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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 24-Jul-2020
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采访:CIA 主席Mirco Patarini关于2020 Coupe Mondiale的报告 - 葡萄牙
2020 Coupe Mondiale 线上报名系统 - 葡萄牙
布拉格2020年举行第六届国际手风琴日 – 捷克共和国
佩尔格2021年口琴日 - 奥地利
2020年度大师班和音乐会系列 William Schimmel 线上讲座 - 美国


Heinrich乐队:同名,但并不是班德琴的发明者 - 德国
Renzo Ruggieri 为手风琴儿童们发行了新的乐曲 - 意大利
2014年“让地球充满和平”第八届世界手风琴乐团 - 奥地利
CNIMA 对年轻手风琴家的培训 - 法国


2020年澳大利亚线上国际锦标赛和音乐节 - 澳大利亚
Stowe 探戈音乐节 班德琴Variation 俱乐部 - 美国
Alex Meixner 在2020年虚拟音乐节上演出 - 美国
24th Revival Fisarmoniche – Italy
Milwaukee Irish Fest Online - USA
Marie-Andrée Joerger 二重奏组在八月举行音乐会 - 法国
进阶手风琴周末将在线上举行,苏格兰 - 英国

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采访:CIA 主席Mirco Patarini关于2020 Coupe Mondiale的报告 - 葡萄牙

2020 Coupe Mondiale header
2020 Coupe Mondiale poster国际手风琴联合会 Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) 主席 Mirco Patarini 接受了关于2020年 Coupe Mondiale 的采访。 以上视频带有英文字幕。

该活动将于2020年10月6日至10日在葡萄牙的马林堡市举行,由 CIA 成员 Mito Algarve - Associacao de Acordeonistas do Algarve 主办,比赛奖金设为 20000 欧元。

采访主持人是 CIA 大使凯文·弗里德里希( Kevin Friedrich )和 CIA 音乐委员会格雷森·马塞菲尔德( Grayson Masefield )副主席。 点击参访视频,了解关于该活动的更多信息。


2020 Coupe Mondiale 线上报名系统 - 葡萄牙

Header 2020 Coupe Mondiale
Mirco Patarini, Kimmo MattilaMirco Patarini, Kimmo MattilaCIA 秘书长 Kimmo Mattila 宣布 2020年 Coupe Mondiale 的线上报名系统现已开放,大家可从 2020 通用比赛规则页面中进行第73届 Coupe Mondiale 比赛的报名: 2020CM-Rules

秘书长 Kimmo Mattila 邀请所有(44名)的 CIA 成员为参加第144届国际代表大会的代表名额进行报名申请,该大会在马林堡市已举行了两次会议。

第73届 Coupe Mondiale 将于2020年10月6日至10日由 CIA 成员 Mito Algarvio ——主席 Joao Pereira 领导的 Associação de Acordeonistas do Algarve 主办。

CIA 主席 Mirco Patarini 邀请所有国家的参赛选手进行报名,并且高度赞扬且感谢了马林堡市的官员和 Mito Algarvio 主席 João Pereira 的协助。

•第73届 Coupe Mondiale
•大师级 Coupe Mondiale
•初级 Coupe Mondiale
•Virtuoso 娱乐音乐国际比赛
•Virtuoso 娱乐音乐国际青少年比赛

根据 Covid-19 的安全健康规定,活动期间将不举行合奏类别或世界手风琴乐团的演出。下图是 Biblioteca Castro Marim,这是一个演出音响效果极佳的小型演出场地,我们将在这里举行比赛。

报名截止日期为2020年9月5日,所有报名和酒店信息均可访问该网站进行浏览: Coupe Mondiale
Biblioteca Castro Marim


布拉格2020年举行第六届国际手风琴日 – 捷克共和国

Prague banner
第六届2020年布拉格国际手风琴日将于2020年10月29日至11月1日在捷克共和国布拉格市的布拉格音乐学院举行。 比赛由“Club Tours Agentur Praha” (CTA布拉格分会)与捷克手风琴协会和布拉格音乐学院手风琴系合作组织。


The opening concert with international participation will take place on October 29th from 8pm in the hall of the Museum of Applied Arts.

Junior competitions will begin the following day (October 30th), followed by an evening gala concert with performances by the Vibrafonissimo trio (which includes accordionist Ladislav Horak) and the Finnish Sibelius Orchestra.

On Saturday, October 31st, competition classes will be held for seniors and orchestras, finishing with a concert of award winners at 8.30pm.

Over 250 accordionists are expected to take part in this event, which is free for spectators.

The closing date for registrations is: September 23rd, 2020




佩尔格2021年口琴日 - 奥地利

Tag der Harmonika poster
Tag Der Harmonika 2021比赛将于2021年6月3日至6日在奥地利的佩尔格举行,由 HVO-Harmonica Verband Osterreichs(奥地利口琴协会)组织。

比赛将包括独奏、二重奏、合奏和乐团等不同类别,以及会有娱乐音乐、室内音乐和世界音乐等不同种类的音乐。 年龄段类别从6岁至成人(最大32岁)。

This year there will be a new category: the Ciryll Demian Prize for foreign candidates!

Competition rules will be online at the beginning of October 2020, with registrations expected to open in January 2021.

For details email: w.weibert@kabsi.at


2020年度大师班和音乐会系列 William Schimmel 线上讲座 - 美国

Time Travel
William Schimmel美国手风琴家协会 American Accordionists' Association (AAA) 将于2020年7月31日至8月2日与主持人和策展人 William Schimmel 博士共同举办2020年大师班和音乐会系列。

For the first time, this event will be presented online and will consist of 2 one-hour segments each day:
1st hour (3pm): Master Class - Talks/Workshops
2nd hour (4pm): Concert/Performances.

There are still a few places available for this presentation.

Download flier: 2020AAAMasterClass.pdf
Purchase your tickets online at: AAA Shopping Cart



Heinrich乐队:同名,但并不是班德琴的发明者 - 德国

Bandoneon book cover
Ulrich SchmüllingWilloughby Ann Walshe班德琴或那些后来被称为班德琴的那些德国六角手风琴最开始发源于奥尔山(Erzgebirge)的Carlsfeld(萨克森州)镇。

Carl Friedrich Uhlig (1790–1874)在开姆尼茨于1834年发明了第一把德国六角手风琴之后,Carl Friedrich Zimmermann(1817–1898)于1840年左右开始在他父母在卡尔斯费尔德家的阁楼上生产德国六角手风琴,并进一步地改进了它们。 几年后,他发明了一种新的乐器,后来以“班德琴”这个名字在世界范围内广为人知并出售。

毫无疑问,这是一个事实,在公众和专家中都是不容置疑的,并且这一事实已得到历史证明。 直到最近!

自2020年5月15日起在德国市场上出售的一本专业书非常明确地指出,克雷菲尔德商人海因里希·班德(Heinrich Band,1821–1860年)发明了班德琴,随后使克雷费尔德市成为乐器的发源地。

Under the title “Heinrich Band. Bandoneon” (subtitle: “Die Reise eines Instruments aus dem niederrheinischen Krefeld in die Welt” [The journey of an instrument from Krefeld, Lower Rhine, into the world]), it is both the “Förderverein für das Kulturbüro der Stadt Krefeld e.V.” [Sponsoring Society for the Cultural Office of the Krefeld] as editor and Janine Krüger as author who propagate this in a colorful and lavishly produced book.

The book was published by Klartext Verlag, Essen, and financially opulently supported by “Sparkassen Kulturstiftung Krefeld,” [the savings bank cultural foundation] “Stadt Krefeld,” [City of Krefeld] the “Kunst Stiftung NRW” [Art Foundation North Rhine-Westphalia] and the “Kulturbüro Krefeld” [Cultural Office of Krefeld] as well as the “Förderverein für das Kulturbüro der Stadt Krefeld e.V.” (the association is at the same time the editor and financial supporter itself); further backed by Klaus Kokol (Krefeld city council member, deputy Social Democratic Party of Germany parliamentary group leader, director of the legal department) and Jürgen Sauerland-Freer (former head of Krefeld’s culture department and predecessor of Dr. Gabriele König).

According to the book information, besides the editor and author is an editorial staff, which includes Prof. Gerhard Hahn (an engineer, sculptor and designer based in Krefeld), Dr. Gabriele König (head of Krefeld’s Culture Department as well as head of the city’s Culture Office) and Burkhard Ostrowski (Krefeld culture office employee).

Thus, there is a concentrated municipal energy in the background.

The fact that local patriotism and cultural enthusiasm for the city go so far that music history is “bent” in order to attract even more public attention and publicity, is not only outlandish but also reprehensible. But above all, it is completely unnecessary.

To be sure, the name “bandoneon” actually derives from the Krefeld family name of Heinrich Band. But apart from the fact that this instrument name did not originate from Band himself, but from a third party, Band has demonstrably never been an instrument manufacturer, but no more and no less was one of several music dealers who bought various instruments from different manufacturers and sold them to their customers.
The relevant professional music circles stood on their heads by this snubbing presumption, especially inasmuch as the editors and local politicians not only leave it misrepresented in their book, but use all available types of media exploitation (advertising videos, launched newspaper releases, internet articles, radio reports, etc.) to pursue their historical fact suppression bluntly and widely.

It is to be hoped that this does not result in what is widespread in today’s society, namely that untruth becomes truth if it is repeated only loudly and often enough.

Heinrich Band. Bandoneon (“Förderverein für das Kulturbüro der Stadt Krefeld e.V.” as editor and Janine Krüger as author), in German language only. ISBN 978-3-8375-1970-9 - format 23 x 23 cm - 368 pages - four-color throughout with numerous photos and illustrations - hardcover, thread stitching - price 29.95 euros - circulation: 700 copies.4

Ulrich Schmülling, July 15th 2020 (picture above)
Translation: Willoughby Ann Walshe (picture above)

Excerpt from Research by Norbert Seidel about Invention of Bandoneon in German

Article about: Willoughby Ann Walshe 80th Birthday, Kamen - Germany


Renzo Ruggieri 为手风琴儿童们发行了新的乐曲 - 意大利

Renzo RuggieriAlbum coverRenzo Ruggieri 发布了一段来自儿童手风琴乐曲目录的音轨:rrenzo512 音乐(10首),标准手风琴的简单现代乐曲。 这张专辑包含了前卫的旋律,融合了各种不同的音乐流派,从传统的华尔兹、进行曲和探戈到更现代的迪斯科、蓝调和摇摆舞,应有尽有。


这是一本电子书,可以通过电子邮件发送给您,没有任何邮费,可在24小时内送达您的收件箱。 目录:rrenzo512
Accordion Kids


2014年“让地球充满和平”第八届世界手风琴乐团 - 奥地利

Joan C. Sommers 的笔记(2020年7月23日)

关于第八届世界手风琴乐团的表演和“让地球充满和平”的表演的一些评论。 “这一定会给我们所有人,全世界的人,在经历过疫情的影响后,带来一些值得欢呼的东西,并给予我们希望,不久之后我们的生活会再次回归正轨的。”

由国际手风琴联合会( Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes )赞助的2014年10月24日至11月3日的 Coupe Mondiale 在美丽的奥地利萨尔茨堡会议中心举行。

The World Accordion Orchestra VIII performed as part of the final closing concert held on the large stage of the magnificent Europa Hall in the Congress Center. Werner Weibert conducted his arrangement of A Tribute to Leonard Bernstein and Jacob Noordzij conducted A Medley from The Sound of Music. A large mixed chorus then joined the orchestra of 130 members from many different countries to perform “Let There Be Peace on Earth” arranged and conducted by Joan Cochran Sommers to close the concert.

Video: Thanks to Dan Grauman for providing the video


CNIMA 对年轻手风琴家的培训 - 法国

CNIMA header
Directors CNIMA视频:Futa,来自日本的10岁学生,师从 Jacques Mornet ,图为 CNIMA 主任 Nathalie Boucheix

上面的视频介绍了 Mornet 先生对10岁的 Futa (来自日本)的教学内容, Futa 来 CNIMA 参加了为期2个月的定制培训课程,以此为 Klingenthal 手风琴锦标赛做好准备。

除了培训未来的伟大手风琴家之外, CNIMA 还欢迎各个级别和年龄的手风琴家前来交流。

Several training formats are available:
- Full time training (with the passing of conservatory diplomas in accelerating mode if required)
- Custom length training from a few weeks to a few months (on location or via skype)
- Workshops (on location or via skype)

The warm family like spirit and the beautiful surroundings of Auvergne, are favourable for intense studies.

Upcoming classes include Accordion technique with Jacques Mornet and Nathalie Boucheix
July 27th - August 1st 2020
August 3rd – 8th 2020

For further details email: cnima@orange.fr



2020年澳大利亚线上国际锦标赛和音乐节 - 澳大利亚

AATA logoTania Lukic尽管收到疫情影响,音乐仍在继续! 由于新冠疫情在世界各地的持续影响,澳大利亚手风琴教师协会 Australian Accordion Teachers Association (AATA) 将通过视频提交的方式在线上组织今年的比赛。比赛的组织者是 AATA 主席 Tatjana Marx (上图右)。

比赛将由一个国际评委团进行评判,规则和分类可在 AATA 的网站上找到。



Stowe 探戈音乐节 班德琴Variation 俱乐部 - 美国

Hector del Curtobandoneon由 Hector Del Curto 主持的 班德琴Variation 俱乐部(左图)将与在美国佛蒙特州举行的 Stowe 探戈音乐节一起在每周一和周三举行两次。

The classes will begin on July 27th at 9pm (ET) and will include a 20 minute session on the variation of the standard repertoire for intermediate to advanced bandoneon players.

Videos of the class will be available along with questions and answers with Hector.

For details email: stowetangomusicfestival@gmail.com


Alex Meixner 在2020年虚拟音乐节上演出 - 美国

Musikfest poster视频:Alex Meixner 与 Joshua Kay 在二重奏表演中演奏 Foghorn Polka


Alex Meixner will participate in both the recorded video portion of the 2020 virtual Musikfest and also a full band performance that will be broadcast live on August 8th on Service Electric TV from 2.30pm to 4pm.

Alex will also give a solo video performance which will be shown during the fest at a date still to be announced.

For details email: info@alexmeixner.com


24th Revival Fisarmoniche – Italy

24th revival poster
The 24th Revival Fisarmoniche (accordion) festival will be held in Monghidoro, Bologna, Italy on August 6th at 8.30pm.

Social distancing will be in place. See poster for details


Milwaukee Irish Fest Online - USA

Irish fest header
Caitlin Nic GabhannJohn WhelanThe Milwaukee Irish Fest, a celebration of all things Irish and Celtic will be online from August 13th to 16th with a free, four-day, live-stream program!

The festival will include a variety of performances, workshops, cooking shows, cultural shows and some special surprises! “Screaming Orphans” (Ireland – picture below) a band of 4 sisters including accordionist Marie Thérèse Diver will entertain at the event.

The festival will also include a series of online workshops from August 8th to 11th, 2020.

August 9th at 11.30am – Concertina masterclass with Caitlin Nic Gabhann (picture above left)
August 9th at 2.30pm – Accordion Masterclass with John Whelan (picture above right)
Screaming Orphans


Marie-Andrée Joerger 二重奏组在八月举行音乐会 - 法国

手风琴家 Marie-Andrée Joerger 先生将于八月与巴黎圣母院的官方风琴家 Vincent Dubois(管风琴)举行两场二重奏音乐会。

第一场将于8月16日在 Vaison-la-Romaine 举行,第二场将于8月27日在斯特拉斯堡举行的 Stras'orgues 音乐节上举行。



下图:Marie-Andrée Joerger(左)和 Vincent Dubois(右)。
Marie-Andrée Joerger & Vincent Dubois


进阶手风琴周末将在线上举行,苏格兰 - 英国

Ian Lowthian由于疫情的原因,Ian Lowthian 的进阶手风琴周末将于9月19日和20日在网上举行,这因为他最近的线上吉普赛爵士蓝调周末活动举办地很成功。

This weekend gives advanced participants the opportunity to play a bit faster, perhaps look at some advanced left hand patterns, discuss bellows techniques, the use of chords to enhance tunes etc.

For details email: ianlowthian@yahoo.co.uk


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