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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 16-Sep-2022
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2023年世界 Concertina 日 - 英国
Coba 在横滨声音节上表演 - 日本
2022 CIA Video Archive and Education 项目,佐芬根 - 瑞士
2022年第四届口琴日AccMusLink22 - 斯洛文尼亚
结果: 第二届伊斯坦布尔国际手风琴节 - 土耳其
Mike Middleton 在密苏里市啤酒节上表演 - 美国


Online: 2022 "Ural Cup" International Competition - Russia
New Website for Accordion Method Books by Ricardo Llanos - Spain
Updated Expanded Article, AAA Commissioned Concert Works - USA
2022 Maclagan Squeezebox Festival – Australia
Entries Closing Soon: Irish Accordion Association Open Festival 2022 - Ireland
Video: Foster & Allen New Release
Tom Torriglia Releases New CD “Limoncello Time” - USA


Ensemble Astros Performs at Daegu Arts Centre - South Korea
“Itrio” Debut Concert – Denmark
Zoe Tiganouria “Tango of Life” Concert – Greece
Tony Compton & Simon Ramet Perform Lunchtime Jazz – England
Lemon Bucket Orkestra Performs at Lotus World Music & Arts Festivals - USA
Duo Aspera Recital at Casa della Musica – Italy
Grupo Musical Alpenband Performs at 2022 Oktoberfest - Colombia
Accordionist Performs at 2022 Jazzebre Jazz Festival - France
Victor Prieto Trio Entertain at “Terraza 7” - USA
No 1 Ladies Accordion Orchestra “Music from Around the World” Concert - England

以前的新闻链接 仍然是当前的

List of Links


Video: Zoie Performs at HK Accordion Academy - Hong Kong


众多参赛者参加第75届 Coupe Mondiale 瑞士佐芬根的国际手风琴比赛
Renzo Ruggieri releases a new version of his work "Il Bosco Incantato" - Italy

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2023年世界 Concertina 日 - 英国

WCD logo第二届年度 World Concertina 日。是由 International Concertina Association (ICA). 该活动将于2023年2月6日举行。这一天是查尔斯-惠斯通爵士的诞辰纪念日。Sir Charles Wheatstone.

每个对协奏曲有兴趣的人 concertina 可以通过组织或参加当地的活动或在线活动来参与。



Coba 在横滨声音节上表演 - 日本

Yokohama poster
CobaCoba将于2022年9月19日下午3点开始在日本横滨的Billboard Live Yokohama舞台上进行横滨声音节的表演。




2022 CIA Video Archive and Education 项目,佐芬根 - 瑞士

Scandalli sponsor Video Archive and Education Project
Coupe Mondiale logoScandalli 手风琴厂是2022年视频档案和教育项目的赞助商, 2022 Coupe Mondiale, 10月4日至9日,瑞士。

视频档案教育项目 "是由国际手风琴联合会(Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes - CIA)在赞助商和全球手风琴协会的协助下于2010年发起的项目。

视频应在现场表演或现场比赛后约90分钟上线,观众可以免费下载 Coupe Mondiale 比赛的视频,播放大量不同类型和风格的音乐。

该项目包括所有 Coupe Mondiale 类别及其参赛者的视频,将保存在芬兰的CIA档案中,在未来几年内,这些视频将成为历史记录的财富,包括许多原创手风琴作品的首演和 Coupe Mondiale 上新出现的艺术家。

我们感谢 Scandalli 手风琴工厂的赞助,使这个雄心勃勃的免费项目能够帮助世界各地的手风琴学生和导师。
Scandalli sponsor Video Archive and Education Project


2022年第四届口琴日AccMusLink22 - 斯洛文尼亚

Slovenia AccMusLink22 header
4th Days of Harmonica AccMusLink2022年第四届口琴日(4 Dnevi Harmonike 2022)AccMusLink 2022将于2022年9月26日至30日在斯洛文尼亚卢布尔雅那举行,由卢布尔雅那大学音乐学院(Akademija za glasbo Univerze v Ljubljani)组织。



- Zbigniew Ignaczewski的手风琴心理学习

- 用现代乐器演奏早期音乐的新方法:Georgio Dellarole

- L Juhart的《我是如何扩大我的手风琴演奏的》。




结果: 第二届伊斯坦布尔国际手风琴节 - 土耳其

Istanbul logo
Dusan DordevicAydin Yavas Orchestra第二届伊斯坦布尔国际手风琴节于2022年8月19日至24日在土耳其伊斯坦布尔举行,由Akorder组织。

此次音乐节包括第1届 International Istanbul Accordion and Bellows Competition, 第二届 National Accordion and Bellows 比赛,大师班,研讨会,公开合奏,以及忠诚与纪念和节日音乐会。

客座音乐家包括Aleksa Mirkovic(塞尔维亚)、Ruslana Bezpalko(乌克兰)、Galimzan Narimbetov(哈萨克斯坦)、Skumbin Miftari(科索沃)和Marsel Numanaj(阿尔巴尼亚)。
Angel Marinov(保加利亚)举办了手风琴大师班。

比赛结果 2022 International Competition:

第1组儿童--第1名 Lazar Jovanovic
第2组儿童--第1名 Ege Sarper Yilmaz
第3组青少年--第1名 Melih Yarligas
第4组成人--第1名 Armin Mohammadi
第4组爱好者--Samil Sirin 第一名
第5组大师--第1名 Dusan Dordevic(上图左)。
6组--Aydin Yavas Orchestra 组第一名(右上图)。


Mike Middleton 在密苏里市啤酒节上表演 - 美国

MM Oktoberfest 2023
Mike MiddletonMike Middleton 是一位专业的手风琴演奏家,演奏各种类型的音乐,包括德克萨斯民谣音乐。他主要为慈善活动和当地节日表演,包括定期支持 A World of Accordions Museum, 在威斯康星州的Superior Wisconsin。

Mike Middleton 将在2022年9月17日下午4点至7点在德克萨斯州密苏里市的鹌鹑谷城市中心举行的密苏里市啤酒节上表演。

入场是免费的。 详情见海报。



Online: 2022 "Ural Cup" International Competition - Russia

Ural 2022
The 2022 "Ural Cup" International Competition for performers on folk instruments will be held online from October 31st to November 4th, 2022 at the Magnitogorsk State Conservatory (Academy) named after M. I. Glinka in Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk, Russia.

Applications for participation will be accepted until October 15th, 2022.

Accordion program requirements as follows.

Categories I, II (up to 10 minutes), III category (up to 12 minutes):
1. Performance with elements of polyphonic presentation.
2. Performance of own choice.
3. Performance of a folk theme or popular melody.

Category IV (up to 20 minutes):
1. Polyphonic work (invention, canon, fugue).
2. Work of a large form: sonatina (all movements); sonata - the 1st part (necessarily in sonata form), or the 2nd and 3rd parts of the sonata, or the entire sonata; suite or partita - at least three parts; concert or part of a concert.
3. Performance of own choice.

Categories V, VI, VII, VIII (up to 30 minutes):
1. A polyphonic piece with a fugue for at least 3 voices.
2. Work of a large form: sonatina (all movements); sonata - the 1st part (necessarily in sonata form), or the 2nd and 3rd parts of the sonata, or the entire sonata; suite or partita - at least three parts; concert or part of a concert.
3. Performance of own choice.

Download competition Rules and Entry form here: 2022URALRules.pdf


New Website for Accordion Method Books by Ricardo Llanos - Spain

Accordion bookPun bookRicardo Llanos is the new distributor of his two accordion method books: “Acordeón Divertido” (for free bass button accordion - picture above left) and “Pun Txan Txan” (for standard or Stradella button accordion - picture above right).

Both methods are written in Spanish, English and Basque. They include a methodological guide for the teacher and, currently, most of the songs are step by step explained and performed by Ricardo on his YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjFq8_3O55iUuvd0K-avAdQ

The books are available at: www.acordeondivertido.com


Updated Expanded Article, AAA Commissioned Concert Works - USA

AAA Header
Robert Young McMahanIt gives me great pleasure to announce that I have completed the expansion of yet another of my 22 original articles on the AAA commissioned concert works each of which appeared annually in the AAA Festival Journal between 1997 and 2019.

This article examines the Adagio and Rondo Concertante, for two accordions & orchestra, by Paul Pisk, and Sonatina, for solo accordion, by David Diamond. http://www.ameraccord.com/aaacommissions8.php

As with my previous revisions, this one adds more historical and analytical information than was in the original article plus the new and much needed feature of musical examples. Regarding the latter, a new element in this latest revision is the presence of sound files to accompany the musical excerpts of the Pisk work, thus allowing the reader to hear the excerpts while viewing them in print. Regarding the Diamond Sonata, you may hear it beautifully performed by Beverly Roberts Curnow in its entirety via the link in the AAA website commissioned works home page (http://www.ameraccord.com/aaacommissions.php)

As always, go to http://www.ameraccord.com/aaacommissions2.php to view this and all the other articles of the series in both their original and newly revised versions.


2022 Maclagan Squeezebox Festival – Australia

Maclagan posterThe 2022 Maclagan Squeezebox Festival will be held in the Maclagan Memorial Hall, Maclagan, Queensland, Australia on October 8th, 2022.

A new steering committee has been set up to bring new direction and great entertainment to this year's festival.

Download poster with further details and program: 2022Maclagan.pdf
For further information phone: 048 8921 278


Entries Closing Soon: Irish Accordion Association Open Festival 2022 - Ireland

Irish comp poster
Entries close on October 1st, 2022 for the Irish Accordion Association 2022 Open Accordion Festival, due to be held on November 19th & 20th, 2022, at the Mullagh Hall in Mullagh, Co. Cavan, Ireland.

The event will include competition classes for soloists, duets, ensembles and orchestras in a variety of age groups.

Download competition rules and entry form here: 2022IrishRules.pdf


Video: Foster & Allen New Release

Video: Foster & Allen have just released the official video of “There’s a Blue Moon Over My World Without You” from their forthcoming album "We'll Meet Again".



Tom Torriglia Releases New CD “Limoncello Time” - USA

Tom Torriglia
Tom CD coverTom CD tracksVideo: Track from new CD “Limoncello Time”

Tom Torriglia (picture above) has just released his latest album “Limoncello Time”.

The CD was recorded in both Genova and San Francisco, and includes 10 fun and whimsical songs spanning a variety of musical genres and themes.

Since 2005, Tom has been recording Italian-American music and “Limoncello Time”, the fourth album in this series, does not disappoint with seven of the 10 tunes falling into that category.

For details phone: +39 389 924 5158



Ensemble Astros Performs at Daegu Arts Centre - South Korea

Astros poster
The Ensemble Astros will perform at the Daegu Arts Centre, Biseul Hall in Dalseo-gu, Daegu, South Korea on September 17th, 2022 at 6pm.

For details phone: +82-53-606-6114


“Itrio” Debut Concert – Denmark

“Itrio” will perform their debut concert at the Koncertkirken in Copenhagen, Denmark on September 19th, 2022, from 7.30pm to 9.30pm organised by the Det Kongelige Danske Musikkonservatorium (DKDM).

The ensemble consists of three Icelandic accordionists: Helga Kristbjörg Guðmundsdóttir, Jón Þorsteinn Reynisson and Jónas Ásgeir Ásgeirsson.

In addition to the trio, accordionist Flemming Viðar Valmundsson will also perform.

Their program will include:
Jukka Tiensuu: Mutta
Friðrik Margrétar-Guðmundsson: Prisma (world premiere)
Hafdís Bjarnadóttir: Onstro City (world premiere)
Astor Piazzolla: Ballet tango
Toshio Hosokawa: MI-KO
Finnur Karlsson: For All the Wrong Reasons
Léon Boëllmann: Suite Gothique

Admission is free of charge. For details email: dkdm@dkdm.dk


Zoe Tiganouria “Tango of Life” Concert – Greece

Concert poster
Zoe TiganouriaZoe Tiganouria will perform a concert with the L’anima String Quartet" entitled “Tango of Life” at the 1st Festival of the Attica Region in Attiko Alsos, Greece on September 19th, 2022 at 9pm.

The event, organized by the Region of Attica, is a “goodbye to summer” and concludes a successful tour of 23 summer concerts throughout Greece by Zoe Tiganouria.

Their program will include excerpts from the Hollywood movie soundtrack “Tango Shalom”.

Entrance is free of charge. See poster for details.


Tony Compton & Simon Ramet Perform Lunchtime Jazz – England

Simon RametTony ComptonTony Compton (picture right) & Simon Ramet (picture above) will perform Lunchtime Jazz at the Southend Civic Centre Council Chamber, Southend-on-Sea, Essex, England on September 21st, 2022 from 12.15pm to 1pm.

The concert is one of a series of lunchtime concerts at the civic centre which are free of charge.

Their program will include a variety of music from Astor Piazzolla, gypsy, Frosini, film music and much more.

For details email: council@southend.gov.uk


Lemon Bucket Orkestra Performs at Lotus World Music & Arts Festivals - USA

Lotus poster
The Lemon Bucket Orkestra (from Canada) will perform at the 29th annual Lotus World Music & Arts Festival held in downtown Bloomington, Indiana, USA from September 22nd to 25th, 2022.

The festival will include over 20 international artist groups, arts, food, dance, and workshops. Free activities include Arts Village downtown, Lotus in the Park at Switchyard Park on Saturday 24th, and the Lotus Local Stage which presents local bands with a global connection.

The Lemon Bucket Orkestra is Toronto’s only Balkan-Klezmer-Gypsy-Party-Punk Super-Band and includes accordionist and vocalist Marichka Marczyk.


Duo Aspera Recital at Casa della Musica – Italy

Duo Aspera
Duo Aspera will give a recital at the Casa della Musica in Trieste, Italy on September 27th, 2022.

The duo, which includes Ghenadie Rotari (accordion) and Valentina Vargiu (piano) will perform a program of music by Schumann, Piazzolla and Makkonen.

For details email: duoaspera@gmail.com


Grupo Musical Alpenband Performs at 2022 Oktoberfest - Colombia

Oktoberfest poster
Grupo accordionistThe Grupo Musical Alpenband will entertain at the Oktoberfest Festival of German Beer on October 1st and 2nd, 2022.

The event will be held at the Centro de Eventos del Norte (North Events Center) in Chia, Colombia.

See poster for details.


Accordionist Performs at 2022 Jazzebre Jazz Festival - France

Jazzebre Jazz Festival
The 2022 Jazzebre Jazz Festival (34th edition) will be held from September 23rd to October 16th, 2022 in France.

The event will include a performance by the Daltin/Bardoscia Duo at the Cinema René Vautier in Elne, France on October 1st, 2022 at 9pm.

The duo features Grégory Daltin (accordion) and Marco Bardoscia (double bass) pictured below who perform “a broad-spectrum jazz, as much improvised as written, …in tango mode and fun musette”.
Grégory Daltin & Marco Bardoscia


Victor Prieto Trio Entertain at “Terraza 7” - USA

VP TrioThe Victor Prieto Trio will entertain at "Terraza 7" in Queens, New York, USA on September 29th, 2022 at 7pm.

The trio includes Victor Prieto (accordion), Ricky Rodriguez (bass) and Vince Cherico (drums).

For details email: info@victorprieto.net


No 1 Ladies Accordion Orchestra “Music from Around the World” Concert - England

No 1 Ladies Accordion Orchestra
St Edburg ChurchThe No 1 Ladies Accordion Orchestra will entertain with a “Music from Around the World” concert at St Edburg Church (picture left) in Bicester, Ozfordshire, England on October 29th, 2022.

Their program will include an evening of music from wistful waltzes to tantalising tangos. Also featuring popular classical pieces and film themes. Interspersed with interesting insights into the wonderful world of accordions and why we are so passionate about our music.

For details email: no1ladiesaccordion@gmail.com


以前的新闻链接 仍然是当前的

List of Links

2022 Coupe Mondiale 2022 Coupe Mondiale, October 04 - 09, Switzerland News Link
PIF Castelfidardo PIF Castelfidardo 2022  Information
Voci Armoniche logo Accordion Reed Production  Article Link
Beniamino Bugiolacchi Chronology of Production of Italian Accordions Article Link
Dr William Schimmel 2022 Dr William Schimmel’s Accordion Seminars, July 29-31, NY  News Link
Serenellini Know the People Interview Serenellini Know the People Interview News Link
2022 aaa online Festival Competition 2022 AAA Recent publications, USA  News Link and Article
2021 Coupe Mondiale 2021 Coupe Mondiale Report and Video of all contestants Report Link



Video: Zoie Performs at HK Accordion Academy - Hong Kong

Video: Young accordionist Zoie performs an accordion arrangement of a well known Japanese cartoon at HK (Hong Kong) Accordion Music (Asia).



众多参赛者参加第75届 Coupe Mondiale 瑞士佐芬根的国际手风琴比赛

Coupe Mondiale header
Mirco PatariniKimmo MattilaConfédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) 秘书长 Kimmo Mattila 写道:"CIA祝贺2022年世界锦标赛的主办方,CIA成员 accordeon.ch 吸引了来自23个国家的83个参赛者参加2022年10月4-9日在佐芬根举行的第75届世界锦标赛"。

即使我们看到乌克兰的破坏性战争和Covid仍在造成问题,这个有现场评委和参赛者的第二届 "现场世界锦标赛 "显然很受教师和选手的欢迎。

此外,CIA已经收到了来自29个国家成员的60名代表报名参加CIA国际大会,许多代表还作为评委参加了Coupe Mondiale 世界手风琴锦标赛。

CIA主席 Mirco Patarini 写道:"我们非常高兴有这么多的选手、代表和评委参加第75届世界手风琴锦标赛。我们将有一个伟大的活动,在现场的情况下有真正的音乐。音乐是一种 "此时此地 "的艺术,对于艺术家和观众来说,没有什么比在一个美丽的大厅里举行音乐会更令人感动的了!"

下载可打印的活动海报:。 2022CM-poster.pdf
2022 Coupe Mondiale footer


Renzo Ruggieri releases a new version of his work "Il Bosco Incantato" - Italy

Book coverRenzo Ruggieri视频。指挥家和作曲家。Renzo Ruggieri, 独奏家。Petr Vacek,低音手风琴。拉迪斯拉夫-霍拉克,手风琴乐团来自2022年多布拉尼音乐节的大师班。2022年8月31日首演。

Renzo Ruggieri(右图)现在发布了他的作品《Il Bosco Incantato》,用于手风琴独奏和手风琴五重奏/管弦乐队的编排,目录为renzo524。

作曲 "Il Bosco Incantato "此前已经发行。
rrenzo524 - 《Il Bosco Incantato》为免费的低音手风琴和弦乐乐队演奏(全谱和单独的部分)。
独奏版 "Il Bosco Incantato "的目录是rrenzo517。

Renzo Ruggieri的其他精湛安排。

rrenzo500 - Song For S.B (Accordion and Orchestra) and (Accordion and String Orchestra)
rrenzo501 - Song For S.B (Solo)

rrenzo503 - Tango Italiano (Solo) this very successful solo has been updated in February 2021 (ver. 1.3). Tango Italiano for 5 types of ensembles rrenzo522 (ensemble)

rrenzo504 - Carnevale (Solo)
rrenzo505 - Roma Tango (Solo)
rrenzo506 - Cinema (for 4 parts and drums, electronic accordion)
rrenzo507 - Variations on Säkkijärven Polka (Solo)
rrenzo508 - Medley Disco (Solo)
rrenzo509 - Acquarelli Italiani (Solo)
rrenzo510 - Grande Jo (Solo)
rrenzo511 - Figaro (Solo) or (Solo with string orchestra)
rrenzo512 - Accordion Kids (10 pieces) simple and modern compositions
rrenzo514 - La Vita Delle Cose (The Life of Things)
rrenzo515 - Peccatum et Gratia for electronic (hybrid) accordion
rrenzo516 - Lo Scuro e il Chiaro (accordion duo)

rrenzo517 - Il bosco incantato (for free bass accordion, solo) This work for free bass accordion and string orchestra is catalog rrenzo524

rrenzo518 - Valentango (Solo)
rrenzo519 - The Jackson Medley (Solo)
rrenzo520 - Acquarelli Italiani for Accordion and Orchestra
rrenzo521 - ll Tuo Sguardo (solo)

rrenzo522 - Tango Italiano (ensemble) (full score and individual parts). The solo version is catalog rrenzo503


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