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Weekly News from Around the World - 27-May-2016
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Особенности Highlights

Концерт Кобы в честь празднования 150-летия японо-итальянских дипломатических отношений – Италия
Серия концертов и мастер-классов Американской Ассоциации Аккордеонистов (AAA), Нью-Йорк – США
Акция к 70-летию компании ‘Pigini s.r.l.’, Кастельфидардо – Италия
II фестиваль «Международные дни аккордеона в Праге» – Чехия
Видео: Арсений Строковский (Россия) – победитель концертной категории международного конкурса в Клингентале – Германия

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Video: Video Herbert Pixner Projekt, 12th World Music Festival - Austria
Dirk Powell Plays On Eric Clapton Album – USA
Video: 2015 Coupe Mondiale Junior Virtuoso Entertainment Winners - Finland
Leonard Brown CD ‘Requested by You’, Newcastle - UK
Video: Nürnberger Akkordeonorchester - Austria
Accordion Arranger James P. O'Brien Publishes Second Non Music Book - USA
2016 Int. Akkordeonwettbewerb Klingenthal Preisträgerkonzert
Brixton Buskers Include Accordion, London - UK
Video: Sergio Scappini Demonstrating the Bugari Evo - UK
14 Years Ago: Recital at Free Reed Instruments Conference, June 4th 2002

Будущие события

Steve Normandin Concert, Quebec City – Canada
Stanislav Angelov Concert, Magaliesburg - South Africa
Gjovalin Nonaj Concert, Brussels – Belgium
Klaus Paier and Asja Valcic Concerts, Wolfsberg, Villach – Austria
Natasha Enquist Performance, Debut Album Teaser, Berlin - Germany
Christine Schmid & Florian Metz Cabaret, Baden-Württemberg - Germany
Kennet Accordion Orchestra Concert, Dorset - UK
Mary Mancini & Mario Tacca Entertain, New York – USA
Gorka Hermosa Master Classes – Spain
Jon Hammond Funk Unit Featured, Summer NAMM, Nashville, Tennessee - USA
Castletown Accordion Orchestra Concert, Cavan – Irish Republic

Новые и обновленные сайты

Updated Site: 2016 Harbin China Summer International Accordion Art Week - China
New: Auckland March Solo Released for Online Sale by Gary Daverne
Updated Site: Sonatina for Accordion Now Available by Don Grzanna - USA
Updated Site: CD by Jörgen Sundeqvist 'In Concert Behind Accordion' Available Again

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Особенности Highlights

Концерт Кобы в честь празднования 150-летия японо-итальянских дипломатических отношений – Италия

CobaHideki TogiОчаровывающий мир традиционного японского искусства представит слияние японской и западной музыки на торжественном мероприятии в честь празднования 150-й годовщины установления дипломатических отношений между Японией и Италией.

Знаменитый японский аккордеонист Коба (Coba) выступит с группой японских музыкантов под названием ‘TFC 55’.

Расписание концертов в Италии:
11 июня, суббота, театр Астра (Astra Theatre), Кастельфидардо (Анкона)
12 июня, воскресенье, театр Джузеппе Верди (Teatro Giuseppe Verdi), Буссето (Парма)
Коба также даст сольный концерт 15 июня (среда) в Институте японской культуры (Istituto Giapponese di Cultura), Рим.

В 2014 году Хидеки Тоги (Hideki Togi), Ивао Фурусава (Iwao Furusawa) и Коба (все музыканты одного возраста) создали группу под названием "TFC 55" и начали выступать по всей Японии. Инструментальный ансамбль, состоящий из cё (национального инструмента типа шэна, присущего стилю гагаку), скрипки и аккордеона (что ранее не представлялось возможным), благодаря трем музыкантам погружает зрителей в магию звуков.

Спонсорами мероприятия выступают Коммуна города Кастельфидардо и Культурная ассоциация им. Гервасио Маркосиньори.

Для получения дополнительной информации свяжитесь с президентом местного туристического центра в Кастельфидардо Альдо Бельмонти (Aldo Belmonti).


Серия концертов и мастер-классов Американской Ассоциации Аккордеонистов (AAA), Нью-Йорк – США

AAA Master Class & Concert Series
Dr William SchimmelЕжегодный мастер-класс и серия концертов Американской Ассоциации Аккордеонистов (ААА) состоятся 29 -31 июля.

Доктор Уильям Шиммель (фото справа) снова выступит куратором этого мероприятия, которое станет 22 в его карьере. Заявленная тема «Нет ничего лучше дома».

Отмечающий в этом году свое 70-летие, Уильям Шиммель получил Награду AAA «За особые заслуги» в ознаменование своей более чем пятидесятилетней работы в сфере аккордеонного искусства. Вся его жизнь – это череда концертов, записей, создания композиций, проведения аккордеонных семинаров. В последние несколько лет он также является постоянным лектором AAA.

Мастер-классы начинаются в 15.00, концерты в 19.00. Местом проведения выбран Культурный центр Тэнри (Tenri Cultural Center), расположенный по адресу: 43A W 13th St (между 5 и 6 авеню), Нью-Йорк.

Регистрационная форма для участия: 2016AAAmc.pdf


Акция к 70-летию компании ‘Pigini s.r.l.’, Кастельфидардо – Италия

Pigini 70th Anniversary
Massimo PiginiFrancesca PiginiКомпания по производству баянов и аккордеонов ‘Pigini Accordions’, известная своим инновационным подходом к рекламе, выдвинула новую идею празднования своего 70-летия.

Видео-конкурс «Отпразднуйте 70-летие ‘Pigini’ за 70 секунд».

Pigini приглашает баянистов и аккордеонистов присоединиться к конкурсу с весьма простыми правилами:

1. Представьте на видео свой инструмент ‘Pigini’, как хотите, где хотите, в любой форме.
2. Громко произнесите любым способом поздравление "Auguri Pigini" (на самом лучшем итальянском, на какой вы способны).
3. Наслаждайтесь процессом.
Последний день приема видеозаписей 31 мая 2016 года!

Победители получат бесплатное недельное путешествие с посещением фабрики ‘Pigini’ и мастер-класса «Производство аккордеонов». Победители будут отобраны 21 июня, а наш ресурс ‘Accordions Worldwide’ покажет выигравшие ролики.


II фестиваль «Международные дни аккордеона в Праге» – Чехия

Организаторами II фестиваля «Международные дни аккордеона в Праге», Чехия, выступают аккордеонный факультет Пражской Консерватории, Чешская Аккордеонная Ассоциация и агентство ‘CTA Agency’.

Фестиваль и конкурс пройдут с 4 по 6 ноября 2016 года, дата окончания приема заявок – 20 сентября.


Видео: Арсений Строковский (Россия) – победитель концертной категории международного конкурса в Клингентале – Германия

Video 1: Video 2:
Video 3:
Аресний Строковский (Россия) стал победителем категории концертных исполнителей -солистов международного конкурса в Клингентале. Прослушивания категории традиционно проводятся в 3 тура, в 3 туре четыре финалиста выступают с симфоническим оркестром.

В новостях предыдущих недель мы публиковали видео с выступлением Арсения Строковского в 3 туре конкурса.

На этой неделе мы публикуем фрагменты из его программы 1 и 2 тура.
1 тур:
Видео 1: «Токката №2» Оле Шмидта;
Видео 2: «Танго Prism» Маки Иши (Maki Ishi) – обязательная пьеса.

Фрагмент программы 2 тура:
Видео 3: «Метаморфозы» Торбьорна Лундквиста.

Арсений Строковский является студентом МГИМ им. Шнитке, Москва, в классе известного аккордеониста, победителя многих международных конкурсов, включая Клингенталь 2002, Сергея Осокина.

Видео недавнего концерта Сергея Осокина можно посмотреть онлайн по адресу:

Конкурсные успехи Арсения Строковского за 2015 год включают:
1 место – XIII национальный конкурс «Виват, баян!» в Самаре, Россия, май 2015 года.
2 место – международный конкурс в Кастельфидардо.
3 место – XXIII международный конкурс в Испании "Arrasate Hiria".


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Video: Video Herbert Pixner Projekt, 12th World Music Festival - Austria

The 12th World Music Festival featured the Herbert Pixner Projekt in concert. Performers are: Herbert Pixner (accordion and trumpet), Werner Unterlechner (bass), Heidi Pixner (harp) and Manuel Randi (guitar).

The 12th World Music Festival is the biggest competition for accordion orchestras/ensembles and a full report, results, pictures and some videos are online at: 2016InsbrReport


Dirk Powell Plays On Eric Clapton Album – USA

Dirk PowellThe legendary singer/guitarist Eric Clapton's new album ‘I Still Do’ features Cajun musician Dirk Powell on the diatonic accordion on the track ‘Stones in my Passway’.

The CD, released on May 20th, is being played on Sirius Radio on the blues stations.

Dir Powell is carrying on the traditions of his late father-in-law Dewey Balfa as the accordion player in the Cajun group Balfa Toujours.

It was at a 1989 festival in West Virginia that he first met and played with Dewey Balfa, a musician whose performance left Powell "captivated." When Balfa passed away in 1992, Powell joined Balfa's daughters, Nelda and Christine (Powell would later marry Christine) and formed Balfa Toujours. The band would go on to record five albums for labels like Swallow and Rounder.

Dirk Powell has also released the "Learn To Play Cajun Accordion" tutor DVD.


Video: 2015 Coupe Mondiale Junior Virtuoso Entertainment Winners - Finland

Video Archive Education Project sponsored by Scandali
1st Russo, Valerio (Italy)
2nd Carabetta, Daniele (Italy)
3rd Shirokov, Rodion (Russia)
Kimmo MattilaThis category of the 2015 Coupe Mondiale was broadcast live by ALFA TV and they have now kindly released the video for the CIA Video Archive Education Project sponsored by Scandalli Accordions.

2015 Coupe Mondiale Junior Virtuoso Entertainment Results:
1st Russo, Valerio (Italy)
2nd Carabetta, Daniele (Italy)
3rd Shirokov, Rodion (Russia)

Own choice program consisting of at least two (2) pieces of different styles and moods. Playing time: maximum 12 minutes.

Videos of all the contestants in this category are online at:
Full results at: 2015CoupeResults.
44 page color program at: 2015Program.pdf
Video Archive Education Project sponsored by Scandalli


Leonard Brown CD ‘Requested by You’, Newcastle - UK

‘Requested by You’ CD cover‘Requested by You’ is the title of Leonard Brown’s latest CD, which as the title suggests, comprises music that is often requested at his concerts and ceilidhs.

The 20 tracks include Willie and Bertha’s Boston, Valse Parisienne, The Craic at Clashmore Hall/Kiwi Pipers, Bayerisch Kraut Polka (composed by Christa Behnke), Canadian Jigs, Draggin the Bow, Leonard Brown’s Reel, The Rose, Bel Fiore (Frosini), Quickstep Cellection, Kate Martin’s Waltz, The More I see You, Ukrainian Polka, The Blue Danube (Strauss), John Macdonald of Glencoe/Crossing The Minch, Cape Verdean Blues, Jigs Selection, A Fond La Caisse, Danny Boy, Iain MacPhail Reels.

On this recording Leonard is ably supported by Davie Stewart (accordion), Maggie Adamson (fiddle), Liam Stewart (piano), John Sinton (double bass), and Malcolm Ross (drums/percussion).

Leonard Brown, from Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, NW England, is one of the UK’s brightest young accordion talents. Also a fine pianist and a band leader, he is much in demand, especially in Scotland, for concerts, ceilidhs, and recording sessions.

In 2012 he became only the second Englishman to become an All Scotland Accordion Champion (Robert Whitehead being the first). Leonard’s biography is to be found in Rob Howard’s recently published book ‘Accordion Anthology’.

For further information email: leonardbrownaccordion@gmail.com


Video: Nürnberger Akkordeonorchester - Austria

Video excerpt from the recent 12th World Music Festival, where the Nürnberger Akkordeonorchester, conductor, Stefan Hippe with Heleen Joor (vocals) and Barbara Shofer (narration) was featured in the Gala Concert.

The Nuremberg Accordion Orchestra was established as a quintet in 1946 by Willi Münch and his wife Paula. Since 1998, Stefan Hippe has been the permanent conductor of the orchestra. They have been one of the most successful accordion ensembles in Europe for many decades and today, consist of 27 musicians.

The orchestra has taken excellent rankings in many national and international competitions including the first prize at the German Orchestra Competition 2008 in Wuppertal and two consecutive wins 1st prize at the World Music Festival in Innsbruck 2004 and of 2010.

The Nürnberger Akkordeonorchester was awarded in 1993 the Culture Prize of the City of Nürnberg and has received any other awards. They have released three CD's Edition dedicated to contemporary accordion orchestra composers and in 2016 celebrate their 70th anniversary.


Accordion Arranger James P. O'Brien Publishes Second Non Music Book - USA

James O'Brien booksWell known accordion arranger Dr James P. O'Brien has published a second book on 24th December 2015 titled "Realities of Retirement" available on Amazon.

Its advertising line is: It's Monday Morning: "There Are People in My Office Working . . .And I'm Not One of Them". This book addresses many issues associated with retirement and is available in Kindle and paperback.

Also published is: Somewhere the Train Goes: A Life Journey also available in Kindle and paperback.

Various music related books are also available online at Amazon.

James O'Brien has been a Professor of Music at The University of Arizona School of Music faculty since 1975 and has authored 8 published music textbooks and several music articles in national journals.

He has been the recipient of numerous grants dedicated to the improvement of classroom music teaching through technology.

His performance specialty is the keyboard and he is an avid accordionist as well as an arranger/composer of accordion music including over 150 original compositions and arrangements. Many of these are available at: James P. O'Brien

Since his retirement, he holds the academic rank of Professor Emeritus.


2016 Int. Akkordeonwettbewerb Klingenthal Preisträgerkonzert

Video from the 2016 Klingenthal Prize Giving concert. Published on May 13, 2016 http://www.klingenthal-magazin.de


Brixton Buskers Include Accordion, London - UK

The Brixton Buzz online news wrote: As Brixton continues to turn into a tourist-luring, south-London version of Camden, more and more buskers can be seen on the streets around the centre of town.

The Brixton Buzz then included pictures of the buskers including "This lady with the ENORMOUS St Bernard dog who can regularly be seen busking around Brixton"


Video: Sergio Scappini Demonstrating the Bugari Evo - UK

Video by Gary Blair of Sergio Scappini (Italy) demonstrating the Bugari Evo digital accordion in the UK.


14 Years Ago: Recital at Free Reed Instruments Conference, June 4th 2002

The Accordions Worldwide News for May 24th 2002 included an item about a forthcoming recital at a conference about the history of free reed instruments. In recent years there has been much research into the evolution of free reed instruments, with books written on this subject.

Hilton Hotel Recital and Conference – USA

American accordionist Henry Doktorski will give a recital on June 4th at the 143rd bi-annual meeting of the ‘Acoustical Society of America’ at the downtown Hilton Hotel in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The theme of the conference will be ‘Free Reed Instruments: Historical Perspective and Recent Research’.

Doktorski will perform pieces intended to expose the conference participants to a wide range of historical repertoire for the accordion - ranging from early 20th Century compositions by Hugo Herrmann and Guido Deiro to more recent works by Astor Piazzolla - to showcase the varied acoustical properties of the instrument. The recital will conclude with a duet by Doktorski and Howard Levy (harmonica) - Bach's ‘Polka’ from ‘Cantata 78’.


Будущие события

Steve Normandin Concert, Quebec City – Canada

Steve NormandinOn Saturday May 28th, 8pm, accordionist Steve Normandin performs in concert at Crapo de Lanaudière, Saint-Jean-de-Matha, Quebec City, Canada.


Stanislav Angelov Concert, Magaliesburg - South Africa

Accordionist Stanislav Angelov will entertain during lunchtimes with French music at the Black Horse Brewery & Restaurant, Pizza Place, Magaliesburg, South Africa, on Saturday May 28th and Sunday May 29th.

For further information email: information@blackhorse.co.za


Gjovalin Nonaj Concert, Brussels – Belgium

Gjovalin NonajThe Brussels-based Albanian accordionist Gjovalin Nonaj performs a solo concert on Sunday May 29th, 3pm, at the Salle de reunion, Centre Européen de Médiations (asbl), 119 rue Hôtel des Monnaies, 1060 Bruxelles. Admission is 10€.

For further information email: Gjovalin_nonaj@hotmail.com


Klaus Paier and Asja Valcic Concerts, Wolfsberg, Villach – Austria

Asja Valcic and Klaus PaierKlaus Paier (accordion) and Asja Valcic (cello) perform in concert, as follows:

Thursday June 2nd, 8pm, at Benedikt, Haus St., Wolfsberg, Austria.
Friday June 3rd, 8pm, Kulturhofkeller, Villach, Austria


Natasha Enquist Performance, Debut Album Teaser, Berlin - Germany

Natasha EnquistNatasha Enquist - Electro-Accordion Chanteuse, will perform a debut album teaser set of original songs from her upcoming debut album, "MNE", for the audience with her drummer, Maurizio Vitale.

2nd June, Chantals House of Shame, The Bassy Cowboy Club, Schönhauser Allee 176a, Berlin,
10€ at the door. Doors at 23:00 Showtime 02:00


Christine Schmid & Florian Metz Cabaret, Baden-Württemberg - Germany

posterOn Saturday June 4th, 8.15pm, accordionist and vocalist Christine Schmid performs a cabaret concert with vocalist Florian Metz at the Kurhaus Badenweiler, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.

Christine Schmid studied at the Hohner Conservatory Trossingen and at the Opera Workshop at Basel Conservatory. Later she attended the Jazz School Basel and Paris in music theory, accordion and vocals.

After her studies she had various engagements such as the title role in ‘Marlene Dietrich’ at the Musical Theater in Basel and regular appearances as a guest soprano with the Spa Orchestra Badenweiler, followed by appearances on radio and television.

Christine Schmid is also vocal and speech trainer and also as a successful model and mannequin.

For further information email: christ.schmid@web.de


Kennet Accordion Orchestra Concert, Dorset - UK

Kennet Accordion Orchestra
On Sunday June 5th, 2.30pm, the Kennet Accordion Orchestra (MD Nigel Pasby) perform in concert at St Ives Village Hall, Braeside Road, Ringwood, Dorset BH24 2PH.

Formed in 1984, the Kennet Accordion Orchestra’s members come from Marlborough, Hungerford, Newbury and Swindon.

The concert is organized by the recently formed Bournemouth-based Dorset Accordion Orchestra (MD Sammie Peckover LBCA).

For further information email: dorsetaccordionorchestra@gmail.com


Mary Mancini & Mario Tacca Entertain, New York – USA

Accordionist Mario Tacca and vocalist Mary Mancini entertain at the Bean Runner Cafe, 201 S. Division St., Peekskill, New York, on Friday June 10th at 8pm.

Mario says: “Come and enjoy Bean Runner's light fare menu and our musical presentations of all styles of music. We are happy to have with us Randy Smith on drums, Mike Caruso on guitar and mandolin, and David Winograd on bass. Don't miss this fun and intimate evening! Be sure to call and reserve as reservations are a must - 914-737-1701”.

For further information email: mariobtacca@hotmail.com


Gorka Hermosa Master Classes – Spain

Workshop brochureSpanish accordionist, composer, writer, and teacher Gorka Hermosa leads master classes on Friday June 10th and Saturday 11th at the Conservatory of Lugo, Spain.

For further information email: gorka@gorkahermosa.com


Jon Hammond Funk Unit Featured, Summer NAMM, Nashville, Tennessee - USA

Jon Hammond Funk Unit
Lee Oskar and Jon HammondJon Hammonds Hammond Funk Unit quintet is performing a 40 minute set of his original compositions as part of the Summer NAMM Showcase at the famous Music City Center, Nashville.

The concert is on Friday June 24th, 2pm to 2.40pm. California-based Jon Hammond is a jazz musician and radio presenter, best-known nowadays as an organist who regularly uses accordion in his group and for hospital and old folks concerts (picture below).

Jon Hammond wrote:
"Three of the musicians are Nashville based: R Barber (trombone), Louis ‘Flip’ Winfield (drums), Cord Martin (tenor saxophone) plus my long-time guitarist Joe Berger and myself on Hamond organ - both Joe and myself are officially from New York City, although I am also in California a lot - I’m still a New Yorker!

There is a very strong chance that Lee Oskar will be joining us as Special Guest. I can’t guarantee that Lee will be onstage with us. We recently talked about doing it when we met at the ASCAP Pop Awards in Hollywood last month. He told me that he will be there and is going to try to make it, so we are going to have the stage set up for that, we have played together several times over the years.

Lee was an award recipient at the ASCAP Pop Awards and besides being the original member of the legendary band WAR, he manufactures his own line of Lee Oskar Harmonicas that have been very popular with Blues and Rock performers for years.

Here we are in Hollywood a couple of weeks ago, with Lee wearing the medal he was awarded."
Jon Hammond


Castletown Accordion Orchestra Concert, Cavan – Irish Republic

Castletown Accordion Orchestra
The Castletown Accordion Orchestra performs in concert on Saturday June 18th, 8.30pm, at the Ramor Theatre, Main St, Virginia, County Cavan, Ireland.

Under the musical direction of John Chilton, Castletown Accordion Orchestra has represented Ireland at both European and World level winning multiple awards. They have performed concerts in both in Ireland and Europe, including the acclaimed concert tour of The Dolomites in Italy. They will perform in London in July and the Kilkenny Arts Festival in August.

For further information email: ramortheatre@cavancoco.ie


Новые и обновленные сайты

Updated Site: 2016 Harbin China Summer International Accordion Art Week - China

2016 Harbin China International Accordion Art Week
Prof. Wang HongyuUpdated Site: Harbin 2016 Art Director Prof. Wang Hongyu (picture left), Vice-President of Harbin Normal University, has added Maciej Frackiewicz (Poland) and Marko Kassl (Gemany) to the list of invited international Guests/Jury members.

Along with famous Chinese accordion teachers, they will form the juries for the international competitions which are part of the Harbin 2016 China Summer International Accordion Art Week.

The list of international guests / jury include many famous musicians and teachers from many different countries (alphabetical order): Ondassyn Abdullahayev (Kazakhstan), Franck Angelis (France), Patricia Bartell (USA), Miljan Bjeletic (Serbia), Raymond Bodell (UK), Harley Jones (New Zealand), Eddy Jozef Flecijn (Belgium), Alexander Kapitan (Russia), Aleksandar Kolovski (Macedonia), Tatjana Marx (Australia), Yves Moulin (Switzerland), Mirco Patarini (Italy), Primoz Parovel (Slovenia), Zoran Rakic (Bosnia & Herzegovina), Volodymyr Runchak (Ukraine), Samgar (Kazakhstan), Viatcheslav Semenenko (Russia), Yuri Shishkin (Russia), Ivan Šverko (Croatia), Raimondas Sviackevicius (Lithuania).

Download the competition rules and entry form in Chinese and English at: 2016Harbin
Entries close: 25th July


New: Auckland March Solo Released for Online Sale by Gary Daverne

Gary DaverneAuckland MarchComposer, conductor, arranger Gary  Daverne OMNZ has released his solo composition Auckland March for sale online.

This work is for standard bass. View sample page. Purchase with credit card online.

Catalog No: ED0275_D

Updated Site: Gary  Daverne Homepage and eTracks (mp3) Page


Updated Site: Sonatina for Accordion Now Available by Don Grzanna - USA

Don GrzannaUpdated Site: Don Grzanna has made available the work:
grza184 - Sonatina For Accordion

Don Grzanna has over 100 original works available online for viewing.

This work is an eSheet format (pdf file), able to be emailed to the client. Sample pages for each movement available for viewing. Purchase online with Paypal secure credit card capture.


Updated Site: CD by Jörgen Sundeqvist 'In Concert Behind Accordion' Available Again

Jörgen SundeqvistCD by Jörgen Sundeqvist 'In Concert Behind Accordion' is available again. Performers Jörgen Sundeqvist (solo) and some tracks in duet with Anthony Galla-Rini. Catalog: ks515


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