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Weekly News from Around the World - 27-Oct-2017
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Особенности Highlights

Кастельфидардо оплакивает уход из жизни 4-х мэтров, Италия
Фонд международного обмена аккордеонистов (FIAE), Германия
Результаты X Международного конкурса композиции для аккордеона “Francisco Escudero”, Испания
Семион Шмельков - концерты в Вене, Нойнкирхене, Сент-Поле, Альбеке, Граце, Австрия

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Vivant! in Concert, Kansas City - USA
Video: Winners, World Music Ensemble, 2017 Coupe Mondiale - Italy
David Halcrow Band CD, Shetland - UK
It’s a Twin Thing!, Surrey - UK
Video: Semir Sammy Hasić Performs Hava Nagilia - Croatia
Leonard Brown Show 2018 calendar, Newcastle-upon-Tyne - UK
Trivia Reports, Accordion in 1888 Early Motion Picture Footage - UK

Будущие события

Video: Foster & Allen ‘Golden Years Tour’, England – UK
Akkordeon Orchester Lauffen Concert, Heilbronn – Germany
Super Orchestra Day, Surrey – UK
Richard Galliano & Radek Baborak Ensemble Concert, Prague – Czech Republic
John Macdonald and Mary Kiani Concert, New South Wales - Australia
Grand Festival Gala D’Accordeons Exceptional, St Jean-Le-Blanc - France
Penny Sanborn Trio Concert, Calgary – Canada
Joe Soprani, A Musical Celebration of Italian Cinema - USA
Karen Street and Carismático, Tango de Amor Concert, London - UK

Новые и обновленные сайты

New Album by Arseniy Strokovskiy & Ivan Dyma - Russia
Updated Site: Charnwood Publishing - UK

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Особенности Highlights

Кастельфидардо оплакивает уход из жизни 4-х мэтров, Италия

Nazzareno Carini, Elio Gabbanelli, Armando Bugari, Pippo di Filippucci
Армандо Бугари (Armando Bugari )- основатель фабрики Bugari Armando скончался в понедельник 23 октября 2017 года в возрасте 81 года.

Армандо Бугари был энергичным, открытым, харизматичным человеком. В 1997 году он попал в автомобильную аварию, получил серьезные ранения, и в течение последних 20 лет страдал от последствий этой ужасной автокатастрофы, не имея возможности двигаться.

Наззарено Карини - скончался во вторник, 17 октября 2017 года, в возрасте 84 лет. Фирма Carino Carini, которую он основал, единственное место, где можно приобрести нужные запчасти и аксессуары для аккордеонов и баянов.

Семья Carini занималась производством аккордеонов в течение более чем семи десятилетий, а фирма Carino Carini предоставляет детали, части аккордеона практически для любой фабрики аккордеонов.

В последние годы  Наззарено Карини передал дела компании своему брату Демитрио. В настоящее время бизнес продолжает вести следующее поколение семьи под брендом Carini «De Na» srl;

Элио Габбанелли - продюсер аккордеонов Габбанелли (Италия) скончался в субботу, 21 октября 2017 года, в возрасте 58 лет;

«Пиппо» - Pippo di Filippucci, легендарный основатель знаменитого итальянского ресторана «da Pippo» (который теперь находится рядом с театром Астра), ушел от нас в субботу, 21 октября 2017 года, в возрасте 87 лет.

Ресторан «da Pippo» был самым популярным местом для встреч и приема пищи всех посетителей Кастельфидардо.

Почти каждый, кто имеет отношение к аккордеонному международному братству, захаживал сюда поесть и пообщаться с друзьями и партнерами. Сыновья Пиппо - Этторе и Франко - успешно продолжают дело отца в «da Pippo».


Фонд международного обмена аккордеонистов (FIAE), Германия

FIAE logoНедавно созданный фонд FAIE «Foundation of International Accordion Exchange», базирующий в Троссингене, Германия, объявляет о своих планах.

Первый концерт состоится в Пфеффингене (около Базеля), 25 ноября 2017 года, в 17.00 с участием аккоредонистов Vanja Cirkovic (Сербия) и Sophie Herzog (Германия).
Скачайте информацию об этих двух исполнителях и концерте: 2017FIAE.pdf

Цель FIAE:

- поддержка и продвижение талантливых молодых аккордеонистов;

- поддержка и продвижение концертной (классической) музыки аккордеона;

- создание и поддержание международной сети студентов, преподавателей для музыкального обмена на международном уровне;

- реализация национальных и международных концертов и конкурсов, выручка от которых используется для исполнителей.

В состав фонда FIAE входят: президент Katharina Büeler, Швейцария, вице-президент Peter Klotz, Италия, секретарь Nadine Boesing, Германия, художественный руководитель Andreas Nebl, Германия.

Полная информация о FIAE: 2017FIAE.pdf


Результаты X Международного конкурса композиции для аккордеона “Francisco Escudero”, Испания

Aitor Furundarena, President of HauszpozHauspoz logoАссоциация «Haupoz» - Euskal Herriko Akordeoi Elkartea / Баскская ассоциация аккоредонистов является организатором X Международного конкурса композиций для аккордеона “Francisco Escudero”.
Фото выше: Itziar Larrinaga, Ramon Lazkano, Miren Iñarga и Jon Bagües.

Фото слева: Aitor Furundarena, президент Hauszpoz на церемонии награждения, и ниже Raúl Jiménez исполняющий Réflexions композитора Carlos Núñez.

Результаты конкурса 2017 года:
1 место - For the Birds (аккордеон и скрипка), композитор: Shanae Ishida (Япония).
1 место - Una Noche en El Jardin Del Neon (аккордеон, скрипка и виолончель), композитор: Francisco Uberto (Аргентина).
2 место - Ritual III (сольный аккордеон), композитор: Daniel Alvarado Bonilla.

Специальное жюри: En Passant des Passants (аккордеон и саксофон), композитор: Philipp Christoph Mayer (Германия).

Цель этого ежегодного конкурса - способствовать созданию произведений для сольного аккордеона и аккордеона в составе ансамблей.
Полная информация о конкурсе опубликована здесь: 2017Escudero.pdf

Фото ниже: Laura García и María Zubimendi исполняют «VoCx» греческого композитора Sofia Avramidou.
Laura García and María Zubimendi


Семион Шмельков - концерты в Вене, Нойнкирхене, Сент-Поле, Альбеке, Граце, Австрия

Semion ShmelkovСемена Шмелькова из Москвы отправится в Австрию, где состоятся его концерты с 9 по 15 ноября в Вене, Нойнкирхене, Сент-Поле, Альбеке, Граце и Хочегге, а также семинар в консерватории в Клагенфурте (Carinthia).

В программе С. Шмелькова - музыка А. Аренского, Р. Шедрина, С. Майкапара, А. Даргомыжского, А. Лядова, Д. Кабалевского, О. Чистохина, В. А. Моцарта, Р. Шумана, С. Черни, С. Сен-Санса , Ф. Шуберта и И. Н. Гуммеля.


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Vivant! in Concert, Kansas City - USA

Video: Vivant! perform Piazzolla Concierto para Quinteto at the concert.

The Fremar Foundation presented the popular Kansas City based ensemble Vivant! in an annual concert October 8, 2017 entitled 'Tango, Swing & Bling'.

Vivant! is a mixed ensemble comprising professional musicians whose focus is to share their own unique and original brand of music. Each of the musicians trained at the Conservatory of Music at the University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC). They all have active professional musical careers having performed in concerts world-wide.

The musicians for this concert were Julie Silfverberg (accordion), Karen Fremar (accordion/vocals), Melody Stroth (piano), Eman Chalshotori (cello), Jason Scheufler (guitar), Judy Johnson (flute), Janne Silfverberg (trombone/Latin percussion), Dee Sligar (bass) and Brian Steever (drums).

The program consisted of September by Earth, Wind and Fire; Concierto Para Quinteto by Piazzolla; One Note Samba by Jobin; Cinematic Caricatures by Scheufler; Introduction & Allegro for Accordion and Synthesized Tape by Fremar; Night Train by Forrest; Soledad by Piazzolla; Vexation by Fremar; Fly Me to the Moon by Howard, Otorio Porterio by Pizzolla and Does Anybody Really know What Time it Is? by Lamm.

The Fremar Foundation supports and presents outstanding musical artists in concert; provides music education and specific information about the accordion and its history; and provides scholarships to college bound high school seniors who have excelled in fine arts or performing arts.

For more information on the Fremar Foundation or upcoming events, please visit www.fremarfoundation.com.


Video: Winners, World Music Ensemble, 2017 Coupe Mondiale - Italy

Video Archive and Education Project.
The 2017 Coupe Mondiale World Music Ensemble category results were:
1st Danijel Piller (accordion) and Darko Piller (violin).

This competition category is in one round. You can view all the competitors in the Coupe Mondiale World Music Ensemble videos at: 2017WorldEnsemble

The Scandalli Accordion Factory is the sponsor of the 2017 Video Archive and Education Project.


David Halcrow Band CD, Shetland - UK

David Halcrow Band
'Shetland Sessions' CD coverAccordionist David Halcrow and his band have released a CD, ‘Shetland Sessions’, playing mainly in the distinctive Shetland style but taking strong influence from Scandinavia, France, Scotland and Ireland. This recording is also available in streaming or MP3 formats.

The band members are David Halcrow on lead accordion, Iain Williamson on fiddle, Margaret Robertson on piano, Alan Nicolson on harmony accordion, Graham Malcolmson on double bass and Graham Jamieson on drums.

Track list: Irish Reels, 4/4 March ‘The Battle of Waterloo’, Waltzes, Jigs, Medley, Waltz ‘Afton Pa Solvik’, 4/4 Marches ‘Professor Blackie’/’Edinburgh Castle’, Slow Air, Hambo ‘Jarminnen’, The Swan, Peerie Lowrie’s Polka, Strathspey, French Valse Musette, Reels, Wedding March.

For further information email: jiml@musicinscotland.com


It’s a Twin Thing!, Surrey - UK

Twins Julie and JonathanJulie Beaven, a recent newcomer to the Guildford Accordion Club, and to the accordion, has only taken up the instrument about a month or so ago. With great surprise, she has discovered her twin brother, who lives in Gloucester, has also begun to play! They then both learned, for the first time, that their father had been a player, very many years before they were born!! Julie and Jonathan are keen to continue playing and delighted their family by duetting at a special get-together.


Video: Semir Sammy Hasić Performs Hava Nagilia - Croatia

A very nice arrangement of Hava Nagila featuring Semir Sammy Hasic (accordion), Natalija Stanisavljevic (violin) and Darija Hodnik i Vladimir Pavelic - Bubi (vocals)
Traditional - arr: Josip Cvitanovic for Croatia Records.


Leonard Brown Show 2018 calendar, Newcastle-upon-Tyne - UK

Leonard Brown Show 2018 calendar
Leonard BrownThe Leonard Brown Show calendar for 2018 is now available. Each month has a different picture of the cast along with all the band’s known tour dates printed on the calendars. A great gift for any friend or family member. Printed in gloss for better quality, and available from Leonard Brown via his website for £7 plus £1.50 UK postage and packaging. Will be shipped out immediately.

Leonard Brown, an All Scotland Champion, is one of the UK’s busiest and brightest accordion talents, with many CDs and DVDs to his credit. He is also an energetic concert promoter in Scotland.

For further information email: leonardbrownaccordion@gmail.com


Trivia Reports, Accordion in 1888 Early Motion Picture Footage - UK

The earliest celluloid film was shot by French inventor Louise Le Prince using the Le Prince single-lens camera made in 1888. The oldest surviving — and perhaps the first ever — live-action motion picture footage is a snippet of film known as "Roundhay Garden Scene" made by Louis Le Prince in 1888.

The clip, which runs for less than 3 seconds, shows Le Prince's family and a friend walking in a garden in Leeds, England. Le Prince made two other motion pictures around the same time, one of traffic on Leeds Bridge and one of his son playing the accordion. Then he strangely disappeared without trace. The film survives.


Будущие события

Video: Foster & Allen ‘Golden Years Tour’, England – UK

Video: Foster & Allen Music Video 'We Owe It All To You'

The ever popular duo Foster & Allen are currently on their ‘Golden Years Tour’, with dates in various locations in England during late October and most of November. The dates and venues are shown on the poster.

Accordionist Mick Foster, twice an All-Ireland Champion in the 1960s, and singer/guitarist Tony Allen, began working together in 1975. Their extensive catalogue of successes include several best-selling chart singles in Ireland, the UK, and other countries, a large number of CDs and DVDs, many international tours, and awards from the entertainment industry. Mick Foster has stated that his accordion would probably be the last thing he would be prepared to give up.


Akkordeon Orchester Lauffen Concert, Heilbronn – Germany

PosterThe Akkordeon Orchester Lauffen performs in in concert at the Stadthalle, Lauffen, on Sunday October 29th, 7.30pm. Admission is 8 Euro.

Lauffen is a town in the district of Heilbronn, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. The Akkordeon Orchester Lauffen was formed in 1930, and is one of Germany’s longest established accordion orchetras. There is currently a playing membership of 80 musicians.


Super Orchestra Day, Surrey – UK

Super Orchestra Day
The annual Super Orchestra Day, led by Ian Watson, Julie North and Shona Holmes, takes place from 10am on Sunday October 29th at the Ripley Village Hall, Ripley, Surrey. Participants will work on 3 pieces during morning and afternoon rehearsals and then perform in the evening concert with a West End percussionist.

The timetable for the day includes:
10am – Meet for coffee/tea/soft drinks and registration
10.30am – 1pm – Rehearsal 1 (break around 11.45am)
1pm-2pm – Lunch (please bring packed lunch)
2pm – 4.30pm – Rehearsal 2 (break around 3.15pm)
5.30pm Concert

The Super Orchestra will be supported by performances from Watford Accordion Band, Tillingbourne Accordion Orchestra and London Intermediate Accordion Orchestra. Make sure you invite family and friends to the concert! Concert tickets are only £5 and available on the door.

For further information email: mail@londonao.co.uk


Richard Galliano & Radek Baborak Ensemble Concert, Prague – Czech Republic

Richard GallianoFrench accordion and bandoneon virtuoso Richard Galliano and the Radek Baborak Ensemble perform together in a ‘Strings of Autumn’ series concert on Tuesday October 31st, 8pm, at the Dvorak Hall, Rudolfinum, Prague. This concert presents the classical works of Mozart and also Tango Nuevo works by Astor Piazzolla and New Musette compositions by Richard Galliano.

Richard Galliano has recorded more than 50 albums under his own name, and has worked with artists from all different genres such as Nigel Kennedy, Toots Thielmans, Chet Baker, Wyntom Marsalis, etc, and has accompanied many notable French singers, including Charles Aznavour, Serge Gainsbourg, and Juliette Greco.


John Macdonald and Mary Kiani Concert, New South Wales - Australia

John MacDonald
Accordionist John Macdonald and singer Mary Kiani perform in concert on Tuesday October 31st, 10.30am, at the Twin Towns Services Club, Wharf St, Tweed Heads, NSW, Australia.

John Macdonald, originally from Scotland, has worked as a professional accordionist since the 1960s. He has toured with, and supported many international acts including Dame Kiri Te Kanawa, Des O'Connor, Kenneth McKellar, Andy Stewart, Johnnie Ray, Al Martino, Frank Ifield, The Drifters, The Krankies, Sir Harry Secombe, and has appeared on all major Cruise Lines throughout the world.

For further information view the Twin Towns Services Club website or email: ttsc@twintowns.com.au


Grand Festival Gala D’Accordeons Exceptional, St Jean-Le-Blanc - France

PosterOn November 1st, from 2pm until 8pm, the Grand Festival Gala D’Accordeons Exceptional takes place at the Salle des Fetes de Monitission, av. Jacques Douffiagues, Saint-Jean-Le-Blanc (45), France. Saint-Jean-le-Blanc, Loiret, is a commune in the Loiret department in north-central France.

This one day festival is a dance event featuring accordionists Michael and Jerome Richard, Nathalie Bernard, Manu Maugain, and the duo Cyril and Virginie Danrey.


Penny Sanborn Trio Concert, Calgary – Canada

Penny Sanborn TrioThe Penny Sanborn Trio performs on Friday November 1st, 2pm, in a private event at United Active Living, Garrison Green, 3028 Don Ethell Blvd SW, Calgary T3E 0C9.

The Penny Sanborn Trio features Penny on accordion, Darcy Stamp on violin and Simon Fisk on bass. This trio performs live music for special events including receptions, corporate events, weddings and concerts. Their ‘Chic European’ sound includes an attractive collection of French musette pieces, Italian folk songs, tango suites and improvised jazz tunes. Penny’s performance credits including the world-renowned Luciano Pavarotti, the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra, and appearances across Canada, Dubai, France, Italy and Switzerland.


Joe Soprani, A Musical Celebration of Italian Cinema - USA

Joe Sopraniconcert posterThe Rotwitt Theatre at McShain Performing Arts Center; Rosemont College, PA, November 5th, 2017, 3:00pm to 5:00pm.

The Carlo Aonzo Trio, featuring Italian mandolin virtuoso Carlo Aonzo, joins with the Ciao Philadelphia Mandolin Orchestra to present a concert performance of music from classic Italian films.

Professional accordionist Joe Soprani writes: "Although I will not be a featured soloist I will be part of the ensemble.  I did have the pleasure of arranging most of the selections for accordion.  Two of my favorites on the program are Theme from 8 1/2 by Rota and Love Theme from Cinema Paradiso by Morricone."

During the first half of the program, the Ciao Philadelphia Mandolin Orchestra - including more than 60 musicians from the Mid-Atlantic and New England - will present a program highlighting the film scores of Nino Rota and Ennio Morricone.

Several works will feature Carlo Aonzo as guest soloist and feature Joe Soprani on accordion. The second half of the program will feature Carlo Aonzo (mandolin), Lorenzo Piccone (guitars and vocals), and Luciano Puppo (double bass) in a trio setting. Their program will include selections from their acclaimed CD "A Mandolin Journey."

Accordion arrangements by Soprani at: Joseph Soprani


Karen Street and Carismático, Tango de Amor Concert, London - UK

Karen StreetVideo: Carismático perform Ultimatum by Saul Cosentino.

Enjoy a night of Tango Nuevo, passion and virtuosity with Carismático, a new ensemble led by accordionist Karen Street with special guest tango vocalist Martin Alvarado.

Carismático: Tango de Amor
The Pheasantry, 152 King's Rd, Chelsea, London SW3 4UT.
Tuesday 7th November, doors open 7 pm, show time 8:30 pm
Thursday 9th November, doors open 7 pm, show time 8:30 pm

The group will be performing compositions of Argentinian composers Astor Piazzolla, Saul Cosentino, and Karen Street own creative and nuanced compositions.

The evening will also feature the mesmerising voice of Argentina’s finest tango vocalist, Martin Alvarado. Described as ‘totally beguiling’ by BBC Radio 3 and "one of the great voices in tango today" by La 2x4 Radio, Buenos Aires, he has performed around the world to sell-out audiences and in 2013 won the Latin UK award for Concert by International Artist of the Year.

This year he has completed his 38th international tour, visiting Russia, Finland, Spain, Estonia, the Aino Ackté chamber Festival in Helsinki and the Astor Piazzolla Tango Passion show at the Kremlin Palace Concert Hall. He is also headlining at the Buenos Aires Tango Festival.

Joining me in the line up are pianist Yshani Perinpanayagam (winner 10th Yamaha Birmingham Accompanist and Park Lane Group Artist) bassist Dave Mannington (founder of the Loop Collective) saxophonist Andy Tweed (member of Saxtet and teacher at Birmingham Conservatoire) Rob Millet (principle percussionist at Ballet Rambert).


Новые и обновленные сайты

New Album by Arseniy Strokovskiy & Ivan Dyma - Russia

Arseniy Strokovskiy
SaxAkkord album coverArseniy Strokovskiy, is the winner of 2016 Klingenthal and Laureate of Coupe Mondiale, Castelfidardo, Rostov-on-Don, Vivat Bayan in Samara and many other international competitions.

Arseniy Strokovskiy has teamed up with Ivan Dyma (saxophones) to form the Duo SaxAkkord with a very distinctive sound.

They have now released their first mp3 download album. The tracks are:
1. Prelude No. 1 G. Gershwin
2. Prelude No. 2 G. Gershwin
3. Prelude No. 3 G. Gershwin
4. Metamorphoses Lundquist
5. Sempre Majore S. Berensky
6. Sonata No. 2 A. Shcnittke
7. Sonatina I. Tamarin
8. Sabre Dance A. Kachaturyan

The album is available as an online download for only € 9.00 - Catalog: SaxAkkord You can also purchase individual tracks and listen to sound samples of each track at: SaxAkkord.


Updated Site: Charnwood Publishing - UK

Charnwood Publishing header
Charnwood eSheet Music (able to be sent to you by email) information page has been updated. There are now 22 original accordion compositions available as eSheet publications.


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