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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 17-Feb-2017
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MengScini Nello手风琴厂采访—意大利
Friedrich Lip在伦敦皇家音乐学院--英国
X International Accordion Composition Competition Francisco Escudero --西班牙
Northern Ireland and West Scotland ,2月25日--英国
5th MEH Festival, 8-11 April, Belgrade - Serbia


视频:Arseniy Strokovskiy在莫斯科手风琴艺术节中的演奏--俄罗斯
视频:Una Fiesta Accordeon Mix
Leonard Brown的第二张DVD完成,苏格兰--英国


John MacDonald Tour of Queensland – Australia
Cherish the Ladies Tour – USA
Zoe Tiganouria & Athens Symphony Orchestra Performing - Greece
Ezequiel Tatich Concerts, Buenos Aires – Argentina
The Russian Winter Ball, London – UK
Declan Aungier Plays for Dancing – Irish Republic
Full Moon Quartet Concert, Padua – Italy
Concerto de Acordeons, Portas – Spain
Ivano Battiston Recital, Prato – Italy
Chico Chagas ‘Interpreta Astor Piazzolla’ Concert, Sao Paulo - Brazil
Angie and David Lukins @ Harlow Accordion Club, Essex – UK
VAMÖ Accordion Competition, Vienna - Austria
Zoltan Orosz Concert, Nesvady - Slovakia


Site Update: Francis Wright (1918 to 1997), Composer, Author, Publisher, Teacher - UK
Updated Site: Franco Cambareri Two New Works Released - Australia
NZAA Site updated: Presentation to Prof. Li Cong (China) - New Zealand
Two New Works by Douglas Ward Released by Charnwood Publishing - UK
Updated Site: New Information Alessandro Mugnoz CD
New Site: Lars Ek Original Compositions - Sweden
Updated Site: Accordion Examination Board of New Zealand (AEBNZ) by Heather Masefield

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World Accordion Day logo世界手风琴日,5月6日,活动通知开始进入:

手风琴家族Karen Street和Karen Tweed邀请您加入他们,在布里斯托尔的Colston Hall Foyer,从5月6日星期六下午2点开始举办世界手风琴日。 “我们正在寻找46位手风琴家,演奏一系列的唱歌喜剧,它将是一个伟大的免费家庭活动 - 来唱歌,跳舞,和听这个非凡的盛大庆祝活动“。

意大利手风琴文化(IAC)和Castelfidardo市的支持将于5月6日组织其意大利手风琴家参加2017年Coupe Mondiale比赛的资格,于2017年9月5日至10日在意大利举行。


Karlssons Musik,瑞典,像往年一样,有一个“开放日”(没有入场费,没有时间预订)从上午9点到下午5点与各种艺术家,宣布,表演。




更多信息:World Accordion Day


MengScini Nello手风琴厂采访—意大利

Know the People Mengascini Factory Interview

Video: Matteo Petronio demonstrating Mengascini accordions in China in July 2015

"Know the People" Mengascini Nello 手风琴厂采访:

Nello Mengascini (Owner -父亲)
Fabio Mengascini (Owner - 儿子)
Stefano Mengascini (Owner - 儿子)

编辑:Holda Paoletti-Kampl

2017更多手风琴宣传下载: 2017calendario.pdf



Friedrich Lip在伦敦皇家音乐学院--英国

Friedrich LipsFriedrich Lip,格涅辛音乐学院院长,莫斯科很多教授到访英国皇家音乐学院。

2月23日周四,13:05,俄罗斯室内乐De Profundis,包括Deng, Iñigo Mikeleiz Berrade, Iosif Purits, Benjamin de Souza and Ilona Suomalainen (accordion), Henry Hargreaves (cello), William White (clarinet). 节目: Zolotariev – ‘Sonata No.3’ (excerpts), Sofia Gubaidulina – ‘De Profundis’, Efrem Podgaits – ‘Ave Maria’, ‘Rendezvous with Haydn’, Zolotariev – ‘Rondo Capriccioso’. 免票。





X International Accordion Composition Competition Francisco Escudero --西班牙

Hauspoz logoThe association "Haupoz"- Euskal Herriko Akordeoi Elkartea / Basque 手风琴协会是这次活动的组织者。






Northern Ireland and West Scotland ,2月25日--英国

NAO header
Raymond Bodell, Clyde Johnston本季度的NAO Area艺术节,于2月25日星期六展开,NAO英国锦标赛将于2017年4月21日至23日再次在利物浦Adelphi酒店举行。

NAO Area 艺术节将在北爱尔兰的Larne举行,NAO West of Scotland艺术节将在苏格兰格拉斯哥举行。


NAO West of Scotland艺术节将在由Brian Laurie组织的Sherwood Church Paisley举办,吸引了来自苏格兰各地的参赛作品 - 当然,晚上还会举办传统的苏格兰Celidh。

第20届NAO Area 艺术节,将在Clyde约翰斯顿组织的Loughshore酒店Carrickfergus举行。今年将有一个重大的惊喜,一个大型手风琴乐队,60多个手风琴演奏者在舞台上一同演奏,不容错过!

NAO主席和CIA主席Raymond Bodell写道:“这两个区域节都吸引了大量的参赛作品,我相信英国锦标赛也将吸引来自英国各地的好支持和国际参与”



5th MEH Festival, 8-11 April, Belgrade - Serbia

MEH Festival
The 5th MEH Festival takes place in "Guarnerius" Hall, Belgrade from 8th to 11th April.

Competitions are for accordion solo (12 different categories) and chamber music ensemble (3 categories). Ensembles must have a minimum of one accordion, and ensembles are limited to 9 people.

Entry closing date is 20th March.
Competition information at: 2017MEH.pdf



视频:Arseniy Strokovskiy在莫斯科手风琴艺术节中的演奏--俄罗斯

Arseniy Strokovskiy在莫斯科手风琴艺术节开幕式中的演奏,地点莫斯科格涅辛音乐学院。时间2016年12月14日。

作品:Insomnia,Mikhail Bronner作曲。



2017 PIF Castelfidardo
Peter Le Geyt建议组织从英国伦敦到PIF国际手风琴节的团体参观,Castelfidardo,9月10日至17日。 该小组至少需要20人才能举办。

手风琴爱好者来自世界各地,参加这个重要的节日和比赛,音乐在节日周末无处不在,人们可以看到顶级职业选手比赛。 参观者可以通过独奏家,二重唱,乐团和管弦乐队欣赏到许多不同风格的音乐。

团体出发将在9月12日返回9月16日(5天/ 4晚)。



视频:Una Fiesta Accordeon Mix

Una Fiesta Accordeon这个视频2017年2月1日发布,已产生巨大的浏览量。 "Eurodance Party Planet of the 80-90's - Accordion in the Mix Hot Disco. The best of what is in our great world" 方便在视频网站上查找。


Leonard Brown的第二张DVD完成,苏格兰--英国

Leonard Brown
伦敦冠军Leonard Brown写道:“The Salutation酒店的两个拍摄日完成了即将到来的DVD - ” ‘A Toast to Scotland’ - 这是将于4月推出的。

非常感谢这两个电影公司,红色谷仓工作室,与 Gill Duncan和Stuart Duncan ,和ANH数字媒体有限公司与Alan Helm和 Fran Biggs.。谢谢你使这个过程如此轻松和容易。我还要感谢全明星乐队 - Liam Stewart, John Sinton, Duncan Findlay Malcolm Ross,与特别嘉宾 - Paul Anderson - 小提琴James Scott Skinner 、 Ian PowrieHuge

我感谢两个高地小伙子 - Liam Bonthrone和Kenneth Maciver向亚历山大兄弟致敬,并感谢Kenneth为他的“The Rumor”版本的 Andy Stewart。我感谢主讲人Roya MacLean - 他的专业精神不受任何限制,我要感谢解说员Ian Lees,他将在接下来的几天里与Red Barn合作,一个伟大的声音,谢谢你。我感谢年轻的阿伯丁舞者 - 他们的老师,Heather McKenna下来拍摄苏格兰乡村舞蹈 - '邦尼安。我感谢Alex Hodgson为他的“洛蒙德”的伟大版本和Shona唐纳森为她可爱的版本“Caledonia”。

对Kyle Rowan - 为他的Haggis和他的工作在'高地大教堂的管道(感谢他的妈妈Mairi罗文驾驶他)。我感谢希瑟唐纳森为她的专家镀金制作。我很高兴我的新Kilt,非常感谢你。谢谢Joan Blue,Ian Cruickshanks,Malcolm Ross,John Carmichael,Derek Hamilton,Iain MacPhail,Brian Griffin,Paul Anderson,他们都对Roya说过或接受过各种话题的采访。

最后感谢去了 Stuart Hamilton在Castlesound工作室谁已经为我们制作了一个完美的专辑。谢谢Stuart。我还要感谢Steven Carcary,他从一开始就对乐队进行录音,我们合作了一些我们在Stevens,DVD和CD上录制的曲目。





John MacDonald Tour of Queensland – Australia

John MacDonaldAccordionist John MacDonald is on tour with the singer Mary Kiani, in a ‘Scotland – The Music and the Memories’ show in Queensland between February 14th and March 2nd.

John MacDonald, originally from Scotland, moved to New Zealand in the early 1960s, and to New South Wales, Australia in the 1970s, where he entertains with his Scottish traditional music. He has many recordings to his credit.

He has toured with, and supported many overseas acts including Dame Kiri Te Kanawa, Des O'Connor, Kenneth McKellar, Andy Stewart, Johnnie Ray, Al Martino, Frank Ifield, The Drifters, The Krankies, Sir Harry Secombe, and has also appeared on all major cruise lines throughout the world including the ‘Love Boats’.

For further information email: squeezebox120@hotmail.com


Cherish the Ladies Tour – USA

Cherish the Ladies
Cherish the Ladies posterThe all-female band Cherish the Ladies, who specialize in Irish traditional music, are currently on a tour with dates throughout February and March, as indicated on the poster.

"It is simply impossible to imagine an audience that wouldn't enjoy what they do", says the Boston Globe speaking of Cherish the Ladies, the long-running, Grammy-nominated, Irish-American super group that formed in New York City in 1985 to celebrate the rise of extraordinary women in what had been a male-dominated Irish music scene.

Since then, the group has toured the world, played the White House and the Olympics, recorded 16 outstanding albums including ‘An Irish Homecoming’, a live recording of their Emmy winning TV special that aired across America and Ireland.

For further information email: contact@cherishtheladies.com


Zoe Tiganouria & Athens Symphony Orchestra Performing - Greece

Zoe Tiganouria and conductor Eleftherios Kalkani
Zoe Tiganouria will be featured with the Athens Symphony Orchestra on 20th February in Athens.

A Carnival music program including some music composed by Zoe will be presented, conducted by Eleftherios Kalkani, who is pictured above rehearsing with Zoe Tiganouria.


Ezequiel Tatich Concerts, Buenos Aires – Argentina

Ezequiel Tatich Concerts
The accordion entertainer Ezequiel Tatich, from Buenos Aires, Argentina, and known as ‘El Gringo del Acordeon’, performs as follows:

February 18th - Arresife Junto al Gaucho de Nogoya, Prov.De.BS.AS
February 19th - Club Los Andes, Calle Los Patos 2448, Hurlingham, Prov. De. BS. AS
February 26th to March 3rd – Rosario Tala Junto al Gaucho de Nogoya en Entre Rios
March 5th – San Miguel. Prov. De. BS. AS
March 19th - San Miguel. Junto as Gaucho de Nogoya, Prov. De. BS. AS


The Russian Winter Ball, London – UK

Russian Winter BallThe Russian Winter Ball takes place on Saturday February 18th, 7pm onwards at the Drapers Hall, Throgmorton St, London EC2N 2DQ. The music will be provided by Mazaika – accordionist Igor Outkine and violinist Sarah Harrison.

The programme for the evening includes:
7pm – Sparkling wine reception
7.45pm – Three course gala dinner with half a bottle of wine
Performances by Mazaika, balalaika player Bibs Ekkel, ballroom dancers Michael and Martina Burton, and others
9.30pm-12.30am – dancing to Mazaika, performing Viennese and Russian waltzes, standard ballroom, Russian folk and gypsy music.

For further information email: info@mazaika-music.com


Declan Aungier Plays for Dancing – Irish Republic

Declan AungierAccordionist Declan Aungier plays for dancing this weekend, as follows:

Friday February 17th - The Auld House, Killamery, County Kilkenny
Saturday February 18th - McHales Stretford End Bar, Causeway, County Kerry
Sunday February 19th, 3pm to 6pm - Kilmacsimon Community Centre, County Cork
Sunday February 19th, 9.30pm to 12 midnight – Ballyglass House Hotel County Tipperary

Born in 1970, Declan Aungier began studying the piano accordion at the age of 9, became interested in Irish/Scottish traditional music at age 13, and became an All-Ireland Champion in 1987. He later switched to the 5-row Continental button accordion, and works exclusively as a solo entertainer, with many albums to his credit, providing music ranging from Country and Irish, some Irish traditional music, and music from the present day, including some jazz.

For further information email: declan@declanaungier.com


Full Moon Quartet Concert, Padua – Italy

Full Moon Quartet concert posterOn Sunday February 19th, 5pm, there will be a concert at the Salone Nobile, Via del Seminario, Istituto Barbarigo, Padua, northern Italy.

Performing are the Full Moon Quartet: Stefania Miotto (soprano), Mirko Satto (accordion), Matteo Mignolli (flute), and Davide Squarcina (piano). The concert features music by Rota, Mancini, Webber, Gardel, and Piazzolla.


Concerto de Acordeons, Portas – Spain

Concerto de Acordeons posterThe 10 strong accordion ensemble, the ‘Asociación Cultural Amigos do Acordeón das Rías Baixas, performs in concert on Sunday February 19th, 7pm, at the Auditorio da Azuereira de Portas, Spain.

Entrance is 4 Euro. Portas is a municipality in Galicia, in the province of Pontevedra, northern Spain.


Ivano Battiston Recital, Prato – Italy

Video above: Ivano Battiston performs Contrapunctus I, Die Kunst der Fuge, composed by J S Bach, transcribed S. di Gesualdo.

Ivano Battiston performs a recital of Baroque and contemporary music on Sunday February 19th, 5.30pm, at Mesotonica, Via Luigi Muzzi 36, Prato, Tuscany. Admission is 8 Euro.

Ivano Battiston studied the accordion with Salvatore di Gesualdo, graduating with a first-class honours degree from the Castelfranco Veneto Conservatoire. In 1978 he was awarded first prize at the XXVIII Trophée Mondial de l’Accordéon and subsequently he achieved a Diploma in Choral Music and Bassoon; he also studied composition with Bruno Coltro. He has since pursued a successful career as an international concert soloist and with leading orchestras, and held many master classes. He has made numerous recordings for such labels as Belumat Editrice, Warner Fonit, Sargasso Records, Promo Music, Profil - Hanssler, Velut Luna, Ema Records, Deutsche Grammophon, Raitre, Radiotre, etc.


Chico Chagas ‘Interpreta Astor Piazzolla’ Concert, Sao Paulo - Brazil

Chico Chagas posterAccordionist Chico Chagas performs the works of Astor Piazzolla in concert on Tuesday February 21st, 8pm, at Teatro Sesi, Avenida Paulista, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Chico Chagas comes from Rio Branco, Acre, in the Brazilian Amazon. He began playing the accordion aged 7, following a family tradition. Aged 19, he moved to Rio de Janeiro to study classical and jazz piano, harmony, arranging, improvisation, and Brazilian popular music. He has worked with many musicians and has composed many pieces for cinema, TV, and theatre.


Angie and David Lukins @ Harlow Accordion Club, Essex – UK

Harlow Accordion Club posterAccordionists Angie and David Lukins are the guests at Harlow Accordion Club on Thursday February 23rd, 7.45pm. The venue is the Links Social Club, Parsloe, Essex CM19 4RT. Admission is £7 in advance, £7.50p at the door.

Angie and David Lukins are well-known and highly respected accordionists. Angie is a workshop leader at the Dudley and Eastbourne accordion festivals, and David Lukins is the son of the late Martin Lukins, one of the UK’s most prominent post-war accordionists.

For further information email: jeanhanger@icloud.com


VAMÖ Accordion Competition, Vienna - Austria

ProgramThe VAMÖ Accordion Competition takes place on Sunday 26 February 2017 at Hasengasse 38, Waldmüllerzentrum, 1100 Vienna o rganised by the Verband Der Amateurmusiker Und –Vereine Österreichs.

Chairperson Hermi Kaleta, is delighted to invite you to the competitions and the festival concert. Entry to the competition and festival concert is free.


Zoltan Orosz Concert, Nesvady - Slovakia

Zoltan Orosz Concert posterVideo 1: Belgorod Music Festival 2016, Zoltan Orosz performs Czardas.
Video 2: Zoltan Orosz performs La Foule.
with Mezzo Music Chamber Orchestra - Natalya Borovik. Published 6th February 2017.

Zoltan Orosz performs a solo concert on Thursday March 3rd, 6pm until 8pm, at mks.hmk, Obchodná 21, 94 651 Nesvady, Slovakia.

Zoltan Orosz studied the accordion and the organ at the Bela Bartok Conservatory in Budapest and at the Franz Liszt College, Budapest. He performs internationally, and has made several recordings.

For further information email: mks.nesvady@post.sk



Site Update: Francis Wright (1918 to 1997), Composer, Author, Publisher, Teacher - UK

Charnwood Publishing header
Francis WrightNew site about Francis Wright (1918 to 1997), composer, author, publisher, teacher. Site includes biography and list of compositions and arrangements published by Charnwood Publishing.

Chairman, Board of Administration of British College of Accordionists (BCA) 1969 - 1997
National Accordion Organisation of the UK (NAO) Chairperson 1966 - 1969
Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) Vice President 1968 - 1970


Updated Site: Franco Cambareri Two New Works Released - Australia

Franco CambareriFranco Cambareri has released two new compositions:

cfranco218 - Calabrian Serenata
Calabrian Serenata is a Slow Ballad with a Nostalgic Feeling.

cfranco219 - Danza del Grillo
Danza del Grillo (Dance of the Cricket) is a Regional Tarantella Dance alla Calabrese.

These works are eSheet (pdf file, able to be emailed to you) and can be purchased online with secure server credit card.


NZAA Site updated: Presentation to Prof. Li Cong (China) - New Zealand

Prof. Li Cong and Sonja Palinich
NZAA logoNZAA Merit Award Presentation to Prof. Li Cong (China) - New Zealand

Pictures and award citation at: MeritAwardLiCong


Two New Works by Douglas Ward Released by Charnwood Publishing - UK

Douglas WardTwo new works have been released by well known UK composer and performer Douglas Ward, published by Charnwood Publishing.

DW940 Click for Info
DW941 Click for Info

The Douglas Ward page is now listing over 80 compositions and arrangements of eSheet and printed music available from Charnwood Publishing. Purchase with credit card online.


Updated Site: New Information Alessandro Mugnoz CD

CD by Alessandro Mugnoz and Claudia Menghi.Information updated on site for CD by Alessandro  Mugnoz and Claudia Menghi.
A CD review has also been linked. Sounds samples online for: mugnoz01


New Site: Lars Ek Original Compositions - Sweden

Lars EkLars Ek, composer, arranger, performer and teacher of Sweden has now released his original compositions on the MusicForAccordion.com site. See samples of the music and further information at:

ek141 - Snokangan
ek142 - Sun over Bergen
ek143 - Sunshine Dreams
ek144 - The Path Beyond Nowhere
ek145 - The Earthquake
ek146 - The Musical Box
ek147 - The Prayer of the Accordion
ek148 - Triaden
ek149 - Trosteskogsvalsen
ek150 - Twilight on Iceland


Updated Site: Accordion Examination Board of New Zealand (AEBNZ) by Heather Masefield

Accordion Examination Board of New Zealand (AEBNZ) logoThe Accordion Examination Board of New Zealand (AEBNZ) has updated its website with the 2017 examination dates and 2017 entry fees and entry forms.


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