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Weekly News from Around the World - 18-Mar-2016
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Особенности Highlights

“Аккордеон плюc” в Ростове-на-Дону
25-ый зимний “Аккордеон Круиз” - 2000 гостей, Финляндия
AAA поздравляет Марио Такка с вручением награды 2016 Lifetime Achievement Award - США
V Стокгольмский международный музыкальный конкурс (SIMC) - Дания

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

“Childlike & Dream Loving” Accordion Concert, Youth Center, Minhang District - China
Jack Black to put on Accordion for Polka Movie, Hollywood - USA
Mie Miki ‘Accordion JS Bach’ CD Re-issued, Tokyo – Japan
Brooklyn Accordion Club News Article, New York – USA
Sur POING Release New CD, Oslo - Norway
14 Years Ago: Six Accordionists Perform with Halle Orchestra in 2002 - UK

Будущие события

Scottish Music Weekend, Cairngorm National Park - UK
Christina Felder and Mihajlo Rajkovic Concert, Marbach - Germany
Balkan Music Night, Massachusetts – USA
Milltown Accordion Band Gospel Concert, Northern Ireland – UK
Stanislav Angelov Concert, Cape Town – South Africa
Tribute Concert to Gervasio Marcosignori, Ascoli Piceno – Italy
Karen Street & Andy Tweed Concert, Somerset – UK
Marcelo Caldi Concerts, Rio de Janeiro – Brazil

Новые и обновленные сайты

Newly Released Yehuda Oppenheimer Compositions - Israel
New CD and eTracks Album 'Bach Sonatas', Yuri Medianik & Boris Andrianov - Russia
Вновь открылось издательство ‘Karthause Schmülling Publications/ - Германия

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Особенности Highlights

“Аккордеон плюc” в Ростове-на-Дону

2016 Accordion Plus posters
Shishkin Concert posterЕжегодный международный конкурс и фестиваль “Аккордеон Плюс” состоится с 26 по 30 марта 2016 года в городе Ростове-на-Дону. Организатор конкурса и фестиваля – «Международный музыкальный центр «ГАРМОНИЯ».

26 марта – открытие Фестиваля, в котором принимают участие Петр Яриненко, победитель “Аккордеон Плюс” 2013, знаменитый Юрий Шишкин, а также лауреат международных конкурсов, виртуозный исполнитель Павел Масюк, в сопровождении оркестра русских народных инструментов.

27 марта – концерт «За гранью аккордеона». В Доме офицеров зрителей ждет самый нестандартный и, наверное, самый большой концерт, организованный Международным музыкальным центром "Гармония", благодаря которому уже 10 лет слушателям предоставляется возможность наслаждаться выступлениями лучших исполнителей. Не упустите шанс, это действо обещает быть, действительно, уникальным! Знаменитый Александра Поелуева и другие аккордеонисты выступят с джаз-квартетом "New Centropezn". Перед зрителями предстанут театр танца «Галатея» (попавшие в книгу рекордов Гинесса), цирк "Риан", Силовое шоу Юрия Алехина и другие звезды.
Заказ билетов: https://radario.ru/events/54037

28 марта - в Ростовском государственном театре состоится концерт, посвященный 70-летию со дня рождения Народного артиста России, композитора, музыканта Вячеслав Семенов. Редкая возможность услышать Мастера и вместе с ним известных исполнителей, его звездных учеников.
Среди участников: Симфонический оркестр Ростовской государственной филармонии, оркестр русских народных инструментов "Дон", Вячеслав Семёнов, Юрий Шишкин, Александр Поелуев, Михаил Зацепин, Анатолий Заикин, Владимир Мурза, Lion-trio (Лев Лавров, Алексей Микитенко, Саймон Голиков), S. Duo (Кирилл Русинов, Денис Коптелов), Эдуард Аханов, Данил Стаднюк, Петр Яриненко, Ростислав Мудрицкий, Вячеслав Бондаренко, Даниэль Акифьев.

29 марта - Празднование дня рождения Вячеслава Семёнова вместе с юбиляром в Большом зале Ростовской государственной филармонии. Заслуженный артист России Юрий Шишкин "с любовью к своему учителю" исполнит произведения В. Семёнова в 1-й части концерта. Во 2-й части Ю.Шишкин исполнит транскрипции фортепьянной и оркестровой музыки, некоторые из которых будут исполнены впервые.

Конкурсные выступления начнутся 26-го марта, а победители конкурса будут объявлены 30 марта 2016 г. Именно в этот день в 15:00 в конференц-зале Ростовского музыкального коллежа состоится церемония награждения и праздничный концерт, на котором выступят победители Конкурса “Аккордеон Плюс”.

Заказ билетов: http://erostov.ru/theatres/Rostovskiy_muzikalniy_teatr/seance/887709


25-ый зимний “Аккордеон Круиз” - 2000 гостей, Финляндия

Summer Finalists Sata-Häme Soi Accordion Festival
Cabin ConcertСуперпопулярный 23-х часовой зимний “Аккордеон Круиз” Финляндия-Швеция, состоявшийся неделю назад, вновь имел большой успех.

В этом году круиз проходит уже в 25-й раз. Около 2000 аккордеонистов, энтузиастов, их семей и друзей встречаются на круизном судне "Baltic Princess" для проведения концертов, спектаклей, игр, танцев и песен.
Знаменательным событием круиза стал полуфинал конкурсов “Золотой аккордеон” и “Серебряный аккордеон” для юных исполнителей. “Аккордеон Круиз” проводится ежегодно в марте Sata-Häme Soi Accordion Festival и финской Ассоциацией аккордеонистов.

Финалистами конкурса “Серебряный аккордеон” (до 10 лет) стали: Алексантери Авдоуевски, Хелми Хырске, Йоханнес Коивисто, Сеела Рекола, Лумиа Саирберг, Анна Туккимиес, Вилле Вехкалахти и Еелис Вуорела.

Финалисты конкурса “Золотой аккордеон”: Егор Алексеев, Елла Еломäки, Иикка Корпела, Анниина Лууккаинен, Оскари Пуккала и Лаури Туомисто.

Члены жюри на борту судна: Маркку Линдеман, Сирпа Каинулаинен, Нико Кумпуваара и Вииви Мариа Сааренкылä.


AAA поздравляет Марио Такка с вручением награды 2016 Lifetime Achievement Award - США

Mario Tacca
AAA bannerПремия американской ассоциации аккордеонистов (AAA) Lifetime Achievement Award будет вручена Марио Такка в воскресенье, 17 апреля 2016 года. Церемония состоится с 13:00 до 18:00 в Кортленд Манор, Нью-Йорк.
Бронь на участие: 2016TaccaLAA.pdf

Приглашенные артисты: Емилио Магнотта, Беверли Робертс Цурнов, Мэри Токарски, Франк Тоскано, Мании Коралло, и специальный гость, Анкл Флойд Вивино и Марио Такка и Мэри Манчини.

Марио Такка родился в Италии и в детстве вместе с семьей переехал во Францию, где и начал заниматься музыкой. Он вырос во Франции и стал победителем региональных и национальный конкурсов аккордеонистов.

Среди его многочисленных достижений в течение своей долгой профессиональной карьеры, Марио дважды был приглашен Министерством культуры КНР, гастролировал по городам Китая (вместе со своей женой Мэри Манчини, и тенором Дуглас Сонг), где исполнял несколько симфоний.

Марио постоянно участвует в жизни аккордеонного сообщество и в Совете AAA. Около двухсот дней в году Марио гастролирует и выступает вместе со своей женой, всемирно известной певицей Мэри Манчини. Он также очень активно занимается звукозаписью.

Газета «New York Times» пишет что Марио сделал «звук инструмента подобным подарку с небес»

Бронь на участие: 2016TaccaLAA.pdf
По всем вопросам - email: ameraccord1938@gmail.com


V Стокгольмский международный музыкальный конкурс (SIMC) - Дания

Stockholm International Music Competition
Stockholm International Music CompetitionV Стокгольмский международный музыкальный конкурс (SIMC) состоится с 16 по 19 июня 2016 года. Категории аккордеон-соло:
A: до 9-ти лет включительно
B: 10-12 лет
C: 13-15 лет
D: 16-18 лет
E: 19-25 лет включительно
И категория ансамбля: другие инструментальные и вокальные ансамбли любых составов.
Возвраст участников определяется на дату 16 июня 2016 года.

Последний срок подачи заявки: 10 мая 2016 года

Организационный комитет конкурса: Галина Хернгрен (Швеция), Анна Сундин (Швеция), Дмитрий Михайлов (Литва), Питер Шаденко (Россия).

По всем вопросам - email: savshinsky@gmail.com


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

“Childlike & Dream Loving” Accordion Concert, Youth Center, Minhang District - China

Li CongOn 12th March, a concert titled “Childlike & Dream Loving” was held demonstrating the accordion achievements of young students of Minghan District.

Helping make the concert successful was the full support of the Education Bureau of Minhang District, the Youth Center in Minhang District, Xinzhuang Primary School and Xindu Primary School. Success was also attributed to the efforts of the teachers and students from the Shanghai Accordion Association of Shanghai Musician Association and the accordion majors at Shanghai Normal University (SHNU).

With the lead and guidance of Assoc. Prof. Crystal Wang, Chairman of Shanghai Accordion Association of Shanghai Musician Association, guiding tutor for the SHNU accordion majors involved, plus all the teachers and students who rehearsed overtime, a most successful concert was assured.

Our little friends, Ding Liao and Zhu Lingjia (picture left) were invited to be the little presenters of the concert. Their childlike voices became the key to open the door of accordion music.

The performance of our accordion teachers was like a wonderful sight. The performance of the children from Xinzhuang Primary School and Xindu Primary School was filled with passion. The musical compositions were very attractive, such as “Clog Dancing”, “The Dawn”, “Emily Waltz”, “On the Banks of Lake Baikel”, “Katyusha”, “Paso Doble” and so on. These children are the new hope for the development of the accordion.

Prof. Li Cong, President China Accordion Association of Chinese Musician Association and Vice-President, Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA), was invited to speak.

Professor Li emphasized that he was deeply touched three times in this concert. Firstly by the good planning of the organizers and the well painted artistic bags and the autograph books, presented to every honored guest. The autograph books were thick enough to keep every splendid moment of the accordion teaching achievements of the Youth Center in Minhang District.

Secondly is the successful development of the accordion in Minhang District. The accordion family here is becoming bigger and bigger and Professor Li was looking forward to the future accordion development very much.

Thirdly he was deeply touched by the many kinds of accordion music, especially new compositions, performed so well in the concert, and so well accepted by the audience. This concert fully reflected the guiding ideology and diversified development of the last 10 years.

Note: In 2014, Italians Renzo Ruggieri and Lorenzo Bosica performed at, and viewed the exciting Xinzhuang Primary school program. Report at: 2014Minghang


Jack Black to put on Accordion for Polka Movie, Hollywood - USA

Jack Black
Jack Black will produce and star in ‘The Man Who Would Be Polka King’, a movie about the polka musician named Jan Lewan who “unwittingly brought a town to its knees in a Ponzi scheme.” Black’s film will be based on Joshua Brown and John Mikulak’s documentary of the same name, but it’ll now have the added benefit of Jack Black’s unique brand of zany energy. The real Jan Lewan may not have screamed and done karate moves very often, but that’s why people turn documentaries into normal movies. It lets them add the stuff that’s missing from real life.

Anyway, the gist of Lewan’s story is that he was born in Poland, he moved to America in the 1980s, and he eventually became a Grammy-nominated musician. At some point, he started buying cheap souvenirs on trips back to Poland that he would then sell to his fans for more money, “turning a major profit.” To make more money he “started offering unregistered promissory notes at guaranteed 12 percent interest,” which is a fancy way of saying that he took money from people and told them he’d give them more money in return, but a series of setbacks prevented him from ever actually doing that. He declared bankruptcy and later went to jail for “fleecing millions of dollars from investors in multiple states.”

This movie will presumably follow that basic story, but with more screaming and karate moves.


Mie Miki ‘Accordion JS Bach’ CD Re-issued, Tokyo – Japan

Video 1: Sara/Coba by Mie Miki "Accordion Works 2010" @ Hamarikyu Asahi Hall, Tokyo

Video 2: Libertango, Mie Miki and Hideki Ikegami

3. Mie Miki plays Rameau Tambourin from her French Baroque Music Album
Videos and sound file above: View/listen to the superbly versatile Mie Miki performing three different genre of music.

In 1996 Japanese accordion virtuoso Mie Miki recorded many of the works of JS Bach, and this album has been re-released on CD, available via various internet sources.

The tracks include: French Suite No. 5 in G major BWV.816, French Suite No. 6 in E major BWV.817, French Overture (Partita) in b minor BWV.831, Anna Magdalena Bach Music book (1725) from Musette in D major BWV Anh.126, Polonaise in G minor BWV Anh.119, minuet I (G major) BWV Anh.114, Minuet II (G major) BWV Anh.116, Minuet III (G minor) BWV Anh.115, March (D major) BWV Anh.122.

Mie Miki started playing the instrument at the age of 4. At the age of 8, she made her first radio broadcast for NHK in Tokyo. At the age of 16, she moved to Germany to study at the Trossingen Academy of Music.

After completing her studies and winning some competitions, Mie Miki started her active performing career in Europe and Asia. In the 1980s, she was invited to introduce the classical accordion for the first time in the People’s Republic of China.

Mie Miki has appeared as a soloist with numerous orchestras. A concert series ‘Mie Miki Accordion Works’, featuring numerous premières, takes place every year in Tokyo and more than 60 works have been dedicated to her by composers.

Currently Mie Miki is a Professor for Accordion and Vice-President at the Folkwang Universität der Künste Essen in Germany, and Honorary Professor at the Xinjian Arts College in China.


Brooklyn Accordion Club News Article, New York – USA

Sy KushnerBrooklyn Accordion Club were the subject of the following article published this week in The Village Voice, written by Jessica Leigh Hester.

A drum and tambourine keep time, a banjo player starts plucking, and two fiddlers raise their bows. The stars of the afternoon, though, are the rest of the musicians, who shrug on their shoulder straps and, some more gracefully than others, lift their accordions. "That instrument is so nice, it's making my eyes water," one player murmurs to himself as he ogles his neighbor's souped-up, 23-pound "Cadillac" machine. And then they're off, alternating between galloping hora rhythms and tinkling melodies.

"Make it pretty now," says Sy Kushner. The 72-year-old leading today's ensemble picked up the accordion as a kid in the Bronx, where it starred in his neighborhood synagogue — not exactly the coolest place for inspiration, but inspiration nonetheless. After a lifetime pressing keys, he's not letting his eager students off easy. "Relax. Take a few deep breaths." He swoops his hands through the air in big arcs. "I want to squeeze more out of you."

The players have hauled out their instruments for a klezmer workshop hosted by the Brooklyn Accordion Club, which since 2013 has convened about once a month above Cobble Hill's Local 61 café. The late risers brunching downstairs can hardly hear the exuberant tunes wheezing above their heads. Right now it's klezmer, but before too long it might be Jimmy Buffett — the open-mic portion of the afternoon.


Sur POING Release New CD, Oslo - Norway

Sur POINGThe Norwegian trio POING is one of Scandinavia's most interesting ensembles in the contemporary field. Known for their wild virtuosity, humor, seriousness and improving, POING is impossible to categorise.

POING consists of Rolf-Erik Nystrøm (saxophone), Frode Haltli (accordion) and Håkon Thelin (double bass).

They started playing together in 1999 and have played in clubs and concert halls in most European countries, the US as well as in China and Japan, with more than 100 first performances.

Their constant touring has taken POING all over the world, including such festivals as Other Minds, Huddersfield and Klangspuren. 'sur POING' is the result of several years of collaboration with composers Richard Barrett and Helmut Oehring.

The CD is available online through Grappa Musikkforlag AS, Norway.


14 Years Ago: Six Accordionists Perform with Halle Orchestra in 2002 - UK

The Accordions Worldwide News for March 15th 2002 included a report that no less than six accordionists had performed the previous week with the world famous Halle Orchestra at the Bridgewater Hall in Manchester, broadcast live on BBC Radio 3. The Hallé Orchestra, founded in 1858, is resident at the Bridgewater Hall. It supports a choir, youth choir, youth training choir, children's choir and a youth orchestra, and releases its recordings on its own record label.

Accordionists Perform with Halle Orchestra – England

On March 7th accordionists Neil Varley, David Farmer, Nigel Waterhouse, Phuong Nguyen, Yao Yi & Li Nan took part in a performance of Prokofiev's epic ‘Cantata for the 20th Anniversary of the October Revolution’ with the Halle Orchestra. This concert was held at the Bridgewater Hall in Manchester under the baton of Mark Elder CBE. The successful performance, which was broadcast live on BBC Radio 3, was the third time the work has been played in Britain in the last 5 years.


Будущие события

Scottish Music Weekend, Cairngorm National Park - UK

PosterA weekend of Scottish music and dancing takes place on Friday March 18th, Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th at the Carrbridge Hotel.

Performing are accordionists Ian Cruickshanks, Marian Anderson, Sandy Lindsay, and Brandon McPhee, pianist Robert Lovie, the Kirkjuvagr Ceilidh Band, Country & Western band Manson Grant & The Dynamos, and the comedian Eddie Rose.

The Carrbridge Hotel is situated in the Cairngorm National Park in the Scottish Highlands.

For further information email: robertcameron29@hotmail.com


Christina Felder and Mihajlo Rajkovic Concert, Marbach - Germany

PosterOn Saturday March 19th, 7pm, Christina Felder and Mihajlo Rajkovic, students of the class of Andreas Nebi at the Hohner Conservatory in Trossingen perform in concert at the Versöhnungskirche Marbach, Baden-Württemberg.

The concert includes music by Haydn, Scarlatti, JS Bach, Piazzolla, and others.


Balkan Music Night, Massachusetts – USA

Lauren BrodyAccordionist Lauren Brody (picture right) performs in a trio with singers Elitsa Stoyneva and Anci Stancioff Tatgenhorst in a Balkan Music Night concert on Saturday March 19th, 7pm. This show takes place at 51 Walden Performing Arts Center, 51 Walden Street, Concord, Massachusetts 01742.

Other bands featuring accordionists performing at Balkan Music Night include Bulgarika, Gogofski, Kavala, and Skaros.


Milltown Accordion Band Gospel Concert, Northern Ireland – UK

Milltown Accordion BandThe Milltown Accordion Band is hosting a Gospel concert on Saturday March 19th in Cullybackey College, Pottinger Street, Cullybackey, Ballymena. The concert starts at 7.45pm.

The concert will feature the Montgomery Sisters, Portglenone Men’s Group, David, Edith, Frank, Neil, Lily-Mae Torrington and Milltown Accordion band. The concert will be compered by Jimmy Thompson. Tickets are £6 each or pay at the door.

This concert has been made possible by the support of the Ulster-Scots Agency. Part proceeds of ticket sales will be donated to the Alzheimer’s Society.


Stanislav Angelov Concert, Cape Town – South Africa

Stanislav AngelovAccordionist Stanislav Angelov performs Tango music on Saturday March 19th and Sunday 20th, 8pm both evenings, for The Last Night of the Proms at Cape Town City Hall accompanied by the Eastern Cape Philharmonic Orchestra under the baton of Richard Cock.


Tribute Concert to Gervasio Marcosignori, Ascoli Piceno – Italy

Marcosignori Concert PosterOn Sunday March 20th, 6.30pm, Renzo Ruggieri performs a concert in memory of Gervasio Marcosignori (1927-203), whose passing three years ago caused widespread mourning in the accordion world. The concert takes place at the Auditorium Emidio Neroni, Rua del Cassero, Ascoli Piceno.

Gervasio Marcosignori, from Castelfidardo, Ancona, was one of the most universally esteemed accordionists of his generation. In the 1950s he emerged as a major concert artist, and in the 1960s was a pioneer of the electronic accordion. Awarded the ‘World Oscar’ in 1959, Marcosignori performed with distinction in many countries, and his performances and recordings were regarded by many as the epitome of good technique and musicality.


Karen Street & Andy Tweed Concert, Somerset – UK

Karen TweedAccordionist Karen Street and her saxophonist husband Andy Tweed perform in concert together on Sunday March 20th, 5pm until 6pm, at Midsomer Norton Town Hall, Radstock, Bath and North East Somerset BA3 2HQ.

Karen Street was the NAO All Britain Virtuoso Champion in 1982 and 1983, and competed in the 1984 CIA Coupe Mondiale, held in Folkestone (won by Peter Soave, from the USA). She later played the tenor saxophone in the all-female quartet Fairer Sax, then returned to the accordion, nowadays playing jazz and also writing and recording her own compositions.


Marcelo Caldi Concerts, Rio de Janeiro – Brazil

Marcelo Caldi and Soraya RavenieVideo above: Los Pájaros Perdidos by Astor Piazzolla e Mário Trejo in concert at Teatro Rival Petrobras, Rio de Janeiro, 22nd January 2015. Performers are: Soraya Ravenle (voice), and Grupo LiberTango: Marcelo Caldi (accordion), Estela Caldi (piano), Alexandre Caldi (flute).

Accordionist Marcelo Caldi and singer Soraya Ravenie perform together in concert at the BNDES Theatre, Avenida República do Chile, 100, Centro, 20031-917 Rio de Janeiro. The concert takes place on Thursday March 24th, 7pm.

‘Tangos Hermanos’ is a three day event, March 29th, 30th and 31st, 7pm each evening, celebrating 20 years of the group Libertango. Special guests: March 29th - Yamandú Costa (guitar), March 30th - Soraya Ravenle (voice), and March 31st - Hamilton de Holanda (mandolin). These concerts take place at the Teatro de Arena da CAIXA Cultural, Avenida Almirante Barroso, 25, Centro Rio de Janeiro.

Libertango are Estela Caldi (piano), Marcelo Caldi (accordion), and Alexandre Caldi (woodwinds).

For further information email: imprensa@bndes.gov.br


Новые и обновленные сайты

Newly Released Yehuda Oppenheimer Compositions - Israel

Israeli Polka by Yehuda OppenheimerThis is the first of 25 works by Yehuda Oppenheimer that are now going to be available as eSheet music, pdf files able to be sent to you by email, with no postage costs or post delays.

First being released is Catalog: OY611 Israeli Polka composed by Oppenheimer who has over 100 compositions and arrangements published online at: Yehuda Oppenheimer


New CD and eTracks Album 'Bach Sonatas', Yuri Medianik & Boris Andrianov - Russia

Bach Sonatas CD coverYuri MedianikA new CD & eTracks (mp3) album titled 'Bach Sonatas' by Yuri Medianik (accordion) & Boris Andrianov (cello) has been released. Catalog: YMCD004

The album website has detailed information about Bach Sonatas. Yuri Medianik and Boris Andrianov are very experienced and qualified musicians who have performed with orchestras, ensembles and now together as a duo.

Other Medianik CD's and albums available at: Yuri Medianik


Вновь открылось издательство ‘Karthause Schmülling Publications/ - Германия

Karthause Schmülling banner
Accordion Jazz ChordsThe Art of Bayan Playing book coverНемецкое издательство ‘Karthause Schmülling Publications’ открылось, и в течение ближайших 10 дней все их издания аккордеонной музыки появятся онлайн.

Первый номер Интернет-каталога является очень популярным изданием. Номер по каталогу: kslips00. “Искусство игры на баяне» знаменитого исполнителя и педагога профессора Фридриха Липса.

Два других популярных издания из этого большого каталога также уже доступны онлайн. Номер по каталогу: seidel. «Джаз аккорды на аккордеоне» Норберта Сейдела (‘Accordion Jazz Chords’, Norbert Seidel) – первая подробная инструкция для начинающих и опытных исполнителей, которая в легкой и доступной форме подробно описывает способ игры разнообразных гармоний на инструменте с готовой системой.

Номер по каталогу: tomdevree «Музыкальная практика, руководство для студентов и преподавателей» Тома Де Ври ('Practising Music, Guidelines for Students and Teachers’, Tom De Vree).


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