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Weekly News from Around the World - 30-Nov-2012
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Особенности Highlights

Компания «Мatth. Hohner AG» объявила о росте и улучшении результатов работы – Германия
Электронная книга Джона Боницы “Играй на аккордеоне без боли” (Play the Accordion Without Pain by John Bonica) – США
Национальная премия талантливым молодым аккордеонистам – Шотландия
Идеи аккордеонных рождественских подарков на аккордеонную тематику для друзей и семьи
Итальянцы – Коррадо Рояц (Corrado Rojac), Антонио Спаккаротелла (Antonio Spaccarotella) и Мирко Патарини (Mirco Patarini) – «покорители» России!

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Mental Activity May Keep Older Brains Healthy - USA
Accordion Featured in 2012 Movie Holy Motors - France
Foster and Allen TV Series – Republic of Ireland
Video: Marc Berthoumieux Performs his Composition Amazone Live - France
Viennese Accordion Chamber Ensemble Annual Concert – Austria
Accordion Festival at Royal College of Music, Stockholm - Sweden
Orchestra Handharmonica Club (HHC) Nufringen, Celebrates 60th Anniversary - Germany
Video: Trio Voronezh Performs Fly With Me
‘Accordion Meets The Classics’ Concert, Weissach – Germany
Joe Recchia Video and Composition "Castelfidardo" - Italy
NAO North Central Area Accordion Championships
Video: Semir Hassic in Concert
Jacques Pellarin CD ‘En vous attendant’, Paris – France
Accordion Festival Radstake 2012 - Netherlands
‘14 Years Ago’ – Cajun Music in Denmark

Будущие события

Master Class for Accordion at Chateaulin (29), 5-7 April - France
Antonio Spaccarotella Concert, Recife – Brazil
Zoltan Orosz and Horvarth Kornel Concert, Gyor – Hungary
Karen Street Charity Concerts, Stockport, Oldham - UK
Concert Recital and 3 Young Talents, Istanbul – Turkey
Uxbridge Accordion Band Charity Concert, Bucks – UK
Duo Expire At Pied à Terre, January 2nd, Norwich - UK
‘Singing with Your Accordion Workshop’, California – USA
Victor Prieto Trio Concerts, New York, Texas – USA
Stockport AC Band & Orchestra Charity Concert, Cheshire – UK
‘Accordion Babes’ Shows, California – USA
Karen Tweed & Ivan Miletitch Concert, Stroud – UK

Новые и обновленные сайты

Gary Dahl updates music
Tian Jianan release new DVDs and CDs and eTracks
Charnwood Publications Composer Sue Coppard Updated Site
Tom Collins Memorial Site Updated - USA
New Website for Susan M. Hall, Artist, Kenya

CD Отзывы

Stas & Sam - Two Step CD by Stas Venglevski

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Особенности Highlights

Компания «Мatth. Hohner AG» объявила о росте и улучшении результатов работы – Германия

Hohner Annual Report
Hohner Annual Report27 ноября 2012 года в концертном зале Dr.-Ernst-Hohner Concert Hall в Троссингне состоялось заседание 99-ого собрания акционеров компании “Matth. Hohner AG”.

Открывшись в 1857 году, сегодня компания Hohner Group насчитывает около 340 сотрудников в отделениях германского производства и развития, а также в компаниях-дистрибьюторах в США, Франции и Швейцарии. Продукция компании продается более чем в 85 странах.

В ходе бизнес-года, в то время как в мировой экономике и музыкальной индустрии рост составил 3%, рост продаж международных брендов компании Hohner Group составил 5 (до 67,2 млн. евро).

В результате положительной динамики продаж, а также эффективного управления затратами Hohner Group увеличила свой чистый доход в финансовом году, который завершился 31 марта 2012 г., до 2,7 млн. евро по сравнению с 1,5 млн. евро в предыдущем финансовом году (на 83,2%).

Особое внимание было уделено докладу об аккордеонной продукции: для профессиональных музыкантов, играющих в популярных в Мексике и на юго-западе США стилях Tejano, Norteno и Conjunto, HOHNER представил новую коллекцию инструментов премиум класса Anacleto Collection… Инструмент серии Morino был полностью обновлен, так что теперь он может быть настроен сообразно индивидуальным требованиям музыкантов.

Загрузить полный ежегодный отчет на английском: 2012Report
Загрузить полный отчет на немецком: 2012de_Report


Электронная книга Джона Боницы “Играй на аккордеоне без боли” (Play the Accordion Without Pain by John Bonica) – США

Play the Accordion Without Pain by John Bonica
John Bonica PT CMP NZRP (New Zealand and USA)В своей электронной книге (она может быть отправлена вам по электронной почте в формате Acrobat PDF) Джон Боница PT CMP NZRP (Новая Зеландия и США) пишет: "Эта книга, написанная аккордеонистом на основе 50-летнего профессионального клинического опыта, предназначена специально для баянистов и аккордеонистов, в ней говорится об аккордеоне и проблемах, связанных с профессиональными травмами».

«За мою долгую карьеру я имел удовольствие встречать, лечить и консультировать многих светил баяна и аккордеона. Среди них такие имена, как Энтони ГаллаРини, Вячеслав Семенов, Майрон Флорен, Йорген Сундеквист, Фрэнк Марокко, Харли Джонс и мои хорошие друзья Стас Венглевски и Джон Симкус, а также многие другие, которые по электронной почте, телефону или лично обращались в мою клинику за помощью».

«То, что подходит одному, может не работать для другого, но в книге описаны традиционные симптомы, которые могут испытывать баянисты и аккордеонисты, что может позволить читателям определить причины преследующих их проблем или травм».

Джон Боница также за время своей музыкальной карьеры выпустил несколько компакт-дисков,а написание этой книги считает «руководством для исполнителей всех возрастов, педагогов и профессиональных исполнителей».

Эта увлекательная электронная книга будет публиковаться глава за главой, по крайней мере, по одной главе в месяц. Он будет содержать минимум 24 главы. При предзаказе вы можете приобрести книгу целиком по специальной цене всего за US$22 (или евро эквиваленте). Главы будут высылаться вам по электронной почте по мере их выхода.

Дополнительная информация на: John Bonica


Национальная премия талантливым молодым аккордеонистам – Шотландия

Alistair Hewitt Presentation
13-летний аккордеонист Алистер Хьюитт (Alistair Hewitt) из Глазго, студент академии Brian Laurie Paisley Academy, в числе 123 выдающихся молодых людей был в этом году награжден премией, вручаемой организацией 'Awards for Young Musicians' – AYM («Премии для молодых музыкантов»).

Программа ежегодной премии AYM каждый год выдает гранты на сумму до 2000 фунтов стерлингов особо одаренным молодым музыкантам в возрасте от 5 до 17 лет. Финансирование может быть использовано для поддержки написания музыки в любом жанре, а также как помощь в таких расходах, как покупка инструмента, уроки музыки, стоимость обучения и путешествий.

Директор AYM Хестер Кокрофт (Hester Cockcroft) говорит: «В очередной раз мы получили огромное количество заявок на поддержку молодых музыкантов со всей Великобритании, так что Алистер должен быть очень горд своим достижением. Музыка – это то, что определяет жизнь этих молодых людей, она занимает центральное место в их жизни. Мы здесь, чтобы помочь им развиваться в их музыкальном путешествии и дать им наилучшие шансы реализовать свой потенциал».


Идеи аккордеонных рождественских подарков на аккордеонную тематику для друзей и семьи

Christmas giftsРождественские Подарки для друзей и семьи на: 2012 Xmas Gift Ideas.

Собирая эти идеи, мы надеялись, что свои средства, приготовленные для Рождественских подарков, вы потратите, приобретая записи и ноты исполнителей-акокордеонистов, а также композиторов, аранжировщиков и издателей.

Пожалуйста, поддержите аккордеонное искусство – выбирайте из более чем 2100 произведений, 270 CD / DVD дисков, 990 треков, 1000 печатных трудов и многочисленных книг. 2012 Xmas Gift Ideas


Итальянцы – Коррадо Рояц (Corrado Rojac), Антонио Спаккаротелла (Antonio Spaccarotella) и Мирко Патарини (Mirco Patarini) – «покорители» России!

The Italians Conquer Russia! poster«Покорители» России – никто иные, как одни из самых талантливых итальянских аккордеонистов: Коррадо Рояц, профессор кафедры аккордеона Академии Музыки Тартини в Триесте, лауреат международных конкурсов Антонио Спаккаротелла, преподаватель отдела диатонической гармоники, и знаменитый концертный исполнитель, директор знаменитой фабрики “Scandalli” , издатель журнала Strumenti&Musica, организатор конкурса "Кубок мира 2012" Мирко Патарини.

Ведущие итальянские аккордеонисты съехались в Москву по инициативе известного баяниста, старшего преподавателя РАМ им. Гнесиных Александра Селиванова.

В рамках мини-феста под названием «Итальянцы в России» 1 ноября в Москве в малом зале ГМК им. Гнесиных состоялся концерт Антонио Спаккаротеллы (джазовый аккордеон), а 2 ноября в малом зале РАМ им. Гнесиных прошла встреча с профессором Коррадо Рояцем, который продемонстрировал результаты своих исторических исследований – свою работу '1939 La Fisarmonica Giuseppe Greggianti', а также гармонику, воссозданную на основе важных документов и работ Guseppe Greggianti'. Оба мероприятия прошли при переполненных залах.

После выступлений в Москве итальянские музыканты отправились в другие города: Антонио Спаккаротелла принял участие в международном фестивале современной музыки для баяна в Санкт-Петербурге, а Мирко Патарини и Коррадо Рояц вместе с российскими исполнителями - дуэтом "Una Sinistra" в составе Юлии Америковой и Александра Селиванова отправились в Казань, где приняли участие в работе IV Международного конкурса-фестиваля исполнительной инструментальной музыки и классического пения «СОДРУЖЕСТВО ТАЛАНТОВ», а также провели лекцию и концерт с участием дуэта и Мирко Патарини, который выступил соло и в трио с Александром Селивановым и Юлией Америковой.


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Mental Activity May Keep Older Brains Healthy - USA

Konstantinos ArfanakisSimple mental activity such as reading, writing, playing games and doing puzzles may protect brain health in old age, according to a new study being presented at a meeting in the USA this weekend.

The study, presented at the 98th scientific assembly and annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) in Chicago, is the work of Konstantinos Arfanakis (picture left) and colleagues, from Rush University Medical Center and Illinois Institute of Technology.

"Reading the newspaper, writing letters, visiting a library, attending a play or playing games, such as chess or checkers, are all simple activities that can contribute to a healthier brain" says Arfanakis.

Editor: What could be even better is playing the accordion. You have the extra mental and physical stimulus of playing a different keyboard with each hand (assuming your accordion has standard bass), co-ordinating the bellows and your fingers, so you are also stimulating both brain activity and brain to muscular activity as well, all while you enjoy your music.

Therefore, NEVER stop PLAYING the accordion. Play in groups, orchestras or solo. Our older readers might not play like they did many years earlier, but the pleasure of music can still be fully enjoyed plus the benefits of musical practise are becoming recognised as medically ever more important to your brain health.


Accordion Featured in 2012 Movie Holy Motors - France

The accordion is featured in this scene from the 2012 movie Holy Motors.

Holy Motors is the latest from the eccentric French director, Leos Carax, is a thoroughly unclassifiable film about a man who rides around in a limousine, going from appointment to appointment, assuming a completely different identity at each stop. He starts off the day as a white-haired executive, but that, too, is an act. He applies makeup and becomes a beggar woman; later, he is a freak who lives under the sewer.

Ultimately, it seems that some kind of statement about cinema is at play in "Holy Motors." Cinema is full, life is empty. Cinema is easy, life is mysterious. Perhaps that is the Leos Carax message. Whatever it is, he has our attention.


Foster and Allen TV Series – Republic of Ireland

Mick Foster (accordion) and Tony Allen (vocals/guitar)The popular duo Foster (pictured right) and Allen (pictured left) currently have a weekly one hour TV series, comprising videos made during the last few years, screened on Showcase Channel 181 on Thursdays at 8pm.

Since the early 1980s Mick Foster (accordion) and Tony Allen (vocals/guitar) have been one of Ireland’s most commercially successful acts, with a string of best selling recordings and DVDs to their name. Mick Foster was previously an All Ireland Accordion Champion.


Video: Marc Berthoumieux Performs his Composition Amazone Live - France

The video features Marc Berthoumieux (accordion) performing his Composition Amazone Live at the Petit Journal Montparnasse in November 2012.

Performing with Marc Berthoumieux are: Giovanni Mirabassi (piano), Stéphane Huchard (drums), Thiérry Fanfant (bass), Christophe Cravero (violin), Jean Christophe Maillard (sax), Minino Garay, (percussion) and William Lecomte (keyboards).

"Amazone" is part of the "Les Couleur D'ici" album which is available on iTunes.


Viennese Accordion Chamber Ensemble Annual Concert – Austria

Viennese Accordion Chamber Ensemble
The Viennese Accordion Ensemble, directed by Werner Weibert, celebrated its annual festival concert in the well attended concert hall of Perchtoldsdorf Castle, near Vienna, on Friday November 8th. 

Their program included works by Bach, Haydn, Mozart, Brahms, Würthner, Gershwin, Piazzolla and Strauss. As usual, the concert was closed with some famous songs like ‘That cat is high’, ‘Mackie Messer’, and ‘Gern hobn’, very popular and well acclaimed by the public.

For further information email: herbert@accordion-cd.co.at


Accordion Festival at Royal College of Music, Stockholm - Sweden

The Accordion Festival was held, 16th to 18th November at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm, Sweden. Most of the participants were accordion players at Music College in Stockholm and Malmö - Anita Agnas and Lars Holm with students, guests and friends.

The video above is 9 year old Leo Florin Muravjov, performing Indifference (J Columbo and T Murena) and a Russian song arr. V. Kolyganov.


Orchestra Handharmonica Club (HHC) Nufringen, Celebrates 60th Anniversary - Germany

Günther Stoll, Orchestra Handharmonica Club (HHC)
Günther Stoll, conductorWith its traditional autumn concert on Memorial Day, Tuesday 20th, November 2012 the HHC marked the conclusion of its anniversary year. For 60 years, the HHC has performed and for more than four decades, been taught and conducted by Günther Stoll (picture right).

The four HHC orchestras of the club (Teenies, Jugend, Junioren, 1. Orchester) offered a mix of entertaining concert and accordion music on a "journey through the history of the accordion literature".

The presentation of Günther Stoll put the finishing touches on the concert evening. The smallest hint of the conductor was implemented, and the strong applause of the audience, showed that Günther Stoll and the HHC orchestras had once again, greatly pleased their audience.


Video: Trio Voronezh Performs Fly With Me

New project by Trio Voronezh with Svetlana Medvedeva (Musical Saw). Classically trained at the Conservatory in Voronezh, Russia, the members Valerie Petrukhin (double bass Balalaika), Vladimir Volokhin (National Champion, All-Russian Domra Competition) and Sergei Teleshev (accordion) formed the trio in 1993 in their native working-class city of Voronezh. Since then they have toured extensively to very fine reviews.

The trio’s diverse repertoire ranges from the works of Bach, Vivaldi, Tchaikovsky and Stravinsky to Russian folk songs, gypsy dance music, and popular songs by Gershwin. More recently they have added works by Astor Piazzolla, Alfred Schnittke, and Shostakovich and Strauss.


‘Accordion Meets The Classics’ Concert, Weissach – Germany

SWR Stuttgart Radio Symphony Orchestra
Conductor Gunther StollOn November 11th the accordion orchestra Orchestervereinigung Flacht-Rutesheim, AkkO, and the local school orchestra performed together a concert of wide ranging classical music, themed ‘Accordion Meets The Classics’, at the Strudelbachhalle, Weissach, Baden-Württenburg.

A special feature of the evening were contributions from Joachim Bänsch, solo horn player with the SWR Stuttgart Radio Symphony Orchestra. The overall conductor was Gunther Stoll, who gave interesting insights into the music and the accordion.

Music performed included ‘Prelude and Fugue’ – JS Bach, ‘Die drei Musketiere’, ‘Homage March’ - Edvard Grieg, ‘Nabucco’ – G. Verdi, and ‘Concerto in E’ – WA Mozart.

The concert hall was full, and the audience loved the instrumental and vocal combinations, and the performances of all concerned.

The next concert, ‘Hits and Evergreens’, takes place on May 4th 2013 in the Strudelbachhalle, Weissach.

For further information email: Guenther.Stoll@t-online.de


Joe Recchia Video and Composition "Castelfidardo" - Italy

Published on 20th November and titled "Castelfidardo" is a video by Joe Recchia recorded performing his Roland at the Borsini Accordions home studio in Castelfidardo, Italy.

Joe writes that the video: "release of (his composition) "Castelfidardo" is dedicated to all my friends in the music and accordion business and features many of the great accordion players I had an opportunity to meet over my entire accordion career thanks to my Uncle Tony Dannon! including Charles Magnante, Myron Floren, Art Van Damme, Joe Cerrtito, Cory Pesaturo, Joe Natoli, Count Basie, Dick Contino, Carl Fortina, Peter Soave and others such as Aaron Caruso, Lisa Agazzi, Dolores Reyes Aquino, Simone Rodona, Christine Corolla, Edsel Ford, Buddy Valsatro "aka the Cake Boss", the Borsini Brothers and many others, Thank you!!!!"


NAO North Central Area Accordion Championships

NAO UK Championships posterOn 24th November, Beckfoot School, Bingley was the venue for the NAO North Central Area Accordion Championships. Once again the event was well supported by local accordionists from North & West Yorkshire and Lancashire.

This festival, under the helm of NAO Executive officer Harry Hinchcliffe is in its 17th consecutive year and has grown over the years, providing a platform for accordionists to experience the art of competing at there respective level.

The adjudicator’s at this years event, included NAO Executive officer and CIA President Raymond Bodell, experienced musicians and composers Ken and Wendy Farran and local musician and lead accordionist with the Craven accordion Orchestra, Graham Waterhouse. Also in attendance at the event was Chairperson of the NAO, Anna Bodell.

Thanks goes to Roland for supplying trade stands and providing an insight into the latest technology in keyboards and accordions with expert advice on hand.

The festival is part of the NAO Festival Season with further regional festivals to be held in Leicester, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Manchester and Colchester during January and February 2013 and all culminating the NAO UK Championships to be held in Liverpool 26th – 28th April.

NAO North Central Area competition results are on the NAO website.


Video: Semir Hassic in Concert

Video: Semir Hassic in Concert recently.


Jacques Pellarin CD ‘En vous attendant’, Paris – France

Jacques Pellarin and CD cover titled 'En vous attendant'French accordionist and composer Jacques Pellarin has just released ‘En vous attendant’, a digitally recorded CD of his own solo compositions.

For over 27 years, virtuoso accordionist Jacques Pellarin has brought the sounds of the French countryside to all corners of the globe. With 6 albums and multiple international tours, he has shared his musette-inspired accordion compositions with a world-wide audience. Jacques’ professional career began as part of the internationally acclaimed Baikal Duo and after 18 years of classical performances, Jacques formed a quartet and an acoustic trio in order to pursue a freer interpretation of jazz and world music.

In 2011, the Jacques Pellarin Quartet released the critically-acclaimed album ‘Sup Dude’ and today, Jacques continues to compose, perform, and tour but his focus is now on sharing his music with a larger global audience through strategic placements and song licensing deal.

"When you need to create an atmosphere of love and romance, when you need to invoke the mood of a smoky Parisian café, when you need to capture the sounds of mystery, journeys, and found and lost loves, turn to the music of accordion virtuoso Jacques Pellarin" - Mike Dias (Music supervisor for ‘Ultimate Ears’).

For further information email: jacques.pellarin@wanadoo.fr


Accordion Festival Radstake 2012 - Netherlands

The Varsseveldse Accordion Association held on 18th November for the first time a festival at Radstake. Throughout the day event, there was some 280 players participating and the video here is video of a large orchestra of about 100 players of the Velpse Accordion Association directed by Feiko van Soest.


‘14 Years Ago’ – Cajun Music in Denmark

KDN Cajun BandThe Accordions Worldwide news for November 27th 1998 announced that the KDN Cajun Band, whose members were Danish, would be doing their next gig on December 3rd somewhere in Denmark. Music is often said to be an international language, and that point is demonstrated by a group of Danes playing Cajun style, a music for a long time regarded purely as a regional genre. The world is becoming a smaller place!

Contributed by Kresten Storgaard

On December 3rd the KDN Cajun Band will perform at the ‘Sletten Kro’ (Kro is Danish for inn) in Sletten. The 5 piece band includes accordionist and vocalist Karen Munkholm. They perform stirring Louisiana Cajun rhythms at music spots in and around Copenhagen as well as at festivals such as Toender and Vordingborg.

Band members have made several trips to Louisiana, USA, attending work-shops with Cajun musicians in Lafayette.


Будущие события

Master Class for Accordion at Chateaulin (29), 5-7 April - France

Master Class
Master Class for Accordion by Jacques Mornet and Nathalie Boucheix at Chateaulin (29), 5-7 April - France


Antonio Spaccarotella Concert, Recife – Brazil

Antonio Spaccarotella Concert poster
Italian accordionist Antonio Spaccarotella performs at the Teatro Santa Isabel, Recife, Brazil, on November 30th, 8pm.

This concert rounds off a lot of touring this year, which has seen Antonio Spaccarotella performing in the USA, Russia, and around Europe. His concerts, which have included playing at the Bing Crosby Theater in Spokane, WA, USA, the Gnessin Institute, Moscow, and an International Accordion Festival in St Petersburg, Russia, have all gone really well.


Zoltan Orosz and Horvarth Kornel Concert, Gyor – Hungary

Zoltan Orosz and Horvarth Kornel Concert posterHungarian accordionist Zoltan Orosz and percussionist Horvarth Kornel perform together at the
Bartók Béla Megyei Muvelodési Központ, G. Czuczor u. u. 17., 9022 Gyor, Hungary, on December 4th, 7pm.

For further information email: csirmaz@harmonika.hu

Four CD's available online at: Zoltan Orosz


Karen Street Charity Concerts, Stockport, Oldham - UK

Accordionist Karen StreetAccordionist Karen Street has spent much of this year raising money for Alzheimer’s Research UK, and says, “My reasons for raising money for Alzheimers’ is a personal one as my dad died of the disease last year and I suppose because I have seen it up close I need to do this for my dad. It is something that can potentially affect any one of us”.

Karen Street’s charity concerts for Alzheimer’s Research UK next week are:

Thursday December 6th, 7.30pm - Trinity Methodist Church, Massie St, Cheadle, Stockport, Cheshire SK8 1DU. Free admission.
Friday December 7th, 7.30pm - Holy Trinity Church, Church St East, Waterhead, Oldham, Lancashire OL4 2JQ. Free admission.

For further information email: info@bigshedmusic.co.uk


Concert Recital and 3 Young Talents, Istanbul – Turkey

GÜRCÜ SANAT EVİ logoOn Saturday December 1st, 7.30pm, young accordionists Adem Temiz, Aydin Çiracioglu, and Mikail Yakut Himsiasvilithe will perform an acoustic recital at the GÜRCÜ SANAT EVI (Georgian Arts Hall), Istanbul. The performance will include an interview with the players.

For further information email: ibeka@mynet.com


Uxbridge Accordion Band Charity Concert, Bucks – UK

On Wednesday December 5th, 8pm - 10.30pm, the Uxbridge Accordion Band (MD Angie Lukins) and other local artists perform in concert for charity. Admission is £4 (no charge for children), American Supper, free parking. The venue is Iver Village Junior School, High Street, Iver, Bucks, SL0 9QA.

For further information email: david.lukins@btinternet.com


Duo Expire At Pied à Terre, January 2nd, Norwich - UK

ExpireOn January 2nd, the Duo Expire are performing at the Pied àTerre event, Kier Hardie Hall, Norwich, NR2 1ER.

The club writes: “Winners of the prestigious Duo Prize at the Chateau d'Ars Festival, Expire (Cédric Martin and Flavien Di-Cintro) bring the electrifying energy of two accordions to our dance floor for the third time. These are some of the best young traditional musicians in France and not to be missed.”

Above is a video of this Duo Expire.

For further information email: info@piedaterre.me.uk


‘Singing with Your Accordion Workshop’, California – USA

Mark GrowdenCome sing, play, and squeeze your accordion with singer/multi-instrumentalist Mark Growden at The Accordion Apocalypse Repair Shop, 255 10th Street,  San Francisco, CA 94103, on December 13th, 7pm. Learn to breathe with your accordion and let it help you as you sing.

For further information email: accordionapocalypse@yahoo.com


Victor Prieto Trio Concerts, New York, Texas – USA

Victor Prieto TrioOn November 30th, 8pm, the Victor Prieto Trio make their debut at La Nacional, 239 West 14th Street, New York.

With accordionist Victor Prieto for this gig are Edward Perez – bass, and Carlitos Maldonado - percussion.

From December 1st to 5th, Victor Prieto will be performing in Austin and San Antonio, Texas, with Cristina Pato and the Migrations Band.

For further information email: victorprieto2001@yahoo.com


Stockport AC Band & Orchestra Charity Concert, Cheshire – UK

Stockport Accordion Club Band
The Stockport Accordion Club Band (MD Derek Stubbs) and Orchestra (MD Brian Jenkins) perform in concert on Wednesday December 5th, 8pm, at Woodley Methodist Church, Chapel St, Woodley, Stockport, Cheshire SK6 1NF. There will be additional contributions from some of our members and friends, including spots featuring SAC President Pearl Fawcett-Adriano & Philip Watson, and Vice President Walter Perrie.

The proceeds from this concert will go to Alzheimer’s Research UK, helping to fund vital research into this dreadful condition. Admission is £5, and all are welcome.

For further information email: robaccord5@hotmail.com


‘Accordion Babes’ Shows, California – USA

Accordion Babes
The Accordion Babes are back! An Accordion Babes Revue takes place at Rhythmix Cultural Works in Alameda, CA, on Saturday December 1st, 8.30pm. There's also a prix-fixe dinner ticket option.

On Friday December 7th, 7-9pm, the Accordion Babes perform at Smythe's Accordion Center in Oakland, CA.

For further information email: squeezeboxgoddess@gmail.com


Karen Tweed & Ivan Miletitch Concert, Stroud – UK

Accordionist Karen TweedAccordionist Karen Tweed is appearing with the French guitarist/bouzouki player Ivan Miletitch at the Star Anise Cafe, Gloucester Street, Stroud GL5 1QG, on December 12th.

For further information email: kstweed@yahoo.co.uk


Новые и обновленные сайты

Gary Dahl updates music

Gary Dahl music catalog:DH0171 - 'Pigalle'Gary Dahl - Author, composer, arranger, recording artist and music educator announces the following updated music title for purchase on-line.

catalog:DH0004 - 'Padam…Padam' and
catalog:DH0171 - 'Pigalle'

Sample for this music is now available at the Music For Accordion web site. The music is in eSheet format e-mailed directly to your computer. Easy purchase with credit card.


Tian Jianan release new DVDs and CDs and eTracks

'Free Bass Accordion Solo', catalog: tjianan02'Brahms's Smile, Tian Jianan Accordion Pop Instrumental', catalog: tjianan03Tian Jianan releasing her DVDs and CDs and eTracks titled

'Bach Two Part Inventions and Contest Repertoire, Klingenthal', catalog: tjianan01
'Free Bass Accordion Solo', catalog: tjianan02 and
'Brahms's Smile, Tian Jianan Accordion Pop Instrumental', catalog: tjianan03

with sound samples. Music performed by Tian Jianan. Purchase online.


Charnwood Publications Composer Sue Coppard Updated Site

Sue CoppardSue Coppard has updated her site with sound samples and some new music titles for each of her original compositions. Listen at: Sue Coppard

catalog M639 - The Swing of the Kilts,
catalog M683 - Lullaby for a Cool Babe in a Hammock,
catalog M631 - Cathy's Tune,
catalog M662 - Christmas Bells,
catalog M681 - If Only...,
catalog M665 - Sampling the Cider and
catalog M675 - Scots Porridge Oats

Sound Samples and PDF Music Samples of the music are available online. Purchase with credit card.


Tom Collins Memorial Site Updated - USA

Tom CollinsThe late Tom Collins Memorial site has been updated with a video.


New Website for Susan M. Hall, Artist, Kenya

New Website for Susan M. Hall, Artist, Kenya showing her artwork, biography and contact information.


CD Отзывы

Stas & Sam - Two Step CD by Stas Venglevski

Stas & Sam - Two Step CDCD Reviews Index for the Review of Stas & Sam - Two Step CD by Stas Venglevski, in English language, reviewed by Joan Cochran Sommers.


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