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Weekly News from Around the World - 22-Dec-2017
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2018 Coupe Mondiale Regeln und Vorschriften, Kaunas - Litauen
2018 China Harbin Sommer Internationale Akkordeon Kunst Woche - China
Late News: Maciej Frąckiewicz Premieres Krzysztof Penderecki Accordion Concerto - Poland
Das neue Friedrich Lips Buch erhältlich - Deutschland
XXIX Internationales Moskauer Festival "Bayan und Bayanisten" - Russland
Jazz-Geiger Didier Lockwood lädt Jean-Baptiste Baudin auf die Bühne, Saint-Saturnin - Frankreich
2018 South Pacific Accordion Championships & Festival Prospectus – Neuseeland

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Luciano Testani (1948-2017), Quebec – Canada
Tillingbourne Accordion Orchestra Xmas Gala Concert
Video: Joe Cerrito, Alex Dilan and Michelle Giglio, Florida - USA
Santa Maria Accordion Band (Malta) 25th Anniversary Concert
‘Harmonica and Button Box’ CD, Kent – UK

Future events

Accordionists at Le Vieux Belleville, Paris - France
Joe Cooley Tribute Session Cavan – Irish Republic
Graeme Mitchell SDB @ Banchory Accordion & Fiddle Club, Scotland – UK
Foster & Allen’s ‘Golden Years Tour’ - Ireland
Accordion Band Christmas Concerts, Hal-Balzan - Malta
Tango Story, Western Cape – South Africa
New Year’s Eve Party Time, Serra – Brazil
Fintan Stanley New Year Concerts, Massachusetts - USA
Paris-Moscow Duo Concert, Clermont-Ferrand - France
Diatonic Button Accordion Course, Belfast – UK

New and Updated Sites

Updated Site: Mika Väyrynen Suomi 100 - Väyrynen 50th Celebration Concert - Finland
Marconi Bellows "Know the People" Interview, Castelfidardo - Italy
Prof. Walter Maurer (1931-2017) Passed Away - Austria
Karthause-Schmülling Publications Online - Germany

CD Reviews

Mini Review of Two Frank Marocco CD's

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2017 Christmas
Ein weiteres sehr arbeitsreiches Jahr mit Akkordeonaktivität geht zu Ende. Akkordeon Weltweit ist stolz darauf, wieder von einer großen Anzahl internationaler Akkordeon Veranstaltungen berichtet zu haben.

Da dies unsere letzten Nachrichten für 2017 sind, möchte das Team von Akkorden Weltweit die Gelegenheit nutzen, Ihnen allen ein friedliches und gesundes Weihnachtsfest und Neujahr zu wünschen.

Unsere ersten Nachrichten im 2018 sind für Freitag, den 12. Januar geplant. Wenn Sie einen Artikel für diese (oder weitere) Nachrichten beisteuern möchten, senden Sie bitte eine E-Mail an robaccord5@hotmail.com

Rob Howard
Happy New Year


2018 Coupe Mondiale Regeln und Vorschriften, Kaunas - Litauen

Coupe Mondiale 2018 header
Kazys Stonkus & Mindaugas LabanauskasCoupe Mondiale 2018 posterDer 71. Coupe Mondiale wird vom 24.-30. September 2018 in Kaunas, Litauen, von der Litauischen Nationalen Akkordeonisten Union veranstaltet. Das Festival wird Wettbewerbe wie bietet:

Coupe Mondiale
• Meister Coupe Mondiale
• Junior Coupe Mondiale
• Internationaler Wettbewerb für Virtuose Unterhaltungsmusik
• Internationaler Jugendwettbewerb für Virtuose Unterhaltungsmusik
• Kammermusik - Klassik
• Kammermusik - Weltmusik

Das Online-Zugangssystem wird im Mai eröffnet, Anmeldeschluss ist der 31. Juli 2018

Gastgeber, Litauische Nationale Akkordeonisten Union, Präsident Kazys Stonkus und Vizepräsident Mindaugas Labanauskas, begrüßen alle Akkordeon Enthusiasten, Lehrer und Konkurrenten des Coupe Mondiale 2018 in Kaunas Stadt.

Vollständige Informationen unter: Coupe Mondiale

Eine vollständige Aufzeichnung des Coupe Mondiale 2017 finden Sie unter: http://www.coupemondiale.org/2017/it_rev_04.html
Video-Homepage & Video-Fahrplan bei: 2017CM-Video


2018 China Harbin Sommer Internationale Akkordeon Kunst Woche - China

2018 Harbin China Summer International Accordion Art Week
Prof. Wang HongyuHarbin PosterDie Internationale Kunstakademie für den chinesischen Harbin-Sommer im Jahr 2018 wird vom Kulturministerium der Volksrepublik China und der Volksregierung der Stadt Harbin veranstaltet, die vom Harbin Normal College, Harbin, China, geleitet wird. Die Veranstaltung ist Teil des 34. China Harbin Summer Music Festivals. Harbin wurde 2010 zur UNESCO Stadt der Musik ernannt.

Harbin wird vom 7. bis 11. August 2018 "die Hauptstadt der Musik", mit einigen der besten Akkordeonisten der Welt, die in der Concert Hall der Harbin Normal University auftreten. Konzerte, Workshops und ein großer internationaler Akkordeon Wettbewerb stehen im Programm.

Wettbewerbsregeln und Anmeldeformular in Chinesisch und Englisch unter: 2018 Harbin
Einsendetermin: 30. Juni 2018

Der Hauptorganisator von Harbin 2018 ist Prof. Wang Hongyu (Bild links), Präsident des Musik College der Harbin Normal University. Wang Hongyu ist ein Master-Tutor, der in den vergangenen Jahren etwa 12 Mal als Jurymitglied nach Russland, Frankreich, Italien, in den Südpazifik und andere internationale Akkordeonwettbewerbe eingeladen wurde.

Prof. Wang Hongyu leitete das sehr erfolgreiche Harbin 2010, Harbin 2012, Harbin 2014, Harbin 2016 Sommer Internationale Akkordeon Art Woche und Wettbewerbe, die mehr als 500 Teilnehmer mit vielen Konkurrenten von außerhalb Chinas anzogen


Late News: Maciej Frąckiewicz Premieres Krzysztof Penderecki Accordion Concerto - Poland

Maciej FrąckiewiczVag Papian, Krzysztof PendereckiMaciej Frackiewicz, winner of the “Polityka’s Passport” award (2013) and 1st prize at the prestigious “Arrasate Hiria” International Accordion Competition in Spain (2012) will perform the world premiere of a new concerto by the famous Polish composer Krzysztof Penderecki.

The performance of Concerto accordion (version from Concerto Doppio) with the Orkiestra Symfoniczna PFB conducted by Vag Papian is on 12th January at im. F. Chopina, Gdansk.

Krzysztof Penderecki (born 1933) is a Polish composer and conductor. The Guardian newspaper in the UK has called him Poland's greatest living composer. This concerto for accordion will be printed by Schott.

An important part of Maciej Frackiewicz artistic activity is close collaboration with composers such as Krzysztof Penderecki, Zygmunt Krauze, Dariusz Przybylski, Wojciech Blecharz, Jagoda Szmytka, Piotr Tabakiernik; Maciej Frackiewicz has premiered over 70 pieces for accordion.
Maciej Frąckiewicz & Krzysztof Penderecki


Das neue Friedrich Lips Buch erhältlich - Deutschland

Cover of The Art of Arranging Classical Music for Accordion"Die Kunst, klassische Musik für Akkordeon zu arrangieren" von dem berühmten Prof. Friedrich Lips wird demnächst verfügbar sein. Der hochwertige Inhalt entspricht der äußeren Erscheinung des Buches: Typografisch verschwenderisch auf feinstem italienischem Papier, Fadenheftung, laminierter Softcover mit Doppelklappe und exklusivem Design - lohnenswert, geschätzt.

25% Preisvorteil bei Vorbestellungen,
NUR bis zum 16. Januar 2018
29,50 Euro statt 39,50 Euro später

15% Preisvorteil bei Vorbestellungen
vom 17. Januar bis 31. Januar 2018
33,50 Euro statt 39,50 Euro später

Bücher verschickt ab 15. Februar 2018

Für Schüler, Studenten, Lehrer, Bühnenmusiker, Komponisten und Performer, Amateurspieler und professionelle Musiker.

Herausgeber: Prof. Ulrich Schmülling, übersetzt von Willoughby Ann Walshe, Gutachten von Dr. Nikolas Fehr und Vitali Neifert.

220 Seiten · 150 Notenbeispiele · Format: 17 x 24 cm · ISBN 978-3-925572-17-3

Kaufen Sie bei Katalog Nr: kslips03 Die Kunst des Arrangements klassischer Musik für Akkordeon

Andere Bücher von Friedrich Lips:
kslips00 Die Kunst des Bayan Akkordeon spielen und spielen künstlerisch (Englisch)
kslips01 Die Kunst des Bajanspiels
kslips02 Die Kunst der Bearbeitung klassischer Musik für Akkordeon
kslips03 Die Kunst, klassische Musik für Akkordeon zu arrangieren (englisch)


XXIX Internationales Moskauer Festival "Bayan und Bayanisten" - Russland

XXIX International Moscow Festival
Opening Concert, 13 December
Closing Concert 17 December
Das XXIX. Internationale Festival "Bayan und Bayanisten" fand vom 13. bis 17. Dezember 2017 im Konzertsaal der Russischen Gnesin-Musikakademie in Moskau statt. Die Veranstaltung wurde von dem Künstlerischen Leiter Friedrich Lips und Alexander Gataullin geleitet (Bild unten).

Videos aller großen Konzerte und einen Bericht von Dr. Herbert Scheibenreif finden Sie unter: 2017 Moskau

Laden Sie das 32-seitige gedruckte Programm unter: 2017MProgram.pdf herunter
Friedrich Lips and Alexander Gataullin


Jazz-Geiger Didier Lockwood lädt Jean-Baptiste Baudin auf die Bühne, Saint-Saturnin - Frankreich

Jean-Baptiste BaudinDer große Stephane Grappelli genannt Didier Lockwood, "Sohn der Musik" weltberühmte Jazz- und klassische Geiger führte seine neue Ein-Mann / Violin-Show in einem französischen Dorf während eines zeitgenössischen Kunstfestivals mit dem Titel "Les Jours de Lumière" (Der Tage des Lichts) Ende Herbst 2017 auf.

Die Organisatoren des Festivals hatten auch Akkordeonisten eingeladen, von einem Veranstaltungsevent zum nächsten zu gehen und jeweils Jazz und klassische Stücke zu spielen. Auf der Suche nach hochrangigen jungen Musikern hatten die Organisatoren die berühmte und einzigartige Vollzeitakkordeonschule CNIMA J.Mornet besucht.

Nathalie Boucheix, die CNIMA-Managerin (und internationale Preisträgerin), empfahl zwei ehemalige Studenten: Basha Slavinska, Gewinnerin zahlreicher klassischer und zeitgenössischer Musikpreise in Polen und Frankreich, und Jean-Baptiste Baudin, Preisträger internationaler Akkordeonwettbewerbe.

Didier Lockwood besuchte die Ausstellung und hörte Jean-Baptiste Baudin am Nachmittag. Der große Geiger gratulierte "JB" Baudin und bat ihn (zur freudigen Überraschung des 20jährigen Musikers), das Abendkonzert auf seinem Akkordeon zu begleiten. Gegen Ende der Show ... siehe Video oben!


2018 South Pacific Accordion Championships & Festival Prospectus – Neuseeland

NZAA header
NZAA posterDas Prospekt (Regeln und Bestimmungen) für die südpazifischen Akkordeon Meisterschaften und das Festival 2018, die am 2. Juni und 3. Juni 2018 in Auckland stattfinden, sind ab sofort verfügbar unter: 2018 NZ Prospekt

Die Regeln für die internationalen Kategorien entsprechen den Regeln des Coupe Mondiale's. Die Kategorie der internationalen Konzertmusik für den Südpazifik sind gleich den Regeln der Kategorie "Coupe Mondiale Masters", und die Kategorie "South Pacific Entertainment" der Kategorie "Coupe Mondiale Virtuoso Entertainment".

Ebenso Junior (unter 18 Jahren) South Pacific Entertainment-Kategorie. Die South Pacific Junior Solokonzert Kategorie hat die gleichen Regeln wie die erste Runde der Kategorie Coupe Mondiale Junior.

Anmeldeschluss ist der 14. April 2018.

NZAA-Präsidentin Sonja Palinich schreibt: "Die NZAA hat diese Veranstaltung seit 1972 inszeniert und wir freuen uns, dass wir wieder das Raye Freedman Arts Centre nutzen können (Bild unten). Dieser herausragende moderne Veranstaltungsort ist ideal für unsere Anforderungen mit exzellenter Akustik, Beleuchtung und kompletten Einrichtungen unter einem Dach. "

Vergangene Ereignisse unter: South Pacific Daily Reports

Die australischen AATA-Meisterschaften finden eine Woche später in Sydney statt und haben ähnliche Regeln für die internationalen Kategorien.
Raye Freedman Arts Centre


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Luciano Testani (1948-2017), Quebec – Canada

Luciano TestaniItalian-born Canadian accordionist Luciano Testani passed away on December at the age of 69. He was the Vice President of the Montreal Accordéonistes Association, and a dedicated lifelong classically trained accordion player and enthusiast. He was a regular performer at the annual festival Carrefour Mondial de L’Accordeon de Montmagny.

The picture shows Luciano Testani flanked by Italian accordionists Roberto Lucanero and Pietro Adragna taken at the 2013 Edition of the event ‘Fisa Pazza’ initiated by Ercole de Cubellis at the cultural center of Little Italy - casa d ' Italia, 505 rue Jean-Talon, Montreal, Quebec.

Fellow Quebec accordionist Mario Bruneau commented, “Luciano’s passing will leave a great void in the accordion world in Quebec”.


Tillingbourne Accordion Orchestra Xmas Gala Concert

The Tillingbourne Accordion Orchestra conducted by Marion Szuman presented a popular Holiday Concert at the Ripley Village Hall on Tuesday, December 18th, 2017. A variety show, the concert featured Seasonal and other music as well as competitions for the Best Holiday Themed costume of the players and a prize for the best decorated Music Stand!

The program featured the Orchestra performing two Christmas Carol Medleys, I Will Follow Him from the popular movie "Sister Act" and Die Drei Musketiere (1. Allemande, 2. Courante, 3. Sarabande, 4. Gigue) an original work for accordion orchestra by renowned German composer Adolf Götz.

Other items included solos by David Hoffman and conductor Marion Szuman, duets by Cheryl Beasley and Ruth Matthews, John Steel and Patrick Jordan (above left), Jose Collings and Ben Smith (above center), Ben Smith and Melanie Wright, Marion Szuman and Alison Worthington (below) and a performance by the Chamber Ensemble Amici (Marion Szuman, Melanie Wright, Ben Smith, Mary Smith, Ruth Matthews, Cheryl Beasley) playing the popular Tango for Claude by Richard Galliano.

The Tillingbourne Accordion Orchestra (formerly known as the Tillingbourne Accordion Band) was founded in 1988 meeting for rehearsals in Albury Village Hall and in 1992 moved to its current home, the Ripley Village Hall, where it meets on Tuesdays at 8:00 PM. In addition to the orchestra, in April of 1990 the Orchestra founded The Guildford Accordion Club, open to all music and accordion lovers, both players and non players. The Club meets on the third Friday of every month in Ripley Village Hall.

Since its foundation almost 30 years ago, the orchestra has played at many venues, often in support of charities, in Nursing Homes and at a variety of functions in Surrey, Kent and London locations. The founding Musical Director was Mike Naido who was followed by Pete Denham and others leading to their current Music Director Marion Szuman.

Marion, in addition to leading the Tillingbourne Accordion Orchestra, along with several players, are also members of the London Accordion Orchestra under the direction of Ian Watson.


Video: Joe Cerrito, Alex Dilan and Michelle Giglio, Florida - USA

Joe CerritoOn the 17th December, Joe Cerrito (accordion), Alex Dilan (organist) and Michelle Giglio (soprano) performed the beautiful Ave Maria composed by Giulio Caccini, to the great pleasure of the audience at St. Thomas More Catholic Church, Sarasota, Florida.

These three superb musicians have made a beautiful arrangement of this famous work. Enjoy this lovely music over the Christmas season.

Thank you to Dan Grauman for supplying the video.


Santa Maria Accordion Band (Malta) 25th Anniversary Concert

Santa Maria Accordion Band
The Santa Maria Accordion Band (Malta) has held a concert to celebrate its 25th Anniversary. The concert was held on the 11th December at Sala Antoine de Paule, San Anton Palace, Attard, Malta. The concert was under the distinguished patronage of H.E. Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, President of Malta.

The Accordion Band was founded in 1992 by Mro Marthese Busuttil Cassar L.B.C.A. (picture top left) She has dedicated most of her life to teaching the accordion, sometimes even on a voluntary basis. She is greatly supported by her husband Joe.

The accordion band consists of several accordions, percussion, bass guitar and a violin. The accordionists are Adrian Agius, Martha Busuttil, Joseph P. Grima, Cleve Zammit, Pamela Zahra, Maria de Gabriele, Kirsty Cortis, Olga Mashevskaya, Luigi Sammut, Luca Custo and David Attard. Noel Camilleri, Maria Dolores Micallef and John Spiteri play the percussion. The bass guitar is played by Paul Micallef and the violin by Alina Krjukova.

The compère was TV personality, Ms Antonella Vassallo. The guest solo performers were Mr George Curmi on the violin, Mr Yuri Charyguine and Mr Andrew Micallef on the chromatic accordion, and Mr Martin Despott, Ms Pamela Zahra, Mr Luca Custo and Mr David Attard on the piano accordion.

The Accordion Band was directed by Mro Marthese Busuttil Cassar L.B.C.A. All participants were given a souvenir to commemorate the event.

The Hon. President of the Band, Dr Philip Agius (picture lower left), thanked Marthese Busuttil Cassar for founding this band, he also thanked the audience, musicians and the organizing committee. He emphasized that the band can grow and be known internationally as the main organizer of the Malta Accordion Festival to be held again next April.

The Organizing Committee thanked the President of Malta, and all sponsors for this event. More information is available on the Santa Maria Accordion Band (Malta) Facebook.


‘Harmonica and Button Box’ CD, Kent – UK

‘Harmonica and Button Box’ CDHarmonica player Brendan Power, from New Zealand, and 2-row diatonic button accordionist Tim Edey, from England, combine their considerable musicality and skills on a new album, ‘Harmonica and Button Box’, available on CD and MP3 from Brendan Power, now based in the UK.

The music is mainly Irish traditional, and the tracks are: Three Kerry Polkas, Kevin Burke’s Jigs, Scratch and Vamp, Three Reels, Two Hornpipes, Three Jigs, The Broadstairs Regatta/20 out of 10, Paddy’s Rambles Through the Park, Three More Reels, Huff n’ Puff.

For further information email: enquiries@brendan-power.com


Future events

Accordionists at Le Vieux Belleville, Paris - France

Le Vieux Belleville
Le Vieux Belleville posterLe Vieux Belleville, 12 rue des Envierges, 75020 Paris, is a restaurant that regularly features accordion music and singers. Le Vieux Belleville is open every day except Sundays for lunch, from 11am to 3pm, to Friday. Musical evenings, often featuring accordionists, take place on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, from 8pm until 2am. Upon request, musical evenings can be arranged on other days.

Details of forthcoming evenings with accordion entertainment can be found on the Le Vieux Belleville website. Entertainment over Christmas and New Year include:

December 22nd, 23rd, 29th, 30th, and January 5th, 6th, 8.30pm – singer and accordionist Minelle entertains
December 26th, 31st, and January 2nd, 8.30pm – accordionist Michel Refutin and singer Malene perform the songs of Edith Piaf


Joe Cooley Tribute Session Cavan – Irish Republic

Joe CooleyComhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann (CCE) Cavan Musicians are holding a Christmas Eve Session in Cons Lounge, Butlersbridge, County Cavan, on Sunday, December 24th, 2.30pm - 5 pm, to celebrate the music of the late Joe Cooley RIP who died on December 20th, 1973. All are welcome to play or listen.

Joe Cooley (1924–73), from County Galway, was a 2-row button accordion player who became one of the most influential of Irish accordionists of his generation. He was one of the founders of the Tulla Ceili Band in 1946 and played with the Tulla on their first broadcast for Radio Éireann in 1948. In 1954 Joe Cooley moved to the USA and lived in New York where he formed the Joe Cooley Ceili Band and the Joe Cooley Instrumental Group. He moved from New York to Chicago, and finally to San Francisco. In Chicago, Joe and his flute playing brother Seamus formed the Glenside Ceili Band. While in San Francisco, Cooley formed the Gráinneog Céilidh Band, which included accordionist Kevin Keegan, fiddlers Sue Draheim and Will Spires, Eric Thompson, and others. In America, he married Nancy McMahon from Killenana, County Clare.

Joe returned to Ireland in the spring of 1973 after becoming ill with cancer. By this time he had become a legend, and his homecoming was like the return of a messiah. He toured the pubs of Clare and Galway with his friend banjo player Des Mulkere until shortly before his death in December 1973. His only commercial recordings were released in Ireland in 1975 as the LP (now on CD) ‘Cooley’. Recorded in 1973 in various pubs, this is lively Irish accordion music at its best. One of Cooley's enduring legacies is a reel named Joe Cooley's. Originally named The Tulla Reel, the tune became associated with Cooley and is now a standard in the Irish traditional music repertoire.


Graeme Mitchell SDB @ Banchory Accordion & Fiddle Club, Scotland – UK

Graeme Mitchell and band
Graeme MitchellThe Graeme Mitchell Scottish Dance Band are the guests at the Banchory Accordion & Fiddle Club, which meets at the Burnett Arms, 25 High St, Banchory, Aberdeenshire AB31 5TD, on Boxing Day Tuesday December 26th, 7.45pm.

Accordionist Graeme Mitchell formed his band in 1982 and, apart from Graeme, two members, Brian Cruickshank and Gordon Duguid are still in the band today. The band have played all over Scotland, and have covered the whole spectrum of gigs available for such a band – dances, ceilidhs, weddings, accordion clubs, broadcasts, LPs, DVD, tapes, CDs, television, stage shows and foreign trips.  

For further information email: accordions2010@hotmail.co.uk


Foster & Allen’s ‘Golden Years Tour’ - Ireland

Foster & Allen’s
Between December 27th and March 10th the ever popular Irish duo Foster & Allen perform a series of concerts at venues in Ireland on their ‘Golden Years Tour’ – see the poster.

Few acts anywhere can rival Foster & Allen (accordionist Mick Foster and singer/guitarist Tony Allen) for keeping the accordion before the general public, and they have a huge international following. In 1979 they released the single ‘A Bunch of Thyme’, which became their first No.1 single in Ireland and the UK. Other hit singles followed, and the duo has toured many times the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. To date, they have released over 30 best-selling albums and 13 DVDs, with album and DVD sales over 22 million worldwide.

Mick Foster was taught to play the accordion by Sister Agnes Murray and by Frankie Gavigan. Main influences on his playing included Jimmy Shand and Will Starr. In 1968 and 1970 Mick Foster won the All Ireland Piano Accordion Championship at the Fleadh Cheoil. He has stated that his accordion would be the last thing in life he would be prepared to give up.


Accordion Band Christmas Concerts, Hal-Balzan - Malta

Santa Maria Accordion Band
The Santa Maria Accordion Band (MD Mro Marthese Busuttil Cassar L.B.C.A.) performs two Christmas concerts at the Casa Antonia Retirement Complex, Hal-Balzan, central Malta, on Thursday December 28th and Friday December 29th, each beginning at 6pm.


Tango Story, Western Cape – South Africa

Tango Story poster
On Friday, December 29th, 8.15pm, the CT Tango Ensemble, featuring accordionist Stanislav Angelov, perform a show titled ‘Tango Story’ at Oude Libertas, Stellenbosch, Western Cape. The evening includes a concert and a Milonga dance session.

For further information email: music@goodmusic.co.za


New Year’s Eve Party Time, Serra – Brazil

Balneario Recanto da Serra, Poster
On New Year’s Eve Sunday December 31st, there will be a music and dance party, plus a barbecue, at the Balneario Recanto, Serra, Brazil. The entertainers include Mauricio do Acordeon, vocalist Tony Baldock, and Lucineide do Acordeon.


Fintan Stanley New Year Concerts, Massachusetts - USA

Fintan StanleyOn December 30th and 31st, 8pm both evenings, the ever popular Boston-based Irish accordion entertainer Fintan Stanley performs at the Cape Cod Irish Village, 822 Route 28, South Yarmouth, Massachusetts MA 02664.

Fintan Stanley, born in County Louth, Ireland, is based in Boston, USA. In 1955 Fintan was the first to win an All-Ireland Championship title on a Continental chromatic accordion. He later played in several bands, most notably the Gallowglass Ceili Band and with Dermot O’Brien & The Clubmen, and for many years has performed as a solo accordionist. He has worked mainly in the USA, Ireland and the UK, and also in Germany and Italy.

For further information email: Info@TommyFoxs.com


Paris-Moscow Duo Concert, Clermont-Ferrand - France

The Paris-Moscow Duo – Domi Emorine and Roman Jbanov - performs in concert on Saturday January 6th, 8.30pm, at the Maison de Oradou, Clermont-Ferrand, in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region of southern France.

Roman Jbanov and Domi Emorine began performing together in 1998, and have performed in France, Russia, Denmark, Italy, Poland, China, Portugal, Lithuania, Canada, Norway, Spain, Switzerland, and the UK. Domi Emorine’s achievements include winning the CIA Coupe Mondiale, CMA Trophée Mondial, Concours International de Klingenthal, and the Prix de la Sacem. Roman Jbanov achievements include Grand Prize Beloborodov in Tula (Russia), Scholarship of the President of the Russian Republic, and the CMA Trophée Mondial.

For further information email: duopm@sfr.fr


Diatonic Button Accordion Course, Belfast – UK

Emma McGloneA tuition course for the diatonic button accordion, organised by BelfastTrad and led by Emma McGlone, begins on Monday January 8th, 6pm until 9pm, at The Crescent, 2-4 University Rd, Belfast BT7 1NH, Northern Ireland. The course runs for 10 weeks, and each evening runs as follows: 6pm-7pm – Advanced, 7pm-8pm – Beginners, and 8pm-9pm – Intermediate. Tuition prices are £70/£60. Some instruments may be available for hire.

For further information email: info@crescentarts.org


New and Updated Sites

Updated Site: Mika Väyrynen Suomi 100 - Väyrynen 50th Celebration Concert - Finland

Mika Väyrynen
Mika VäyrynenPicture above: Helsinki Music Hall with the concert advertised. Picture right - Mika Väyrynen, the artist in concert.

On October 11th, 2017, Finnish accordionist Mika Väyrynen presented a monumental concert in Helsinki titled 'Suomi 100 – Väyrynen 50' in honor of Finland's 100th Anniversary and his own 50th Birthday celebration.

Comprising several World Premieres, the program showcased some of Finland's most renowned composers who were in attendance for the event at the Helsinki Music Hall Camarata Threatre.

9 videos plus pictures of the concert are at the page: Väyrynen50th


Marconi Bellows "Know the People" Interview, Castelfidardo - Italy

Marconi Bellows
"Know the People" Interview at: 2017Marconi
with: Giorgio Marconi (Owner) and Lorella Marconi(Owner).
Editor: Holda Paoletti-Kampl

"Know the People" of Castelfidardo who have made this small city so famous around the world for their quality accordion products. Interview at: 2017Marconi

Picture below: Know the People" with: Giorgio Marconi and Lorella Marconi.
Giorgio Marconi and Lorella Marconi


Prof. Walter Maurer (1931-2017) Passed Away - Austria

Prof. Walter MaurerThe obituary page reporting the sad passing of Prof. Walter Maurer, the long time Secretary General of the Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) from 1975 - 2006 is being been updated with additional pictures and information.

Prof. Walter Maurer had a long life of musical achievements and these can be seen on the web page: Walter Maurer.


Karthause-Schmülling Publications Online - Germany

Karthause-Schmülling publications are being added online and we hope to have the catalog completed in two weeks.

Sheet Music Index List
Catalog - Name
1000 - Aria und Tokkata
1001 - Don-Rhapsodie Nr. 2
1002 - Suite
1003 - Rassypucha
1004 - Volkslied-Variationen über die russische Melodie
1005 - Invention; Tokkatina
1006 - Konzertstück (4 mvt)
1007 - Ex anima
1008 - Rondo
1009 - 11 polyphone Stücke
1010 - Kindersuite Nr. 2 (5 titles)
1011 - Kindersuite Nr. 1 (5 titles)
1012 - Bilder aus Staro-Tscherkassk (Suite - 6 mvt)
1013 - Sonate Nr. 1 (4 mvt)
1014 - Sonate Nr. 3 (4 mvt)
1015 - Konzertvariationen über das ukrainische Volkslied
1016 - Konzertvariationen über das russische Volkslied
1017 - Frühlingsmusik (Suite 5 mvt)
1018 - Ballada sonata
1019 - Frühlingsdämmerung in Zakopane (Solo)
1020 - Tokkata
1021 - Tarantella
1022 - Partita concertante Nr. 1
1023 - Partita concertante Nr. 2
1024 - Drei Charakter-Etüden (mit Redaktion für Piano Akkordeon)
1025 - Volkslied-Variationen "Inmitten flacher Täler"
1026 - Basso ostinato
1027 - Capriccio
1028 - Improvisation
1029 - Reaction to an object found für akkordeon und Soprano
1030 - Jägerlied-Variationen (Solo)
1031 - Jägerlied-Variationen (Duo)
1032 - Nawaschdenje
1033 - Sonate
1034 - Sonate Nr. 2
1035 - Sonate Nr. 2
1036 - Sonate Nr. 3
1037 - Sonate Nr. 4
1038 - Herbstliche Landschaften
1039 - Partita "Also sprach..."
1040 - Sonate Nr. 2
1041 - Reminiszenz
1042 - Musik fur zwei
1043 - Korrelationen
1044 - Konzertsuite
1045 - Ukrainische Rhapsodie
1046 - Beloliza-krugloliza
1047 - Die verzauberte Prinzessin
1048 - Jahresbilder I
1049 - Jahresbilder II
1050 - Scherzo-Tarantella
1051 - Partita concertante Nr. 3
1052 - Gavotte en Rondeau
1053 - Jazz-Rock Partita Nr. 1
1054 - Sonate Nr. 1
1055 - Kindersuite Nr. 1
1056 - Kindersuite Nr. 2
1057 - Kindersuite Nr. 3
1058 - Kindersuite Nr. 4
1059 - Kindersuite Nr. 5
1060 - Kindersuite Nr. 6
1061 - Jazz-Rock Partita Nr. 2
1062 - Tokkata
1063 - A Farewell to Arms
1064 - Fantastisches Scherzo
1065 - Scherzo
1067 - Caprice Nr. 1
1068 - Fünf spanische Bilder
1069 - Konzertalbum
1070 - Intermezzo, Praludium
1071 - Scherzo
1072 - Scherzo cis-Moll
1073 - Erinnerungen eines alten Clowns
1074 - Sonate Nr. 1
1075 - Sonate
1076 - Stichera
1077 - Rezitativ und Tokkata
1078 - Zwei Sonatinen
1079 - Thema Nr. 2 mit Variationen
1080 - Dialog
1081 - Die Rückkehr des Frühlings
1082 - Ballada fantasia
1083 - Album für die Jugend
1084 - Volkslied-Variationen
1085 - Choral und Fuge (Trio)
1086 - Lasker-Schüler Epigramme
1087 - Choral und Fuge (Solo)
1088 - Frühlingsstimmenwalzer
1089 - Schuga
1090 - Metamorphosen, Divertimento
1091 - Sonate Nr. 1
1092 - Sonate Nr. 2
1093 - Der Fluß der Liebe
1094 - Traumgarten
1095 - Im Kloster Ferpontow
1096 - Partita
1097 - Kammersuite
1098 - Etincelles (Funkenregen)
1099 - Bulgarisches Album
1101 - Gotische Suite
1102 - Russischer Tanz
1103 - Russische Bilder
1104 - Sonate Nr. 2
1105 - Volkslied-Variationen
1106 - Volkslied-Variationen
1107 - Volkslied-Variationen
1108 - Volkslied-Variationen
1109 - Volkslied-Variationen
1110 - Asturias
1111 - Chaconne
1112 - Cordoba
1113 - Meereslandschaft
1114 - ... vor dem Hintergrund
1115 - Drei Stucke
1116 - Adadgiio und Allegro
1117 - Sinfonia concertante
1118 - Sonate Nr. 3
1119 - An der schonen blauen Donau
1120 - Sonate Nr. 1
1121 - Sonata-Ballada
1122 - Etude-Tokkata
1123 - Spanischer Tanz Nr. 5
1124 - De profundis
1125 - Tanz des weißen Indianers
1126 - Sonate Nr. 1
1127 - Sonate Nr. 2
1128 - Winterbilder
1129 - Fuge und Burleske
1130 - Die Spieldose
1131 - Rhapsodie
1132 - Fünf Stücke
1133 - Suite
1134 - Metamorphosen
1135 - Barock-Suite
1136 - Tokkata und Fuge


CD Reviews

Mini Review of Two Frank Marocco CD's

Frank Marocco Ballads CD coverCD Reviews Index for the Mini Review of Two Frank Marocco CD's.

Review by Gerlando Gatto


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