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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 20-Nov-2020
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Akkordeon Musik Preis(AMP)手风琴音乐大奖赛,2021年6月,埃特林根 – 德国
Amleto Dallapé 去世,1942年 - 2020年 - 意大利
视频:Zoe Tiganouria 的“活泼的天空”录音 – 希腊
Renzo Ruggieri 在 San Salvo 的 Nonsolomusica 电台上演出 - 意大利


谢尔盖·奥索金(Sergey Osokin)爵士三重奏组的新唱片,莫斯科 – 俄罗斯
Passing of Leonard R. “Skeets” Langley, 17 November, Arizona - USA
线上音乐会:苏格兰音乐(Music from Scotland)
“The PoguestrA”正在寻找音乐家演奏"The Pogues"歌曲
“Second Souffle”发行的高级专辑 - 比利时
圣诞节的新CD专辑 – 德国
Alexander Poeluev 的新视频 - 俄罗斯
Tuvan Throat Singer Entertains at Brooklyn Accordion Club Online Meeting - USA
Mikhail Shostak 参加莫斯科早安节目 - 俄罗斯
想要一份圣诞节礼物吗? 试试选择手风琴选集书籍 – 英国
Video: Oktay Taşdemir Performance - Turkey


欢乐圣诞音乐会,基督城 – 新西兰

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Akkordeon Musik Preis(AMP)手风琴音乐大奖赛,2021年6月,埃特林根 – 德国

Akkordeon Musik Preis (AMP)
DHV logoAkkordeon Musik Preis(AMP)2021青年比赛将于2021年6月3日至6日在德国埃特林根举行,由Deutscher Harmonika Verband e.V. (DHV)组织举办。

该比赛每三年举行一次,主要面向居住在德国的27岁以下的手风琴家。 类别包括面向手风琴,Styrian手风琴,全音阶手风琴以及口琴的独奏,二重奏和合奏比赛。

由于疫情的影响,2月和3月的第一阶段州比赛已经取消。 在没有预选决赛的情况下,现在由老师负责派遣合适的参与者。



Amleto Dallapé 去世,1942年 - 2020年 - 意大利

Amleto Dallapé11月17日,在距离米兰咫尺之遥的朗巴德小镇斯特拉德拉,一位国际手风琴界最著名的人物去世了。 Amleto Dallape 没能够战胜潜伏在我们身边的的“野兽” - 新冠病毒。


他于1969年毕业于 Pavia 大学,论文的主题是生产手风琴的经济意义。他还与 Mariano 和 Fabio 兄弟一道,负责管理该领域最古老,最负盛名的公司之一,Mariano Dallapé and sons.

新生产的“organtone”和“super Maestro”乐器受到了来自该领域中文化程度最高的环境的推崇,表明了其在与纯流行乐器完全不同的领域有了新的地位。对东欧国家,特别是巴尔干地区市场的占领,给来自斯特拉德拉的公司带来了许多声望。

The friendships that Amleto managed to establish in those countries led to an opening of the Russian accordion culture in Italy. Yuri Kazakov, one of great Soviet bayanists, upon invitation from Amleto with the collaboration of the then Mayor of Castelfidardo Mario Orlandoni, began a tour in Italy from Stradella that made us appreciate in our environment the high level that blossomed in the Gnessin school and other Russian conservatories.

Another undisputed merit of Amleto was that of having contributed to breaking the spirit of atavistic rivalry between the cities of Castelfidardo and Stradella on the authorship of the "invention" of the instrument. He was one of the first entrepreneurs to promote a serious collaboration between the two production companies / cities in the sector.

在卡斯特尔菲达多 (Castelfidardo) 国际博物馆开幕之际,他与卡斯特尔菲达多 (Castelfidardo) 的友谊得到了加强。 这些乐器来自达拉佩,我本人, Vincenzo CanaliGervasio Marcosignori 将它们带到了著名的电视台 Rai节目 Portobello,达拉佩邀请意大利老古董乐器的拥有者为博物馆开幕捐款(另外还有十多件乐器由达拉佩捐赠) )。

There was a fixed date for Amleto’s encounter with the musical world. The international fair in Frankfurt - from 1972 to 2019 “we didn't miss one”. Pre-fair visits to German art cities, meetings, theaters, concerts, walks along the Main, great convivial meetings ... unforgettable moments of true and sincere friendship.

He was also a convinced admirer of the Marche. I don't remember when, but there wasn't a year that Amleto and his splendid family didn't spend a few days in our region where they could appreciate our artistic beauties and taste our cuisine then let everybody know about it.

我们会想念您的,亲爱的 Amleto!

Beniamino Bugiolacchi

Amleto Dallapé and Beniamino Bugiolacchi


视频:Zoe Tiganouria 的“活泼的天空”录音 – 希腊

CD cover
Video 1:

Video 2:
视频1. 伊朗歌手 Roozbeh Nematollahi 和 Zoe Tiganouria
视频2. 电视表演,凯蒂·加尔比(Katie Garbi)和佐伊·蒂加努里亚(Zoe Tiganouria)的原始版本音乐演奏

佐伊·蒂加努里亚(Zoe Tiganouria)的希腊民谣“hasapiko”歌曲“Lively Sky”(希腊文中的“ Zontanos Ouranos”)音乐直击了伊朗著名歌手 Roozbeh Nematollahi 的灵魂。这位著名歌手选择用希腊语演唱并将其展示在他的家乡(伊朗) ),赢得了伊朗听众的心。这可能是合作的前兆,未来或许会为我们带来更多惊喜!

这首歌的新闻已经在伊朗电视台的娱乐娱乐节目中播出。 佐伊·蒂格纳里亚(Zoe Tiganouria)说:“这进一步证明了音乐团结了人民,使我们的心灵和每分每秒都变得甜蜜了! 在疫情封锁时期这艰难的日子里,我们所有人都需要这样做。”

这首歌最初于2016年在希腊发行,由凯蒂·加尔比(Katie Garbi)的声音。 我希望明天是所有人都享有的“活泼的天空”,没有大流行病……”


Renzo Ruggieri 在 San Salvo 的 Nonsolomusica 电台上演出 - 意大利

Nonsolomusica header
11月13日,Renzo Ruggieri 应邀前往意大利圣萨尔沃市 Nonsolomusica 广播电台做客,并接受了歌手兼作词人 Lara Molino 的采访。 Nonsolomusica 广播电台是 Lara 的主意,它是面向所有人的线上广播电台。

上面的视频为: Renzo Ruggieri 的意大利语表演访谈
Renzo Ruggieri



谢尔盖·奥索金(Sergey Osokin)爵士三重奏组的新唱片,莫斯科 – 俄罗斯

Sergey Osokin莫斯科国立大学高级讲师谢尔盖·奥索金( Sergey Osokin )刚刚与他的三重奏组表演了“Fou Rire”(Richard Galliano)。 三重奏成员还包括 Aleksei zafikin (低音)和 Piotr Ivshin (鼓)。


Passing of Leonard R. “Skeets” Langley, 17 November, Arizona - USA

Leonard AWW is sad to report the passing of Leonard R. “Skeets” Langley. His sister, Dee Langley, said, “My most adorable brother, "Skeets" Langley, passed away in his sleep at his home in Maricopa, Arizona on Tuesday, November 17th, 2020. "Skeets" was a world class musician and accordionist, 1963 Coupe Mondiale winner and he was also a world class brother. I'll miss him forever.

The family of "Skeets" Langley would love for anyone who knew him to be able to get together and remember his remarkable life. With COVID restrictions upon us, we have decided to postpone the celebration in Minneapolis until May 2021. When a date and place is set, you will be informed.

Excerpts from the biography by Mke Sanko: Skeets Langley was inducted into the 2012 Minnesota Music Hall of Fame. He was a virtuoso, side man on uncountable bands, leader, educator, recording artist, composer and musicians union member for more than 57 years.

Leonard R. (Skeets) Langley began accordion lessons at age 6 and continued his lessons for 14 years, the last few years of which were with teacher Larry Malmberg (MMHF Inductee 1997). As he grew up, he won many national championships on his way to participation in the Coupe Mondiale.

To qualify for the 1962 Coupe Mondiale World Accordion Championship (held in Prague, Czechoslovakia) he first had to win his state then national competitions. Winning those, he then represented the USA and the AAA in the 1962 Coupe Mondiale. With about 25-30 contestants, Skeets came in a close second, losing by just 1/2 point, performing Schumann’s “Piano Concerto in A Minor". He received a Silver Medal and a cut glass trophy from the CIA organised Coupe Mondiale. He was only 20 years old at that time.

The following year (1963) at age 21, he was encouraged to go through the process again, first winning state then national competitions, and once again onto the Coupe Mondiale World Competition, that year held in Germany. In 1963, he won the Coupe Mondiale with his performance of Rachmaninoff’s “Piano Concerto #2 in D Minor”, 2nd movement. He received a Gold Medal, trophy and proudly brought the 1963 Coupe Mondiale world title home to the USA.

Skeets graduated from Golden Valley High School in 1960, received his Bachelor of Music in 1965 from Augsburg College, and Masters Degree from MacPhail School of Music in 1966. He worked as an instrumental music teacher from 1966-1999. He spent his entire career with beginning 5th and 6th grade students, serving in 5 or 6 different buildings every week. This resulted in an immense number of beginning students over his 33 plus years, estimated at well over 20,000 students!

Skeets has led many musical groups and was involved in the recording industry. Skandisk, Inc. began their association with Skeets in the early 80’s when Michael and Else Sevig contacted him for his contribution to their first album. “Juleglade” their Christmas album sold thousands of records. The Sevigs subsequently went on to record 7 more albums, all featuring Skeets on the accordion. These recordings, now in CD format, are still a big seller with Skandisk, Inc.

Two interesting side stories about Skeets: As an accordion player at age 12, Skeets father was employed as a meat cutter and had some connections with the Christmann Sausage Company who had a number of retail cutlets. His father was approached by them hoping that they could hire his son to go around to their various retail outlets and entertain the customers during the Holiday Season (for a small stipend) It did not take long for the Musicians Union to find out about this and put a stop to it. He was taking work away from the other union musicians and he would have to join the union if he wanted to continue to play jobs. The administrative personnel at the union office were surprised when this preteen walked in the office announcing he was there to take the test for membership. Skeets was granted membership without any difficulty. As a result, he was an active union musician for over 57 years and a past Director of their board!

Another story was, that Skeets was the lone accordionist accompanying Luciano Pavarotti during his mid 80’s and early 90’s concert tour in Minneapolis. On one occasion, during rehearsals, when Pavarotti’s touring orchestra director attempted to “direct: Skeets in his interpretation of the “Italian Street Song”, Luciano Pavarotti said to his conductor, “Leo, just let the man play.” Obviously, Luciano approved of Skeets ability and presentation of the piece. After the actual St. Paul Civic Center performance, Pavarotti made direct eye contact with Skeets, smiled and said, “Bravo. Bravo!”

From wearing a tuxedo and playing with Cliff Bunzeil and the Golden strings, to Lederhosen on Leon Bonrud’s Bavarian, to being featured accordionist at the Black Forest Inn, to playing every kind of Oktoberfest, to playing “Pepe Band” style for the Minnesota Vikings games, to playing the opening of Meredith Wilson’s Music Man Square” Museum, to being on the road of the “Mary Lu De Met, Richard Ericsson Foundation” an entity that grants scholarships to aspiring musicians. and to playing the famous Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, California, Skeets has done it all.

Rosemarie, his wife, shares, “First of all, any celebration of life gathering we will have for Skeets will be held in Minneapolis.  Many of you have been wanting details.  Before I explain further, I will put forth one word, which says it all:  COVID. Those of you now reading this who live in Minnesota are fully aware that Gov. Tim Walz has now put further restrictions on the number of people allowed at a "funeral."  I understand also, that right now, weather is a drawback.  Plus, I want everyone who wants to attend Skeets' event to be able to comfortably do so, and that might not be possible for them while COVID is still infecting people. So, after talking with our son David, we feel that this get together would best be arranged after the virus has been controlled (when vaccine is available and most have had access to it). I will keep our Caringbridge avenue of communication open until this last detail is decided so that all of you will know when our get together occurs. Interment of Skeets' cremains will be at noon next Tuesday at our church's Memorial Garden.”

For further information: Dee Langley: squeezermn@yahoo.com


线上音乐会:苏格兰音乐(Music from Scotland)

Ewan GallowayDavid Vernon苏格兰音乐(Music from Scotland)目前每天都会在网上进行一小时的现场音乐会直播。 许多手风琴家都参加了该活动,之前的音乐会仍然可以观看。

Performers during the last week are:

November 10th: Ewan Galloway (picture above left)
November 11th: David Vernon (picture above right)
November 15th: Lomond Ceilidh Band (picture below)
November 16th: Matthew Maclennan
November 17th: Ewan Galloway
Lomond Ceilidh Band



2021 Accordion babes视频:有关2021年手风琴宝贝固定日历的信息

现在可以预订2021手风琴宝贝Pin-Up日历(带有CD)。 日历编辑是手风琴家 Renee de la Prade 。 蕾妮(Renee)希望大家提前下单,因为他们还需要200份左右的订单来支付所有打印成本。

Due to Covid-19 leading to so many cancelled concerts, Renee has also started a free fortnightly live online event called "Accordion Fridays". The next one will be on November 20th. She is inviting loads of great artists to join in and as New Year's Day 2021 is going to fall on a Friday, she has already decided, it's going to be an “Accordion Friday”!

For details email: renee@squeezeboxgoddess.com


“The PoguestrA”正在寻找音乐家演奏"The Pogues"歌曲

Poguestra logo
The PoguestrA 是一群来自世界各地的音乐人,他们也是 The Pogues 的粉丝。 它成立于2020年5月,由于当时处于疫情封锁期间,所以音乐家们都是一起进行线上合作演奏。

The Pogues(凯尔特朋克民间乐队)的原始成员加入了该乐队以演奏他们的一些歌曲,这其中包括手风琴家 James Fearnley 。

The PoguestrA 正在寻找音乐家来帮助他们在未来几周内录制 Pogues 经典作品《纽约童话》的史诗级大合奏版本!



“Second Souffle”发行的高级专辑 - 比利时

CD cover

“Second Souffle”将于2020年12月1日发行他们的首张专辑“Éclatd'Âmes”。二人组是来自比利时的列日的手风琴家 Alain Van Muysewinkel 和 Beatrice Adam 。

详情请致电:0494/61 74 69


圣诞节的新CD专辑 – 德国

Viviane Chassot, Andreas Nebl
霍纳音乐学院 Trossingen GmbH 讲师的新CD专辑名为“Akkordeon pur – Musik satt”,将于2020年12月1日圣诞节前发布。


Viviane Chassot(左上图):莫扎特钢琴协奏曲
Alexander Maurer:String Jump - a New Affair
Andreas Nebl (右上图): Domentico Scarlatti 20 Sonata
Hans-GüntherKölz:Songbook, live with accordion limitless in duo with Matthias Anton



Alexander Poeluev 的新视频 - 俄罗斯

Poeluev视频:Alexander Poeluev 的新作,Rio Rita - 从30年代到40年代的音乐。


Tuvan Throat Singer Entertains at Brooklyn Accordion Club Online Meeting - USA

BAC logoBadyAccordionist and Tuvan throat singer Bady-Dorzhu Ondar (picture right centre from Tuva, Russia) entertained at the Brooklyn Accordion Club online meeting on November 14th, 2020.

The audience considered it a treat to hear Bady (from the Alash Ensemble) throat singing accompanied by accordion and igil, a 2 stringed Tuvan musical instrument played with a bow. Tuvan throat singing is a technique for singing multiple pitches at the same time.


Mikhail Shostak 参加莫斯科早安节目 - 俄罗斯

Mikhail Shostak尽管天气寒冷,Mikhail Shostak(左图)本周在莫斯科第1频道早安节目的国家克里姆林宫举行了一场户外音乐会。 视频显示了他的团队在演奏流行歌曲的片段。


想要一份圣诞节礼物吗? 试试选择手风琴选集书籍 – 英国

Accordion Anthology
Rob HowardAA2Rob Howard 写了两本受欢迎的书:


The first book was published in 2016 and is aimed at accordion enthusiasts, including those who are new to the instrument. It contains a variety of articles, photos and biographies such as Getting to Know the Accordion; Accordion Tips and Hints; Be a Better Player; Use of the Couplers; Playing For Others; Manfrini Accordions; Evolution of the Accordion and Accordion Concerto to name a few.

Accordion Anthology 2 presents a variety of accordion related articles and biographies, with autobiographical contributions. An ideal present for any accordion enthusiast! The book is a near A4 sized high quality hardback, and contains well over 300 colour photographs.

What great gift ideas for Christmas.

Both books are available online at: robaccord08 and robaccord07


Video: Oktay Taşdemir Performance - Turkey

Video: Accordionist Oktay Tasdemir from Kars, Turkey performing and singing Terekeme ay Baba in Turkish language.



欢乐圣诞音乐会,基督城 – 新西兰

Christchurch poster
Heather Gladstone手风琴家 Heather Gladstone 和 Sue Allan 先生将参加11月29日下午5点在新西兰基督城的 St Paul's Parish 教堂举行的欢乐圣诞音乐会。

该活动由 Heather 执导并与圣奥尔本社区合唱团合作。 新布赖顿银乐队还将演奏来自世界各地的各种圣诞颂歌。

入场是以捐赠的形式。 有关详细信息,请参见海报。


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