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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 21-Feb-2020
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PIF 2020 Castelfidardo 比赛规则 - 意大利
视频:走钢丝的手风琴家 - 请不要在家尝试! - 荷兰
第14届手风琴艺术节“意大利”大奖赛 - 意大利
2020年世界手风琴波尔卡杯,键钮式手风琴摇滚俱乐部 - 加拿大
NZ Coupe Mondiale 参赛者的世界手风琴日募捐活动 - 新西兰


Raimondas Sviackevicius 被任命为LMTA教授 - 立陶宛
Kateryna Pylypenko 的新音乐 - 乌克兰


“Love is in the Air” Concert, Christchurch – New Zealand
“Swing de France” Concert in Cape Town – South Africa
第二届 V.F.Gridin 国际比赛,库尔斯克 - 俄罗斯
Beltango Quinteto Concert “Temps Fort Tango” - France
Sharon Shannon 举办30周年庆典音乐会 – 爱尔兰
“Orchestra Encounters” at Reunion Island
10th International Accordion Festival Bela pl. Panthy – Croatia
Foster & Allen Timeless Memories 2020 UK Tour
National Accordion Competition in North Holland - Netherlands
3rd All-Russian Competition "Baroque Music on Bayan and Accordion", Moscow - Russia


Gary Dahl(1937至2017)电子书特惠价 - 美国

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PIF 2020 Castelfidardo 比赛规则 - 意大利

2020 PIF Castelfidardo header
Ruben CittadiniMayor Roberto Ascani, Renzo Ruggieri第45届 PIF 国际独奏家、乐团和作曲家“Città di Castelfidardo”手风琴比赛将于2020年9月16日至20日期间举行。

比赛规则现已发布。 点击下载英语和意大利语版本的 2020 PIF 比赛规则:2020PIF-Rules.pdf

由市长 Roberto Ascani 领导的 Castelfidardo 市议会,文化委员 Ruben Cittadini 和艺术总监 Renzo Ruggieri 都欢迎大家来到 Castelfidardo



视频:走钢丝的手风琴家 - 请不要在家尝试! - 荷兰

我们不建议您也尝试一遍弹奏手风琴一遍在水上钢丝行走! 但是,还是请欣赏由来自荷兰 Barneveld 的 Muziekhandel Kees van Willigen 带来的短视频。 谁是手风琴家呢?


第14届手风琴艺术节“意大利”大奖赛 - 意大利

14th festival banner
Renzo Ruggieri第14届手风琴艺术节“意大利”大奖赛将于6月19日至21日在意大利的里雅斯特的 Roseto degli Abruzzi 举行,届时会由艺术总监 Renzo Ruggieri 负责组织(左图)。


特别奖包括面向独奏家和管弦乐团的 Antonio Cericola 奖和面向独奏家的 Renzo Ruggieri 奖 - 所有乐器。这些类别的比赛专用于演奏 Antonio Cericola 和 Renzo Ruggieri 的作品,并且演奏者需要能演奏任何长度的单曲。候选者也可以演奏自己对原曲的改编作品。



古典手风琴奖:Alberto Nardelli
演奏级手风琴奖:Manuel Marchegiani
全音阶手风琴奖:Francesco Scarselli
Renzo Ruggieri 奖:Lorenzo dalla Rosa
2019 winners


2020年世界手风琴波尔卡杯,键钮式手风琴摇滚俱乐部 - 加拿大

2020 Polka Champs poster
手风琴家们会受邀前去参加7月和8月在加拿大安大略省举行的由键钮式手风琴摇滚俱乐部(Button Akordion Rocks Club)组织的2020年世界手风琴波尔卡大赛。



决赛将于2020年8月2日在安大略省埃弗里特市的 Hunters and Anglers Club 举行。

三位冠军(半音阶,键盘式和全音阶手风琴)将得到加冕。 得分最高的手风琴手将获得额外的大奖和世界杯冠军头衔。

有关详细信息,请参见海报。 截止日期为2020年6月25日。



NZ Coupe Mondiale 参赛者的世界手风琴日募捐活动 - 新西兰

New Zealand World Accordion Day poster
World Accordion Day logo新西兰手风琴协会 New Zealand Accordion Association (NZAA) 通过举办音乐会赞助世界手风琴日 (World Accordion Day) ,以支持新西兰参赛者参加 2020 Coupe Mondiale ,她们分别是 Jessie Chen,Catrina Lin和Angela Chen的音乐会。

音乐会将于5月6日(星期三),即世界手风琴日 (World Accordion Day) 那天开始,于下午7点在 Belmont School Road 4 的 Rose Theatre 举行。 点击下载海报:2020nz-wad.pdf

赞助演出的团体包括由 Lionel Reekie 指挥的奥克兰手风琴交响乐团,由 Christine Johnstone 指挥的北岸音乐制作者手风琴乐队以及由 Megan Jennings 指挥的北岸音乐剧手风琴乐队。

音乐会的压轴作品将由特别嘉宾 Grayson Masefield 为大家呈献。

音乐会将被录制并上传到世界手风琴日 (World Accordion Day) 的网站上,也将会成为世界各地庆祝 1829年5月6日(手风琴由 Cyrillius Demien 首次在奥地利维也纳申请专利)的其他活动的一部分。
World Accordion Day header



Raimondas Sviackevicius 被任命为LMTA教授 - 立陶宛

LMTA logoRaimondas Sviackevicius2020年2月19日,Raimondas Sviackevicius(右图)被任命为立陶宛维尔纽斯LMTA,即立陶宛音乐与戏剧学院(Lietuvos muzikos ir teatro akademija)的教授。

LMTA是一所高等教育和音乐教育大学 - 包含独奏者,即兴演奏者,乐队,音乐伴奏以及剧院,电影院,舞蹈艺术,调音人员等。他们专注于理论和历史,民族音乐,音乐美学, 音乐哲学和其他音乐科学。


Kateryna Pylypenko 的新音乐 - 乌克兰

Rainbow AnimalsKateryna Pylypenko乌克兰的手风琴家,诗人,艺术家和作曲家 Kateryna Pylypenko 发表了她的第一部著作。

目录: pylypenko101Kateryna Pylypenko 创作的手风琴曲“Rainbow Animals”。

Rainbow Animals 是专为小学生设计的现代手风琴专辑。 专辑包括7种不同样式的曲目。 29页的音乐和艺术图案。 请在线上查找试听音乐样本。

如果您订购 Rainbow Animals pdf格式电子书,您还将免费获得作曲家演奏的7首完整作品的音乐文件。

目录: pylypenko102 Le Onde 手风琴曲,由 Ludovico Einaudi 创作,
Kateryna Pylypenko 抄录。



“Love is in the Air” Concert, Christchurch – New Zealand

The Christchurch Accordion Orchestra (conducted by David Thorne) are the guest performers at a “Love is in the Air” concert on February 23rd at 5pm.

The event, which includes the St Albans Community Choir will be held at St Paul’s Parish Church in Christchurch. Admission is by donation and guests will be treated to a light supper.

The Christchurch Accordion Orchestra enjoy performing a varied program to delight their audience.

For information phone: 027 210 4600


“Swing de France” Concert in Cape Town – South Africa

SA poster
Accordionist Stanislav Angelov will perform at a “Swing de France” concert along with Dave Ledbetter (guitar and piano) on February 23rd at 6.30pm. The concert will be held at The Alma Café in Rosebank, Cape Town.

The duo recently performed a successful show at the Oude Libertas Amphitheatre and The Alma Café is a smaller and more intimate venue.

They will take you on a journey to the Eiffel Tower at a Paris Café with music such as Valse Musette (also known as French Café music in South Africa), Gypsy Jazz of Django Reinhardt, music of Richard Galliano and Jazz standards, all played "French style". Look forward to pieces such as Sous le ciel de Paris, La vie en Rose, Minor Swing, Swing Gitan and more.

Bookings are essential. Phone: 021 685 7377


第二届 V.F.Gridin 国际比赛,库尔斯克 - 俄罗斯

Kursk Poster
第二届 V.F. Gridin 国际比赛将于2020年2月28日至3月3日在俄罗斯库尔斯克举行。音乐节会于 Victor Gridin 的生日当天 - 2月28日举办。今年,这位民间艺术家将年满77岁。参加比赛的人包括专门从事巴扬和手风琴演奏的文化教育组织。


比赛旨在推广巴扬演奏家和作曲家 V.F. Gridin 的作品,以此来帮助发现和支持年轻有才华的巴扬演奏家和手风琴演奏家,并提高他们的专业技能。

Victor Gridin 生于 Pristennoy Kursk 地区的一个村庄。他曾在 Yuri Silantyev 的指导下,在全联盟电台和中央电视台的综和交响乐团工作,之后又在亚历山德罗夫合奏团工作。

他与 Lyudmila 一起创立了著名的俄罗斯国家学术民间合奏团“Russia”,并担任该团的首席指挥和独奏家已有17年之久。他已经是一位著名的艺术家,且经常来到库尔斯克。




Beltango Quinteto Concert “Temps Fort Tango” - France

Concert poster
Video: A Evaristo Carriego - Beltango & Virginia y Cesar

Beltango Quinteto will give a concert entitled “Temps Fort Tango” at the Mlc Les Saulnières in Le Mans, France on February 29th, 2020 at 8.30pm, hosted by Superforma.

Band members are Aleksandar Nikolic (bandoneon), Ivana Nikolic (piano & vocals), Antonija Barna (violin), Bogdan Pejic (guitar) and Petar Holik (double bass). They play a variety of traditional tango pieces, modern tango, Astor Piazzolla's Tango Nuevo compositions as well as their own Beltango compositions from the opus "Balkango".

This concert is part of their current European tour. See poster below with details of tour dates.

For further concert details email: info@beltango.com
concert dates poster


Sharon Shannon 举办30周年庆典音乐会 – 爱尔兰

Sharon Shannon
视频:莎朗·香农(Sharon Shannon)和朋友 - “Ring of fire”,现场演唱多兰斯(Dolans)。

流行手风琴家 Sharon Shannon 将于2月29日在爱尔兰 Bray 的 Mermaid County Wicklow 艺术中心为满座的观众举办她的30周年庆典音乐会。

1989年6月,莎伦(Sharon)与 The Waterboys 一起参加了格拉斯顿伯里音乐节,当时她正在为她的第一张专辑进行排练和演奏示范曲目。 从那之后的30年中,Sharon 录制了10张录音室专辑; 5张现场专辑,4张精选专辑和3张现场音乐会 DVD。


莎朗·香农(Sharon Shannon)在美人鱼艺术中心(Mermaid Arts Center),将展示她从1989年开始直至现在的唱片中的音乐。


“Orchestra Encounters” at Reunion Island

Reunion Poster
The Reunion Island Polyphonia Orchestra conducted by Pierre Varo will perform at “Orchestra Encounters” at the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional. The concert will take place on March 1st at 3pm.

The orchestra is planning a trip to three states on the West Coast of USA in July and August of this year, giving concerts and taking part in an international competition in Los Angeles.

Entrance to this concert is free of charge.

For details email: polyphonia.orchestra@gmail.com
Reunion Island orchestra


10th International Accordion Festival Bela pl. Panthy – Croatia

Croatia poster
Duo ArtinaThe 10th International Accordion Festival Bela pl. Panthy will be held in Slavonski Brod, Croatia from March 5th to 8th, 2020. The event aims to celebrate the 10th jubilee of the festival with a variety of concerts, tour of the town, dinner parties, lectures and a special exhibition “The first 10 years of the International accordion festival Bela pl. Panthy”.

On opening concert entitled “No one but you: The best of Queen” will be held at the KKD Ivana Brlic-Mazuranic in Slavonski Brod with entertainment by the Accordion orchestra Bela pl. Panthy and guests - iMTM from Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

A Presentation of the Proceedings of the Art and Scientific Conference “Music as an Incentive” will be held at the Ruzic Gallery, Old Fortress on March 7th along with festival exhibition and a Lecture: Doc. Art. Dr. Art. Denis Modrusan (Pula Academy of Music).

Concerts will also be given by Sara Sucic (accordion) and Duo Artina (Martina Jembrišak: accordionist and Andrea Jelavic: flute - picture left).

This event promises to be a sell-out. For details email: info@festival-bela-panthy.com


Foster & Allen Timeless Memories 2020 UK Tour

Foster & Allen poster
Foster & AllenVideo: Foster & Allen - Mrs. Brown's Boys

Popular duo Foster & Allen will tour the UK in March entertaining with their Timeless Memories 2020 UK Tour. The duo, which includes Mick Foster (accordion) and Tony Allen (guitar), both from Ireland, have been entertaining for more than 40 years and have released over 30 albums.

Tour dates are:

19th March: The Core Theatre Solihull. Phone: 01 21 704 6962
20th March: The Brook Theatre Chatham. Phone: 01 634 338338
21st March: The West Cliff Theatre Clacton-on-Sea. Phone: 01 255 433344
22nd March: The Regent Centre Christchurch. Phone: 01 202 499199
24th March: Beck Theatre Hayes. Phone: 020 8561 8371
25th March: The Grove Theatre Dunstable. Phone: 01 582 602080
26th March: The Churchill Theatre Bromley. Phone: 02 03 285 6000
27th March: Princess Theatre Hunstanton. Phone: 01 485 532252
28th March: The Haymarket Basingstoke. Phone: 01 256 844244
29th March: The Core at Corby Cube Corby. Phone: 01 536 470470
31st March: The Towngate Theatre Basildon. Phone: 01 268 205300
1st April: Parr Hall Warrington. Phone: 01 925 442345
2nd April: The Prince of Wales Theatre Cannock. Phone: 01 543 578762
3rd April: Royal Spa Centre Royal Leamington Spa. Phone: 01 926 334418
4th April: The Plaza Stockport. Phone: 01 61 477 7779
5th April: The Albert Halls Bolton. Phone: 0843 20 80 500


National Accordion Competition in North Holland - Netherlands

Netherlands posterThe National Soloists and Chamber Music Competition 2020 will take place in the Music and Dance School Amstelveen, North Holland on March 15th organised by Novam (Nederloadse Organisatie Voor Accordeon en Mondharmonica). The competition will include a variety of age group categories.

Registrations for this competition have now closed.

See poster for details.


3rd All-Russian Competition "Baroque Music on Bayan and Accordion", Moscow - Russia

Russia comp
The 3rd All-Russian Competition "Baroque Music on Bayan and Accordion" will be held on March 20th at the Russian Academy of Music (RAM) Organ Hall (named after the Gnesin) in Moscow, Russia.

Competition entrants will perform the following works:
- J.S. Bach fugue.
- 17th and 18th century work by D. Scarlatti, D. Chimarosa, F. Couperin, J.-F. Ramo or L.-K. Ducken.

There are no age or time limits.

The jury will comprise of teachers of the departments of organ, harpsichord and bayan & accordion from the RAM.

Competition entries close on March 10th, 2020. For details email: vlassovamaria@mail.ru



Gary Dahl(1937至2017)电子书特惠价 - 美国

Gary Dahl eBooks
Gary DahlGary Dahl(1937年至2017年)的主页已更新,且第一次为 Gary Dahl 第1至第10部电子书的完整收藏提供了特售价。10本书将会通过电子邮件的方式发送给您,价格为335美元,含156篇文章,特价为220美元,目录号DH01-10eB。

DH01-eB Latin Spectacular!
DH02-eB Favorite French Standards
DH03-eB The American Songbook
DH04-eB Favorite Waltzes & Polkas
DH05-eB Easy Listening Variety
DH06-eB Easy Listening Variety
DH07-eB Traditional Polish Carols
DH08-eB Italian Collection
DH09-eB Traditional Christmas Carols
DH10-eB Polka!

点击 DH01-10eB 以US$220的价格购买10本 Gary Dahl 的电子书


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