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Weekly News from Around the World - 22-May-2009
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Roland Italien - Nationaler Bewerb - Italien
2009 Strumenti & Musica Spring Festival, Spoleto - Italien
Roland Corporation - Sponsor des Coupe Mondiale's 2009
Mika Väyrynen mit dem Tampere Philharmonic Orchester - Finnland
North Shore "junge Künstler des Jahres" – Neuseeland

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

World Accordion Day
‘Accordions International 2009’, Blackpool – UK
Chico Chagas wins 1st Prize in Jazz Festival, Kaunas - Lithuania

Future events

4th Festival of Accordion Music ‘From Baroque to Jazz’, Wroclaw - Poland
‘The Art of Accordion’ Concert at Carnegie Hall‏, New York - USA
Akkordeonorchester Klingenthal e.V. to Loreto & Castelfidardo – Italy
International Accordion Competition “Ascoltate 2009” - Lithuania
Peter Soave in concert, Lausanne - Switzerland
St Audries Bay Summer Accordion Week 2009, Somerset – UK
3rd Accordion Art Festival and Contests 2009, Mosciano – Italy
Bruno Maurice Master Class at Académie Festival des Arcs 2009‏, Savoie - France
Renzo Ruggieri Presents Exhibitions by Marco Goldin, Rimini, Udine - Italy

New and Updated Sites

Rob Howard new book release
Franco Cambareri new works
Salvatore Cauteruccio new CDs
Semion Shmelkov new CDs

CD Reviews

Accordeon Obsession

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Roland Italien - Nationaler Bewerb - Italien

Roland Italy National Selection (Selezione Nazionale) banner
2009 Italien Nationaler Bewerb ((2009 Italy National Selection (Selezione Nazionale) Nationaler Qualifikationsbewerb für das Roland Internationale Festival, in Rom am 21 November 2009.


2009 Strumenti & Musica Spring Festival, Spoleto - Italien

2009 Strumenti & Musica Spring Festival, Spoleto banner
Verfolgen Sie den täglichen online Bericht von dem 2009 Strumenti & Musica Spring Festival in Spoleto, Italien

Wettbewerbe und Konzerte, 1 Seminar und Kontzert von Viatcheslav Semionov, sowie ein Konzert mit dem weltweit bekannten Brasilianer Renato Borghette und seiner Band finden vom 15-17 Mai statt. Die 2 besten italienischen Teilnehmer werden vom IAC (Italienische Akkordeon Kultur – italienisches Mitglied der CIA) zur Teilnahme am CIA Coupe Mondiale in 2009 gesponsert, der in Auckland, Neuseeland im August stattfinden wird.

Daily Reports online of the 2009 Strumenti & Musica Spring Festival.


Roland Corporation - Sponsor des Coupe Mondiale's 2009

Roland sponsored Coupe Mondiale Digital Accordion Competition logo
Roland logos, Luigi Bruti, Ludovic BeierRoland Corporation freut sich den ersten Coupe Mondiale in der Kategorie “Digital Akkordeon“ in North Shore Auckland City, Neuseeland, im August 2009 zu sponsorn.

Roland ist Hersteller von elektronischen Musikinstrumenten, einschließlich dem V-Akkordeon (V-Accordion). Während des 62. Coupe Mondiales (Coupe Mondiale), wird die gesamte Produktpalette der Roland V-Akkordeons im Bruce Mason Center für die Dauer der Veranstaltung, vom 25. - 29. August 2009 ausgestellt.

Roland Australia & New Zealand haben dafür zwei ganz besondere Gäste in die North Shore City, Neuseeland eingeladen.

Herr Luigi Bruti (links, Marketing-Direktor für Roland Europa - Ursprung des V-Akkordeons (V-Accordion). Herr Bruti ist eine zentrale Figur im Zusammenhang mit der Entwicklung des V-Akkordeons (V-Accordion) sowie dem internationalen Wettbewerb „V-Akkordeon-Festival/Wettbewer“,mit der ersten Edition im Jahre 2007, in welchem einige der besten Akkordeonisten aus aller Welt teilgenommen haben. Herr Bruti, selbst ein renommierter Akkordeonist, steht während der gesamten Veranstaltung allen Musikern und Fans mit persönlichen Erfahrungen und Kenntnissen mit dem Roland V-Akkordeon (V-Accordion) zum fachsimpeln zur Verfügung.

Weiters ist zu Gast Herr Ludovic Beier (links unten). Er kommt aus Frankreich und ist einer der besten Vertreter des Jazz-Akkordeons. Er wird sich während des 62. Coupe Mondiales (Coupe Mondiale) 2009 im Donnerstag Nacht-Konzert (27. August), mit einem Welt-Debüt der neuester Entwicklungen des Roland V-Akkordeons (V-Accordion), vorstellen. Ludovic wird auch am Freitag Abend (28. August) in einem informellen „französischen Abend“ zu hören sein. Ein inspirierender Künstler – ein Auftritt, den man nicht verpassen sollte.

Herr Brendan Callinan, Vertrieb und Marketing Manager für Roland Australia & New Zealand sagt: "die Präsentation des FR7 Roland V-Akkordeons (V-Accordion) im Jahr 2004 war der Höhepunkt vieler Jahre Planung und Entwicklung und erfüllt den langjährigen Wunsch des Roland Gründers, Herrn Ikutaro Kakehashi - Roland Akkordeon zu produzieren und damit sowhl der langen Geschichte und Tradition des Instruments gerecht zu werden mit Roland's Engagement für die Entwicklung mittels modernster Technologien zur Erhöhung jedes musikalischen Geschmackes.

Wir freuen uns sehr über die Gelegenheit mit kreativen Technologie auf eine musikalischen Zusammenarbeit und innerhalb des Coupe Mondiale Programmes und sehen einer lange und beiderseitigen positiven Kollaboration mit der CIA (Confederation Internationale des Accordeonistes) entgegen.


Mika Väyrynen mit dem Tampere Philharmonic Orchester - Finnland

Mika VäyrynenAm 16. April präsentierte der finnische Akkordeonistin Mika Väyrynen, zusammen mit dem Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra unter der Leitung von Maestro Okko Kamu das Konzert "Die Prophezeiung" von Erkki-Sven Tüür. Okko Kamu war 1969 der Gewinner des Herbert von Karajan-Wettbewerbes.

1100 Besucher füllten die Tampere Hall und die Kritik nach dem Konzert war kurz und bündig: "Mika Väyrynen’s Spielen kann nur mit einem Wort bezeichnet werden: phänomenal!". Neben seiner Arbeit mit dem Bayan, war der Künstler kürzlich mit einem Projekt auf dem Bandoneon für NBC-Finnland tätig.

Zur Zeit bereitet sich Mika auf ein anstrengendes Sommer Konzertprogramm vor und ist beim fertigstellen seiner neue CD "Misterium" mit dem Stück "Sonate Nr. 7“ – einer speziellen Widmung des Künstlers Anatoli Kusjakov and Mika. Die CD wird voraussichtlich im Herbst dieses Jahres veröffentlicht.


North Shore "junge Künstler des Jahres" – Neuseeland

Jessica ChenDie North Shore Wettbewerbe für Darstellende Künste hielten am vergangenen Wochenende ihre Akkordeon Kategorie Wettbewerbe und die Qualifikation für den Preis der nationalen „Jungen Künstler des Jahres“.

Der „Junge Künstler des Jahres“ Wettbewerb ist offen für alle Instrumente und haben sich dafür 8 Teilnehmer gemeldet. Der Bewerb wurde von der Akkordeonisten Jessica Chen (links) mit fast Höchstpunkteanzahl für sich entschieden. Sowohl Jessica als auch die zweitplazierte Geigerin Stella Kim werden im Oktober im nationalen Finale in Invercargill teilnehmen.

Der Top-Akkordeonbewerb wurde von Eddie Giffney gewonnen und Stephanie Panzic belegte den ausgezeichneten 2. Platz. Die drei preisgekrönten Akkordeonisten sind Teil eines Teams zur Förderung der Neuseeländischen Akkordeon Vereinigung (New Zealand Accordion Association), um junge Künstler darauf vorzubereiten ihr Land beim bevorstehenden Coupe Mondial im August 2009 erfolgreich zu vertreten.


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

World Accordion Day

World Accordion Day logoA large number of events on or near May 6th, World Accordion Day, took place in many countries. Austria, Canada, China, Finland, Germany, Guatemala, Ireland, Italy, New Zealand, Poland, Spain, United Kingdom, USA and Vietnam.

Reports on many of these events can be found on World Accordion Day website.


‘Accordions International 2009’, Blackpool – UK

Pietro Adragna and Claudio Recchia, Stefan Andrusyschyn and Denise Leigh,
David VernonAlexander and Vitaly Dmitriev‘Accordions International 2009’, organised by Heather Smith, took place from May 8th to 12th at Pontins, Blackpool. This year’s chief guests included young Italian accordionists Pietro Adragna and Claudio Recchia (late stand ins for Pino di Modugno and Giancarlo Caporilli, who withdrew through illness), and Alexander Dmitriev and Vitali Dmitriev - Russia.

Pietro Adragna, a 20 year old from Sicily, charmed everybody with his personality, brilliant technique and large repertoire. Many will long remember his impromptu late night concert in the bar, including his complex variations on ‘The Carnival of Venice’. Claudio Recchia, from Rome, similarly demonstrated a high standard of technique and love for playing in his performances.

There were marvellous performances from Alexander Dmitriev and Vitali Dmitriev, and UK-based artistes Stefan Andrusyschyn and vocalist Denise Leigh, Romano Viazzani, Bert Santilly and Harry Hussey

David Vernon, from Edinburgh, arrived on Sunday, and his Scottish music and humour quickly endeared him to his audiences. His entrances, in full kilt and playing bagpipes, were spectacular and memorable.

Romano Viazzani’s ‘Big Band’ workshop was memorable for a superb rendition of Glenn Miller’s ‘String of Pearls’, which included a trumpet solo from Marj Howard, and Pietro Adragna playing the piano part on a Roland FR7.

Brian Jenkins, Peter Whiteley, Jean Hanger and Bert Santilly capably led orchestral/band workshops. Adrienne Sharpe organised the daily ‘Free n Easy’ concerts and also the ‘Songs of Praise’.

The festival will also featured the release of Rob Howard’s new book, ‘An A to Z of the Accordion, Volume 4’, which sold well.

For further information email: heather@accordions.karoo.co.uk


Chico Chagas wins 1st Prize in Jazz Festival, Kaunas - Lithuania

Chico ChagasBrazilian accordionist Chico Chagas, now based in London, UK, won first prize in the recent Kaunas Jazz Festival, against such strong competitors as Joao Bosco and Paquito de Rivera, in a section with 10 bands in total.

Kaunas Jazz is Lithuania's biggest and stylistically most diverse jazz festival.


Future events

4th Festival of Accordion Music ‘From Baroque to Jazz’, Wroclaw - Poland

Accordion MusicThe 4th Festival of Accordion Music ‘From Baroque to Jazz’ takes place from May 23rd to 29th, organised by "S-ART" association: Private Music School & Art Agency, Wroclaw, Hubska 7

Among the festival events are:
1) The accordion contest: 23.05.2009.
2) Courses for accordionists: 25.05.2009, conducted by - Olexiy Suslov
3) The concert Laureates of Festival: 27.05.2009.
4) The concert of Accordion Orchestra Harmonica from Music School 1st and 2nd grade S-ART: 29.05.2009. Galina Krival – conductor. The program includes compositions G. Bizet, A. Petrov, A. Piazzolla, G. Sviridov, K. Weill.

In the competitive part of our Festival can be participated by pupils of Music Schools of the 1st and 2nd grade, students of Music Academies, professional musicians and unprofessional soloists and ensembles (without age limitation). There will be two categories in our competition: for soloists and for chamber ensembles/accordion orchestras.

For further information email: suslov@wp.pl


‘The Art of Accordion’ Concert at Carnegie Hall‏, New York - USA

Jelena Milojevic
Accordionist Jelena Milojevic will perform a recital at the Weill Hall, Carnegie Hall, New York, on May 27th, 8pm. She will perform works by A. Grothe, A. Kusiakov, F. Angelis, A. Nordheim, J. Gurbindo, V. Vlasov, and the world premiere of Chris Jarrett's ‘The last dawn of Anne Frank’.

Jelena Milojevic, from Croatia, now lives in Vancouver, Canada. She has won numerous international accordion competitions, both as soloist and chamber musician. One of her greatest successes came in Italy in 2003 when she won the Trophée Mondiale senior classical title.

For further information email: info@artesmusic.org


Akkordeonorchester Klingenthal e.V. to Loreto & Castelfidardo – Italy

The Akkordeonorchester Klingenthal e.V. is going to be performing in Castelfidardo on May 29th, 9.15pm at the Concerto Teatro Astra. On May 31st the Akkordeonorchester Klingenthal e.V. will be performing in Loreto at the Teatro Comunale di Loreto, 9:15 pm.

Klingenthal City in Germany and Castelfidardo City in Italy are sister cities and hold a number of cultural and social events each year to honor and celebrate this special relationship.


International Accordion Competition “Ascoltate 2009” - Lithuania

The International Accordion Competition “Ascoltate 2009” takes place in Prienai, Lithuania, from June 3rd to 7th. This competition is sponsored by the Veiveriai A. Kucingis School of Art and the Kaunas Accordion Society.

There are six categories, ranging from classical to jazz, for accordion soloists and ensembles born from 1990.

For further information email: mindaugas@akordeonas.lt


Peter Soave in concert, Lausanne - Switzerland

Peter SoaveOn his world tour, Peter Soave, master virtuoso of the bandoneon, will stop at the music store-Boullard music, Morges, near Lausanne, Switzerland, on Wednesday June 17th, 7.30pm. Accompanied by the string quartet Ruen, from the famous band from Zagreb, they will perform a typical Argentinean music repertoire of Astor Piazzolla.

For further information email: jl.noton@wanadoo.fr


St Audries Bay Summer Accordion Week 2009, Somerset – UK

Malcolm GeeThe St Audries Bay Summer Accordion Week takes place from July 18th to 25th in the English county of Somerset. Founded by the late Malcolm Gee in the 1980s, this is the original "Friendly-Fun Summer Accordion Week", now organised by Mary Randle.

There is chalet or caravan accommodation available - half board or self catering. The guest artistes include Harry Hussey, and the activities offered include Accordion Bands (Advanced/ Intermediate/ Beginners), Vintage Workshop, Scottish Workshop, French Accordion Circle, Composers Competition, Scottish Ceilidh Evening, Accordion Repairs, Accordion Tuition, Trade Show, Duets, Groups, Solos, and Busking.

For further information email: enquiries@staudriesbay.co.uk


3rd Accordion Art Festival and Contests 2009, Mosciano – Italy

Accordion Art Festival poster
The festival is organized by the Art Promotion Association in collaboration with www.clubvogliadarte.com, City of Mosciano and private sponsors and will take place from June 19th to 21st in Mosciano SA (TE, Italy).

The festival is divided into 4 concerts and 3 competitions:
Orpheus Award (Critics Award), a type of accordion Oscar for best Italian CD of 2008; the Italia Award (International) for young students of classical accordions, virtuoso, organ, singing, keyboard, guitar and others; Italian selection for the next CMA Trophée Mondiale, to be held in September 2009 in Portugal.
The last date for entries is May 31st.

The Artistic Director Renzo Ruggieri and President Claudio Azzaro intend to repeat the success of previous editions with concerts and international guests such as: Ludovic Beier (French demonstrator of the Roland V-Accordion) for jazz music, Maestro Massimiliano Pitocco (concert artiste and Professor of the Academy of St. Cecilia, Rome) for classical music, and the young Italian entertainer Antonio Spaccarotella (winner of the International Award of Castelfidardo 2008).

The opening event will be by the Orchestra Mantici Armoniosi, directed by Maestro Paolo Picchio.

For further information contact visit www.accordionartfestival.com


Bruno Maurice Master Class at Académie Festival des Arcs 2009‏, Savoie - France

Bruno MauriceBruno Maurice will teach at the Académie Festival des Arcs 2009?, Savoie, from July 20th to August 1st. He will also perform concerts on themes by Piazzolla, Berio, improvisation and contemporary music.

Festival des Arcs is the ‘INTERNET’ of the French classical music world. It is the annual meeting place for many French musicians, and most of the professors and musicians are under 45. What makes the festival really special is that the musicians play for almost nothing because they want to do so, and want to give something back for the benefits that they have obtained from the Festival and Academy in the past. This means that there is a very special atmosphere and you see many musicians listening to each other playing - this is quite different from the "prima donna" atmosphere of parts of the music world.

For further information email: contact@festivaldesarcs.com


Renzo Ruggieri Presents Exhibitions by Marco Goldin, Rimini, Udine - Italy

Renzo Ruggieri and cellist Piero SalvatoriMarco Goldin, one of Italy’s most important art critics, will present two exhibitions of paintings by Rembrandt, Gauguin, Picasso, Monet and Coubet, to be held in 2009 in Rimini and Udine.

During the presentation a stage show "The Corot and a Blind, by Monet", written by Goldin, with music and interpretations of jazz accordionist Renzo Ruggieri and cellist Piero Salvatori, will be featured.

For further information email: info@renzoruggieri.it


New and Updated Sites

Rob Howard new book release

Rob Howard new book now released titled "An A to Z of the Accordion and related instruments - Volume 4". Purchase online.


Franco Cambareri new works

Franco Cambareri - accordionist, composer, producer, releases 5 new works for accordion available for purchase online. 'La Baiana, catalog:cfranco90', 'La Joya (The Jewel), catalog:cfranco91', 'Maria Luiza, catalog:cfranco92', 'Moments of Sadness, catalog:cfranco93' and 'Tender Feelings (Sentimento Amoroso), catalog:cfranco94'. Samples of this music are available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Salvatore Cauteruccio new CDs

A new site selling 2 CDs titled "NOVA 4TET Tangout" and "Acoustic Music Ensemble" with sound samples. Music performed by Salvatore Cauteruccio. Purchase online.


Semion Shmelkov new CDs

A new site selling 2 CDs titled "The Poem" and "Sempre Majore! (Flute and Bayan)" with sound samples. Music performed by Semion Shmelkov and Olga Zmanovskaja. Purchase online.


CD Reviews

Accordeon Obsession

Sergiu Popa CDCD Reviews Index for the Review of “Accordeon Obsession” by Sergiu Popa


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