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Weekly News from Around the World - 22-Jun-2018
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Особенности Highlights

Китайская международная неделя искусства аккордеона 2018 в Харбине - Китай
Akkordeon Musik Preis 2018 в Брухзале - Германия
Мика Вяйрынен выступит с Симфоническим оркестром BBC
Второй Азиатско-Тихоокеанский международный фестиваль аккордеона 2018 года - Китай
Оркестр Guardia Nueva объявляет о двух концертах - Финляндия
Церемония Аккордеонного Музея, Рекоаро Терме - Италия

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

10th Anniversary Concert of the Shanghai Normal University Accordion Orchestra - China
Accordion Music Festival Zurich-East Switzerland
Visit to Tianshan No. 1 Primary School, Shanghai - China
Honouring Eugene Ettore, Virginia – USA
Adam Perry, Maia Perry and Yvonne Jin Success - New Zealand
8th European Forum on Music in Oslo/Norway

Будущие события

UMKC Community Accordion Ensemble in Concert
Lucineide Do Acordeon Concert, São José de Piranhas – Brazil
Nihad Hrustanbegovic Concert, Sarajevo - Bosnia and Herzegovina
Erika plays for a Tea Dance, Floreffe – Belgium
Alan Crookston Ceilidh @ Forfar Accordion & Fiddle Club, Scotland – UK
Altamira and Mancini @ Festa di Sa Castanza, Olbia – Sardinia
Fabien Perez Orchestra Dance Date, Chavannes – France
Alicia Baker and Michael Bridge Concert, Milwaukie – USA
Crawley Accordion Orchestra Concert, Surrey - UK
CT Tango Ensemble to perform ‘Four Seasons’, Nelspruit – South Africa
Josephine Marsh ‘Music in the Frame’ Concert, Dublin – Irish Republic
Iain MacDonald Concert, Scotland – UK

Новые и обновленные сайты

Updated: Accordion: A Pictorial History by Rob Howard - UK
Updated: Vintage Accordions by Rob Howard with Ken Hopkins and Caroline Hunt - UK

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Особенности Highlights

Китайская международная неделя искусства аккордеона 2018 в Харбине - Китай

2018 Harbin China Summer International Accordion Art Week
Prof. Wang Hongyu2018 Harbin PosterКитайская международная неделя искусства аккордеона в Харбине (7-11 августа), заявки принимаются до 30 июня 2018 года.

Полное размещение и питание для иностранных кандидатов - Художественный руководитель Harbin 2018 года - профессор Ван Хунью (фото слева), декан Харбинского музыкально педагогического университета приглашает всех иностранных конкурсантов и сообщает им, что Харбинский оргкомитет предлагает бесплатное размещение и питание во время конкурса.

Правила на китайском языке, форму подачи заявок на китайском и английском языках и афишу можно скачать по адресу: 2018Harbin

Заявки принимают до 30 июня 2018 года

Профессор Wang Hongyu и Харбинский организационный комитет провели очень успешный Harbin 2010, Harbin 2012, Harbin 2014, Harbin 2016, Летнюю международную неделю искусства аккордеона и конкурсы, в которых приняли участие более 500 абитуриентов и конкурсантов из разных стран.

Всемирная неделя искусства аккордеона в Харбине, Китае в 2018 году проводится при поддержке Министерством культуры Китайской Народной Республики и Харбинским муниципальным народным правительством, организованный Харбинским педагогическим университетом в Харбине, Китай, и является частью 34-го Китайского фестиваля музыкальной музыки в Харбине. Харбин был назван Музеем музыки ЮНЕСКО в 2010 году.


Akkordeon Musik Preis 2018 в Брухзале - Германия

Deutscher Harmonika-Verband e.V. (DHV) logoФотографии выше: 1. Forró de KA 2. Призовой подарок группы

Deutsche Harmonika-Verband (DHV) собрала около 250 участников на конкурсе и премии музыки аккордеона с 31 мая по 3 июня 2018 года в Брухзале / Баден-Вюртемберге.

Участие было возможно в категориях аккордеонного соло и дуэта, аккордеонного ансамбля и камерной музыки, в составе которого был аккордеон, а также для гармоники в разных возрастных группах до 27 лет. Конкурсные прослушивания длились два с половиной дня, а по вечерам проходили замечательные концертные программы.

Гала-концерт в пятницу вечером был организован 1-м оркестром Harmonikaring Berghausen под руководством Ральфа Шварцяна и молодого дуэта из Польши, победителей Международного Конкурса Аккордеонистов 2017: Aldo-Duo.

В субботу вечером прошёл концерт под открытым небом с бразильской группой Forró de KA с их собственными композициями и необычными музыкальными номерами . Также в субботу звучала музыка на аккордеоне во всем центре города Брухзаль.

Около 30 молодых участников исполняло музыку в качестве уличных музыкантов на разных площадках центра города. Изюминкой этого мероприятия был воскресный, заключительный концерт и церемония награждения в Bürgerzentrum Bruchsal. Было присуждено несколько специальных призов за выдающиеся музыкальные достижения.

Список результатов доступен для загрузки на 2018MP-Results.pdf
Общая информация событий: 2018Musik-Preis.pdf
Программный флаер: 2018AMP.pdf

Картинки ниже: 3. Оркестр Бергхаузен 4. Дуо Альдо 5. Уличные музыканты


Мика Вяйрынен выступит с Симфоническим оркестром BBC

Erkki-Sven Tüür (composer), Olari Elts (conductor), Mika Väyrynen (accordionist)
Картина: Эркки-Свен Тюер (композитор), Олари Элтс (дирижер), Мика Вейрынен (аккордеонист)

Финский аккордеонист Мика Вяйрынен выступит в качестве солиста с симфоническим оркестром BBC под руководством эстонского маэстро Олари Элта 4 июля 2018 года в студии BBC Maida Vale в Лондоне. Вместе они выступят с коллегой эстонского Эркки-Свена Тюерского Концерта «Пророчество» для Аккордеона и Симфонического оркестра для приглашенной аудитории в честь 100-летия независимости Эстонии.

Erkki-Sven Tüür - один из самых известных композиторов современности. Он написал этот Концерт 2006-2007 по просьбе Мики Вяйринен в качестве работы между Филармоническим оркестром Турку (Турку, Финляндия) и Оркестром де Бретань (Ренн, Франция). В том же году мировая премьера состоялась в Турку и Ренне, а также в исполнении Государственного симфонического оркестра Эстонии в Таллинне, Эстония.

Каждый из концертов проходил под руководством Маэстро Олари Элтс, победителя 2000 года Международного конкурса Сибелиуса для дирижеров. В 2014 году лейбл Ondine записывал запись с Микой Вяйринен в качестве солиста, и Олари Элтс - Хельсинкский филармонический оркестр.

Для дополнительной информацией, можно посетить сайт: Mika Väyrynen


Второй Азиатско-Тихоокеанский международный фестиваль аккордеона 2018 года - Китай

The 2nd 2018 Asia Pacific International Accordion Festival
С 19 по 24 июля 2018 года на корабле Costa Serena соберётся более 3000 аккордеонистов и поклонников на 6 дней и 5 ночей! из Китая в Фукуоку и Кагосиму, Японию и обратно.

Азиатско-Тихоокеанский международный фестиваль аккордеона 2018 года является международным конкурсом. Конкурс, концерты, вечера аккордеона, вечеринки с аккордеонами на круизных палубах, Азиатско-Тихоокеанский форум по обмену, с посещением экскурсий в Фукуоку и Кагосиму в Японии во время мероприятия.


Министерство культуры Китайской Народной Республики

Ассоциация аккордеонистов китайских музыкантов.


Оркестр Guardia Nueva объявляет о двух концертах - Финляндия

Guardia Nueva
Raimo VertainenВидео выше: Концерт Guardia Nueva на фестивале Kokkola 2018 года. Открытие Копакабана, составленное Барри Манилоу, Джеком Фельдманом и Брюсом Суссманом. Директор Guardia Nueva - Raimo Vertainen (справа).

Два концерта:

29 июня 2018 года
Концерт Guardia Nueva Orchestra на летнем театре в Лаппаярви, солист Теему Ройвайнен.

30 июня 2018 года
Концерт Гардиа Нуэва-оркестра на Народном фестивале имени Хаапавеси, солистка Арья Корисева.

Фестиваль народной музыки Haapavesi - это особое летнее мероприятие, которое проводится каждый год в конце июня. Фестиваль состоит из пятидневного курса народной музыки, за которым следует Фестиваль народной музыки, пройдёт на протяжении от четырех до пяти дней.


Церемония Аккордеонного Музея, Рекоаро Терме - Италия

Accordion Museum Ceremony17 июня в Музее гармоники (Museo Impronte Fisarmonicisti), в Касетта-дель-Парко, Рекоаро-Терме состоялась церемония подготовки к открытию новой штаб-квартиры музея. На снимке перед двумя прототипами новых окон - Светлана Скоробогатая (белорусский игрок-цимбалист) и аккордеонисты Джанкарло Капорилли и Синзия Тардитти.

Музей славится своей выставкой отпечатков рук многих известных аккордеонистов. Рекоаро-Терме - город и коммуна в провинции Виченца, Венето, север Италии.


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

10th Anniversary Concert of the Shanghai Normal University Accordion Orchestra - China

SHNU header
Crystal Wang, Prof Li Cong, Jessica Shi XuanVideo above: Anatango composed by Gorka Hermosa, arranged and performed by Wang Xiao (accordion), Liu Jiayi (violin) and Dai Jianxin (double bass). Wang Xiao was placed 3rd, 2016 Castelfidardo Senior Entertainment category, teacher Prof. Li Cong.

Pictures and video of each performance at the 10th Anniversary Concert of the Shanghai Normal University Accordion Orchestra is online at: 2018SHNU-Concert

Art Director is Prof. Li Cong
Artistic Supervisor: Crystal Wang and Jessica Shi Xuan

Grateful thanks to the sponsorship by Shanghai Miao Ke Information Technology Co. Ltd.

The video is from the televised concert with light show, sound and full TV production team.

Download 16 page color program: 2018SHNUProgram.pdf


Accordion Music Festival Zurich-East Switzerland

Reception Rapperswil, Accordion Orchestra Schwamendingen
For the second time, the Zurich Cantonal Harmonica Music Association and the East Swiss Accordion Music Association, both sub-associations of Accordion Switzerland, have joined forces for a music festival.

Coming from the canton of Zurich and whole East Switzerland, the music lovers met at the College of Technology in Rapperswil-Jona, to make a point of reference in their performance and to cultivate socializing and camaraderie at the festival.

A duo as well as a total of 22 orchestras presented themselves in the categories "entertainment" (middle and upper level) and "concertante" (middle, upper and highest level) to two juries formed by Thomi Widmer, Herbert Scheibenreif and Roger Gisler as well as Brigitte Meier-Egloff and Sylvain Tissot.

The overall very appealing performances were consistently rated "very good" and "excellent", with the Accordion Ensemble St. Gallen (picture below) and the Accordion Orchestra Schwamendingen (picture above) receiving an additional award.

The organizing committee under the Cantonal president Bruno Sommer is to be thanked for the smooth process and to congratulate to the great success of the event!
Accordion Ensemble St. Gallen


Visit to Tianshan No. 1 Primary School, Shanghai - China

Tianshan No. 1 Primary School students
In the classroom

Teachers Wang Yujia and Chang Xiao performing at the concert.
A visit to the Tianshan No. 1 Primary School in Shanghai to view their accordion teaching program by CIA President Mirco Patarini, CIA Ambassador Kevin Friedrich and CIA Public Relations Harley Jones and famous Chinese accordion teachers.

An amazing school program for young children learning accordion included a concert by the students and teachers before hundreds of enthusiastic parents.

View the whole report, pictures and video at: 2018Tianshan
Thank you to accordion program directors Prof. Li Cong and Crystal Wang and all the teachers.
Tianshan No. 1 Primary School students


Honouring Eugene Ettore, Virginia – USA

Eugene EttoreThe accordionist and composer Eugene Ettore (1921-85) was the son of Italian immigrants to the USA. A man of many interests and talents, Ettore as a composer was an heir to the tradition of Pietro Frosini and the Deiro brothers, Guido and Pietro. AWW US Editor Rita Barnea, who was once a student of Ettore, will present a lecture/concert workshop, ‘The Life and Music of Eugene Ettore’, at the 2018 AAA Festival in Alexandria, Virginia, on Friday July 13th, at 10am.

Rita Barnea writes: “June 2nd 2018 would have been Eugene Ettore’s 97th birthday. In honor of his birthday, I am posting the link to the website I created to educate all about a unique, versatile and talented individual who made great contributions to the accordion world and musical world in general. I encourage you to visit this page: Eugene Ettore

I was extremely fortunate to be his student. He prepared me for my long career as a music teacher in the public schools. Eugene Ettore inspired all of his students with an approach which included discipline, encouragement, and kindness. Those of you who had a music teacher as a guiding light in their lives will understand the importance of having a teacher/mentor. The positive lifelong benefits and influence branch out into so many other areas of life.

Eugene Ettore was well known as a fabulous composer for the accordion. He performed as both soloist and in the duet team, ‘Concert Duo’ with Carmen Carrozza, his great friend. As a Renaissance man, Eugene Ettore also played the French horn, and wrote method books for the accordion and French horn. He was an artist, inventor and Braille transcriber etc. He was President of the AAA (American Accordionists’ Association) three times!

In honor of Eugene Ettore’s birthday, I am offering a free download of the recording of his original compositions: Ettore Album

If you would like to see recent performances of some of his works, please visit:
1. Rita Barnea Workshop "Prelude & Scherzo”:
2. Eugene Ettore: Spanish Holiday, for Accordion:
3. Rita Barnea Workshop "Accordion Miniatures”:
4. Rita Barnea Workshop "Five O'Clock Rush”:

If you wish to learn his music, please email me and I will send it to you as a free download also. Ritabelll@aol.com


Adam Perry, Maia Perry and Yvonne Jin Success - New Zealand

Yvonne Jin, Adam & Maia Perry
Lionel ReekieAdam Perry (accordion), Maia Perry (accordion) and Yvonne Jin (piano) of St Kentigern's School represented their school in the NZCT (New Zealand Coummunity Trust) Chamber Music Contest.

Due to the quality of their competition performance, they were invited to play at the NZCT Chamber Music Contest Auckland Finals as guest performers while the adjudicators were deliberating on the results at the conclusion of the evening.

The trio also received the NZCT Award for "Most Engaging Performance", a very proud moment for their parents. The group wanted to thank their teacher, well know accordion teacher, performer and vocalist Lionel Reekie (picture right).


8th European Forum on Music in Oslo/Norway

European Forum Music header
Herbert ScheibenreifDr. Herbert Scheibenreif - CIA Vice-President (picture left), was the CIA delegate attending the 8th European Forum on Music in Oslo/Norway. This is his report.

The European Forum on Music (EFM): Looking Back – Looking Forward. The Future of Europe’s Musical Roots took place from Thursday, 7 June until Sunday, 10 June 2018 in Oslo/Norway. The EFM, annual conference of the European Music Council (EMC), a member of the IMC, Official NGO partner of UNESCO, was hosted by the Norwegian Music Council and is part of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018.

With this edition of the EFM, we looked at the importance and the value of musical heritage for our future European society. Music and intangible heritage in general are confronted with a variety of challenges: from participation and access to music to environmental threats. What is needed today to make sure that we can still enjoy Europe’s musical roots in the future?

The session on oral transmission demonstrated that traditional music throughout Europe is kept alive and further developed by new adaptations through live electronics, choir arrangements, DJ adaptations, and many more. The session on the future of recent musical repertoire had a look at inspiring and sometimes very pragmatic programming strategies of radios and concert halls for what is often called “classic contemporary music” – and how to overcome obstacles.

The future is not imaginable without an awareness on environmental issues – therefore one of the panels looked at how musicians and music activities such as festivals can become “greener.” And there are also other reasons for musicians to travel far – when being prosecuted in their home countries some need to seek refuge and Safe Havens, such as the musicians from the SafeMuse project.

In the panel on freedom of expression the speakers agreed that we want all to be able to express ourselves freely whether we agree on it or not, because we are a plural society. Further to these more contextual perceptions on the future of music in Europe, a joint session with the European Theatre Convention presented the EU’s policy for culture which is incorporated in the new edition of the European Agenda for Culture which will consequently bring about EU funding programmes for music and culture, such as the preparatory action “Music Moves Europe” and the potential continuation of the Creative Europe programme as of 2021.

The musical programme of the Forum was a true celebration of diversity: with "From the Vastland” a black metal band was included in the Forum programme, complemented by the Norwegian Girls’ Choir and Swedish Sami singer Katarina Barruk and Sarah-Jane Summers & Juhoni Silvola.

The next edition of the Forum from 27 September to 1 October 2019 in Paris/France will coincide with the IMC World Forum on Music, celebrating the IMC’s 70th anniversary.

Following the EFM the Annual Meeting of Members of the EMC took place on 10 June 2018, where a new EMC Board was elected at the EMC Annual Meeting:
Ian Smith, President (United Kingdom)
Victoria Liedbergius, Vice-President (Norway)
Willem van Moort, Treasurer (The Netherlands)
Eirik Birkeland (Norway)
Joanna Grotkowska (Poland)
Audrey Guerre (France)
Michalis Karakatsanis (Cyprus)
David Zsoldos (Hungary)


Будущие события

UMKC Community Accordion Ensemble in Concert

UMKC Community Accordion Ensemble
Leading up to their performance at the AAA 80th Anniversary Celebrations, The University of Missouri - Kansas City (UMKC) Community Accordion Ensemble will perform two concerts in the Kansas City area this weekend.

The two concerts will be Friday 22nd June (Private Concert) and Saturday 23 June at 2:30 PM (Free Public Concert), both held at the Global Montessori Academy, NW corner of 75th Street & Belinder in Prairie Village, KS.

The concert will feature works by Borodin, Castelli, Debussy, Menken, Piazzolla, Rota, Saint-Saëns, Venglevski and Watson performed by ensemble members Kevin Friedrich, Cathy Sue Weiss, Ronald Barrow, Ron Dake, Betty Jo Simon, Samantha Wagner, Joyce Davis, and Joan C. Sommers.

All players are alumni of the University of Missouri - Kansas City, and former members of the renowned UMKC Accordion Orchestra. The players make their living in various careers, but each have remained devoted to promoting the accordion and its varied repertoire, which includes transcriptions, commissions and other original works.

The UMKC Chamber Accordion Ensemble performs under the direction of Joan C. Sommers who also plays as a member of the group. Joan C. Sommers was awarded the title of Professor Emerita upon her retirement from the University of Missouri-Kansas City Conservatory of Music (USA), where she established and taught the accordion degree program since 1961. She has arranged innumerable pieces for both Accordion Orchestra and Chamber Ensemble over many years, works that have been performed around the globe.

The UMKC Chamber Accordion Ensemble will next appear in concert on Thursday, July 12th, 2018 at the AAA 80th Anniversary Festival. For more information please contact: joansommers@kc.rr.com.


Lucineide Do Acordeon Concert, São José de Piranhas – Brazil

Lucineide Do Acordeon ConcertBrazilian accordion entertainer Lucineide Do Acordeon performs on Saturday June 23rd, 10pm, at the Sitio Barra, São José de Piranhas, a municipality in the state of Paraíba in the Northeast Region of Brazil.

Lucineide Do Acordeon is a popular accordionist and singer from the Forro traditional folk music style of northeast Brazil. She has many recordings to her credit, including many YouTube videos and TV appearances.


Nihad Hrustanbegovic Concert, Sarajevo - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Nihad HrustanbegovicOn Sunday June 24th, 8.30pm, the Dutch-based Bosnian accordionist Nihad Hrustanbegovic performs a ‘Summer Concert’ at the Atelje Figure in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The concert is dedicated to the International World Day of Music (Fête de la Musique) held on June 21st, heralding the beginning of the summer.

Nihad’s programme includes: Antonio Vivaldi – ‘Summer’; Isaac Albéniz – ‘Asturias’ (Leyenda); Erik Satie – ‘Gymnopédie I & III’; Astor Piazzolla – ‘Escualo’, ‘Milonga del angel’, ‘Fracanapa’, ‘Oblivion’, ‘Libertango’; Dougie MacLean (Jones & Edelman) – ‘The Gael’/’Promentory’; Yann Tiersen - ‘Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain’; Hans Zimmer – ‘Chevaliers de Sangreal’; Nihad Hrustanbegovic – ‘Stork suite’ (World promenade, Sevdah, Jazz Balade, Flamenco wals, Balkan soul); Nihad Hrustanbegovic – ‘Breath of Life’ (World premiere); George Gershwin – ‘Summertime’.


Erika plays for a Tea Dance, Floreffe – Belgium

ErikaOn Sunday June 24th, 3pm, accordionist Erika plays for a Tea Dance at 17B Rue Riverre, 5150 Floreffe, Belgium. The dancing is accompanied by lunch from 12noon.

Erika Honorez comes from a musical family, and received her first accordion at the age of 5 years. Erika's teacher was Mr Franz Lebrun from the Brussels Conservatory, and she studied the theory of music and classical music, and then specialized in the musette genre. Since 1981 Erika has been performing, composing, and recording. She has appeared on radio and TV in Belgium and France. Erika has recorded many CDs and DVDs, which are available through her website.

For further information email: erika@erika.be


Alan Crookston Ceilidh @ Forfar Accordion & Fiddle Club, Scotland – UK

Alan CrookstonOn Sunday June 24th, 7.30pm, the Alan Crookston Ceilidh Band performs as guests at the Forfar Accordion & Fiddle Club. The venue is the Forfar Royal British Legion, Forfar, Angus DD8 2HA.

The Alan Crookston Ceilidh Band, based in West Lothian and Central Scotland, performs throughout Scotland, including appearances at several festivals including the Shetland Accordion and Fiddle Festival and The Mull Music Festival. The band have also recorded four BBC Radio Scotland ‘Take The Floor’ broadcasts to date which have been popular with both listeners and fellow musicians.

For further information email: a.crookston@sky.com


Altamira and Mancini @ Festa di Sa Castanza, Olbia – Sardinia

Accordion entertainers Bachisio Altamira and Giuseppe Mancini perform together on Sunday evening June 24th, 9pm, at the Festa di Sa Castanza, Berchiddeddu, Nazionale 10, Olbia 07026 (OT), on the Italian island of Sardinia.

For further information email: bachisio.altamira@virgilio.it


Fabien Perez Orchestra Dance Date, Chavannes – France

Fabien Perez Orchestra DanceOn Monday June 25th, 2.30pm, the Fabien Perez Orchestra plays all afternoon for dancing at Dancing de Chavannes – Drôme, 11 grande rue, Chavannes, Rhone-Alpes, France 26260. Full meal with entrance to the dancing hall costs 25 Euro.


Alicia Baker and Michael Bridge Concert, Milwaukie – USA

Alicia Baker and Michael BridgeAccordionists Alicia Baker and Michael Bridge perform in concert on Monday June 25th, 7pm, at Milwaukie Lutheran Church, 3810 SE Lake Rd, Milwaukie, Oregon, OR 97222.

Alicia Baker began studying the piano at age 4, the accordion at age 6, and singing at the age of 14. She graduated from Oregon State University, and holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Music Education, Piano Performance, and Vocal Performance.

She has won several accordion competitions, including the Happy Hans award at the Kimberley International Old-Time Accordion Championships, the Leavenworth Open, and achieved third place at the CIA Coupe Mondiale Digital category in Victoria, BC, Canada, in August 2013.

Aside from competitive events, Alicia has performed solo accordion concerts at many festivals, such as the AAA Convention, Cotati, the Accordionists and Teachers Guild International Festival, KIOTAC, Leavenworth Old-Time Accordion Festival, and the NAMM show.

Michael Bridge, from Toronto, Canada, began playing the accordion at the age of five, and later studied at the University of Toronto with Joseph Macerollo. He has won several competitions, toured internationally, led master classes across the USA and Canada, and performed and adjudicated at festivals. Lauded as “a wizard of the accordion," Michael Bridge is renowned for his stage presence and virtuosity.

Named one of CBC’s “30 Hot Classical Musicians Under 30”, he made his solo orchestral debut with the Boston Pops Orchestra and gives over 100 concerts per year in North America and Europe. His debut solo album, ‘Overture’, was recently released and named CBC ‘Album of the Week’.


Crawley Accordion Orchestra Concert, Surrey - UK

Crawley Accordion Orchestra
On Tuesday June 26th, 8pm, the Crawley Accordion Orchestra, will perform in concert at Merstham Hub Community Centre, 2a Portland Drive, Merstham, Surrey RH1 3HY. Tickets are £5 each and can be bought on the door. Nigel Pasby will be conducting. 

Merstham is a village in the borough of Reigate and Banstead in Surrey, north of Redhill.

The Crawley Accordion Orchestra meets for rehearsals every Thursday from 7.45 to 10pm at Ockham Parish Rooms, Ockham Lane, Ockham, Woking, Surrey GU23 6NP. New members always welcome, with or without band experience. They have a large repertoire of music from marches, waltzes and tangos, to music from the shows and light classical pieces.

For further information email: b.snook@tiscali.co.uk


CT Tango Ensemble to perform ‘Four Seasons’, Nelspruit – South Africa

CT Tango EnsembleOn June 26th, 27th and 28th, 6pm-9pm, the CT Tango Ensemble performs Antonio Vivaldi’s ‘Four Seasons’ at Church Unlimited, 30 Brown St, Nelspruit, a city in northeastern South Africa.

The members of the CT Tango Ensemble are Stanislav Angelov – accordion, Petrus de Beer – violin, and Albert Combrink - piano.

Stanislav Angelov studied the accordion in his native Bulgaria, and received a degree in accordion in 1991, after which he taught at the ‘Constantine Preslavsky’ University, Shumen. In 1992 he moved to Cape Town, South Africa, where he performs, records and teaches.

For further information email: music@goodmusic.co.za


Josephine Marsh ‘Music in the Frame’ Concert, Dublin – Irish Republic

Josephine MarshOn Friday June 29th, 9pm until 12.30am, diatonic button accordionist Josephine Marsh performs in concert at The Cobblestone, 77 North King Street, Dublin. Joining Josephine on the night will be Mick Kinsella on harmonica/concertina and Seamus Cahill on guitar/vocals. The concert marks the release of Josephine Marsh’s new CD, ‘Music in the Frame’, featuring eleven of her compositions plus lots of traditional music.

Josephine Marsh, from a musical family, is featured on a regular basis on local, national, and international radio stations such as Clare FM, RTÉ One/RTÉ Two, BBC World Service, and in February 2000 she recorded for the Garrison Keillor programme, 'A Prairie Home Companion'. She has travelled extensively over the years both as a performer and music teacher. Her travels have taken her to Australia, Europe and America. Josephine is also a composer of note and her compositions have been recorded by many artists/bands over the years such as Cherish the Ladies, Mike McGoldrick, The London Lassies, Liadain, etc.

For further information email: info@cobblestonepub.ie


Iain MacDonald Concert, Scotland – UK

Iain MacDonaldThe versatile accordion entertainer Iain MacDonald performs at The Grog & Gruel, Traditional Alehouse & Restaurant, Fort William, on Saturday June 30th. 9pm until midnight.

Iain MacDonald is currently recording his first solo album, containing Scottish and Irish dance music, and country and 1960s pop songs.


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Updated: Accordion: A Pictorial History by Rob Howard - UK

Accordion: A Pictorial History book coverPrint copies are sold out and now this book has been made available in eBook format (.pdf format) able to be sent to you by email.

Accordion: A Pictorial History by Rob Howard Only €6.00 or the US$ equivalent.
Read all about the book at: robaccord06


Updated: Vintage Accordions by Rob Howard with Ken Hopkins and Caroline Hunt - UK

Vintage Accordions book coverPrint copies are sold out and now this book has been made available in eBook format (.pdf format) able to be sent to you by email.

Vintage Accordions by Rob Howard with Ken Hopkins and Caroline Hunt is only €6.00 or the US$ equivalent. Read all about the book at: robaccord05


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