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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 17-Jan-2020
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2020年中国哈尔滨之夏国际手风琴艺术周 - 中国
第六届 Philharmonika 2020音乐节 - 德国
你打算为世界手风琴日做些什么呢? - 全球
Sharon Shannon 将在2020年都柏林市传统音乐节上进行演出 - 爱尔兰
视频:Arseniy Strokovskiy 演奏 Roman Galiev 的世界首演作品,莫斯科 - 俄罗斯


Renzo Ruggieri 新作品:适用于5种不同类型合奏的 Tango Italianio - 意大利
网站更新:手风琴之家历经60年后迎来搬迁 - 新西兰
2020 PIF Classic & Ensemble Composition for Accordion Competition Opens - Italy
Alexander Poeluev 新年和圣诞节视频
Sylvia Pagni Performs at Teatro Manzoni in Milan – Italy


2020 Illawarra Folk Festival, NSW – Australia
Louise Jallu Quartet and Solo Concerts, Paris – France
Sharena Sol 乐团在斯泰伦博斯演出 - 南非
Brandon McPhee Experience Tour, Scotland – UK
48th Kleine Tage der Harmonika – Germany
Classical & Continental Accordion Weekend – UK
3rd Annual Accordion Festival – Malta


更新的网站:2020 Coupe Mondiale 大赛规定公布,马林堡 - 葡萄牙
Updated: Accordion Russia News, New Articles Online - Russia
更新的网站: 2020年南太平洋手风琴锦标赛和音乐节章程 - 新西兰

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2020年中国哈尔滨之夏国际手风琴艺术周 - 中国

2020 China Harbin International Accordion Art Week header
Prof. Wang Hongyu2020 Harbin Poster2020年“中国哈尔滨之夏国际手风琴艺术周”由中华人民共和国文化和旅游部、哈尔滨市人民政府共同举办,由哈尔滨师范大学负责承办。



完整的规则和条例信息,海报和音乐,请下载下载: 2020Harbin
报名日期: 2020年3月1日至5月31日

组织艺术总监王宏宇 (Wang Hongyu) 教授是哈尔滨师范大学音乐学院院长、博士生导师。他也是黑龙江省音乐家协会主席。国家首批重点培养项目首席专家,黑龙江省高校联盟首席专家。


王宏宇 (Wang Hongyu) 教授曾先后成功举办了 Harbin 2010 , Harbin 2012 , Harbin 2014 , Harbin 2016 , Harbin 2018 ,哈尔滨夏季国际手风琴艺术周等活动,吸引了超过500名中外选手前去参加。


第六届 Philharmonika 2020音乐节 - 德国

Festival poster
Sergey Osokin第6届 Philharmonika 2020音乐节将会在 Pantonale Society 的组织下于2020年1月19日在柏林达勒姆(Derlem)的美丽的耶稣基督教堂(Christ Christus Kirche)举行。

这场名为“Europe in Zehlendorf”的音乐会将于下午6点开始,届时国际知名的音乐家们将献上从古典音乐到临时音乐,从爵士乐到民间音乐等多种形式的音乐。

表演者中包括手风琴家和作曲家 Gorka Hermosa 以及他的三重奏 Malandro 俱乐部(小号,低音提琴,手风琴 - 如下图),他们的音乐会带领您进入一个全新的世界。 Egle Bartkeviciute (立陶宛)将会为观众带来令人印象深刻,并且优美而富有情感的音乐诠释。年轻且才华横溢的 Ryan Corbett (苏格兰),Nikita Gestrich (德国), Sergey Osokin (俄罗斯 - 目前是莫斯科爱乐乐团的独奏家-左图)和 Yuri Shishkin (俄罗斯)有望成为该活动的一大亮点。

Gorka Trio


你打算为世界手风琴日做些什么呢? - 全球

WAD header
World Accordion Day logo您打算为世界手风琴日( World Accordion Day )做些什么来推广您的国家的手风琴呢? 世界手风琴日是在5月6日,也就是1829年手风琴获得专利的日子。

CIA 于2009年开始设立了世界手风琴日( World Accordion Day ),并取得了显著的成功,为手风琴带来了许多积极的宣传。这件活动的关键部分是世界手风琴日( World Accordion Day )网站。


每个人都可以在网站上登记他们的世界手风琴日( World Accordion Day )活动,并向网站发送他们的活动报告。

活动不论大小。欢迎所有庆祝世界手风琴日( World Accordion Day )的手风琴活动。这是 CIA 对手风琴的推广,每个手风琴爱好者都可以参与并帮助将我们的手风琴世界融合在一起并大力推广手风琴。


Sharon Shannon 将在2020年都柏林市传统音乐节上进行演出 - 爱尔兰

Sharon Shannon2020年都柏林城市传统音乐节将于1月20日至26日在爱尔兰都柏林的 Late Bar&Restaurant 教堂咖啡厅举行。 该活动将由来自爱尔兰和欧洲各地的40位表演者(包括音乐家,舞者和音乐专家)带来为期7天的传统爱尔兰音乐和舞蹈表演,共计14场活动。

备受欢迎的表演家和屡获殊荣的爱尔兰音乐家 Sharon Shannon (左图)将于1月23日在主舞台上演出。


有关详细信息,请致电:+353 1 828 0102


视频:Arseniy Strokovskiy 演奏 Roman Galiev 的世界首演作品,莫斯科 - 俄罗斯

第31届国际音乐节“巴扬与巴扬演奏家”举办了一些世界首演,其中包括莫斯科作曲家 Roman Galiev 的两幅作品。 其中一部作品在上周有特别报道。

本周,我们会通过手风琴和中提琴,弦乐团和钢琴以及两个鼓演奏“Portrait”。 作曲家会向听众分享他作品中炙热的能量。 这首曲子的音乐结构充满了非凡的喜悦和韵律。

该音乐会由独奏家演奏:Arseniy Strokovskiy - 手风琴。 Michiru Soeda(日本)- 中提琴,“Seasons” - 莫斯科室内乐团,指挥、俄罗斯荣誉艺术家 Vladislav Bulakhov。 观众们热烈欢迎了艺术家们,并对首映式的表演表示赞赏。

Roman Galiev 被唤上了舞台,并与独奏家们一同接收了鲜花和礼物。
Roman Galiev and Arseniy Strokovskiy



Renzo Ruggieri 新作品:适用于5种不同类型合奏的 Tango Italianio - 意大利

Renzo RuggieriRenzo Ruggieri 的新作品是他的 Tango Italiano (手风琴独奏),其中中有5种不同类型的合奏在一本电子书中,目录 rrenzo522 ,共149页,售价仅20欧元,物超所值。

The 5 ensemble versions are:
Accordion & Orchestra
Accordion & String orchestra
Accordion & Strings, rhythmic section
Accordion & rhythmic section
added Piano

Renzo Ruggieri writes: With Italian Tango, I wanted to compose a modern tango with jazz influences (in the 1st part a modal harmony is used while the central melody recalls my Italianness). This is a special version as it contains all the arrangements for ensembles: orchestra, string rchestra, strings with rhythmic section, small groups and the added piano score adaptable to all arrangements. It's part of a university thesis (2013) and it is certainly a piece used all over the world.

Tango Italiano (solo) composition is available at: rrenzo503
Tango Italiano (ensemble) composition is available at: rrenzo522

There is a large list of popular compositions and arrangements by Renzo Ruggieri online:
rrenzo500 - Song For S.B (Accordion and Orchestra) and (Accordion and String Orchestra)
rrenzo501 - Song For S.B (Solo)
rrenzo502 - Volo Degli Angeli (Solo)
rrenzo503 - Tango Italiano (Solo) Tango Italiano for 5 types of ensembles rrenzo 522 (ensemble)
rrenzo504 - Carnevale (Solo)
rrenzo505 - Roma Tango (Solo)
rrenzo506 - Cinema (for 4 parts and drums, electronic accordion)
rrenzo507 - Variations on Säkkijärven Polka (Solo)
rrenzo508 - Medley Disco (Solo)
rrenzo509 - Acquarelli Italiani (Solo)
rrenzo510 - Grande Jo (Solo)
rrenzo511 - Figaro (Solo) or (Solo with string orchestra)
rrenzo512 - Accordion Kids (10 pieces) simple and modern compositions
rrenzo514 - La Vita Delle Cose (The Life of Things)
rrenzo515 - Peccatum et Gratia for electronic (hybrid) accordion
rrenzo516 - Lo Scuro e il Chiaro (accordion duo)
rrenzo517 - Il bosco incantato (for free bass accordion, solo)
rrenzo518 - Valentango (Solo)
rrenzo519 - The Jackson Medley (Solo)
rrenzo520 - Acquarelli Italiani for Accordion and Orchestra
rrenzo521 - ll Tuo Sguardo (solo)
rrenzo522 - Tango Italiano (ensemble) solo version rrenzo503


网站更新:手风琴之家历经60年后迎来搬迁 - 新西兰

Accordion House header
Maurice Jones网站更新:新西兰的 Accordion House Importer/Retailer (手风琴之家 进口商/零售商),建立60年后,迎来了它的首次搬迁,地址将会从从 Takapuna 移到相距有5分钟车程的 Milford,奥克兰北岸地区。

经理兼国际艺人 Maurice Jones 欢迎大家前来全新的手风琴之家,其中包括升级的隔热材料和改进的温度控制功能,可容纳大量的手风琴,包括新型的 TitanoPigini 手风琴。

电话+64 9 4898316,邮箱: AccordionHouseNZ@gmail.com


2020 PIF Classic & Ensemble Composition for Accordion Competition Opens - Italy

PIF logo
The 2020 PIF Classic & Ensemble Composition for Accordion Competition is now open. This year the competition organisers have chosen an unprecedented, agile and highly contemporary formation. A modern rhythmic section combined with a section of standard woods to interpret the annual theme of the festival: “All the Colors of the World”.

This subject was chosen to represent the evolution of the accordion in modern times and to encourage its integration in contemporary classical music. The regulation (while not distorting traditional writing), acts as a stimulus for new generations of composers to create new orchestrations and new sounds.

Competition requirements:

Instruments include: accordion, piano (electronic keyboard option), contrabass, percussion 1 (chosen by the composer), percussion 2 (chosen by the composer), flute (ottavino option), oboe, Bb Clarinet (sax option any type), horn in F and bassoon.

The composer must take into account that the winning piece will be performed by the candidates admitted to the third round of the classic award category (2020).

Duration: must be between a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 8 minutes

Must contain at least one part “solo” for accordion.

Soloists will perform only one rehearsal with the orchestra before the final performance
There are no registration fees.

Composers are invited to enter online on the PIF site by April 20th, 2020 in PDF format (score WITHOUT NAME OF THE AUTHOR and score WITH NAME, the detached parts will be requested later) and an MP3 audio demo performed live or through music software. If the piece is composed by several artists, the recording must be made in the name of the main composer, indicating all the other names on the score.

For further information email: info@pifcastelfidardo.it


Alexander Poeluev 新年和圣诞节视频

Alexander Poeluev欣赏 Alexander Poeluev 用手风琴和“俄罗斯勺子”表演的这个新年和圣诞节视频!


Sylvia Pagni Performs at Teatro Manzoni in Milan – Italy

Sylvia P
Sylvia PagniAccordionist Sylvia Pagni performed a concert entitled “Amami a Swing Project” at the Teatro Manzoni in Milan on January 7th, 2020.

The concert, which was well received by the audience, included pieces from her upcoming CD “Sylvia Pagni Amami a Swing Project” which will be released this year, thanks to the collaboration of musicians Giorgio Secco, Fabio Crespiatico, Max Furian, Mark Harris, Gabriele Comeglio, Raffaele Kohler and Luciano Macchia.

Sylvia Pagni opened the show with "The Flight of the Bumblebee", demonstrating her mastery on the piano by playing almost at the speed of Guinness World Records. She then continued with "Ping and Pong" (a fast paced swing piece), then "Needless Solitude – Love Me" (Bepop).

Sylvia Pagni also sang along with two choristers Antonio Galbiati and Deborah Falanga who gave a swinging and sensual interpretation of Jessica Rabbit and Diana Krall styles.

Sylvia Pagni then recalled her time at the "Teatro La Scala in Milan" by playing two pieces of classical music on the piano before leaving the stage.

She then reappeared with her accordion to play “Libertango” and “Oblivion” (by Piazzolla) before once again returning to the piano to play "Musica Musica".

Sylvia Pagni and her musicians (pictured below) were overcome with emotion amid the standing ovation and pleasure the audience showed at their performance.
Sylvia P musicians



2020 Illawarra Folk Festival, NSW – Australia

Jaga Band
The 35th annual 2020 Illawarra Folk Festival began on January 16th at the Show Pavilion, Princes Highway Bulli, NSW in Australia and will run until January 20th organised by the Illawarra Folk Club. The event will include performances by international and national artists.

“Jaga Band” (pictured above), which includes accordionist Tatjana Marx will entertain on January 17th. The group is an Australian fresh minded multicultural ensemble that play popular Eastern European melodies with a focus on Carpartian melodies from Ukraine, but also include Hungarian, Jewish, Slovak and Romanian songs and dances.

For details phone: +61 401 497 920


Louise Jallu Quartet and Solo Concerts, Paris – France

Louise poster
The Louise Jallu Quartet will perform at Pan Piper in Paris, France on January 31st at 8pm. The quartet, which includes Louise Jallu (bandoneon), Mathias Lévy (violin), Grégoire Letouvet (piano) and Alexandre Perrot (double bass) will play arrangements and compositions by Bernard Cavanna and Louise Jallu. For details phone: 01 44 62 02 86

Louise Jallu will also give bandoneon solo concerts in January and February at the Théâtre du Gymnase Studio Marie Bell (Marie Bell Gymnasium Theatre) in Paris.

Concert dates:

January 18th at 5pm
January 20th at 7pm
January 25th at 5pm
January 27th at 7pm
February 3rd at 7pm
February 10th at 7pm
February 15th at 5pm
February 22nd at 5pm

For details on these concerts phone: 01 42 46 79 79


Sharena Sol 乐团在斯泰伦博斯演出 - 南非

视频:Sharena Sol 乐团

Sharena Sol 乐团将于2月2日下午6:30在南非斯泰伦博斯的 Oude Libertas 露天剧场举行一场名为“Swing de France”的音乐会。

该乐队的成员包括开普敦的音乐家 Stanislav Angelov (手风琴),Dave Ledbetter (吉他和钢琴), Petrus de Beer (小提琴),Charles Lazar(低音提琴)和 Lilavan Gangen(鼓)。

与会者将坐在斯泰伦博斯星空下,享用着 Stellenbosch 出品的葡萄酒,感觉就像坐在埃菲尔铁塔旁边的巴黎咖啡馆里。

乐队将为您献上 Valse Musette(在南非也被称为法国咖啡馆音乐),Django Reinhardt 和 Stephane Grapelli 的吉普赛爵士乐,Richard Galliano 的音乐,爵士乐标准,Sous le ciel de Paris,La vie en rose,Minor Swing 等等,都具有“法国风格”。

Sharena Sol Orchestra


Brandon McPhee Experience Tour, Scotland – UK

Brandon McPhee
Popular accordionist & vocalist Brandon McPhee will tour Scotland in February 2020 giving his Brandon McPhee Experience show.

Uniquely his show features two different aspects of Brandon as an instrumentalist and a vocalist. The range of music covers traditional Scottish through country music backed by a 5-piece band of experienced professional musicians including Manson Grant and Crawford Bell.

Concert dates:

February 11th: Peterhead Community Theatre at 7.30pm
February 12th: Maltings Theatre, Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland at 7.30pm
February 13th: Howden Park Centre, Livingston, West Lothian at 7.30pm
February 14th: Elgin Town Hall for the Community, Elgin at 7.30pm
February 15th: Perth Theatre, Perth at 7.30pm
February 16th: The Ryan Centre and Theatre, Stranraer at 7.30pm
February 17th: Deeside Community Theatre, Aboyne at 7.30pm

For concert details phone: 01955 602 646


48th Kleine Tage der Harmonika – Germany

Regional posterThe 48th Kleine Tage der Harmonika (Small Days of the Accordion) regional competition will be held in Klingenthal, Germany from February 29th to March 1st, 2020.

The event is to encourage young accordionists 19 years and under from the Free States of Saxony, Thuringia and Bavaria, from the Czech Republic and various host states to meet and demonstrate their skills in fair competition and to gain competition experience.

Competition classes will be held for soloists, duos and groups of up to 5 musicians including at least one accordion.

Entries for this event have now closed.

For details email: info@accordion-competition.de


Classical & Continental Accordion Weekend – UK

Ian LowthianAccordionist Ian Lowthian (picture left) will run a Classical & Continental Accordion Weekend from February 29th to March 1st in Ettrickbridge in the heart of the beautiful Scottish Borders.

The weekend will include some light classical music transcribed for the accordion, perhaps the odd piece written for the accordion as well as some music from the continent and some French Musettes, Italian Polkas and Scandinavian tunes.

For details email: ianlowthian@yahoo.co.uk


3rd Annual Accordion Festival – Malta

Malta poster
The 3rd Annual Malta Accordion Festival will be held on April 18th, 2020 at St Aloysius College, Birkirkara organised by the Santa Maria Accordion Band (picture below).

The band, which plays a varied program is conducted by Marthese Busuttil Cassar.

For further details see poster above or email: davatt1@melita.com
Santa Maria Band



更新的网站:2020 Coupe Mondiale 大赛规定公布,马林堡 - 葡萄牙

2020 Coupe Mondiale header
2020 Coupe Mondiale poster第73届 Coupe Mondiale 大赛将于2020年10月5日至11日在位于葡萄牙的卡斯特罗马里姆举行,该活动将由 CIA 成员 Mito Algarvio 主持 - 阿尔加威手风琴家协会(Associação de Acordeonistas do Algarve),协会主席: João Pereira.

•第73届 Coupe Mondiale
Coupe Mondiale 大师级比赛
Coupe Mondiale 初级比赛
•Virtuoso 娱乐音乐国际比赛
•Virtuoso 娱乐音乐国际青少年比赛
•室内乐 - 古典乐
•室内乐 - 世界音乐


Coupe Mondiale 音乐节还将邀请到伟大的世界手风琴乐团XIII,该音乐节比赛将于2020年10月11日星期日举行。

您可以在以下网址查找到 2019 Coupe Mondiale 的完整相关信息:


Updated: Accordion Russia News, New Articles Online - Russia

Russia logo
10 new articles since 1st December 2019 are listed in the Accordion Russia News in Russian language.


更新的网站: 2020年南太平洋手风琴锦标赛和音乐节章程 - 新西兰

NZAA Header
NZAA President Sonja Palinich将于2020年5月30日星期六和2020年5月31日星期日在奥克兰举行的2020年南太平洋手风琴锦标赛和音乐节( South Pacific Accordion Championships & Festival )的章程(规则和条例)现已公布:2020 NZ Prospectus

国际类别赛的规则严格遵循 Coupe Mondiale 的规则。南太平洋国际音乐会音乐类别的规则与 Coupe Mondiale Masters 类别的规则会完全一样,南太平洋娱乐类别的规则与 Coupe Mondiale Virtuoso Entertainment 类别具有完全相同的规则。

初级(18岁以下)的南太平洋娱乐类也是同样的。南太平洋少年独奏音乐会类别与 Coupe Mondiale 少年类别的第一轮规则相同。


NZAA 主席 Sonja Palinich 写道:“我向来自新西兰以及世界各地的所有手风琴家们发出热情的邀请,来一起参加2020年南太平洋和新西兰国家手风琴锦标赛和音乐节。自1972年起,我们的协会就举办了该项活动。该活动吸引了大量热衷于欣赏各种音乐类型的观众。

我们很高兴再次借用 Raye Freedman 艺术中心(下图)。这个出色的现代化舞台非常适合我们的表演,所有需要的声音、照明和全套设施都在一应俱全且十分出色。”

过去的事件报道尽在: South Pacific Daily Reports
活动章程(规则和规定):2020 NZ Prospectus
Raye Freedman Arts Centre


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