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Weekly News from Around the World - 29-Sep-2017
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Особенности Highlights

Интервью “Наши знаменитости”Giemme Bellows, Кастельфидардо, Италия
Отель Международной конвенции аккордеонистов в Лас-Вегасе, США
Deutscher Harmonika-Verband e.V. (DHV), Германия
«Клуб аккордеонистов Стокпорта сквозь времена», Чешир, Великобритания
Осенний тур Guardia Nueva, Финляндия
Ноты для детей Accordion Kids от Renzo Ruggieri, Италия

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Video: Coupe Mondiale Category Winners, Round I - Italy
Video: Paolo Miles Demonstrates the MusicTech Digital Accordion at Coupe Mondiale - Italy
Video: Coupe Mondiale Virtuoso Entertainment Winners - Italy
Video: “Tutto a Dio” Win PIF Castelfidardo Category F - Italy
Video: Ksenija Sidorova Performs Fantasie on Astor Piazzolla's Chiquilin de Bachin

Будущие события

Karen Tweed’s October Dates – Irish Republic, UK
Sharon Shannon’s Concert Tour Dates – UK, Irish Republic
Marc Perrone Concert, Paris – France
Royal Academy of Music Events, London – UK
Zoltan Orosz Concert, Budapest - Hungary
Frank Gavigan Memorial Concert, Westmeath – Irish Republic
Ferran Martinez Concert, Barcelona – Spain

Новые и обновленные сайты

Gary Dahl Releases El Choclo Tango Arrangement - USA
Franco Cambareri Composition Tristesse Available Online - Australia

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Особенности Highlights

Интервью “Наши знаменитости”Giemme Bellows, Кастельфидардо, Италия

Know the People Giemme Interview
Giemme Bellows logoРубрика «Наши знаменитости». Интервью с Giemme Bellows, Gianfranco Marincioni (владелец) и Sabrina Alba (владелец).
Корреспондент: Holda Paoletti-Kampl

«Наши знаменитости» - это замечательные люди из Кастельфидардо Castelfidardo, которые прославили свой небольшой город производством аккордеонов и баянов высокого качества.: Интервью: 2017Giemme

Фотография ниже: Gianfranco Marincioni и Sabrina Alba.
Gianfranco Marincioni (Owner) Sabrina Alba (Owner)


Отель Международной конвенции аккордеонистов в Лас-Вегасе, США

Las Vegas International Convention Header
Prof. Joan SommersОрганизатор мероприятий Международной конвенции аккордеонистов в Лас-Вегасе (LVAC) Пол Паскуали Paul Pasquali сообщил: «В этом году отель фактически распродан - НО я сделал все возможное, чтобы сохранить несколько номеров на мое имя, поэтому они пока доступны, милости просим.

Если вы свяжетесь со мной напрямую, я могу зарезервировать номер для вас по цене конференц-зала в размере 39$/47$ - номер класса люкс/премиум-класса. Этот блок номеров доступен до тех пор, пока они не будут проданы, поэтому я призываю тех, кто хочет приехать, немедленно связаться со мной:
1-800-472-1695 (+01 486-1695) или напишите мне: paul@accordionstars.com

Скоро состоится великолепный "Tribute to Dick Contino", вы можете прочитать об этом по адресу: www.accordionusa.com/#art3111

Напомним, три звезды - Grayson Masefield, Stas Venglevski и Cory Pesaturo - участвовали в финала Конвенции 2017 года, организованном Joan Sommers (фото справа).

В перечне звезд на баннере (выше), можно увидеть имя Гордона Коля, который получил премию Honorary Director Award 2017 года. Он влился в цех музыкантов этого эксклюзивного клуба, в который входят: Art Van Damme, Dick Contino, Myron Floren, Gina Brannelli, Joan Sommers, Peter Soave, Iona Reed Pukara, Walter Ostanek, Carl Fortina, Pete Barbutti, Frank Marocco, Angelo Di Pippo, Jeff Lisenby, Joey Miskulin, Stas Venglevski, Mary Tokarski, и Mario Pedone.

Для получения дополнительной информации о Международной конвенции аккордеонистов в Лас-Вегасе, пожалуйста, посетите: www.accordionstars.com "
Cory Pesaturo, Grayson Masefield, Stas Venglevski


Deutscher Harmonika-Verband e.V. (DHV), Германия

Hedy Stark Fussnegger, Corinna Probst, Jochen Haußmann
DHV logoCoupe Mondiale logoDeutscher Harmonika-Verband e.V. (DHV), одна из крупнейших ассоциаций аккордеонистов в мире, провела свою Генеральную Ассамблею в прошлую субботу, 23 сентября, в Троссингене.

Состоялись выборы для всего Совета DHV, и Jochen Haußmann снова был избран президентом DHV на следующие 4 года. Hedy Stark-Fussnegger была избрана вице-президентом, а ее CEO позиция перешла к Corinna Probst 1 марта 2017 года.

DHV – Board-Members
President: Jochen Haußmann
1st Vice president: Hedy Stark-Fussnegger
Vice president: Manfred Kappler
Vice president: Ingolf Schneider
Vice president: Volker Gerlich
Treasurer: Heike Braun-Staufenberger
National Chairman of Conductors: Stefan Hippe
Federal Youth Leader: Susanne App
Board member: Dietmar Fink
Board member: Georg Hettmann
Board member: Matthias Hennecke
Board member: Manfred Baudisch
Chairman of Music Advisory Board: Hans-Günther Kölz
Spokesperson of conductors: Johannes Baumann
Spokesperson of conductors: Silke D’Inka

CEO since 1st March 2017: Corinna Probst


«Клуб аккордеонистов Стокпорта сквозь времена», Чешир, Великобритания

Book Cover: Stockport Accordion Club Through the Years«Клуб аккордеонистов Стокпорта сквозь времена» - уникальная книга автора и музыканта Rob Howard (фото ниже), в которой рассказывается о клубе аккордеонистов, основанном на северо-западе Англии. Начало было положено в 1937 году, когда учитель по аккордеону Джек Ридингс организовал первый клуб.

Он был закрыт во время Второй Мировой войны и возрождался несколько раз: в 1948, в 1956, 1987 и 1994 годах. В стенах клуба выступали многие аккордеонисты международного класса: Jörgen Sundeqvist, Gervasio Marcosignori, Mario Conway, Pearl Fawcett-Adriano, Roberto Enzo, Janusz Zukowski, Danielle Pauly, Dermot O’Brien, Barbara Ann Martindale, Jack Emblow, Vladimir Ushakov, Oleg Sharov, Alexander Korbakov, Mauro Carra, Oivind Farmen, Zhang Guoping, Jean Dauvin и др.

Эта книга с ограниченным тиражом, в твердом переплете формата A4. В нее вошли воспоминания участников клуба разных лет: яркие и светлые, веселые и ироничные. В книге опубликованы около 200 фотографий, в том числе снимки групп аккордеонистов, выступавших с 1950-х по 2017 гг.
Стоимость книги £15 + £3p/p (Великобритания) – автор Rob Howard. 42 Avondale Rd, Edgeley, Stockport, Cheshire, UK SK3 9NY.
Overseas: EU 27 Euro, $37 US. Оба варианта включают в себя почтовые расходы. Возможна оплата через Paypal.

За дополнительной информацией обращайтесь по электронной почте: robaccord5@hotmail.com
Rob Howard


Осенний тур Guardia Nueva, Финляндия

Guardia Nueva
Raimo VertainenТанго-оркестр Guardia Nueva под управлением Raimo Vertainen (фото слева) начинает свой осенний концертный тур.

30 сентября в 18:00 - концертный зал Раахе. Серия Brahe Classica. Солист Teemu Roivainen.

14 октября 2017 в 19:00 - зал Кангасала. Эстрадный концерт.

15 октября 2017 в 18:00 - городской театр Васа. Танго-концерт.

Все концерты объединяет тема «100 лет Финляндии». Исполняется музыка в которую входят самые запоминающиеся финские «evergreen» мотивы, специально аранжированные для Guardia Nueva.

Солисты в этих концертах - Teemu Roivainen (вокал), Heidi Kumpula (скрипка) и Raimo Vertainen (вибрандонеон).

CD для продажи онлайн по адресу: Guardia Nueva
Дальнейшая информация о концертах: www.guardianueva.net


Ноты для детей Accordion Kids от Renzo Ruggieri, Италия

Accordion KidsRenzo RuggieriИзвестный аккордеонист, преподаватель и композитор от Renzo Ruggieri на днях выпустил новую электронную книгу нот (файл pdf, который отправим желающим по электронной почте) под названием «Accordion Kids Catalogue»: rrenzo512

Renzo Ruggieri пишет: «Accordion Kids - пьесы для маленьких аккордеонистов: от первых нот, имитации звуков животных до таких жанров, как: диско, барокко и блюз. Аккомпанемент левой рукой в марше, вальсе, танго постепенно приближает юного исполнителя к новым ритмам нынешнего времени.»

Стоимость - 10 евро (или эквивалент в долларах США) за эти чудесные детские композиции, которые пригодятся любому преподавателю юных музыкантов.
Ноты доступны в каталоге: rrenzo512


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Video: Coupe Mondiale Category Winners, Round I - Italy

Video Archive Education Project sponsored by Scandalli
1st Vladimir Stupnikov (Russia) Round I

2nd Ma Qi (China) Round I

3rd Alexey Murza (Ukraine) Round I
The 2017 Coupe Mondiale category results were:
1st Vladimir Stupnikov (Russia)
2nd Ma Qi (China)
3rd Alexey Murza (Ukraine)

This competition was in three rounds. Above is video of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd placed players.
You can view all the Coupe Mondiale contestants videos at:
Round I: 2017CoupeRI
Round II: 2017CoupeRII
Round III: 2017CoupeRIII

The Scandalli Accordion Factory is the sponsor of the 2017 Video Archive and Education Project.


Video: Paolo Miles Demonstrates the MusicTech Digital Accordion at Coupe Mondiale - Italy

Video: Paolo Miles Performance at Coupe Mondiale Digital Accordion Concert.

On the last Sunday of the Coupe Mondiale in Osimo, manufacturers of digital accordions had been invited by the Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) to contribute a performer for a concert of "expert and high level digital accordion performance".

MusicTech Owners Claudio Sabbattini and Maria Rita Bartomeoli had announced that Paolo Miles would perform with the MusicTech Digital Accordion.

Paolo Miles graduated in Classical Accordion at the Niccolò Piccinni Conservatory of Bari (Italy), under the guidance of Prof. Francesco Palazzo. He has an intensive performance schedule as a soloist and also as part of various chamber music and orchestral formations, both as an accordionist and bandoneonist, with successful results.

"Know the People" Interview Claudio Sabbattini and Maria Rita Bartomeoli at: 2017MusicTech
Musictech Claudio Sabbattini and Maria Rita Bartomeoli


Video: Coupe Mondiale Virtuoso Entertainment Winners - Italy

Video Archive Education Project sponsored by Scandalli
1st Andrea Di Giacomo (Italy) Round I

2nd Gustavo Aliandre De Almeida (Brazil) Round I

3rd= Egle Bartkeviciute (Lithuania) Round I

3rd= Nikolay Ovchinnikov (Russia) Round I
The 2017 Coupe Mondiale Virtuoso Entertainment category results were:
1st Andrea Di Giacomo (Italy)
2nd Gustavo Aliandre De Almeida (Brazil)
3rd= Egle Bartkeviciute (Lithuania)
3rd= Nikolay Ovchinnikov (Russia)

This competition was in two rounds. Above is video of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd placed players Round I performance. You can view all the Coupe Mondiale Virtuoso Entertainment contestants videos at:
Round I: 2017VirtuosoRI
Round II: 2017VirtuosoRII

The Scandalli Accordion Factory is the sponsor of the 2017 Video Archive and Education Project.
Video Archive Education Project sponsored by Scandalli


Video: “Tutto a Dio” Win PIF Castelfidardo Category F - Italy

Video: Castelfidardo PIF Category F Chamber Music winners were “Tutto a Dio”: Augustinas Rakauskas (accordion) and Greta Staponkute (viola) from Lithuania. This was their performance at the Prize Giving Concert.

The regulations for Category F require a chamber music group with accordion and other instruments – no age limit (from a minimum of 2 to a maximum of 12 participants). Entrants must present a program of their choice with a maximum length of 20 minutes.


Video: Ksenija Sidorova Performs Fantasie on Astor Piazzolla's Chiquilin de Bachin

International accordionist Ksenija Sidorova performs Franck Angelis Fantasie on Astor Piazzolla's theme Chiquilin de Bachin. This new composition for ensemble of a favorite solo piece for accordionists, is sure to be popular too.


Будущие события

Karen Tweed’s October Dates – Irish Republic, UK

Accordionist Karen Tweed performs during October, as follows:

Monday October 2nd - teaching at Newcastle University Folk Degree Course
Saturday October 7th - Karen Tweed & Tom McElvogue, Strokestown, County Roscommon, Irish Republic; CD launch: 'Luckpenny' (4pm  - 6pm) and also appearing as part of the Tribute to Frank Kelly Concert (8pm).
Monday October 16th to Thursday 19th – teaching at Jennifer and Hazel Wrigley's Fiddle and Guitar School and Festival 2017 Orkney Isles, UK

Karen Tweed, born in England but now resident in Ireland, is steeped in Irish traditional music and has recorded and performed in this genre for many years. She also performs in other genres, and has featured on over 30 CDs. She won 5 All Ireland titles on piano accordion and melodica in the late 1970s/early 80s, performed with the Poozies, and is the main piano accordion tutor at the World Music Centre, University of Limerick, and a regular tutor for the Bmus Degree in folk and traditional music at Newcastle University and at The Sage, Gateshead.

For further information email: info@karentweed.com


Sharon Shannon’s Concert Tour Dates – UK, Irish Republic

Sharon Shannon CD, ‘Sacred Earth’Irish diatonic accordionist Sharon Shannon and her band perform as follows during October:

October 3rd, 8pm – Irish World Heritage Centre, Manchester, England
October 4th – Birmingham Irish Centre
October 5th – Colchester Arts Centre
October 6th – The Cube, Corby
October 7th – London Irish Centre
October 15th, 7pm – Spiegeltent, Paisley, Scotland
October 28th, 8pm - Hawkswell Theatre, Sligo, Irish Republic

Sharon Shannon’s latest CD, ‘Sacred Earth’, is an eclectic recording of arrangements of traditional Irish tunes and Irish-influenced compositions, mixed in with styles from around the world, including Blues, North and West African music and reggae. On this recording she works with various other musicians such as Finbarr Furey, six Shetland fiddlers, and kora player Seckou Keita.

Sharon Shannon, from County Clare but now living in Galway, plays the diatonic 2 row button accordion, melodeon, fiddle, and tin whistle. Originally a competitive show jumper, she switched to playing music professionally in the mid-1980s, and has since enjoyed a very successful international career. She was briefly a member of The Waterboys, but plays mainly as a soloist with her own backing musicians. Sharon Shannon is especially popular with younger audiences, and is well-known as an innovator who incorporates other styles such as French-Canadian, Portuguese, Cajun, and Reggae into Irish traditional music.


Marc Perrone Concert, Paris – France

Marc PerroneAccordionist Marc Perrone performs in concert on Wednesday October 4th, 7.30pm-10.30pm, at La Generale Nord-Est, 14 Avenue Parmentier, 75011 Paris.

Marc Perrone was born in 1951 in Villejuif, France. In addition to being a musette accordionist and recording artist, he is a composer and actor, known for appearing in the French-made movies ‘La trace’, ‘Le stelle inquiete’ and ‘Un dimanche à la campagne’.

For further information email: contact@lagenerale.fr


Royal Academy of Music Events, London – UK

Royal Academy of Music logoOwen MurrayThursday October 5th - Accordion Department Open Day – free admission, no tickets required.

There will be a lunchtime concert by students in the David Josefowitz Recital Hall at 1.05pm followed by a talk by Owen Murray on the work on the Accordion Department.

At 3.30pm to 5pm there will be an opportunity for young accordionists to play and receive advice on further development. Anyone wishing to play should contact the Accordion Department administrator Karen Ingram (k.ingram@ram.ac.uk) giving details of age, some examples of pieces in your repertoire, and the title of a composition to play in the session. 
Friday October 13th, 10am until 1pm – master class with Peter Katina

The Royal Academy of Music is situated at 100 Marylebone Rd, London NW1 5HT. Founded in founded in 1822 and receiving its Royal Charter in 1830, the RAM is one of the leading conservatoires in the world, coming top of the Complete University Guide for 2018 and Guardian University Guide for 2018.

Famous Academy alumni include Sir Simon Rattle, Sir Harrison Birtwistle, Sir Elton John and Annie Lennox. The Accordion Department was founded in 1986, and its graduates include James Crabb, Neil Varley, Ian Watson, Murray Grainger, Martynas Levickis, Ksenija Sidorova, Milos Milivojevic, Rafal Luc, and many more.

For further information email: K.INGRAM@ram.ac.uk


Zoltan Orosz Concert, Budapest - Hungary

Zoltan OroszAccordionist Zoltan Orosz performs a solo concert on Thursday October 5th, 7pm, at Obudai Tarsaskor, Budapest. The programme includes French musettes, Balkan music, American music, and Argentinean tangos.

Zoltan Orosz studied the accordion and the organ at the Bela Bartok Conservatory in Budapest and at the Franz Liszt College, Budapest. He performs internationally, and has made several recordings.

For further information email: mks.nesvady@post.sk


Frank Gavigan Memorial Concert, Westmeath – Irish Republic

Newspaper article
Frank GaviganAccordionist Mick Foster, of Foster & Allen fame, is one of several musicians performing in the annual Frank Gavigan (picture left) Memorial Concert on Friday October 6th, 8pm, at Milltown Community Centre, Westmeath, Irish Republic. The late Frank Gavigan, an All-Ireland Champion, was once Mick Foster’s accordion teacher.

Others performing include button accordionist Darren Breslin, the Bridge Ceili Band, button accordionist Annette Owens, flautist Siobhan Ni Chonarain, harmonica player and guitarist Noel Battle, the Ballynacargy Set Dancers, accordionist and pianist Moyra Fraser, banjo player Willie Kavanagh, accordionist Brendan Doyle, and more.


Ferran Martinez Concert, Barcelona – Spain

Ferran MartinezOn Sunday October 22nd, 7pm, Spanish accordionist Ferran Martinez performs a solo concert at the Auditori Pepita Selles, c/entença, 218, Barcelona.

Programme: ‘Under Paris Skies’ – Hubert Giraud, ‘Carnival of Venice’ - Pietro Frosini, ‘Tango for Claude’ – Richard Galliano, ‘Concert de Aranjuez’ - J. Rodrigo, ‘Tritsch-Tratsch Polka’ - J. Strauss, ‘Voices of Spring’ – J. Strauss, ‘Summer’ from the ‘Four Seasons’ – A. Vivaldi, ‘Romance’ - F. Angelis, ‘Topic and variations of an Ukrainian theme’ – A. Kazakov, ‘Don Rhapsody’ - V. Semionov

Ferran Martinez, born in 1971, is a graduate of the Barcelona Conservatory. He plays solo classical concerts and is a member of the Cavall Bernat group, performing Catalan popular music. He is also both an accordion and computer teacher.

For further information email: ferranbayan@gmail.com


Новые и обновленные сайты

Gary Dahl Releases El Choclo Tango Arrangement - USA

Gary DahlGary Dahl has released an arrangement of the very famous tango El Choclo composed by Ángel Villoldo. Catalog: DH0262

El Choclo is one of the most popular tangos in Argentina and worldwide. The music has been performed and recorded by numerous bands, orchestras and accordion soloists all over the world. You can view a sample page at: Catalog: DH0262

Also, Gary Dahl announces an update of the arrangement of Ashokan, made famous from the PBS Series Soundtrack, The Civil War. Further information about Ashokan (US$5.95) including a sample page is at Catalog: DH0257

Gary Dahl now has released 218 arrangements and 10 great value eBooks in recent years with information at: Gary Dahl


Franco Cambareri Composition Tristesse Available Online - Australia

Franco CambareriFranco Cambareri has released online his composition Tristesse (Tristezza) which he describes as a "Beautiful Sentimental Bossa Nova" of grade 3 level.

Listen to a sound sample of the music and view sample page at: Catalog cfranco231


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