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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 20-Oct-2017
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BREAKING NEWS: Castelfidardo Mourns the Passing of 4 Personalities of the Accordion - Italy
2019年5月30日至6月2日世界音乐节, 因斯布鲁克 -德国/奥地利
Suomi 100 - Väyrynen 50 -芬兰
2017第67届CMA手风琴世界杯-法国Onet le Chateau
关于Renzo Ruggieri的两篇论文- 中国,捷克


Raymond and Anna Bodell, First Husband and Wife to Receive CIA Awards - Italy
New Album by Arseniy Strokovskiy & Ivan Dyma - Russia
World Premiere and Scandinavian Music, Espoo - Finland
Video: Winners, International Competition for Chamber Music, Classical Music - Italy
Lucky things that happened on 'unlucky' Friday the 13th
Video: Adelphai Quartet Perform Impasse (II) by Franck Angelis


Finbarr Dennehy Dance Gigs, Cork, Laois – Irish Republic
Milos Milivojevic performs in Brett Dean's Opera ‘Hamlet’, England – UK
6th Raduno Nazionale, Seren del Grappa – Italy
Stas Venglevski Concert, Texas – USA
Walter Di Girolamo and Johnny Di Girolamo Duo Concert, Laterza – Italy
Ksenija Sidorova Piazzolla Concerts, Paris – France, Monaco
Martynas and Chamber Orchestra Concerts – South Korea
19th Return to Camden Town Festival, London – UK
All Scotland Accordion & Fiddle Festival, Perth – UK
Kungsbacka Annual Accordion Concert - Sweden


Giemme Bellows "Know the People" Interview, Castelfidardo - Italy
Updated Site: Gary Daverne New Email and New CD - New Zealand
Renzo Ruggieri New Release: Accordion Kids (ten pieces) eBook - Italy
Updated Site: Charnwood Publishing - UK

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BREAKING NEWS: Castelfidardo Mourns the Passing of 4 Personalities of the Accordion - Italy

Nazzareno Carini, Elio Gabbanelli, Armando Bugari, Pippo di Filippucci
Bugari Armando – founder of the accordion factory Bugari Armando on Monday 23rd October 2017 at the age of 81;
Nazzareno Carini – founder of the one and only place for accordion parts and accessories, on Tuesday 17th October 2017 at the age of 84;
Elio Gabbanelli – producer of the Gabbanelli/Italy accordions on Saturday 21st October 2017 at the age of 58;
“Pippo” – Pippo di Filippucci, mythical founder of the well known restaurant “da Pippo” now beside the Theater Astra, on Saturday 21th October 2017 at the age of 87.

Condolences to the families from Accordions Worldwide.


2019年5月30日至6月2日世界音乐节, 因斯布鲁克 -德国/奥地利

World Music Festival 2019
Deutscher Harmonika-Verband e.V. (DHV) logo德国手风琴协会(DHV)决定,2019年5月30日至6月2日为世界音乐节的举办日期,并且将再次在因斯布鲁克会议中心举行。世界音乐节每三年举行一次,是世界上最大的手风琴和口琴合奏的节日。音乐节的焦点和中心是邀请手风琴演奏者,口风琴演奏者和班多钮演奏者参加音乐节来,以不同的组合一起玩音乐。比赛规则和报名信息将不久后公布。


Suomi 100 - Väyrynen 50 -芬兰

Mika Väyrynen with Finnish General Pasi Välimäki2017年10月11日,芬兰手风琴手Mika Väyrynen引起了大家的关注,Helsinki 将他题为 'Suomi 100 – Väyrynen 50' ,这是芬兰的100周年的同时也是他的50岁生日。包括一些世界级的大师,节目单出现了芬兰一些很有名的作曲家,比如经历过了赫尔辛基音乐厅Camarata剧团事件的人。图片:赫尔辛基音乐厅与 Mika的演唱会宣传。Mika是作曲家 (左起) Eero Hämeenniemi, Juha Salmesvuori, Harri Wessman, Paavo Korpijaakko 和 Veli Kujala。图右: Mika Väyrynen 在音乐会上, Mika和芬兰的 General Pasi Välimäki Mika Väyrynen 演出了上百场音乐会在芬兰、欧洲、亚洲和美国。他是第一个芬兰的国际知名和获得最高度赞赏的手风琴演奏者。他在80年代中期开始了他的音乐生涯,几乎在所有的管弦乐团和世界各地的音乐节上都出现过,除了独奏生涯之外,他还担任过世界上许多杰出室内乐团的音乐家。

为了纪念芬兰的第一百周年,他作了以下作品: Lamento (2017) by Harri Wessman (b. 1949)。当Mika委托Wessman为他的音乐会作曲时,他要求有一段美妙的音乐来纪念他的朋友Jouni Kaipainen.。Lamento考虑 Kaipainen的风格结构的强度,在精神层面体现了我们无论如何都会在不同阶段离开这个世界的忧郁真相,然而,对于Jouni Kaipainen来说,那还太快了。
Gena, Op. 31 (1987), Vento, Op. 58 (1998) 和 Placido, Op. 68 (2003) 来自 Jouni Kaipainen (1956-2015)。 Gena 是Kaipainen所作的第一首手风琴曲,但他说写作是一个愉快的经历,他知道这不会是他最后一次写作,Vento (风)激发Kaipainen 考虑,在写献给 Mika Väyrynen的曲子之前,他从来没有想要作曲过。Placido (平静),也是为Mika写的, 本来打算是对技术要求比较低的,然而随着乐曲的发展,它编的非常具有挑战性,有的段落有许多单独的复调旋律,需要具备能够看清楚这些的能力。

Memories and Friendship (2017) 来自Juha Salmesvuori (b. 1965). Salmsvuori和Mike20年的友谊在分别很久后又重新复燃,这促使了他撰写回忆和友谊。中间部分“Lullaby of Space”是献给那些已经不在的朋友的,最后一部分带你回“家”,再次反映了第一部分中介绍的两个动机。

Sonata No. 2 - "Dead on Time" (2017)来自Paavo Korpijaakko. 这首是Paavo和 Mika合作了一段时间后的富有成果的作品。献给Mika,这个作品的名称指的是无情的时代和人们共同的悲伤,有三个部分,(1) 托卡塔是动态的,有节奏的充实的生活。(2) 'Meditation'有一个缓慢移动的结构。 (3) “Burning Papyrus” 这个名字的解释是,演奏者继续演奏,火越来越大,乐谱渐渐被烧掉,知识也消失。

Velocita (2017)来自Eero Hämeenniemi (b. 1951)。献给Mika并衷心祝福他50岁生日。Hämeenniemi为 Mike安排了充满活力和动感的音乐园地。 Mika 提出了包括Veli Kujala和他自己的两场全国首演。在音乐会上Mika展示了由Jouni Kaipainen演奏的新的手风琴独奏作品。音乐会结束后,特邀嘉宾和Mike一起参加宴会,他被他的朋友包围,作曲家和其他政要像芬兰General Pasi Välimäki和卡拉扬比赛的前冠军 Maestro Okko Ka。
Mika Väyrynen, Kevin Friedrich, Herbert Scheibenreif


2017第67届CMA手风琴世界杯-法国Onet le Chateau

Trophée Mondial de l'Accordéon 2017
Bugari-evoSchedule2017世界杯将在10月23日至10月29日在法国Onet-le-Château举行。这次活动上次举行是在2005年在法国La Bourboule。除了传统组:高阶传统组,初级传统组,高阶 Variété,初级 Variété和大师组,2017有新的组别:爵士组 (每组1至8人),世界杯的赞助来自Bugari-evo 和一个古典室内乐组合。同样重要的是国家杯类的奖杯需要自己选择表演短节目,不同年龄有不同的类别,从10岁的儿童到老年人。世界杯将会由Web TV进行现场直播, 并在活动结束后,所有的视频将被传到Youtube的CMA频道。除了比赛,还有5场音乐会和2场舞蹈之夜。下载时间表: 2017CMA.pdf


关于Renzo Ruggieri的两篇论文- 中国,捷克

Renzo RuggieriRenzo Ruggieri的音乐生涯因此而有趣,那就是这两位学生以他的作品来写他们的毕业论文。1. David Lomic (布拉格大学音乐学院Ladislav Horák的学生),他深度研究其中的成分,并通过 Renzo Ruggieri研究'Absolventska Prace'的表演风格。 2. Xinyi Liu (中国首都师范大学音乐学院Bolong Jang的学生) 深度研究演奏技巧和Renzo的作曲安排的艺术特征,和在Sakkijarven Polka - Catalog: rrenzo507上的变奏. Renzo Ruggieri只发布了"Accordion Kids (10 pieces) simple and modern compositions" catalog: rrenzo512。 其他在线音乐: Renzo Ruggieri。




Bugari Armando and Bugari-evo digital accordions
Excelsior Accordions
Mengascini Nello Srl
Pasco Italia Srl
Pigini Srl
Scandalli Accordions Srl
Zero Sett


Raymond and Anna Bodell, First Husband and Wife to Receive CIA Awards - Italy

Ann BodellAt the recent Coupe Mondiale in Osimo, Italy, Raymond Bodell, retiring President of the Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) was awarded the CIA Merit Award for his 8 years of Presidency and his many years of service in other CIA positions.

The same evening, Anna Bodell was presented the CIA Honored Friend of the Accordion Award for her national and international service.

The presentation took a very romantic turn when Raymond made a very loving and romantic thank you to his wife Anna. Who said the age of love and romance was no longer alive! as a tear came to my eyes.

This is the first time in the 82 year history of the CIA that a married couple have been honored by the CIA for their important contribution to the accordion.

New CIA President Mirco Patarini also made a presentation to Raymond Bodell of a beautiful accordion artwork and in reply, Raymond Bodell made a good humoured presentation to Mirco Patarini, of the official CIA gavel, used at each CIA International Congress.

The good work of Raymond and Anna Bodell will not cease, with Anna Bodell continuing as Chairperson of the NAO and Raymond Bodell being appointed to the new CIA Advisory Council with Kevin Friedrich and Joan Sommers.
Raymond Bodell and Mirco Patarini


New Album by Arseniy Strokovskiy & Ivan Dyma - Russia

Arseniy Strokovskiy
SaxAkkord album coverArseniy Strokovskiy, is the winner of 2016 Klingenthal and Laureate of Coupe Mondiale, Castelfidardo, Rostov-on-Don, Vivat Bayan in Samara and many other international competitions.

Arseniy Strokovskiy has teamed up with Ivan Dyma (saxophones) to form the Duo SaxAkkord with a very distinctive sound.

They have now released their first mp3 download album. The tracks are:
1. Prelude No. 1 G. Gershwin
2. Prelude No. 2 G. Gershwin
3. Prelude No. 3 G. Gershwin
4. Metamorphoses Lundquist
5. Sempre Majore S. Berensky
6. Sonata No. 2 A. Shcnittke
7. Sonatina I. Tamarin
8. Sabre Dance A. Kachaturyan

The album is available as an online download for only € 9.00 - Catalog: SaxAkkord You can also purchase individual tracks and listen to sound samples of each track at: SaxAkkord.


World Premiere and Scandinavian Music, Espoo - Finland

Jukka-Pekka Kuusela and Kalle VälimaaOn October 14th Finnish accordionist and composer Kalle Välimaa conducted a concert with his accordion class and another Finnish accordionist Jukka-Pekka Kuusela to great acclaim in the well-known Alberga Mansion at the ZoConKlaFi Festival. (Picture right, Jukka-Pekka Kuusela and Kalle Välimaa).

The program consisted on works by Leif Kayser (including all ‘Confetti’), Heikki Valpola, Toni Edelmann, and Astor Piazzolla. The culmination of the concert was the world premiere of ‘Two in One - Finnish Folk Songs, after visiting the great...Koli’ by Kalle Välimaa, who also conducted the performance with Koli-ensemble, and Jukka-Pekka Kuusela featuring as soloist.

The festival will continue until November 15th with music by Asko Vilén, W.A. Mozart and Igor Stravinsky, and Henrik Sandås featuring as guest soloist.

For further information email: herbert@accordion-cd.co.at


Video: Winners, International Competition for Chamber Music, Classical Music - Italy

2017 Video Archive and Education Project.
1st Chamber Music Classical, Charm (Russia)

2nd Chamber Music Classical Lecce Accordion Project (Italy)

3rd Tutto A Dio (Lithuania)
The 2017 Coupe Mondiale International Competition for Chamber Music, Classical Music category results were:
1st. Charm (Russia) of Adrshin, Artur (Accordion), Shkvorov, Arkady (Accordion), Stupnikov, Vladimir (Accordion).
2nd Lecce Accordion Project (Italy) of Fanizza, Giovanni (Accordion) Bianco, Michele (Accordion) Coluccia, Francesco Antonio (Accordion).
3rd Tutto A Dio (Lithuania) of Rakauskas, Augustinas (Accordion) Staponkute, Greta (Viola).

This competition category is in one round. Above is video of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd placed players. You can view all the competitors in the Coupe Mondiale International Competition for Chamber Music, Classical Music videos at: 2017ChamberCM

The Scandalli Accordion Factory is the sponsor of the 2017 Video Archive and Education Project.


Lucky things that happened on 'unlucky' Friday the 13th

World Accordion Day logoExcerpt from an article by Brian Hickey, PhillyVoice.com

Lucky things that happened on 'unlucky' Friday the 13th:
The accordion was patented on a Friday the 13th in January 1854 right here in Philadelphia! (Editor: original patent date in the USA). And, say what you will – the accordion is gonna have a birth of coolness, just you wait and see.

(Editor: further background) Since 2009, each May 6th, the CIA has been promoting World Accordion Day. The first World Accordion Day was held on 6th May 2009, marking the 180th birthday of the accordion - May 6th 1829, was the date the accordion was first patented, in Vienna, Austria, by Cyrillius Demien.


Video: Adelphai Quartet Perform Impasse (II) by Franck Angelis

F.Angelis : Impasse (II) , Adelphai Quartet, released October 2017, Pieve di Cavriana (MN)
Arrangement by the Adelphai Quartet of "Impasse" for solo accordion.



Finbarr Dennehy Dance Gigs, Cork, Laois – Irish Republic

Finbarr Dennehy and Chloe DennehyButton accordion entertainer Finbarr Dennehy and his fiddle playing daughter Chloe play for dancing this weekend, as follows:

Friday October 20th - Killbrittain Hall (with Chloe), County Cork
Saturday October 21st - Midleton Pavilion (with Chloe), County Cork
Sunday October 22nd - Durrow afternoon dancing (with Chloe), County Laois
Monday October 23rd - (solo), Riverside Park Hotel, Macroom, County Cork

Finbarr Dennehy plays for adult dancing, weddings, and all social occasions. Finbarr has released a number of very popular albums. He is often joined on stage by daughter Chloe, especially during school holidays. Finbarr plays a Shand Morino 3-row British chromatic accordion, while Chloe is proficient in the stringed instruments; violin, mandolin and banjo.


Milos Milivojevic performs in Brett Dean's Opera ‘Hamlet’, England – UK

Milos MilivojevicAccordionist Milos Milivojevic will be performing in Brett Dean's Opera ‘Hamlet’ (based on the play by William Shakespeare) with a wonderful new cast for Glyndebourne-on-Tour! Brett Dean’s richly atmospheric and deeply dramatic music captures the essence and timelessness of Shakespeare’s story, in which Hamlet navigates a maze of love and madness, murder and revenge, on his quest for the truth. The dates include:

October 21st, 24th, 27th - Glyndebourne
November 3rd - The Marlowe Theatre, Canterbury
November 17th - Norwich Theatre Royal
November 24th - Milton Keynes Theatre
December 1st - Theatre Royal Plymouth

Serbian born Milos Milivojevic is a first prize winner at international competitions in Germany, France, Italy and Denmark. In Serbia he studied with Vojin Vasovic, and with Owen Murray at the Royal Academy of Music in London, where he graduated and was awarded with Dip RAM. In 2007 he became the first accordionist ever to win the RAM Club Prize at the Academy and in 2008 was the Winner of the prestigious Derek Butler London Prize at the Wigmore Hall, London.

For further information email: milosmusic@hotmail.com


6th Raduno Nazionale, Seren del Grappa – Italy

6th Raduno Nazionale PosterThe 6th Raduno Nazionale - “Raduno degli amici della fisarmonica” – is a one day accordion event on Sunday October 22nd, from 9am until 11pm, at Seren del Grappa in the province of Belluno, Veneto, northern Italy.

Many musicians are expected to perform at this event, which will also host an exhibition of over 100 instruments made available by Cooperfisa Cooperative of Vercelli and Stocco of Stradella, co-promoters of the event.


Stas Venglevski Concert, Texas – USA

Stas VenglevskiAccordionist Stas Venglevski performs in concert on Sunday October 22nd, 6.30pm, at the St Matthew Lutheran Church, 5315 Main St, Houston, Texas.

Stas Venglevski, from Moldova in the former USSR, has lived in the USA since 1992. He is a graduate of the Russian Academy of Music in Moscow where studied with Friedrich Lips and received his Masters Degree in Music. His repertoire includes his original compositions, and a broad range of classical, contemporary and ethnic music. He has toured extensively as a soloist throughout the former USSR, Canada, Europe, and the USA. Additionally, he has performed with symphony orchestras throughout the USA. He performed the world premiere of ‘Concerto No. 2’ by Anthony Galla-Rini and also the world premiere of ‘Bayan and Beyond’, composed for Stas by Dan Lawitts.

For further information email: stas@stasv.com


Walter Di Girolamo and Johnny Di Girolamo Duo Concert, Laterza – Italy

Walter Di Girolamo and Johnny Di Girolamo
The duo of Walter Di Girolamo and Johnny Di Girolamo perform in concert on Sunday October 22nd, 8.30pm, at the church Santa Maria La Grande (Assunta), Laterza, Taranto, southern Italy.


Ksenija Sidorova Piazzolla Concerts, Paris – France, Monaco

Ksenija SidorovaTuesday October 24th - Ksenija Sidorova performs a programme of music by Astor Piazzolla at La Cigale, Paris, France
Friday October 27th, 8.30pm - Philharmonic Orchestra and Mihhail Gerts, Auditorium Rainer III, Monaco

Latvian virtuoso accordionist Ksenija Sidorova, now based in Spain, started to play the accordion aged eight under the guidance of Marija Gasele in her hometown of Riga. She later studied in London at the Royal Academy of Music under Professor Owen Murray. She subsequently received her Masters Degree with Distinction, and has since pursued a highly successful solo international career, often performing with orchestras.


Martynas and Chamber Orchestra Concerts – South Korea

Martynas posterLithuanian accordionist Martynas travels to South Korea next week with his chamber orchestra Mikroorkéstra to perform four concerts. Martynas will be directing Mikroorkéstra in his own arrangement for accordion and string orchestra of Vivaldi's ‘The Four Seasons’ and other works.

Tuesday October 24th, 8pm – with Ahn Hyung Soo (guitar) and Mikroorkéstra, performing Vivaldi – ‘The Four Seasons’ (arr. Martynas Levickis), Tchaikovsky – ‘October: Autumn Song from The Seasons, Op. 37a’, and Piazzolla – ‘The Seasons of Buenos Aires’, Seoul Arts Center
Thursday October 26th – solo concert at a private event in Seoul
Friday October 27th – same programme as Tuesday, Ulju Arts Center, Ulsan
Saturday October 28th - solo concert, Lithuanian Day in Seoul

Martynas graduated from the Royal Academy of Music in London, and has since played at London’s Royal Albert Hall, the Auditorio Nacional in Mexico, Debussy's residence in Paris, the Berlin Waldbühne, and many more venues worldwide. In his home country he won ‘Lithuania’s Got Talent’ on national TV.


19th Return to Camden Town Festival, London – UK

Poster 19th Return to Camden Town Festival
The 19th Return to Camden Town Festival takes place at venues in London, October 24th to 30th, and involves several accordionists and concertina players appearing in concerts, playing for dancing, sessions, and workshops. The festival website contains itemised details of the many events. Some highlights include:

Saturday October 28th, 9am - concertina workshop with Noel Hill
Saturday October 28th, 11am - button accordion workshop with Dan Brouder
Sunday October 29th, 11am - button accordion workshop with Andrew Mac Namara
Sunday October 29th, 11am - concertina workshop with Colm McGonigle
These workshops all take place at the London Irish Centre, 50-52 Camden Square, London NW1 9XB.

Saturday October 28th, 8pm - Evening Céilí with the Star of Munster Céilí Band, Mazenod Hall
Sunday October 29th, 1pm - Matinée Set Dancing Céilí, Star of Munster Céilí Band, London Irish Centre


All Scotland Accordion & Fiddle Festival, Perth – UK

All Scotland Accordion & Fiddle Festival, Perth
The 68th All Scotland Accordion & Fiddle Festival takes place at The Salutation Hotel, Perth, on Saturday October 28th. This long running festival is a major occasion in the Scottish music calendar, incorporating the official and highly prestigious Scottish Accordion Championships for traditional music alongside fiddle competitions and a range of individual and group sections covering a variety of musical styles.

Events Include a Friday Night welcome ceilidh with Neil MacEachern and his Scottish Dance Band. On Saturday, from 9am, the competitions take place which includes sections for accordions, fiddles, bands and trios. Some sections take place in St. John’s Episcopal Church.

This year’s adjudicators include Jim Cleland, Colin Dewar, Sandy Lindsay, Leonard Brown (accordion) and Bryan Gear, Mary Small (fiddle).

On Saturday afternoon, 4.30pm until 6pm, the climax of the festival showcases a concert performance led by the brilliant Bryan Gear (fiddle) and Violet Tulloch (piano) from Shetland, accordionist Duncan Black and his Band, and accordionist Tom Orr, the 2016 All Scotland Senior Traditional Accordion Solo.


Kungsbacka Annual Accordion Concert - Sweden

At the annual accordion concert in Kungsbacka, you will get well-known accordion artists in the top class like Sigmunds from Norway, Øivind Farmen from Norway (world champion 1994), world artist Ludovic Beier from France, Lars Karlsson Band and Malm Trekkspillklubb from Norway (who won the Norwegian Championship in the club / orchestra class).

Now is the 20th anniversary of the annual accordion gala in Kungsbacka. During these years, this has been held and invited the audience to a variety of high class performers. All the concerts are musically mixed to show how different accordions really can sound and this year it will be a mix between traditional, folk rock and classical.



Giemme Bellows "Know the People" Interview, Castelfidardo - Italy

Know the People Giemme Interview
Giemme Bellows logo"Know the People" Interview at: 2017Giemme
with: Giemme Bellows, Gianfranco Marincioni (Owner) and Sabrina Alba (Owner).
Editor: Holda Paoletti-Kampl

"Know the People" of Castelfidardo who have made this small city so famous around the world for their quality accordion products. Interview at: 2017Giemme

Picture below: Gianfranco Marincioni and Sabrina Alba.
Gianfranco Marincioni (Owner) Sabrina Alba (Owner)


Updated Site: Gary Daverne New Email and New CD - New Zealand

Gary DaverneUpdated site of well known accordion composer Gary Daverne with a new email. garydaverne@gmail.com

Also a new symphony orchestra CD to celebrate over 16 million viewers on youtube of Gary Daverne conducting the Auckland Symphony Orchestra performing Pirates of the Carribean.


Renzo Ruggieri New Release: Accordion Kids (ten pieces) eBook - Italy

Accordion KidsRenzo RuggieriRenowned accordionist, teacher and composer Renzo Ruggieri has just released a new eBook (.pdf file able to be sent to you by email) titled Accordion Kids Catalog rrenzo512

Renzo Ruggieri writes: "Accordion Kids features progressive songs for young accordion students. From first notes, to small imitations of animals, to singular genres such as Disco, Baroque and Blues. The use of the left hand loses regularity in the accompaniment (march / waltz / tango) to bring the young player closer to the new rhythms of the present times."

Price is only 10 Euro (or USD$ equivalent) for these exciting young childrens compositions that are a "must have", for every teacher of young children. Available online at Catalog: rrenzo512


Updated Site: Charnwood Publishing - UK

Charnwood Publishing header
Charnwood eSheet Music (able to be sent to you by email) information page has been updated. There are now 22 original accordion compositions available as eSheet publications.


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