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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 24-Apr-2020
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Sergey Osokin 的最新复古爵士唱片,莫斯科 - 俄罗斯
Louis F Coppola (1937年-2020年)近日去世 – 美国
手风琴家 Ivan Filipchyk 的音乐作画
新的手风琴教学数字援助 - 美国


Renzo Ruggieri更新了Acquarelli Italiani(合奏)音乐 - 意大利
Alex Meixner 4月在他的客厅进行表演 - 美国
Keski-Pohjanmaan Konservatorio 线上音乐会在科科拉举行 - 芬兰
虚拟 Ceilidh 与“Tunes in the Hoose” - 苏格兰
回顾:Gary Daverne 视频“这就是我的生活” - 新西兰
Trimester Auditions During Covid-19 Lockdown – Spain
Orchester Hohnerklang 呈现全新线上作品 - 德国
Accordion Class Presses On Virtually During Covid-19 Lockdown - USA
Cancelled: 2020 Vancouver Folk Music Festival – Canada


Brooklyn Accordion Club Meeting Features Rob Curto - USA


网站更新:手风琴之家的新徽标和新处所 - 新西兰

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Sergey Osokin 的最新复古爵士唱片,莫斯科 - 俄罗斯

Sergey Osokin视频1:Kurt Weill,Mack the Knife.。
视频2:John Schonberger,Whispering。

Sergey Osokin 在 Piton Sound 和他的复古五重奏一起,录制了两个音乐视频。 该五重奏的其他成员分别是:Konstantin Gevondyan(小号),Andrey Agafonov(吉他),Stas Cheremushkin(大号)和 Igor Yampolskiy(鼓)。

Sergey Osokin 是 MGIM. A. Schnittke(莫斯科 Schnittke 国家音乐学院)的助理教授,手风琴家,全俄罗斯和国际比赛的大奖赛冠军得主,俄罗斯、亚洲、欧洲和美国的各音乐节参与者。


在2018年,他为秋明州戏剧剧院“Ghosts”(E. de Filippo)的表演创作了音乐,并且是“2018年手风琴论坛”的组织者之一。


Louis F Coppola (1937年-2020年)近日去世 – 美国

Lifetime awardLou Coppola美国手风琴家协会 American Accordionists' Association (AAA) 非常遗憾地告知大家,我们挚爱的 Louis F. Coppola 于2020年4月20日上午因白血病并发症不幸去世。

Louis 于1937年5月25日出生于康涅狄格州的布里奇波特,以其富有吸引力且很受欢迎的性格,一生都致力于用优美的手风琴音乐传播快乐。 他曾是一位伟大的手风琴大使和 AAA 的大力支持者,Louis 将被所有人深深怀念!! 手风琴界至此失去了界内最好的大师之一。

请访问下方 Louis 的个人简介以及视频,环球手风琴日报以及 Louis 的生活幻灯片。 以上所有内容都是为 Louis 的 AAA 终身成就奖准备的,该奖项于2018年7月在弗吉尼亚州亚历山大市颁发给他。想要查看这些内容,请单击:Lou Coppola


手风琴家 Ivan Filipchyk 的音乐作画

Ivan Filipchyk上面的视频介绍了位于纽约的手风琴家和艺术家 Ivan Filipchyk (俄罗斯)。 Ivan 拍摄了自己的画作,然后加快了视频的播放速度以配合他在手风琴上演奏作品的时长。

Ivan 也定期完成了他的音乐绘画。



新的手风琴教学数字援助 - 美国

NS MM orchestra
Ernesto Zurita Ruiz(美国)于今年3月初访问了新西兰。 在访问期间,他参加了奥克兰北岸手风琴乐队( North Shore Accordion Orchestra )的排练。 首先,他参观了由 Christine Johnstone 带领的音乐制作人彩排(上图)。 他向孩子们介绍说,他正在为演奏手风琴的孩子们开发一种新型的数字手风琴学习辅助系统。 接下来,他参加了由 Lionel Reekie 指挥的奥克兰手风琴交响乐团排练。

Upon his return to the US, he completed his semester at the University of Portland in Mechanical Engineering and wanted to send updates on his project to the New Zealand Accordion Association.

He said “The weeks following my visit, I began working on a rough physical prototype of my digital accordion learning idea. This was so I could show off something tangible at the University of Portland's Pilots Venture Challenge. This competition was held yesterday where I gave a presentation in front of judges who ranged in backgrounds from intellectual property attorneys, marketers, and product developers among others. My venture idea (which I named ‘Accord-On!’) placed second in the competition.

这为我提供了750美元的奖金,以帮助我改进原始版本,并让我能够参加今年9月底举行的 InventOregon 比赛的半决赛。” 他说

新西兰手风琴协会( New Zealand Accordion Association )十分感谢 Ernesto的 辛苦工作,并希望他能在即将到来的比赛和“Accord-On!”的发展中取得成功。



Renzo Ruggieri更新了Acquarelli Italiani(合奏)音乐 - 意大利

rrenzo520 CoverRenzo RuggieriRenzo Ruggieri 更新了他的 Acquarelli Italiani(合奏)作品,现在包括:
以及 手风琴独奏和弦乐团(总谱和各声部)
以及 手风琴独奏和手风琴乐队(总谱和各声部)

pdf格式的乐谱 rrenzo520 可以在线购买,仅售50欧元。

Acquarelli Italiani was born in 2003 for accordion and symphonic orchestra, later it was adapted for solo accordion (in same musical editions). It is a tribute to the composition "Acquarelli Cubani" by the brilliant Luciano Fancelli but basing its development on the rhythm of the "tarantella". The arrangement also contains a “written improvisation” that the soloist can customize.

rrenzo509 - Acquarelli Italiani(仅独奏)


Alex Meixner 4月在他的客厅进行表演 - 美国

Alex Meixner现在我们都被限制在家里了,也不能够出去听现场音乐会,而手风琴家 Alex Meixner 通过互联网的方式将他的音乐传递给了我们所有人。 为 Alex 的活泼、乐观和积极的表现点赞。 忘掉麻烦,尽情享受 Alex 演奏的波尔卡音乐吧!

Meixner’s formative musical studies were on piano and piano accordion, but he quickly branched out on drums, diatonic button accordion, bass and trumpet, his college major. This instrumental versatility is combined with a musical background that has included intense studies and performance of jazz, classical, pop, polkas and many ethnic folk music genres with some of the leading artists in the world.

His talents in music and comedy were featured on the Tonight Show on NBC. His “Polka Freak Out” CD with Bubba Hernandez garnered a Grammy nomination in December 2007. Alex has performed as a solo artist and with numerous touring ensembles. In 2016 Alex collaborated with the notable advertising agency, BBDO, to produce the infamous Hormel Pepperoni commercials contributing to a successful sales campaign and contract renewals. At the end of 2016, he recorded with comedy phenomenon, Jack Black, for the major motion picture, ”The Polka King, ” that premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in 2017. Alex’s reputation for professionalism and quality performance attracted additional commercial opportunities including performing on radio commercials for Ford Trucks and the soundtracks for numerous episodes of Moonshiners on the Discovery Network.

Alex has performed on over 50 albums, including 17 as a leader or soloist. His performance with his Father on Canadian Polka King, Walter Ostanek’s, “Music and Friends” won a Grammy Award. His album Polka Freak Out, a collaboration with Bubba Hernandez, was nominated for a Grammy Award in 2007. He has also recorded with a vast number of diverse artists as a soloist or sideman including avant-garde accordionist/composer Guy Klucevsek, Grammy winner Brave Combo, TexMex Rock icon The Krayolas and Irish entertainer Seamus Kennedy.

His latest recording as a leader is “You Asked for It!”, a live concert DVD and CD of The Alex Meixner Band released in 2016.

For details email: info@alexmeixner.com


Keski-Pohjanmaan Konservatorio 线上音乐会在科科拉举行 - 芬兰

Keski-Pohjanmaan Konservatorio header
4月23日,位于芬兰科科拉的 Keski-Pohjanmaan Konservatoratorio 为6级和10级学生举办了一场视频音乐会! 上面的视频介绍了手风琴家 Vilma Wirén。



虚拟 Ceilidh 与“Tunes in the Hoose” - 苏格兰

Tunes in the Hoose“Tunes in the Hoose”是一个线上社区,其创建目的是为了因受到 Covid-19 影响而使得机会不确定且使表演者必须居家隔离的情况下,使苏格兰的音乐家们仍能一起演奏。

Created by Peter Wood and Martin MacLeod, they hope to inspire more musicians to participate until the time comes when they are able to perform in concert again. They aim to spread positivity through music across the globe.

The video above features accordionists Peter Wood, Phil Jones and Susan MacFadyen.

For all enquires email: tunes@martinmacleodfilms.com


回顾:Gary Daverne 视频“这就是我的生活” - 新西兰

Gary DaverneGary Daverne ONZM 最近发布了一份图片幻灯片展示,“这就是我的生活”,主要关于这位新西兰作曲家、管弦乐队指挥和唱片制作人的光辉一生。 Gary 于1996年被任为获得新西兰功绩勋章的官员。从1975年组建奥克兰交响乐团开始,他就一直担任着音乐总监/指挥,直到2010年退休时,他被任命为荣誉音乐总监。

Daverne has also conducted many major orchestras around the world and is also New Zealand's most prolific composer and arranger of music for the accordion.

The video includes pictures of accordionists that have performed with the Auckland Symphony Orchestra including New Zealanders Tracey Collins, Kevin Friedrich, Harley Jones and Stephanie Poole as well as Mary Tokarski and Betty Jo Simon (from USA).



Trimester Auditions During Covid-19 Lockdown – Spain

Gorka HermosaConservatorio Jesús de MonasterioGorka Hermosa (picture left) held online Trimester accordion auditions at the Conservatorio Jesús de Monasterio (picture above) in Cantabria, Spain.

Each student was requested to send a video by March 25th. The videos were discussed in a positive way on a private social media platform.


Orchester Hohnerklang 呈现全新线上作品 - 德国

来自德国 Trossingen 的 Orchester Hohnerklang 包括口琴和手风琴等传统乐器。 该乐团刚刚发布了由乐团总监 Hans-GüntherKölz 创作的名为“Wirhaltenzusammen”的新作品的线上视频。

在新型冠状病毒肆虐的期间,乐团仍旧保持着活跃的状态,因此彼此之间并没有失去联系。 为了完成这作品,每位演奏者都在家努力练习并录制了各自的视频。

Orchester Hohnerklang


Accordion Class Presses On Virtually During Covid-19 Lockdown - USA

CBS Chicago television reported this week on a virtual accordion class. “The stay-at-home order did not stop Mary Ann Covone from getting her Old Town School of Folk Music accordion class to connect -- this time in a virtual setting” CBS 2's Brad Edwards reported.

The video above includes an interview with Mary Ann and what she is achieving in the face of Covid-19.


Cancelled: 2020 Vancouver Folk Music Festival – Canada

Vancouver headerIt is with heavy hearts that organisers announce they are cancelling this year's Vancouver Folk Music Festival, scheduled to take place in July, in response to COVID-19.

"The safety of our community, staff, contractors, artists, volunteers, vendors, sponsors, suppliers, patrons and festival supporters is of utmost importance. We know this is the responsible decision for everyone’s health."

However, next year’s event has already been scheduled to take place from July 16th to 18th, 2021.

They will contact all ticket holders regarding options to donate the ticket cost, to rollover to their 2021 event or receive a refund and are asking everyone to be patient as this could take some time.






Brooklyn Accordion Club Meeting Features Rob Curto - USA

BAC logoRob CurtoThe Brooklyn Accordion Club will hold their next meeting on April 26th from 2pm to 3pm (NYC time) on Zoom! This meeting will feature accordionist and composer Rob Curto (picture above), who will share his expertise on Brazilian music on the accordion. Rob is a founding member of the "Brazilian Bluegrass" band Matuto, which gained a following across the US and Canada, was selected to showcase at WOMEX, and toured extensively across Africa, Asia and Europe.

If you wish to attend this meeting please email: brooklynaccordionclub@gmail.com

The club is also planning a Quarantine edition 2020 of its magazine “SqueeZine!” and is currently collecting accordion related quarantine stories; how you have been spending your quarantined days, what kinds of music activities you are enjoying, or just simply your accordion stories. If you would like to contribute an item email: brooklynaccordionclub@gmail.com




Russia news banner
俄罗斯手风琴新闻( Russia News )已更新,现已可以在线上查看


网站更新:手风琴之家的新徽标和新处所 - 新西兰

New Accordion House logo
Maurice JonesMaurice Jones 管理的手风琴之家进口商/零售商( Maurice JonesAccordion House Importer/Retailer )已经开始使用了由其女儿 Alanah Jones 设计的新徽标,并更新了其网站,以推广他们最近所搬到的新场所。

地址是:5 Penning Road,Milford0620。电话号码保持不变,+ 64 94898316。
TitanoPigini 手风琴的经销商。


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