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Weekly News from Around the World - 30-Apr-2021
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Особенности Highlights

World Accordion Day 2021 Video
2021 Всемирный день аккордеона, Музей мира аккордеонов - США
Планы Всемирного дня аккордеона из разных стран - Международный
Правила PIF Castelfidardo 2021 и даты выхода и пересмотра - Италия
XIV Международный конкурс аккордеонных композиций «Франсиско Эскудеро» - Испания
Мировой музыкальный фестиваль в Инсбруке отложен до 2023 года - Австрия
Калоян Куманов выступает на концерте «Сто лет Пьяццоллы» - Болгария

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Online: 2021 World Cup Accordion Polka Championship – Canada
Celebrate World Accordion Day at A World of Accordions Museum - USA
Concert of the Department of Bayan and Accordion RAM Gnesin "Well, all together!", Moscow - Russia
Klaus Paier Trio New CD “Fractal Beauty” - Austria
Maria Vlasova Concert in the Great Hall of the Scriabin Museum, Moscow - Russia
Update on 2021 Cotati Accordion Festival – USA
Alanah Jones Vocal and Accordion Successes - New Zealand
Applications Open for London Young Musician 2021 - 2022
Canterbury Accordion Association Successful Variety Concert – New Zealand

Будущие события

"Scythian" Performs Live at Mother's Day Event - USA
Online: John Kirkpatrick “Victorian Farmer’s Year” Show - UK
TOEAC at Festival Musique 2021 - Netherlands
Ivano Biscardi Summer Masterclass - Italy

Детский уголок

Does this Dog Love Singing with the Accordion?

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Updated: World Accordion Day Information

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Особенности Highlights

World Accordion Day 2021 Video

World Accordion Day header

Video Broadcast by Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA)

May 6th hosted by Kevin Friedrich & Grayson Masefield. This program focuses on childhood accordion education in various parts of the world. Enjoy.
Visit the World Accordion Day website: WorldAccordionDay2021


2021 Всемирный день аккордеона, Музей мира аккордеонов - США

WAD poster
Detailed program, Central Standard Time (CST) now:
Broadcast starting at 1 pm
Broadcast starting 10 am, First concert at 11 am, see schedule below.
Центр искусств Харрингтона (HARTS) и Музей мира аккордеонов (A World of Accordions Museum - AWAM) проведут аккордеонный фестиваль живой музыки в Супериор, штат Висконсин, с 6 по 8 мая 2021 года. Это мероприятие будет проводиться в связи с Всемирным днем ​​аккордеона (World Accordion Day) и 9-м ежегодным мероприятием Палмера. Фестиваль.

• 5 мая: репетиция группы.
• 6 мая: концерты, музыка и лекции Всемирного дня аккордеона будут проходить с 10:00 до 19:00, напитки будут доступны.
• 7 мая: презентация 9-го ежегодного фестиваля доктора Уилларда Палмера с 10 утра с концертами, демонстрациями, семинарами и концертами.
• 8 мая: специальное мероприятие, открытое для публики - оркестр Norsk Hostfest Polka Service Band проведет час народной музыки.

Большой концертный зал AWAM позволяет сидеть на расстоянии 6 футов, и для этого потребуются маски.

Билеты можно заказать или оплатить у дверей за 75 долларов США в день или 125 долларов США за первые два дня. Услуга польки бесплатна.

Многие выступления будут онлайн. Полная программа мероприятий находится по адресу: 2021USWAM

Для получения дополнительной информации см .: Музей мира аккордеонов (AWAM)
AWAM header


Планы Всемирного дня аккордеона из разных стран - Международный

World Accordion Day header

6th May, Broadcast Times: 3:00 pm, 5:00 pm, 7:00 pm and 9:00 pm - BRT

Brazil BRT time now is:
Venue: Online concerts: www.rythmicawebtv.com

Brazil World Accordion DayМеждународная конфедерация аккордеонистов (CIA) рада приветствовать вас на Всемирном дне аккордеонистов (WAD). Запланирована 2-часовая трансляция WAD -видео в прямом эфире, организованная Кевином Фридрихом (Kevin Friedrich) и Грейсоном Мейсфилдом (Grayson Masefield), с акцентом на аккордеонное образование детей. На веб-сайте Всемирного дня аккордеона 2021, 6 мая, аккордеон будет представлен во многих странах.

Бразилия и Португалия будут сотрудничать, чтобы отпраздновать столетие Астора Пьяццоллы, проведя 15 выступлений аккордеонистов со всего мира.

Агентство по бронированию музыки Quitanda в сотрудничестве с Институтом Oswaldinho do Acordeon и Mito Algarvio - Ассоциацией аккордеонистов Алгарве (Португалия) собрало несколько известных аккордеонистов, чтобы отпраздновать эту особенную дату.

Освальдинью ду Акордеон, Эрмето Паскуаль, Ренату Боргетти и Луизиньо Каликсто представляют Бразилию, а также португальская команда, в которую входят Жоау Баррадас, Инес Ваз, Нельсон Консейсау и Жоао Фраде. В мероприятии также участвуют виртуоз Мирко Патарини из Италии и другие международные таланты, такие как Лаймонас Салиюс (Литва), Петар Марич (Сербия) и Ирина Серотюк (Украина).

6 мая будет более 15 выступлений, разделенных на четыре раза в течение дня, которые будут транслироваться на Rythmica Web TV. Смотрите ссылку на видео до 6 мая. Трансляция: www.rythmicawebtv.com

В Музее мира аккордеонов в США проходит крупное мероприятие, а также мероприятия из многих других стран. Все это можно посмотреть на: Всемирный день аккордеона (WAD)


Правила PIF Castelfidardo 2021 и даты выхода и пересмотра - Италия

PIF Castelfidardo
Antonio SpaccarotellaPIF Castelfidardo 2021 года под художественным руководством Антонио Спаккаротелла (изображение справа) опубликовал Правила и положения 2021 года в
English at: 2021PIF-en
И в
Итальянский по адресу: 2021PIF-it

Даты также перенесены с 28 сентября на 3 октября.
Резюме категорий:
Классическая категория Premio
Классика категории D, Солист без возрастных ограничений
Классика категории С, солист до 18 лет
Классика категории В, солистка до 15 лет
Классическая категория «студент12»
Классическая категория «Камерный»
Категория старших виртуозов, солистка без возрастных ограничений.
Виртуоз младшего разряда, солистка до 18 лет.
Студенческая категория виртуоз, солист до 15 лет.
Мировая старшая категория
Мировая категория юниоров
Мировая категория студентов
Мировая категория ансамбля
Категория ансамбля джаз
Электронная категория (премия Гервасио Маркосиньори)

Дополнительная информация, положения и правила: 2021PIF


XIV Международный конкурс аккордеонных композиций «Франсиско Эскудеро» - Испания

Hauspoz poster
В настоящее время принимаются заявки на участие в XIV Международном конкурсе аккордеонных композиций 2021 года «Франсиско Эскудеро», организованном Hauspoz Euskal Herriko Akordoei Elkartea.

Цель конкурса - популяризация сочинений для аккордеона соло и для аккордеона в камерной музыке. Произведения камерной музыки должны быть сочинены максимум для четырех исполнителей, в которых есть хотя бы один аккордеон.

В конкурсе могут участвовать композиторы любого возраста и национальности, вступительный взнос бесплатный.

Прием заявок заканчивается 1 октября 2021 года. Церемония награждения состоится в Сараусе, Испания, 8 октября 2021 года. Подробности по электронной почте: hauspoz@hauspoz.org

Скачать форму заявки на 2021 год можно здесь: 2021Escudero.pdf


Мировой музыкальный фестиваль в Инсбруке отложен до 2023 года - Австрия

WMF logoDHVФестиваль мировой музыки, организованный Deutscher Harmonika-Verband e.V (DHV), который проводится каждые три года в Инсбруке, был отложен на один год из-за пандемии короны. Мероприятие теперь будет проходить с 18 по 21 мая 2023 года.

Это дает участвующим ансамблям и музыкантам достаточно времени для подготовки, что было бы невозможно, если бы мероприятие проводилось в первоначальную дату в 2022 году из-за текущих репетиционных ограничений пандемии короны.

Президент DHV Йохен Хаусманн говорит: «Более года наши клубы не могли обучать и репетировать, или только в ограниченной степени. К сожалению, увеличивающееся в настоящее время число заражений не дает надежды на скорейшее возвращение к репетиционной работе ...
и DHV, и все игроки с нетерпением ждут этого кульминационного момента в 2023 году - совместного создания музыки ».

Harmonikaverband Österreichs (HVÖ) впервые проведет свой «День гармоники» в 2023 году в рамках Всемирного музыкального фестиваля. Ожидается, что несколько тысяч посетителей посетят этот многогранный фестиваль в Инсбруке, чтобы увидеть выступления оркестров и ансамблей со всего мира.

Подробности по электронной почте: info @ dhv-ev-de


Калоян Куманов выступает на концерте «Сто лет Пьяццоллы» - Болгария

Bulgaria poster
Видео: Калоян Куманов и группа исполняют «Астурия» (названную композитором Исааком Альбенисом 1860–1909 просто «Лейенда») - одно из самых популярных произведений этого испанского композитора и пианиста.

Болгарский аккордеонист Калоян Куманов выступит с концертом под названием «Сто лет Пьяццоллы», концертом для истории, настоящего и будущего! Концерт состоится в Этнографическом музее в Пловдиве, Болгария, организован Калояном Кумановым и муниципалитетом Пловдива 20 мая 2021 года в 18:30.

Аккомпанировать Калояну будут Ралица Ботева (фортепиано) и Зорница Иларионова (скрипка).

Подробности смотрите на плакате.


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Online: 2021 World Cup Accordion Polka Championship – Canada

2021 header
2021 buttonThe Button Akordion Rocks Club is pleased to announce that they will be hosting the 2021 World Cup for Accordion Virtual Polka Championship on August 1st, 2021.

This year’s event includes a new competition category: Canadian Polka Band Competition. Canadian and International submissions will open soon.

The Button Akordion Rocks Club is a cultural organization that organizes musical events such as accordion competitions, exhibitions, seminars and concert performances. They hold a bi-annual accordion championship in Ontario, Canada. Their goal is to spark a revival in the accordion as a cool instrument again.

The Organizing Committee includes Martin Pusic, Franca Anderson, Tanja Trigiani, Matthew Lebar, Danny Šuštar, Majda Pusic, Sarah Larsen, Dave Pusic, Adrianna Šuštar and Vida Godina.

For further information email: martin.pusic@rogers.com


Celebrate World Accordion Day at A World of Accordions Museum - USA

Betty Jo Simon,  Jane Christison and Joan Cochran Sommers
World of Accordions MuseumWell known accordionists Betty Jo Simon, Jane Christison and Joan Cochran Sommers will be performing as an accordion trio on Thursday, May 6, 2021, at A World of Accordions Museum in Superior, Wisconsin. They are part of the three-day World Accordion Day Celebration 2021.

Jane says, “Even though it has taken quite a bit of individual practice to prepare a program in such a short time, we are having so much fun rehearsing together and are looking forward to playing in front of a live audience.”

The trio is scheduled to perform at 4:PM CDT. Their performance will also be live-streamed. Here is the program they will be performing.

“Toccata” by G. Frescobaldi
“Ständchen” by Franz Schubert
“Triplicity” by Stas Venglevski
“Dark Eyes” by Hermann or Garay
“Por Una Cabeza” by Carlos Gardel
“Musical Shenanigans” by Stas Venglevski
“Ritual Fire Dance” by Manuel de Falla

Online viewing is free, but registration is required in order to receive the viewing links. Here’s the registration link:


For further information: janec@musicwithasmile.com


Concert of the Department of Bayan and Accordion RAM Gnesin "Well, all together!", Moscow - Russia

RAM concert poster
A concert of the Bayan & Accordion Department in RAM Gnesin entitled "Well, all together!" took place in the Musical Lounge of Shuvalova's House at Povarskaya on April 27th.

The concert program included:

• Nekrasov Alexander (accordion), Alexander Shmoylov (balalaika) and Istomin Arseniy (domra) performing String quartet No.3, op.73, (III part) by Shostakovich.
• Daria Sakharova (accordion) & Natalia Noskova (domra) performing Poem in Memoery of Shostakovich by Alexander Tsygankov.
• Alexey Loganov (accordion) & Igor Koshcheev (balalaika) performing Concerto for balalaika and symphony orchestra (III part) by Edward Toobin.
• Yulia Popkova (accordion) & Marina Belashuk (piano) performing "Night Flowers" intermezzo for bayan and piano and Jasmine tango for bayan and piano by Tatiana Sergeeva.
• Duo "Fusion" consisting of Nikita Ukrainian (bayan) and Ilona Savin (accordion) performing Jupiter from the Planet cycle, op. 32, (Jukka Thiensuu) and "Aion" for two bayans by Holst.
• Duo "Furor, Fortes" consisting of Yulia Bichovets (saxophone) and Roman Malyavkin (accordion) playing Toccata (Daniil Posazhennikov) and Fire from the Elements cycle (Mikolaj Maikusiak).
• The premiere of a new Russian song by Mikhail Bronner entitled “It's raining outside Mother”
• RAM Gnesin quintet which includes Roman Malyavkin, Alexey Loganov, Yulia Popkova, Konstantin Voloshko, Maria Vlasova playing Toccata (Alexander Nekrasov) and Ringlet (version for accordion quintet) by Ephraim Podgaitz.


Klaus Paier Trio New CD “Fractal Beauty” - Austria

CD coverVideo: A taste of the new CD.

Klaus Paier’s new project is an upcoming CD release with Gerald Preinfalk (sax & clarinet) and Asja Valcic (cello).

The CD is described as “The kaleidoscope of sounds, designed on the new album “Fractal Beauty” is in its dynamism, virtuosity and fragility a courageous design on the way to perfect sound, which offers balance of form and freedom, complex music and conquering melodies, tension and relaxation and above all pure poetry."

The CD entitled “Fractal Beauty” will be released on July 2nd, 2021.

For details email: klaus.paier@aon.at

Picture below from left: Klaus Paier (accordion), Asja Valcic (cello) and Gerald Preinfalk (sax & clarinet).


Maria Vlasova Concert in the Great Hall of the Scriabin Museum, Moscow - Russia

Vlasova poster
Accordionist Maria Vlasova (picture above) performed a concert in the Great Hall of the Scriabin Museum in Moscow on April 30th, 2021.

Her program featured works by Russian composers.

In 2004 Maria Vlasova graduated from RAM Gnesin (class of Professor Friedrich Lips). Since that time she has won many international competitions, including Castelfidardo (Italy), Klingenthal (Germany), Arrasate (Spain) and Tianjin (China).

From 2015 Maria has been teaching at the Department of Bayan and Accordion in RAM Gnesin.


Update on 2021 Cotati Accordion Festival – USA

Scott Goree, Executive Director of the Cotati Accordion Festival would like to update fans as to what the status is of the festival this year.

Firstly, they have August 21st & 22nd, 2021 listed as the dates of their "live" event. This declaration is made in case the possibility of a live event, in some form, is allowed to take place and are fully cognizant of the perilous nature of that date being a reality.

They would like everyone to know that the decision is not theirs as to whether or not a festival takes place. It is up to Sonoma County and the City of Cotati. If the city refuses to issue a permit then they have no event.

At this point in time the city has refused to even accept an application for a permit, but has not ruled anything out.

Meanwhile, they have frozen other dates in La Plaza Park as back up possibilities as follows:
25th & 26th of September 2021
16th & 17th of October 2021

They also have the possibility of a virtual show on August 21st & 22nd, 2021.

They are fully aware that this statement does not help anyone who wants to make plans around this annual treasured event. Organisers apologize and pledge to keep the public updated as to any additional information that is revealed in the near future.


Alanah Jones Vocal and Accordion Successes - New Zealand

Alanah Jones
Alanah Jones is the daughter of well known entertainment accordionist Maurice Jones and accordion teacher/performer Lian Jones.

Alanah is a vocalist and accordionist and two years ago, the New Zealand Secondary Students Choir (NZSSC), invited Alanah to join. A small number from the best Secondary school choirs around New Zealand are invited.

In 2021 Alanah was selected the NZSSC choir leader and on 21 April, she led the choir singing of "Wairua tapu tau mai ra" at the Duke of Edinburgh's Memorial service. This service was attended by the NZ Prime Minister and the Governor-General of NZ along with many other dignatories.

The Governor-General of NZ (picture right) released this picture of Alanah and the choir at the Wellington Cathedral of St Paul.

Six months ago, Alanah Jones performed a new composition for Accordion with Choir before an audience of over 1,200 plus national TV. Video and information at: http://www.accordions.com/news.aspx?d=04-Sep-2020&lang=ru&s=16752
Wellington Cathedral of St Paul


Applications Open for London Young Musician 2021 - 2022

LYM Season 1
LYM logoApplications are now open for the 2021-2022 London Young Musician Season 1.

Applicants record their competition video, fill in the application form on the LYM website and send it in with your payment.

Deadline: 30th June 2021

Our April 16th Weekly News reported accordionist Sofia Ros González (Spain) won a Gold Award Prize in the Young Master (Age 18 & Under) category of the 2020 - 2021 event.

See: http://www.accordions.com/news.aspx?d=16-Apr-2021&lang=en#art17480

The competition is open to all young musicians under the age of 28 and is open to all classical musical instruments and vocals. It also supports the worldwide learning and creation of classical music.

For details email: londonyoungmusician@gmail.com


Canterbury Accordion Association Successful Variety Concert – New Zealand

Christchurch Accordion Orchestra
The Canterbury Accordion Association held another successful Sunday afternoon Variety Concert on April 11th, 2021, which is always very popular with its supporters.

The Christchurch Accordion Orchestra, conducted by David Thorne (a favourite of these concerts - pictured above), opened the afternoon’s programme with a bracket including “The Jolly Lumberjacks March”, Abba’s “Chiquitita", and a polka “Fine and Dandy”.

This was followed by soloists Sven Balvan playing “Por Una Cabeza” and Theo Redepenning with “Lucuona’s Malaguena”. Both players took the opportunity to play their competition pieces in front of an audience before travelling to Auckland on Queen’s Birthday Weekend (June 5th & 6th) to compete in the New Zealand Accordion Association competitions.

Later in the programme Sven and Theo played a duet “Suomalainen Polka” which they will be playing as a Festival item in Auckland.

The audience was also treated to beautiful vocal solos, a piano solo, and a Quartet (guitar, banjo, ukulele, and mandolin) which had everyone singing along to the well-known favourites they played and sang.

The concert concluded with another bracket from the Christchurch Accordion Orchestra, but the surprise and highlight of the afternoon came when David Thorne invited Meg Fidler to conduct the final item. Meg was the Founder, and previous Director and Conductor of the Christchurch Accordion Orchestra, who was visiting Christchurch. She conducted her favourite piece “Beer Barrel Polka”.

A standing ovation from the Orchestra and many in the audience showed the respect and affection held for Meg and how thrilled people were to see her amongst us all again. A very special ending to a most enjoyable afternoon of music!


Будущие события

"Scythian" Performs Live at Mother's Day Event - USA

Mothers Day concert
“Scythian”, which features accordionist Dan Fedoryka will perform their first 2021 live concert at the B Chord Brewing Company in Round Hill, Virginia, USA in celebration of Mother’s Day. The concert will take place during the Outdoor Lawn Show on May 7th and 8th, 2021.

The outdoor stage is situated at the base of the Blue Ridge Mountains and the expansive lawn provides lots of room to social distance and still enjoy live music!

Please note: All Public Health protocols will be strictly enforced, and the venue has implemented contactless practices to protect guests and employees. Face masks or coverings will be required so don't forget to bring one with you. You must remain 10 feet from other parties.

For details phone: (571) 474-9191


Online: John Kirkpatrick “Victorian Farmer’s Year” Show - UK

John KirkpatrickJohn Kirkpatrick MBE will feature his online show “Victorian Farmer’s Year in Song” on May 9th at 7.30pm.

The show is based on his various appearances in the TV program “The Victorian Farm” which was filmed in South Shropshire, England.

John will appear in authentic period costume and present an entertaining look at all aspects of farming life from around the 1890’s with songs, stories and tunes.

For details email: squeezer@johnkirkpatrick.co.uk


TOEAC at Festival Musique 2021 - Netherlands

Festival poster
TOEACAccordion duo TOEAC (picture left) will entertain at the Festival Musique 2021 in Almere Haven, Netherlands held from July 8th to 10th and organised by Goede Rede. The duo consists of Pieternel Berkers and Renée Bekkers.

Following the cancellation of the 2020 event due to Covid-19, organisers are planning a different style of festival this year.

Each day will be divided into a number of one-hour concert blocks, with a maximum of 3 performances of 20-30 minutes each will be held. There will be a big break between each concert block. There are two rooms, each with its own door to/from the outside.

This will spread the performances over time as there will be fewer audience per concert and Covid-19 protocols will be in place.

The event will include three days filled with a whole range of classical music from old music to classical to contemporary, a touch of jazz and world music or a mix of all that.

For details email: info@goederedeconcerten.nl


Ivano Biscardi Summer Masterclass - Italy

Ivano poster
The "Campus of Music and Arts" in Acri, Calabria, Italy holds a series of summer music courses annually in August directed by Angelo Arciglione.

The Campus is open to young musicians who want to deepen their artistic and cultural background in a holiday context with qualified teachers and concertgoers.

As part of the 2021 series, accordionist Ivano Biscardi will run a masterclass from August 22nd to 25th.

During the course period the "International Campus Festival" will take place in which students also have the opportunity to perform alternating with their tutors and guests.

For details email: campusmusicaacri@gmail.com


Детский уголок

Does this Dog Love Singing with the Accordion?

This dog seems to love singing along with the accordion in this video. The young boy is enjoying himself too.


Новые и обновленные сайты

Updated: World Accordion Day Information

The Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) is pleased to welcome you to World Accordion Day. Planned is a live WAD video broadcast on May 6th hosted by Kevin Friedrich & Grayson Masefield of 2 hours with a focus on childhood accordion education.

New information is arriving daily regarding concerts and events for World Accordion Day.

With all the turmoil of Covid-19 internationally, many World Accordion Day (WAD) events are prevented by regulations from proceeding. The World Accordion Day site will still report those events that are able to happen.

Planned is a live WAD video broadcast on May 6th hosted by Kevin Friedrich & Grayson Masefield of 2 hours with a focus on childhood accordion education.


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