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Weekly News from Around the World - 17-Jun-2016
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Особенности Highlights

Киммо Маттила, генеральный секретарь Международной конфедерации аккордеонистов (CIA)
Концерт Кобы в честь празднования 150-летия японо-итальянских отношений - Италия
Проведи время с семьей на фестивале Лонг-Бич Баю!
Ежедневные репортажи и видео с Австралийского международного аккордеонного конкурса-фестиваля – Австралия

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Video: Sergey Osokin Concert, Moscow - Russia
Brian Berlin: Using Accordion to Teach Music in Elementary School - USA
‘Weird Al’ Yankovic Box Set for 2017, California - USA
Video: Kyiv Classic Accordion Duo, Dance of the Furies - Ukraine
14 Years Ago: 2nd International Accordion Music Festival, Poland in 2002

Будущие события

Guy Klucevsek Concert, Milwaukee – USA
Castletown Accordion Orchestra Concert, County Cavan – Irish Republic
Gary Blair Workshop, Seattle – USA
Stefan & Denise @ North Staffs Accordion Club, Stoke-on-Trent – UK
Yuri Shishkin Returns, Performing With Harmonium Duo - Poland
Sharon Shannon @ Glastonbury and Tour Dates – UK, Belgium, Ireland, Switzerland
CNIMA Courses, France
Yegor Zabelov Trio @ Festival, Prague - Czech Republic
Igor Outkine’s ‘I Love Paris - Paris, je t'aime’, London – UK
Martynas @ Dartington International Summer School, Devon – UK
Stéphane Chapuis Master Class, Valais - Switzerland

Новые и обновленные сайты

Updated Site: Franco Cambareri 2 New Works Released - Australia
Updated Site, Available Again, Frank Marocco 3 CD Set & Book - Germany
Newly Available: Auckland March Composed for Accordion Orchestra
Updated: 2017 Frankfurt Musikmesse, 5th to 8th April - Germany

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Особенности Highlights

Киммо Маттила, генеральный секретарь Международной конфедерации аккордеонистов (CIA)

Prof. Choe HyokНа фото:
1. Члены дискуссии (слева направо): Директор Пхеньянского музыкального университета, Мирко Патарини, Киммо Маттила и переводчик.
2. Трио студентов университета (обратите внимание на итальянский бас-аккордеон).
3. Профессор Чхве Хек.

Представители Международной конфедерации аккордеонистов (CIA) недавно получили
приглашение посетить Северную Корею, чтобы увидеть музыкальные события, связанные с аккордеоном и оценить музыкальное образование в этой стране.

Это историческое приглашение было отправлено "Северокорейским комитетом по культурным связям с зарубежными странами мне как Генеральному секретарю CIA, а также президенту музыкального комитета CIA Мирко Патарини в мае нынешнего года.

Во время нашего визита мы встретились с профессором Чвэ Хек и его студентами в Пхеньянском Музыкальном Университете. Трио студентов университета исполнили произведения корейской музыки, а также Пьяццоллы и Гальяно.

Мы посетили огромный Манджиондждайский Детский дворец культуры, в котором ежедневно 140 групп детей обучаются музыке, танцам, балету, занимаются спортом и другими видами деятельности. Мы посетили открытый урок, на котором 11-12-летние осваивали искусство игры на аккордеоне.

Обучающимся нет необходимости покупать себе инструменты: их выдает Детский дворец культуры, в котором они занимаются по три часа каждый день.

Нам довелось увидеть профессиональные выступления многих детских музыкальных групп, самым маленьким участникам которых было всего 4-5 лет. Стоит отметить, что уровень музыкального образования здесь очень высокий, и дети должны ежедневно заниматься очень усердно, с полной отдачей.

Госпожа Чен Ын А и господин Хонг оказались очень радушными и приветливыми хозяевами, у нас было запланировано несколько встреч с ними, на которых мы общались на музыкальные темы. Мы в очередной раз убедились, что музыка способствует тесному творческому сотрудничеству между странами и разными культурами. Именно потому что язык музыки – универсален, он понятен всем.
Мы также встретились с несколькими северокорейскими правительственными организациями и представителями из органов власти самого высокого уровня для установления международных музыкальных связей и будущего сотрудничества.

Мы благодарим наших радушных хозяев за приглашение и гостеприимство. Я считаю, что эти встречи приведут к будущему международному музыкальному взаимодействию.

Фотографии ниже:
4. Посещение крупной фабрики аккордеонов и встреча с директорами.
5. Г-жа Чен Ын А и торт ко дню рождения Мирко Патарини.
6. Ансамбль аккордеонистов в Детском дворце культуры.
7. Занятия аккордеоном во Дворце.
8. Школа для малышей.
North Korea accordion


Концерт Кобы в честь празднования 150-летия японо-итальянских отношений - Италия

TFC Coba Group concert
Сплав традиционной японской и западной музыки на торжественном мероприятии в честь 150-й годовщины установления дипломатических отношения между Японией и Италией очаровал слушателей.

Известный японский аккордеонист Коба с TFC 55, группой японских музыкантов.

Они выступали в Италии:
Суббота, 11 июня, Астра театр, Кастельфидардо (AN)
Воскресенье, 12 июня, Театр Джузеппе Верди, Буссето (PR)
Коба соло:
Среда, 15 июня, Иститут японской культуры, Рим.

В 2014 году ровесники Хидеки Тоги, Ивао Фурусава и Коба сформировали группу под названием "TFC 55" и ездили с концертами по всей Японии. Инструментальный ансамбль

из гагаку, скрипки и аккордеона, который никто не представлял себе возможным, производит различные завораживающие звуки создан исключительно этими тремя музыкантами и передает слушателям настоящую магию музыки.

Спонсоры – Мэрия города Кастельфидардо и Культурная Ассоциация Gervásio

Фотоотчет: www.accordions.com/marcosignori2016concert/


Проведи время с семьей на фестивале Лонг-Бич Баю!

30th Annual Long Beach Bayou Festival
Выше: 2015 промо-ролик.

В этом году 30-й ежегодный Лонг-Бич Баю Фестиваль проводится в Рейнбоу Лагуна Парк, Лонг Бич, Калифорния 90802 в субботу и воскресенье, 18 и 19 июня.

Суббота, 18 июня: 11.00 – 21.00
Воскресенье, 19 июня: 11.00 – 19.30.

Девиз фестиваля: "Проведем время с семьей на фестивале в эти выходные!”

На фестивале вас ждут каюнская и креольская кухня, обучение танцам & непрерывным танцам, Марди Гра Парад.


Ежедневные репортажи и видео с Австралийского международного аккордеонного конкурса-фестиваля – Австралия

AATA header
AATA posterЕжедневные репортажи с Австралийского международного аккордеонного конкурса-фестиваля 2016 года, включая фотографии, видео и результаты, можно посмотреть в Интернете по адресу: Australian International Championships.

Спонсорами репортажей выступила компания ‘Accordion House Importer/Retailer’, с 1957 года являющаяся поставщиком инструментов в Австралию, а также осуществляющая связанный с ними сервис.


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Video: Sergey Osokin Concert, Moscow - Russia

Excerpts from a major concert by Sergey Osokin, 5th April at the Big Hall, Music School V. Kalinnikov, Moscow.

Sergey Osokin is a winner of international accordion competitions and now tutor at the Schnittke Moscow State Institute of Music.

Video music list:
1. - A.Schnittke - Gogol suite: (1-Chichikov’s childhood, 2-Officials, 3-Valse, 4-Polka)

2. - V. Tchernikov - Nocturne

3. - K.M.von Veber - Konzertstück for piano & orchestra in F minor, (Op. 79). (3-Marche, 4-Finale)


Brian Berlin: Using Accordion to Teach Music in Elementary School - USA

Brian BerlinThis is an article written by AAA Historian Joan Grauman about a most interesting program for young people being run at Carleston Elementary School near Houston, Texas by Brian Berlin (picture left).

This promotion of accordion and music education for young people could be a great way to encourage more young accordionists. To learn more, read the article (English), video and pictures at: http://www.accordions.com/articles/using_accordion.aspx

Picture below, Joan Grauman talking and playing for the school class.
Joan Grauman


‘Weird Al’ Yankovic Box Set for 2017, California - USA

‘Weird Al’ Yankovic‘Weird Al’ Yankovic‘Weird Al’ Yankovic plans in 2017 to release ‘Squeeze Box’, a comprehensive, 15-album box set, housed inside a replica of his accordion.

The well-known eccentric parodist’s box set will is to be a compendium of music that spans Yankovic’s career, from his eponymous 1983 debut to 2014’s ‘Mandatory Fun’. The album will be available on remastered CD, vinyl, and in digital format.

The box set will also include a bonus rarities record and a 100-page book that features “hidden treasures from Al’s vault”.

‘Weird Al’ recently became the bandleader for IFC TV’s show ‘Comedy Bang! Bang!’, succeeding rapper Kid Cudi and his doppleganger in bizarre-dom and big hair, Reggie Watts.

Al is also in the midst of a massive 78-date North American tour in continued support of his mega successful, Grammy-winning LP, ‘Mandatory Fun’.

On June 16th ‘Weird Al’ performed a sell-out concert at the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville, continuing until September 24th with a tour closing concert at the Radio City Music Hall in New York.


Video: Kyiv Classic Accordion Duo, Dance of the Furies - Ukraine

The Kyiv Classic Accordion Duo perform Dance of the Furies composed by Christoph Willibald Gluck as a part of Day of Bayan and Accordion in Ukraine in 2014.


14 Years Ago: 2nd International Accordion Music Festival, Poland in 2002

The Accordions Worldwide News for June 7th 2002 announced details of an upcoming festival in Poland focusing on the accordion as a band instrument. Is this festival still taking place?

2nd International Accordion Music Festival Koszalin 2002 – Poland
Contributed by Dr Herbert Scheibenreif Manager of Friedrich Lips Productions

The 2nd International Accordion Music Festival Koszalin will take place from September 19th to 22nd in Koszalin organized by the Local Culture Centre of Koszalin and the "Akord" Accordion Band and promoted by the Miejski Osrodek Kultury.

The aim of the event is to present the accordion as a band instrument, to introduce this form of making music, to integrate accordion societies and to exchange experiences and repertoires. In addition the accordion will be shown as an instrument which can present different types of music such as jazz, classic and others. Although the accordion is the feature instrument, other instruments will be allowed for accompaniment. The festival will also include a massed accordion orchestra performance.

Although the event is not a competition, there will still be a jury that will consist of instructors that will also be festival competitors. The Jury, guided by the main adviser, will consider the following criteria: selection of repertoire, interpretation of music formations, standard of band's artistic experience, discipline of band and general artistic outlook, technique of presentation. The best bands will receive diplomas and souvenirs sponsored by the promoters.


Будущие события

Guy Klucevsek Concert, Milwaukee – USA

Guy KlucevsekAccordionist Guy Klucevsek and violinist Eric Segnitz perform together in concert on Friday June 17th and Saturday 18th, 7.30pm each evening, Kenilworth 508 Theatre, 1925 E. Kenilworth Pl., Milwaukee. Tickets are $20.

Guy Klucevsek, also a composer, is active in new music, jazz and free improvisation, and has released over 20 albums. He is also a founding member of the international group Accordion Tribe.


Castletown Accordion Orchestra Concert, County Cavan – Irish Republic

Castletown Accordion Orchestra
The Castletown Accordion Orchestra performs in concert on Saturday June 18th, 8.30pm, at the Ramor Theatre, Virginia, Cavan.

Under the musical direction of John Chilton, Castletown Accordion Orchestra has represented Ireland at both European and World level winning multiple awards. They have performed concerts in both in Ireland and Europe, including the acclaimed concert tour of The Dolomites in Italy.

In advance of their concert they will perform in London in July and the Kilkenny Arts Festival in August. Our special guests include current and former students of the Royal Irish Academy of Music. Éadaoin Copeland, pianist; Katie Kavanagh, Holly Chilton, John & Yvonne Chilton accordionists; and Breeda Kenny, soprano, winner of Scór at national level.


Gary Blair Workshop, Seattle – USA

Gary BlairPopular Scottish accordionist Gary Blair, on tour, leads an ‘Accordion Tips and Tricks’ workshop on Monday June 20th, 7pm, at Petosa Accordions, 313 NE 45th St, Seattle, WA 98105. Limited space available – please purchase tickets in advance from Petosa Accordions. Admission is $20.

Gary Blair started learning accordion at the age of 8 and was taught by his father, Jimmy Blair, who had a large accordion school in Glasgow, Scotland. He was a regular at competitions throughout Europe and was crowned an All Britain accordion champion in 1978.

He tours the world performing concerts, workshops and dances – with recent performances in China, Russia, India, UAE, USA, Quebec, France, and Italy. Gary has also been a judge at many festivals around the world. He is a historian and has an enormous collection of vintage accordion magazines, photos, and recordings.

Gary Blair is also the featured artist at the Leavenworth Accordion Celebration on Friday June 17th.


Stefan & Denise @ North Staffs Accordion Club, Stoke-on-Trent – UK

Stefan Andrusyschyn (accordion) and his wife Denise Leigh (operatic soprano)Stefan Andrusyschyn (accordion) and his wife Denise Leigh (operatic soprano) perform as guests at the North Staffs Accordion Club, Goldenhill Workingmens Club, Kidsgrove Road, Stoke-on-Trent ST6 5SH, on Tuesday June 21st, 8pm. Admission is £4.

Stefan Andrusyschyn is in great demand for concerts and accordion festivals throughout the UK. He studied with Oleg Sharov at the St Petersburg Conservatory, Russia, and Owen Murray of the Royal Academy of Music, London. In 2000 he came first in an Under 18 European accordion competition in Switzerland, a prestigious addition to his many successes in UK competitions. Blind from birth, he learns his music from recordings and he enjoys accompanying singers on piano or accordion, the latter ideal as a substitute to the pipe organ suiting the music sung by his wife, Denise. Stefan auditioned for and won a grant for the purchase of his accordion, a Bayan system as used in Russia and the Baltic countries. This was custom made for him by the Zonta company in Minsk, Belarus.

In 2003 Denise Leigh won the TV reality show, ‘Operatunity’, and since then has a list of accolades to her name. Sir George Martin, the Beatles producer, invited her to perform at a gala performance at St James’ Palace for the Queen and Prince Philip, the Prince of Wales. Other performances include singing on Classic FM Live from the Royal Albert Hall, Proms in the Park at Hyde Park, The Paralympics at Beijing 2008, The London Olympics opening ceremony 2012, The Royal Opera House in 2010 with Stefan for Channel 4 TV, with the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra and ‘Friday Night is Music Night’ with the BBC Concert Orchestra, and with Catherine Jenkins, Andre Bocelli, Geraint Dobbs and Wynne Evans (of ‘Go Compare’ fame).

For further information email: stevehg0@gmail.com


Yuri Shishkin Returns, Performing With Harmonium Duo - Poland

Concert, June 23rd, at 7 pm. Dominicans Church, Warsaw, Sluzew, Dominikanska 2 Street.


Sharon Shannon @ Glastonbury and Tour Dates – UK, Belgium, Ireland, Switzerland

Sharon Shannon
Irish diatonic accordionist Sharon Shannon performs in concert – already sold out – at the Glastonbury Festival later this month.

Tour dates:
June 24th – Glastonbury, Somerset, England
July 1st – Gooyk Festival, Belgium
July 2nd – Sark Festival, Channel Islands
July 9th – The Green Theater, near the Atomium, Brussels, Belgium
July 10th – An Carn, Maghera, County Derry, Northern Ireland
July 12th – Monroe’s, Galway, Irish Republic
July 16th and 17th – Tiree Music Festival, Scotland
July 21st - Paléo Festival Nyon, Switzerland
July 26th, 8pm – Church of Ireland, Green St, Boyle, Roscommon, Irish Republic
July 30th – Sidmouth Folk Week, England
July 31st – Speyfest, Scotland

Sharon Shannon plays the diatonic button accordion, fiddle, tin whistle, and the melodeon. She has become a popular international musician, especially within the folk world and with younger audiences. Her 1991 album ‘Sharon Shannon’ is the best-selling album of traditional Irish music ever released in Ireland. In addition to Irish folk music, her work demonstrates a wide-ranging number of musical influences, including reggae, cajun, Portuguese music, and French Canadian music. She won a lifetime achievement award at the 2009 Meteor Awards.


CNIMA Courses, France



Yegor Zabelov Trio @ Festival, Prague - Czech Republic

Yegor Zabelov TrioThe Yegor Zabelov Trio, from Belarussia, perform at the ‘United Islands of Prague’ festival in Prague, Czech Republic, on Sunday June 26th.

The Yegor Zabelov Trio are Yegor Zabelov – accordion, Alexander Efimov – bass, and Vladimir Beger – drums. They perform equally well on the stages of classical, jazz, rock, and avant-garde festivals, and know how to keep the attention of the audience with their creativity, thoughtfulness and unpredictability.

For further information email: yegorzabelovtrio@gmail.com


Igor Outkine’s ‘I Love Paris - Paris, je t'aime’, London – UK

London-based Russian accordionist and vocalist Igor Outkine performs ‘I Love Paris - Paris, je t'aime’ on Saturday July 9th, 7pm until 11.30pm, at the Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL. This will be an evening of Parisian chic! Igor Outkine is putting on a programme that suits his instrument like no other - the accordion is the sound of Paris.

‘I Love Paris - Paris, je t'aime’ is a music and social dance event with live music by Igor Outkine's Mazaika band. This Parisian-themed romp is sure to delight.

The music will take us from the beautiful ballrooms of and the sound of Bizet and Offenbach, to the romantic tunes of Edith Piaf, Charles Aznavour, Michel Legrand as well as gypsy jazz of the Hot Club de France and others.

Dance the cheeky Can-Can holding hands with fellow guests, pour wine by the goblet, waltz to 'Under the Bridges of Paris', or simply sit back, close your eyes and hold the hand of someone special, reminiscing of a night-time walk by the Seine. And listen to the accordionist on the pavement...

Tickets: £25 before June 24th and £35 after.

For further information email: info@mazaika-music.com


Martynas @ Dartington International Summer School, Devon – UK

Martynas LevickisThe accordion will featured at the Dartington International Summer School this year. Martynas Levickis, from Lithuania, will be teaching accordion classes, and Amy Thatcher, accordionist and clog dancer, will be teaching a folk course with Kathryn Tickell (Northumbrian piper, fiddler and singer).

The Summer School takes place on the Dartington Estate near Totnes in Devon, with its mediaeval courtyard and glorious gardens. It runs for 4 weeks from July 30th to August 26th and attracts an amazing variety for music-lovers of all ages and abilities. The first session of the morning gives the choice of singing in the big choir or playing in the orchestra of the week, and the rest of the morning and afternoon are filled with classes and informal music-making, then at 5.15pm the concerts start, finishing with a late night one at 10pm or thereabouts. Booking is for one or more weeks. The principle is that, if you pay to attend the week, you can participate in any of the courses, attend all the concerts, and sit in and watch any of the workshops and masterclasses. You will probably know immediately what your first interest is, but then you can join in anything else you can fit into your timetable! A Dartington visit is never quite what you expect, and you always have to make some difficult choices! 
Week 2 is the folk week (with quite a bit of baroque music going on as well). Amy and Kathryn will have the whole of each afternoon for their course. They will also be giving the main evening concert on the Sunday, and the class will give an afternoon concert later in the week.  There will be a folk choir in the morning, led by Sally Davies and the week will end with a Ceilidh on the Friday night.
Martynas is coming in week 3, which will have a more classical and Latin American flavour. Each afternoon, he will run an accordion workshop and be one of the tutors in a Bossa Nova and Tango workshop looking at the works of Jobim and Piazzolla. He will also be giving a solo recital and a Tango Nuevo concert with the other tutors. The big choir that week will be singing Haydn’s Nelson Mass, and the week will end with a Tango Ball.
The courses offer great opportunities to develop one’s own playing and to make music with other instruments. The cost depends on the accommodation you choose - from camping to a high-quality room in the mediaeval courtyard. The prospectus is available on request.

For further information email: summerschool@dartington.org


Stéphane Chapuis Master Class, Valais - Switzerland

Stéphane ChapuisAn accordion master class led by Stéphane Chapuis takes place from July 14th to 18th, 10am until 8pm, at Académie de musique Tibor Varga, Case postale 2001, Sion 2, Valais, Switzerland.

Stéphane Chapuis, born in 1967, is a virtuoso of the accordion and bandoneon. From 1983 to 1992 he was several times the winner of international competitions. He currently teaches at the l’ HEMU - Lausanne (Haute Ecole de Musique), the Conservatoire cantonal de musique de Sion, and at l’EJMA - VS (Ecole de Jazz et Musique Actuelle).

He is a member of Tango Sensations, has performed at festivals such as the Montreux Jazz Festival, and he has worked with many orchestras.

For further information email: info@amsion.ch


Новые и обновленные сайты

Updated Site: Franco Cambareri 2 New Works Released - Australia

Danza CarnavalescaFranco Cambareri has released two new compositions:
cfranco203 - Danza Carnavalesca
cfranco204 - Simplicity
as an eSheet, able to be purchased online with credit card and sent to you by email.


Updated Site, Available Again, Frank Marocco 3 CD Set & Book - Germany

Frank Marocco Book coverNow available again is the Frank Marocco 3 CD set and a beautifully presented book titled "Jazz On The Road, Volume 1-3" Catalog: ks550

The book describes Frank Marocco's musical life in extensive texts enriched with many never-before published photos and significant interviews.

The author is accordionist, conductor and music historian Thomas Eickhoff.


Newly Available: Auckland March Composed for Accordion Orchestra

Gary DaverneAuckland March for Accordion Orchestra is now available online.
Score only - Catalog ED0043A_D
Set of Parts only - Catalog ED0043B_D Parts available are:
1st Accordion, 2nd Accordion, 3rd Accordion, 4th Accordion, 5th Accordion, 6th Accordion, Bass Accordion, Bass Drum, Kit drum, Percussion (glockenspeil), Snare & Cymbal, Timpani.

Auckland March for accordion orchestra had its world premiere performance at the 2009 Coupe Mondiale in Auckland City. The work was performed by the World Accordion Orchestra III conducted by Gary Daverne for two works and Joan Sommers for two works.
Pictures and report: http://www.coupemondiale.org/2009/nz_report_orchestra.htm

Recording with sound samples at: coupe2009

Auckland March is available as an
accordion solo - Catalog ED0275_D
an accordion duet - Catalog ED0059


Updated: 2017 Frankfurt Musikmesse, 5th to 8th April - Germany

Frankfurt Musikmesse building
Accordion Yellow Pages Future Events update: 2017 Frankfurt Musikmesse will open its doors from Wednesday 5th to Saturday 8th April. The hours of opening will also be slightly modified for 2017 to be open from 10.00 am to 6.00 pm on all days of the fairs.


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