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Weekly News from Around the World - 24-Jan-2014
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WEEKLY NEWS delayed 24 hours to 7pm Saturday Italy time as server upgrade is still in progress. Our apologies for the delay.
39. Internationales Akkordeon Festival, Castelfidardo - Italien
5. Internationales Akkordeonfestival Akordeon Kunst - Bosnien und Herzegowina
Internationales Akkordeon Winter-Campus, Giardini Naxos - Italien
Alexander Brüder Tribute Fernsehsendung auf BBC 1 Schottland - UK
Stéphane Chapuis 'Tango Sensations ", Sion - Schweiz

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Musikfestival PANTONALE – von Klassik bis Tango, Berlin – Deutschland
Video: Oesch's die Dritten Group, Open Air Concert, Zofingen - Switzerland
‘Going Places’ Mairtin O’Connor Band CD, Galway – Republic of Ireland
Video: Accordion Trio 'Brides' - Russia
2014 Collectors Edition Accordion Artists Calendar – USA
Video: Duo 'Concertino' and Folk Music Ensemble 'Brevis' - Ukraine
Video: Concerto for Accordion and Orchestra Composed by Anatoli Kusiakov - Ukraine
Video: Lelo Nika - Srba Balkanica TV K::CN - Serbia
Video: Beijing Children's Palace Baidi Accordion Orchestra - China
Video: "Voronezh Dance" Composed by Y. Fabruchnyh and performed by E. Pirogov - Russia
‘14 Years Ago’ – Whitby Folk Week 1999

Future events

Romano Viazzani Gigs Update, London – UK
Richard Galliano Concerts – Italy, Switzerland, Germany, France
Paul Chamberlain Recitals, Yorkshire – UK
Matthias Matzke Concert, Sitzungssaal - Germany
Concerts @ the Križanke Summer Theatre, Ljubjliana – Slovenia
40th NAAFC ‘Box & Fiddle’ Championships, Scotland - UK
Bellows and Waves Accordion Week, Devon‏ - UK
‘Il fiore delle mille e una nota’, Amsterdam – Netherlands

New and Updated Sites

Gary Dahl Releases New Arrangement - USA
Updated Accordion Examination Board of New Zealand (AEBNZ) website
Updated Gary Daverne video page and website

CD Reviews

Johann Sebastian Bach - Volume 2 - The French Suites 4 – 6 Prelude and Fugue in A minor Air

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WEEKLY NEWS delayed 24 hours to 7pm Saturday Italy time as server upgrade is still in progress. Our apologies for the delay.


39. Internationales Akkordeon Festival, Castelfidardo - Italien

Castelfidardo header
Roberto LucaneroDie 39. Ausgabe des Internationalen Akkordeonfestivals in Castelfidardo wird vom 18. Bis 21. September 2014 stattfinden. Der künstlerischer Leiter ist Roberto Lucanero (Bild links).

Das Festival Programm bietet das Eröffnungskonzert im Theater, Abend- und Tages Konzerte, den Jugend- Music Club um junge Menschen für Musik zu begeistern, Meisterkurse, Präsentationen von CD‘s , Ausstellungen und Ausstellungsflächen und eine neue spannende Ausgabe der Musik Reality Web-TV Show.

Die Pre-Ereignisse sind:
14. September - Auftritte des Trio Lucanero Roberto und Giuliano Cameli
16. und 17. September – Beginn der Musik Reality Show mit Mahatma Costa, Alessandro Gaudio , Netta Skog , Alessandro Berti.

Das Festival -Programm beinhaltet:
18. September - Auftritte von Marco Cardinaletti , Astoria Quintet , Queen Bee & The Groove Band.
19. September - Paolo D' Ascanio, Akkordeon Ensemble P. Soprani, Franc Citera Quartett Shine Orchestra
20. September - Simone Mannarino, Mogens Bækgaard Duo, Paolo D' Ascanio, Kjell Harald Langhaug, Gugliemi Brüder, Simon Sciammarella, Gianni Mirizzi, Harry Hussey, Gabriele Antonelli, Claudio Jacomucci & Kathleen Delaney, No Time Tango 4rtet, 2TTango, Vince Abbracciante, Adolfo Gasparri, Serata Premio -Wettbewerb für " Gruppen, Bands & Piazzola Music" Orchestra Giovanile Castelfidardo.
September 21- Riccardo Taddei, Simon Sciammarella, Harry Hussey, No Time Tango 4rtet, Internationales Akkordeon Treffen von Claudio Jacomucci, Kjell Harald Langhaug, Harry Hussy, Giorgio Albanese Jazz Project, Finale Konzert und Preisverleihung, Paolo D' Ascanio koordiniert , Gugliemi Brüder, Danilo di Paolonicola Ethnische Projekt.

Die 2014 Castelfidardo Internationale Wettbewerbs Regeln und Bestimmungen werden in Kürze veröffentlich.


5. Internationales Akkordeonfestival Akordeon Kunst - Bosnien und Herzegowina

Zoran RakicDas 5. Internationale Akkordeonfestival Akordeon Kunst findet in Ost-Sarajevo vom 30. APRIL - 3. Mai 2014 statt.

Die Veranstaltung bietet Wettbewerbe und Konzerte und wird von der Hochschule für Musik, University of East Sarajevo (Dean Zoran Rakic, Bild links) und der Vereinigung für die Förderung der Academic Music "New Sound" organisiert.

Neben Wettbewerben, Konzerten gibt es auch Vorträge und Komponisten Präsentationen und eine Ausstellung von Akkordeons und Zubehör.

Download von Regeln und Vorschriften: 2014Art.pdf" target="_blank">2014Art
Anmeldeschluss ist der28. März 2014.

Für weitere Informationen E-Mail: makss@spinter.net


Internationales Akkordeon Winter-Campus, Giardini Naxos - Italien

Accordion group photos of  International Accordion Winter Campus
Antonio Spaccarotella and friend students of BrazilDas Internationale Akkordeon Winter-Campus fand am 3 bis 09 Januar in Giardini Naxos, dem schönen sizilianischen Stadtchen statt und war eine lehrreiche Veranstaltung, mit einer sehr Anzahl an Teilnehmern. Besonders hervorzuheben war das künstlerische Wachstum mehrerer Studenten, die an den Meisterklassen von Jazz und Akkordeon und Varieté mit Antonio Spaccarotella (Bild links mit Student) teilgenommen haben.

Die verschiedenen Klassen erhielten Vorträge von Professoren Maestro Filippo Arlia (Klavier) und Maestro Livio Bollani (Komposition). Die Studenten kamen aus den verschiedensten Regionen Italiens sowie aus Deutschland, Finnland und Brasilien.


Alexander Brüder Tribute Fernsehsendung auf BBC 1 Schottland - UK

Alexander BrothersEine Hommage an die Alexander Brothers wird auf dem TV-Sender BBC 1 Schottland (Sky 951) , 06.00 Uhr sein, am Sonntag, 26. Januar 2014 ausgestraht . Das Programm trägt den Titel " The Fabulous Alexander Brothers.

Das obige Video ist gleichzeitig ein Tribut der Brüdern Alexander für einen anderen großen schottischen Künstler - Andy Stewart, der auch einen großen internationalen Erfolg genossen hat.

Die Brüder Alexander waren für mehrere Jahrzehnte, eine der beliebtesten Show-Business Ensemble. Sänger und Pianist Jack Alexander und Tom, als Akkordeonist bekamen 1958 nach dem Gewinn eines Talentwettbewerbs professionelle Artisten und wurden bald Stars aller Shows in Großbritannien und in Übersee mit ihren schottischen Lieder und Melodien. Im Jahr 1964 verkauften sie mehr Platten in Schottland mit ihrem Hit 'Nobody ' s Child " als die Beatles.

Seit 1958 präsentierten Jack und Tom hat eine große Anzahl von Aufnahmen und DVDs und ihre Verkäufe weiterhin aktiv zu sein bis in die heutige Zeit. In Anerkennung ihres großen Beitrages zur Unterhaltung wurden die Brüder von Königin Elizabeth in Holyrood Palace , Edinburgh im Jahr 2005 mit dem MBE ausgezeichnet.

Die Brüder Alexander gingen im Jahre 2012 in den Ruhestand. Jack starb am 2. November 2013 und wird von Bruder Tom überlebt.


Stéphane Chapuis 'Tango Sensations ", Sion - Schweiz

Stéphane Chapuis"Tango Sensations" ist eine Live-Tango-Show, die am Sonntag, 26. Januar, um 17.00 Uhr im Théâtre de Valère, Rue du Vieux-College-22, Case Postale 2122, 1950 Sion, Schweiz, aufgeführt wird.

Die Darsteller sind Stéphane Chapuis (Bandoneon, Akkordeon), Johanna Hernandez (Violine), Tomas Hernandez (Violine), Jorman Torres Hernandez (Alt-Saxophon), Janaina de Aquino Salles (Violoncello) und Leo & Eugenia (Tangotänzer).

Für weitere Informationen E-Mail: stephane.chapuis @ bluewin.ch


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Musikfestival PANTONALE – von Klassik bis Tango, Berlin – Deutschland

Der Akkordeon-Virtuose Aydar Gaynullin hat das Musikfestival PANTONALE ins Leben gerufen, um herausragende internationale Musiker in seiner Wahlheimat Berlin zu versammeln. Nach seinem ersten großen und zugleich ausverkauften Berliner Konzert „Tango de Amor“ am 8. Juni  2013 im Kammermusiksaal der Philharmonie zeigte Aydar Gaynullin nun, dass er – neben einem weiteren Auftritt mit Streichorchester – auch als Kammermusiker und in popmusikalischen Gefilden brillieren kann.

Der Name des Festivals setzt sich aus der dem Griechischem entlehnten Vorsilbe „pan“ (παν = ganz, umfassend) und dem Wort „tonal“ (den Grundton, die Tonart betreffend) zusammen und beschreibt so die programmatische Idee der Vielfalt von Musikstilen und Künstlern, die die PANTONALE vorstellt. Das Zusammentreffen zum Teil derselben Musiker zu den verschiedenen Konzerten und das Miteinander der unterschiedlichen musikalischen Genres, die das Festival abbildet, machen es für das Publikum und für alle Beteiligten auf der Bühne zu einem einmaligen Erlebnis.

Insgesamt gab es im Januar 2014 drei Konzerte, bei denen lateinamerikanische Musik, Klassik, populäre Lieder und Kompositionen von Aydar Gaynullin im Mittelpunkt standen. Den Auftakt bildeten die „Rhythmen der Leidenschaft“ am 10. Januar im Russischen Haus der Wissenschaft und Kultur. Zusammen mit seinem Ensemble „Euphoria Orchestra“ und der Sängerin Malika als Frontfrau stellte Aydar Gaynullin hier vor allem Lieder aus dem lateinamerikanischen Kulturraum vor. Poppigere Songs von Lucio Dalla oder Yann Tiersen, der international durch seine Filmmusik zu „Die fabelhafte Welt der Amélie“ bekannt wurde, komplettierten den Abend mit temperamentvoller Musik der Leidenschaften und des Tanzes.
Einen kammermusikalischen „Flug über die Zeit“ mit einem Programm von Bach bis Piazzolla gab es am 11. Januar in der Dahlemer Jesus-Christus-Kirche zu erleben. Die Kirche wird wegen ihrer hervorragenden Akustik seit etwa 60 Jahren für Klassikaufnahmen genutzt und bietet ein Konzerterlebnis in einem fast intimen Rahmen.
Das Gala-Konzert „Fiesta de Aydar“ in der Philharmonie mit zehn Solisten sowie Streichern 
und einem Vokalensemble aus Mitgliedern der Berliner Staatskapelle unter Leitung von 
David Robert Coleman bildete am 12. Januar (Geburtstag von Aydar!) den Abschluss und gleichzeitigen Höhepunkt der PANTONALE. In einem fein abgestimmten Programm lag dabei der Schwerpunkt auf Klassik und Tango. Eines der Glanzstücke des Konzerts im Kammermusiksaal war die Welturaufführung des von Aydar Gaynullin speziell für die PANTONALE komponierten Werks „ALINA“  für Akkordeon, Gitarre, Bansuri, CajÓn, Chor und Orchester,  das der Komponist seiner Tochter Aline gewidmet hat.

For further information email: herbert@accordion-cd.co.at


Video: Oesch's die Dritten Group, Open Air Concert, Zofingen - Switzerland

The name Oesch is famous in Swtzerland since the 1970's and 80's when the Oesch Trio became well known and popular. The children and grandchildren now make up most of the Oesch's die Dritten group today which has a proud history of very popular family music making in Swtizerland.

This concert is held in the beautifully situated Heitere Square, Zofingen in surroundings that guarantee a great atmosphere and open air concert.


‘Going Places’ Mairtin O’Connor Band CD, Galway – Republic of Ireland

‘Going Places’ Mairtin O’Connor Band CD coverMairtin O'Connor‘Going Places’ is the latest CD by the Mairtin O’Connor Band, whose line-up is Mairtin O'Connor – 2-row diatonic button accordion, Cathal Hayden - fiddle/banjo/viola, and Seamie O'Dowd - guitar/vocals.

This superb ensemble covers the whole terrain of Irish traditional music yet seamlessly integrates gypsy jazz, musette, and touches of rock 'n roll into their style. ‘Going Places’ is available via Amazon or through the Mairtin O’Connor Band website.

Tracks: Trip To Turk, The Monaghan Jig, Believe me Sligo, Lord Mayo, Going Places, The Mountains of Pomeroy, Rockets to the Moon, Indifference, Geese in the Bog, The Water is Wide, The Drogheda Jig, Heading Home

Mairtin O'Connor, from Galway, began playing the button accordion at the age of nine and has had a remarkable career stretching back to the late 70s. As well as performing as a leading member of De Danaan, Boys of the Lough, and other traditional bands, he has also recorded and toured with The Chieftains, Mark Knopfler, Elvis Costello, Rod Stewart, and on the highly popular Riverdance show. He is also an imaginative composer, whose music fits well within the idiom of Irish traditional music yet often heads in new directions musically.


Video: Accordion Trio 'Brides' - Russia

Trio Brides

Trio BridesThe Accordion Trio 'Brides' was created in 2009. All previously studied accordion in Moscow and are all university graduates, who were selected after a national search in 2009 by the creator of the group, famous accordionist Sergey Voytenko.

They are: Lybov Akhanova (dark hair), Anna Yushina (blond) and Natalya Lipovtseva (brunette).

Voytenko who had created the very successful duo 'Bayan Mix' decided to create a new project, this time featuring lady accordionists. Sergey Voytenko writes many of the arrangements and these three talented accordionists, unusually bright charming girls who could all be models, enjoy making their living performing with the accordion.

The group has toured to cities in Germany, Italy, France and India and have taken part in popular Russian TV shows and major concerts. Enjoy the videos.


2014 Collectors Edition Accordion Artists Calendar – USA

2014 Collectors Edition Accordion Artists Calendar
With the growing popularity of crowds drawn to the accordion comes a new culture and generation of accordionist. Petosa welcomes these new artistic bands that feature the accordion along with some nostalgic groups as well by assembling a 2014 calendar to highlight 12 top recording and touring bands and their accordionist. You will definitely want to keep these great photos.

Groups include:  Nirvana, John Mellancamp, Decemberists, Beriut, Lumineers, Jack Johnson, Cedar Suede, Pearl D’Jango, Contino Band, Riders in the Sky, Molly B and the Squeezebox Band, Mood Area 52.

Proceeds will be donated to accordion scholarships to be announced in the near future.

For more information: petosa@petosa.com


Video: Duo 'Concertino' and Folk Music Ensemble 'Brevis' - Ukraine

Published on Dec 12, 2013, The accordion duo "Concertino" with folk music ensemble 'Brevis', Director, Jaroslav Bybyk and filmed by Salut Studio.

Duet accordionists "Concertino" was created in 2000 as professional staff of the Art Institute Carpathian National University. V.Stefanyk.

"Concertino" is:
- Myron Cherepanyn - Doctor, Professor, Honored Artist of Ukraine, Head of the Department of Musicology and akordeonnoho art, Art Institute of Carpathian National University. V.Stefanyk.
- Marina Bulda - Ph.D., Assistant professor of musicology and art akordeonnoho Art Institute of Carpathian National University. V.Stefanyk.


Video: Concerto for Accordion and Orchestra Composed by Anatoli Kusiakov - Ukraine

Published on Dec 21, 2013 by well known Ukrainian composer Volodymyr Runchak.
Concerto for accordion and orchestra by Anatoli Kusiakov performed by, Georgi Koch, (accordion) and the Chamber Orchestra of Odessa Philharmonic, conducted by Volodymyr Runchak.


Video: Lelo Nika - Srba Balkanica TV K::CN - Serbia

Uploaded on May 2, 2011, Lelo Nika and group on Srba Balkanica TV K::CN
TV Kopernikus performing "Gladna sam rodnog neba".

Lelo Nika (1969) is a Serbian and Romanian Romani accordionist who lives in Denmark. He plays a mixture of Balkan, jazz, and especially Romanian music.

He originally comes from the multiethnic town of Nikolinci near Belgrade, Serbia, which has a large Romanian population. He moved with his family to Helsingør, Denmark in 1970 and for 3 years, starting in 1979 he studied under Serbian accordionist Branimir Djokic.

Lelo Nika went on to win international competitions including 1st equal at the 1996 Coupe Mondiale Virtuoso Entertainment category after which he pursued a career as a highly regarded accordion professional.


Video: Beijing Children's Palace Baidi Accordion Orchestra - China

The Beijing Children's Palace Baidi Accordion Orchestra performing Porgy and Bess arrangement, superbly conducted by Chen Weiliang, is famous in Beijing, performing nearly always, to packed concert halls. One of the finest accordion orchestras in the world.


Video: "Voronezh Dance" Composed by Y. Fabruchnyh and performed by E. Pirogov - Russia

Published on Jan 8, 2014, "Voronezh dance" composed by Y. Fabruchnyh and performed by E. Pirogov at the Jubilee Concert of Peoples Artist of Russia, Victor Romanko, 27 February 2013. Playing the students of Victor Romanko.

Video published by Alexei Gerasenkov


‘14 Years Ago’ – Whitby Folk Week 1999

Whitby Folk WeekThe Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending September 3rd 1999 reported that the Whitby Folk week had been yet another success. In 2013 this festival is still going strong. The folk festivals in the UK are held in the spring, summer and early autumn months, and provide a public platform for accordionists and other free reed instrument through concerts, dances and workshops. The folk festivals are a great friend to our favourite instrument.

Whitby Folk Week - UK
Contributed by Bill Hodgson

The popular 34th annual Whitby Folk Week was held from August 21st to 27th in Whitby, Yorkshire, England. Thousands of people enjoyed many hours of official events comprising of dances, concerts, workshops and sessions as well as music stalls, craft fairs, group performances and children's events.
Several accomplished accordion, melodeon and concertina players performed and gave very useful workshops. These included Alistair Anderson, Damien Barber, Sara Daniels, Tim van Eyken, George Garside, Johnny Handle, Robert Harbron, John Kirkpatrick, Dave Mallinson, Chris Parkinson, Brian Peters, Chris Pollington, Lester Simpson and Simon Thoumire.


Future events

Romano Viazzani Gigs Update, London – UK

Romano ViazzaniAccordionist and teacher Romano Viazzani writes, as follows:

On Sunday January 26th, 8pm, I will be at The Pheasantry, Kings Road, London, with the wonderful vocal duo Joanna Strand and Jacqueline Tate. The cabaret is always popular so remember to book.
I’m back with singer/multi-instrumentalist David Vaughan first on February 8th, 8pm, at the revamped The Bull’s Head, Barnes, London. I’m also with David Vaughan on February 15th, 9pm, at Olivers in Greenwich.
On February 20th, 7.30pm, I will be back with Bethany Jameson and Cabaret Veritè for a Soiree Parisienne at the Nuffield Theatre, Lancaster University.
I’m very proud that one of my students Fiona MacDonald is currently performing in Die Fledermaus at The King’s Head Theatre, Islington London.
Also congratulations to Ben de Sousa, another of my students, who has got into the Royal Academy of Music to study the accordion. Well done Ben.

For further information email: romanoviazzani@hotmail.co.uk


Richard Galliano Concerts – Italy, Switzerland, Germany, France

Richard GallianoLeading French accordion virtuoso Richard Galliano performs this month, as follows:

January 25th – JS Bach, Piazzolla, Verdi, Vivaldi at Pistoia, Italy
January 26th – with the Piazzolla Forever Septet, Verona, Italy
January 27th – Vivaldi, Piazzolla at the Tonhalle, Zurich, Switzerland
January 28th – Vivaldi, Piazzolla at the Temple du Bas, Neuchatel, Switzerland
January 30th - Vivaldi, Piazzolla at the Burghof, Lorrach, Germany
January 31st – with the Orchestre Symphonique Lyonnais, Annonay, France


Paul Chamberlain Recitals, Yorkshire – UK

Paul ChamberlainPaul Chamberlain performs a recital at Ripon Cathedral on Thursday January 30th, 1.15pm. Free, with a retiring collection. His programme includes ‘Sonata No 2’ (1st movement) - Vladislav Zolotariev, ‘Spanish Dance’ – Enrique Granados, ‘Adios Nonino’, ‘Libertango’ – Astor Piazzolla, ‘Prophetic Dream’ – Viacheslav Semionov, ‘Concertstuk’ – Carl Maria Von Weber.

On Friday January 31st, 1.15pm, Paul Chamberlain performs at the Clothworkers Centenary Hall, University of Leeds. His programme will include JS Bach’s ‘Toccata and Fugue in D Minor’ as well as works by Khachaturian, Angelis and Zolotariev amongst others. Free admission.

Paul Chamberlain was one of the first classical accordionists to graduate from the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland in Glasgow, where he studied with Djordje Gajic. He gained a BMus (Hons) degree and has recently graduated from RCS with a Master of Music Performance, with Distinction.

Paul has performed at festivals such as Baltica Harmonica in St. Petersburg, Russia, and Sata-Häme Soi Accordion festival in Ikaalinen, Finland. He has also performed in France, Italy, Greece, Bahrain and the USA. In 2011,

Paul released his debut solo album, ‘Classical Accordion’. This spring he will be making a new recording which will include a mixture of chamber works and solo repertoire, and will be released in July 2014.

For further information email: paul@theaccordionist.com
CD and original compositions available at: Paul Chamberlain


Matthias Matzke Concert, Sitzungssaal - Germany

Matthias MatzkeMatthias Matzke performs in concert on January 31st, 8pm, at Rathaus OHZ, 27711 Osterholz-Scharmbeck, Rathaus, Sitzungssaal.

Barely 20 years, Matthias Matzke has done concert tours in China, Japan, Korea, Russia, Costa Rica, and throughout Europe. He performs a "cross-over" repertoire that incorporates traditional folk, jazz, rock, musette, and classical music. Admission - adults 12 euros, children and adolescents 6 euros.


Concerts @ the Križanke Summer Theatre, Ljubjliana – Slovenia

Nikolai OvchinnikovThere are two classical concerts involving accordionists in early February taking place at the Križanke Summer Theatre, Ljubjliana, Slovenia. These are:

February 10th, 7.30pm - Tjaša Ceric - accordion, Domen Koren - saxophone, and Jan Sever – piano, performing works by T. Habe, P. Sancan, E. Schulhoff, J. S. Bach, V. Avsec, E. Grieg, S. Prokofiev. Free admission

February 12th, 7.30pm – students from the St Petersburg Conservatory: Nikolai Ovchinnikov - accordion (pictured above) German Skripachev - piano, Elizaveta Ukrainskaya - piano, Ilya Izmailov - cello, Anastasia Farrachova - violin, Apollinaria Nosacheva – violin. Works by P. Tchaikovsky,  D. Shostakovich, K. Davydov, A. Alyabyev, G. Sviridov,  R. Shchedrin, S. Rachmaninoff, F. Chopin, A. Scriabin, R.Roggieri, Streychy/Akhanov, C.Thomain, A. Piazzolla,  I. Frolov, S. Joplin. Free admission


40th NAAFC ‘Box & Fiddle’ Championships, Scotland - UK

Box and Fiddle header
NAAFC logoNAAFC logoThe annual National Accordion and Fiddle Championships take place on Saturday March 1st at the Inchyra Grange Hotel, Polmont, Falkirk, Scotland.

The competitions include Traditional Accordion Solo, Polka and Musette, with other sections including Accordion Orchestra/Showband, Scottish Bands and Trios. There are also numerous fiddle sections. Further details are on the Box & Fiddle magazine website.

This year’s selected composers are Ian Powrie – accordion, Michael Philip – fiddle.

The adjudicators for accordion are: classical - Paul Chamberlain, Neil Copland; traditional – Colin Garvin, Charlie Kirkpatrick, Iain MacPhail; fiddle – Bill Cook, Graham Reid, Stella Wilkie; percussion – Gus Millar.

The competitions are followed by a concert, and a ceilidh with Neil Hardie and his Scottish Dance Band, 9pm, in the hotel.

For further information email: lorna.mair@ymail.com


Bellows and Waves Accordion Week, Devon‏ - UK

Ian Watson and Julie NorthThis year’s ‘Bellows and Waves Accordion Week’ takes place from Sunday 25th to Wednesday 28th May at The Ariel Centre, Mullacott, near Ilfracombe, Devon. This venue offers panoramic views over the Devon countryside across to the Bristol Channel. 

There will be 4 days of intensive rehearsals, leading to a concert in Emmanuel Church, Ilfracombe, on May 28th at 8pm. The programme of music will include original works for accordion orchestra as well as arrangements of popular classics, film music and other well-known favourites. Rehearsals will be directed by Ian Watson. 

The cost of the course will be £135 per person, which includes tuition, hire of music and tea/coffee/ biscuits /soft drinks at break. The fee also includes a Welcome Meal and party on the first evening. Please note that all other meals are not included. 
All members of the course will have to find their own accommodation. Ilfracombe is a picturesque coastal town and there are many B & Bs, hotels, holiday parks and camp sites within a short drive of the rehearsal venue. The Tourist Information Centre telephone number is 01271 863001, and the website www.visitilfracombe.co.uk is also very useful.
There will also be an optional, informal play-along session to finish the week on the morning of Thursday May 29th. 

For further information email: jnorth72@hotmail.com


‘Il fiore delle mille e una nota’, Amsterdam – Netherlands

Claudio Jacomucci‘Il fiore delle mille e una nota’ is a contemporary music and dance festival, May 2nd and 3rd, which takes place in Amsterdam in collaboration with the Italian Cultural Institute and the ICK Amsterdam, and in Urbino in collaboration with the Department of Culture of Urbino.

This third edition of this festival will feature internationally renowned artists as well as young international musicians prepared to perform through a series of master classes by Claudio Jacomucci.

There will also be the premiere of a new piece by Claudio Jacomucci and also a premiere of a choreography by Kathleen Delaney for a group of 5 dancers.

Il Coro Durantino will sing ‘Arcana’, a piece by Claudio Jacomucci for choir and accordion.

The full programme will be ready in February. The calendar to date includes:

Musicians master classes:
17-18-19 January 2014
21-22-23 February 2014
22-24 March 2014
Rehearsals in April 2014
Performance in Amsterdam, Netherlands: May 2nd and 3rd 2014
Performance in Urbino, Italy: 6-7-8 June 2014

For further information email: accordionconference@gmail.com


New and Updated Sites

Gary Dahl Releases New Arrangement - USA

Gary Dahl - Author, composer, arranger, recording artist and music educator announces the following updated music title for purchase on-line.

'Crimson Time', catalog: DH0245

Sample for this music is now available at the Music For Accordion web site. The music is in eSheet format e-mailed directly to your computer. Easy purchase with credit card.


Updated Accordion Examination Board of New Zealand (AEBNZ) website

Accordion Examination Board of New Zealand (AEBNZ) logoAccordion Examination Board of New Zealand (AEBNZ) logoThe Accordion Examination Board of New Zealand (AEBNZ) website has been updated with 2014 examination prices, entry forms and also a newsletter for teachers.


Updated Gary Daverne video page and website

Gary DaverneComposer, Arranger and conductor Gary Daverne ONZM website has been updated with new pictures and a video page.


CD Reviews

Johann Sebastian Bach - Volume 2 - The French Suites 4 – 6 Prelude and Fugue in A minor Air

Johann Sebastian Bach - Volume 2 - The French Suites 4 – 6 Prelude and Fugue in A minor Air CD coverCD Reviews Index for the Review of Johann Sebastian Bach - Volume 2 - The French Suites 4 – 6 Prelude and Fugue in A minor Air CD by Mika Väyrynen, Accordion, in English language, reviewed by Joan C. Sommers.


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