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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 21-Jan-2022
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Stas Venglevski 在手风琴世界博物馆举办音乐会 - 美国
Foster & Allen 2022 年 3 月巡回音乐会 - 北爱尔兰
Mie Miki 与 Hyogo 管弦乐团合作举办三场音乐会 - 日本
Andrey Ivanovich Ledenev 纪念晚会,莫斯科 - 俄罗斯
Ryan Corbett 在英国皇家海外联盟年度音乐比赛中赢得奖金 20,000 英镑 - 英国
视频:Martynas Levickis 为 20,000 多名观众表演 - 德国


2 月的 2022 年 CIA 冬季大会被推迟 - 瑞典
Ian Watson,Bundesakkordeonorchester 客座指挥 - 德国
视频:休斯顿手风琴乐队演出的电视报道 - 美国
Timbre 俄罗斯手风琴组合音乐会在莫斯科举行 – 俄罗斯
著名手风琴巡游现改为五月份举行 - 芬兰
Zoe Tiganouria 在戏剧节目中表演 - 希腊
视频:“Swing of France” 演奏 Jazz Musette - 法国


Lionel Suarez 礼堂音乐会 - 法国
皇家音乐学院手风琴大师班 – 英国
Alex Meixner 与 Terry Cavanagh 和 The Alpine Express 在德克萨斯州演出 - 美国
Festival Eclat Neue Musik,斯图加特 - 德国
Ghenadie Rotari 独奏音乐会在维也纳举办 - 奥地利
剑桥手风琴乐团日 - 英国


2022 Coupe Mondiale Rules and Regulations Released, Zofingen - Switzerland
33rd International “Bayan and Bayanists” Festival, Moscow – Russia
2022 CNIMA Workshops - France
ATG 80周年纪念活动:7月20至24日在芝加哥地区 - 美国
2022 South Pacific Accordion Championships & Festival – New Zealand
Yuri Shishkin CD's Sold Out, eTracks Available - Russia

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Stas Venglevski 在手风琴世界博物馆举办音乐会 - 美国

Stas Jan concert
Stas Venglevski (手风琴) 将于 2022 年 1 月 23 日的下午3点在苏必利尔的手风琴世界博物馆 (A World of Accordions Museum) 举行的一场名为 "Accordion Blend" 的音乐会上与来自威斯康星大学的客座艺术家 Brett Jones (打击乐) 和 Derek Bromme (大号) 合作进行演出。




Foster & Allen 2022 年 3 月巡回音乐会 - 北爱尔兰

Foster & Allen Tour poster
Foster & Allen视频:The Magic of Foster & Allen。曲目包括 The Old Rustic Bridge, I'll Never Stop Wanting You, Maggie, The Stone Outside Dan Murphy's Door, The Bluebell Polka, Morning Glory, After All These Years, The Mountains of Mourne, Remember You're Mine and Love Letters in the Sand。

知名爱尔兰组合 Foster & Allen 将于今年 3 月在北爱尔兰进行巡回演出。

名为“We’ll Meet Again”的音乐会是他们将于 2022 年举行的一系列音乐会中的一部分。

继 1 月 11 日在贝尔法斯特大歌剧院演出之后,他们将于 3 月 16 日至 3 月 27 日在 Portaferry 举办更多的音乐会。



Mie Miki 与 Hyogo 管弦乐团合作举办三场音乐会 - 日本

Hyogo poster
手风琴家 Mie Miki 于 2022 年 1 月 14 日至 16 日在 Hyogo 表演艺术中心举行的三场系列音乐会上与 Hyogo 艺术和文化中心管弦乐队进行了合作演出。

该音乐会由 HPAC 管弦乐队的指挥佐渡裕执导,其中的演出内容包括与讲述员白鸟玉季(几天后将满 12 周岁)共同演奏的由作曲家武满彻创作的 "Family Tree"。

该节目还包括与女高音 Ishizawa Seimi 合作的马勒第四交响曲。

Mie Miki 演奏了 Yamada 的“This Road”作为音乐会最后的加演曲。


Andrey Ivanovich Ledenev 纪念晚会,莫斯科 - 俄罗斯

Ledenev poster
Andrey Ivanovich Ledenev(副教授、俄罗斯文化荣誉工作者和国际信息化学院成员)的纪念晚会将于 2022 年 1 月 21 日晚上 7 点在莫斯科国立施尼特克学院音乐厅举行。

Ekaterina Ledeneva, Marina Ledeneva, Alexei Alekseev, Galina and Alexei Efremenko, Aidar Gainullin, Roman Galiev, Mark Gataullin, Andrei Lukovsky, Andrey Marchenko, Maria Orel, Sergei Osokin, Joseph Purits, Robert Rakhimov, Pavel Ratynsky, Aidar Salakhov, Andrei Shelyganov, Anastasia Shkinderova and Ayazhan Usembayeva。

当晚的主持人是班级毕业生 Olga Valerievna Kulagina 和 Lyubov Alekseevna Yankina。



Ryan Corbett 在英国皇家海外联盟年度音乐比赛中赢得奖金 20,000 英镑 - 英国

Ryan Corbett
Ryan Corbett 于 9 月 28 日赢得了第 69 届皇家海外联盟 (Rosl) 年度音乐比赛的键盘类音乐奖,一等奖奖金 5,000 英镑,并在 11 月 24 日举行的金牌决赛中获得了抢手的位置。

Ryan Corbett 随后赢得了 Rosl 2021 金牌决赛,并成为自 1993 年以来第一位获得这一最高奖项以及 15,000 英镑一等奖的手风琴家。

Corbett 在 Over-Seas House 与大提琴家 Matthias Balzat、女高音 Milly Forrest 和长笛演奏家 Marie Sato 共同竞争,表演节目包括 Scarlatti、Franck AngelisViatcheslav Semionov 的作品。

目前在苏格兰皇家音乐学院学习的 Corbett 是继 1993 年 David Preston 的胜利之后,在其 69 年历史上第二位在该比赛中获胜的手风琴家。

‘Ryan connected with the audience and jury alike with his innate ability to communicate through his accordion,’ says Geoff Parkin, artistic director of the Royal Over-Seas League. ‘His sound world, phrasing and musicality mark him out as a very special musician and we look forward to supporting his future career.”


视频:Martynas Levickis 为 20,000 多名观众表演 - 德国

Martynas LevickisMartynas Levickis 于 2021 年 12 月 31 日写道。

“20000 多人参加了我和由 Andrés Orozco-Estrada 指挥的法兰克福广播交响乐团的演出,而我也正在与他们中的每一个人分享我心中的爱。到了明年,我希望世界可以归于正常”

Martynas Levickis 表演的节目包括:
Václav Trojan (1907-1983) - "Fairy-Tales" for Accordion and Orchestra (1959)

2:28 1st mvt, Let us Dance into the Fairy Tales
5:26 2nd mvt, The Sleep Princess
9:24 7th mvt, The Acrobatic Fairy Tale



2 月的 2022 年 CIA 冬季大会被推迟 - 瑞典

postponed由于新冠疫情的大流行,原定于 2 月 25 日至 27 日在瑞典 Kungsbacka 举行的 Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) 2022 年冬季大会被推迟,现在将在稍后的日期在线上举行。




Ian Watson,Bundesakkordeonorchester 客座指挥 - 德国

BUAKKO logoIan Watson作曲家兼指挥家 Ian Watson (英国 - 图片右) 已于 2022 年开始担任德国国家手风琴乐团 "Bundesakkordeonorchester" (BuAkkO) 的客座指挥

The orchestra will rehearse at the historic music school in Schlitz (picture below) before their first 2022 performance at the Nuremberg State Museum of Art and Design in Nuremberg on February 20th at 11.15am.

Their program includes world premieres of new works by Ian Watson and Stefan Hippe as well film music by John Williams as follows:

• Simple London Symphony - Stefan Hippe (World Premiere)
• On Aldeburgh Beach - Ian Watson (World Premiere)
• Symphony 10, Movement 2 - Dmitri Shostakovich (arr. Ian Watson)
• Selection from E.T. - John Williams (arr. Joan C. Sommers)
• Black Mountain - Ian Watson
• Selection from Enigma Variations - Edward Elgar (arr. Stefan Hippe)
• Star Wars – Main Title - John Williams (arr. Ian Watson)
• Spoonful of sugar - Sherman and Sherman (arr. Ian Watson)

For details email: info@nmn.de
Schlitz Music School


视频:休斯顿手风琴乐队演出的电视报道 - 美国

视频:KPRC 2 电视台的 Lauren Kelly 本周采访了正在与休斯敦手风琴乐队一起排练的 Stas Venglevski 。 本周手风琴乐队夏令营在 Kemah 举办了他们的第四次演出活动,来自美国各地的30 多位手风琴家齐聚休斯顿,在Stas 的指导下共同演出。

Two Live Concerts were held last weekend featuring the Accordion Orchestra at the Gloria Dei Lutheran Church and St. Matthew Lutheran Church.


Timbre 俄罗斯手风琴组合音乐会在莫斯科举行 – 俄罗斯

Timbre pic
视频:2021 年 12 月在莫斯科举行的巴扬和巴扬演奏家音乐节上的 Piazzolla 音乐作品表演。

Timbre Russian Accordion Group (Timbre 俄罗斯手风琴组合)于 2022 年 1 月 15 日在俄罗斯莫斯科的 "Marfinsky" 疗养院举行了他们的 2022 年首场音乐会,该音乐会由莫斯科地区爱乐乐团组织。

The group performed a variety of pieces with vocalist Yulia Zhuravleva including “Moscow Quadrille” (Temnov), “How were you?” (Dunaevskiy) and “I will go outside” (Russian Song) as well as works by Sviridiv, Rokhlin, Minkov, Listov, Soliviov-Sedoy, Polonskiy and Kanaev.

The group includes accordionists Pavel Zaitsev, Viacheslav Stoma, Kirill Rusinov, Maksim Tkachev and Viacheslav Kuzminskiy (Art Director).

Pavel Zaitsev is also a partner of the pigini-excelsior.ru business importing Italian accordions to Russia.
Timbre & vocalist


著名手风琴巡游现改为五月份举行 - 芬兰

postponedFinnish logo由于新冠疫情在芬兰各地急剧恶化,Suomen Harmonikkaliitto (SHL - 芬兰手风琴协会) 曾计划于 2022 年 1 月末为超过 2,000 名手风琴爱好者举办的手风琴巡游活动现将推迟到 2022 年 5 月。

SHL 和 Tallink 共同决定推迟该活动。

新日期:母亲节周末,2022 年 5 月 7 日至 8 日。

Organisers do not want to cancel the cruise. Currently the epidemic situation is difficult and therefore a postponement is necessary. It is not possible to be sure that the restrictions on gatherings and other things will end and that the corona passport will be valid in the coming weeks.

The SHL will contact all customers who have made a reservation and agree to transfer their reservations until May. If the customer wishes to cancel the cruise booking, the cruise fee will be refunded in full. The SHL apologizes for the inconvenience of the date change and welcomes everyone to the Accordion Cruise for the spring vibe of May.

The Finnish Accordion Association is a national music organization whose mission is to promote the hobby and status of accordion playing. Both individuals and associations are welcome to join, regardless of age or playing skills.

For further information email: toimisto@harmonikkaliitto.fi
Cruise ship


Zoe Tiganouria 在戏剧节目中表演 - 希腊

Zoe T
Zoe CD coverZoe Tiganouria (composer and accordionist) is currently playing in 6 unique weekly performances at the Theater of the Day in Greece. The theatrical production of "Karaiskakis: The Misunderstood Hero" by Giannis Kostaras directed by Manos Antoniou began on January 5th, 2022.

Zoe Music has released the music to this successful historical drama on CD.

For details email: info@zoe-music.net


视频:“Swing of France” 演奏 Jazz Musette - 法国

Swing CD cover视频:包括手风琴家 Erwan Mellec 在内的 “Swing of France” 组合演奏了他们的第一张专辑“La Contre-Attaque Du Jazz Musette Vol 1”中的 Jazz Musette 一曲。

1. La Flambée Montalbanaise (Gus Viseur)
2. Balajo (Jo Privat) - 2.50
3. Mystérieuse (Jo Privat) - 5.20
4. Modern'Valse (Jo Privat) - 8.20
5. Soir de dispute (Gus Viseur) - 11.00
6. Papillons Noirs (Jo Privat) - 13.15
7. La Sorcière (Maurice Vittenet) - 16.00
8. Passion (Tony Murena) - 19.25

The group have just released their second album "La Contre-Attaque Du Jazz Musette Vol 2".

For details email: contact@swingoffrance.com



Lionel Suarez 礼堂音乐会 - 法国

Concert poster
Lionel SuarezConcerts de l'Auditorium视频:Lionel Suarez 在表演 La Cambiada。

Accordionist Lionel Suarez will perform a concert at the 25th season of Concerts de l'Auditorium in Villefranche-sur-Saône, France on January 22nd, 2022 at 7pm.

The Concerts de l'Auditorium present a musical program that includes a wide range of musical expression such as lyrical, instrumental and orchestral ensembles.

For details email: billetterie@concertsauditorium.fr


皇家音乐学院手风琴大师班 – 英国

Alfred Melichar皇家音乐学院将于 2022 年 1 月 27 日下午 3 点在英国伦敦的 Angela Burgess 演奏厅举办手风琴大师班。

导师将是当代音乐专家 Alfred Melichar (左图),他是奥地利林茨市 Anton Bruckner 大学的手风琴教授。

The masterclass is “highly recommended for teachers and students seeking to broaden their knowledge of this important part of the accordion repertoire”.

For details phone: +44 (0) 20 7873 7373


Alex Meixner 与 Terry Cavanagh 和 The Alpine Express 在德克萨斯州演出 - 美国

AM poster
Alex Meixner 将于 2022 年 1 月 27 日下午 6 点在德克萨斯州新布朗费尔斯的 Krause's Café & Biergarten 与 Terry Cavanagh 和 The Alpine Express 一起在一场特别的现场活动中进行演出。

Alex Meixner 乐队将在整个 2022 年期间在该场地演出,同时今年晚些时候也会在 Maifest 和慕尼黑啤酒节上演出。



Festival Eclat Neue Musik,斯图加特 - 德国

Eclat poster
Teodoro Anzellotti2022 年 Eclat Neue Musik 音乐节将于 2 月 1 日至 6 日在德国斯图加特的斯图加特剧院举行。

The program will include an accordion performance on February 3rd at 8pm by Teodoro Anzellotti (accordion - picture left), Peter Veale (oboe) and Ensemble Musikfabrik. They will play “Eight ways to Breathe” by Benjamin Scheuer for clarinet, accordion and ensemble.

For details email: musik@mdjstuttgart.de


Ghenadie Rotari 独奏音乐会在维也纳举办 - 奥地利

Ghenadie RotariGhenadie Rotari 将于 2022 年 2 月 4 日在奥地利维也纳的 Alte Schmiede 举办独奏音乐会。

His program will include works by Matthew Shlomowitz, Katharina Roth, Trevor Baca, Philipp Christoph Mayer, Diana Rotaru, Tobias Leibetseder, and Gabriele Vanoni plus world premieres of works written especially for him.

For details email: g.rotari@yahoo.com


剑桥手风琴乐团日 - 英国

CAC orchestra day poster
The Cambridge Accordion Club will hold their Accordion Orchestra Day at the Stapleford Granary in Stapleford, Cambridge on March 6th, 2022 from 10am to 4pm.

The event will include lots of fun playing pieces arranged by Nigel Pasby and is for accordionists of all levels.

See poster for details.



2022 Coupe Mondiale Rules and Regulations Released, Zofingen - Switzerland

75th Coupe Mondiale header
Yvonne Glur (President), Ruedi Marty2022 Coupe Mondiale PosterThe 75th Coupe Mondiale will be held from 04 - 09 October 2022 in Zofingen, Switzerland, hosted by the CIA member accordeon.ch led by President: Yvonne Glur (President) and Switzerland CIA delegate Ruedi Marty.

CIA President Mirco Patarini and CIA Secretary General Kimmo Mattila warmly invite accordion competitors, teachers and supporters to attend the 2022 Coupe Mondiale which will feature concerts and competitions as follows:
• 75th Coupe Mondiale
• Masters Coupe Mondiale
• Junior Coupe Mondiale
• International Competition for Virtuoso Entertainment Music
• Junior International Competition for Virtuoso Entertainment Music
• Chamber Music - Classical
• Chamber Music - World Music

2022 rules and regulations at: Coupe Mondiale
View hotel information and pictures of the concert venues at: Coupe Mondiale
Download printable event poster at: 2022CM-poster.pdf

The on-line entry system will open in Spring and the entry closing date is 31 August 2022.

You will find a complete Report of the 2021 Coupe Mondiale at:
2021 Video Homepage & Video Timetable at: 2021CM-Video
2021 Daily Reports, pictures, results at: 2021CM-Report
Hall Zofingen


33rd International “Bayan and Bayanists” Festival, Moscow – Russia

Bayan festival poster
Videos of five major festival concerts and the Silver Disc awards are reported in detail at 2021Moscow and there are now many pictures of the international 33rd International “Bayan and Bayanists” Festival, Moscow.

Concerts included:
• December 17th: 75th Anniversary Celebration of Viatcheslav Semionov, People’s Artist of Russia
• December 18th: 70th Anniversary Celebration of Alexander Dmitriev
• December 19th: Astor Piazzolla – 100! Celebrations

Full report at: 2021Moscow


2022 CNIMA Workshops - France

CNIMA logo
Nathalie & JacquesThe CNIMA directed by Nathalie Boucheix will run accordion workshops for all ages, levels and styles during January and February 2022. The workshops will cover developing accordion technique, the hold of the instrument, balancing of the bellows, sound support, various touches and musicality etc.

Dates as follows:

• January 24th to 28th: Adult workshop which covers additional training on specific problems adults can encounter with tutors Nathalie Boucheix and Jacques Mornet (picture left).
• February 14th to 19th: workshop for all ages and levels with Nathalie Boucheix and Jacques Mornet.
• February 21st to 26th: workshop for all ages and levels with Nathalie Boucheix and Jacques Mornet.

For further details email: cnima@orange.fr


ATG 80周年纪念活动:7月20至24日在芝加哥地区 - 美国

ATG Poster
期待已久的国际手风琴家和教师协会 The long awaited Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International (ATG) 节日庆祝活动将于明年夏天举行!

2022 年 7 月 20 日至 24 日在芝加哥地区加入 ATG,一起来庆祝 ATG 成立 80 周年。

Reserve your seat for the 80-piece ATG Festival Orchestra! This special orchestra is in honor of the ATG's 80th anniversary, and will be directed by Joan C. Sommers.

The fee to hold your seat in the orchestra is $25 and will be applied towards your festival registration. Reservations are on a first-come, first-served basis, so don't drag your feet and take a seat!



2022 South Pacific Accordion Championships & Festival – New Zealand

NZAA banner
The 2022 NZAA South Pacific Accordion Championships & Festival will be held at a venue to be selected June 4th and 5th, 2022.

The event, due to current Covid travel restrictions, will be open to only New Zealand residents or NZ passport holders. A variety of age group classes for soloists, duos, trios, ensembles and orchestras will be available. Covid restrictions mean that currently, non NZ residents and non NZ passport holders are not allowed to come to New Zealand.

Entries close on April 14th, 2022.
Download the rules and competition prospectus at: 2022nz_prospectus.pdf

For further details email NZAA Competitions Secretary Renee Jeffries at: nzaacompsec@gmail.com


Yuri Shishkin CD's Sold Out, eTracks Available - Russia

Yuri Shishkin CD's
Yuri Shishkin writes that a number of his CD's have sold out, mp3 eTracks remain available. Three CD's remain. At the excellent price of Euro 13.50 plus post, CD fans should purchase now to avoid disappointment.

yshishkin07 Appliques CD - available
yshishkin04 Shishkin Plays Semionov CD - available
yshishkin06 Libretto (Bajan on the Russian Opera Stage) CD - available

yshishkin01eT Towards The Sun CD has just sold out, eTracks mp3 album available
yshishkin02eT Images Of The Passing Time - CD sold out, eTracks mp3 album available
yshishkin03eT Favourites - CD sold out, eTracks mp3 album available
yshishkin05eT Pictures at an Exhibition - CD sold out, eTracks mp3 album available
Yuri Shishkin CD's


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