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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 29-Jul-2022
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ATG隆重庆祝其80周年庆典 - 美国
Ksenija Sidorova在瑞士格施塔德梅纽因音乐节上演出
第八届不列颠哥伦比亚省波兰节 - 加拿大
视频。Arseniy Strokovskiy 在ManiFeste-2022上的表演 - 法国
第四届 "Città di Spoleto "2022国际作曲比赛 - 意大利
CNIMA八月手风琴课程 - 法国


50th Sata-Häme Soi: Festival of Diversity and Happiness – Finland
12th International Music Festival “Harmonika Fest” - Montenegro
Summer Creative School "Art Champion", Vologda - Russia
Duo Two Accordions Entertains at World Athletic Championships - USA
Royal Meath Accordion Orchestra Annual Variety Concert - Ireland
Video: Michael Bridge Concert at A World of Accordions Museum - USA
2022 Nordnorsk Accordion Hits - Norway
Alex Meixner Band Voted 2022 "Best Local Live Band/ Musician" - USA
Video: “Polkaholiki” on Supertalent TV Program – Croatia
2022 Stowe Tango Music Festival – USA


Grayson Masefield 与基督城交响乐团合作演出 - 新西兰
Marco Lo Russo Performs at 58th Pontino Festival – Italy
Cape Town Tango Ensemble “Tango at Truth” Concert – South Africa
Danilo Di Paolonicola Performs at 2022 Pyrenees Accordion Festival - Spain
Aurélien Claranbaux Accordion Course - France
Edmonton Folk Music Festival - Canada
“Lakeland Fiddlers” Entertain at Lake District Folk Weekend – England
2022 Milwaukee Irish Fest – USA
Akkordeon-Orchester Wesseling Summer Festival Concert – Germany

以前的新闻链接 仍然是当前的

List of Links


Updated Site: National Accordion Association - USA

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ATG隆重庆祝其80周年庆典 - 美国

ATG orchestra
Jane & children国际手风琴家和教师协会(Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International - ATG)于1940年在芝加哥由名誉主席 Anthony Galla-Rini 创立,作为一个组织已有82年的历史,在经历了与Covid有关的延误后,终于能够在2022年7月20日至24日在伊利诺伊州的Lisle(芝加哥)重新聚首并庆祝他们的80周年庆典。

以代表不同音乐类型的艺术家阵容为特色,嘉宾和活动包括。Michael Bridge(加拿大)、Stas Venglevski(美国)、Mirco Patarini(意大利)、Nikolay Bine(加拿大)、Murl Allen Sanders(美国)、80名ATG音乐节乐团成员(上图)、密苏里大学堪萨斯城分校(UMKC)社区手风琴乐团、手风琴宠物园、比赛、教育研讨会、社交活动、展览等。

ATG主席Mary Ann Covone和董事会欢迎来自远在奥地利、意大利以及美国和加拿大的与会者参加为期四天的音乐节,展示手风琴的精华。

为了向他们的创始人致敬,ATG 发行了一张新的协奏曲CD(手风琴独奏与管弦乐队)由 Anthony Galla-Rini 作曲。

第一号协奏曲由美国冠军独奏家 Karen Fremar, Robert Sattler 和 Jeff LisenbyJoan Sommers 指挥的UMKC手风琴乐团各演奏一个乐章;第二号协奏曲由 Stas Venglevski 与Pasquale Laurino指挥的Racine交响乐团演奏,这张CD还包括Galla-Rini本人在James Neilson指挥下与俄克拉荷马城大学交响乐团演奏其第一号协奏曲的世界首演的罕见的额外曲目。 为了庆祝新CD和80周年纪念,斯塔斯在晚会闭幕式音乐会上演奏了第二号协奏曲,威廉-莫尔斯指挥拉辛交响乐团。

今年的新活动是广受欢迎的 "宠物动物园",普通公众被邀请亲身体验手风琴。 受欢迎的艺人简-克里斯蒂森(Jane Christison)表演了受欢迎的儿童作品,而带着12件低音乐器的志愿者们则协助公众了解手风琴的知识。

为纪念80周年,宏伟的80支手风琴管弦乐队将音乐节推向高潮。 在世界著名指挥家、ATG前任主席琼-科克伦-萨默斯的指挥下,乐团在惠顿学院的阿默丁音乐厅演奏了雅尔、加拉-里尼、西贝柳斯、卡巴列夫斯基、哈迪曼以及罗杰斯和汉默斯坦的精彩作品。

Mirco Patarini, 主席, Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA), 出席电影节,向ATG表示祝贺。

Anthony Galla-Rini 曾任中情局副局长。1951年在巴黎举行的中情局大会上,他成功申请ATG成为中情局成员。


ATG pics


Ksenija Sidorova在瑞士格施塔德梅纽因音乐节上演出

Avi AvitalKsenija SidorovaKsenija Sidorova(图右)将于2022年8月2日晚7点30分在瑞士格施塔德的Boltigen教堂与Avi Avital(曼陀林-图左)合作演出。

这场名为 "从维也纳到里约热内卢 "的音乐会是格斯塔德梅纽因音乐节的一部分。




第八届不列颠哥伦比亚省波兰节 - 加拿大

Polish fest poster


节日的主角是 "Parno Drom "团体,其中包括手风琴家Bob Kozak(如下图),他们将以各种东欧罗马人(吉普赛人)的音乐进行表演。

Parno Drom


视频。Arseniy Strokovskiy 在ManiFeste-2022上的表演 - 法国

Arseniy S视频。Arseniy Strokovskiy. 阿森尼-斯特罗科夫斯基(图左)于2022年7月6日在法国巴黎蓬皮杜中心与国际现代学院乐团合作演出,作为ManiFeste-2022的一部分。

Elena Rykova的 "In the Presence of Absence" - 法国首演。


第四届 "Città di Spoleto "2022国际作曲比赛 - 意大利

Spoleto poster由意大利手风琴文化协会(IAC)与ACEP、UNEMIA和Edizioni Musicali e Discografiche Ars Spoletium s.r.l合作举办的第四届 "Città di Spoleto "2022年国际作曲比赛现已开始报名参赛。



在此下载比赛规则。 2022SpoletoRules.pdf


CNIMA八月手风琴课程 - 法国

Nathalie & Jacques视频。关于CNIMA的Jacques Mornet手风琴方法的宣传视频。

由Nathalie Boucheix指导的CNIMA将在8月份举办两期手风琴培训班,具体安排如下。
- 2022年8月8日至13日
- 2022年8月15日至20日





50th Sata-Häme Soi: Festival of Diversity and Happiness – Finland

Pirt group pic
competition winnersRadu RatoiPicture above: Pirttilahti Tango Experience conducted by Sami Pirttilahti

Picture left: 2022 Golden Harmonica competition winner 16-year-old Ville Vehkalahti and the Children's Silver Accordion winner 10-year-old Samuel Heikola.

Picture right: Radu Ratoi

Music, accordion and bright summer nights immersed in an inimitable forest and lake landscape form a uniquely exotic atmosphere hard to find elsewhere. The Sata-Häme Soi Accordion Festival was founded by Heikki Eränen in 1972 and has grown from humble beginnings to over 30,000 attendees.

Ikaalinen is located on the border of the two provinces of Satakunta and Häme (hence the name) and over the years has been enchanted by the sounds (Soi!) of famous musicians: the Malando Septet, Alfred Hause and his Orchestra, Mantovani, Osvaldo Pugliese, Astor Piazzolla, Juan Mosalini, the Mantua String Quartet, the St. Petersburg Accordion Orchestra, etc. Even the Johann Strauss Ensemble of the Vienna Symphony Orchestra under Johannes Wildner accompanied by nothing but an accordion at his concert in 1989! In addition to the accordion, there are always other performances such as dance events, church concerts or summer theater in the program.

Although the festival has become more and more international over the years, it has a very important national significance: it is responsible for the fact that the Finnish accordion tradition has remained so intact and is currently gaining recognition from a wide audience.

It was Heikki Eränen's dream to bring together the great Finnish tradition of folk dance music and the accordion in one annual festival. At the end of the 1960s, on his initiative, there was already an accordion ensemble, a string group and other ensembles in Ikaalinen, which held concerts and other cultural events. A visit by Lasse Pihlajamaa, Finland's great accordion pioneer, provided the final impetus for a folk music festival in Ikaalinen, which attracted 15,000 guests as early as 1972. In 1985, 1,500 people came to the then new Ikaalinen Hall for a Taito Vainio concert. The first three-day festival was extended to a full week, later even ten days, and also included nearby places like Tampere, Jämijärvi, Ylöjärvi, Nokia and Parkano.

To kick off the 50th anniversary celebrations, the festival was opened by Eeva Viitanen, Mayor of Ikaalinen, Mikko Alatalo and 2021 Golden Accordion winners Vilma Wiren and Sonja Lampinen provided musical accompaniment to the ceremony.

The Golden and Silver Harmonica competitions were organized in cooperation between Sata-Häme Soi and the Finnish Harmonica Association. 2022 is an anniversary year for both of them, as Sata-Häme Soi celebrates its 50th anniversary and the association its 70th anniversary.

The 2022 Harmonica Gold and Silver finalists were announced at the Harmonica Cruise in May, with the finale now being broadcast live on Ikaalinen TV. The 2022 Golden Harmonica competition was won by 16-year-old Ville Vehkalahti from Lavia, the Children's Silver Accordion by 10-year-old Samuel Heikola from Pori (picture above left). Ville Vehkalahti played Black Eyes (trad.) in the first round and Minka Variations in the second. The jury described Ville Vehkalahti's playing as very musically and technically skillful and also admired his wonderful natural stage presence. Samuel Heikola won over the jury with Thibaut Trosset's adaptation of Pirates of the Caribbean. During the intermission, Netta Skog entertained the audience with I want my tears back on her digital accordion.

The jury consisted of musical professionals such as Siina Hirvonen, Henna-Maija Vannemaa, Sami Pirttilahti, Reijo Ahonen and Sirpa Kainulainen. Festival organizer Kimmo Mattila and Salla Paajanen moderated the TV finale in their usual skilful manner.

The international festival Sata-Häme Soi, which once grew out of the local Pelimanni tradition, honored its traditions with two concerts: in the Oma-Tupa concert hall, musicians from the famous Huhtasalo pelimanni family performed, and in the Röyhiö Municipal Hall, the evening turned to rhythm of accordionists and violinists from Ikaalinen. The Pelimann Competition is Finland's oldest continuously organized accordion competition. A total of more than 60 musical performances by players of different ages could be heard on the park stage. In a lecture in the Accordion Museum, Jouko Kulmala from Jämijärvis Pelimanni introduced the original world of Ikaali and Jämijärve folk music.

One of the highlights of the Jubilee Festival was the Jubilee Concert recorded by Alfa TV, featuring numerous soloists accompanied by the famous Dallapé Orchestra (picture below). Tango lovers were treated to the Pirttilahti Tango Experience conducted by Sami Pirttilahti, an internationally unique tango orchestra made up of professional musicians. Authentic Argentinian sound and original arrangements guaranteed the listener an unforgettable experience.

Later in the evening Janne Valkeajoki gave an atmospheric classical concert with works by Bach, Rameau and Shostakovich in the church of Ikaalinen. The Finnish Accordion Association has named Valkeajoki, who is at the beginning of a promising career, as Accordion Artist of the Year 2021.

Radu Ratoi from Moldova and the Austrian-Colombian duo Das Kollektiv conveyed international flair to the festival audience. Radu Ratoi has won various international accordion competitions in recent years such as Coupe Mondiale, Trophée Mondial, Klingenthal, Moscow, Arrasate and Castelfidardo. He enchanted his listeners with works by Bach and Liszt. The duo Kollektiv (Raphael Brunner, accordion; Juan Carlos Diaz, flute) is currently taking world music by storm. In their concerts, the Kollektiv moves between classical, folklore and world music. When the Kollektiv makes music, music becomes the universal language: "We never play a work as it is written, but always bring our own ideas and our soul into the music." (Das Kollektiv)

The melodies of the festival also reached the waves of Lake Kyrösjärvi. Jarkko Helin & Cajun Comets, digital accordion world champion Netta Skog and tango queen Pirita Niemenmaa performed for the audience on three artist cruises. Dance enthusiasts were spoiled in the park and in the tent. Dance music came from Tanssiorkesteri PNP, Jarkko Helin & Grawfish Kings, Jämijärvi Pelimannit, Vesa Formunen Dance Group, Pirita Niemenmaa Yhtyeinene and folk music group Nope. Parties should be aimed especially at young people. On the first night Patsas, Netta Skog, Jobo and Pasi and Anssi performed in the festival park, on the second Hamilton Jones, Telsonig, Werstailijat and the Oktoberfest Orchestra Oivaset performed at the ship's beach party.

In 2023, the direction of Sata-Häme Soi will be in the hands of new artistic director Sami Pirttilahti. He studied at the Art Academy in Turku and received a classical music education. He is best known as a specialist in tango and has an extensive musical network. Pirttilahti is Accordion Artist of the Year 2020 and a fixture in the international tango world. He names the band Tango del Norte and the orchestra Pirttilahti Tango Experience as his most important projects. Under his leadership, the Sata-Häme Soi Festival will also feature upbeat Finnish accordion music in the years to come.

Picture below: One of the highlights of the Jubilee Festival was the Jubilee Concert recorded by Alfa TV, featuring numerous soloists accompanied by the famous Dallapé Orchestra.


12th International Music Festival “Harmonika Fest” - Montenegro

12th comp winners
12th12th concertThe International Music Festival “Harmonika Fest” is the first International Music Festival for Accordion in Montenegro, founded in 2010 in Cetinje, where it was held until 2014.

Since then the festival hosts all participants and audience in the beautiful Adriatc town of Tivat and is aimed at accordionists of all ages and abilities.

Founder and director of the festival is Prof. Predrag Jankovic. The festival is organized by the NGO "Harmonika Montenegrina" with the support of Cultural Centre Tivat, Municipality Tivat and Ministry of Culture and Media.

The festival has featured the most eminent artists in the field of classical accordion: Yuri Shishkin, Sergey Osokin, Renzo Ruggieri, Pavel Fenjuk, Vladimir Murza, Petar Maric, Nikola Pekovic, Semion Shmelkov, Roman Jbanov, Domi Emorine (Duo Paris Moscou) and many others.

The festival consists of three main events: competition, masterclasses and evening concerts. Also, in addition, every year, the festival organizes scientific lectures, round tables, promotions of books, textbooks, leading accordion factories, etc.

The International Competition includes categories for accordion solo, chamber music, orchestras and variety.

An important part of the festival are the Master classes which are held for students of lower and middle music schools, as well as students from the Music academy, accordion department. Lecturers at the workshops are eminent professors who work at the most prestigious Music Academies in Europe and the world.

The exchange of knowledge, practice and experience, promotion of the classical accordion as well as meeting local and global tendencies in contemporary concert and pedagogical practice for accordion are the primary goals of this project.

This year's 12th edition of the International Music festival Harmonika Fest was held from June 24th to 26th at the Cultural Centre Tivat.

At the opening ceremony, Predrag Jankovic addressed the audience and the media. He said: “With the continuous development of the festival, recognizable artistic and educational qualities, as well as the participation of an increasing number of participants and competitors from year to year, the festival became recognizable on the map of the most important European festivals for classical accordion. For the past 11 years, we have tried to make quality imperative, that is the basis our festival. When I say quality, I mean not only good organization, but what is most important the expertise and competences that adorn the renowned members of international jury, professors and lecturers. World-renowned artists also made a great contribution to the festival, they strengthened and enriched this project with their performances”.

Predrag Jankovic then gave a plaque for contribution to the development of the festival to Prof. Radomir Tomic, who is one of the world's most respected professors and the founder of the modern accordion school at the Balkan.

We had the honour and pleasure to host Mirco Patarini, President of the CIA, who thanked all the students and their parents for being a part of this project. He emphasized the importance of education and guidance of the individual and providing support to young people in order to develop the entire society.

The festival was officially opened by the mayor of Tivat, Mr. Zeljko Komnenovic. At the Opening ceremony Radu Ratoi, winner of world competitions (Coupe Mondiale, Castelfidardo, Klingenthal, World Trophy, etc.) held a memorable concert.

During the two festival days the eminent international jury evaluated the competitors. Members of the jury were: Mirco Patarini (ITA), Radomir Tomic (SRB), Radu Ratoi (MOL), Marjan Krajna (CRO), Slavisa Peric (BIH), Aleksej Molcanov (MNE), Ivana Cvetkovski (CRO), Vujadin Krivokapic (MNE), Vesna Sarac (MNE) and Tijana Ilic (MNE).

A great contribution to the development of techniques and skills of students was made by Mirco Patarini, who imparted his artistic and pedagogical knowledge to young artists at the master class.

Mag.art.Dr.phil. Ivana Cvetkovski presented her primer Hocus Pocus Harmonicus and held a lecture on the method of pedagogical work with pupils who encounter the accordion for the first time.

An important goal of the festival is the education of young artists whose work and progress at the festival follows year after year. The best students of primary and secondary music schools and students of the Music Academy in Montenegro performed on June 25th at a concert called Young scene of Montenegrin accordionists.

Also, on the same evening, the Winners Concert was held with winners of all categories of the competition performing.

Predrag Jankovic and Mirco Patarini presented prizes, cups and diplomas to the contestants, ending the 12th International Music Festival Harmonika Fest.
12th Mirco


Summer Creative School "Art Champion", Vologda - Russia

Art poster
Applications are now invited for the Summer Creative School "Art Champion", which will be held in Vologda, Russia from August 15th to 22nd, 2022.

Classes will be held for bayan, accordion and harmony and include daily individual lessons, ensemble rehearsals as well as an orchestra of participants.

As part of the program, participants will also attend solo concerts and creative meetings with famous performers and musicians.

The week-long training course will end with a final concert of participants and a round table, where those present will be able to discuss the results of their work and share their impressions and emotions.

The course is aimed at students of children's music schools, children's art schools, students of secondary and higher educational institutions, as well as teachers and concert performers who can participate.

In order to get acquainted with the city, organisers are planning a sightseeing tour of the city of Vologda.

Download regulations and questionnaire in Russian language here: 2022ArtChampion.pdf

For further details email: art_champion@bk.ru


Duo Two Accordions Entertains at World Athletic Championships - USA

Duo Two Accordions
Duo picDuo Two Accordions (Maria and Sergei Teleshev) were in the official entertainment group at the 18th World Athletics Championships giving concerts on July 18th, 20th and 21st, 2022.

The event was held at the Hayward Field in Eugene, Oregon, USA from July 15th to 24th and included over 2,000 athletes representing more than 200 nations.

In addition the championships were televised in many countries around the world.


Royal Meath Accordion Orchestra Annual Variety Concert - Ireland

RMAO posterThe Royal Meath Accordion Orchestra (pictured above) held their Annual Charity Variety Concert 2022 at St. Peter’s Church of Ireland in Drogheda, Ireland on July 15th, 2022.

The event featured an evening of music and song with performances by the Orchestra Musik Akkordia (pictured below), who travelled from Berlin, Germany as part of their 25th anniversary celebrations, and the Royal Meath Accordion Orchestra (directed by Gerry Kelly).

All proceeds from the concert were donated to the Drogheda Branch of the Alzheimer’s Society of Ireland.
Musik Akkordia


Video: Michael Bridge Concert at A World of Accordions Museum - USA

Bridge poster
AWAMVideo: Michael Bridge performance at A World of Accordions Museum in Superior, Wisconsin, USA on Monday, July 25th, 2022.

A World of Accordions Museum was proud to present Canadian accordionist Michael Bridge in concert in the beautiful Hanni Strahl Concert Hall, located in the historic A World of Accordions Museum.

Michael Bridge is a virtuoso performer on both the acoustic accordion and the digital accordion. His concerts capture the energy and panache of stadium rock with the elegance and discipline of chamber music. He was named one of CBC’s 30 under 30 classical musicians.

He recently received a doctorate in performance from the University of Toronto and became a Rebanks Fellow at the Glenn Gould School. He gives over 100 concerts a year as a soloist and as a member of both the “Bridge & Wolak” duo and “Ladom Ensemble”.

He’s in huge demand for masterclasses around the world. Bridge embraces a musical aesthetic that is alternatively irreverent, deadly serious, meticulously prepared and completely in-the-moment. He’s at home with jazz, folk and classical music and has premiered 53 new works. Ultimately, he aims to make your world more bearable, beautiful and human – even if only for the length of a concert.

Please help support A World of Accordions Museum at their GoFundMe link.


2022 Nordnorsk Accordion Hits - Norway

NTL poster
The 2022 Nordnorsk Accordion Hits festival began on July 27th and will run through to July 31st in Polleidet, Lyngen, Troms Fylke, Norway.

The event is organised by the Norske Trekkspilleres Landsforbund (NTL) - Norwegian Accordionists Association in cooperation with the Lyngen/Karnes Sports Club.

See poster for details.


Alex Meixner Band Voted 2022 "Best Local Live Band/ Musician" - USA

AM award poster
The Alex Meixner Band has been voted "Best Local Live Band/ Musician" by readers of the New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung Newspaper in Texas.

Alex says “It's an awesome feeling to be a new resident in town and feel all the love!!!”

The band’s next performance will be on July 30th and 31st at the German Fest Milwaukee held at the Henry Maier Festival Park in Wisconsin, USA.

For details phone: 414-464-9444


Video: “Polkaholiki” on Supertalent TV Program – Croatia

Video: “Polkaholiki” from Slovenia performing Misha Kovac's “Another untangles her hair, and I love her” on the 2021 Supertalent competition in Croatia on Nova TV.

The group got through to the finals of the competition with this performance.


2022 Stowe Tango Music Festival – USA

Fest logoHector Del CurtoVideo: 2022 festival artist information.

Tickets are almost completely sold out for the 2022 Stowe Tango Music Festival which will be held at the Spruce Peak Performing Arts Center in Stowe, Vermont, USA from August 19th to 21st, 2022. The Artistic Director is bandoneonist, Hector Del Curto (picture right).

The festival is open for bandoneon students of all levels and includes the final round of the 2022 Che Bandoneon International Competition where finalists will perform solo and orchestral works.

Hector Del Curto will hold a Bandoneon Intensive Workshop for all levels of bandoneon students, which will feature daily technique classes, workshops, bandoneon orchestra, private lessons and performance opportunities.

For details email: stowetangomusicfestival@gmail.com



Grayson Masefield 与基督城交响乐团合作演出 - 新西兰

Christchurch Accordion Orchestra
Benjamin NortheyMatthew BarleyGrayson Masefield将于2022年7月30日在基督城市政厅与基督城交响乐团进行音乐会。

这场音乐会是基督城交响乐团Lamb & Hayward Masterworks "田园 "系列音乐会中的一场。

节目中,奥斯瓦尔多-戈里约夫创作的作品《Azul》。Osvaldo Noé Golijov是阿根廷古典音乐作曲家和音乐教授,以其声乐和管弦乐作品而闻名。

基督城交响乐团首席指挥Benjamin Northey将指导独奏者Matthew Barley(大提琴)和Grayson Masefield(手风琴)在新西兰首演这部作品。

在音乐会前的采访中,Grayson Masefield说。"我曾与法国、瑞士、智利、美国、加拿大、中国的管弦乐队合作;机会来了,但大多数时候,我的工作是作为独奏者。我真的很幸运,能在世界各地旅行,在各种级别和场所演奏。"
Grayson Masefield


Marco Lo Russo Performs at 58th Pontino Festival – Italy

Marco Lo RussoMarco Lo Russo will perform concerts at the 58th Pontino Festival held in Italy as follows:

• July 30th at 9pm: solo concert in the Gardens of the Municipality in Latina. His program will feature “Made in Italy”, with pieces “ranging from classical music by composers such as Rossini, to songwriting, such as Bruno Martino, from Neapolitan arias, passing through Morricone's film music, Rota and original pieces by Lo Russo himself”.
• August 1st at 9pm: solo concert in the San Pietro a Sonnino Church in Latina. This concert will feature a program of mainly classical music.

For details phone: 32 975 40544


Cape Town Tango Ensemble “Tango at Truth” Concert – South Africa

TAT logo
Stanislav AngelovThe Cape Town Tango Ensemble will perform a “Tango at Truth” concert at Truth Coffee Roasting Cape Town in Cape Town, South Africa on July 31st, 2022 from 5pm to 8pm.

The “Tango at Truth” series features live tango music by the ensemble, led by accordionist Stanislav Angelov (picture left).

For details email: music@goodmusic.co.za


Danilo Di Paolonicola Performs at 2022 Pyrenees Accordion Festival - Spain

Danilo Di PaolonicolaDanilo Di Paolonicola will perform at the annual Meeting of Accordionists of the Pyrenees in La Seu d'Urgell, Lleida, Spain this week.

This six-day festival is one of the oldest traditional music festivals in Catalonia and is currently considered the most important diatonic accordion festival in Europe.

Danilo will perform solo concerts on July 30th & 31st as well as August 1st, 2nd and 3rd.

For details email: danilodip1977@gmail.com


Aurélien Claranbaux Accordion Course - France

Claran header
Aurélien ClaranbauxAurélien Claranbaux (picture right) will hold an Accordion Course at Studio "La Claranbox" in Lignareix, France from August 2nd to 6th, 2022.

The course is aimed at intermediate or advanced level (knowing your keyboard is highly recommended) and will focus on touch, phrasing and expression.

Based on some pieces received in advance and others learned on the spot, attendees will reflect together on how to convey to the public a better understanding and feeling of melody, harmony and rhythm.

For details email: duodiato@gmail.com


Edmonton Folk Music Festival - Canada

EFMF header
Video: Short video on the festival.

The Edmonton Folk Music Festival will be held in Gallagher Park, Edmonton, Canada from August 4th to 7th, 2022.

The festival will include a variety of musical entertainment by soloists, groups and dancers.

For details email: admin2@edmontonfolkfest.org


“Lakeland Fiddlers” Entertain at Lake District Folk Weekend – England

Lakeland Fiddlers
The “Lakeland Fiddlers” (which includes guest accordionist Leo) will entertain at the Lake District Folk Weekend held in Staveley, Lake District, England from August 5th to 7th, 2022.

The event includes a mixture of free and paid for events including a variety of concerts, a ceilidh, workshops, dance displays and music sessions.

For details email: lakedistrictfolk@gmail.com


2022 Milwaukee Irish Fest – USA

Milwaukee IF banner
An DúthrachtThe 2022 Milwaukee Irish Fest will be held at the Henry Maier Festival Park in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA from August 18th to 21st, 2022.

Performers include An Dúthracht (with Jacaí Mhic Shéafraidh – concertina – picture left), Boxing Banjo (Ireland – picture below), Ceol Cairde (Sue van Dyke on concertina), Dervish (Shane Mitchell -accordion), Leahys Luck (Stas Venglevski – accordion), Lilies of the Midwest, Paddy Homan and the Noble Call with guest accordionist Jimmy Keane, Scythian, Skerryvore and Socks in the Frying Pan.
Boxing Band


Akkordeon-Orchester Wesseling Summer Festival Concert – Germany

AOWesseling poster
The Akkordeon-Orchester Wesseling (conducted by Anita Brandtstäter) will entertain at the Summer Festival of the Club Sport for Seniors in Schwingeler Hof, Germany on August 25th, 2022.

Their popular program will include “The Syncopated Clock” (Leroy Anderson), “The Lonely Sheppard” (James Last), Bella Ciao (Traditional) and many others.


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2022 Coupe Mondiale 2022 Coupe Mondiale, October 04 - 09, Switzerland News Link
PIF Castelfidardo PIF Castelfidardo 2022  Information
Voci Armoniche logo Accordion Reed Production  Article Link
2021 Coupe Mondiale 2021 Coupe Mondiale Report and Video of all contestants Report Link
Beniamino Bugiolacchi Chronology of Production of Italian Accordions Article Link
Dr William Schimmel 2022 Dr William Schimmel’s Accordion Seminars, July 29-31, NY  News Link
Serenellini Know the People Interview Serenellini Know the People Interview News Link
2022 aaa online Festival Competition 2022 AAA Recent publications, USA  News Link and Article



Updated Site: National Accordion Association - USA

NAA header
As the world continues to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic problems, individuals and groups are looking at ways to get back to full swing. The accordion community is one of these groups. During the downtime, the National Accordion Association (NAA) leaders spent some time upgrading the NAA website which needed to reflect 2022-2023 technology.

In addition you will see information on the March 2023 National Accordion Convention held at the Hilton Hotel in Richardson, Texas.

Plus: A new Accordion Association is being planned for young adult accordionists, aged from 18 to 29.

The National Accordion Association (NAA) is looking for young adult accordionists who are “Leaping into their Future” while continuing to play the accordion. Regardless of their current position in this exciting new life, the NAA wants to support members of this group as long they continue to play the accordion along life’s journey. All of us know that this age group can use the accordion as a social instrument, a hobby, part-time income, and/or to develop a musical-related career.

See: NAA website.


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