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Weekly News from Around the World - 17-Jul-2009
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Особенности Highlights

Трио Золтана Ороша, Будапешт – Венгрия
Победитель «Кубка мира 2007» Александр Севастьян в ATG – США
Конкурсные успехи Михаэля Реттига (Michael Rettig), Баден -Баден – Германия.
Online публикация 100 работы Иегуды Оппенгеймера (Yehuda Oppenheimer) – Израиль.

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

www.Diatonic-News.com Second Edition - Internet
Ksenija Sidorova Performs at RAM Graduation, London - UK
Rock Festival and Accordions, Auvergne - France
‘Musica Leggera’, Wiesbaden – Germany
Frédéric Deschamps Seminars, Beijing, Tianjing - China
Accordion Courses, Remscheid - Germany

Будущие события

14th International Accordion Dolomite Festival 2009 - Italy
ACCO LAND Workshops, San Sebastián, Madrid – Spain
CMA Tropheé Mondiale de l´Accordeon - Portugal
Lina Chegodaev’s Graduation Performance - Australia
‘ACCORDIONS NOW!’, New Hampshire – USA
Jimmy Blair Accordion Orchestra to Re-form, Glasgow – UK
Twin Cities Polish Festival, Minneapolis - USA
Eastbourne Autumn Accordion Festival, Sussex – UK

Новые и обновленные сайты

Peter Piccini new music
Franco Cambareri new music
Yehuda Oppenheimer new music
MusicForAccordion.com new eSheet Pieces
H S Production New Music Releases
Joe Soprani new music releases
MusicForAccordion.com new eSheet Pieces
H S Production New Music Releases

CD Отзывы

Eternal Returning

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Особенности Highlights

Трио Золтана Ороша, Будапешт – Венгрия

Zoltán Orosz Trio and Attila Bardóczy
В этом году в уличном фестивале «На берегах Дуная», который прошел на большой площади Будапешта и был посвящен Французскому Национальному празднику – 14 июля – участвовало трио Золтана Ороша (Zoltan Orosz). К трио присоединился певец и актер Аттила Бардоши (Attila Bardóczy).

Этот концерт был организован Французским институтом и привлек множество посетителей, которые прослушали музыкальный репертуар, состоявший главным образом из французских песен. Этот состав исполнителей завоевал первое место в 1996 году в Париже на Международном конкурсе песни в категории лучших зарубежных артистов.


Победитель «Кубка мира 2007» Александр Севастьян в ATG – США

ATG logo
Alexander SavastienВ 2009 году Конкурс и Фестиваль "Ренессанс Аккордеона", организованный ATG, будет проходить с 13 по 16 августа в отеле Hilton в Миннеаполисе (Minneapolis/St.Paul Airport Mall of America, 3800 American Boulevard East, Bloomington, Minneapolis, MN).

Среди участников фестиваля - победитель «Кубка мира 2007 (Coupe Mondiale)» Александр Севастьян (Alexander Sevastian), исполнитель, представляющий фирму Roland, Дон МакМэхон (Don McMahon), лауреаты национальных конкурсов Джефф Лайзенби (Jeff Lisenby) и Джон Скаффео (John Scaffeo).

Семинары будут состоять из докладов доктора Хелми Хэррингтон (Helmi Harrington) и доктора Марион Джейкобсон (Marion Jacobson), выступлений солистов и коллективов – Musik Garten, Orkestar Bez Ime, Александра Севастьяна (Alexander Sevastian), Дона МакМэхона, Микеле Боддикера Шеффлера (Mickele Boddicker Scheffler), Button Box America и многих других.

Джеймс Тучи-Петерс (James Touchi-Peters), почетный дирижер Филармонического Оркестра Миннесоты, станет приглашенным дирижером фестивального оркестра ATG.

ATG (The Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International (ATG) – Гильдия Аккордеонистов и Учителей) – была создана в 1940 году группой из 29 членов-учредителей, включая покойного Энтони Галла-Рини (Anthony Galla-Rini) – почетного президента ATG.

Дополнительная информация по email: dlangley@airaccordion.com


Конкурсные успехи Михаэля Реттига (Michael Rettig), Баден -Баден – Германия.

DAM participants
David KieferВ июне, в Баден-Бадене прошел 11-й конкурс Music Award DAM, организованный Германской Ассоциацией Гармоники (German Harmonica Association) в содружестве с ассоциацией аккордеонных педагогов. Михаэль Реттиг стал одним из самых ярких конкурсантов.

Являясь самым молодым участником (18 лет), Михаэль Реттиг впервые участвовал в категории Professional Virtuoso и, получив 49 из 50 возможных баллов, стал победителем. Как уже было сообщено на www.diatonic-news.com, это был его второй крупный успех в 2009 году. В мае он выиграл чемпионат мира по игре на диатонической гармонике в г. Санкт-Канциан / Каринтия Австрия.

Программа Михаэля, сделанная под руководством учителя Виталия Нейферта (Vitali Neifert),
включает произведения Баха, Репникова, Мейсла, Марокко, Пьяццоллы, Власова и Гридина.

Если вы хотите получить больше информации об этом исполнителе и двух его неординарных компакт-дисках, пишите: management@michael-rettig.de
Другими студентами Виталия Нейферта, успешно выступившими на конкурсе, стали Томас Шмельцле (Thomas Schmelzle), который среди 43 участников категории «Standard Bass» занял второе место, и Дэвид Киефер (David Kiefer), 11 лет, - победитель категории «Melodic Bass» среди 27 участников, который уже участвовал в 2 категориях (на фотографии в середине).

Дополнительная информация по email: musik-neifert@web.de


Online публикация 100 работы Иегуды Оппенгеймера (Yehuda Oppenheimer) – Израиль.

Yehuda Oppenheimer84-х летний "отец" аккордеона в Израиле Иегуда Оппенгеймер (Yehuda Oppenheimer) только что опубликовал свою сотую работу на сайте MusicForAccordion.com. Издание включает оригинальную музыку Иегуды Оппенгеймера (Yehuda Oppenheimer), а также аранжировки различных лет для соло и дуэтов.

Иегуда Оппенгеймер (Yehuda Oppenheimer) вспоминает свою работу в жюри конкурса «Трофей мира» в 1966 году в Валенсии, когда победителем стал Ришар Гальяно, который исполнял обязательную пьесу, написанную Оппенгеймером, - «Чакона» - вариации на тему "La Folia", старинную португальскую народную мелодию.

100 работа – это оригинальная композиция (дуэт) под названием ‘Eilat’ (каталог OY600). Эта композиция является главной музыкальной темой художественного фильма ‘Love at Second Sight’, снятого в 1998 году известной израильской актрисой, режиссером и продюсером Мишель Бат-Адам (Michal Bat-Adam). Фильм представляет собой интригующую сказку о романтической одержимости, происходящую в наши дни в Тель-Авиве. Эта композиция также представлена в варианте соло.

В ознаменование этого события первые 500 аккордеонистов, написавшие на E-mail: musicforaccordion@yahoo.com получат бесплатную копию ‘Eilat’. Пожалуйста, укажите, хотите ли Вы версию для дуэта или соло.


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

www.Diatonic-News.com Second Edition - Internet

Diatonic-News.com logo
The second edition of the Diatonic News (www.Diatonic-News.com) is now online. This is a site dedicated to diatonic, concertina, button box, bandoneon type instruments, and a new edition is published on the first of each month.

This Diatonic News site is unique, in that contributions are published in the language there are sent and viewers can use an online translation system if they need.


Ksenija Sidorova Performs at RAM Graduation, London - UK

Milos Milivojevic, Owen Murray, Zivorad Nikolic and  Ksenija SidorovaThere was a break from tradition in this year’s ceremony at the Royal Academy of Music in that one of the graduates was invited to play. Accordionist Ksenija Sidorova was chosen and gave a brilliant performance ‘Overture in the French Style BWV 831’ - J.S. Bach.

Ksenija was also presented with an outstanding student award, the Council of Honour Prize, for a highly original contribution to the development and evolution of music.

Ksenija's performance in the presence of such a distinguished audience of world renowned artistes that included Barbara Bonney, was wonderful publicity for the accordion. And she can look forward to a busy and highly successful concert career.

Photo from the RAMusic graduation ceremony, left to right - Milos Milivojevic, BMus, Dip RAM, LRAM, Professor Owen Murray, Zivorad Nikolic, BMus, LRAM; in front, Ksenija Sidorova, BMus, LRAM.


Rock Festival and Accordions, Auvergne - France

Domi Emorine
Recently 3 fantastic rock concerts took place in the Auvergne, with the rock-chansons group ‘La Milca’, and the alternative band ‘La Goutte Au Nez’. This was a simple concept: 13 musicians on stage, meeting from 2 different universes.

First on stage were ‘Milca’, performing French chansons, driven and inspired by the fiery accordion of Domi Emorine.

Then came ‘Goutte au Nez’, whose music was in the experimental and visual style of Frank Zappa, and featuring a volatile mix of guitars, brass, accordion, vibraphone, and percussion.

For more than two and a half hours, both groups presented their ‘menu’ of rock with the joy of being unconventional. These were songs that let the blood pulse rise and had the audience jumping with energy and pure happiness.

For further information email: duopm@sfr.fr


‘Musica Leggera’, Wiesbaden – Germany

On Thursday, July 2nd, the wonderful Caligari-Theatre cinema-stage in Wiesbaden was the venue for a unique project: an accordion concert ‘Musica Leggera’, followed by the documentary film ‘Accordion Tribe’.

The initiative and musical director of this project was the lecturer Mirjana Petercol (picture right), presenting with her accordion class and other guests an exclusive performance, together with the Road-Movie film by a Swiss film producer. The effect of this ‘Accordion Night’ left a deep impression on the large audience.

On that hot summer evening every type of music was presented. After over an hour the programme continued in the foyer of the cinema theatre, and the neo-gothic hall was transformed into a huge meeting place. While the musettes played, the audience held a tasty glass of wine or champagne, and thought themselves to be in France!

Finally - the interesting film of 5 accordionists, who
travelled around the world, and who displayed their music and their love for the accordion. The audience was filled with enthusiasm and will remember this ‘Accordion Night’ with great affection.

Mirjana Petercol was very pleased with the success of the evening, and emphasized the importance of such interesting projects, which wake up the interest of the audience for music and accordion.

For further information email miripetercol@gmx.de


Frédéric Deschamps Seminars, Beijing, Tianjing - China

Seminar participants
Grayson MasefieldArtists Grayson Masefield (New Zealand) and Petar Maric (Serbia), 1st and 2nd in international competitions in Klingenthal (Germany), Spoleto (Italy) and Sata-Häme Soi (Finland) in recent months, accompanied their "coach" Frédéric Deschamps for a concert tour, seminars and master classes in China (Beijing and Tianjing) from 1st to 9th July.

Grayson Masefield and Petar Maric were also invited to perform a concert at the Beijing Conservatory. The concert in the new University concert hall “was great” according Cao Xiao-Qing, accordion Professor at the Central Conservatory of Music, and was greatly enjoyed by the audience.

The concert was a real celebration of music, technique, charisma and emotion by the two young artists and the Chinese accordionists attention, listening and enthusiasm was matched in their motivation to achieve the same skills!

After the concert, all the Chinese master class students wanted to work on the same program that our young champions have prepared for the next Coupe Mondiale in Auckland (21 to 29 August) and the Trophée Mondiale in Portugal (23 to 27 September).

Frédéric Deschamps is holding further seminars courses from 9 to 15 August and 15 to 20 August near Paris.

Above is a photo of the seminar students and right, a photo of Grayson Masefield performing.


Accordion Courses, Remscheid - Germany

Remscheid orchestra
The clocks in the Academy of Musical Education in Remscheid seem to have a different rhythm, at least during the week after Pentecost, following the 35th training course for accordionists held by the German Harmonica Association, National Association NRW: time was virtually “flying” - full with music and exchange of information with top musicians.

Hans-Günther Kölz taught the course ‘Orchester Plus’, a program whose music included ‘The Sound Of Music’, ‘La Campanella’, by Rudolf Würthner, with the 16 years old Mathias Matzke as soloist, ‘Revirado’, by Astor Piazzolla, ‘Olé Salsa“, and ‘Olé Gaupa’.

Christine Fischer-Fahs, from Baltmannsweiler, for the first time in Remscheid, taught a course ‘Advanced Orchestra Playing’, with pieces such as ‘Music from the Royal Fireworks’, by Händel, ‘5 Skizzen’, by J. Ganzer, and ‘Cats’, arranged by Thomas Bauer.

The most participants were on the course, ‘Sound and Rhythm’, led by Matthias Hennecke. Music included ‘Cat Stevens in Concert’, ‘On The Sunny Side Of The Street’, and ‘Romanze’, by Heinz Gengler.

Course V, (‘Ensemble’), with Helmut Quakernack, involved new concert and competition pieces such as ‘Con Sprituoso’, Peter Lohmar.

Course VI, ‘Traditional Music’ (Solo and Duo) with Heinz Hox, Philipp Haag, Dorin Grama and Matthias Matzke, offered new inputs for interpretation, using jazz standards with improvisation.

The next DHV-Courses in the Academy Remscheid are:

• October 24th and 25th 2009 – 7th weekend-seminar, ‘Freude am Musizieren’ (make music with pleasure) for adult accordionists. The lecturers are Matthias Hennecke and Jochen Driesen.
• November 14th and 15th - a week-end course for players and conductors, with special reference to competition performance

For further information contact Anita Brandtstäter: a.brandtstaeter@netcologne.de


Будущие события

14th International Accordion Dolomite Festival 2009 - Italy

From July 16th to 19th, the 14th annual International Accordion Dolomite Festival is taking place in the Dolomite area of northern Italy - the accordion gathering for enthusiasts everywhere.

Organized by M° Ernesto Bellus, director of the accordion orchestra ‘Rossini’, of Santa Giustina, the festival features well known artistes such as: Katia Bellus, Duo Poles-Stavar, from Lubiana (virtuosos of the diatonic accordion), the duo Rossato-Tibolla (accordion and piano with a jazz and varieté repertoire), and the Orchestre d'Accordeon ‘J. Dolanc’, from France.

Concerts take place each evening at 9.45pm, as follows:

July 17th - Nof Filó di Cencenighe Agordino
July 18th - Auditorium Ist. Canossiano di Feltre
July 19th - Auditorium Comunale di San Vito di Cadore

For further information email: g.dolanc@wanadoo.fr


ACCO LAND Workshops, San Sebastián, Madrid – Spain

Anne LandaACCO LAND organizes two workshops in Spain, in July and September 2009. The first workshop will take place at San Sebastián (Basque Country), from July 27th to 31st.

The second takes place in Madrid, from September 14th to 19th. The workshops will be held by Anne Landa for accordion students, teachers and concert artistes.

Subjects include the quality of sound, the control of the bellows, and the control of oneself. Also included by Anne Landa are individual work on repertory-sound, and Alexander Technique lessons.

For further information email: alanda@musikene.net


CMA Tropheé Mondiale de l´Accordeon - Portugal

CMA logo
Aníbal FreireThe CMA Trophée Mondiale de l´Accordeon website has been updated with the 2009 rules and regulations, entry forms, hotel details, Mayor’s welcome, delivered in the English, Chinese and French languages. Entry closing date is 1st August.

The Trophée Mondiale is being held in Albufeira, Portugal from September 23rd to 26th September 2009. The host is Aníbal Freire (picture left), President of Alcobaça's Accordion Association and the City of Albufeira.

For full information, visit the CMA Trophée Mondiale website.


Lina Chegodaev’s Graduation Performance - Australia

Lina ChegodaevOn the 17th of August 2009, at 8pm, Lina Chegodaev will perform her final , Graduation recital at the Australian Institute of Music, Sydney, Australia.

Lina is studying for her Classical Performance, Bachelor of Music degree, major in accordion, under the direction of Tania Lukic-Marx, President of the AATA.


‘ACCORDIONS NOW!’, New Hampshire – USA

Tony Lovello, Eddie Monteiro, and Vladimir Sidorov
Tony Lovello, Eddie Monteiro, and Vladimir SidorovThe festival ‘ACCORDIONS NOW!’ takes place, August 7th and 8th, at The Highlander Inn and Conference Center, Manchester, New Hampshire. ‘ACCORDIONS NOW!’ is co-sponsored by the New Hampshire Accordion Association and Accordion Connection LLC. The itinery includes concerts, workshops, jam sessions, demonstrations, open mike night, trade show and Festival Orchestra.

This year’s main guest artistes are Tony Lovello, Eddie Monteiro, and Vladimir Sidorov.

The Highlander Inn is conveniently located next to user-friendly Manchester-Boston Regional Airport [MHT], and offers a 24-hour complimentary shuttle service.

For further information email: regisdonna@yahoo.com


Jimmy Blair Accordion Orchestra to Re-form, Glasgow – UK

Jimmy Blair OrchestraThe Jimmy Blair Accordion Orchestra is set to be revived, and
all past members and friends are invited to contact Gary Blair. The Jimmy Blair Accordion Orchestra was the most successful of the UK orchestras in the 1960s and 1970s, winning many titles year after year in the annual NAO All Britain Championships.

The first rehearsal is scheduled for Sunday August 2nd, with the venue and time yet to be advised.

For further information email: gazzapt@yahoo.co.uk


Twin Cities Polish Festival, Minneapolis - USA

Twin Cities Polish logoAfter a decade-long absence, on August 15th and 16th, 11am to 6pm both days, the Twin Cities Polish Festival is back, bringing together Minnesotans to celebrate Polish culture and Polish heritage.

Performers involving accordionists include the Mosaica Folk Ensemble, the Dolina Polish Folk Dancers, Sloneczniki, Chabry, The Polish Connection Band from Central Wisconsin, The Twin Cities Soundz, Doctor Kielbasa, Craig Ebel & DyVersaCo, and the Chmielewski Funtime Family Band.

With renewed enthusiasm and energy, the first annual Twin Cities Polish Festival will immerse Minnesotans in "all things Polish", presenting a kaleidoscope of unique cultural and educational displays, food and top-notch entertainment.

The Old Main Street in Minneapolis will be the focal point for outstanding musical and dance entertainment, with traditional foods and beverages.

For further information email: information@tcpolishfestival.org


Eastbourne Autumn Accordion Festival, Sussex – UK

Oleg SharovThe Eastbourne Autumn Accordion Festival, organised by Jackie and John Romero, takes place from October 16th to 19th at The Eastbourne Centre, Eastbourne.

The guest artistes include Oleg Sharov (Russia), David Lukins, Angie Lukins, Harry Hussey, Sue Bennett, Romeo Achino, Giuseppe Grosso, and John Romero. Workshop leaders include Sue Bennett, Angie Lukins, Trevani, and Harry Hussey

The festival trade show includes Carillon Studios, Trevani - Music & Gifts, and The Accordion Shop.

For further information email: jr@carillonstudios.co.uk


Новые и обновленные сайты

Peter Piccini new music

Peter Piccini - accordionist, composer, arranger, performer, releases 2 new works for accordion available for purchase online. 'Waltz La Vie, catalog:pp283' and 'Anytime Polka, catalog:pp284'. Samples of this music is available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Franco Cambareri new music

Franco Cambareri - accordionist, composer, producer, releases 7 new works for accordion available for purchase online. 'Jamaican Rhumba, catalog:cfranco98', 'Sonia’s Mambo, catalog:cfranco99', 'Strings of Fire, catalog:cfranco100', 'Zio Antonio, catalog:cfranco101', 'Sea of Roses, catalog:cfranco102' 'Island Dreamer, catalog:cfranco103' and '3 C’s Bossa, catalog:cfranco104'. Samples of this music are available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Yehuda Oppenheimer new music

Yehuda Oppenheimer releases 1 arrangement for acccordion - 'Eilat, catalog:mfaOY600'. Samples of the music is available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


MusicForAccordion.com new eSheet Pieces

MusicForAccordion.com site releases 7 new pieces - 'Blue Danube Waltz, catalog:mfa7037', 'Dark Eyes, catalog:mfa7038', 'Two Guitars, catalog:mfa7039', 'Carry Me Back To Old Virginny, catalog:mfa7042', 'O Sole Mio (Simplified Version), catalog:mfa7083', 'O Sole Mio, catalog:mfa7084', and 'O Sole Mio (Duet), catalog:mfa7085'. Samples of the music are available online. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


H S Production New Music Releases

H S Production releases1new piece, 'In A Meadow Valley, catalog:hs572'. Samples of the music are available online. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Joe Soprani new music releases

Joe Soprani - accordionist, arranger, performer, releases 3 new works for accordion available for purchase online. 'Merce, Dilette Amiche, catalog:js501', 'William Tell Overture, catalog:js502', and 'La Danza, catalog:js503'. Samples of this music is available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


MusicForAccordion.com new eSheet Pieces

MusicForAccordion.com site releases 5 new pieces - 'Girbiribin, catalog:mfa7026', 'Cielito Lindo, catalog:mfa7028', 'La Spagnola, catalog:mfa7029', 'El Choclo, catalog:mfa7030' and 'Santa Lucia, catalog:mfa6038'. Samples of the music are available online. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


H S Production New Music Releases

H S Production releases 6 new pieces, 'Little Polka, catalog:hs139', 'Oh, for – by Gaius, by Gaius, catalog:hs285', 'Steppes and Steppes Around, catalog:hs399', 'Seratov Omamentalia, catalog:hs400', 'The Cossack Went Beyond The Danube, catalog:hs413', and 'At The Gray Pigeon, catalog:hs414'. Samples of the music are available online. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


CD Отзывы

Eternal Returning

Sergey Osokin CDCD Reviews Index for the Review of “Eternal Returning” by Joan Cochran Sommers. Performer is Sergey Osokin.


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