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Weekly News from Around the World - 27-Jul-2012
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Особенности Highlights

летние концерты Mika Väyrynen, озеро Туусула, Турку, Ловииса - Финляндия
Национальный отбор в CIA и CMA во Франции
Ральф Стрикер (Ralph Stricker) (1930-2012) Нью Джерси-США.
Финал 6го Фестиваля V-Accordion, Sacile – Италия
Petula Clark любит аккордеон, Западный Сассекс - Великобритания Роб Ховард

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Report on the 2012 AAA Festival in Baltimore - USA
Flying Fingers Youth Accordion Orchestra Concert, Musikschule Schuch - Germany
Emmanuel Gasser Wins 4 Titles at the Victoria Festival, BC – Canada
Kimberly International Old Time Championships and Festival - Canada
Sonatas & Tangos at Twilight, Waiheke - New Zealand
Romanian Dances of Bartok 4,5,6 by Duo Voyageur - France
Stéphane Richez Promotional Video Features Accordion - France

Будущие события

AAA 18th Master Class and Concert Series, New York – USA
Aly Bain and Phil Cunningham on Tour, Scotland – UK
Visiting Trio from Russia’s Concerts, Vaucluse – France
Lulu Wang and Harald Oeler Recital, Hof – Germany
Duo Mazaika Concert, London – UK
Group and Private Accordion Tuition, Istanbul – Turkey
Sidmouth Folk Week, Devon – UK
Ludo Mariën & Seppe Mariën Alla Festa Concert - Belgium
Dominique Paats Trio Concert, Maastrict – Netherlands
Delphine Lemoine Plays for Dancing, Paris – France
Ivano Battiston Master Class, Arezzo – Italy

Новые и обновленные сайты

Charnwood Publications Releases New Pieces
Gary Dahl New and Updated Music - USA
Canterbury Accordion Association Celebrates 50 Years – New Zealand

CD Отзывы

Richness of the Tones CD by Esra Pehlivanli (Viola) and Marko Kassl (Accordion)

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Особенности Highlights

летние концерты Mika Väyrynen, озеро Туусула, Турку, Ловииса - Финляндия

Mika VäyrynenРазгар сезона летних концертов подходит к концу, финский аккордеонист Mika Väyrynen даст концерт в программу которого входят произведения Баха и Губайдулиной, в церкви Туулусы, на известном «Нашем Фестивале» на озере Туулуса недалеко от Järvenpää, 4 Августа.

14 Августа он выступит на фестивале в Турку, в кафедральном соборе Турку в 14 часов. Mika будет одним из пяти солистов принимающих участие в фестивале, в программе каждого будут произведения И. С. Баха.

18 Августа Mika выступит на «Фестивале Loviisa Sibelius» где он даст два разных концерта. Сыграет премьеру новой пьесы для аккордеона и виолончели композитора Aulis Sallinen с виолончелистом Jan-Erik Gustafsson.

В оригинале пьеса написана для фортепиано и виолончели, но Sallinen сказал Mika, что пьеса написана таким образом, что он может исполнить её на аккордеоне, и это будет премьерным исполнением пьесы в дуэту аккордеона и виолончели.

Mika так же исполнит сольную пьесу Aulis Sallinen «Прелюдия и Фуга ор. 94» и «Пассакалья и Фуга» И. С. Баха.

В настоящее время Mika Väyrynen готовится выпустить в свет несколько дисков. Первый диск выйдет 16 Октября на котором он исполняет программу И. С. Баха в Музыкальном Центре Хельсинки.

Для получения дополнительной информации, пожалуйста, посетите веб-сайт Mika Väyrynen. Три диска записанных Mika доступны в Финском Институте Аккордеона.

Перевод Седлова Лиза


Национальный отбор в CIA и CMA во Франции

Jury for French Qualifications
Picture above: Jury, front, Jacques Mornet, Frederic Deschamps, 2nd row: Gorka Hermosa, Antonio Spaccarotella with students behind, and right Mike Rossi.

French Qualifications Part One

French Qualifications Part Two
Вверху вы видите видеозапись квалификационного отбора во Франции части первая и вторая.

22 Июля на чудесной ферме Фредерика Дешампа (Frederic Deschamps) которая находится в местечке La selle sur le bied(не далеко от Парижа) проходил отбор участников которые будут представлять Францию в различных категориях на крупнейших международных конкурсах: Кубок Мира 2012, который проводится организацией CIA и Трофей Мира под управлением организции CMA.

Прошлые отборы проходили в виде живого концерта перед членами жюри. Одннако в этом году в процессе отбора произошли значительные изменения. Каждый кандидат прислал видео своего выступления а Фредерик Дешамп (Frederic Deschamps) показал его в прямом эфире своего веб канала.

Международное жюри собралось в помещении веб канала Фредерика Дешампа туда вошли: Gorka Hermosa, Christina Rossi, Frederic Deschamps, Jacques Mornet, Antonio Spaccarotella, а так же членами видео жюри стали Anna and Raymond Bodell.

После просмотра записей всех кандидатов жюри публично вынесло свое решение. Это очень важный шаг для развития, ведь студенты могут в режиме реального времени наблюдать за тем, как жюри находится в поисках окончательного решения, могут услышать различные мнения членов жюри а так же их мысли. Зрители тоже могут принимать участие в голосовании и после этого уже объявляют окончательные результаты. ,

Новая система проведения квалификации была выработана Фредериком Дешампом, проводилась на канале Фредерика Дешампа, а в качетсве технического директора выступил Майк Росси (Mike Rossi).

Перевод Седлова Лиза
French Qualifications Results


Ральф Стрикер (Ralph Stricker) (1930-2012) Нью Джерси-США.

Jazz Theories and Improvisation for the AccordionRalph StrickerПреподаватель аккордеона и профессиональный исполнитель Ральф Стрикер (Ralph Stricker) с севера-Брансуик, Нью-Джерси, скончался 20 июля в возрасте 81 года. Долгое время он чувствовал себя достаточно плохо, хотя и продолжал активно преподавать до последнего времени.

Ральф Стрикер (Ralph Stricker) учился у разных преподавателей в 1940, изучал гармонию и теорию у Alfred D' Auberge в 1949-1950. Еще в самом начале своей карьеры он показал незаурядные способности к джазовому исполнительству, что сказалось на всей его дальнейшей исполнительской жизни.

С 1950 Стрикер руководил собственной студией аккордеона в которой к 1956 году было уже около 300 учащихся, затем в 1960-1968 управлял Академией Музыки Восточного Брунсвика ( East Brunswick Academy of Music) в которую поступало 600 учащихся.

В карьере Стрикера как профессионального исполниетля были выступления с Трио Авиатрассы (the Airlane Trio) и Группа Джонни Рэя( the Johnny Ray band), а так е свои собственные небольшие комбо-группы выступали в ночных клубахв Нью Джерси и Флориде. Кроме этого он играл с такими именитыми музыкантами как Zoot Simms, Andy Fitzgerald, Vic Juris, Harry Leahy, Charlie Ventura, Buddy Deppenschmidt, and Glen Davis.

Ральф Стрикер останется в памяти многих как автор книги «Jazz Theory and Improvisation Studies for Accordion»( Джазовая теория и занятия импровизацией для аккордеона) подробное и всестороннее описание того как развить технику аккордеониста для того что бы исполнять джаз.

Перевод Седлова Лиза


Финал 6го Фестиваля V-Accordion, Sacile – Италия

6th Italian V-Accordion Festival, Sacile
Прием заявок уже закрыт, 5 участников уже отобраны для Финала 6го Фестиваля V-Accordion. Конкурс пройдет в субботу 8го сентября в Тeatro Comunale of Sacile Zancanaro (PN). Будет всего две категории Junior(до18 лет) и Senior(после 18 лет).

Победитель в категории Senior представит Италию на Международном Финале, который будет проходить 2 и 3 ноября 2012 году в престижном зале Auditorium Parco della Musica в Риме.

Перевод Седлова Лиза


Petula Clark любит аккордеон, Западный Сассекс - Великобритания Роб Ховард

Sue Bennett and Petula ClarkАккордеонист Сью Беннетт был заказан играть французскую музыку на свадьбу в Arundel Cricket Club, West Sussex для Клэр и Крис Рук McLaren-Кларка на 20 июля.

До даты, Сью сказал, что будет также пианист и диско, и один из гостей певицы, которые могли бы исполнить песню или два. Певица оказалась Petula Кларк!Международные легенда шоу-бизнеса, Petula была сестрой жениха.

Когда Сью играл, Petula подошел и спросили о ее украшен синими аккордеона и французской музыки, которую играет. Petula, который замечательно молодость 80-летнего и до сих пор работает, сказала, что она всегда любила на аккордеоне.

Petula Кларк (р. 1932) начал свою весьма успешную карьеру во время Второй мировой войны, и она продала 68000000 копий по всему миру. Кроме того, актриса и композитор, Petula Кларк жил во Франции в течение многих лет, и сейчас живет в Швейцарии.


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Report on the 2012 AAA Festival in Baltimore - USA

AAA Youth Involvement Program Orchestra conducted by Bob GerundoThe 74th AAA Festival, held at the Sheraton City Center, Baltimore, Maryland, from July 11-15, was a successful event, enjoyed by many accordionists and accordion enthusiasts from all over the world. The AAA Festival enjoyed extensive TV, radio, and newspaper coverage before and during the weekend.

Congratulations to the Winners of the following categories:
Albert Manginelli - 1st place US Virtuoso Solo
Quinn Collins - 2nd place US Virtuoso Solo

Chris Gorton - 2nd place US Piano Accordion Competition
Quinn Collins - 3rd place US Piano Accordion Competition

Rachel Quirbach - 1st place Maddalena Belfiore Entertainment Category for Female Accordionists

Christopher Gorton - 1st place Digital Accordion Competition

Unique to accordion festivals, the second Youth Involvement Program was held, conducted by Don Gerundo. It featured young accordionists between the ages of 13 and 25, paired with young Baltimore musicians who played saxophone, trombone and bass. The jazz ensemble performed at the Saturday Awards Concert (picture left).

The AAA Festival featured many accordionists performing solos, in combos, with other instruments, and with singers. The event was a true display of the great versatility of the accordion.

The festival coordinators were Linda Soley Reed, AAA President;Frank Busso Sr., AAA 1st Vice President and Public Relations/Festival Coordinator; Mary Tokarski, 2012 AAA Contest Chariman and Junior Festival Orchestra conductor; and Marilyn O'Neil Youth Involvement Program Coordinator. Their excellent organizational efforts resulting in an event enjoyed by all, that sets the stage for the 75th AAA Festival to be held in New York City August 14-18, 2013.

Performers during the AAA Festival included: Cody McSherry, Michael and Amanda Parziale, Robert and Rocio Ford, The Connecticut Accordion Orchestra conducted by Linda Soley Reed, Joy Bechter, Joe McKesson, Dr.Robert Young McMahan, Joe Zale, Vladimir Mollov, Annie Mollova, Dallas Vietty, Ben West, William Trigg, Tatiana Semichastnaya, Steve Albini, Stas Venglevski, Dick Morarity, Mary Tokarski , Manny Bobenrieth, John Simkus, and Emily Geller.

Performing ensembles included: The Potomac Ensemble, Busso Festival Orchestra, The Connecticut Accordion Orchestra conducted by Linda Soley Reed, Alamo Angels Festival Orchestra, Junior Festival Orchestra, and the AAA 2012 Festival Orchestra conducted by Stas Venglevski.

Attendees at the Saturday Night Gala Banquet heard the Festival Orchestra and the United States Army Strolling Strings (picture below) under the direction of Sergeant Major Manny Bobenreith (accordion) featuring vocalists from The United States Army Band.

Workshop Presenters included: Mary Tokarski, Linda Warren, Don Gerundo, Dr. Robert Young McMahan, Mary Kathryn Archuleta, Paul Ramunni, Dr. Marion Jacobsen, Dallas Vietty, Gabe Hall-Rodrigues.

The large exhibition room gave festival attendees the opportunity to hear and see a variety of accordions, music and gift items including:
Accordions USA (Alex and Lillianna Chudolij), Alessandrini, Deffner Music Publications ( Frank Busso Jr), Music Magic (Alex and Lillianna Chudolij), Ottavianelli Accordions Factory, Pancordion ( Frank Busso Jr), Pigini srl ( Frank Busso Jr), Roland, Roland Corp. U.S. (Steve Albini, Tatiana Semichastnaya), Scandalli, Titano ( Frank Busso Jr), Victoria Accordions (Elke Ahrenholz), SqueezinArt (Joan and Dan Grauman), The New England Accordion Museum (Paul Rammuni), Petosa Accordions (Tony Lovello) and Brandoni.

It was wonderful to see the camaraderie among accordionists of all ages, especially the connections made by the young accordionists with the young Baltimore musicians. Many of them said that as a result of being involved in the AAA Festivals, they intend to learn the accordion!

For further details on the 2012 AAA Festival and the 2013 AAA Festival in NYC, please read the August www.accordionusa.com news.


Flying Fingers Youth Accordion Orchestra Concert, Musikschule Schuch - Germany

Musikschule Fröhlich celebrates its 35th anniversary and the Flying Fingers Youth Accordion Orchestra of Musikschule Schuch, Directors Barbara and Christian Schuch is part of the Musikschule Fröhlich teaching system. Enjoy the Flying Fingers Orchestra recent performance.


Emmanuel Gasser Wins 4 Titles at the Victoria Festival, BC – Canada

Emmanuel-GasserEmmanuel Gasser with trophies15 years old Emmanuel Gasser very impressively won all four sections he entered at last week’s Victoria International Accordion Festival, held at the Comfort Hotel & Conference Centre in Victoria, British Colombia.

The sections were Under 18 Classical, Under 18 Open, Classical, and Open. His prizes included a new Roland FR3X digital accordion.

Emmanuel Gasser, from Saint-Charles, Ontario, is now in Chicago, where he will compete at the ATG Festival and play a concert in Eureka, Illionois.

For further information email: emmanuel.gasser.9081@facebook.com


Kimberly International Old Time Championships and Festival - Canada

Video above: AMI's Bob Short visits beautiful Kimberly BC for the Kimberly International Old Time Accordion Championships and gets to take in all the sights and sounds. Video below that is the KIOTAC Happy Hands Open winner Alicia Baker performing

Artist lineup included:
Monday July 9th, Concert - Cowboy Bob, Dance - The Softones
Tuesday July 10th, Concert Mario Pedone, Dance - Edwin Erickson & Tight Squeeze
Wednesday July 11th, Concert Cory Pesaturo, Concert Kerry Christensen, Concert - Alex Meixner Band
Thursday July 12th, Dance - Best of the Platzl, Friday July 13th, Concert- Baker Bridge Duet, Dance - Austin Kawa Band
Saturday July 14th, KIOTAC Massed Band, Awards and Presentations, Family Dance - Alex Meixner Band


Sonatas & Tangos at Twilight, Waiheke - New Zealand

Dr Joe Harrop and Eddie GiffneyOn July 21st professional violinist Dr Joe Harrop  (PhD, Royal Academy of Music) performed with 19 year old Eddie Giffney, who is acknowledged to be one of New Zealand’s foremost young pianists as well as a several times past NZ and South Pacific Accordion Champion and 3rd placegetter at the 2009 Coupe Mondiale Junior Virtuoso Entertainment category.

They performed for the Waiheke Musical Museum Charitable Trust, in the unique historical Music Museum, a ferry ride away from the city of Auckland. The programme opened with Mozart’s ‘Sonata for Piano and Violin KV380 in E flat’ followed by Ravel’s ‘Sonata for Violin and Piano in G’.

Further demonstrating his musical versatility, Eddie Giffney then swapped to play accordion for the Tango section of the program, presenting three contrasting pieces by Galliano and Piazzolla, arranged by Giffney and Harrop.

This was a concert to remember and much appreciated by the full house audience.


Romanian Dances of Bartok 4,5,6 by Duo Voyageur - France

Just published is the performance of Romanian Dances of Bartok 4,5,6 by the Duo Voyageur, Yardani Torres(violin) and Guillaume Leroy (accordion). This performance took place at the Flaneries Musicales, Reims in June 2011.


Stéphane Richez Promotional Video Features Accordion - France

Three months after the release of his new album, Stéphane Richez presents his songs in their simplest form. An accordion (Clarisse Catarino), guitars (Martial Bort) and Stéphane (vocal and guitar). This was filmed in concert 4th June 2012.


Будущие события

AAA 18th Master Class and Concert Series, New York – USA

July 27th to 29th poster AAA NY
Dr William SchimmelThis weekend, July 27th to 29th, the annual Accordion Master Class and Concert Series, sponsored by the American Accordionists' Association (AAA), and moderated once more by Dr William Schimmel, takes place at the Tenri Cultural Institute, 43A West St, 13th St, New York.

This year’s series is titled, ‘Redemption: The Radar off the Radar’. Dr Schimmel comments, “…
you can find Redemption right smack in the middle of the accordion community. If I sound excited, I am – and it's OK to be excited. It's a new kind of Radar!! And Redemption is waiting for you there. Is it Salvation?? No, not exactly – It's Redemption – sort of like the Halleluiah Chorus played by dozens and dozens of Accordionists – sort of like that – but not exactly”.

Master Classes take place in the afternoon at 3pm, and concerts in the evening at 7pm – featuring a distinguished lineup! In the lobby there will be books, CDs, DVDs, etc, on sale.

Concert No. 1 on July 27th, 7pm, includes: ‘New Interactive Video’, by Micki Goodman, with Ms. Goodman - video, dance and choreography, music – Dr Schimmel
‘Star Twinkle – Mix’, by Mozart, Cage, Telstar, Doo Wop, and ‘Sonata for Two Pianos’ (accordion and piano) by Mozart, performed by Dr Gugo Goldenzweig and Dr Schimmel
‘St John Coltrane!’, by Mark Birnbaum/WS, performed by Dr Birnbaum, piano, and Dr Schimmel
‘Kensington’, by Art Baily, ‘Romp III’, by Robert Young McMahon, performed by Dr McMahon – Johanna Cho, piano
‘The Minimal Accordion’, by Michael Century
‘Grieg Goes Indie’, by John Foti, ‘Concerto (excerpts), by Howard Hanson, with Mafoka - Dr Schimmel, piano
‘Der Rosenkavalier’, by Richard Strauss, performed by Dr Schimmel
‘Variations on an Easter Hymn’, by Page Long, performed by Ingrid Kvale
plus much more……. creative musical performances

Master Class No 2 on July 28th, at 3pm, includes the following:
Accordions Occupying Wall Street
Song Writing at the Accordion
Don’t Just Get Them, But Keep Them (Julio Giulietti)
How I Achieved Salvation Through the Accordion Without Playing It
A Bellows Pleated World/Full of Ins and Outs
The Accordion and Dominion Theology
How to play Happy Birthday anywhere
Merton/Bhudda/Pussycat (WS)
The Reality Chord/Money/Exhibit
Fire and Worship
Installation in Lobby – Please Don’t Go Away (WS)
Music: Gregosphere (WS)

These are just some of the programs offered during the seminars.

For further information email: billschimmel@billschimmel.com


Aly Bain and Phil Cunningham on Tour, Scotland – UK

Aly Bain & Phil CunninghamThe ever popular fiddle/accordion duo Aly Bain and Phil Cunningham are out on tour again, this time traveling round Scotland, with brief excursions to Orkney and to Skye. Listed are the dates until the end of August; further dates will be posted towards the end of next month.

Video above of Aly Bain and Phil Cunningham at the recent Skagen Festival.

Two of the most celebrated musicians on the present day Scottish traditional folk scene, Aly and Phil have worked together since 1988, and have gathered a large and loyal following. Their previous accomplishments include Aly Bain being a founding member of the Boys of the Lough, and Phil as the accordionist with the band Silly Wizard.

Their tour dates include for the next month:

July 27th, 7pm – Speyfest Marquee, The Playing Fields, East St, Fochabars
July 29th, 7.30pm – Lomond Folk Festival, Gateway Centre, Ben Lomond Way, G83 8QL
August 2nd – Falkirk Town Hall, FK1 5RS
August 3rd, 7.30pm – Albert Halls, Stirling, FK8 2QL
August 4th, 7.30pm – Grathes Castle, Banchory, AB31 5QJ
August 9th – Victoria Hall, Selkirk, TD7 4LN
August 10th – Cramond Kirk, Edinburgh, EH4 6NS
August 11th – St Andrew Blackadder Church, N. Berwick, EH39 4NU
August 12th – Palace des Blaces, Spiegel Tent, Fringe by the Sea, N. Berwick
August 16th – Orkney Arts Theatre, Kirkwall, Orkney, KW15 1NL
August 17th – Orkney Town Hall, Stromness, KW16 3BA
August 23rd, 7.30pm – Aros Centre, Portree, Skye, IV51 9EU
August 25th – Lochcarron Village Hall, Strathcarron, IV54 8YD
August 26th – Universal Hall, Findhorn, IV36 3TZ
August 28th, 7.30pm – Concert Hall, Perth, PH1 5HZ
August 30th, 8pm – Eden Court Theatre, Inverness, IV3 5SA
August 31st – MacPhail Centre, Ullapool, IV26 2UN

For further information email: phil@philcunningham.com


Visiting Trio from Russia’s Concerts, Vaucluse – France

July 27 poster - south of FranceThe trio of Julia Kornig – viola, and accordionists Thom Hardaker and Alexandre Belyakov, all visiting France from the St Petersburg Conservatory, Russia, play three concerts this weekend in the South of France. Entry to all concerts is free. The details are:

July 27th, 6.30pm - Eglise de Maubec, Vaucluse
July 28th, 8.30pm - l'Eglise de Saint-Restitut
July 29th, 9.30pm - Place de la Borne, Pont-Saint-Esprit

The programme is likely to include Baroque, Jazz, and Russian folk music.

For further information email: bayanalt@yahoo.com


Lulu Wang and Harald Oeler Recital, Hof – Germany

Akkordeon-Duo Anime PosterAn accordion recital with the duo Professor Lulu Wang and Harald Oeler takes place on Saturday July 28th, 5pm, at St. Johanneskirche Hof, Oelsnitzer Straße 8, Hof.


Duo Mazaika Concert, London – UK

Duo MazaikaOn Friday August 3rd, 7.30pm, Mazaika - the highly accomplished Igor Outkine (Roland FR7X/voice) and Sarah Harrison (violin/domra/voice) - perform at the Pushkin House, 5A Bloomsbury Square, London WC1A 2TA.

This will be an evening of Russian folk, Gypsy, Tango and Foxtrot music from the 1930s plus some original pieces written by Igor Outkine. Guaranteed to transport you from the fairytale Russian Steppes to the Gypsy Campfire, from the streets of the Argentine to a Ballroom dance hall. Full of Russian soul and Gypsy Passion!

For further information email: igor.outkine@yahoo.com


Group and Private Accordion Tuition, Istanbul – Turkey

Iberya Özkan Akordeon Tölyesi Banner
The Turkish accordion association Iberya Özkan Akordeon Tölyesi organises one-to-one accordion tuition at the GÜRCÜ SANAT EVI (Georgian Arts Hall), Istanbul, and every Wednesday, 7.30pm until 10pm, there is a well supported accordion workshop.

For further information email: ibeka@mynet.com


Sidmouth Folk Week, Devon – UK

John Kirkpatrick on top and Rod Stradling at bottomThis year’s Sidmouth Folk Week takes place at venues in a the Devon seaside town of Sidmouth, from August 3rd to the 10th. This festival has a large number of guest musicians, singers and bands, and always includes many accordionists.

The free reed instruments line up this year features John Kirkpatrick (photo top left, 3-row button diatonic accordion, Anglo concertina, and melodeons), Paul Hutchinson (piano accordion), Rod Stradling (photo left lower, piano accordion, English concertina), Dan Quinn (melodeon), Ed Rennie (melodeon), Spiers & Boden (melodeon), Oysterband, Polkaworks, Whapweasel, Peeping Tom, and the Treacherous Orchestra.

For further information email: press@sidmouthfolkweek.co.uk


Ludo Mariën & Seppe Mariën Alla Festa Concert - Belgium

Ludo Mariën & Seppe Mariën 14th August debut concert in Mol, entry Gratis
14 August 2012 at 20 hours.


Dominique Paats Trio Concert, Maastrict – Netherlands

Dominique Paats TrioThe Dominique Paats Trio perform in the Staaadspark, Maastricht, on August 5th, 1.30pm.


Delphine Lemoine Plays for Dancing, Paris – France

Delphine LemoineOn August 25th and 26th, 9pm until 11pm, musette accordionist Delphine Lemoine plays for dancing at La Guinguette de l'ile du Martin Pêcheur, Champigny-sur-Marne, in the suburbs of Paris.

Other accordionists play regularly at La Guinguette de l'ile du Martin Pêcheur throughout most of the year.


Ivano Battiston Master Class, Arezzo – Italy

Ivano BattistonIvano Battiston holds an accordion master class at the Chiusi della Verna, Arezzo, from August 27th until September 1st. Full details are available from Ivano Battiston’s website or by email. The deadline for applications is July 31st.

For further information email: ivanobattiston@gmail.com


Новые и обновленные сайты

Charnwood Publications Releases New Pieces

'Carnival in Napoli' sample pageCharnwood Publications releases 5 new pieces by composer Coppard Sue titled,

'Carnival in Napoli', catalog:M680,
'If Only', catalog:M681,
'Lime Daquiri', catalog:M682,
'Lullaby for a Cool Babe in a Hammock', catalog:M683,
'Off to the Ball', catalog:M684.

Samples of the music are available online. Purchase with credit card.


Gary Dahl New and Updated Music - USA

Gary DahlGary Dahl - performer, composer, arranger, recording artist and music educator announces the following new music titles for purchase on-line.
'Clair De Lune', catalog:DH0233.

Samples for these music are now available at the MusicForAccordion web site. The music is in eSheet format e-mailed directly to your computer. Easy purchase with credit card.


Canterbury Accordion Association Celebrates 50 Years – New Zealand

CAA 50th Anniversary Program
An updated page report of photos and information is online at: CAA50th


CD Отзывы

Richness of the Tones CD by Esra Pehlivanli (Viola) and Marko Kassl (Accordion)

Richness of the TonesCD Reviews Index for the Review of Richness of the Tones CD by Esra Pehlivanli (Viola) and Marko Kassl (Accordion), in English language, reviewed by Joan Cochran Sommers.


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