional on-screen animation. A treehouse and a T-rex were also named winners in the best decorated Toy-Con category. But perhaps the most eye-catching of the winners so far came in the best original invention category, where Momoka Kinder was among the winners for her solar-powered accordion creation.

Using tissue boxes and elastic bands for the accordion itself, the sounds it makes are triggered by light, with holes cut into the cardboard to represent different notes and that note being played when the Switch Joy-Con controller’s infra-red sensor picks up a hole has been covered.

The Labo contest judges called the design “ingenious” and a “gorgeous instrument”. The invention category also includes a Labo teapot set and a new game called Don’t Break The Line!


Video: Young Trio Winners, 2018 Harbin China Summer International Accordion Art Week

2018 Harbin China Summer International Accordion Art Week
Video: Denis Vasilchenko, Maksim Galbakh, Vladislav Shirokov were ensemble/group age winners, performing at the Prize Giving concert.

Video of Prize Giving Concert in Daily Reports (11th August) online at: Harbin 2018


Future events

Deep Squeeze Accordion Festival, Washington – USA

The Deep Squeeze Accordion Festival takes place in Port Townsend, WA, from August 31st to September 2nd. Guests include The Vickie Townsend Band, The Alternators, Those Darn Accordions, The Pickled Herring Band, Tangoheart, and Billy Wilson & Lloyd Meadows (Cajun & Zydeco), The Mudbugs, and Creosote (Brazil).


Larry McEvoy @ Matchmaking Event, Lisdoonvarna – Irish Republic

Larry McEvoyAccordion entertainer Larry McEvoy performs for dancing on Saturday September 1st, 12midday to 2pm at the historic Spa Wells Centre, Sulpher Hill, Lisdoonvarna, County Clare. The dance is an event in the month-long matchmaking festival held in Lisdoonvarna in September each year, attracting upwards of 60,000 romantic hopefuls, bachelor farmers and accompanying revellers.


10th Festival D’Accordeon, Cirey-sur-Blaise - France

Poster, 10th Festival D’Accordeon, Cirey-sur-BlaiseThe 10th Festival D’Accordeon takes place on Sunday September 2nd, with dancing from 2pm to 9pm, at the Place de Paquis, Cirey-sur-Blaise, a commune in the Haute-Marne department in north-eastern France. This year’s guest accordionists include Karine Girault, Claude Caron, Rene Grolier, Franck Vilain, and more. Admission 16 Euro, and the organizer is Rene Grolier.

For further information email: rene.grolier@wanadoo.fr


2nd meeting of accordions/accordionists in Alta Val Tanaro - Italy

2° raduno di fisarmoniche e fisarmonicisti in Alta Val Tanaro - Italia
saturday 8th and sunday 9th September 2018 in Alta Val Tanaro

For all information and questions contact:
email: associazione.ulmeta@gmail.com
or tel. Aligi Michelis 3386570075


Clydesdale Accordion & Fiddle Club’s 2018/19 Programme, Scotland – UK

Poster, Clydesdale Accordion & Fiddle Club’sClydesdale Accordion & Fiddle Club meets on the first Sunday afternoon of the month at St Mary’s Club Rooms, 70 Bannatyne Street, Lanark, ML11 7JS, central Scotland. The club organizer is Shirley Cathcart. The poster shows the club’s guests for the 2018/19 season, beginning with the Iain Anderson Scottish Dance band on Sunday September 2nd, 2pm-6pm.

For further information email: shirley_cathcart@yahoo.co.uk


Accordion Summer Courses, Stradella (PV) – Italy

Antonio SpaccarotellaSummer courses for accordion, diatonic accordion, piano, strings and chamber music take place from September 7th to 17th at the Accademia del Ridotto (Theatre of Stradella), Stradella (PV), Italy. Teachers include Antonio Spaccarotella (accordion), Davide Borra (accordion), and Alessandro Gaudio (diatonic accordion). Minimum number of lessons: 8; course fee, to be paid on site: 360 E.

For further information email: info@accademiadelridotto.com


‘Gran Peña Folklorica’ Concert, Buenos Aires – Argentina

‘Gran Peña Folklorica’ Concert,On Saturday September 8th, 9.30pm, a concert titled Gran Peña Folklorica takes place at La Casa del Delta, Calle Saenz Peña, 1330 Tigre, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Accordionists performing include Ezequiel Tatich "the gringo of the accordion", Isabel Mendez, Armando Silva, Quique Zamora, and Cristian Saavedra and his 2-row diatonic accordion. Tickets cost $150, price includes a buffet, and the organizer is Ezequiel Tatich.


Erstes Kolner Akkordeon Orchester 1935 Concert, Cologne – Germany

Erstes Kolner Akkordeon Orchester 1935On Saturday September 8th, 6pm, the Erstes Kolner Akkordeon Orchester 1935 (MD Peter Lohmar) performs in concert at the Evangelische Kirche in Köln-Weiden (Cologne), Germany.

The Erstes Kölner Akkordeon-Orchester 1935, based in Cologne, was founded by Heinz Gengler and is one of Germany’s longest established accordion orchestras. The orchestra performs everything from classical music to the sounds of the swing bands. The orchestra has performed in Belgium, Denmark, France, UK, USA, Canada, Brazil, South Africa, Namibia, Italy, Australia, Netherlands, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Russia, and the Czech Republic.

For further information email: Winfried.Haushalter@ekao.de


Alan Kelly Gang and Eddi Reader September Tour Dates – Ireland

Alan Kelly Gang and Eddi Reader
The Alan Kelly Gang, led by accordionist Alan Kelly, will be touring Ireland in mid-September together with the Scottish singer-songwriter Eddi Reader.

The dates include:
September 9th, 6pm – The Abbey Tavern, Howth, County Dublin
September 12th, 8pm – Raheen House Hotel, Clonmel, County Tipperary
September 13th, 8pm – The Park Hotel, Dungarven, County Waterford
September 15th, 8pm – Shorelines Arts Festival, Portumna, County Galway
September 16th, 8pm – The White Horse, Ballincollig, County Cork
September 18th, 8pm – The Linenhall Arts Centre, Castlebar, County Mayo
September 20th, 8pm – Venue Theatre, Ratoath, County Meath
September 21st, 8pm – The Duncairn, Belfast

Alan Kelly is regarded as one of Ireland’s most accomplished musicians in any genre. He is a piano accordionist, composer and arranger, and comes from Roscommon. He has had three critically acclaimed solo CDs, ‘Out of the Blue’, ‘Mosaic’, and ‘After the Morning’. His most recent Alan Kelly Gang album is ‘Small Towns and Famous Nights’.

He has toured and recorded with artists such as De Dannan, Eddi Reader, Matt Molloy, Sean Keane, Cathy Ryan, Arty McGlynn & Nollaig Casey, Michael McGoldrick, Karen Casey, Cathal Hayden, Alison Brown, and has worked with Galway’s Druid Theatre Company, The Lyric in Belfast and Mabou Mines in New York.

For further information email: info@blackboxmusic.ie


Alexian Group Concert, Naples – Italy

Poster Alexian GroupAccordionist and vocalist Alexian Santino Spinelli leads his Alexian Group of singers, musicians and dancers in a colourful public entertainment show at the Piazza Plebiscito, Naples, Italy, on Monday September 10th, 9.30pm. The concert sees the launch of a new double CD, ‘Andre Miro Romano Gi - A journey in my gypsy soul: from India to jazz’.

For further information email: spithrom@webzone.it


Seacroft 2018 Accordion Festival, Norfolk – UK

Poster, Seacroft 2018 Accordion FestivalThe Seacroft 2018 Accordion Festival, organised by Heather Smith, takes place at Richardson’s Beach Resort, Hemsby, Norfolk, from Thursday September 13th to Monday 17th. The guest line-up includes: David Lukins, Jovan Rnjak, Denise Leigh & Stefan Andrusyschyn, Nigel Pasby & Helen Newton, Amaryllis (Tracey Middleton & David Garwood), Rosemary Wright, Dawn Loombe, and Bert Santilly.

David Lukins, son of Martin Lukins (one of the UK’s greatest post-war accordionists) makes a rare appearance as chief guest at this festival.

A special feature will be Caroline Hunt’s fascinating antique accordion exhibition, which is always a great attraction as she presents a most interesting range of accordions and memorabilia from times past. The trade show includes the Birmingham Accordion Centre, Harry Kipling’s Accordion Treasures, Robaccord Publications, and Pat & Gordon’s Musical Miscellany. There’s also an organ festival with its own trade show taking place at the venue, which you can visit. To book phone Sceptre Promotions on 01780 782093 (office hours).

For further information email: heather@accordions.karoo.co.uk


New and Updated Sites

New Stas Venglevski Compositions - USA

Stas VenglevskiStas Venglevski has released two new compositions in eSheet format (pdf Acrobat files) able to be sent to the client by email.

Catalog: vstas051 Meg Tango
Catalog: vstas052 Maurisa
View samples pages of the music.

CD's by Stas Venglevski are:
Catalog: vstascd001 Adagio, Romance And Beyond CD
Catalog: vstascd002 My Main Squeeze CD
Catalog: vstascd003 The Nutcracker Suite CD
Catalog: vstascd004 Accordion Illusions CD
Catalog: vstascd05 Awakening CD by Stas Venglevski and Joan Sommers


CD Reviews

Now in German and English, Book Review: The Art of Arranging Classical Music for Accordion by Friedrich Lips

The Art of Arranging Classical Music for Accordion by Friedrich LipsNow in German and English, CD Reviews Index for the review of the Book titled "The Art of Arranging Classical Music for Accordion" written by Friedrich Lips, reviewed by Prof. Joan Sommers in both English and German. Read the review at CD Reviews Index.

Books available online by Friedrich Lips:
Catalog: kslips00 The Art of Bayan Playing and Playing the Accordion Artistically
Catalog: kslips01 Die Kunst des Bajanspiels, Methodik und Didaktik des künstlerischen Akkordeonspiels
Catalog: kslips02 Die Kunst der Bearbeitung klassischer Musik für Akkordeon
Catalog: kslips03 The Art of Arranging Classical Music for Accordion


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