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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 19-Dec-2008
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Happy Xmas and New Year
第二十届莫斯科"巴杨和巴杨演奏家"音乐节 ——俄罗斯
Owen Murray和Smith 四重奏组举行音乐会——英国
Nuevo 探戈三重奏组发行新 CD ‘Adios Astor’——丹麦
Happy Xmas from Roberto Mangosi and Accordions Worldwide


Rostov艺术学院举行 "铭记我们的老师"主题音乐会——俄罗斯
Happy Xmas and New Year
Bruce Millers European Accordion Festival, Aberdeen – UK
Festival of Arjona, Bolivar - Colombia


Christmas Jug Band, California - USA
Richie Ahearne Concert, Guildford – UK
Guy Klucevsek and Alan Bern Concerts, Pennsylvania – USA
New Year’s Eve Entertainment, Prague = Czech Republic
New Year’s Eve in Cape Cod Village, Maine – USA
Rafal Luc at the Purcell Room, London – UK


Coupe Mondiale 2009 Website Updated
Yulia Amerikova New Site
Vladislav Pligovka New Site
MusicForAccordion new eSheet work
Leonard Stack new music
Peter Piccini new work
United States National News Updated
Gary Dahl New Arrangement and Updates
CIA Winter Congress 2009 Registration Information online


Solo for Two CD Review
Beltango Trilogia CD Review

Help Desk, Information needed, Readers Comments

Submit Your Question, Comment



Rob Howard, Editor, Accordions Worldwide news一个全球手风琴活动的丰收年已经过去, 圣诞节和新年又即将到来. 知道吗, 时间过得飞快,我在想将圣诞树放在远处, 留待明年用!

请注意,下一次的《环球手风琴新闻》将于1月9日出版, 我们感谢所有在2008年为我们的黄页作出过贡献的人们. 《环球手风琴》的全体工作人员希望我们的所有读者, 即使你这次是碰巧阅读, 圣诞快乐、2009年身体健康!


Happy Xmas and New Year

Happy Xmas from  the Accordions Worldwide  Staff (music
Happy Xmas from Accordions Worldwide Staff (music: Jingle Bells by Renzo Ruggieri - cartoon by Roberto Mangosi)


第二十届莫斯科"巴杨和巴杨演奏家"音乐节 ——俄罗斯

Natasha and Friedrich Lips第二十届 “巴杨和巴杨演奏者”于2008年12月10日到14日在 俄罗斯莫斯科Gnessin 音乐学院的音乐厅举行,俄罗斯文化联盟、俄罗斯 Gnessin 音乐学院和Friedrich Lips基金会参加了节日活动.

当然,今年的活动是在Friedrich Lips 60周岁和从事音乐会活动40周年的具有纪念意义的日子里举行的. 可以说这样说毫不夸张,因为所有的音乐会都或者是他自己演奏,或者至少是他的学生演奏.

XX International Festival “Bayan and Bayanists”



Frank Marocco famous Rostov Jazz Quartet ‘New Sentropezn’, led by Aram Rustamyants.  Alexander Poeluev with ‘New Sentropezn’.
Stas Venglevski and John SimkusThe area of Rostov-on-Don has a strong Jazz following with many Jazz Festivals held in the area. Frank Marocco 举行音乐会之后参观了Rostov 爵士音乐学校,并对Destky爵士乐队献给他的表演印象非常深刻! Rostov近年来已经成为了爵士音乐中心.

12月16日美国传奇手风琴家Frank Marocco 出现在Rostov-on-Don 的Gorki州立大学剧院的舞台上, 同台演出的还有由Aram Rustamyants 指导的Rostov爵士四重奏组‘New Sentropezn’.


参加表演的还有美国手风琴家John Simkus 和Stas Venglevski. 他们表演音乐会的第一部分. Alexander Poeluev 与 ‘New Sentropezn’ 四重奏组的页参加了第一部分的表演. 他们收到了热烈的欢迎.

音乐会的第二部分, Frank Marocco (即席创作之父)与‘New Sentropezn’ 四重奏组为观众们献上了富有激情的演奏.

这些杰出的音乐家用无字的语言向观众们诉说! Frank Marocco 被观众与音乐家们的和谐互动感动得留下了眼泪,观众们也非常高兴,也被音乐家们得演出感动.

Frank Marocco以及他的美国朋友 John Simkus 和 Stas Venglevski、‘New Sentropezn’四重奏组和 Alexander Poeluev 表演了一场非常成功的音乐会.


Owen Murray和Smith 四重奏组举行音乐会——英国

Owen Murray 将于1月5日晚上7:30在伦敦Wigmore会堂表演音乐会,音乐会上将表演‘Serenade on the Shores of the Cosmic Ocean’. 这场音乐会本来应该在去年举行的,但是因为身体不好取消了,看到Owen Murray返回音乐会舞台真是太好了, 他表演的节目包括 Gubaidulina、Schnittke和Abrahamsen等人的作品. Owen & Smith Quartet 2009 poster.

Owen 在Aldeburgh音乐节上首次演出了 ‘Serenade on the Shores of the Cosmic Ocean’, 他是受丹麦首席当代作曲家Poul Ruders的委托.

Owen Murray教授因1986年以来在皇家音乐学院培养顶级的手风琴家和专为手风琴创作严肃音乐而著名. 他曾与很多顶级的乐团联合演出,包括BBC交响乐团、BBC Concert 乐团、伯明翰交响乐团、 威尔士BBC 国家乐团、伦敦交响乐团 、Glyndebourne Opera Touring 乐团、苏格兰室内乐团和 SWF Sinfonieorchestra Baden-Baden.

欲知详情请联系,email: murray@mail.dk



Finnish accordion magazine ‘Hanuri’, Vol. 4-2008,最近一起芬兰手风琴杂志 ‘Hanuri’(2008年第4卷)已经出版. 这一期对于几个国际性活动进行了广泛的报道:苏格兰 Coupe Mondiale比赛、莫斯科手风琴节、对俄罗斯音乐学校系统进行的深入报道、意大利的Roland手风琴比赛、芬兰Sibelius 学院开设手风琴30周年、爱沙尼亚的Pärnu音乐节,等等.

这一期杂志中还有一篇关于芬兰运动员 Satu Mäkelä-Nummela的报道, 她在2008北京夏季奥运会上赢得了女子多向飞碟金牌. 演奏手风琴是她的业余爱好, 她接受了杂志的采访.

芬兰杂志 ‘Hanuri’ 免费赠送给 4500 名芬兰的会员,也送给国际上其他的人, 包括CIA的会员. 每年由芬兰手风琴协会出版四次.

欲知详情请联系, email: kimmo.mattila@harmonikkaliitto.net



意大利Camerano (靠近Castelfidardo)的手风琴维修和销售中心的Robert Rolston 的email信箱最近有问题,收不到邮件.

如果你给他发了email, 而没收到回信,请再发一次到: robertrolston@alice.it

Robert Rolston告诉大家,手风琴维修中心欧洲部( 专门负责调试和维修、安装数码音响、销售服务)已经成立,所有业务保修一年.



Nuevo 探戈三重奏组发行新 CD ‘Adios Astor’——丹麦

Tango Nuevo Trio, Emir Emir Bosnjak (bandoneon), Jens Munch (piano) & Mads Uldall (double bass).
Nuevo探戈三重奏组发行了新CD ‘Adios Astor’, 新CD主要是Astor Piazzolla的音乐. Nuevo探戈三重奏组成员是:Emir Emir Bosnjak – bandoneon 及乐曲改编, Jens Munch –钢琴和Mads Uldall –低音贝司. 三人都毕业于 Aarhus皇家音乐学院.

Astor Piazzolla 可能做梦也没想到过他的音乐如此受欢迎,如今世界各地都在演奏他的音乐,他的音乐吸引了如此多的人. 所以, 生活在丹麦的三个人演奏他的音乐甚至还出了他的音乐CD并不奇怪. 这不是他们头脑发热,也不是他们因为向往南半球而突发奇想; 原因很简单:Piazzolla的音乐感动了他们,使他们情不自禁.


Happy Xmas from Roberto Mangosi and Accordions Worldwide

Happy Xmas from Roberto Mangosi and Accordions Worldwide
Happy Xmas from Roberto Mangosi and Accordions Worldwide



Rostov艺术学院举行 "铭记我们的老师"主题音乐会——俄罗斯

Memorial photo of Anatoli Kusiakov, Alexander Poeluev performing
Grigory HatlamadgijanYuri Shishkin自从Rostov艺术学院开设巴杨系已经80 周年. 12月16日在学院的音乐厅举行了一场主题为"铭记我们的老师"的音乐会,献给这么多年来在这里工作过的老师们, 配以各个时期的幻灯片来讲述他们的故事.

如今巴杨系的头是Sergei Galkin的第一个学生. 在Sergei Galkin的学生中最有名的有国际比赛冠军、俄罗斯人民艺术家等,其中包括: Viacheslav Semionov, Yuri Shishkin, Vladimir Ushenin, Anatoly Zaikin Vladimir Shishin, winners Klingental, Gregory Osmanov, Michael, Zatsepin, Leonid Bondarenko, Leonid Setrakov, 辉煌的年轻艺术家 Alexander Poeluev、Danil Stadnyuk, 以及其他很多著名艺术家和教育家.

最突出的是俄罗斯人民艺术家Anatoli Kusiakov, 他的音乐作品一直在全球的音乐会和比赛中被演奏.

为了铭记这些教师们,来自整个Rostov地区的老师和学生们表演了一场音乐会. 巴杨管弦乐队、乐团及100多位音乐家也出席了音乐会.

两位著名的音乐家 Yuri Shishkin和Alexander Poeluev 也与青年学生们一起演出. The concert attracted great interest and was a colossal success.


Happy Xmas and New Year

Happy Xmas from  the Accordions Worldwide  Staff (cartoon by Roberto Mangosi)
Happy Xmas from Accordions Worldwide Staff (cartoon by Roberto Mangosi)


Bruce Millers European Accordion Festival, Aberdeen – UK

Romano Viazzani and Ksenija SidorovaBruce Millers European Accordion Festival held recently at Aberdeen Arts Centre, Scotland, was organised by Norman English. Concert performers included accordionists Romano Viazzani, Ksenija Sidorova, Norman English, Craig Paton, Tom Orr, and Gordon Middler.

Norman English began the concert using a Roland FR7 and an acoustic accordion, playing ‘El Cumbanchero’, ‘A Bright Star in Cepheus’, ‘Highland Cathedral’, ‘Norwegian Wood’, and ‘Summertime’, as well as bringing smiles of amazement with the unique sounds of the Roland’s “scat voices” used to set off ‘Sweet Georgia Brown’.

Romano Viazzani’s program included: ‘Winter’ (‘Four Seasons’) – Vivaldi, ‘Prelude and Fugue in C minor’ - J.S.Bach, ‘Party Chambers’ - Paul Weller, ‘Tango Pour Claude’ – R. Galliano, ‘Jealousy’ – J. Gade, ‘Indifference’ – Colombo/Murena, ‘Il Silenzio Fuori Ordinaza’ - G.Stok, and ‘Carnival of Venice Variations’ – N. Paganini.

Romano admirably demonstrated the versatility of the accordion and when he handed the stage over to Ksenija Sidorova, it was obvious that the audience was about to be enjoy another dimension.

Ksenija, from Latvia, proved to be a mature, impressive and talented accordionist. Her program included: ‘French Suite’ – JS Bach, ‘12 Variations on a theme’ - WA Mozart, ‘October’ from ‘The Seasons’ - PI Tchaikovsky, and ‘Who’s the Puppet?’ – A. Vassiliev.

The finale with Romano Viazzani joining Ksenija Sidorova in an amusing musical conversation, performing ‘Clarinet Polka’ (arranged by Lars Holm), gave the audience a light hearted end to what had been a truly exhilarating evening.


Festival of Arjona, Bolivar - Colombia

Javier Alvarez of Valledupar, was winner of acordeonero aficionado.On December 7th 2008, Hansel Quesada, from Mahates, was crowned like new Accordion Champion of the 33rd Festival Bolivarense, which was held in the sports Center of Arjona, in the State of Boloivar. Second was Freddy Jattín, and third was Omar Fernández. The festival, postponed from its usual summer date, was well supported as usual, and offers a presentation of Colombian folk music, song and dance. In Colombia, diatonic button accordions were introduced in the 19th Century and are the most numerous of the free reed instruments, used extensively in traditional music.

In the Accordion Entertainment Category, the first place went to Javier Álvarez, of Valledupar; with Gustavo Rodriguez, of Monteria, second, and Camilo Carvajal, of Valledupar, in third place. The Junior Championship was won by Camilo Molina, with Duván Pérez in second place.



Christmas Jug Band, California - USA

The Christmas Jug Band, a seasonal ensemble whose members include accordionist Paul Rogers (usually to be found playing with Those Darn Accordions), have been entertaining throughout December. Their remaining performances are:

December 19th, 8pm – Mystic Theater, Petaluma, California
December 20th, 8.30pm – Masonic Center, Mill Valley, California
December 21st, 7.30pm - Masonic Center, Mill Valley, California


Richie Ahearne Concert, Guildford – UK

Irish diatonic button accordionist Richie Ahearne is the guest artiste at Guildford Accordion Club’s Christmas Club Night on December 19th, 7.30pm. Guildford AC, whose concert organizer id John Cumiskey, meets at Ripley Village Hall, near Guildford, Surrey GU23 6AF.

For further information email: myrabee@btinternet.com


Guy Klucevsek and Alan Bern Concerts, Pennsylvania – USA

Guy Klucevsek (accordion) & Alan Bern (accordion/piano).On December 31st Guy Klucevsek – accordion, and Alan Bern - accordion/piano, will perform at First Night®, Oil City, Pennsylvania, an alcohol-free, family-oriented celebration of the arts, which has been held annually since 1998.

Klucevsek and Bern will do sets at 8, 9, 10 and 11pm, performing selections from their two ‘Winter & Winter’ recordings, ‘Accordance’ (2000) and ‘Notefalls’ (2007).

Since its debut in 1997, First Night® has received high praise for the quality and variety of entertainment and experiences it offers. First Night® has welcomed a steady stream of between 3,000 to 5,000 people who have come despite frigid weather. Shuttle buses transport people throughout the town to indoor sites where performances are scheduled. Revelers wishing to brave the cold are warmed at the bonfires throughout the city.

People wear crazy, decorative hats, walk through rooms filled with balloons, parade down the street making noise, view two fireworks displays, visit their choices of entertainment options, and sample great food.

For further information email: gklucevsek@si.rr.com


New Year’s Eve Entertainment, Prague = Czech Republic

The U Fleku Beer Hall Restaurant & Brewery, Kremencova 11, near Wenceslas Square, New Town, Prague, is a large traditional Czech pub, restaurant and micro-brewery all rolled into one.

There are accordionists playing all day and evening, adding to the typical beer hall style atmosphere.


New Year’s Eve in Cape Cod Village, Maine – USA

Fintan StanleyAccordionist Fintan Stanley and the duo Irish Express perform at Cape Cod Irish Village, 512 Main Street, West Yarmouth, on New Year’s Eve, December 31st.

Born in County Louth, Ireland, in 1941, in 1955 Fintan Stanley became the first player to win an All-Ireland Championship using a Continental button accordion. He has lived in the USA since the 1970s, and has performed in several European countries and Australia.

Irish Express are John Connors – accordion and guitar, and Martin Battle – guitar and harmonica.


Rafal Luc at the Purcell Room, London – UK

Rafal LucPolish accordionist Rafal Luc, now a student of Professor Owen Murray at the Royal Academy of Music in London, performs in concert on January 6th, 7.45pm, at the Purcell Room, Southbank Centre.

His programme includes: ‘De Profundis’ – Gubaidulina, ‘Air’ – Abrahamsen, selected movements from ‘Musica Ricercata’ – Ligeti (London Premiere), and ‘Squeezy’ - Giles Swayne (world premiere).

For further information email: rafal_luc@op.pl



Coupe Mondiale 2009 Website Updated

The Coupe Mondiale international accordion competition run by the Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA), has had the website has updated with all the rules and regulations for the 2009 Coupe Mondiale to be held in Auckland City, New Zealand, 25 to 29 August. For the first time, the Coupe Mondiale now has a Digital Accordion Category with rules that are different than what might be expected.


Yulia Amerikova New Site

New web site for Yulia Amerikova, graduate of Gnessins Russian Academy of Music, tutor Viatcheslav Semionov. Winner of international competitions.


Vladislav Pligovka New Site

New site for Vladislav Pligovka, Winner of the Castelfidardo Competition 2008. and winner of the 2008 Coupe Mondiale in Scotland.


MusicForAccordion new eSheet work

MusicForAccordion.com site releases 6 new music of 'Giorni Belli', 'Praludium Arrangement', 'Words - Easy, 'Snow Bird', 'Stand Up For Jesus' and 'The Windmills Of Your Mind'.

Samples of the music are available online. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Leonard Stack new music

A new site of Leonard Stack - accordionist, composer, publisher, performer and music writer, release 1 new work for accordion available for purchase online.

'Lest We Forget' with different accordion parts, accordion 1, accordion 2, accordion 3, accordion 4, accordion 5, accordion 6, bass, percussion 1, percussion 2, score, tenor and timpani.

Samples of these different parts of music are available on the site. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Peter Piccini new work

Peter Piccini - accordionist, composer, arranger, performer, release 1 new work for accordion available for purchase online. 'Our Cajun Waltz'.

Samples of this music is available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


United States National News Updated

USA News is updated with new items happening over the busy Christmas period and additional Xmas graphics.


Gary Dahl New Arrangement and Updates

Gary Dahl - accordionist as well as a composer, arranger, recording artist and music educator, releases 1 new work and 6 new update works for accordion, available for purchase online.

‘Frosty The Snowman’, ‘Rag in D Minor’, 'Silent Night', 'Maple Leaf Rag', 'Sunrise Sunset' 'Its All In The Game' and 'You Belong To My Heart'.

Samples of this music are available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


CIA Winter Congress 2009 Registration Information online

Information about the 121st General Assembly of Delegates Winter Congress in Bratislava, Slovakia from January 30th – February 1st, 2009 is now online . For the online reservation form, schedule and further information, please visit: www.accordions.com/cia/winter_09_register.htm



Solo for Two CD Review

CD Review of Solo for Two, a CD recorded by Alexander Shirunov and Nadia Guseva.CD Review of Solo for Two, a CD recorded by Alexander Shirunov and Nadia Guseva.

CD Reviews Index.


Beltango Trilogia CD Review

Beltango Trilogia CD Review, Beltango, headed by Aleksander and Ivana Nikolic.

CD Reviews Index.


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