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Weekly News from Around the World - 29-Jul-2016
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Особенности Highlights

Gorka Hermosa’s Summer Tour - Lithuania, Latvia, Spain
100 лет со дня рождения Лассе Пихлайамаа (1916-2007) - Финляндия
Ежедневные отчеты: 33-й Харбинский Китайский Летний музыкальный фестиваль Международный аккордеона Неделя Искусств – Китай
Джо Дерран (1930-2016), Массачуссетс - США

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Finnish accordionist Mika Väyrynen concludes Summer Concert Season
2016 AAA Festival Video Excerpts - USA
Naxos International To Expand Into China and Release Gary Daverne CD's - China
Video: Miloš Milivojević, Adagio by Alessandro Marcello, Castelfidardo - Italy
Classic Kyiv Duo @ Stockport Accordion Club, Cheshire – UK
Petosa Sponsored Workshops, First by Grayson Masefield - USA
Italian-Polish concert devoted to Karol Wojtyla, Krakow – Poland

Будущие события

Those Darn Accordions (TDA) East Coast/Mid-West Tour – USA
Gypsy Jazz @ Barristers, Cape Town – South Africa
Deirdre Adamson @ Crieff Accordion & Fiddle Club, Scotland – UK
V11 Festival Internacional ‘Acordeao em Espectaculo’, Santa Cruz – Portugal
Duo Wajlu Yiddish music concert, Wroclaw, Poland
‘The Big Squeeze’, County Kilkenny – Irish Republic
Dancing to Accordions, Messey Sur Grosne – France
Folk Dance Musicians’ Holiday Week, Somerset – UK

Новые и обновленные сайты

New Article: Joe Cerrito, Consummate Musician and Extraordinary Educator - USA
New Music: Three Songs by Gary Daverne Released - New Zealand
Updated Arrangements Now Available, Arranged by Gary Dahl - USA by Gary Dahl
Updated Site: Franco Cambareri Two New Works Released - Australia
New Site: Lars Ek Original Compositions - Sweden
Andrea Di Giacomo Releases "Accordion Colours" CD/mp3 Album - Italy

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Особенности Highlights

Gorka Hermosa’s Summer Tour - Lithuania, Latvia, Spain

Gorka Hermosa
Gorka HermosaБаскский аккордеонист и композитор Горка Хермоза отправился в тур по Литве, Латвии и Испании (Каталуна, Страна Басков, Сеговия и Кантабрия). Он проведет летние курсы, мастер-классы и конференции и сыграет 16 концертов за полтора месяца

Даты концертов:
• 31 июля: Kaunas (Lithuania): Final concert at “Palendrial International Composers Course”.
• 01 августа: Daugavpils (Latvia): Master Classes.
• 02 августа: Daugavpils (Latvia): Accordion solo concert.
• 03 августа: Daugavpils (Latvia): Conference about the Accordion in the 19th Century.
• 04 августа: Daugavpils (Latvia): Gorka Hermosa & Daugavpils Accordion Orchestra.
• 06 августа: Martín Muñoz de las Posadas (Segovia): Malandro Club.
• 09 августа: Valderredible (Cantabria): Malandro Club.
• 12 августа: Camargo (Cantabria). Jardines del Ayuntamiento, 10pm - Malandro Club.
• 19 августа: Hernani (Gipuzkoa), Chillida Leku, 8pm - Lorca-Lauaxeta.
• 20 августа: Santoña (Cantabria), Teatro Liceo: Malandro Club.
• 22 августа: Vilnius (Lithuania): Accordion solo concert.
• 26 августа: Vilnius (Lithuania): Malandro Club
• 31 августа: Olea (Cantabria): Malandro Club
• 03 сентября: Zumarraga (Gipuzkoa), La Antigua, 7.30pm - Gorka Hermosa & Kaabestri String Ensemble (solistas de la O.S. de Euskadi) + Eñaut Elorrieta
• 11/09/2016: Santander, Calle del Sol. Malandro Club
• 15/09/2016: Vic (Barcelona), Mercat de Música Viva: Malandro Club


100 лет со дня рождения Лассе Пихлайамаа (1916-2007) - Финляндия

Video 1:
Video 2:
Видео 1: Исторический видео клип
Видео 2: Одно из известнейших произведений «Воспоминания юности».

Сто лет со дня рождения Лассе Пихлайамаа (1916-2007) отпраздновали в Финляндии рядом концертов, выставок и других мероприятий. Лассе Пихлайамаа (1916-2007) был финским аккордеонистом, композитором-аранжировщиком, учителем, конферансье и комическим аккордеонистом мирового класса, отцом целого модельного рядя аккордеонов.

Он родился 1-го августа 1916 года в Йамижарви, маленькой деревне в Западной Финляндии.

Он был пионером финской аккордеонной школы. Как композитор он искал художественные и технические пределы инструменты уже в 1940-х, когда «Танец ветра», «Полет дракона», «Вариации минора», и много других сочинений опередивших свое время были написаны. Фотография слева, 1942. Фотография справа, 1986.

Преподавая в своем собственном институте аккордеона в Хельсинки с 1957 по 1972 год, Лассе Пихлайамаа оказал решающее влияние на всю профессиональную педагогику аккордеонной школы Финляндии. Благодаря его усилиям, с 1977 года открыты кафедры аккордеона в нескольких крупных консерваториях, в том числе в Академии Сибелиуса в Хельсинки.

Лассе Пихлайамаа является одной из ведущих фигур в современном финском (и нордическом) языке аккордеонного искусства. Лассе Пихлайамаа скончался 14 ноября 2007 года в Хельсинки.


Ежедневные отчеты: 33-й Харбинский Китайский Летний музыкальный фестиваль Международный аккордеона Неделя Искусств – Китай

2016 Harbin China International Accordion Art Week
Prof. Wang HongyuЕжедневные отчеты, фотографии, видео и результаты конкурса в сети с 8-го августа 2016 года по адресу: 2016 Харбин

Профессор Уан Хонью, художественный руководитель Харбин 2016 (фото справа), президент музыкального колледжа Харбинского Педагогического Университета, опубликовал график концертов, программу церемонии открытия и мастер-классы. 2016HProgram


Джо Дерран (1930-2016), Массачуссетс - США

Joe DerraneВидео: Отрывок из "В исполнении Джо Дерран (1995)", документального фильма о баянисте Джо Дерран из Рэндолфа, штат Массачусетс. Продюсер Фрэнк Феррел. Под редакцией Джули Эдди. Отрывок из Архива Массачусетского Народного Искусства.

Джо Дерран, сын ирландских эмигрантов, широко известен как один из лучших исполнителей ирландской народной музыки. В своей молодости от был ведущим музыкантом ирландских танцевальный залов, игра в которых привела его в конце 1940-х к радиоэфирам и изданию собственных записей. Люди восхищались его живой, техничной и виртуозной игрой изобилующей множеством украшений.

К концу 1950-х годов ирландские танцплощадки стали закрываться, поэтому Дерран перешел клавишный аккордеон и сформировал группу, чтобы играть для проведения свадеб и банкетов, отходя от ирландской музыки. Он ушел из музыки в 1990 году.

В 1993 году Rego Records переиздала некоторые из оригинальных виниловых записей Джо Деррана от 1940-х годов на компакт-диске, "Ирландский аккордеон". Эти записи вызвали значительный интерес, и Дерран снова начал играть на баяне и был приглашен выступить в качестве специального гостя на 1994 Ирландском Фолк Фестивале в Вашингтоне, округ Колумбия.

Его виртуозные выступления (в сопровождении Феликса Долан на фортепиано) были встречены с бешеным энтузиазмом и успехом у публики, и Джо Дерран начал вторую карьеру в качестве кнопочного аккордеониста. Впоследствии он записал два сольных альбома, "Give Us Another " (1994) и "Grove Lane" (2010), а также четыре ансамблевых альбома с другими исполнителями, появлялся на радио и телевидении много раз, в том числе в программе "The Pure Drop" на ирландском ТВ RTE.

В 1998 году Джо Дерран был введен в Зал славы Comhaltas Ceoltoiri Eireann за его вклад в развитие ирландской традиционной музыки.

Джо Дерран стал дедушкой и умер 22 июля 2016 года в Рандольфе, штат Массачусетс, в возрасте 86 лет.


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Finnish accordionist Mika Väyrynen concludes Summer Concert Season

Mika Väyrynen, Jörg Widmann & Dima Slobodeniuk
Mika Väyrynen Jaana Haanterä, widow of Jouni KaipainenFinnish accordionist Mika Väyrynen recently made his debut performance at one of Finland's most prestigious music festivals called ‘Porvoon Suvisoitto’. Organized by the Avanti! Chamber Orchestra in Porvoo, the festival attracts interest from renowned musicians and composers.

After composer Jouni Kaipainen's passing (1956-2015) last November, Mika was invited to perform his very demanding solo work ‘Placido Op. 68’ (dedicated to Mika Väyrynen) on a concert in his memory on June 30th. The widow of Jouni Kaipainen, herself a skilled violinist attended the concert. Picture right with Mika. Mika also performed Mussorgsky´s complete ‘Pictures at an Exhibition’.

Picture above: Mika Väyrynen, composer Jörg Widmann and conductor Dima Slobodeniuk right before performance of Widmann´s work "Armonica" at Porvoo.
On July 1st Mika performed the accordion part of German composer Jörg Widmann´s ‘Armonica’ with the Avanti! Chamber Orchestra, under the direction of Dima Slobodeniuk. It was first time this piece was performed in Finland and the concert was live broadcast on the Finnish National Radio YLE. The composer himself was in attendance.
On July 5th Mika performed in the eastern Finnish city of Juuka. Performing a full solo recital, it was especially meaningful to Mika considering eight generations of his ancestors were born and lived in this area of Finland, providing an excellent opportunity to meet many relatives.
Mika's last performance of his busy concert season took place in Savukoski, Lapland, and proved to be one of Mika's more interesting performances of his career. Located approximately 1000km north of Helsinki, Savukoski is known to be the area in Finland which has smallest density of human population in the country, just 0.17 persons per square km. 

Already planning to travel there on vacation, Mika was invited to perform there for local people. What is considered the first ever classical accordion performance in this region, on July 10th Mika performed in the living room of a private house to people from around the area gathered to listen. Mika reports that the response was as warm as found in the large concert halls and people obviously got a lot from his playing. With the belief that performing in smaller and isolated areas is also part of artists work, Mika embraced this unique opportunity and it proved an interesting way to end his concert season.

Picture below: View from Lappland, Savukoski. 15 km straight road in the middle of nowhere! Mika played precisely in the spot where this photo is taken - there is a house on the right.
For more information, please visit http://www.accordions.com/mika
concert venue


2016 AAA Festival Video Excerpts - USA

AAA Buffalo Squeeze Fest
Video 1:
Video 2:
Video 3:
Video above:
Video 1: Video: "All the Things You Are" by Jerome Kern performed by Ginny Mac & Cory Pesaturo (accordion), Glenn McLaughlin (guitar), Mitch Guido (saxophone) and Steve Leotta (drums). This was part of the impromptu performance that followed the dinner on banquet night at the recent 2016 AAA Festival, 9th July, Adams Mark Hotel, Buffalo.

Video 2: Grayson Masefield, Luncheon Concert at the Adams Mark Hotel.

Video 3: Cory Pesaturo at the Evening With the Stars Concert performs Night in Tunisia by Dizzy Gillespie, Tralf Music Hall.

Videos courtesy of Dan Grauman.


Naxos International To Expand Into China and Release Gary Daverne CD's - China

Naxos , the largest international classical music label are expanding into China and Naxos China are to start digital distribution soon. The Naxos catalog for China includes two CD's of accordion compositions by Gary Daverne.

Concert For Accordion CD features solo, duet, ensemble and accordion compositions by Gary Daverne performed by the Air New Zealand Accordion Orchestra, Harley Jones, Maurice Jones, Sarah Langley, Stephanie Poole and Lionel Reekie. Download album only € 9,00 Catalog: nzom003

Rhapsody CD. The accordion soloists are Bernadette Conlon, Kevin Friedrich, Stephanie Poole, Mary Tokarski, performing with the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra or the Moravian Philharmonic, Czech Republic. Download album only € 9,00 Catalog: nzom004


Video: Miloš Milivojević, Adagio by Alessandro Marcello, Castelfidardo - Italy

Published, July 20, 2016 by Pigini. London based Miloš Milivojevic performs the beautiful Adagio by Alessandro Marcello on his new accordion at the Pigini Accordion Factory.

Alessandro Marcello's small but distinguished musical output includes a concerto in D minor for oboe, strings and basso continuo, published about 1717 in Amsterdam in a concerto anthology and transcribed by J. S. Bach as concerto for solo harpsichord in D minor (as BWV 974).

The Pigini Accordion Factory invite you to "Enjoy 4 minutes of Italian tradition, beauty of craftsmanship, superb quality and wonderful Italian music!"


Classic Kyiv Duo @ Stockport Accordion Club, Cheshire – UK

Classic Kyiv Duo
What a great night our Club Night concert on July 20th turned out to be. We had a large audience, a great atmosphere, and it was good to see Stefan Andrusyschyn turn up in support of our guests, the Classic Kyiv Duo - Igor Sayenko and Oleksiy Kolomoiets. The Stockport AC Band (MD Derek Stubbs) opened the concert in style with the ‘Eurovision March’ (‘Te Deum’, by Charpentier), ‘Amapola’, and Ravel’s ‘Bolero’. Helen Rich followed with two excellent solos, ‘I Don't Care’ polka (Guido Deiro) and ‘Olive Blossoms’ (Pietro Frosini). The Classic Kyiv Duo, on tour from the Ukraine, then came on stage for their first set, which was the whole of Vivaldi’s ‘Four Seasons’. This was a fantastic performance full of dynamics and sensitivity, creating the sound of a large orchestra from just two accordions. During the interval, lots of the duo’s CDs were sold.

The Stockport AC Orchestra (MD Brian Jenkins) opened the second half, with impressive performances of the ‘Orfeo March’, ‘Moon River’, and ‘Instant Concert’. The Classic Kyiv Duo then returned for their second set, featuring ‘Nimrod’ and ‘Salut d'Amour’ (Edward Elgar), ‘Palladio’ (Karl Jenkins), ‘Cats Fantasy’ (Lloyd-Webber), ‘Maxwell's Silver Hammer’ (Lennon-McCartney), and some traditional Ukrainian folk music, finishing with the ‘Flight of the Bumble Bee’, and their fingers played at a bewildering speed that must have reached ‘warp factor one’! As an encore they played a thrilling Carmen selection, after which they received a standing ovation. This really was an evening of accordion music to rival anything anywhere! The organiser of this concert was Walter Perrie, who was the MC for the evening.


Petosa Sponsored Workshops, First by Grayson Masefield - USA

Joey and Joe PetosaPetosa Accordions is celebrating its 95th year, now a fourth generation family-owned business. As part of the celebration, Petosa Accordions are presenting a number of workshops. Picture left: Joey and Joe Petosa.

The first of these workshops called 'Accordion Effects' was by international virtuoso Grayson Masefield and 'Tips and Tricks' with renowned accordionist Gary Blair following.

These interactive and video recorded workshops are the beginning of many to come, with scheduled upcoming artists like Dan Newton, Murl Allen Sanders and Bratislav Manasijevic.

Joey Petosa writes: "Petosa Accordions, as one of the few original accordion companies still in existence, is working harder than ever to expand, promote and help evolve the accordion to meet the demands of today's artists - while continuing its legacy of quality and service."

"As part of 95th celebration, Petosa Accordions is implementing a new online experience at Petosa.com, crafting new compact & lightweight accordion models for all levels, and is presenting new and exciting cultural & social networks for accordion."


Italian-Polish concert devoted to Karol Wojtyla, Krakow – Poland

Video of recording, new version of the song Niebo ciagle nade mna by Agnieszka Chrzanowska from the CD Dom na Skake. La casa sulla roccia out soon! Agnieszka Chrzanowska (voice), Marco Lo Russo (accordion), Giulio Vinci (keyboard).

On the occasion of the World Day of Youth and Kraków in 2016, as part of the Youth Festival, held in Krakow from July 26th, the singer Agnieszka Chrzanowska officially presented the world premiere of her latest video, ‘Niebo ciagle nade mna (The sky above me)’, that included the special participation of the Italian accordionist Marco Lo Russo. The video, shot in the charming Sanctuary of Skalka in Krakow, was screened in full and premiered during their concert performance, on a giant screen designed to make the event more accessible to the thousands and thousands of young people who attended the World Youth Day 2016.
In the Franciscan Church, situated in front of the Wawel Royal Castle, the night of July 25th, in honour of Pope John Paul 11 (Karol Wojtyla), and under the patronage of the City of Krakow, the birthplace and Museum John Paul II in Wadowice and the Italian Cultural Institute in Kracow, there was a performance by Agnieszka Chrzanowska, Marco Lo Russo, and the Italian pianist Giulio Vinci, the writer Franco Bucarelli and Michal Chorosinki, actor.
Interspersed with the music excerpts were read from texts from the book of John Paul II ‘Gift and Mystery’ and the book ‘Saint John Paul II. The Pope's Prayer Hear’, written by Franco Bucarelli. Songs included ‘Niebo ciagle nade mna (The sky above me)’, ‘Ktos sie dlugo pochylal nade MNA (Someone leaned long on me)’, and ‘Panic nasz (Our Lord)’.

For further information email: press@marcolorusso.info


Будущие события

Those Darn Accordions (TDA) East Coast/Mid-West Tour – USA

Those Darn Accordions (TDA)
Those Darn Accordions (TDA) are performing at venues on the US East Coast and Mid-West in late July and early August.

July 30th – Bridge St Live, Collinsville, Connecticut
July 31st – The Tin Angel, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
August 2nd – Beachland Tavern, Cleveland, Ohio
August 3rd – Melody Inn, Indianapolis, Indiana
August 4th – Kenosha PB & Jams Concert Series, Kenosha, Wisconsin
August 5th – Shank Hall, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
August 6th – FitzGerald’s, Berwyn, Illinois

Those Darn Accordions, commonly abbreviated as TDA, are an American accordion band from San Francisco, California, originally formed in 1989 by Linda "Big Lou" Seekins. Boasting several accordionists whose numbers have fluctuated over the years and rounded out by a bassist and a drummer, Those Darn Accordions play a multi-genre mix of rock, pop and polka originals, characterized by the unusual use of effects and distortion on their accordions and the humorous lyrics of current frontman Paul Rogers. TDA also performs an extensive repertoire of covers, ranging from traditional accordion standards and polkas to hard rock, funk and new wave songs.

For further information email: tda@thosedarnaccordions.com


Gypsy Jazz @ Barristers, Cape Town – South Africa

Gypsy JazzStanislav Angelov (accordion), Petrus de Beer (violin) and Charles Lazar (double bass), perform gypsy jazz on Tuesday August 2nd, 7pm to 10pm, Tudor Room, Barristers restaurant, Newlands Village, Cape Town.

For further information email: music@goodmusic.co.za


Deirdre Adamson @ Crieff Accordion & Fiddle Club, Scotland – UK

Deirdre AdamsonOn Thursday August 4th, 8pm, accordionist Deirdre Adamson is the guest at the Crieff Accordion & Fiddle Club, British Legion, Perth Rd, Crieff PH7 3EB, Perth and Kinross, Scotland.

Deirdre Adamson began playing the accordion and piano whilst very young, and was a solo entertainer, accordion champion and recording artiste by the time she reached secondary school. She has since performed in accordion clubs all around Great Britain including Jersey, and also plays for Scottish dancing.

Her playing is technically accurate, neatly phrased and expressive, and her repertoire extends beyond Scottish traditional music into the music of European and Latin American countries, and also some accordion classics. She has made numerous fine recordings, and has also arranged and composed pieces.


V11 Festival Internacional ‘Acordeao em Espectaculo’, Santa Cruz – Portugal

Gennaro Ruffolo posterThe 7th Festival Internacional ‘Acordeao em Espectaculo’ takes place at locations in Portugal from August 4th to 7th. The main international guest is Gennaro Ruffolo, from Italy.


Duo Wajlu Yiddish music concert, Wroclaw, Poland

Duo WajluOn Sunday August 9th, 7pm, the Duo Wajlu from Germany – a duo consisting of Katharina Muther and Roswitha Dasch - perform Yiddish music on the accordion and the violin, at the Summer in Synagogue under White Stork, Wroclaw, Poland.


‘The Big Squeeze’, County Kilkenny – Irish Republic

Castletown Accordion Orchestra
Declan Aungier‘The Big Squeeze’ accordion festival takes place from August 12th to 14th at St Kieran's College and St Lachtain's Church of Ireland, Freshford, County Kilkenny, Ireland.

The festival guests include Declan Aungier, The Castletown Accordion Orchestra, Mary Kelly (harpist), The Carty Sisters, Grainne Rynne & Band, Kathy Henderson, and The Royal Meath Accordion Orchestra.

Workshops include The History of the Accordion, Working with MIDI (Richard R), The Accordion: Cultural History & Significance, Accordion Maintenance (John Chilton), and History of Scottish Accordion (Bruce Lindsay).

The trade exhibitors include Cairdin Accordions (Michael Searson), Brodericks Music Centre, and The Irish Accordion Association.

For further information email: thebigsqueeze@squeezebox.ie


Dancing to Accordions, Messey Sur Grosne – France

PosterOn Sunday August 14th, 3pm until 8pm, at Moulin de la Chapelle, 71390 Messey Sur Grosne, Burgundy, there will be non-stop dancing the music of accordionists Angelique Neuville and Mathieu Chocat, and the orchestra of Linda de Suza and Michèle Torr.


Folk Dance Musicians’ Holiday Week, Somerset – UK

Rod StradlingA Folk Dance Musicians’ Holiday Week takes place at St Audries Bay holiday centre, Somerset, from Saturday September 3rd until Saturday September 10th. This is a week of music workshops on the North Somerset coast led by accordionist Rod Stradling with pianist Steve Dyer and violinist Poppy Weatherall.

There is a program of workshops during the day and activities in the evening. Most evenings include dancing so that you can see how the music and dance work together. Workshop participants' friends and family attending the week are welcome to join in with the evening social activities.

The music will feature familiar tunes, some less familiar folk and Playford-style music and some tunes you may never have played previously. The music will be available well before the start of the week. Please contact St Audries Bay (01984 632515) for accommodation details as a wide range of options is available.

For further information email: rod@rodstradling.com


Новые и обновленные сайты

New Article: Joe Cerrito, Consummate Musician and Extraordinary Educator - USA

Joe CerritoA new article written by Joan Grauman (AAA Historian) titled "Joe Cerrito, Consummate Musician and Extraordinary Educator" has been published at: http://www.accordions.com/articles/joe_cerrito.aspx

This exceptional article details the extensive musical career of Joe Cerrito with many historic pictures and quotes from family and former students.


New Music: Three Songs by Gary Daverne Released - New Zealand

Three SongsThree SongsED0065 - Three Songs (Duet) composition for accordion and piano (1. Fireside Fantasies, 2. The Awakening, 3. The Journey) have been released.

They are available as a group of three works (Catalog ED0065) or also available individually.
ED0066 - Fireside Fantasies - accordion & piano
ED0067 - The Awakening - accordion & piano
ED0068 - The Journey - accordion & piano

Purchase online with secure server credit card capture by Paypal, the worlds largest online payments system.


Updated Arrangements Now Available, Arranged by Gary Dahl - USA by Gary Dahl

Gary DahlMichelleUpdated Site:
- Michelle arranged by well known teacher, performer and arranger Gary Dahl. Catalog: DH0132
- Abide With Me arranged by Gary Dahl. Catalog: DH0217

Any clients who have already purchased this music may email for the updated arrangement which will be provided by email to you without charge.


Updated Site: Franco Cambareri Two New Works Released - Australia

Franco CambareriFranco Cambareri has released two new compositions:

cfranco208 - Twinkle Toes
Twinkle Toes is a Fun Samba

cfranco209 - El Caminito
El Caminito is a nice piece of music with a sweet melody. View sample page.

These works are eSheet (pdf file, able to be emailed to you) and can be purchased online with secure server credit card.


New Site: Lars Ek Original Compositions - Sweden

Lars EkLars Ek, composer, arranger, performer and teacher of Sweden has now released his original compositions on the MusicForAccordion.com site. See samples of the music and further information at:

ek111 - Djupbackens Ros
ek112 - The Handsaw
ek113 - Fornuddsvalsen
ek114 - Fors Majeure
ek115 - The Savior
ek116 - Bridal from Futurity
ek117 - The Choir of the Birds
ek118 - Gondoljären_The Gondolier
ek119 - Hambo from Breim
ek120 - Hot Accordion Boggie

ek203 - Lars Ek Special 3: The Shortcut to Playing and the Bellows - Technique for The Accordion. 24 pages. During the years I have noticed a growing need of a ”shortcut” to perfected technique because of the long time it takes to study the conventional way. That’s the reason why I have created this book of technique for accordions. This is no treatise, but a ”shortcut” to improved playing skills by practicing what is the most effective at the shortest of time.


Andrea Di Giacomo Releases "Accordion Colours" CD/mp3 Album - Italy

Accordion Colours heading
Accordion Colours CD coverInternational competition winner Andrea Di Giacomo has released his first CD, catalog no: ADG01 - Accordion Colours. The album is also available as an mp3 download / individual tracks.

Tracks are:
01. Medley Jazz (Ray Noble/Charlie Parker) 2:56
02. Roma Tango (Renzo Ruggieri) 6:00
03. Mahnà Mahnà (Piero Umiliani) 3:37
04. Il Postino (Lui Bacalov) 2:53
05. Coco Mazurka (Joao Frade) 1:56
06. Lo Scuro e il Chiaro (Renzo Ruggieri) 4:35
07. Tango Italiano (Renzo Ruggieri) 4:33
08. Volo degli angeli (Carmen Carozza) 3:04
09. Lisa (Frank Marocco) 1:53
10. La Tempesta (Andrè Astier) 1:45
11. Acquarelli Italiani (Renzo Ruggieri) 4:11
12. Tico Tico (Zequinha Abreu) 3:20
13. Carnevale (Renzo Ruggieri) 4:22
14. Genova (Renzo Ruggieri) 3:32

Tracks 1, 3, 4, 8 and 12 arranged by Renzo Ruggieri
Tracks 6 and 13 feature Lorenzo Bosica
Track 14 features Renzo Ruggieri and Renzo Ruggieri Orchestra


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