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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 26-Jan-2018
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Paolo Soprani百年诞辰–意大利卡斯特费达多
第12届手风琴艺术节Roseto degli Abruzzi (TE) -意大利
Bayan Mix将在二月的加拿大进行演出 - 加拿大


视频: SaxAkkord Duo音乐会1-俄罗斯莫斯科
John Tercello与洛杉矶爱乐乐团合作演出
世界上最伟大的Virtuosos100首手风琴杰作,5 CD套装 - 意大利
刚刚发布: Friedrich Lips的新书--德国
新西兰哈萨克斯坦和南太平洋国际比赛大师班 - 新西兰
Perth strathspey 和Reel Society,苏格兰 - 英国


Finbarr Dennehy Dance Dates, County Cork – Irish Republic
Accordion Concert by Accordion Ensemble Opus 2 - Netherlands
‘An Irish Evening’, Massachusetts – USA
Accordion Gala Evening, Milan – Italy
Jim Cleland @ Crieff Accordion & Fiddle Club, Scotland – UK
Jacques Brel Tribute Concert, Vorey – France
Mirco Patarini performs in ‘A Variety Concert’, Drogheda - Irish Republic
‘Folk n’ Irish Cruise’ - Bahamas, Cayman Islands, Jamaica, Mexico
Grand Bal Groffliers, Pas-de-Calais – France
CNIMA J. Mornet February Accordion Workshops - France
Accordion Repair Course, London – UK


Mika Väyrynen2018名人访谈,赫尔辛基 - 芬兰
Updated: 2018 China Harbin Summer International Accordion Art Week - China
New Douglas Ward Compositions Now Online - UK
Renzo Ruggieri Updated: Accordion Kids (ten pieces) eBook - Italy


Mini Review of Two Frank Marocco CD's

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Paolo Soprani百年诞辰–意大利卡斯特费达多

Paolo Soprani一整天的活动都为庆祝Paolo Soprani (1845-1918)的百年诞辰,他被视为意大利手风琴制造的创始人,活动于2月20日星期二早上9点到10点30发生,在卡斯特费达多(AN)圣弗朗西斯科的礼堂举行。

活动包括Beniamino Bugiolacchi讲话,一个有特色的的手风琴演奏者Luigi Presta 和Manuel Marchegiani的演出。

Paolo Soprani于1863年开始制造手风琴,之后成为了大型企业,这鼓舞了其他人去做同样的事情,开始系统的在卡斯特费达多制造手风琴并延续至今。
据说,在1863年一位奥地利朝圣归来的天主教教徒在Antonio 和 Lucia Soprani 接近卡斯特费达多的农场里借宿了一晚,作为报答,朝圣者给了Sopranis一架手风琴,他们的儿子Paolo对这台手风琴产生了极大的兴趣。
第二天,Paolo拆卸了这台手风琴并观察他如何工作的,之后他立即认为他可以制造像这样的一起,在家庭农场工作的Paolo在家里开了一个车间。在1872年,和他的儿子Luigi 和 Achille一起,开了一家在卡斯特费达多中心的工厂。
除了制作手风琴,Paolo Soprani也是一个熟练的受欢迎的演奏者,并成为了一个有名的人物,经常出现在当地的大型市场上,卖并演奏他的乐器。

Paolo Soprani的工厂的建立,标志着手风琴行业在卡斯特费达多的诞生,与其他企业的竞争使得对手风琴的要求与日剧增,其中包括由他弟弟成立的Settimio Soprani。 Paolo Soprani的手风琴出口到法国,然后到更远的地方,在十九世纪末已经到达了美国。

1900年公司在巴黎博览会上取得巨大成功,Paolo成了Bruxelles 和巴黎发明家协会的成员,并会见了法国总统。他继续在工厂工作,直到70岁,由他的两个儿子接管。他于1918年2月20日去世,享年73岁。

更多的信息: info@italcinte.it
Paolo Soprani header


第12届手风琴艺术节Roseto degli Abruzzi (TE) -意大利

12th Accordion Art Festival header
Renzo Ruggieri, Gerlando GattoClaudio Azzaro第12届手风琴将于2018年6月17日在罗塞托德利阿布鲁齐TE 64026.

- 2018Orpheus奖(仅意大利)
总理: Claudio Azzaro 和艺术总监: Renzo Ruggieri.

2018 Orpheus奖是一个影评人奖,类似于学院奖(奥斯卡),致力于意大利手风琴演奏者。Orpheus奖的艺术总监是著名的爵士乐评论家来自罗马的Gerlando Gatto。


规则和所有比赛和奖项: 2018ArtFestival.pdf


Bayan Mix将在二月的加拿大进行演出 - 加拿大

Bayan Mix
Bayan Mix将在2018年2月10日星期六晚上6点到8点在Bayview Yards on Bayview Road, Ottawa, Ontario K1Y 2C5举行。他们也将在2月11日星期天下午6点在BC演出。有关这个演出: 778-355-7377。

BC多元文化协会推出了Sergey Voytenko 和Sergey Kotkov组成的“Bayan-Mix” 组合。 Bayan-Mix是演奏流行手风琴音乐的独特组合。他们的音乐使观众想跳舞,他们充满欢乐和愉快。二人在欧洲和俄罗斯以其令人惊讶的现场表演风格而闻名。

这是第一个来自俄罗斯的获奖组合来到渥太华!俄罗斯著名的Kremlin 音乐会,电视节目和音乐会都将转播,着遍布了俄罗斯。他们也会去其他国家,如立陶宛、白俄罗斯、乌克兰、德国、以色列、爱沙尼亚等,著名的二重奏一定会在加拿大受到欢迎。

跟多信息: (613) 867-7939



Vincent LhermetESMD, 位于法国北部的里尔,在那里组织了为2018年4月17日里尔音乐学院入学考试做准备的学生准备的由2月24日至2月25日的两天的课程。


这是仿照欧洲的文凭制度而做的标准(学士-硕士-博士)。我们提供一个为期三年的双学位课程,学生在毕业后都在ESMD 和 Université de Lille 3 (DNSPM + Licence ARTS Parcours Formation du musicien interprète)。


进一步的可发邮件给手风琴老师Vincent Lhermet : lhermet.vincent@gmail.com

CD在网上提供: Vincent Lhermet



视频: SaxAkkord Duo音乐会1-俄罗斯莫斯科

Poster SaxAkkord Duo Concert
视频: 2018年1月17日在莫斯科A. Kozlovt爵士俱乐部,第一部分是国际比赛得主SaxAkkord Duo 和Arseniy Strokovski手风琴演奏,加上Ivan Dimma 萨克斯。

曲目来自Gershwin, 前卫爵士 Galliano和Astor Piazzolla.

02:27-08:25 G. Gershwin - Three Preludes
10:45-18:02 S. Berinskiy - Sempre majore
19:38-38:56 A. Piazzolla - History of tango: "Bordel 1900", "Cafe 1930",
"Nightclub 1960", "Modern concert"



John Tercello与洛杉矶爱乐乐团合作演出

John Torcello
John Torcello1月23日,洛杉矶手风琴家John Torcello在芬兰指挥家SusannaMälkki的指导下,在与洛杉矶爱乐乐团共同演出Marcos Balter的新作品。这次演出是Marcos Balter 新作品的世界首演。洛杉矶爱乐乐团:(竖琴,钢琴,手风琴和弦乐)。

巴西作曲家Marcos Balter和芬兰指挥家SusannaMälkki参加了一场音乐会前的讨论,讨论了作品本身以及SusannaMälkki在乐团演出筹备方面的工作。

音乐会是洛杉矶爱乐乐团(SusannaMälkki,Conductor)的成员作为其“green umbrella”系列的一部分呈现,展示了新的音乐交流和其他当代作品。


世界上最伟大的Virtuosos100首手风琴杰作,5 CD套装 - 意大利

‘World's Greatest Virtuosos CD“手风琴 - 世界最伟大的Virtuosos100首手风琴杰作”是一套由5张CD组成的专辑,由手风琴家Sebastiano Zorza(12首独奏曲),Peter Soave(12首独奏曲和20首钢琴家Nando de Luca二重奏组曲)Richard Galliano(巴西choro音乐的三首曲目是与曼陀林选手Hamilton de Holanda 的二重奏),Gorni Kramer四重奏(43首曲目 - Sebastiano Zorza + Gorni Kramer风格的节奏),Peter Soave四重奏曲目(7首曲目)和Denis Biasin四重奏(3首曲目)。声音质量是完美的,专辑内含一本关于100首的每首乐曲笔记的小册子。

包括斯卡拉蒂,JS巴赫,莫扎特,里姆斯基 - 科萨科夫,柴可夫斯基,皮亚佐拉,弗罗西尼,V·蒙蒂,JP索萨,理查德·罗杰斯,约翰·斯特劳斯等人的音乐,其中包括古典,手风琴经典,标准和拉美音乐。乐曲包括Acquarelli Cubani,Migliavacca,Dark Eyes,Czardas,Jolly Caballero,Granada,Jealousy,Olive Blossoms,Libertango,Espana,Autumn Ieaves,El Relicario,Lara'Theme,La Vie en Rose,Arriverderci Roma,Tico Tico等等乐曲。


刚刚发布: Friedrich Lips的新书--德国

Cover of The Art of Arranging Classical Music for Accordion著名的Friedrich Lips教授的书"The Art of Arranging Classical Music for Accordion"即将推出。高质量的内容和外观:奢华的印刷和精致的意大利纸、拼接、双面和度假设计的值得珍藏的叠层软皮。

15 %的价格优势



220 页•150页乐谱• 格式: 17 x 24 cm • ISBN 978-3-925572-17-3

按照目录购买: kslips03 The Art of Arranging Classical Music for Accordion

Friedrich Lips的其他书:
kslips00 The Art of Bayan Playing & Playing the Accordion Artistically (英语)
kslips01 Die Kunst des Bajanspiels (德国)
kslips02 Die Kunst der Bearbeitung klassischer Musik für Akkordeon (德国)
kslips03 The Art of Arranging Classical Music for Accordion (英语)


新西兰哈萨克斯坦和南太平洋国际比赛大师班 - 新西兰

新西兰手风琴协会(NZAA)于1月22日至26日在奥克兰Sunnybrae学校举办Grayson Masefield大师班。学生可以参加公开课或练习,每天结束的时候,每个学生都会和家长们一起参加音乐会。


Seminar Participants


Perth strathspey 和Reel Society,苏格兰 - 英国

Perth Strathspey and Reel Society CDPerth Strathspey和Reel society正在寻找音乐演奏家 - 手风琴,小提琴,大提琴,低音提琴 - 加入他们的乐队。没有试镜,欢迎任何年龄段的选手。排练在每周三晚上七点至九点,地点在苏格兰servincemen's club 20 Milne St。

Perth Strathspey和Reel Society成立于1989年,目的是在社区推广苏格兰音乐。他们经常在Perthshire周围的音乐会,赛马场和其他活动上演出。




Finbarr Dennehy Dance Dates, County Cork – Irish Republic

Finbarr Dennehy and daughter ChloeAccordionist Finbarr Dennehy and his fiddle playing daughter Chloe perform for dancing this weekend, as follows:

Friday January 27th – Parkway Hotel, Dunmanway, County Cork
Saturday January 28th – Hazeltree, Mallow, County Cork
Sunday January 29th – Kades Kounty, Glenville, County Cork
Tuesday January 31st - Old Walls, Liscarroll, County Cork

Finbarr Dennehy is often joined on stage now by daughter Chloe, especially during school holidays. Finbarr plays a Shand Morino button accordion, while Chloe is proficient on the stringed instruments - violin, mandolin and banjo. Finbarr Dennehy is mainly a solo musician, playing for adult dancing, weddings and all social occasions. He has released a number of very popular albums. His accordion influences are Will Starr, Jimmy Shand, and Dermot O'Brien.


Accordion Concert by Accordion Ensemble Opus 2 - Netherlands

Flyer Opus 2The concert organisers write: An exciting demonstration of virtuosity and musical versatility: Russian folk music, sensual bossa nova, serial music, contemporary music written especially for Opus 2: everything is covered. Let yourself be surprised !!!

Details of the concert are on the poster.


‘An Irish Evening’, Massachusetts – USA

Irish Evening Poster
On Saturday January 28th, 3pm, the highly accomplished Irish duo accordionist Declan Aungier and guitarist Tom Comerford perform an ‘An Irish Evening’ concert at The Irish Cultural Centre of New England, Canton, Massachusetts. Tickets $25.

Declan Aungier is one of Ireland’s busiest and most versatile accordionists.

For further information email: anirishevening@gmail.com


Accordion Gala Evening, Milan – Italy

PosterOn Sunday January 28th, 9pm, there will be an evening of dancing and entertainment involving numerous accordionists at the large restaurant and night club Luna Rossa, Via Risorgimento 27, San Giuliano Milanese 20098, Milan.


Jim Cleland @ Crieff Accordion & Fiddle Club, Scotland – UK

Jim ClelandOn Thursday February 1st, 7.30pm, accordionist Jim Cleland and his band entertain as guests at the Crieff Accordion & Fiddle Club. The venue is The British Legion Hall, Perth Rd, Crieff, PH7 3EB. Crieff is a market town in Perth and Kinross, Scotland.

Jim Cleland played second accordion for many years in the highly popular Jim McLeod Scottish Dance Band.


Jacques Brel Tribute Concert, Vorey – France

On Friday February 2nd, 8.30pm, the singer Jacques Barbaud performs the songs of Jacques Brel at L’Embarcadere, Rue Louis Jouvet, 43800 Vorey. Accompaniment is by accordionist Jerome Richard and pianist Michel Duvet. Vorey is a commune in the Haute-Loire department (Auvergne) in south-central France.

Jerome Richard, one of France’s busiest accordion entertainers, in 1999 won both the CIA Coupe Mondiale in Trossingen, Germany, and the CMA Trophee Mondial, held in Ourense, Spain, before embarking on a professional career.

Jacques Brel (1929 – 1978) was a Begian singer, songwriter, actor and director who composed and performed songs that generated a large following in Belgium and France, and also throughout the world. He was an influence on other songwriters and his songs were performed by the likes of the Kingston Trio, Ray Charles, Frank Sinatra, Judy Collins, Nina Simone, John Denver and Andy Williams. Brel was also a successful actor, appearing in ten films.


Mirco Patarini performs in ‘A Variety Concert’, Drogheda - Irish Republic

Royal Meath Accordion Orchestra
Poster Variety ConcertThe Royal Meath Accordion Orchestra organises and performs in ‘A Variety Concert’ on Saturday February 3rd, 8pm, at The Barbican, St Peter’s Parish, William St, Drogheda, in the Irish Republic. The concert includes a special performance by the leading Italian accordionist Mirco Patarini. Tickets cost 10 Euro each.

Mirco Patarini is one of the leading figures in the worldwide accordion movement. He won the CMA Trophee Mondiale in 1985 held in Switzerland, and has long been an internationally renowned concert performer. He has also been involved in accordion production with Scandalli, music publishing, and accordion competitions as an adjudicator, administrator and in 2017, was elected President of the Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA).

For further information email: royalmeathao16@gmail.com


‘Folk n’ Irish Cruise’ - Bahamas, Cayman Islands, Jamaica, Mexico

Picture ‘Folk n’ Irish Cruise’
Poster ‘Folk n’ Irish Cruise’The ‘Folk n’ Irish Cruise’ sails on board the Norwegian Epic cruise liner from February 3rd to 10th, presenting a host of Irish musicians, singers, ceili bands and dancers. The liner sails from and back to Port Canaveral, Florida, visiting the Bahamas, Cayman Islands, Jamaica and Mexico, and the organiser is Joanie Madden, flute player with Cherish the Ladies.

The entertainers include Cherish the Ladies, singers Mary Black, TR Dallas and Susan McCann, accordionists Billy McComiskey, John Nolan and Seamus O’Sullivan, concertina player Ann Kirrane, the Pride of Moyvane Ceili Band, and many more.

For further information email: info@joaniemaddencruise.com


Grand Bal Groffliers, Pas-de-Calais – France

PosterGroffliers, Salle des Sports, Groffliers (62180), Pas-de-Calais, northern France.

Accordzeam are a versatile dance band who play for all sorts of events, and also perform in classical and jazz concerts. The band features two accordionists, Lucas Thébaut and Michaël Bideault.

The evening is organized by Le comité des fêtes de la ville de Groffliers and Les Dancers Rangers (Club Country de Groffliers).

For further information email: contact@accordzeam.org


CNIMA J. Mornet February Accordion Workshops - France

CNIMA J. Mornet header
Nathalie Boucheix & Jacques MornetCNIMA J. Mornet February Accordion Workshops for all ages, all styles, all levels.

From February 19th to 23rd and from February 26th to March 2nd, 2018:
- Accordion all levels on one or two pieces of your choice.

- From February 19th to 23rd: Playing with an orchestra by Nathalie Boucheix
Jazz accordion by Yves Busato
- From February 26th to March 2nd: accordion accordions by Pascal Meurgé
The melody by Jacques Mornet.

Information and registration: call Anne on +33 (0) 4 73 22 27 45 or cnima@wanadoo.fr
New: online registration on www.cnima.com (internships)
CNIMA group


Accordion Repair Course, London – UK

Peter Le Geyt has been organising Accordion Repair Courses over the past couple of years and has now finalised the first course for this year which will be held in Teddington (TW11), south-west London, on Thursday/Friday April 26th and 27th.
Cost for the 2018 courses will be £110 + Vat for the 2 days.  
A programme is available and also details of accommodation should anyone need to stay overnight. Teddington is 35 minutes from London Waterloo station. 
On the Thursday evening there is an optional dinner at a local Italian restaurant for those interested, which has a reasonably priced menu, and will allow course participants to play accordions after dinner.
The tutor is Paul Flannery who is a piano tuner by trade and over the years started repairing and tuning melodeons and accordions. Repairers/tuners all have their own way of working and therefore Paul imparts his knowledge and how he approaches repairs. Previous attendees have been pleased with Paul’s explanations and advice.
The course is limited to 12 persons.
Once the organiser has the required number, participants will be notified and places confirmed. After payment has been made on the course the organisers will be unable to refund if any participants cancel, unless replacements can be found.

For further information email: plg@plgmarketing.com



Mika Väyrynen2018名人访谈,赫尔辛基 - 芬兰

Mika Väyrynen Celebrity Interview header
Mika Väyrynen为庆祝他的五十岁生日,著名的芬兰手风琴手Mika Väyrynen在2017年后期进行了一系列的由芬兰作曲家作曲的作品的世界首演。

第一次世界首演是 Aulis Sallinen的用手风琴、小提琴、大提琴和钢琴演奏的舞蹈音乐组曲作品 'Dance Music Suite Op. 107' 献给米卡五世Mika Väyrynen, 首演时间在2017年9月8日在波尔沃教堂作为西贝柳斯节的一部分进行演出。

2017年10月11日米卡五十岁生日音乐会"Suomi 100 - Väyrynen 50" 在赫尔辛基音乐中心举办。Mika (图右)表演的都是芬兰的作品,包括六首世界首演的作品和他的最新CD,和已故的Jouni Kaipainen (1956-2015)的手风琴作品。

我真诚的邀请Mika 分享他的一些想法和见解,以更新芬兰一些优秀的作曲家的作品。

读Mika Väyrynen名人访谈: VäyrynenInterview


Updated: 2018 China Harbin Summer International Accordion Art Week - China

2018 Harbin China Summer International Accordion Art Week
Harbin PosterSite updated with Chinese language rules and information and poster download at:

Updated: English competition rules and entry form in Chinese and English and poster download at: 2018Harbin
Entries close: 30th June 2018

Note : The Organising Committee offer full accommodation and food during the competition for foreign candidates.

The 2018 China Harbin Summer International Accordion Art Week is hosted by the Peoples Republic of China Culture Ministry and the Harbin Municipal People's Government, undertaken by Harbin Normal College, Harbin, China. The event is part of the 34th China Harbin Summer Music Festival. Harbin was named a UNESCO City of Music in 2010.

Harbin becomes "the capital of music" from August 7th to 11th 2018, with some of the finest accordionists around the world competing and performing at the Concert Hall of Harbin Normal University. There will be concerts, workshops and a major international accordion competition.


New Douglas Ward Compositions Now Online - UK

Charnwood Publishing header
Douglas WardUK composer Douglas Ward and Charnwood Publishing have released 6 new compositions. Click the links to learn more about each work and see a sample page.

DW944 - Bananas for Two
DW945 - Countryside March
DW946 - Emergency Tango
DW947 - Chasing Rabbits
DW948 - Mosaic Waltz
DW949 - Forest Waltz


Renzo Ruggieri Updated: Accordion Kids (ten pieces) eBook - Italy

Accordion KidsRenzo RuggieriRenowned accordionist, teacher and composer Renzo Ruggieri has updated his eBook (.pdf file able to be sent to you by email) titled Accordion Kids Catalog rrenzo512

Renzo Ruggieri writes: "Accordion Kids features progressive songs for young accordion students. From first notes, to small imitations of animals, to singular genres such as Disco, Baroque and Blues. The use of the left hand loses regularity in the accompaniment (march / waltz / tango) to bring the young player closer to the new rhythms of the present times."

Price is only 10 Euro (or USD$ equivalent) for these exciting young childrens compositions that are a "must have", for every teacher of young children. Available online at Catalog: rrenzo512



Mini Review of Two Frank Marocco CD's

Frank Marocco Ballads CD coverCD Reviews Index for the Mini Review of Two Frank Marocco CD's.

Review by Gerlando Gatto


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