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Weekly News from Around the World - 30-Oct-2020
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Vidéo: Lorenzo Antonelli primé au 24ième Prix National Gentile de Fabriano - Italie
Anais Bessières, remporte le prix Francis Baxter, pour le meilleur cd musette de l'année 2020 - France
Dècès de Stéphane Chapuis - Suisse
La XXIIième compétition russe des jeunes musiciens Anatoli Kusiakov, Rostov sur le Don - Russie

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

XIII Francisco Escudero International Composition Competition Results - Spain
Inaugural Concert of the XXV Festival of Soloists and Accordion Ensembles Kotlin 2020 - Poland
Video: Alexander Poeluev “From the Life of Musicians" – Russia
Video: Martynas Levickis Performs Scarlatti Sonata - Lithuania
Silke D’Inka Composition for Covid-19 Lockdown - Germany
Video: Alessandro Mugnoz Performs Divertimento n 2, Volpi - Italy
Johnny Coleclough (1933-2020), Blackpool - UK
Orchestra Restarts with Jam Sessions - New Zealand
Brian Jenkins (1934-2020), Manchester – UK
Video: Pat Walter Performs Witch Doctor for Halloween 2020

Future events

Ghenadie Rotari Live Stream of World Premiere
Scythian “QuaranSCREAM” Halloween Online Concert- USA
Mr Accordion Man Entertains at 2020 Italian Car Day, Caversham – Australia
World Café Trio Presents Live and Online Concert, Cape Town – South Africa
Brooklyn Accordion Club Online Workshop: “La Cadence in French Traditional Dance Tunes" – USA
Kevin Friedrich “Sounds of the Season” Concert, Dargaville – New Zealand
Akkordeon-Club Sulzbach e.V. "Fascination Accordion" Concert - Germany
XII International Grand Prix Competition "Golden Talents", Kursk - Russia

CD Reviews

CD Review: Quodlibet CD by Friedrich Lips

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Vidéo: Lorenzo Antonelli primé au 24ième Prix National Gentile de Fabriano - Italie

24th Premio Nazionale Gentile da FabrianoVoici la vidéo institutionnelle faite à l’occasion de la cérémonie de remise des prix du 24ième Prix national Gentile Fabriano par Lorenzo Antonelli, président et directeur exécutif de Voci Armoniche, et présentée le 10 octobre à Fabriano en Italie. 2020Fabriano.pdf

La vidéo présente la philosophie et le savoir-faire de l’entreprise - un voyage à l’origine de la qualité du son de l’accordéon, une épopée « magique » entre tradition et innovation!


Anais Bessières, remporte le prix Francis Baxter, pour le meilleur cd musette de l'année 2020 - France

CNIMA header
Anais BessièresVidéo: extraits du cd musette d'Anais Bessières (montage Alexandra Astorg)

La jeune accordéoniste française, Anais Bessières, remporte le prix Francis Baxter pour son cd musette "Une pointe d'accent". C'est un prix attribué par la SACEM (société des auteurs et compositeurs français) au meilleur CD musette de l'année, en mémoire du grand accordéoniste et compositeur Francis Baxter (arrangeur du fameux morceau musette "les fiancés d'Auvergne")

Anaïs Bessières, âgée de 22 ans, joue de l'accordéon depuis l'âge de 9 ans. La passion pour cet instrument lui a été transmise par ses grands-parents, qui l’emmenaient danser tous les week-ends.

Originaire du Lot, elle a d'abord étudié avec Christian LLORENS avant d'aller se former pendant trois ans, au CNIMA, la fameuse école internationale d’accordéon co-fondée par Jacques MORNET et Nathalie BOUCHEIX.

En 2017 elle obtient son DEM (Diplôme d’Etudes Musicales des conservatoires) avec mention Très Bien et félicitations du jury. En 2018 elle obtient la 4ème place au Grand Concours International de KLINGHENTAL, en Allemagne et obtient le PRIX du PUBLIC en 2019.

Voici ce qu'en disent Jacques Mornet et Nathalie Boucheix, ses professeurs au CNIMA:
"Anais est indéniablement un des chefs de file de la génération montante. (....) Ce premier cd est un prélude à beaucoup d'autres".

Le CNIMA est connu pour être un tremplin pour la carrière de nombreux accordéonistes ... Alain Musichini, Domi Emorine, Félicien Brut, Vincent Lhermet, Christine Rossi s'y sont formés ... L'école propose formation à l'année, stages, vacations, enseignement à distance .... pour tout style, tout niveau et tout âge. Trouver toutes les infos en ligne à cnima.com

Et retrouver prochainement le cd d'Anais Bessières "Une pointe d'accent" sur toutes les plateformes digitales spotify, deezer etc ... !!


Dècès de Stéphane Chapuis - Suisse

Stéphane Chapuis
Stéphane ChapuisLe monde de l’accordéon pleure et rend hommage à Stéphane Chapuis, suite à sa disparition cette semaine.

Christine Savioz (Le Nouvelliste du Valais, Suisse) a écrit l’article suivant :

A 53 ans, Stéphane Chapuis, virtuose de l’accordéon et du bandonéon, est décédé mardi des suites d’une longue et cruelle maladie. La nouvelle de sa mort a créé l’émotion au sein des artistes du Valais et d’ailleurs. Les hommages pleuvent sur les réseaux sociaux.
Le musicien Roland Sprenger, peine à y croire, se souvenant encore de sa rencontre avec l’accordéoniste, juste après la Fête des vignerons, l’an dernier. Stéphane Chapuis faisait partie des solistes du spectacle. «Il était rayonnant!».
«Il avait adoré ce projet», confirme le musicien sédunois Hervé Forclaz, meilleur ami du virtuose, qui a collaboré pendant trente ans avec lui. «C’était un grand maître de l’accordéon. Il était connu et reconnu dans le monde entier. D’ailleurs, il avait fait des concerts aux Etats-Unis, à Paris, dans le nord de la Chine, au Brésil, en Afrique, en Italie…
En plus de ses concerts et spectacles, Stéphane Chapuis, qui avait obtenu une Virtuosité d’accordéon avec distinction et félicitations du jury et un diplôme d’enseignement avec mention excellent, enseignait à la Haute école de musique de Lausanne, au Conservatoire cantonal de musique de Sion et à l’EJMA-VS.
De 1983 à 1992, il a été plusieurs fois lauréat de concours internationaux. Il avait aussi reçu le prix d’encouragement de l’Etat du Valais en 2010. A cette occasion, Sprenger avait écrit un texte sur son ami. «Stéphane donne à l’accordéon ses rangs de noblesse. Il dit trop modestement: «Je ne suis pas un Winkelried. Je n’ai fait que m’engouffrer dans la brèche des pionniers, tels mes professeurs qui se sont battus pour la reconnaissance de l’accordéon», décrivait alors Roland Sprenger.
Car Stéphane Chapuis, papa de cinq enfants, était un homme modeste, qui s’était pris d’amour pour le Valais il y a plusieurs années. «Il était Jurassien d’origine, mais Valaisan de cœur. C’était un musicien très généreux, populaire et tellement aimé. Ici, en Valais, tous les artistes qui avaient de l’accordéon dans leur disque, ont travaillé avec lui. Tous sont bouleversés par sa mort», confie Hervé Forclaz.


La XXIIième compétition russe des jeunes musiciens Anatoli Kusiakov, Rostov sur le Don - Russie

Anatoli KusiakovRostov State ConservatoryLa XXIIième compétition des jeunes musiciens russes Anatoli Kusiakov (compositeur de renom – photo à gauche) se tiendra au Conservatoire d’Etat de Rostov du 2 au 6 avril 2021.

La compétition qui comprend des categories pour bayan et accordéon existe au conservatoire d’Etat de Rostov depuis 1968.

Il y’aura des categories selon l’âge des participants et il y’aura jusqu’à deux tours. Les compétiteurs s’inscriront le 2 avril, dans le foyer du conservatoire entre 9 heures et 16heures. Suivra un tirage au sort pour déterminer l’ordre de passage. La compétition elle-même aura lieu le 3 avril 2021.

La date de cloture pour les pré-inscriptions est le 10 mars 2021.

Pour les détails, email : rgkbayan@yandex.ru

Télécharger règlement pour la compétition Rules here (en russe): 2021RostovRules.pdf


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

XIII Francisco Escudero International Composition Competition Results - Spain

Video starts: 8:45 mins
logoXIII Francisco Escudero International Composition CompetitionVideo starts: 8:45 mins
The XIII Francisco Escudero International Composition Competition was held on October 23rd in Zarautz, Spain.

Hauspoz Euskal Herriko Akordeoi Elkartea, in collaboration with the culture department of Zarautz City Council, the Provincial Council of Guipúzcoa and SGAE Foundation, organized the awards ceremony which took place at the Cine Modelo de Zarautz.

The competition winner was Japanese composer Tetsuya Yamamoto with his work 'Voix de l'orgue 2' for accordion quartet. The prizewinning work will be featured in the 2021 Arrasate Competition held in Arrasate, Spain. Dates to be confirmed.

Jury member Iñaki Alberdi announced a special mention given by the jury to the work 'Heterosis I' for accordion, oboe and bassoon by composer Carlos Núñez Medina.

During the gala event, Juan Matías (accordion), Lucia Arzallus (piano), Iker Bilbao (violin) and Fabio Rafael Arias (cello) performed the winning work from the 2019 competition “The Sea of Rains” by Greek composer Lina Tonia (see photo below). Accordionist Garazi Navas performed the work “Omne vivum ex ovo” for accordion solo by Italian composer Antonio Macaretti, winner of a special mention by the jury in 2019.

Photo below and video courtesy of “Baier streams”.
Francisco Escudero International Composition Competition


Inaugural Concert of the XXV Festival of Soloists and Accordion Ensembles Kotlin 2020 - Poland

The Inaugural Concert of the XXV Festival of Soloists and Accordion Ensembles Kotlin 2020 included a well received performance by Rafal Grzaka (accordion) and Przemyslaw Skaluba (clarinet).

See video for festival concerts.
Concert poster


Video: Alexander Poeluev “From the Life of Musicians" – Russia

PoeluevAlexander Poeluev’s video "From the life of musicians" includes a “little self-irony” in this new fun clip.

Accordion: Alexander Poeluev and Vladimir Poeluev
Percussion: Elizabeth Poelueva
Arranged by Alexander Poeluev & Elizabeth Poelueva
Filming: Byeder Bondarev


Video: Martynas Levickis Performs Scarlatti Sonata - Lithuania

Video: Martynas Levickis (Lithuania) performing Sonata in D minor, K 1 L 366 by Domenico Scarlatti.


Silke D’Inka Composition for Covid-19 Lockdown - Germany

CountingSilke D’Inka composed “Counting the Days” (until we meet again in person) during the Covid-19 lockdown in Germany. This video shows the performance of this piece by members of the Akkordeongruppe Münstertal e.V. and Handharmonika-Club Sulzburg e.V. from Sulzburg, Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald, in Baden-Württemberg, Germany.


Video: Alessandro Mugnoz Performs Divertimento n 2, Volpi - Italy

Alessandro MugnozVideo: Alessandro Mugnoz and pianist Claudia Menghi, perform "Divertimento No. 2" by Adamo Volpi (1911-1980).

This work is one of the first Italian pieces in the field of chamber music with accordion. Adam Volpi, great organist, composer and teacher, was one of the reference figures of the first, now historical, literature for accordion; having dedicated to the instrument various concert pieces, recreational/didactic and chamber music, in a rather academic style, but always balanced and refined.

Pieces such as "Preludio" op.31, "Fileuse", "Concertino D Minor", etc. have entered the repertoire of many Performers internationally.

Recorded in Ancona, Auditorium of the Higher Institute of Musical Studies "G.B. Pergolesi" 4th December 2010.


Johnny Coleclough (1933-2020), Blackpool - UK

Johnny ColecloughVeteran accordion entertainer Johnny Coleclough (picture left) passed away on October 7th in Blackpool, Lancashire, at the age of 87.

Johnny played the accordion from a young age and often joked that during the Blitz in WW2 others would leave the air raid shelters, preferring to listen to the bombs dropping to his accordion playing!

He went on to play in bands, and eventually became a solo entertainer using electronic accordions and also singing. In the 1970s Johnny Coleclough was resident at Blackpool Tower, performed in holiday resorts in Spain, and in the 1980s and 90s was resident at the Piccadilly Bierkeller in Manchester. He also played accordion as a dep in concerts with Mantovani and Count Basie, and later played Tyros keyboards in social clubs.

A popular and charismatic figure at accordion festivals in England during the 1980s and 1990s, Johnny ran buskers and stage presentation workshops, and also did compering. He performed at several accordion clubs, and was the President of Stockport Accordion Club from 1996 to 2011, after which he and his family moved to Catalonia, Spain.

Picture below left to right: Dermot O'Brien, Gary Blair and Johnny Coleclough.
Dermot O'Brien, Gary Blair and Johnny Coleclough


Orchestra Restarts with Jam Sessions - New Zealand

NSAO jam session
As Covid-19 resulted in lockdowns, the North Shore Accordion Orchestras in Auckland, New Zealand were unable to rehearse for most of this year.

So the conductors held a meeting and decided that for the last few weeks of 2020, they would run some fun jam sessions for all orchestra members (young and old) to come along and just have some "good old fun" playing together.

The music ranged from light classical to rock & roll and all members sight read while the parents play percussion.

On October 28th, the session included a variety of players including New Zealand past champions Kevin Friedrich, Maurice Jones and Campbell Bettridge, New Zealand Accordion Association (NZAA) Secretary Heather Masefield, Music Education Centre Director Lionel Reekie, NZAA Competitions Secretary Renee Jeffries, AWW Weekly News Editor Christine Johnstone, Lian Jones (member of the tango group Milonga De Cuatro), and Alanah Jones (accordion premiere with composer David Hamilton).

The jam sessions also gave younger players the opportunity to play alongside more experienced accordionists, who were only too willing to help the junior players.

Maurice Jones offered a few useful tips for handling this kind of gathering so that the players could get the most out of it.


Brian Jenkins (1934-2020), Manchester – UK

Brian JenkinsAccordionist, conductor, arranger and brass player Brian Jenkins, from Manchester, passed away from Covid-19 in late October at the age of 86.

Brian studied the accordion with Wilfred ‘Pip’ Walker and George Harris, passed all eight British College of Accordionists grades, and played in various bands. In the late 1940s he played accordion for the renowned Irish tenor Josef Locke, and later played in a Bavarian band that was resident in The Wilhelm Tell Bierkeller, Deansgate, Manchester.

He also played the tenor horn in the British Aerospace Brass Band and received a long service award from the North West Brass Band Association in 2017, celebrating 70 years as a bandsman.

In 1996 Brian became the Musical Director of the Stockport Accordion Orchestra, and soon afterwards also became closely involved with the Tameside Junior Accordion Band and the North West Accordion Orchestra, where he was very well-liked and held in high esteem.

The Stockport Accordion Orchestra used many of Brian’s excellent arrangements, which were characterised by his brass band background. He also spent many happy years as a popular and respected MD of the weekend orchestras at the accordion festivals in Blackpool, Pakefield, Caister, Mundesley, and Seacroft.
Brian Jenkins


Video: Pat Walter Performs Witch Doctor for Halloween 2020

Happy Halloween. Pat Walter performs “Witch Doctor” sing along for Halloween 2020.
This is a 1958 American novelty song written and performed by Ross Bagdasarian, under his stage name David Seville. It became a number one hit and rescued Liberty Records from near-bankruptcy.


Future events

Ghenadie Rotari Live Stream of World Premiere

Ghenadie RotariGhenadie Rotari will live stream the world premiere of “Fuoribalconi” on October 31st, 2020 at 7pm Central European time. This work was written for accordion and electronics by Pawel Siek, with the support of the Ministry of Culture of Poland.

For details email: g.rotari@yahoo.com


Scythian “QuaranSCREAM” Halloween Online Concert- USA

Scythian, which includes accordionist Dan Fedoryka, will put on their spookiest costumes and bring you the online “QuaranSCREAM” Halloween concert on October 31st at 7.30pm.

For details email: scythianmail@gmail.com


Mr Accordion Man Entertains at 2020 Italian Car Day, Caversham – Australia

Mr Accordion ManMr Accordion Man (Frank Miranda) will entertain at the 2020 Rotary Bella Italia featuring the Italian Car Day at the Mulberry Estate in Caversham in Western Australia on November 1st, 2020.

The event offers fine Italian food, wine and music, while attendees can admire amazing Italian cars and motorcycles including the best of Ferrari, Lamborghini, Maserati, Alfa Romeo, Fiat, Lancia, De Tomaso, Ducati, Moto Guzzi, Lambretta, Vespa & more.

All funds will go to Rotary community projects.


World Café Trio Presents Live and Online Concert, Cape Town – South Africa

World Cafe Trio
The World café Trio will present “Vivaldi’s Four Seasons” and “Going to the Movies” both live and online this week. The live concert will be held at Christ Church Constantia in Constantia, Cape Town on November 1st at 3pm. Only a small audience of 150 (less that 40% of usual capacity) will be permitted to attend due to Covid-19 regulations.

The trio, which includes Stanislav Angelov (accordion), Petrus de Beer (violin), and Schalk Joubert (bass guitar) present a stunning arrangement of Vivaldi’s most enduring work.

The second half of their program comprises of popular tunes from the movies, ending with Zorba the Greek.

The online recording will be available in one week. Tickets are available through Quicket from R80.


Brooklyn Accordion Club Online Workshop: “La Cadence in French Traditional Dance Tunes" – USA

Jeremiah McLaneThe Brooklyn Accordion Club will hold an online Zoom workshop entitled “La Cadence in French Traditional Dance Tunes" on November 1st from 2pm to 3pm. The workshop will be presented by Jeremiah McLane (picture left).

'La Cadence' is a term used by French traditional dance musicians that translates loosely to the English word groove. In this workshop you will learn some tunes from Central and Northwest France, and how accordionists supply the groove for different types of tunes including the bourrée, mazurka, schottishe, and gavotte.

For details email: brooklynaccordionclub@gmail.com


Kevin Friedrich “Sounds of the Season” Concert, Dargaville – New Zealand

Kevin concert poster
Kevin Friedrich will hold his 2nd Christmas concert “Sounds of the Season” at the Dargaville Museum Lighthouse Function Centre in Dargaville on November 22nd, 2020.

The concert is a fundraising variety show for the Dargaville Museum which houses his Accordion Gems A Master Collection though time exhibition.

Kevin organises an annual concert in March of each year, but unfortunately the March 2020 event was cancelled due to the Covid-19 lockdown in New Zealand. All tickets purchased for the March show can be transferred to the November concert.

Kevin’s new CD “The Journey” which features music by New Zealand composer Gary Daverne, is also available at the Museum reception.

For details phone: 09 439 7555


Akkordeon-Club Sulzbach e.V. "Fascination Accordion" Concert - Germany

Sulzbach poster
The Akkordeon-Club Sulzbach e.V. will hold their annual concert entitled "Faszination Akkordeon" (Fascination Accordion) at the Frankfurter Hof Civic Centre in Sulzbach on November 29th.

Due to Covid-19 regulations and restrictions that reduce seating capacity, the concert will be held at 4pm and repeated at 7pm. Admission only with mouth/nose mask and pre purchased tickets.

The concert will include performances by the Akkordeon-Club Sulzbach e.V., soloists and the Projektorchester des Bezirks Hessen West.

For details email: VVK@akkordeon-club-sulzbach.de


XII International Grand Prix Competition "Golden Talents", Kursk - Russia

Golden talents comp poster
The 12th International Grand Prix Competition "Golden Talents" will be held in Kursk, Russia from December 10th to 13th, 2020.

The competition will include categories for accordion and bayan as well as other folk instruments.

Competition Awards include a Grand Prize of 200,000 rubles.

Entries must be received by November 1st, 2020. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, videos are requested to be sent without accompaniment.

For details email: info@talentsgrandprix.ru


CD Reviews

CD Review: Quodlibet CD by Friedrich Lips

Quodlibet CD cover by Friedrich LipsCD Reviews Index for the Review of Quodlibet CD by Friedrich Lips. Review by Joan Cochran Sommers in English and German languages.


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