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Weekly News from Around the World - 22-Jun-2012
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Особенности Highlights

Семинар и сольный концерт Вячеслава Семенова, Прага – Чехия
Дуэт Alexander Brothers прекращает свою творческую деятельность, Шотландия – Великобритания
Концерты и мастер-классы Грейсона Мейсфилда (Grayson Masefield) – Швейцария
Международное Общество Frosini отмечает 10-летний юбилей, Стокгольм – Швеция

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Ludovic Beier, Павел Корчагин и Игорь Игнатов на Jivoe.TV
Mickie Ainsworth (1931-2012), Perth - UK
Accordion Tuition, Istanbul – Turkey
Silly Wizard ‘Live Again’ CD, Scotland – UK
2012, Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration - USA
‘14 Years Ago’ – Mystery of the Symphonetta

Будущие события

Special 'Primus Ikaalinen' on the Web TV 'Deschamps Channel'
Panagiotis Andreoglou Recital, Veroia – Greece
Kviv Classic Duo Concert, West Midlands – UK
Mirjana Petercol and Helmuth Vivell Concert, Kassel – Germany
Alex Meixner Concerts – USA, Canada
Roman Jbanov Concert, Auvergne – France
11th National Accordion Festival, Santa Fe – Argentina
Teodoro Anzellotti Master Classes, Atri (TE) – Italy
‘Super Orchestra Day’, Surrey - UK
2013 Wazemmes International Accordion Festival, Lille - France
Courses by CNIMA in Auvergne, July & August - France

Новые и обновленные сайты

eTracks MP3 Albums by Alexander Dmitriev Now Online – International
eTracks MP3 Albums by Alexander Dmitriev Now Online – International

CD Отзывы

Fantasia CD by Alexander Sevastian, Reviewed by Joan Cochran Sommers

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Особенности Highlights

Семинар и сольный концерт Вячеслава Семенова, Прага – Чехия

Viatcheslav SemionovВ субботу 2 июня 2012 года впервые в Пражской Консерватории состоялся мастер-класс народного артиста России профессора Вячеслава Семенова. На мастер-класс съехались педагоги со всей Чехии.

На творческой встрече Вячеслав Семенов рассказал о принципах своей системы преподавания, а также о транскрипциях для баяна произведений различных стилей и жанров. Все освещенные на мастер-классе темы были им проиллюстрированы исполнительскими примерами.

Вечером того же дня в концертном зале Пражской Консерватории состоялся сольный авторский концерт Вячеслава Семенова, который был восторженно принят публикой. Несколько произведений было сыграно на бис.

Организатор мероприятия – заведующий кафедрой аккордеона Консерватории Ладислав Хорак (Ladislav Horak – фото справа внизу).

Встреча с Семеновым оставила неизгладимые впечатления у зрителей и стала событием в культурной жизни столицы.

Дополнительная информации по e-mail: selivanov.alexander@gmail.com

CD Вячеслава Семенова, а также нотные сборники с его произведениями можно приобрести на: Viatcheslav Semionov
Ladislav Horak and Viatcheslav Semionov


Дуэт Alexander Brothers прекращает свою творческую деятельность, Шотландия – Великобритания

Легенды шотландской народной музыки дуэт Alexander Brothers объявили о своем уходе из шоу-бизнеса. Братья аккордеонист Том 77 лет и певец/пианист Джэк 76 лет с момента начала своей профессиональной карьеры в 1958 году дали бессчетное количество концертов в театрах по всему миру. Видеоклип, представленный выше, был показан по телевидению примерно в 2007 году.
Том Александр отмечает: «В шоу-бизнесе вы хороши настолько, насколько хорош ваш последний концерт, и после 54 лет выступлений мы решили прекратить концертную деятельность, пока еще находимся на вершине карьеры. В последнее время Джек болел, и мы были вынуждены отменить концерты, хотя ненавидим это делать, потому что он чувствуем, что так мы огорчаем наших фанатов.

Пару недель назад нам пришлось отменить выступление на шоу, посвященном бриллиантовому юбилею актера Джонни Битти (Johnny Beattie) – 60 лет в шоу-бизнесе. Это стало одним из основных аргументов, который заставил меня призадуматься, что время пришло. Люди начали говорить, что это подарок для нас! Я полагаю, что это можно рассматривать как комплимент, но приходится думать, что, возможно, это знак, и пришло время остановиться и начать наслаждаться жизнью».

Записи Alexander Brothers настолько хорошо продавались, что в какой-то момент в 1964 году в Шотландии они даже обошли Beatles, когда их сингл ‘Nobody’s Child’ возглавил чарты. Среди других их крупных хитов такие композиции, как ‘These are My Mountains’ и ‘The Northern Lights of Old Aberdeen’.

Джек говорит: «За нашу карьеру накопилось так много фантастических воспоминаний – получение MBE от Королевы в 2005 году во дворце Холируд (Holyrood Palace) стало незабываемым событием, так же, как выступление в Сиднейском Оперном Театре с Джимми Шэндом (Jimmy Shand). Я никогда не скажу никогда, и все же».
Alexander Brothers


Концерты и мастер-классы Грейсона Мейсфилда (Grayson Masefield) – Швейцария

Grayson Masefield PosterGrayson MasefieldВпервые Грейсон Мейсфилд (Grayson Masefield) даст концерты и мастер-классы в Швейцарии!

Грейсон Мейсфилд стал первым аккордеонистом, который в один год выиграл Кубок мира в двух категориях: варьете и классика. Также он выиграл другие крупные соревнования, такие как телевизионный конкурс Sata-Häme Soi и международный финал конкурса исполнителей на цифровых баянах и аккордеонах Roland V-Accordion festival, Рим.

 В Швейцарии перед каждым концертом он даст мастер-классы, на которых покажет аудитории некоторые технические "хитрости", расскажет о своей работе и ответит на все вопросы.

Среда 27 июня, Женева, 19.00 (Temple de la Servette, 55, av. Wendt, Genève)

Четверг 28 июня, Лисс, 19.00 (Grenzstrasse 26, 3250 Lyss)

Понедельник 2 июля, Фрибург, 20.00 (Rue de Rome 3, Fribourg)
Швейцарская публика с нетерпением ждет услышать Грейсона Мейсилда, и новую пьесу его репертуара Ка-Mate баскского композитора Горки Хермозы

Для получения дополнительной информации свяжитесь с организатором гастролей: Christel Sautaux

Альбом Грейсона Мейсфилда в формате eTracks MP3 Album всего за 8 евро доступен для заказа на: Grayson Masefield


Международное Общество Frosini отмечает 10-летний юбилей, Стокгольм – Швеция

В 2002 году шведский аккордеонист Ларс Эк (Lars Ek) основал Международное Общество Frosini, чей сайт рекламирует и пропагандирует музыку Пьетро Фросини.

Сегодня Международное Общество Frosini насчитывает 1100 членов из 63 стран и стремится сохранить музыку Пьетро Фросини и других композиторов для нынешнего и будущих поколений.

На прошлой неделе Ларс Эк дважды появился на шведском ТВ, играя музыку Фросини. Ларс Эк также известен благодаря своим собственным композициям, и члены Шведской Ассоциации Аккордеонистов (SDR) избрали Ларса Аккордеонистом Года в 2009 году.

Дополнительная информация по email: lars@frosinisociety.org


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Ludovic Beier, Павел Корчагин и Игорь Игнатов на Jivoe.TV

Roland Драйв на Jivoe.TV 14 апреля 2012 года в студии Живое.ТВ
Людовик Бейер (Франция)
Павел Корчагин - контрабас
Игорь Игнатов - барабаны


Mickie Ainsworth (1931-2012), Perth - UK

Mickie Ainsworth, born in Leeds in northern England was brought up to Auchterarder, Scotland, by his mother and attended school there. He became a painter and decorator but music was his first love and he taught himself accordion before going for lessons with Bill Wilkie in Perth.

Mickie formed his first band The Skyliners when still a teenager and through music met diatonic accordionist Jimmy Blue. The pair broadcast as duettists and made quite a number of records.

In 1953 they were both members of the Ian Powrie Scottish Dance Band, taking part in ‘The Kilt is My Delight’ and ‘The White Heather Club’ on BBC on TV and touring overseas world with the singer Andy Stewart. When Powrie emigrated to Australia in 1966 Jimmy Blue took over the band in his own name, with Mickie on second accordion.

Mickie Ainsworth always enjoyed teaching accordion to ''the young anes'', as he liked to call them, and he took great pride in the achievements of his pupils such as Simon Howie, Alan Small, Peter Bruce, and many others.

Mickie married Maisie Brizzle in Coronation Week 1953, and, having been brought up on his own, Mickie took great pride in his son and daughter, Jeff and Michelle, and his ever expanding family.

He loved walking with his dogs and was a staunch supporter of PADS for many years, taking pride in fundraising for the charity.

For many years Mickie served as an MC at accordion championship events in Perth, and was respected and well liked by many.

Mickie Ainsworth died on May 25th at the age of 81.


Accordion Tuition, Istanbul – Turkey

One-to-one accordion tuition is now offered at the GÜRCÜ SANAT EVI (Georgian Arts Hall), Istanbul. This scheme has grown in popularity, and applications are continuing; telephone 0216 5509467 / 0533 3842542.

Every Wednesday, 7.30pm until 10pm, there is an accordion workshop at the GÜRCÜ SANAT EVI.

For further information email: ibeka@mynet.com or gurcusanatevi@yahoo.com


Silly Wizard ‘Live Again’ CD, Scotland – UK

The Scottish folk band Silly Wizard, featuring accordionist Phil Cunningham, were one of Britain’s leading acts on the national and international folk scene in the 1970s and 80s. This CD is a long awaited remastered recording of Silly Wizard's classic 1983 live concert at the Sanders Theatre, Cambridge, Massachussetts, USA.

The tracks include: Reels - The Green Fields of Glentown/The Galtee Reel/Bobby Casey's Number Two/A. B. Corsie; The Lad From Orkney; The Queen of Argyll; The Valley of Strathmore; The Parish of Dunkeld / The Curlew; Reels - The Humours of Tulla/Toss The Feathers/St Anne's Reel/Lexy Macaskill/The Limerick Lasses/Jean's Reel/The Musical Priest; Reels - Mrs Martha Knowles/The Pitnacree Ferryman/The New Bob; The Ramblin' Rover; The Banks of the Lee; Reels - Miss Shepherd/Sweeney's Buttermilk/McGlinchey's Reel; Donald MacGillavry/O'Neill's Cavalry March; The Blackbird; Jigs - Scarce O' Tatties/Lyndhurst; Golden Golden; Jigs - Mac's Fancy/The Cliffs Of Moher; Reels - The Rose Of Red Hill/Clootie Dumplings/The Laird O' Drumblair/Sleepy Maggie; The Broom O' The Cowdenknowes

For further information email: support@allcelticmusic.com


2012, Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration - USA

Held from 14th to 17th June was the 19th Annual Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration.

Above is the video performance of Naomi Harris, 12 years and under category 2nd place getter at Leavenworth, performing the popular Libertango.

Nestled in a cozy narrow mountain, Leavenworth is known as Washington State's 'Bavarian Village' and is a perfect setting for this celebration.

The event featured competitions, a festival and three evening concerts with Jörgen Sundeqvist and Lena Rist-Larsen, Jelena Milojevic, Mike and Margie Aman and the BC Accordion Orchestra.


‘14 Years Ago’ – Mystery of the Symphonetta

The Accordions Worldwide news for June 26th 1998 included an article about two instruments called the Symphonetta, made in Germany by the firm Ernst L. Arnold. These instruments were on sale in the Netherlands in 1998 and a reader was curious to know about them.

Contributed by Leo Flake

Mystery surrounds two rare historical accordions which are for sale in the Netherlands. The first is a two-and-a-half choir Symphonetta which was made in 1939 by the Ernst L. Arnold factory in Germany. It was sold in 1950 to the famous Symphonetta player Müller, but the reason it was first made is unknown.

The second is a four choir symphonetta which was used in the movie "The Kuhle-Wampe" in 1932. This instrument was also built by Ernst L. Arnold who started the production of bandoneons and concertinas. It is believed that the Symphonetta was designed to replace all other existing free reed instruments. Even now, very little is known or has been written about these rare historical instruments.


Будущие события

Special 'Primus Ikaalinen' on the Web TV 'Deschamps Channel'

Top: Video above: 2012 Sata-Häme Soi Festival promotional video.

Friday, June 29 from 19.30 to 22.30 on Deschamps Channel will be broadcast live a special program devoted entirely to the 2012 edition of the famous Primus Ikaalinen, Co presented by Frederic Deschamps and Kimmo Mattila, Artistic Director of the Sata-Häme Soi Festival.

The program includes the earliest records of this unique international accordion TV competition and its entire development. Daily reports since 2003 are available online at: www.accordions.com/finland/

The 8 candidates for the 2012 'Primus Ikaalinen' will be presented in this program and intereviewed live by skype from their respective countries.

The 2012 contestants are:
Russia: Utkina Ekaterina
France: Elsa Gourdy
Moldova: Dorin Grama
Kazacstan: Shamgar Tolkynhan
China: Tan jia Liang
Germany: Radu Laxgang
Lithuania: Martinas Levickis
Finland: selected the day before the contest by National selections.

The 2012 Primus Ikaalinen will be broadcast in full Live Streaming. You can follow the eight candidates of the 2012 Primus Ikaalinen upon arrival at Helsinki airport on July 2, then every day until the evening of the contest to be held July 5 evening.

A live broadcast of the Sata-Häme Soi Festival will be presented each day between 3 and July 7 in the form of reality TV with the interviews of candidates, members of juries, artists present during the Sata-Häme Soi Festival, as well as highlights about daily activities of candidates.

New for 2012: Viewers around the world can vote for the candidate of their choice during the live broadcast of this international competition that promises to be most exciting.

Full information will be broadcast on the 29th June on the Deschamps Channel and from this page.

Picture below of past competitors taken at the 2011 event. Left to right: Alexander Veretennikov (Russia), Petar Maric (Serbia), André Natanael Texeira (Portugal), Matthias Matzke (Germany), Julien Gonzales (France), Julie Blocher (France), Alexander Shirunov (Russia).
Group of current and past Primus Ikaalinen competitors


Panagiotis Andreoglou Recital, Veroia – Greece

Danish-based Greek accordionist Panagiotis Andreoglou returns to Greece this weekend to perform a recital with accordionist Stamatis Pasopoulos on Saturday June 23rd, 9pm, at Laografiko mouseio, Arxontiko Sarafoglou, Veroia. The program includes works by J. S. Bach, D. Scarlatti, Nordheim, Schmidt, Farmakis, and Piazzolla.

Panagiotis Andreoglou completed his postgraduate studies on the classical accordion at The Royal Danish Academy of Music in Copenhagen (with Geir Draugsvoll and James Crabb) in June 2011, with the highest grades and having obtained the Ellen and Erik Valdemar Jensens scholarship.

Born in Kavala, Greece in 1980, he studied accordion, music theory and piano at the Municipal Conservatory of Kavala and at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, and the University of Helsinki, Finland. He has performed as a soloist and within chamber music ensembles in many European countries (Spain, Italy, Germany, United Kingdom, Denmark, Sweden).

For further information email: andreogloup@hotmail.com


Kviv Classic Duo Concert, West Midlands – UK

Igor Sayenko and Oleksiy Kolomoeits - The Kviv Classic Duo - on tour from Kiev in the Ukraine, perform in concert on Monday June 25th, 7.30pm, at the Black Country Accordion & Music Club, Rowley Regis Disability Centre, Rowley Regis, Birmingham B65 9AT. This is a special charity night, with all profits donated.

For further information email: lumicprod@aol.com


Mirjana Petercol and Helmuth Vivell Concert, Kassel – Germany

Mirjana Petercol (accordion) and pianist Helmuth Vivell perform in concert on Tuesday June 26th, 8pm, at the University of Kassel, Mönchebergstrasse 1, 34125 Kassel, Germany. The concert will include the music of Leo Janacek, on a theme by Ulrich Holbein.

For further information email: miripetercol@gmx.de


Alex Meixner Concerts – USA, Canada

Accordionist Alex Meixner performs this summer as follows:

June 29th, 8pm – Plattdeutsche Park Restaurant, Franklin Square, New York
June 30th, 8pm – Pilsener Haus, Hoboken, New Jersey
July 1st, 8pm – Reading Liederkranz, Reading, Pennsylvania
July 3rd, 8pm – The Old German Beer Hall, Milwaukie, Wisconsin
July 4th, 8pm – Golden Mast Inn, Okauchee Lake, Wisconsin
July 5th, 8pm – World of Accordions Museum, Superior, Wisconsin
July 7th, 8pm – Ken Nichol Recreation Centre, Beaumont, Alberta, Canada
July 8th, 8pm – Confederation Park Centre, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
July 9th and 10th, 12pm (both days) – Kimberley International Old Time Accordion Championships, British Colombia, Canada

For further information email: alex@alexmeixner.com


Roman Jbanov Concert, Auvergne – France

Russian-born French-based accordionist Roman Jbanov performs a solo classical recital in the Church of St. Julien-Puy-Lavèze (63820), Puy-de-Dôme, in the Auvergne, on July 3rd at 9pm.

The program includes works by J.S. Bach, D. Buxtehude, D. Scarlatti, and M. Mussorgsky. Entry is free.

For further information email: roman.jbanov@sfr.fr


11th National Accordion Festival, Santa Fe – Argentina

The 11th National Accordion Festival takes place on July 7th at the Sociedad Italiana Fraternidad, San Jorge, Santa Fe, Argentina.

The event is organized by the Association Marchigiana of San Jorge, Province of Santa Fe. The competition begins at 2pm, and the evening festival concert at 7pm.

The senior championship first prize winner will be sponsored to compete in the International Festival in Castelfidardo, Italy, later in the year.


Teodoro Anzellotti Master Classes, Atri (TE) – Italy

Teodoro Anzellotti will lead accordion master classes, August 16th to 20th, at Atri, Pescara (TE), Italy.

Born in Italy, Teodoro Anzellotti grew up near Baden-Baden, Germany, and having studied accordion at the Hochschulen in Karlsruhe and Trossingen, subsequently achieved first prizes at various international competitions.

Since the 1980s he has been a regular guest at festivals and with leading orchestras, and has significantly contributed to integrating the accordion into the sphere of classical music through his service to New Music.

Since 1987 Teodoro Anzellotti has taught at the Hochschule der Künste Bern, and since 2002 at the Musikhochschule Freiburg im Breisgau. His discography includes music ranging from Bach and Scarlatti to Janácek and Satie to John Cage and Matthias Pintscher.

For further information email: teodoro@anzellotti.de


‘Super Orchestra Day’, Surrey - UK

On October 28th Ian Watson and Julie North once again organize ‘Super Orchestra Day’, to be held at The Village Hall, Ripley, Surrey GU23 6AF. Ian writes: “Calling all accordionists! Following the success of last years event we are back with ‘Super Orchestra Day – 2012’.

We will work on 3 pieces during morning and afternoon rehearsals and then perform in the evening concert with our West End percussionists.

Ian Watson will again be your conductor and Julie North will lead the orchestra. It’s amazing what you can achieve in a day – the concert last year was a triumph. If you’ve never played in an accordion orchestra before this is your perfect opportunity. Last year there were 70 players – how many will we be in 2012….?

These days are really a resurrection of the Graham Romani Orchestra days that were popular in the 1980s. It's a great format and one that I'd love to take further north - perhaps Birmingham or Manchester.

We certainly found it great to get all of the local accordionists together - not just to socialise but actually to play in one big orchestra. It's also a great way to recruit new members as we encourage those who have never tried playing with others to get involved.

We found once they'd tried it they wanted to join a local regular group. The first half of the evening is provided by the different groups that are participating and the second half is dedicated to the 'Super Orchestra'”.

The ‘Super Accordion Orchestra Day’ finishes with a massed bands concert, performing together with 2 West End theatre drummers! Involved are the Morley Accordion Orchestra, Tillingbourne Accordion Orchestra, Watford Accordion Band, Shona Holmes, Ian Watson and Julie North.

For further information email: i.watson99@googlemail.com


2013 Wazemmes International Accordion Festival, Lille - France

Released a few days ago was the promotional video for the 2013 Wazemmes International Accordion Festival, 8th to 19th May, Lille, France.


Courses by CNIMA in Auvergne, July & August - France

cnima course poster


Новые и обновленные сайты

eTracks MP3 Albums by Alexander Dmitriev Now Online – International

Alexander DmitrievAlexander DmitrievThe eTracks part of the MusicForAccordion.com website has already grown to over 943 MP3 tracks available. Priced at only € 0.70 a track with most albums costing € 8.00 or less its great value.

New Albums this week are:
2 albums by Alexander Dmitriev

Images Contrasts Moods


eTracks MP3 Albums by Alexander Dmitriev Now Online – International

The eTracks part of the MusicForAccordion.com website has already grown to over 919 MP3 tracks available. Priced at only € 0.70 a track with most albums costing € 8.00 or less its great value.

New Albums this week are:
4 albums by Alexander Dmitriev

Pathes Of Centuries
Enigmatic Russian Soul


CD Отзывы

Fantasia CD by Alexander Sevastian, Reviewed by Joan Cochran Sommers

Fantasia CD CoverCD Reviews Index for the Review of Fantasia CD by Alexander Sevastian, in English languages, reviewed by Joan Cochran Sommers.


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