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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 29-Apr-2022
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2022年PIF Castelfidardo的日期和规则以意大利语发布 - 意大利
世界手风琴日 (World Accordion Day - WAD) 活动 - 国际
视频。Maria Vlasova 演《Flores B-A-C-H》--俄罗斯
探戈周末 - 向阿斯托尔-皮亚佐拉致敬 - 法国
网上。台湾&世界手风琴节 - 台湾


Sonja Vertainen手风琴和吉他组合,由Kimmo Hakola作曲 - 芬兰
视频。Mahatma Costa 在缆车上玩耍 - 瑞士
2022 Vancouver Folk Music Festival - Canada
Austrian Accordion Alliteration Ansamble Concert - Austria
New CD "Poetic Accordion" - Czech Republic
Accordion at Paris Fair – France
Akkordeon Orchester Trappenkamp Entertain in Bad Segeberg - Germany
Video: Face2Face Duo Perform Stevie Wonder Hit - Poland
Jérôme Richard TV Show - France


Klaus Paier Entertains at Exhibition With String Quartet - Austria
“Zbigniew Chojnacki” 2022年个人巡演--奥地利、斯洛伐克、德国
Reunion of Friends Concert – USA
Seattle Accordion Social - USA
Ville Hiltula Duo Tango Concert – Japan
Cote de Nogent Accordion Festival – France
Accordiola Plus Accordion Festival - Belgium

以前的新闻链接 仍然是当前的

List of Links



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2022年PIF Castelfidardo的日期和规则以意大利语发布 - 意大利

2022 PIF header
Antonio SpaccarotellaRoberto Ascani, Ruben Cittadin2022年PIF Castelfidardo的日期已经确定。2022年9月28日星期三至10月2日星期日。 报名截止日期为2022年9月4日。规则和更多信息请参见意大利语。2022Castelfidardo

卡斯特尔菲达多(意大利马尔凯大区)市政府与卡斯特尔菲达多专业旅游协会合作,为古典音乐和其他流派的手风琴独奏者和团体组织了PIF国际比赛 "Città di Castelfidardo"。

卡斯特尔菲达多市政府由市长Roberto Ascani领导,卡斯特尔菲达多旅游协会由 Ruben Cittadini 领导,而PIF的艺术总监 Antonio Spaccarotella 自2021年起担任。 他的资历包括:活动制作总监,非常成功的教师,有许多国际成就,音乐编曲家和最近成功的作曲家。



世界手风琴日 (World Accordion Day - WAD) 活动 - 国际

World Accordion Day
World Accordion Day logo到目前为止,我们已经收到了来自美国、马其顿、澳大利亚、波兰、奥地利等国的世界手风琴日(WAD)活动的信息,其他报告也在陆续收到。


Dr. Helmi Harrington 欢迎大家,"我代表手风琴世界博物馆的董事会 A World of Accordions Museum."。 参加他们为期3天的活动(5月6、7、8日)。在线直播: - 免费捐赠的意愿
* 对于注册:https://worldofaccordions.app.neoncrm.com/np/clients/worldofaccordions/eventRegistration.jsp?event=8


视频。Maria Vlasova 演《Flores B-A-C-H》--俄罗斯



1. J. S. 巴赫 E大调钢琴与乐队协奏曲,BWV1 052(由R. Kaneev为手风琴合奏编曲)
2. A. Nekrasov. 柴可夫斯基 "基督的孩子有一个花园 "主题的FUGATO PASSIONE,为12个手风琴演奏。世界首演
3. J. S. 巴赫。C大调前奏曲和赋格曲WTC I,BWV 846
4. M. Romberg. 手风琴独奏《FLORES MALUM》(Flores B-A-C-H)。世界首演
5. J. S. 巴赫。C小调前奏曲和赋格曲,澳门永利娱乐网站I,BWV 847
6. P. Hindemith. RAGTIME(WOHLTEMPERED),手风琴和钢琴版本
7. J. S. 巴赫。C大调双提琴与乐队协奏曲,BWV1 061(R. Kaneev为orni编曲)。

俄罗斯 "学院 "管弦乐团音乐会,指挥:Ruslan Kaneev。

手风琴合奏班的副教授Maria Vlasova - Irina Karpova, Alisa Rodina, Daria Sakharova, Yulia Popkova, Ilona Savina Alexander Nekrasov, Alexei Loganov, Maxim Kuznetsov, Roman Malyavkin。



探戈周末 - 向阿斯托尔-皮亚佐拉致敬 - 法国

Louise Jallu,
一个特别的探戈周末--向阿斯托尔-皮亚佐拉致敬将于2022年5月20日至22日举行,由法国巴黎Cité de la Musique - Philharmonie de Paris组织。

第一场音乐会将于5月20日晚上8点30分在Cité de la Musique音乐厅举行,由Gerardo Jerez Le Cam四重奏(Manu Comté - bandoneon)演奏,随后由bandonist Juan José Mosalini(上图右)和他的音乐家们表演新探戈。

5月21日,下一场音乐会将于晚上8点30分在Cité de la Musique音乐厅举行,由探戈俱乐部和西蒙娜-托洛梅奥(bandoneon)表演。



详情请致电。01 44 84 44 84
Quintetto - Pablo Mainetti



Foster & Allen
Mick Foster 和 Tony Allen(Foster & Allen)本周开始在爱尔兰进行巡演。


- 4月29日 阿克洛海湾酒店(Arklow Bay Hotel in Arklow
- 5月2日:卡文的基尔莫尔酒店 (Hotel Kilmore in Cavan)
- 5月5日 恩尼斯的伍德斯托克酒店 (Woodstock Hotel in Ennis)
- 5月6日 凯里郡的Gleneagle INEC体育馆 (Gleneagle INEC Arena in County Kerry)
- 5月8日 特里姆的Knightsbrook酒店 (Knightsbrook Hotel in Trim)
- 5月27日 纽卡斯尔西区的Longcourt House酒店 (Longcourt House Hotel in Newcastle West)


网上。台湾&世界手风琴节 - 台湾

Taiwan poster
Saburo TanookaHulunbuir Duo台湾&世界手风琴节将于2022年5月6日至9日在线举行,包括各种音乐会和研讨会。

Julian Labro (法国/美国)
Nighteentael (台湾) - Achino 手风琴和 Ricky 小提琴上
Kite Flying Band (台湾) - Vincent Tsai 在手风琴上
Lee Chen-Chung (bandoneon) 和 Roberto Zayas (台湾/Paraguay)
Shui Hou Gu Shi (台湾– Chieh 在手风琴上)
Hulunbuir 二人组 (台湾/内蒙古) 右上方图片
手风琴和巴扬二人组, Wang Xue 和 Co Co Chang 他们诠释了传统蒙古族音乐的新编。
Eskemm (台湾/法国) 手风琴家 Alexis 和 Lin Chen-Chin
Saburo Tanooka (日本) 左上图
Manabu Hiyama (日本)
Roberto Gervasi (意大利)
Romeo Aichino (意大利)
Algy Wu (台湾) – bandoneon
Meguree (日本) - Ree (Risa Yoshioka) 和 Meme (Megumi Tsuchiya) – 下面的图片




Sonja Vertainen手风琴和吉他组合,由Kimmo Hakola作曲 - 芬兰

Sonja Vertainen, Kimmo Hakola, Otto Kentala录像。这部新作品是委托制作的,献给索尼娅-维塔宁(手风琴)和奥托-肯塔拉(吉他),于2022年3月25日在赫尔辛基艺术大学的Camerata大厅录制。这部新作品的世界首演是索尼娅-维尔塔宁大师独奏会的压轴戏。

Sonja Vertainen 写道。

"在这个项目之前,我认识Kimmo Hakola,因为他在90年代为我父亲(Raimo Vertainen)的手风琴三重奏(Trio Fratres)创作了作品《Arara》。Trio Fratres 事实上,当时曾委托Kimmo Hakola为手风琴三重奏创作另一首作品,但由于某些原因,它从未发生。这让我想到,也许我可以让这个项目重获新生,Kimmo Hakola可以为我创作这首作品。

这个想法在我的脑海中已经存在了多年,当我最终决定采取行动的时候。起初,我想我只是太急于让他为我写作,所以我建议用一些乐器与手风琴搭配:长笛、中提琴、钢琴、一两把其他手风琴,当然还有曲塔。所以,对我来说,专门为手风琴和吉他写作的想法并没有写在石头上,因为我想给作曲家一些空间,让他决定他可能受到的启发来创作。但是,在那通电话中,我认为我的兴趣主要在手风琴和吉他二重奏上,因为它是如此有趣的组合,所以Kimmo Hakola接受了这个挑战。

哈科拉说,他从来没有想过要为手风琴和吉他写作,所以手风琴和吉他的二重奏完全来自于我。我出色的手风琴教授Veli Kujala和Matti Rantanen通过听我演奏提供了帮助,并对手风琴部分以及整个二重奏提出了一些建议。

此外,他们总是给予很多支持和一些建议,告诉我如何与作曲家合作,以及在这些情况下如何处理某些事情。 例如,如何在演奏家和作曲家之间写一份合同。维利-库亚拉还为我写了一封推荐信,以获得项目的资金,这非常好。

基莫-哈科拉(Kimmo Hakola)和我在电话里谈了很久,然后才真正见面,差不多有一年了。在芬兰,这类事情通常是这样的:你与作曲家达成协议/合同,说他们同意写作品(包括费用和乐器组合),然后有人,通常是委托该作品的人,为该项目申请资助,如果他们得到资助,该项目就会发生。也有可能发生的情况是,作曲家同意创作音乐,但资金没有到位,所以项目就不会进行。因此,在Kimmo Hakola的很长一段时间里,由于资金的不确定性,不确定项目是否真的会进行。



就我个人而言,我几乎感到有某种责任为新的芬兰音乐做出贡献,如果我有机会以任何方式扩大我们的曲目,我应该这样做。另外,在西贝柳斯学院,手风琴和吉他与钢琴和坎特莱(芬兰传统乐器)在同一个 "小组",所以手风琴和吉他演奏者很自然地会在一起,从而一起演奏。我想我只是觉得有必要以某种方式对此做出贡献,让年轻的演奏者更容易找到好的作品一起演奏。"

感谢Sonja Vertainen分享她为手风琴委托创作新作品的经验。 我们希望这篇新闻报道也能鼓励其他手风琴家去委托制作手风琴的新作品。


视频。Mahatma Costa 在缆车上玩耍 - 瑞士

Mahatma Costa视频。Mahatma Costa (巴西)目前正在瑞士格林德瓦,在从格林德瓦到瑞士阿尔卑斯山少女峰的艾格特快缆车上进行娱乐活动。



2022 Vancouver Folk Music Festival - Canada

Festival logo
The 2022 Vancouver Folk Music Festival will be held at Jericho Beach Park in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada from July 15th to 17th, 2022.

In honour of Earth Day, festival organisers are committed to ensuring they get closer each year to being a zero waste festival and have an amazing team of volunteers who ensure their recycling programs and site clean up run smoothly.

Performers will be announced on social media this month.

Tickets are now on sale. For details email: info@thefestival.bc.ca


Austrian Accordion Alliteration Ansamble Concert - Austria

The Austrian Accordion Alliteration Ansamble performed a concert in Sargfabrik, Vienna, Austria on April 28th, 2022.

Concert report: Group members Atanas Dinovski brings pearls of Balkan music, Paul Schuberth presents experimental compositions, Johannes Münzner shows what is possible on the Styrian accordion. The three of them, play their own compositions in crazy, beguiling arrangements and honor accordion composers such as Bratko Bibic, Otto Lechner, Guy Klucevsek and others.


New CD "Poetic Accordion" - Czech Republic

CD cover
Pavel TrojanA new CD entitled "Poetic Accordion" was released at the
Prague Conservatory, Prague, Czech Republic this week.

The CD includes solo and chamber music works for the accordion by Czech composer Pavel Trojan (picture left) described as “unusually exciting, beautiful and well-written music, written by a master.”

The event was attended by the composer Pavel Trojan, Ladislav Horák, Jörgen Sundeqvist, Jiri Lukes, Päivi Mettälä and Josef Hrebik.
CD release


Accordion at Paris Fair – France

Fair poster
The accordion will feature at the Paris Fair from April 28th to May 9th, 2022 in Paris, France.

On April 29th & 30th and May 1st, Frederic Deschamps will hold a masterclass and share some of his expertise to help improve your musicality. Participants can attend with or without an accordion as there are plenty on site.

Performances will be given by accordionists Salim Sferdjella, Alexis Labarrière, Nini Poulain and Julien Gonzales.


Akkordeon Orchester Trappenkamp Entertain in Bad Segeberg - Germany

The Akkordeon Orchester Trappenkamp (AkkOrT) conducted by Elisabeth Busse performed a successful concert at the Marienkirche in Bad Segeberg this week.

The event entitled “Musik zur Marktzeit” (Music at Market Time) was organised by the Ev.-Luth, Parish of Segeberg.

The orchestra is now working on a new concert program in preparation for their annual concert in Trappenkamp in September 2022.
AKKORT orchestra


Video: Face2Face Duo Perform Stevie Wonder Hit - Poland

Face2FaceVideo: The Face2Face duo perform the Stevie Wonder hit song “Isn’t She Lovely”.

Bartosz Kolsut on accordion and Pawel Janas on melodica.


Jérôme Richard TV Show - France

Jérôme Richard
Jérôme Richard (picture above), programmer and columnist of the TV shows 1, 2, 3 Musette and 1, 2, 3 Dansez which feature guest accordionists, has announced that programming of upcoming shows will take place from May 17th to 21st and from June 29th to July 2nd, 2022.

These accordion TV shows are broadcast throughout France and Belgium, on satellite, cable and ADSL as well as on DTT in several regions with host Pierre-Yves Lombard.



Klaus Paier Entertains at Exhibition With String Quartet - Austria

Klaus PaierKlaus Paier is currently entertaining with a string quartet at an exhibition by artist Britta Keber at the Alpen-Adria-Galerie in Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, Austria.

The exhibition opened on April 20th and will run until May 15th, 2022.

Artist Britta Keber explored “the question of analogies between visual art and music, of points of contact between both art forms. As two art movements, each of which is independent, it is not about influencing the other, but about a mutual influence on each other. The link is formed by each individual viewer - assuming that each person perceives differently, develops different emotions.”

Britta Keber included a string quartet with a soloist in this concept, which gave a concert at the opening and left its mark on the exhibition.

For details email: stadtgalerie@klagenfurt.at


“Zbigniew Chojnacki” 2022年个人巡演--奥地利、斯洛伐克、德国

Zbigniew Chojnacki视频。Zbigniew Chojnacki手风琴/现场电子琴独奏。

实验手风琴家 "Zbigniew Chojnacki"(波兰-图右)将进行 "2022年未发布专辑独奏巡演 "的第一部分,即将在斯洛伐克和德国举行音乐会。


5月3日,兹比格涅夫将与Kim Peers和Mathieu Vandekerckhove(Amenra吉他手,Syndrome)在斯洛伐克特纳瓦的Malý Berlín演出。



此后,将于2022年6月7日在德国布雷马的Schwankhalle和2022年6月8日在德国汉堡的MS Stubnitz举行个人演出。


Reunion of Friends Concert – USA

Reunion poster
Reunion of Friends is a one-of-a-kind concert featuring the wide-ranging talents of singer- songwriters-arrangers and entertainers Courtney Von Drehle (accordion) with Scott Greeson, Vickie Maris, Michael Kelsey and the band Trouble With Monday.

The concert will be held at the Tippecanoe Arts Federation in Lafayette, Indiana, USA on May 7th, 2022 at 7.30pm.

The show will be recorded and a video Watch Party is scheduled for June 12th, 2022 at 9.30pm EDT.


Seattle Accordion Social - USA

May social poster
The May Seattle Accordion Social will be held at the Senior Centre of West Seattle on May 9th, 2022 from 7.30pm.

See poster for details of guest performers.


Ville Hiltula Duo Tango Concert – Japan

Ville duo posterTango TrioVille Hiltula (bandoneón) and Asako Yada (piano) will perform a live tango concert at the Swing Bird Cottage Cafe in Mie, Japan on May 12th, 2022 at 1pm. See poster left for details.

Future May concerts as follows:

• May 13th, 2022 at 3pm: Café Glenco in Handa City, Aichi Prefecture. Phone 0569-22-5337
• May 14th, 2022 at 7pm: Mona Petro in Najoya, Aichi Prefecture. Ville Hiltula (bandoneón), Asako Yada (piano) and Yumi Kou (violin). See poster right.
• May 28th, 2022 at 2pm: Salon de Sasonaha - Classic Meets Tango concert with Kazuhiro Takagi (violin) and Ville Hiltula (bandoneón), Janne Tateno (violin), Yuko Tanaka (viola) and Sari Nakajima (cello). Music by Dvorák, Ginastera, Piazzolla, Mosalini & Beytelmann. See poster below.
• May 29th, 2022 at 2pm: Guggenheim House in Kobe – A 2nd performance of the Classic Meets Tango concert.

For details email: villehiltula@gmail.com
Ville classic poster


Cote de Nogent Accordion Festival – France

France poster
The Cote de Nogent Accordion Festival will be held at Espace Culturel du Château des Rochers in Nogent-Sur-Oise, France on May 19th, 2022 from 1.30pm to 7.30pm.

The festival is an afternoon of song and dance to celebrate the arrival of sunny days and will feature accordionists Michel Pruvot, Alexandra Paris and Laurent Michelotto.

See poster for details.


Accordiola Plus Accordion Festival - Belgium

Accordiola poster
The Accordiola Plus Accordion Festival will be held in Diepenbeek, Belgium on June 12th, 2022.

Beginning at 2 pm the festival will include a variety of performances by Belgian accordion clubs from Sint-Katelijne-Waver, Pelt, Waterschei, Boechout and Diepenbeek.

See poster for details.


以前的新闻链接 仍然是当前的

List of Links

World Accordion Day logo World Accordion Day, May 6th News Link and WAD Reports
2022 Coupe Mondiale 2022 Coupe Mondiale, October 04 - 09, Switzerland News Link
Friedrich Lips book Buy last stock at old price, "The Art of Accordion Playing" by Friedrich Lips News Link
ATG logo 80th Anniversary ATG: July 20-24, Chicago News Link
ATG logo Steirische Harmonika WM 2022  News Link
Voci Armoniche logo Accordion Reed Production  Article Link
2021 Coupe Mondiale 2021 Coupe Mondiale Report and Video of all contestants Report Link
Beniamino Bugiolacchi Chronology of Production of Italian Accordions Article Link
Dr William Schimmel 2022 Dr William Schimmel’s Accordion Seminars, July 29-31, NY  News Link
nz 2022 South Pacific Accordion Championships, June 4-5, New Zealand  News Link
2022 ascoltate 14th International Accordion Competition & Festival "Ascoltate" 2022, April 29th - May 1st, Lithuania  News Link
2022 aaa online Festival Competition 2022 AAA Festival Competition Goes Virtual, July 1, USA  News Link




Julia Gordon accordion sheet music
Julia GordonJulia Gordon, 朱莉娅-戈登,娱乐家、教师和编曲家,有一本辅导书和大量的苏格兰编曲目录,获得了非常多的好评。这些音乐都是PDF格式,可以通过电子邮件发给你。


目录号 - 音乐名称
jgordon163 O' Gin I Were A Baron's Heir
jgordon157 Eriskay Love Lilt
jgordon148 Ye Banks And Braes
jgordon137 An Eala Bhàn (The White Swan)
jgordon223 The Lass O' Lowrie
jgordon219 Tuireadh Iain Ruaidh (Lament For Red Iain)


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