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Weekly News from Around the World - 16-Mar-2018
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Особенности Highlights

43-й Международный конкурс и фестиваль в городе Кастельфидардо PIF - Италия
25-летие, Международный день гармоники в Ливенуорте (LIAC) - США
Стэнли Дарроу (1935-2018), Нью-Джерси - США
Новый компакт-диск Gorka Hermosa и весенний тур 2018 года - Иран, Чехия, Польша, Украина, Канария

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

The NME and the Accordion Times, London – UK
Jörgen Sundeqvist Teaching at Musiklinjen Kapellsberg - Sweden
Video: Mario Tacca, Mary Mancini with the Hallandale Pops Orchestra - USA

Будущие события

Brandon McPhee Concert, Scotland – UK
Taipei Gypsy Jazz Festival
Christine Schmid & Gaetano Siino Concert, Emmendinger - Germany
‘Super The Dansant’, Accordion Tea Dance, Fort L’Ecluse – France
Stockport Accordion Band @ North Staffs AC, Stoke-on-Trent – UK
Basha Slavinska and Olivia Gay Concert, Belfort – France
Hanzhi Wang Concerts & Master Classes - Netherlands and Belgium
Nihad Hrustanbegovic Concerts, Mostar, Banja Luka, Sarajevo - Bosnia and Herzegovina
Yuri Shishkin Concert, Competition & Festival "Accordion Plus", Rostov-on-Don - Russia
Grayson Masefield Concert/Master Class, Spokane WA – USA
2nd Accordion Festival, Attard - Malta
Summerschool NL, Borculo - Netherlands

Новые и обновленные сайты

Coupe Mondiale Site Updated Hotel Information & Schedule - Lithuania
2018 AAA Competition Rules Released on New Website - USA
Updated Site: Accordion Examination Board of New Zealand (AEBNZ)

CD Отзывы

Book Review: The Art of Arranging Classical Music for Accordion by Friedrich Lips - Germany

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Особенности Highlights

43-й Международный конкурс и фестиваль в городе Кастельфидардо PIF - Италия

PIF 2018 header
2018 PIF Logo Classical Composition CategoryRenzo RuggieriАдминистрация городского совета Кастельфидардо объявляет, что 43-й Международный конкурс и фестиваль в городе Кастельфидардо PIF пройдет с 10 по 17 сентября 2018 года.

Правила PIF2018 опубликованы новым художественным руководителем Ренцо Руджери и содержат ряд изменений с предыдущими годами.

Классика: Категория «Премия», Категория без ограничений по возрасту, Категория солисты до 18 лет, Категория солисты до 15 лет, Категория солисты до 12 лет, Категория ансамбля, Категория композиции.

Эстрада «Варьете»: Эстрадная Категория Солисты или ансамбли.
World music: Категория ансабля, Старшая категория, Юношеская категория.
Правила и положения о конкуренции на английском и итальянском языках: 2018PIF-Rules.pdf


25-летие, Международный день гармоники в Ливенуорте (LIAC) - США

Poster 2018 Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration
logo 25th Anniversary, Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration2018 - это 25-летие Международного Дня Гармоники в Ливенуорте (LIAC), спонсируемого Северо-Западным Аккордеонным Обществом. Мероприятие проводится в живописном Ливенуорте с 21 по 24 июня и включает в себя (по алфавиту): Майкл Бридж, Грус Гассман, Кори Песатуро, Мурл Сандерс, а также конкурсы, открытые для международных и национальных конкурентов, семинары и даже бесплатные уроки по классу аккордеона.

Конкурс включает категории классика, диатонические инструменты, ансамбли, а также несколько категорий для любителей, от самого младшего до 19 лет, от 19 до 45 и 46 плюс. Предлагается призовой фонд в размере 5 525 долларов США.

Правила и информация для участия : 2018LIAC-Rules.pdf

Дата окончия принятия заявок: 08 июня 2018 года

Планируйте свое время для поездки в красивый Ливенуорт с 21 по 24 июня, чтобы посетить отличное мероприятия с множеством замечательной музыки всех стилей.
Для получения дополнительной информации посетите веб-сайт: Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration.


Стэнли Дарроу (1935-2018), Нью-Джерси - США

Stanley Darrow
Stanley DarrowСтэнли Дарроу, один из самых ярких аккордеонистов Америки, скончался 13 марта в возрасте 83 лет.

Рисунок выше: Джоанна и Стэнли Дарроу.

Стэнли Дарроу из Камдена, штат Нью-Джерси, начал играть на аккордеоне в возрасте 16 лет. «Мой дед, который не играл сам, поощрял мои занятия,и считал, что меня это будет двигать вперед», - говорил Стэнли Дарроу.

Он учился в Музыкальном колледже Нью-Йорка, Колледже Комбса, PA, Музыкальной консерватории Neupauer, PA и Консерватории Хохнера в Троссигене, Германия, и наслаждался жизнью, выступал на концертах и ​​преподавал детям и взрослым в своих школах.

В 1952 году он открыл класс в Акмеонсионской школе Акме, Уэстмонт, штат Нью-Джерси, где тысячи детей и взрослых любого возраста обучались игре на аккордеоне со Стэнли Дарроу и Джоанной Арнольд Дарроу.

Стэнли Дарроу был членом Ассоциации Педагогов Аккордеонистов в Нью-Джерси, Американской Ассоциации Аккордеонистов (AAA), и был активным членом совета директоров гильдии аккордеонистов и учителей, членом Американского аккордеонного музыкального общества. У него был огромный интерес к современной музыке аккордеона, и он первый, кто выпустил пластинку с современной оригинальной аккордеонной музыкой в ​​1965 году.

Он был основателем-директором Аккордеонного оркестра Уэстмонт-Филармонии (1960), Аккордеонным Клубом Делавэра, а также организовал ежегодные фестивали Короля Пруссии в Филадельфии с участием многих аккордеонистов. Стэнли Дарроу очень любили и уважали все, кто его знал.
Stanley Darrow, Westmont


Новый компакт-диск Gorka Hermosa и весенний тур 2018 года - Иран, Чехия, Польша, Украина, Канария

Gorka Hermosa
Gorka HermosaАккордеонист и композитор Горки Хермозы продолжает свою неистовую деятельность. Он только что представил свой последний компакт-диск «ELE, Lauaxeta-Lorca» и начинает свой весенний тур, в котором посетит разные места, такие как Иран, Чехия, Польша, Украина, Канарские острова и различные места Испании.

Новый альбом о Лауаксете и Лорке, двух писателей, двух иконах поэзии, каждый в своей культуре - один андалузский республиканец, другой баскский националист. Диск пытается стать свидетельством сосуществования в нынешней Стране Басков, которая страдает от многолетней независимости от терроризма и насилия со стороны правительства, следуя примеру этих двух поэтов, снятых фашистской стороной в гражданской войне в Испании.

Баскский поэт и певец Джон Майя, гитарист Хесус Прието «Питти» и аккордеонист Горка Хермоза представляют автобиографическую работу, в которой басская музыка, фламенко, современная музыка и рок смешаны с роскошными коллаборациями, такими как ансамбль Анны Салазар, барабанщик Хесус Ганцедо и фигуры баскской музыки, такие как txalapartaris Ореки TX, Пелло Рамирес и Миксель Дукау. Вы можете бесплатно прослушать Spotify и другие цифровые платформы или приобрести на сайте www.elkar.com.

Компакт-диск только что был представлен в этом месяце в Зорноцце и Сантурти, а в ближайшие месяцы он будет представлен на престижном фестивале «Гутун Зурия» в Центре «Азкуна» в Бильбао и на фестивале «Me vuelves Lorca» в Альпухаррас, Гранада.

Остальную часть весеннего тура он посвятит мастер-классам и проведет сольные концерты в консерваториях Праги, Варшавы и Ла-Пальмаса, а также в Ополе, Польша, и на фестивале Perpetuum Mobile в Дрогобыче, Украина.

С проектом «Flamenco Etxea» (дуэт с известным гитаристом фламенко Хосе Луисом Монтоном), с которым они дают концерты по всему миру в течение 11 лет, они выступят в мае в Тегеране, Иран.

18 февраля состоялась премьера своей первой работы для аккордеона и симфонического оркестра «Атлантия» в исполнении Марты Кубас Хондал с Молодежным симфоническим оркестром Сьюдад-де-Саламанка под руководством Альваро Лозано в аудитории CAEM в Саламанке.

За дополнительной информацией обращайтесь по электронной почте: gorka@gorkahermosa.com

Рисунок выше: Посмотрите потрясающее изображение полного размера (3.1MB) Макси-дель-Кампо: 2018GHermosa.jpg
Gorka Hermosa


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

The NME and the Accordion Times, London – UK

Accordion Times covers
Musical Express coverAccordion Times coverThe long running popular weekly music magazine ‘New Musical Express’ (NME) has just published its final printed edition after 66 years, and will henceforward be published only in a digital format.

This magazine was originally published in October 1946 as the monthly ‘Musical Express, incorporating Accordion Times’ (NME could so easily have been MEAT!), covering the general musical entertainment scene plus some accordion related articles and news.

The piano accordion was introduced into Britain in the late 1920s, and the 1930s saw a boom decade for the instrument, with high numbers of instrument sales and accordion clubs and bands being formed in almost every town and city.

The likes of Louis Cabrelli, Toralf Tollefsen, and the Primo Scala Accordion Band topped the bill at theatres. In 1935 the first All Britain Championships were held in London, and in the same year the ‘Accordion Times’ was published for the first time, both being sponsored by Hohner.

The 1939-45 war years closed both down, and in 1946 the magazine was re-launched in a smaller format as the ‘Musical Express, incorporating Accordion Times’.

In 1952 there was a split and the ‘New Musical Express’ was born, with the ‘Accordion Times’ continuing under its own identity, with various owners and editors until it ceased publication in 2005.


Jörgen Sundeqvist Teaching at Musiklinjen Kapellsberg - Sweden

Jörgen Sundeqvist
Poster Accordion KingWell known international accordionist Jörgen Sundeqvist (picture above) is now teaching at Musiklinjen Kapellsberg. The school Director is Helén Lundquist-Dahlén (picture above) who is also a director of leading choirs in Sweden.

Musiklinjen Kapellsberg offers tuition for many instruments and in addition to the long courses which extend over a term or more, the school offers a number of short courses each year. These include summer courses in music and opera, and also qualifying courses to help prepare students for entrance examinations for higher education and vocational training.

The school provides good affordable accommodation for short term and long term students. You can have an individual bedroom or dormitory (3-6 beds) room. You can self cook or use the restaurant at very reasonable prices. Conference facilities are also available for groups.

The school has two halls and group rooms for reading, laptops, wireless networks.

Many famous accordionists come from this region and that is why Accordion King written by Fredrik Högberg, was set here (poster right). This is a very strong cultural region in central Sweden, and the internationally renowned Nordic Chamber Orchestra is also from this area.

Applications are invited from accordion students all around the world to come and study. If your application to study is accepted, the tuition fees are free. Yes - free! You have only the costs of food and accommodation which are very reasonable. So this is an option definitely worthy of careful consideration by accordionists.

For further information about the many course options and individual courses which can be planned, please email Jörgen Sundeqvist: sundeqvist@yahoo.se


Video: Mario Tacca, Mary Mancini with the Hallandale Pops Orchestra - USA

Video: Hollywood Central Performing Arts Center, Hollywood, Florida, 6th February 2018.

Guest artists Mary Mancini (Soprano) and husband Mario Tacca (accordion) with the Hallandale Pops orchestra, under the baton of conductor Peter Fuchs.

Mary Mancini is performing with the orchestra from 11:00 minutes.
Mario Tacca is performing with the orchestra from 48:00 minutes


Будущие события

Brandon McPhee Concert, Scotland – UK

Brandon McPhee June Tour
Brandon McPhee concertAll Scotland Champion Brandon McPhee and his band perform in concert on Saturday March 17th, 7.30pm, at the Eden Court Theatre, Inverness. Also on the bill is the comedian Eddie Rose.

The poster shows Brandon McPhee’s other concert dates for March through to November, including the dates for his stage show ‘The Jimmy Shand Story’, which is a tribute to the late, great Sir Jimmy Shand (1908-2000). This show premiered in Belfast last week, and was a critical success that played to a full house. Brandon McPhee plays the same kind of accordion as Jimmy Shand – the 3-row diatonic Hohner Shand Morino – and is very much inspired by him.

Sir Jimmy Shand, knighted in 1999, was hugely popular in Scotland and beyond, and had an exceptionally long recording career from the 1930s to the 1990s. He recorded more tracks than the Beatles and Elvis Presley combined, and composed more than 330 dance tunes and other pieces of music. From the 1940s until his retirement in the 1970s he had a punishing life-style later adopted by rock bands, playing lots of consecutive dates around the UK and Ireland that involved a lot of travelling. He was the subject of two biographies, appeared as the subject on the BBC TV show ‘This Is Your Life’, had a locomotive and pub named after him, and was made a freeman of his home town Auchtermuchty in 1974.


Taipei Gypsy Jazz Festival

Taipei Gypsy Jazz Festival
Vincent TsaiTaiwanese accordionist and bandoneon player Vincent Tsai organises and performs at the second Taipei Gypsy Jazz Festival, held at the Songyan Eslite Hall, Sappho Live Jazz, and the Wei-Sun International Culture & Arts. The event includes gypsy jazz workshops on March 15th, 16th, and 18th, jam sessions each day, and a concert on Sunday March 18th, 7.30pm.

Vincent Tsai, a graduate of the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology in the Department of Industrial Management, studied classical piano then self-learned the piano accordion, and joined the first ever gypsy jazz band in Taiwan, the Dark Eyes Gypsy Jazz Band.

In 2011, during an exchange study in Europe, he studied the piano accordion, chromatic button accordion and the accordina concurrently. He played jazz, and also music from around the world, such as Volkmusik from Germany and Austria, folk songs from Italy, musette from France, and Tango. He has attended master classes with Frederic Deschamps, Klaus Paier, and Richard Galliano.

His playing career includes in 2014 at the National Concert Hall, Taiwan, under the baton of Japanese maestro Joe Hisaishi, performing the world premiere of Hisaishi's new work, ‘The Wind Rises’ Suite No.2 for Balalaika, Bayan, Guitar and Small Orchestra.

For further information email: infoaccordion@gmail.com


Christine Schmid & Gaetano Siino Concert, Emmendinger - Germany

Christine Schmid & Gaetano Siino poster
On Saturday March 17th, 8.30pm, accordionist and vocalist Christine Schmid performs in concert with the guitarist Gaetano Siino at the Maja-Buhne, Emmendinger, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Their repertoire includes music from Paris, Rome and Berlin, including some gypsy jazz.

Christine Schmid studied at the Hohner Conservatory Trossingen and at the Opera Workshop at Basel Conservatory. Later she attended the Jazz School Basel and Paris in music theory, accordion and vocals. After her studies she had various engagements such as the title role in ‘Marlene Dietrich’ at the Musical Theater in Basel and regular appearances as a guest soprano with the Spa Orchestra Badenweiler, followed by appearances on radio and television. Christine Schmid is also vocal and speech trainer and also as a successful model and mannequin.

For further information email: christ.schmid@web.de


‘Super The Dansant’, Accordion Tea Dance, Fort L’Ecluse – France

PosterOn Sunday afternoon March 18th, 2.30pm, the ‘Super The Dansant’ takes place at Fort L’Ecluse, Collonges, to the dance music of accordionists Cyril & Virginie Danrey, Eric Collomb, and pianist Hubert Ledent.

Fort l'Écluse is close to the village of Collonges, Ain, in eastern France. It commands the Rhone valley and is a natural entrance into France from Switzerland between the Vuache hills and the Jura Mountains.


Stockport Accordion Band @ North Staffs AC, Stoke-on-Trent – UK

Stockport Accordion Club orchestra
The Stockport Accordion Club ‘road show’ visits the North Staffs Accordion Club as guests on Tuesday March 20th, 7.30pm. Performing will be the Stockport Accordion Band (with five of our six conductors, though not all at the same time, namely Dennis Pepler, Adrienne Sharpe, Tony Ainscough, Marj Howard and Brennan Wilson), Stockport AC’s ladies trio Accordion Spice and Scottish Quartet.

North Staffs AC meets at the Goldenhill Workingmen’s Club, Kidsgrove Rd, Stoke-on-Trent, ST6 5SH. The admission price of £6 includes a 'Pie and Pea Supper', with a vegetarian option. There will also be a 'stall' set up for the evening and anyone with an accordion, or other music related item for sale can bring it along (with a price tag and name label). A small and voluntary donation will go to North Staffs AC, if sold. Tickets for the evening are available from Steve Hughes.

For further information email: stevehg0@gmail.com


Basha Slavinska and Olivia Gay Concert, Belfort – France

Poster Basha Slavinska and Olivia GayThe accordion/cello duo Basha Slavinska and Olivia Gay perform together in concert on Sunday March 18th, 4pm, at the Cathedral Sainte-Christophe, Belfort. Belfort is a city in north-eastern France in the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté région, situated between Lyon and Strasbourg.

Concert programme: E. Elgar – ‘Salut d'Amour’; N. Rimsky-Korsakov – ‘Oriental Dance’ from ‘Scheherazade’; J. Williams – ‘Memoirs of a Geisha - Sayuri's Theme’; F. Schubert – ‘Ständchen’; V. Semyonov – ‘Kalina Krasnaya’ (Guelder Rose); J. Williams – ‘La Liste de Schindler’; A. Piazzolla – ‘Libertango’; D. Popper – ‘Hungarian Rhapsody’; E. Morricone – ‘The Mission – Gabriel’s oboe’; M. Legrand – ‘Les Parapluies De Cherbourg’.

Basha Slavinska is a Paris-based accordionist, born in Gdansk, Poland. She studied at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse in Paris.


Hanzhi Wang Concerts & Master Classes - Netherlands and Belgium

Hanzhi WangFrom March 22nd to 24th the Chinese virtuoso accordionist Hanzhi Wang, sponsored by Pigini Netherlands, will give concerts and master classes in the Netherlands and Belgium. Hanzhi is an accordionist of international renown, and the winner of competitions in China, Spain, and Italy. Several prominent composers, such as Martin Lohse, have dedicated compositions to Hanzhi.

Her concert program will include W.A. Mozart – ‘Andante’; Edward Grieg – ‘Little Bird, Arietta and Butterfly’; J.S. Bach – ‘Partita in C minor’; Martin Lohse – ‘Menuetto and Passing 3’; Moritz Moszkovski – ‘Sparks’; Sofia Gubaidulina – ‘De Profundis’.
Concert dates:
Thursday March 22nd, 8pm - Chapelstudio, Tilburg, Netherlands
Friday March 23rd, 8pm – Ghent, Belgium
Saturday March 24th, 8pm – KuuB, Utrecht, Netherlands

For further information email: info@pigini.nl


Nihad Hrustanbegovic Concerts, Mostar, Banja Luka, Sarajevo - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Nihad HrustanbegovicOn March 22nd, 23rd and 24th Dutch-based Bosnian accordionist, pianist and composer Nihad Hrustanbegovic will perform concerts presenting accordion and self-composed piano works in Mostar, Banja Luka and Sarajevo.

The programme of 90 minutes’ duration includes: ‘4 Seasons’ - Vivaldi, ‘Asturias’ - Isaac Albéniz, ‘Ibelin’ and ‘Lights of Life’ - Harry Gregson Williams. Nihad’s latest 9th solo album, ‘Between Sunrise and Sunset Opus Magnum XII’,’ will form part of the programme, with all 12 compositions on the piano in the special 35 minute version of the album, featuring ‘Sunrise’, ‘The girl from heaven’, ‘American dream’, ‘Love Promenade’, ‘Tsunami’, ‘Hymne de la liberte’, ‘The Kiss’, ‘Joy of life’, ‘Paradise Lake’, ‘Queen of Peace’,  ‘Allegory Bosnia Nouveau’, ‘Sunset’ and new music work, ‘The Encore, Flowers for Mama’.

Nihad reflects, “The past days and weeks have not been easy ... my Mama passed away on February 10th and I have decided to give these 3 concerts about life, nature, love and people and also to honour my Mama who helped me during the making of ‘4 Seasons’ by Vivaldi, watching sometimes on Skype from Bosnia Herzegovina all the way to Netherlands and giving comments about how far I went with practising, and believed in the recording on the accordion with Vivaldi and she was also happy with the latest album ‘Opus Magnum XII’.

She brought me up when I was little in the best way she could. She brought me also to the music and music school. Thanks Mama! So I am going to give concerts for the people who love classical, pop, jazz and world music on the accordion and the piano. Dear friends and colleagues I hope to see you in the concerts in Sarajevo, Mostar or Banja Luka. Thank you Concert Hall Stjepan Kosaca in Mostar, Concert Hal Banski Dvori in Banja Luka, and Bosnjacki Institut in Sarajevo”.

For further information email: nihad.hrustanbegovic@gmail.com


Yuri Shishkin Concert, Competition & Festival "Accordion Plus", Rostov-on-Don - Russia

Yuri Shishkin concertOn the 23rd March is a solo concert by Yuri Shishkin. Poster right.

The concert is the first night of the 2018 International Competition and Festival "Accordion Plus" which takes place from 23rd to 27th March 2018 in Rostov-on-Don.

"Accordion Plus" is organised by the International Music Center "Harmony" with the support of the Administration of Rostov-on-Don, the Rostov College of Arts (competition venue) and The School of Music and Dance Jiang Jie (China, Beijing), the China Accordion Association.

Seven CD's by Shishkin available online at: Yuri Shishkin


Grayson Masefield Concert/Master Class, Spokane WA – USA

Grayson MasefieldVirtuoso accordionist Grayson Masefield, from New Zealand, returns to Spokane, Washington, next week to perform in concert and hold a public master class. The concert is on Friday evening March 23rd, 7pm, at the Able To Play Music Academy, 418 E. Pacific Ave, Spokane. The master class is the following day, Saturday March 24th, 4pm, at the same venue.

The highly accomplished Grayson Masefield, from Auckland, NZ, is one the world’s most successful competition players in recent times, winning the CIA Coupe Mondiale, the Primus Ikaalinen International Competition (Finland), the Roland International V-Accordion Competition (Rome, Italy), and the CMA Trophee Mondial.

The son of accordion playing parents Ian and Heather Masefield, Grayson studied the accordion with Fay Schaw, his uncle Maurice Jones, and at Auckland University with Stephanie Poole. During these years he also played in the North Shore Accordion Orchestras, and later went to France for seminars and tuition with Frédéric Deschamps, and to the HEMU (University of Music Lausanne), Switzerland, in specialised music performance with Stéphane Chapuis.

He has performed in many countries, including France, Spain, Germany, UK, Portugal, Slovakia, Italy, USA, Canada, Russia, Lithuania, Portugal, China, Switzerland, Austria, New Zealand, Australia, and Finland.


2nd Accordion Festival, Attard - Malta

Poster, 2nd Accordion Festival, MaltaThe 2nd Accordion Festival takes place at the Corinthia Palace Hotel & Spa, Attard, Malta, on Tuesday April 3rd and Wednesday April 4th, 7pm, on both days, just after Easter 2018. The festival is organized by the Santa Maria Accordion Band, and s upported by Valletta 2018 - European Capital of Culture.

The performers to date include the Santa Maria Accordion Band from Malta, and Akki-Harmonists e.V. orchestra from Ketzin, Germany, and a number of soloists, duets and trios from Malta, Gozo, Russia, and Latvia

The festival has two categories: Soloists and Accordion Bands, but is non-competitive, and participants will receive a certificate. Full details are available from David Attard.

For further information email: davatt1@melita.com


Summerschool NL, Borculo - Netherlands

Poster, Summerschool NL, Borculo,Summerschool NL, an annual accordion summer school organised by Annemarieke van der Ploeg, takes place from July 30th to August 6th at Borculo, a town in the eastern Netherlands, in the municipality of Berkelland, Gelderland. The teachers include Ellen Zijm, Leo van Lierop, Vincent van Amsterdam, Ad de Jong, and Annemarieke van der Ploeg.

For further information email: info@accordeonkamp.nl


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Coupe Mondiale Site Updated Hotel Information & Schedule - Lithuania

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Kazys Stonkus & Mindaugas LabanauskasCoupe Mondiale posterThe 71st Coupe Mondiale is being held in Kaunas Lithuania, 24 to 30 September.

The updated Coupe Mondiale site is online now with hotel information (very reasonable prices) and travel information.

Host is the Lithuanian National Accordionist's Union led by President Kazys Stonkus & Vice-President Mindaugas Labanauskas.

The rules for all the Coupe Mondiale competition categories are online and the closing date for entries is 31 July 2018. The online entry application software will be made live in June.

The updated 2018 schedule now includes on Sunday 30 September, the World Accordion Orchestra X concert. Full details for participation in the World Accordion Orchestra X will be online soon.

Picture below is World Accordion Orchestra IX conducted by Joan Cochran Sommers.

Full information at: Coupe Mondiale

You will find a complete record of the 2017 Coupe Mondiale at: http://www.coupemondiale.org/2017/it_rev_04.html
with all competitors videos at: 2017CM-Video
World Accordion Orchestra IX conducted by Joan Cochran Sommers.


2018 AAA Competition Rules Released on New Website - USA

AAA site header
2018 AAA 80th Festival posterThe American Accordionists' Association (AAA) has released the rules for their 2018 AAA Competitions being held during the 2018 AAA Festival, 11-15 July, Alexandria, Virginia (near Washington, DC).

There are categories for all ages and types of music for solo, duet, ensembles and bands with the entry closing date being 1st June 2018.

Full information is on the newly completed AAA website which features the latest coding standards and responsive designs suitable for all sizes of mobile phones, tablets through to wide screen monitors.

The festival flyer, festival registration, competition rules, entry forms can be downloaded at: AAAFestival

The outstanding lineup of guest artists is featured on the flyer (picture right) for what will be a great 80th Anniversary AAA Festival this July in Washington. Please make reservations promptly as hotel rooms are going quickly.

It's also a great opportunity to combine your love of accordion with a visit to Washington, DC and also enjoy the many sightseeing opportunities.
Washington collage


Updated Site: Accordion Examination Board of New Zealand (AEBNZ)

Accordion Examination Board of New Zealand (AEBNZ) logoThe Accordion Examination Board of New Zealand (AEBNZ) has updated its website with the 2018 examination dates and 2018 entry fees and entry forms.


CD Отзывы

Book Review: The Art of Arranging Classical Music for Accordion by Friedrich Lips - Germany

Cover of The Art of Arranging Classical Music for AccordionCurrently, music schools and conservatories do not teach how to structure, design or implement arrangements of original compositions for other instruments. Friedrich Lips, bayan-accordion virtuoso and professor at the prominent Gnesin Russian Academy of Music in Moscow, fills that gap with what could be used as course material with his book The Art of Arranging Classical Music for Accordion. First published in Russian and then German, it is now available in an updated and expanded form in English.

Although the book was written primarily with classical music in mind, the findings, declarations and descriptions are made by the author in generally understandable and simple words. Therefore, they apply or can be transferred to all areas of music, including virtuoso light music, folk music, traditional music, etc.

Similarly, while explanations focus on the concert bayan-accordion with converter bass, they are equally applicable to related instruments such as the Bandoneon, Concertina, Diatonic Accordion, Melodeon Player, etc.

This is an essential book for composers, professional players, musicologists and active amateurs who want to understand and create arrangements of music as well as interpret and perform them. They will find a discussion of the basic principles of creating arrangements.

These are followed by countless tips and numerous examples in musical notations for using the characteristics of the selected instrument to the best advantage. Descriptions include the accordion’s tonal range, use of registers to provide natural dynamics, bellows techniques explained in detail to enhance certain passages, types of articulation to be considered and methods of artistic presentation.

One chapter is devoted to arranging organ music, which is written on three staffs (two for the keyboards and one for the foot pedal), where there are certain analogies between organ and accordion tone generation. Another chapter concentrates on arranging piano and cembalo music and explains how to overcome the differences between the percussive and bellows instruments.

Extensive and detailed registers with names, terms, literature and titles of music examples included in the text provide the reader with significant source material.

The excellent content of the book corresponds to the outward appearance of the book: typographically lavish with finest Italian paper, thread-stitching, laminated softcover with double flap and exclusive design – worthwhile, treasured.

232 pages · 150 sheet music samples · Format: 17 x 24 cm · ISBN 978-3-925572-17-3

Purchase at Catalog No: kslips03 The Art of Arranging Classical Music for Accordion


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