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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 22-May-2020
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世界手风琴日直播,5月23日 - 全球
94位音乐家一齐演奏N. Paganini的作品Moto Perpetuo - 全球
2020年南太平洋和新西兰手风琴锦标赛 - 新西兰
Corey Purcell 隔离期间自制视频剪辑 - 美国


视频:Grayson Masefield 和 Haein Yujeong Jeon 演奏组合 - 韩国
来自伦敦的“Bach in Lockdown” - 英国
Mario Tacca 在纽约特别教堂音乐会上的演出 - 美国
Scythian 的 Quaranstream 星期五 - 美国
Gwenda Wilkin(1933-2020),伦敦 – 英国
New Article: ‘An Audience with the Accordion Champions’ CD, Scotland - UK
“Akkordeon-Duo Fink” Covid-19 Lockdown CD - Switzerland


20’s, 30’s and Jug Band Music with Daddy Squeeze Online - USA
手风琴家 Valdemiro Gomes de Sousa 参加的在线音乐会将举行 - 巴西
Brooklyn Accordion Club Meetings - USA
Virtual Accordion Camp in June 2020
CINEMA线上远程学习计划 - 法国


下一次直播时间为5月23日,报道内容:5月9日世界手风琴日 - 全球
报道:5月6日世界手风琴日直播 - 全球

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世界手风琴日直播,5月23日 - 全球

WAD header
WAD logo最新的第3次直播,2020年5月23日 - 视频现在可在线上观看:WAD2020

直播开始时间:*罗马 - 晚上7点 *莫斯科 - 晚上8点 *纽约 - 下午1点 *洛杉矶 - 上午10点 *奥克兰 – 早上5点(6月7日)*中国 - 上午9点(6月7日)。
WAD header


94位音乐家一齐演奏N. Paganini的作品Moto Perpetuo - 全球

来自俄罗斯,白俄罗斯,乌克兰,瑞典,塞尔维亚,波兰,波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那各地的演奏者们“齐聚一堂”,共同演奏了 N. Paganini 的作品 Moto Perpetuo!

94位表演者参加了“永恒运动(Eternal Movement)”视频的创作,该视频汇集的表演者分别来自29个俄罗斯城市,例如:莫斯科,圣彼得堡,叶卡捷琳堡,喀山,新西伯利亚,顿河畔罗斯托夫,萨马拉,萨拉托夫,乌里扬诺夫斯克,伊尔库茨克,克拉斯诺亚尔斯克, 海参崴,沃洛格达州,约什卡尔奥拉,克拉斯诺达尔,切尔尼,鄂木斯克,鄂木斯克,阿尔斯克,图拉,乌法,沃洛格达州和纳迪姆。



2020年南太平洋和新西兰手风琴锦标赛 - 新西兰

NZAA Banner
Kevin Friedrich由于新冠疫情的影响,新西兰手风琴协会( New Zealand Accordion Association )将于2020年5月30日举办今年的南太平洋国际冠军独奏比赛。 由于政府的限制政策规定,该赛事将为线上比赛,没有现场观众,只有冠军个人类别,也没有国际嘉宾或比赛选手。

评审团首席成员是 CIA 大使 Kevin Friedrich (右图)。

比赛视频和相关比赛结果公告将在新西兰时间下午5点在 NZAA 网站上发布。

过去的赛事报道:South Pacific Daily Reports


Corey Purcell 隔离期间自制视频剪辑 - 美国

Corey Purcell上面的视频曲目包括 Reels: The Broken Pledge/The Scholar

这位有才华的多乐器演奏家,Corey Purcell,在疫情隔离期间度过的这段时间里,也努力学习了一些视频编辑的技巧,正如您在上面的视频中看到的那样,他已将这些技能应用上了。

Corey 是一位屡获嘉奖的爱尔兰舞者和音乐家,目前居住在美国宾夕法尼亚州的阿伦敦。



视频:Grayson Masefield 和 Haein Yujeong Jeon 演奏组合 - 韩国

录像:二重奏组 Haein Yujeong Jeon(韩国)和 Grayson Masefield (新西兰)演奏由 Franck Angelis 创作的 Hommage a Paco 手风琴二重奏版本的视频片段。


音乐可在线获取,目录:ang557 - Hommage A Paco(Duet)


来自伦敦的“Bach in Lockdown” - 英国

位于英格兰伦敦的皇家音乐学院上传了一些他们的手风琴校友的视频,他们表演了趣味版的“Bach in Lockdown”

学院的四位校友分别是伊洛娜·索玛莱宁(Ilona Suomalainen),巴托斯·格洛奇(Bartosz Glowacki),伊涅戈·迈克雷兹·贝拉德(IñigoMikeleiz Berrade)和卡塔琳娜·阿霍涅米(Katarinaina Ahjoniemi),他们演奏了巴赫的勃兰登堡协奏曲三号。



Mario Tacca 在纽约特别教堂音乐会上的演出 - 美国

Tacco concert poster
2020年5月13日, Mario Tacca (手风琴)和 Mary Mancini(声乐)在特别的线上音乐会上进行了演出,该音乐会是在纽约 Peekskill Assumption 教会的 Monsignor Francis Ansbro Adoration Chapel 举行的,以纪念Feast of Our Lady of Fatima。



Scythian 的 Quaranstream 星期五 - 美国

Dan由五人组成的乐队“Scythian”于5月15日进行了名为“Quaranstream”的线上演出。 乐队包括手风琴家 Dan Fedoryka(右图),他与他的兄弟Alex一同是该乐队的创始成员。



scythian poster



WW poster

为庆祝5月6日世界手风琴日( World Accordion Day ),Weltmeister Akkordeon Manufaktur GmbH 组织了2020年世界网络节“Weltmeister Wednesdays”。 该活动以虚拟音乐会系列的线上形式进行,目的是在疫情封锁的艰难时期将来自不同国家的音乐家(爱手风琴,巴扬或口琴)召集在一起。

本周5月20日的视频中包括了“Crazy Accordion Trio”的演出。 乐队成员 Marcin,Pawel和Piotrek(波兰)演奏了许多乐曲,并展示了手风琴的多功能性。

本周其他的表演者包括 Weronika Sura(波兰),Cristian Rabi(阿根廷)和 Georgiy Kononov(俄罗斯)。

该活动将持续在每个星期三晚上7点德国时区举行一个小时的表演。 节日的组织者鼓励各个年龄段的参与者参加。 视频不应超过10分钟。

Crazy poster


Gwenda Wilkin(1933-2020),伦敦 – 英国

Gwenda WilkinGwenda Wilkin 是战后英国最好的手风琴家之一,也是该乐器的真实人物之一。 从1950年到1980年代初期,她的事业促使她前往到了世界各地,其中包括1956年她在德国,奥地利,意大利,缅甸,塞浦路斯和埃及等地为许多武装部队进行巡回演唱会,而在当时,苏伊士危机也发生了。

Gwenda 在伦敦沃尔瑟姆斯托(Walthamstow)的乔治莫诺克斯文法爵士学校接受教育,当女校长在电视上观看她在音乐比赛中的表演时,她才被学习开除,而开除原因是学校方面称这是“年轻女性的不雅行为”!

Gwenda studied the accordion in London with Adrian Dante, and also was a highly proficient pianist and violinist. In 1948 she became BAA British Junior Champion at the British Association of Accordionists Championships held at St Pancras Town Hall in London. At short notice, due to the sudden withdrawal of the British entry, she entered the 1949 CIA Coupe Mondiale in Belgium, achieving sixth place. The following year Gwenda came third in the 1950 Couple Mondiale held in Milan, after which she turned professional. She performed on ‘Opportunity Knocks’ on Radio Luxembourg, on television, and many times on the BBC Light Programme, on such shows as ‘Workers Playtime’, ‘Accordion’, and ‘Music While You Work’. She worked frequently with the singers Gracie Fields and Vera Lynn, and many other stars of show business.

By the 1980s Gwenda had grown tired of performing, and had a career change when she studied animal husbandry and worked in a veterinary practice. In 1993 she obtained a pilot’s licence, and then learned to fly a helicopter.

Gwenda Wilkin was widowed, had a son and daughter, and passed away on May 6th at the age of 86 in hospital following complications during surgery.


New Article: ‘An Audience with the Accordion Champions’ CD, Scotland - UK

CD coverA new article about the CD 'An Audience with the Accordion Champions' is now online at:

It is not intended as a review, though it may come across as one. The standard of playing is top class and the sound quality is really good for a live recording. To win an All Scotland title you have to be better than just good!

The organiser of the concert was Leonard Brown, who is a young man of extraordinary energy, talent and vision. In a short time of a few years he has accomplished more than most do in a lifetime, with numerous tours, CDs and DVDs to his credit. He also organises concerts, including special tribute events for players, including one for the late Tom Alexander.

There is also an article about Leonard Brown in Rob Howard’s book 'Accordion Anthology'.


“Akkordeon-Duo Fink” Covid-19 Lockdown CD - Switzerland

Fink CD coverTrack listDuring Covid-19 lockdown “Akkordeon-Duo Fink” were busy recording their new CD entitled “Evergreens” which is now available. The duo, which includes Sandra and Markus Fink from Lyss in Switzerland have released several CD’s over the past few years.

Tracks include Crazy, Funiculi Funicula, Tango Bolero and many others (see picture above right).

For details email: info@ame-lyss.ch



20’s, 30’s and Jug Band Music with Daddy Squeeze Online - USA

Dan NewtonAccordionist Daddy Squeeze – Dan Newton and Elizabeth – will perform an online live show of 20’s, 30’s and Jug Band music on May 25th at 7pm CT.

On May 28th at noon CT they will run an All Requests presentation and on June 1st at noon CT they will entertain you with French Tunes.

For details email: daddysqueeze@yahoo.com


手风琴家 Valdemiro Gomes de Sousa 参加的在线音乐会将举行 - 巴西

Brazil poster手风琴家 Valdemiro Gomes de Sousa 先生将与歌手 Jéssica Mendonça(来自Banda Doce Sabor)一起举办线上音乐会。 该活动将于2020年6月13日晚上8点举行。

音乐会由 Look Som e Eventos 举办,并将在Youtube上进行播放。


Brooklyn Accordion Club Meetings - USA

BAC logoThe Brooklyn Accordion Club plans to hold the following upcoming Zoom meetings. Attendees will need to RSVP for each meeting.

The club asks "If you are interested in performing a piece or two during the open mic, please let us know by email so that you are on the program! Also, if you have a question about accordion playing in general, email us your questions. Your questions will be answered by the presenter or your peers in the audience."

Sunday, May 31st from 2pm to 3.30pm (EDT - NYC time)
Guest presenter: Will Holshouser

Sunday, June 14th from 8pm to 9:30pm (EDT - NYC time)
Guest presenter: JP Jofre (bandoneonist)

For details email: brooklynaccordionclub@gmail.com


Virtual Accordion Camp in June 2020

Camp logo
A Virtual Accordion Camp is planned for June 27th, 2020, which will include a variety of workshops and concerts.

Whether you’re an experienced accordion player or just starting out, you are invited to join the fun, camaraderie, and inspiration of a camp setting from the comfort of your own home. The day will feature an afternoon of workshops culminating in a meet-the-artist-style concert with camp staff.

You will have the opportunity to learn new skills and expand existing ones in multi-level Zoom classrooms, with topics ranging from repertoire-building to bellows control to techniques for the left hand.

The camp is geared towards piano accordion players, though other accordions are welcome.

Tutors include:

Rachel Bell (accordionist, performer, tunesmith, and music educator) who will run workshops on Breton Repertoire and Left Hand Techniques.

Alex Cumming (traditional singer, accordionist, pianist and dance caller) who will give workshops on English Repertoire and Bellows Techniques.

Jeremiah McLane (composer, accordionist, pianist, and educator) who will give workshops on Right Hand Techniques and Bal Folk Repertoire.

All participants will gather together to recap the day and have time for some Q&A's.

The concert will include 90 minutes of music and fun with the camp tutors in an informal "chance to meet" style concert.

For further information email: info@virtualaccordioncamp.com


CINEMA线上远程学习计划 - 法国

Alain PennecNathalie Boucheix 领导的 CNIMA 宣布了未来的在线远程学习计划。

第一项内容是将于2020年7月20日至24日开始的与 Alain Pennec 一起的凯尔特音乐交流会(左图)。

Alain 是凯尔特音乐的专家,他将向您介绍不列塔尼,爱尔兰,威尔士,阿斯图里亚斯和其他音乐的曲目。 这些曲目将指导有关修饰,停顿和风箱的技术工作。 他也将讨论与此音乐有关的不同风格。 该课程面向全音阶和半音阶手风琴演奏者开放




下一次直播时间为5月23日,报道内容:5月9日世界手风琴日 - 全球

WAD header
WAD5月9日的 WAD2020 包括:

许笑男(中国)介绍他在 CIA Coupe Mondiale 的经历。他曾是2012年意大利斯波莱托 Coupe Mondiale 大赛中首位中国冠军选手。随后,他与钢琴演奏家许歌卉表演了自己的作品《夏日的风》。

A performance by Matthias Matzke (Germany) who won the Coupe Mondiale Junior Virtuoso Entertainment class in 2011 and the Digital Accordion class in 2014. Matthias performs Ghost Love Score – Nightwish.

An interview with DHV Vice President Georg Hettman who gives information about the DHV such as what the organisation offers, where they operate and members of the organisation. He then presents a performance by the HUMI Accordion band (Poland), 1st place winners of the Mixed Instrumentation Orchestra Youth division at the Innsbruck Festival.

Georg Hettman is then joined by CIA Music Committee member Andreas Nebl and the CEO of the Hohner Konservatorium, Bernhard van Almsick who give interesting interviews regarding musical styles and how the school assists students to find their own musical style. This is followed with a video performance by Felix Fritschi.

A performance by past Coupe Mondiale winner Valerio Russo, who performs a composition by Renzo Ruggieri.

An interesting interview and performance with Vincent van Amsterdam from NOVAM (Netherlands) and performances from their 90th anniversary celebration concert. This is followed by information on the accordion in The Netherlands.

Interview and performance with the Royal Danish Academy of Music Professor, Geir Draugsvoll who talks about the Academy, teachers, programs etc. along with various performance videos.

Interview and performance with Mikk Langeproon from Eesti Akordioniliit (Estonian Accordion Society) who talks about their society, members and events organised by them.

The broadcast finished with the winners of the Coupe Mondiale International Ensemble World Music 2018 - The Pillers (Austria).

Plus much more for your enjoyment at: WAD2020
World Accordion Day header 9th May 2020


报道:5月6日世界手风琴日直播 - 全球

World Accordion Day
WAD logo的精彩访谈与视频。

WAD2020 包括以下内容:
来自 2019 CIA Coupe Mondiale 的获奖者 Kirill Rusinov 的介绍和表演

Grayson Masefield (新西兰)和 Kevin Friedrich (美国)热烈欢迎大家的参加

预计于2020年10月5日至11日举办的2020年第73届 CIA Coupe Mondiale 的相关信息和计划由位于葡萄牙的 Algarve 手风琴协会主办负责

捷克手风琴协会的相关内容与表演 – 手风琴家 Milan Rehak 喜欢通过演奏不同的曲子来进行表演展示,他还演奏了十分有趣的“Bach Meets ACDC”

采访 Motion Trio 三重奏组合,以及 Motion Trio 和 Ratingen Kammerchoir 共同创作的名为“直升机”的新作的全球首映,以庆祝 Motion Trio 三重奏一起演奏25周年。该CD将很快发行。

中国手风琴协会带来了2019年 CIA Coupe Mondiale (中国深圳)上的获奖者和音乐会演奏者们的精彩演出、2019年上海之春国际手风琴音乐节上的乐曲以及 Nova Wan 的新作品。后文将包含更多相关信息。

最后一场演出是 Radu Ratoi 演奏的由圣桑创作的 Dance Macabre 。 Radu 曾荣获 2019年 CIA Coupe Mondiale 大师赛类别的冠军



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