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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 22-Jan-2021
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2021年 Coupe Mondiale 比赛规章制度发布,慕尼黑 - 德国
2021年阳台山杯暨全国手风琴艺术节,深圳 - 中国
Vilda二重奏组2021年获得“Music Moves Europe”才艺奖
2021年 Orpheus 奖-意大利


Julie Cardona 去世 – 美国
视频:俄罗斯广播电台手风琴和交响乐团 – 俄罗斯
更新:2021年法兰克福音乐节的新日期 - 德国
在线: Hector Del Curto 与波士顿交响乐团合作 - 美国
视频:Stefan Rauch,Petutschnig Hons 表演 15er Steyr - 奥地利
新冠病毒夺走了另一位手风琴家,Shelia Lee,休斯顿 – 美国
Cancelled: 2021 VAMÖ Accordion Competition – Austria
Cancelled: 23rd Accordion Days Rheinsberg 2021 - Germany
推迟:Coba 独奏音乐会 – 日本
在线:The PoguestrA 表演“Green Suede Shoes”
视频:90岁的手风琴家演奏“La Cumparsita” - 巴西


莫斯科巴扬俱乐部音乐会 - 俄罗斯
线上音乐会:“Concertino 2021” – 意大利
Tracey Collins 在 Ryman Lifestyle 乡村巡演 – 新西兰
CNIMA 2021年专业强化培训课程快速上线 – 法国


视频:5岁的手风琴家 - 意大利


网站更新:Wallace Liggett 去世 - 新西兰

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Christine Johnstone在这周的新闻中,我们不得不宣布因为新冠疫情在欧洲的不断恶化,许多国家实施了进一步的封锁政策,进而导致未来的一些活动会取消这一坏消息。



请继续将您的信息发送到: cjmusic@outlook.co.nz

环球手风琴( Accordions Worldwide )祝大家2021年平安健康。


2021年 Coupe Mondiale 比赛规章制度发布,慕尼黑 - 德国

2021 Coupe Mondiale poster第74届 Coupe Mondiale 将于2021年10月13日至17日在德国慕尼黑举行,由 CIA 成员 Deutscher Harmonika-Verband e.V. (DHV) 主办。项目负责人是第一副主席:Georg Hettmann

我们在德国的 Coupe Mondiale 也会举办庆祝 CIA 创始成员 DHV 的具有里程碑意义的90周年纪念活动。

•第73届 Coupe Mondiale 比赛
•大师级 Coupe Mondiale
•初级 Coupe Mondiale
•Virtuoso 娱乐音乐国际比赛
•Virtuoso 娱乐音乐国际少年比赛
•室内乐 - 古典
•室内乐 - 世界音乐

2021年比赛的规则和制度位于:Coupe Mondiale
在以下位置查看酒店信息和音乐会场地的图片:Coupe Mondiale


您可以在以下位置找到有关2019年 Coupe Mondiale 的完整报道:


2021年阳台山杯暨全国手风琴艺术节,深圳 - 中国

International Video performers
Video 1:

Video 2:

Prof. Li Cong, Mr Mr. Tong Jianhua1月16日至17日,2021年深圳阳台山杯暨全国中小学生手风琴艺术节在中国深圳成功举办。

以上是两条国际消息,分别是来自世界各地的年轻选手和国际手风琴联合会 Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) 成员的亲切问候和音乐合奏视频“You Raise Me Up”。许多重要的中国手风琴老师也都送上了祝愿的信息。



•指导单位:中国音乐家协会手风琴协会理事长李聪( Li Cong )教授
•赞助单位:国际手风琴联合会 Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA)

Opening Ceremony performers


Vilda二重奏组2021年获得“Music Moves Europe”才艺奖

Duo Vilda
Vilda视频:Eurosonic Noorderslag 音乐节的线上表演

包括手风琴家 Viivi Maria Saarenkylä 和土著萨米歌手 Hildá Länsman(芬兰)在内的 Duo Vilda 被宣布成为 Eurosonic 在线音乐节“Music Moves Europe” 才艺奖的获得者。 颁奖典礼于2021年1月13日至16日在线上举行(由于新冠疫情的限制)。

该活动由英国艺术家 Mel C 主持,是一个非盈利性的,仅面向欧洲艺术家的展览,100%展示表演音乐节和音乐会,其在帮助新艺人进入国际音乐舞台方面有良好的记录。

Every year, eight outstanding artists receive a Music Moves Europe Talent Award in recognition of their international success, as well as being rewarded with a performance at ESNS (Eurosonic Noorderslag) and financial support for touring and promotion.

Vilda was representing Finland (and Samíland) this year in the contest. They performed an online concert at the ESNS festival right after the award ceremony which was held on January 15th.


2021年 Orpheus 奖-意大利

2021 Orpheus Award
Renzo RuggieriGerlando Gatto2021年第十届 Orpheus 奖将于今年在意大利的 Roseto degli Abruzzi 举行,此前因受疫情影响而取消了颁奖。

这项活动是为整个瑞兹家族举办的手风琴作品评论家奖,该奖项的对象是意大利艺术家,由Associazione Promozione Arte,艺术总监 Gerlando GattoRenzo Ruggieri (主席)和Giuseppe Di Falco(秘书)组织。

•职业 Orpheus




Julie Cardona 去世 – 美国

K TrioJulie2021年1月15日,来自美国北黑文(North Haven)的72岁的 Julie Kasprzyk Cardona 意外去世。 她曾是 K Trio 三重奏组,美国手风琴家协会( American Accordionists' Association )和康涅狄格手风琴协会的成员。

Julie,她的妹妹 Mary Tokarski 和她的哥哥 Walter Kasprzyk 以“ K Trio 三重奏”着称,他们都是很有才华的人,他们在世界许多国家都广受好评。Julie 热爱手风琴,她和她的妹妹 Mary Tokarski 赢得了 AAA Duet 冠军超过12年。

朱莉还获得过 AAA 美国冠军,并在 CIA Coupe Mondiale 比赛中代表美国取得了巨大成功:

Julie Kasprzyk Cardona 将被家人和朋友们所怀念。


视频:俄罗斯广播电台手风琴和交响乐团 – 俄罗斯

视频:刚刚发布的俄罗斯电台节目是关于手风琴演奏家 Alexander Poeluev 和指挥家及编曲家 Roberto Molinelli 的合作项目 (俄语)。


该项目诞生于2012年,已经在俄罗斯不同城市举办了许多联合音乐会。节目包括 Roberto 为手风琴和交响乐团所做的曲目。独特的组合,创造力,技巧和情感海洋为你喜爱的音乐注入了新的生命。

00:00 Alexander Poeluev from Rostov-on-Don
00:50 El Choclo - A.Villoldo
01:45 How did the idea to create the "Tango and Beyond" program come about?
05:00 How did you work with Roberto Molinelli?
05:49 La Cumparsita - M.Rodriguez
07:50 The tango genre is attractive because...
10:20 Roberto Molinelli struck me...
12:47 Caruso - L.Dalla
18:10 Music is...
19:13 Oblivion - A. Piazzolla
22:50 My Way - C. Francois

Picture below: The concert as part of the 2016 Coupe Mondiale in Rostov on Don


更新:2021年法兰克福音乐节的新日期 - 德国


Musikmesse is Europe’s biggest fair for the music industry, music instruments and music education. Strengthening the creative industries: from 2021, the Musikmesse will be held in October parallel to the Frankfurt Book Fair and will cooperate with the Frankfurt Book Fair's creative hub, The Arts.

For further information phone: +49 69 75 75-59 05


在线: Hector Del Curto 与波士顿交响乐团合作 - 美国

Hector del Curto
斯托探戈音乐节公布了 Hector Del Curto 与波士顿交响乐团的线上音乐会。音乐会将于2021年1月21日至2月20日免费在线上举行。

Their program includes Aleppo Songs (selection) by Kareem Roustom, Aconcagua - Concerto for bandoneon and orchestra by Piazzolla, Symphony Mathis der Maler by Hindemith and Warmth From Other Suns by Carlos Simon.

For details email: stowetangomusicfestival@gmail.com


视频:Stefan Rauch,Petutschnig Hons 表演 15er Steyr - 奥地利

自2019年4月8日发行以来,Stefan Rauch 和 Petutschnig Hons 凭借歌曲“15er Steyr”获得了超过950万的观看次数。


新冠病毒夺走了另一位手风琴家,Shelia Lee,休斯顿 – 美国

Shelia Lee
环球手风琴( Accordions Worldwide )深表遗憾地报道了新冠病毒夺走了另一位手风琴家的生命的消息。

Bill Merlin Palmer 在社交媒体上宣布,他的二重奏伙伴 Shelia Lee (上图)本周因感染新冠病毒而逝世。二人已经在一起表演了7年,曾在休斯顿的 Lechner 的德国餐厅和 Tomball 德国音乐节上合作过。

Shelia was a big supporter of the Palmer-Hughes Accordion Course, which was written by Bill’s father (Dr Willard Palmer) along with Bill Hughes. She had approximately 200 students at her studio in Pasadena and was an avid promoter of the accordion.

Shelia basically taught herself to play the Tex-Mex buttonbox, well enough that she convinced several of the luminaries of Conjunto music to come to her studio and give master classes to her students.

In addition to her music school, Shelia had her own combo, opened Houston Accordion Performers, authored many instructional DVD’s and books for the diatonic accordion as well as a complete free video series teaching the Palmer & Hughes Lesson Books and much more.

AccordionUSA Editor Rita Barnea wrote: "Shelia Lee loved teaching and sharing the fun she had playing the accordion and was a very popular teacher at the annual NAA Conventions each year where she conducted the Dance Orchestra. Shelia who dedicated her life to the accordion was a very friendly, kind, encouraging and inspirational person who could brighten up anyone’s day. She will be missed by all."


Cancelled: 2021 VAMÖ Accordion Competition – Austria

cancelledOrganisers of the 2021 VAMÖ Accordion-Competition held in Vienna, Austria regret to announce their Spring competition is cancelled due to COVID-19.

They are hopeful they will be able to organise a new date for later in the year and will advise details as soon as they possibly can.


Cancelled: 23rd Accordion Days Rheinsberg 2021 - Germany

CancelledDHVThe German Harmonica Association (DHV) regret to announce that the 23rd Accordion Days Rheinsberg 2021 (organised by DHV-Brandenburg) and due to be held in Rheinsberg, Germany from 12th to 14th February has been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


推迟:Coba 独奏音乐会 – 日本


Coba apologises for the inconvenience to fans and hopes he can reschedule as soon as possible.

Postponed concerts are:
January 29th in Fukuoka City
January 30th in Nagasaki City
January 31st in Saga City
February 11th in Ichihara City


在线:The PoguestrA 表演“Green Suede Shoes”

视频:RAI(意大利公共广播公司)报道了 The PoguestrA,在本周RAI 3套新闻频道的早晨版中, Dan 应邀谈论了 The PoguestrA 。

Accordionists are invited to join “The PoguestrA” performing "Green Suede Shoes along with other accordionists, vocalists and musicians playing guitars, pipes, tin whistle, bass, trombone, banjo, mandoline, dulcimer and violin.

“The PoguestrA” has been invited to cover a new edit of "Green Suede Shoes" for a tribute album of songs from American Celtic rock band "Black 47". It is an extended version of "Green Suede Shoes" with additional lyrics.

This is an amazing opportunity to join “The PoguestrA” on its discographic debut (it will be a digital only release, at first) together with other artists, for an amazing celebration of Black 47.

The PoguestrA is a flexible group of musicians from around the world who are also fans of The Pogues. It was established in May 2020 during the Covid-19 lockdown with musicians playing together remotely. Original members of The Pogues (a celtic punk folk band) have joined the group for some of their songs including accordionist James Fearnley.

There's no reward for this online performance . It's just for fun and for creating inclusion within this community. Participants are welcome to wear a pair of Green Suede Shoes during the performance.

The deadline for submissions is January 29th, 2021 at 8pm GMT.

For further details email: poguestra@gmail.com


视频:90岁的手风琴家演奏“La Cumparsita” - 巴西

视频:来自巴西 弗洛里亚诺波利斯 的90岁的Norma仍然喜欢弹奏她的手风琴。在此视频中,她与女儿 Maros 表演了 Matos Rodríguez 创作的“La Cumparsita”。

"Music-making is linked to a number of health benefits for older adults," said Suzanne Hanser, chair of the music therapy department at the Berklee College of Music in Boston. "Research shows that making music can lower blood pressure, decrease heart rate, reduce stress, and lessen anxiety and depression. There is also increasing evidence that making music enhances the immunological response, which enables us to fight viruses," Hanser said.

Hanser said that anyone, regardless of age or ability, can make music and benefit from it.

Researchers at the Western Sydney University's MARCS Institute for Brain, Behaviour and Development say even a small amount of musical training can have long-lasting effects, particularly for seniors. They say playing a musical instrument in retirement is one of the best ways to stay mentally and physically agile.

Music and psychology researcher with the institute, Dr Jennifer MacRitchie, has been studying the benefits of learning an instrument for the first time in people aged over 65 and found very positive outcomes.

Enjoy playing the accordion!



莫斯科巴扬俱乐部音乐会 - 俄罗斯

Moscow concert
1月23日晚上8点,在巴扬音乐家沙龙(Bayanist Salon)的支持下,一场名为“巴扬俱乐部”的民间音乐会将在莫斯科举行。

表演者包括俄罗斯荣誉艺术家Valery Syomin(“White Day”团体的创作者和艺术总监,巴扬演奏家,作曲家,歌手和编曲者),“HarmonDrive”和民谣歌手 Inna Kameneva 。

演出嘉宾是Vladimir Sorin。



线上音乐会:“Concertino 2021” – 意大利

Concertino poster
Voglia d'Arte 俱乐部是一个免费的音乐教师团体,提供爵士、古典和流行音乐等不同领域的私人音乐教学。协会举办音乐会,让老师和学生展示他们的活动。

他们的2021年音乐会名为“Concertino”,是一场免费的在线音乐会,将于1月31日下午6点半举行,由 Renzo Ruggieri 主持。

表演者将包括 Renzo RuggieriKateryna PylypenkoClaudio Azzaro ,Giuseppe Di Falco, Andrea Di Giacomo ,Valerio Russo, Viivi Maria Saarenkylä ,Azzurra Sorgentone,Giuseppe Perrone,Gianmarco Alcini,Liu Hongting,Francesco Scarselli,Leonardo进行 Marco Leonetti,Manuel Marchegiani,Daniele Palazzo和Federico Villani。


Tracey Collins 在 Ryman Lifestyle 乡村巡演 – 新西兰

Tracey Collins奥克兰手风琴家 Tracey Collins 将于2021年2月9日至3月5日在新西兰北岛的 Ryman Lifestyle 乡村举行音乐会巡回演出。


Her program will include a variety of music from around the world & shows, as well as upbeat and well known singalong tunes.

For details email: tracey@traceycollins.co.nz


CNIMA 2021年专业强化培训课程快速上线 – 法国

CNIMA header
在新冠疫情大流行期间,音乐家被限制表演,由 Nathalie Boucheix 带领的法国手风琴学校 CNIMA 为专业音乐家设计了三门强化专业培训课程。大多数培训将在法国中部 CNIMA 的美丽奥弗涅火山地区公园现场进行。

这些培训课程的第一期将于2月,3月和4月与 Patrick Brugalières 一起举办。 这些培训课程现已全部预定。

The next available course is “All About Entertainment” with full time entertainer Maxime d'Errico. This course will include 3 x one week sessions for accordion, keyboard, guitar and bass.

Course 2021 dates are:
March 1st to 5th
April 6th to 9th
May 3rd to 7th

Participants will work on various types of entertainment, repertoire, dances, rhythm etc., learn to play with pre-recorded tracks, set up sound, and transcribe arrangements.

For further details email: cnima@orange.fr



视频:5岁的手风琴家 - 意大利

视频:请欣赏这个来自意大利的5岁天才手风琴家的视频。 该视频由意大利裔美国人在线娱乐网站 Hardcore Italians 提供。它们涵盖新闻,有趣的剪辑,食谱,名人等等!



网站更新:Wallace Liggett 去世 - 新西兰

New Zealand Accordion Association (NZAA)
Book Cover, History of the Accordion in New ZealandWallace Liggett网站更新了 Wallace Liggett 去世的信息,他于2020年10月18日去世。他是《新西兰手风琴的历史》一书的作者。

November 13th, 2020 news item

In 1990, the New Zealand Accordion Association (NZAA) commissioned Wallace Liggett to be the author of the book "The History of the Accordion in New Zealand) , to ensure that information about the early history of the accordion in New Zealand, the individuals and their struggle for the wider acceptance and appreciation of the accordion by musicians and public alike, was not lost through the passage of time.


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