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Weekly News from Around the World - 27-Mar-2009
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Musikmesse Frankfurt – Deutschland
Nihad Hrustanbegovic und Grace Jones on Stage - Holland
SUONI srl @ Frankfurt Musikmesse – Deutschland
Friedrich Lips Konzert in Salzburg - Austria
3. Akkordeon "Art Festival und Wettbewerb" Mosciano - Italien
Akkordeonist für Luxus-Kreuzschiff im Mittelmeer gesucht - Europa
Accordion Fragebogen für Diplomarbeit/Uni Liverpool - UK

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Master Class by Claudio Jacomucci, Tilburg - Netherlands
2009 NAA Convention, Texas - USA
Rostov-on-Don Accordion Concerts - Russia
Master Class with Jean Luc Manca, Urbino, Italy
John Klobas, 25 years Polka Radio Host - USA

Future events

Coupe Mondiale 2009, Super Travel Prices - New Zealand
Accordion Tribe Quartet Tour to 11 Cities - 4 Countries
New CD/Concerts with Zydeco Annie + Swamp Cats – Germany
Jean Louis Noton MIDI Master Class, Marseille - France
Stolen Accordion, London – UK
Music Academy ‘Open Day’, Kassel – Germany
Guy Klucevsek Plays for Silent Movies and New CD, New York - USA
Pascal Contet Performances and Workshops - France

New and Updated Sites

USA and London stolen accordions
Charnwood Publications New Accordion Compositions
Gary Dahl updates and releases new works for accordion
Vassily Glubochenko releases 1 new work for accordion
Paul Chamberlain releases 2 new works for accordion
Charnwood Publications New Accordion Compositions

CD Reviews

“Orientato a Sud ”

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Musikmesse Frankfurt – Deutschland

FrankfurtVom 1. bis 4. April 2009 findet in Frankfurt die Internationale Fachmesse für Musikinstrumente, Musiksoftware und Computerhardware, Noten und Zubehör statt und ist die internationale Leitmesse wenn es ums Musizieren geht.

Alles was man zum Musikmachen benötigt, finden Sie hier. Neben dem kompletten Produktangebot finden unzählige Workshops, Konzerte, Demonstrationen oder Diskussionen statt.

Die Musikmesse präsentiert nicht nur einen umfassenden Überblick über Musikinstrumente und Zubehör, sondern ist auch die größte Konzertveranstaltung in Europa.

Auf mehr als 300 Konzerten und Workshops auf den Ständen und in der Stadt zeigen Weltklasse-Musiker ihr überragendes Können und die neuesten Instrumente in Aktion. Egal ob Jazz, Rock oder Pop, Punk-Rock, Tango, Fusion, Folk, Singer-Songwriter, Klassik, Elektronik, für jeden Geschmack ist bei der Musikmesse was dabei.

Akkordeonliebhaber werden in der halle 3.1 ihre wahre Freude haben, denn dort stellen fast alle wichtigsten Akkordeon- und Zubehörhersteller aus und ihre neuesten Modelle und Produkte werden vorn namhaften Künstlern präsentiert.

Also, ein Termin nicht zu versäumen: Musikmesse 2009 – Live for the Music!


Nihad Hrustanbegovic und Grace Jones on Stage - Holland

Am 19. März präsentierte der Akkordeonist und Komponist Nihad Hrustanbegovic im Paradiso in Amsterdam ein Akkordeon Solo mit der berühmten Sängerin und Schauspielerin Grace Jones - ‘I’ve Seen That Face Before’.

Die Szene begann auf einer völlig dunklen Bühne mit nur einem Scheinwerfer auf Nihad gerichtet und Grace Jones die plötzlich aus der Dunkelheit erschien. Sie streichelt seinen Kopf und sagt: "du fürchtest Dich - Junge? I'm not going to hurt you! "Nihad nimmt sein Akkordeon und antwortet fest entschlossen:" Nein, ich habe keine Angst! "

Grace Jones steht vor ihm, mit ihren berühmten langen Beine auf einem drehen Tisch und beginnt zu singen: "Ich dieses Gesicht schon gesehen," und Nihad blickt zu ihr auf und streichelt sein Akkordeon mit seiner Musik.

Ihre sinnlich, elegant schimmernde Beine bewegen sich und Nihad läßt seine schnell bewegenden Finger über die Akkordeon Tasten gleiten. Nur diese sind beleuchtet – ein Spiel der Versuchung. Grace Jones, ihre heißblütige, tiefe , leise Stimme und der emotional geladene Sound von Nihad's Akkordeon, provozieren euphorischen Beifall des Publikums.



SUONI srl @ Frankfurt Musikmesse – Deutschland

Veronica TodorovaAntonio SpaccarotellaSuoni srl mit Sitz in Castelfidardo, Italien, haben eine Reihe von neuen Instrumenten, die sie in diesem Jahr auf der Frankfurter Musikmesse vorstellen werden. Dazu gehören:
Scandalli - die neue Serie AIR - 5 kompakte, leichte, qualitativ hochwertige Modelle
Paolo Soprani - neues Lernmodell, neue französische Modelle, neue Diatonics und eine große Überraschung in der Elektronik!

Das vergangene Jahr war für das Unternehmen Suoni srl eines der erfolgreichsten aufgrund des anhaltenden Wachstums der Scandalli und Paolo Soprani Marken - internationale Marken großer Anerkennung.

Es wird oft gesagt, dass in schwierigen Zeiten, Menschen sich Markennamen anvertrauen und so, trotz der derzeitigen wirtschaftlichen Krise, hat für Suoni das Jahr 2009 sehr gut begonnen.

Die neuen Modelle werden von Veronica Todorova und Antonio Spaccarotella Suoni am Stand in Halle 3.1, Stand F19 vorgeführt.

Für weitere Informationen E-Mail: info@scandalli-soprani.it


Friedrich Lips Konzert in Salzburg - Austria

Friedrich Lips posterAm Samstag, 28. März 2009, 19:30 Uhr findet im Pfarrsaal Mülln, Augustinergasse 4, 5020 Salzburg ein Solo-Konzert (organisiert von Akkorde-On-Stage) mit Friedrich Lips statt. Er ist wahrscheinlich der gefragteste russische Bajanist (Akkordeonist), bekannt nicht nur in der Akkordeonwelt, sondern auch im Bereich der klassischen Musik. Seit mehr als 30 Jahren konzertiert er nun bereits in der ganzen Welt und erlangte so seine Stellung als renommierter Künstler auf seinem Instrument.

Im Fachkreis der Akkordeonisten ist Friedrich Lips deshalb bedeutsam, weil er u.a. ein Buch verfasste („Die Kunst des Bajanspielens“ online bei http://www.musicforaccordion.com/Boutique/inform/lips_book/index.htm) wo er die Spieltechniken/Möglichkeiten des Instrumentes erklärt und zeigt. Er erfand und entwickelte Spieltechniken die grundlegende Veränderungen in der Akkordeon-Szene verursachten, z.B. „Ricochet“. Überzeugen Sie sich beim Konzert von Friedrich Lips von diesem Künstler – das wird wahrlich ein „TOP KONZERT“ !

Eintritt 17€, Ermäßigte Karte 13 €, Kinder 6 € - Tickethotline: +43 676 5176156 oder office@akkordeonstage.com


3. Akkordeon "Art Festival und Wettbewerb" Mosciano - Italien

Die 3. Editiion des "Akkordeon-Art Festivals“ findet in diesem Jahr am 20. und 21. Juni in der Stadt Mosciano SA (TE, Italien) und sieht als künstlerischen Leiter Renzo Ruggieri und Claudio Azzaro als Präsident.
Zu den internationalen Konzert Gästen zählen:
Ludovic Beyer (Jazz)
Massimiliano Pitocco (Klassik)

Neuheiten in diesem Jahr: drei verschiedenen Arten von Wettbewerben:
"Orpheus" Internationaler Preis
Dies ist eine Auszeichnung ähnlich der Oscar-Filmverleihung mit Nominierungen und am letzten Gala-Abend der Proklamation der Gewinner für die beste Orpheus-Live-Performance (Klassik, Jazz, Varieté) und die beste italiensiche CD-Produktioin des Jahres 200.
Die Jury setzt sich aus renommierten Musik-Kritiker.

Nationale Bewerb
Dies ist ein Wettbewerb mit dem traditionellen Ziel zur Förderung von Musik in verschiedenen Sektionen: Akkordeon, Orgel, Keyboards, Gesang, Gitarre und spezielle Rubriken wie Youtube Video, Gruppen, Mitglieder, digitales Akkordeon, etc.

Auswahl der nationalen Wettbewerber für die Teilnahme am nächsten TROPHY Mondiale, der im September 2009 in Portugal (Albufeira)stattfinden wird.

Die Organisatoren sind: Art Promotion Association, Club Voglia D'Kunst und die Stadt Moskau.
Info: www.accordionartfestival.com


Akkordeonist für Luxus-Kreuzschiff im Mittelmeer gesucht - Europa

Ship Cruise
Ship CV"Músicos en el exterior" ist auf der Suche nach einem Akkordeon-Spieler oder Duos (Akkordeon und ein weiteres Instrument), für die Sommersaison an Bord von Luxus-Kreuzfahrtschiffen. Dazu gehören Kreuzfahrten rund um das Mittelmeer von Mitte April bis September, Besuch Häfen in Spanien, Italien, Griechenland und der Türkei. Vertragsdauer ist von 4 bis zu 6 Monaten. Freie Board-, Lebens-und Krankenversicherungen wird geboten. Musiker können ihre eigenen CDs auf dem Schiff verkaufen.

Die Antragsteller müssen in der Lage sein, Englisch zu sprechen und eine generelles europäisches Musik-Repertoire spielen zu können. Bitte senden Sie ein Video im AVI-oder WMV-Format, mit Fragmenten von 40 Sekunden pro Stück und 8 bis 9 Minuten.

Für weitere Informationen schreiben Sie bitte via E-Mail an: musicosenelexterior@gmail.com


Accordion Fragebogen für Diplomarbeit/Uni Liverpool - UK

Jesus PenarandaJesús Peñaranda ist ein Akkordeon-Spieler der seine Diplomarbeit auf der Universität Liverpool vorbereitet. Er schreibt gerade seine Abschlussarbeit über das Thema der aktuellen Situation des Akkordeons, seine unmittelbare Zukunft und die Auswirkungen der neuen Technologien auf die Zukunft.

Möchten Sie mehr darüber erfahren oder eventuell irgendwie mit Information dem Künstler behilflich sein, dann füllen sie bitten den Online-Fragebogen Peñaranda Survey aus.


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Master Class by Claudio Jacomucci, Tilburg - Netherlands

Jacomucci Class
Claudio JacomucciOn March 5th and 6th, Claudio Jacomucci was guest teacher at the Conservatory of Tilburg, Netherlands, a modern and technologic institute that groups all performing arts (theatre, music, dance...). Claudio held a short concert with music by Bach, Gismonti, and his own compositions, and a master class for the students of the accordion course - Ronald Van Overbruggen and Ludo Marien's classes. Every year the students organize workshops and master class with guest teachers such as Mika Väyrynen, Mie Miki and Friedrich Lips.

During the course, everybody assisted the final examination in chamber music by Pieternel Berkers. which - in collaboration with Renee Bekkers (partner in the accordion duo Toeac, winner of the Prize for Accordion Duet in Castelfidardo 2007) and another musician (trumpet, saxophones) presented a very high quality program. Both young musicians have already achieved professional results and they are already on the concert scene. For some years they have been following the teaching of Geir Draugsvoll in Copenhagen and Claudio Jacomucci in Amsterdam.


2009 NAA Convention, Texas - USA

Norman Seaton, President National Accordion AssociationThe 2009 National Accordion Association Convention, held in Richardson, Texas from March 11th to 15th, was an action-packed weekend featuring many hours of great accordion music. This Convention involved both MIDI technology and the acoustic accordion, amongst a myriad of accordion-related activities.

2009 NAA Report by Laura Niland


Rostov-on-Don Accordion Concerts - Russia

Orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments Don, conductor Krikor Hurdayan
Top: Kusiakov & Shishkin, Lower: Kusiakov & SemionovIn Rostov-on-Don, 12 to 14 March, was the XIV South Russia (Open) competition for college students music specialists which included accordionists and other instruments. This was attended by students and teachers from many cities of the region.

On March 15, was the XIV conference of music teachers of colleges and universities of the South Russia region. A focus was training and problems of repertoire.

As part of the competition and conference, there was also concerts by students, faculty and graduate students of folk instruments of Rostov Conservatory Rakhmaninov. A concert of national and international competitions laureates was held on the 12th March.

Andrew Statsenko (bayan), assistant professor of Rostov Conservatory. Rakhmaninov, former winner of All-Russian competitions in Moscow, Klingenthal in 1999, is laureat of Arrasate Competition and International Competition in Kiev. He gave a concert on the 13th March.

"Lifetime of Anatoli Kusiakov" on the 14th March was an evening in memory of this famous accordion composer and People's Artist of Russia, at which was presented a new book about the composer and his works. The book consisted of articles by Viatcheslav Semionov, Yuri Shishkin, L. Varavina, E. Pokazannik and many others. The evening also featured analysis of Kusiakov works by leading theorists, composers and performers, as well as interviews with the master before his recent death in July 2007.

A Konzert-Meister art of accompaniment evening was provided by the students and teachers of the music department. On the 15th March, was the concert by Anatoli Zaikin, Honored Artist of Russia, laureate of international competitions, the winner of Klingenthal (1980), professor of Rostov Conservatory, Rakhmaninov.

Along with the South Russia accordion competition in various concert halls around the city, there were two evening concerts dedicated to the upcoming World Accordion Day on May 6th. These were on March 14, a concert by Ivan, Slesareva, the winner of All-Russian competitions in Rostov-on-Don and Novosibirsk, presenting new works by young composers and performers. The second concert was on March 15, titled "Bravo Accordion", featuring the winner of national and international competitions Aleksei Shalygin and the orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments Don conducted by Honored Artist of Russia, Professor Krikor Hurdayan.

On the March 18, was a recital of organ music by Grygoriy Osmanov, a laureate of the of the 1984 Klinenthal International Competition and a former student of famous accordion artist, teacher and composer, Viatcheslav Semionov.

This article was written by Maria Ternavskaja, Ludmila Varavina and Elena Pokazannik.


Master Class with Jean Luc Manca, Urbino, Italy

Manca Class
Manca01From March 20th to 22nd, Jean Luc Manca - Professor of Accordion at the Conservatory of Grenoble, France - held a master class at the Italian Accordion Academy for the students and ex-students of the accordion high course, taught by Claudio Jacomucci: Luca Piovesan, Giuseppe Scigliano, David Sarnelli, Walter e Gionni Di Girolamo, Luca Pignata, and Jutta Winter.

Future events of the Italian Accordion Academy will be in Monastier di Treviso (April, May) with master classes by Claudio Jacomucci and Luciano Biondini. Luca Piovesan - artistic director of the event - will be presenting his latest accordion solo CD ‘Musica Ricercata’ (Blowoutrecords.it)


John Klobas, 25 years Polka Radio Host - USA

KCST radio station logo, Florence, OregonJohn Klobas has written a very nice article about his life with music. How he left the US Navy and started a music group, worked as a Professor of Sociology, came to organise Polka music radio programs (that frequently feature accordionists) which are still running and very popular after 25 years.

John Klobas has devoted much of his life to music featuring accordion and bought his passion into the lives of millions of people over many years. Read the article titled John Klobas Musical Interests.


Future events

Coupe Mondiale 2009, Super Travel Prices - New Zealand

Coupe PosterCoupe logoThere are super good airfare prices from Europe to Auckland round trip on offer last week.

www.bruneiair.com/ price £666 Enlish Pounds (about 728 Euro or USD$917)
www.trailfinders.com/ £665 each london to auckland based on a phone call to the London office.
www.eticket.fi/ London-Auckland 839€, Air NZ

These are wonderful prices for teachers, competitors, friends, to come and attend the 2009 Coupe Mondiale from Europe (25-29 August). For some, it might be cheaper to fly to London and then catch the flight to Auckland.

From the USA, prices from Los Angeles are very attractive at around USD$850 and may well come lower.

The low value New Zealand dollar makes travel to New Zealand very price attractive and the Coupe Mondiale hotel great value.

The Coupe Mondiale is broadening world participation by including accordion enthusiasts from around the world, medium level requirement only, to come to New Zealand and enjoy participating in the World Accordion Orchestra III.

The CIA "World Accordion Orchestra III" will be conducted by three renowned international conductors: Joan Sommers (USA), Fritz Dobler (Germany) and Gary Daverne (New Zealand) and the 144 players will perform on the Finale Concert of the world class Bruce Mason Theatre venue. Kevin Friedrich, President of the CIA will serve as Concertmaster.

So please check air ticket prices and book your air tickets now for a great event.

All information is on the Coupe Mondiale website including the schedule and all the rules for the 2009.


Accordion Tribe Quartet Tour to 11 Cities - 4 Countries

Lars HollmerThe Accordion Tribe Quartet (Guy Klucevsek, Maria Kalaniemi, Otto Lechner, Bratko Bibic) will be making a 2 week tour of Europe beginning on April 1st. They will play concerts in 11 cities in Germany, Austria, Slovenia and Switzerland.

The tour will be dedicated to the memory of the Tribe's late comrade, Lars Hollmer, who passed away on Christmas Day, 2008.

April 1, Gütersloh, Stadthalle, Germany
April 2, Orpheum, Graz, Austria
April 4, Cankarjev Dom, Ljubljana, Slovenia
April 5, Alter Schlachthof, Wels, Austria
April 6, Konzerthaus, Vienna, Austria
April 7, Burghof, Lörrach, Germany
April 8, Kulturzentrum Dieselstrasse, Esslingen, Germany
April 9, Sudpol, Luzern, Switzerland
April 10, Rote Fabrik, Zurich, Switzerland
April 11, Spielboden, Dornbirn, Austria
April 12, Dampfzentrale, Bern, Switzerland

For further information email: gklucevsek@si.rr.com


New CD/Concerts with Zydeco Annie + Swamp Cats – Germany

Zydeco AnnieThere is a new CD with the title ‘Cleary’ in production by Zydeco Annie + Swamp Cats, which will contain a nice mixture of Zydeco, Cajun, County, Rock'n Roll und Blues.

The artistes are winners of the 26th German Rock and Pop Award 2008, ‘European Cajun & Zydeco Award 2008’, and winner of the ‘International Country Award 2007’, and in the next few days they will be live on stage in:

March 28th, 9pm - Bistro College, Kempten
April 3rd, 9.30pm - Staudacher Musikbühne, Staudach
April 17th, 9pm – Jazzkeller, Dinkelsbühl
April 18th, 9pm – Schabernack, Krailling
April 23rd, 8pm - Brauhaus 1860, Augsburg
April 24th, 8pm – Schrottgalerie, Glonn
April 25th, 9pm - Nacht der Musik, Füssen
April 27th, 8pm - New Orleans Festival, Wendelstein
April 30th – Festival, Stockholm, Sweden

For further information email: anja.baldauf@vr-web.de


Jean Louis Noton MIDI Master Class, Marseille - France

Noton PosterA master class by Jean Louis Noton focussing on the varied uses and programming of MIDI with accordion takes place from April 28th to 30th in Martigues 13500, near Marseiile.

For further information email: jeanluc.portero@neuf.fr


Stolen Accordion, London – UK

Fantini AccordionA black Fantini-Allodi CP11 double cassotto 120 bass piano accordion was stolen from Allodi Accordions, London, on Thursday January 5th.

Above is a photo of a similar instrument of the same model. Emilio Allodi says: “I cannot recall exactly if this one had the Fantini or Allodi name but whichever it was, it was written in chrome lettering. The serial number (marked inside the accordion) is either 789 or 790.

The "customers" were 3 Romanians, including a female, who hid the instrument under her skirt.

It is likely that they will try to sell this instrument on, and therefore I want you all to be warned, and also to guard against them trying to steal from you as well”.

For further information email: allaccordions@btinternet.com


Music Academy ‘Open Day’, Kassel – Germany

Music Kassel logoThe Music Academy Kassel, Northern Hesse, opens its doors on Saturday March 28th, from 11am until 6 pm, for prospective students and guests. This information day allows you and / or your students to get in touch with teachers, give a demonstration of your playing skills, get advice by specialist lecturers, take a theory test and undergo consultations with representatives of the Institute.

Throughout the day there are various courses where performing is permitted, or just to enjoy and listen. Among other things, ‘Body art for musicians’ - Dispokinesis/Autogenic Training Jacobsen by lecturer Mirjana Petercol will be presented. This explains how to resolve "body issues" when permorming. There is also the possibility of individual consultations in this field.

For further email: mirjanapetercol@gmx.de


Guy Klucevsek Plays for Silent Movies and New CD, New York - USA

Guy KlucevsekGuy Klucevsek will accompany the silent films of French film pioneer George Melies with live, original accordion music, on March 28th, 1pm, at the 92nd Street Y, New York City. The event is part of a children's literature series, and will feature Brian Selznick, author/illustrator of the Calidocott-Award-winning book, ‘The Invention of Hugo Cabret’, inspired, in part, by the life and films of Melies. The event is currently sold out in advance.

Guy Klucevsek's 20th recording, ‘Dancing on the Volcano’, was released in North American on March 25th on the Tzadik label. The recording features all original music, performed with a group including Klucevsek on accordion and piano, Steve Elson on sax and clarinet, Pete Donovan, bass, John Hollenbeck, drums, and guest accordionist, Alex Meixner. European and Asian release will follow later in the spring.

For further information email: gklucevsek@si.rr.com


Pascal Contet Performances and Workshops - France

Pascal ContetNext performances and workshops for Pascal Contet include:

27 and 28 March, 8:30 pm, Illkirch L’illiade, Festival Le Printemps des Bretelles - Concert film "Dawn" by F. W. Murnau.

Sunday 29 March 2009 – 10 am to 1 pm, Herimoncourt (25) Workshop, composition, improvisation and harmony.

April 1 – 8pm Audincourt, Salle Saint Exupéry, Concert Escapade of Allan - scène nationale de Montbéliard. Pascal Contet, (accordion), Marianne Piketty (violin).

Thursday 2 April 2009 - 10:30 am, Belfort school, Pascal Contet, (accordion), Marianne Piketty (violin). program: Bloch, Finzi, Léandre, Gagneux, Cavanna, Bartok, Piazzolla.

Friday 3 April 2009 – 8:30 pm, Salle du Palot – Scène Nationale – Montbeliard De Schubert à Cavanna, Pascal Contet (accordion) - artist associated with the Allan Scène Nationale de Montbéliard, Isa Lagarde (soprano) Ophélie Gaillard, (cello), Marianne Piketty (violin). Works by Franz Schubert, and Bernard Cavanna and Creation of the new version of Johannes SCHÖLLHORN (D) for violin, cello and accordion in the presence of the composer (Allan). Information: 0 805 710 700

From 4 to 13 April 2009 Reunion Tour, Pascal Contet, (accordion), Marianne Piketty (violin) (Le Port, Saint Denis, Saint Joseph).

15 to 23 April 2009 Africa - Republic of Congo-Brazzaville Residence working with Dieudonné Niangouna on the project “Les Inepties Volantes” for performance at the Festival d'Avignon, July 10 to 17, 2009.

23 April 19.00 to 19.30 France Musique, Paris, at Lionel Esparza.

For further information, view Pascal Contet website.


New and Updated Sites

USA and London stolen accordions

An accordion stolen in the USA in February is listed and the accordion stolen from Allodi Accordions in London is listed.


Charnwood Publications New Accordion Compositions

Charnwood Publications releases 5 new pieces by arranger Ken Farran titled, 'St Antoni Chorale (Score and 2 of Each part), catalog:B048', 'Largo - New World Symphony (Score and 2 of Each part), catalog:B049',and 'Gloria in Excelcis, catalog:M626D', 'Flower Duet, catalog:M627D' and 'Soveig's Song, catalog:M629D'. Purchase with credit card.


Gary Dahl updates and releases new works for accordion

Gary Dahl - accordionist as well as a composer, arranger, recording artist and music educator, releases 2 new works and 1 new update work for accordion available for purchase online, ‘Abide with Me, catalog:DH0217’, ‘What a Friend We Have In Jesus, catalog:DH0218' and 'O Mio Babbino Caro, catalog:DH0086'. Samples of these music are available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Vassily Glubochenko releases 1 new work for accordion

Vassily Glubochenko - accordionist as well as a composer, arranger, and scientist, releases 1 new work for accordion available for purchase online, ‘L'accordéon espiègle, catalog:gvassily030'. Samples of this music is available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Paul Chamberlain releases 2 new works for accordion

Paul Chamberlain - accordionist as well as a performer,composer and bugari player, releases 2 new works for accordion available for purchase online, ‘Valse du Ventoux, catalog:cp703' and 'Milonguero Moderna, catalog:cp704'. Samples of this music is available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Charnwood Publications New Accordion Compositions

Charnwood Publications releases 3 new pieces by composer Gina Brannelli titled, 'Black Pool Rocks(Score and 2 of Each part), catalog:B045', 'Pleasure Beach(Score and 2 of Each part), catalog:B046',and 'March of The Jester(Score and 2 of Each part), catalog:B047' and also releases 2 new pieces by composer Farran Wendy titled 'The St Elmo Suite, catalog:M611', 'Trip To Triporti, catalog:M612'. Purchase with credit card.


CD Reviews

“Orientato a Sud ”

Nigro CDCD Reviews Index for the Review of “Orientato a Sud ” by Pasquale Nigro


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