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Weekly News from Around the World - 15-Nov-2013
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Особенности Highlights

XXV международный фестиваль «Баян и баянисты», Москва
Рождественские подарки – супер набор книг с бесплатной пересылкой
Рождественские подарки – супер набор книг с бесплатной пересылкой
XVI Tarptautinis Akordeono Festivalis 2013 Вильнюс - Литва
Новая книга Роба Ховарда (Rob Howard) «Аккордеон: иллюстрированная история» ('Accordion: A Pictorial History') доступна онлайн – Великобритания
Концерты и мировые премьеры в исполнении Грейсона Мейсфилда (Grayson Masefield) и Кристель Сато (Christel Sautaux) – Швейцария

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Roberto Lucanero New Artistic Director of Festival, Castelfidardo – Italy
Video: Dominique Paats Versus Ernö Olah - Netherlands
Joe Cerrito CDs For Sale on New Website - USA
Video: Enzo Canali Performs Queen of Hearts - Italy
Video: Finals, 51. Festival Prva Harmonika Sokobanje - Serbia
Midland Accordion Festival, Birmingham – UK
Video: KE-Klez Duo - Emanuele Rastelli Accordion - Italy
'Play Your Accordion Without Pain', New Chapter Released - USA
Castelfidardo: Discovering the Accordion, Saturday Guided Museum Tour and Exhibition - Italy
Video: Eric Theuninck Performs Petite Waltz - France
‘14 Years Ago’ – French Players Scoop Top Prizes at the 1999 Coupe Mondiale - Germany

Будущие события

Auckland Accordion Symphonietta (AAS) Concert, Takapuna - New Zealand
Mirjana Petercol Concerts, Frankfurt – Germany
Nikolai Ryskov’s ‘Russian Evening’, London – UK
NHAA November Meeting, New Hampshire – USA
Milos Milivojevic Concert, Lancashire – UK
19th Festival de l’Accordeon, Chatellerault – France
1st Annual Polkapocalypse, Austin, Texas - USA
Harry Hussey @ Black Country Accordion Club, West Midlands – UK
Zoe Tiganouria, Accordion, Piano and Dance, Athens – Greece

Новые и обновленные сайты

Franco Cambareri release music
Charnwood Publications release music
Karen Fremar releases music
6th Gary Dahl "Easy Listening Variety" eBook, Now Released - USA
Gary Dahl Updates eBooks Music Cover - USA

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Logos Futura CD by N. Antonio Peruch

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Особенности Highlights

XXV международный фестиваль «Баян и баянисты», Москва

Lips PosterXXV Международный фестиваль «Баян и баянисты» (см постер выше) пройдет с 11 по 15 декабря 2013 года в Концертном зале РАМ имени Гнесиных в Москве. Художественный руководитель – Фридрих Липс, директор фестиваля – Александр Гатауллин.

11 декабря, Концертный зал РАМ имени Гнесиных, 19.00: Открытие, Юрий Шишкин, Ростов-на-Дону – празднование 50-летия.

12 декабря, Концертный зал РАМ имени Гнесиных, 19.00: Сергей Гринченко, Киев - празднование 60-летия, Виктор Романько, Екатеринбург - празднование 60-летия.

13 декабря, Малый зал РАМ им. Гнесиных, 16.00: заседание Межрегиональной ассоциации баянистов и аккордеонистов.

13 декабря, Концертный зал РАМ имени Гнесиных, 19.00: Фридрих Липс – празднование 65-летия (постер слева). С. Губайдулина (*1931) – „Fachwerk“для баяна и симфонического оркестра (2009), А. Пьяццолла (1921-1992 ) – аргентинское танго. Исполняют Фридрих Липс (баян), симфонический оркестр РАМ имени Гнесиных, дирижер Александр Соловьев.

Выпускники класса Фридриха Липса: Айдар Гайнуллин, Мария Власова, Иосиф Пуриц, Семен Шмельков, Айдар Салахов, Сергей Войтенко, Самгар. В концерте также принимают участие: С. Липс (фортепиано), В. Сыч (маримба), ансамбль «Эйфория», Д. Храмков (баян).

14 декабря, Концертный зал РАМ имени Гнесиных, 19.00: Оуэн Мюррей (Owen Murray) и струнный квартет, Лондон, Королевская Академия Музыки. Матти Рантанен (Matti Rantanen), Хельсинки, Академия Сибелиуса.

15 декабря, Концертный зал РАМ имени Гнесиных, 14.00: Владимир Зубицкий – празднование 60-летия. В концерте принимают участие Наталья Зубицкая (фортепиано) и Русский Концертный Оркестр, дирижер Борис Ворон. Марсель Аззола (Marcel Azzola) (аккордеон) и Лина Боссати (Lina Bossati) (фортепиано), Франция.

Дополнительная информация по e-mail: herbert@accordion-cd.co.at


Рождественские подарки – супер набор книг с бесплатной пересылкой

St Petersburg participants
Alexander Dmitriev opening speechИдеи рождественских подарков для всей семьи, связанных с аккордеоном, на 2013Christmas Ideas

Только с 15 ноября по 15 декабря можно заказать эти книги с бесплатной почтовой рассылкой, что делает их превосходными рождественскими подарками по соотношению цена-качество.

Бесплатная почтовая доставка предоставляется для некоторых самых популярных книг: “The Ins and Outs of the Accordion” и “Sounding Out The Accordion”, автор Thierry Benetoux. “An A to Z of the Accordion” и “Related Instruments”, автор Rob Howard. “Playing Well”, автор Lynda Griffith и “ Prevention and Biomechanics of Musician Injuries”.

Эти идеи рождественских подарков имеют своей целью привлечь наших читателей потратить свои средства на поддержку деятелей аккордеонного искусства: артистов, композиторов, аранжировщиков и издателей.

Пожалуйста, поддержите аккордеонное искусство и выберите рождественский подарок из более чем 2200 электронных изданий, 270 CD/DVD, 990 треков и 833 печатных трудов и многочисленных книг.


Рождественские подарки – супер набор книг с бесплатной пересылкой

Merry Christmas logoИдеи рождественских подарков для всей семьи, связанных с аккордеоном, на 2013Christmas Ideas

Только с 15 ноября по 15 декабря можно заказать эти книги с бесплатной почтовой рассылкой, что делает их превосходными рождественскими подарками по соотношению цена-качество.

Бесплатная почтовая доставка предоставляется для некоторых самых популярных книг: “The Ins and Outs of the Accordion” и “Sounding Out The Accordion”, автор Thierry Benetoux. “An A to Z of the Accordion” и “Related Instruments”, автор Rob Howard. “Playing Well”, автор Lynda Griffith и “ Prevention and Biomechanics of Musician Injuries”.

Эти идеи рождественских подарков имеют своей целью привлечь наших читателей потратить свои средства на поддержку деятелей аккордеонного искусства: артистов, композиторов, аранжировщиков и издателей.

Пожалуйста, поддержите аккордеонное искусство и выберите рождественский подарок из более чем 2200 электронных изданий, 270 CD/DVD, 990 треков и 833 печатных трудов и многочисленных книг.


XVI Tarptautinis Akordeono Festivalis 2013 Вильнюс - Литва

Видео выше: Гость художник Александр Коломийцев (Россия) исполнять свои программы I тура на Coupe Mondiale 2013, где он выиграл первый приз.


Новая книга Роба Ховарда (Rob Howard) «Аккордеон: иллюстрированная история» ('Accordion: A Pictorial History') доступна онлайн – Великобритания

Accordion: A Pictorial History - header
Accordion: A Pictorial History book coverВ своей недавно вышедшей книге «Аккордеон: иллюстрированная история» (каталог robaccord06) Роб Ховард рассказывает историю аккордеона от ее истоков в начале 1800-х годов до наших дней.

Текст книги проиллюстрирован более чем 300 цветными фотографиями.

Эта книга является продолжением книги Ховарда “Vintage Accordions” (2011) и похожа на нее по формату, но добавляет много новой информации благодаря различным статьям и фотографиям.

Прочитать обзор книги и комментарии счастливых обладателей книги можно здесь: robaccord06

Заказать книгу в интернете всего за € 12,00 (плюс почтовые расходы) можно по адресу: robaccord06


Концерты и мировые премьеры в исполнении Грейсона Мейсфилда (Grayson Masefield) и Кристель Сато (Christel Sautaux) – Швейцария

Grayson Masefield, Christel SautauxВ конце октября Грейсон Мейсфилд и Кристель Сато исполнят четыре концерта с струнным оркестром в рамках Швейцарского Фестиваля Современной Музыки “Forum Wallis”, который проводится в регионе Вале в Швейцарии.

Кристель Сато исполнит Концерт 'In a Tango State of Mind' композитора Т. Губича (T. Gubitsch), а Грейсон Мейсфилд – Концерт фа минор для клавесина И.С. Баха, а также мировую премьеру сочинения “Constellations II” швейцарского композитора Хавьера Хагена (Javier Hagen).

"Constellations II” («Созвездия II») – 8-минутная пьеса для аккордеона соло и 17 струнных, написанная по заказу организации HEMU (Haute Ecole de Musique Vaud Valais Fribourg). Исполнители Грейсон Мейсфилд и струнный оркестр HEMU, дирижер Ян Добржелевски (Jan Dobrzelewski).

В “Constellations II” струнный оркестр делится на 4 квартета, каждый из которых размещен в разных концах концертного зала, а контрабасы и аккордеон остаются в центре сцены.

Инициатором создания этого сочинения стал глава аккордеонного отделения HEMU Стефан Шапюи (Stephane Chapuis), который также работал с композитором в процессе создания пьесы.

Для получения дополнительной информации посетите сайты www.javierhagen.ch, www.umsnjip.ch

27 ноября рамках 16 Баховского фестиваля в Лозанне Грейсон Мейсфилд исполнит Концерт Баха F dur со струнным квартетом.


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Roberto Lucanero New Artistic Director of Festival, Castelfidardo – Italy

Roberto LucaneroPaolo PicchioRoberto Lucanero (picture left) has succeeded Paolo Picchio (picture right) as Artistic Director of the annual Castelfidardo International Festival and Competition of the Accordion (FIF Castelfidardo).

The change of Artistic Director, appointed by the Castelfidardo City Mayor Mirco Soprani, took place after the recent 2013 Festival that marked 150 years of accordion making in Castelfidardo.

Paolo Picchio was thanked for his many years of faithful and successful service.

Roberto Lucanero, a leading diatonic accordionist who describes himself as "a disciple of the diatonic accordion", is tasked with the role of promoting the further development of an ever expanding festival.


Video: Dominique Paats Versus Ernö Olah - Netherlands

During Malando Latino show at the Theater aan het Vrijthof Maastricht, Dominique Paats (accordion) dueled with Erno Olah (violin). Watch the two virtuoso musicians in the duel between violin and accordion. The winner was finally a well entertained audience in Maastricht.


Joe Cerrito CDs For Sale on New Website - USA

Joe CerritoJoe Cerrito announces his CD recordings for sale as well as selected YouTube videos of his recent performances.

Joe began studying accordion at age 12 with Joseph Petteruti and then with Joseph Biviano and also Bob Wilbur. He began playing small jobs at age 14 and has played professionally ever since. Joe was a member of the 1st Army Jazz Band directed by Claude Thornhill and also played in the 56th Army Band while in Korea. Throughout his career, he backed up greats such as Sarah Vaughn, Steve Allen, Harry Belafonte, Bob Wilbur, and most recently, Dick Hyman.

Joe Cerrito owned his own music studio ‘Cerrito School of Music’ from 1955 until 1997. The studio was very active in both the AAA and ATAM competitions, and Joe still teaches a few students in his home. He appeared in the movie ‘True Lies’ starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, both as a member of the 17 piece orchestra and as an accordion soloist. He has also performed on numerous television programs and radio performances over the years. Joe has appeared in many many jazz concerts with the renowned Tony Dannon. Joe released a recording titled 'Dedication' in the early 1990s with his trio and quartet. Tony Dannon and Joe also recorded a jazz CD, ‘Jam Session’, in the 1990s. His most recent recording is ‘Ave Maria and Popular Accordion Solos’ and a book, ‘Modern Accordion Arrangements’ with accompanying CD.

Currently, Joe Cerrito is an active accordionist performing with bands, doing theatre work and also performing as a strolling accordionist where he performs at restaurants and private parties. Although a noted jazz accordionist, Joe also performs all kinds of other musical genres for a wide variety of events. In addition to his performing, Joe also teaches privately at his home and also through SKYPE as well as doing repair work and MIDI installations.
For further information, please visit: Joe Cerrito


Video: Enzo Canali Performs Queen of Hearts - Italy

Enzo Canali Performs Queen of Hearts in Concert. This work is also on his latest album "Sei la Mia Vita" or "You Are My Life".


Video: Finals, 51. Festival Prva Harmonika Sokobanje - Serbia

Finale 51. Festival Prva Harmonika Sokobanje 2013. Category Senior. Published on Aug 22, 2013

Takmicar Djordje Davidovic (Nis). Repertoar: RUBATO - Kradem ti se u veceri (Pavkovic), TEMPO - Kad sam bio mladjan lovac ja (Pavkovic), SPORO KOLO - Uranak kolo (Tomica Mljic), BRZO KOLO - Kum Miletovo sarmersko kolo (Bata Kanda), BUGARSKO - As if in a joke (Petar Ralchev), RUMUNIJA - Cimbalo (Minune), TEHNICKO - Resavski zubor (Kemis), ROMSKO - Kolo Perice Gule, ROMANSA - Cujes seko (obrada V. Vlasov), KLASIKA - Madjarska igra br. 5 (obrada I. Yashkevich)


Midland Accordion Festival, Birmingham – UK

Midland Accordion Festival posterThe first Midland Accordion Festival, organised by Barry Smith and held at The Quality Hotel, Dudley, Birmingham, proved to be a great success. The variety of music on offer covered many genres, including classical, folk, jazz, Scottish and French.

The festival is to be repeated over the same weekend next year, and is highly recommended to all fans of the accordion.


Video: KE-Klez Duo - Emanuele Rastelli Accordion - Italy

KE-Klez Duo - Emanuele Rastelli accordion, Karsten Braghittoni flute. Yiddish Popular Songs. All arrangements and improvvisation of Emanuele Rastelli. Live recorded at Teatro Comunale di Cesenatico, 18th March 2013. Record by Ivan Barbari, Published on Apr 15, 2013.


'Play Your Accordion Without Pain', New Chapter Released - USA

'Play Your Accordion Without Pain' book coverJohn Bonica (PT CMP NZRP)John Bonica (PT CMP NZRP) has released the 8th chapter of his book 'Play Your Accordion Without Pain'. An eBook, readers can enjoy the convenience of having the chapters e-mailed in Acrobat .pdf format.

This exciting eBook is being published chapter by chapter, with about one chapter being released each month. Released chapters to date are:

Chapter 1 - An Overview
Chapter 2 - Learning to Read Your Body’s Signals
Chapter 3 - Neck and Neck-Related Symptoms
Chapter 4 - The Shoulder
Chapter 5 - The Amazing Brain and What It Does For You
Chapter 6 - The Elbow
Chapter 7 - The Great Accordion Myth Uncovered
Chapter 8 - The Elbow Revisited

This latest chapter covers in detail two of the most common yet difficult elbow problems to resolve and what you can do.

There will be a minimum of 24 chapters. As a special introductory offer, you can purchase the whole book for US$22 (or Euro equivalent) and be sent each chapter by e-mail as it is released.

For more information, and to purchase the eBook: John Bonica


Castelfidardo: Discovering the Accordion, Saturday Guided Museum Tour and Exhibition - Italy

Artigiani del SuonoMusic history, processing and wine tastings, this Saturday, November 16th. The Province of Ancona, in collaboration with the City of Castelfidardo and the Museum Castelfidardo as well as the Foundation Ferretti, are organizing an itinerary that includes a visit to the home of art and culture in via Mordini combined with the exhibition "Artigiani del Suono - Artisans of Sound" created to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the foundation of the accordion industry.

The exhibition will remain open in the Auditorium San Francesco, Castelfidardo, until 16th November, for 18-20 hours - Free admission.


Video: Eric Theuninck Performs Petite Waltz - France

Eric Theuninck "Petite Waltz". This one had to be included in the videos as I remember my father Allan Jones playing this piece alot. Enjoy.


‘14 Years Ago’ – French Players Scoop Top Prizes at the 1999 Coupe Mondiale - Germany

Jérôme RichardNoel AurelienThe Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending November 12th 1999 reported that French accordionists won most of the main prizes at the CIA Coupe Mondiale, held in Trossingen, Germany.

Clean Sweep for France at Coupe Mondiale – Germany
Contributed by Kevin Friedrich

The 52nd Coupe Mondiale International Competition for Accordion Soloists was held from November 3rd to 7th in Trossingen, Germany, with contestants from France winning each of the competition categories.

Jérôme Richard (picture left), student of Frédéric Deschamps, was crowned the 1999 CIA World Accordion Champion, after an exciting competition, which saw Dragan Vasiljevic (Yugoslavia) in second place. Last year, Dragan was first equal in the Junior Coupe Mondiale.

Noel Aurelien from France (a student of Jacques Mornét) was crowned the Virtuoso Entertainment Winner (he was the second place winner in this category last year), and Magali Boissier, from France won the Junior Coupe Mondiale.

It was nice to see some interesting family ties at this year's competition. Cathy Sommers (USA) who placed 7th in the Coupe Mondiale, is daughter of the CIA delegate from the USA-ATG, Joan Sommers. Johnny-Lee Leslie, who placed 5th in the Junior Coupe Mondiale, is son of the CIA Music Committee member John Leslie, and Mickael Richard, who placed third in the Virtuoso Entertainment category, is the brother of this year’s Coupe Mondiale Winner, Jérôme Richard!

The CIA were guests of the City of Trossingen, and it was fitting that a city with such a tremendous history in the accordion, was our final venue for this century.


Будущие события

Auckland Accordion Symphonietta (AAS) Concert, Takapuna - New Zealand

Concert posterAuckland Accordion Symphonietta conducted by Lionel Reekie are going to be holding their next concert at St Georges Church, Takapuna at 6pm, 24th November 2013.

Lionel Reekie was recently featured at the 7th AAA Anniversary in New York and as vocalist with the 2013 Coupe Mondiale World Accordion Orchestra in Canada.

The AAS was formed in 2013 and have already been invited performers at the Dargaville Museum in March and at the New Zealand Accordion Championships and Festival in June of this year.

This was the second full concert by the AAS, and is part of a regular series of concerts each year. The AAS is one of New Zealand's largest accordion orchestras, building on the tradition established by the well-known North Shore and Air New Zealand Accordion Orchestras.

Entry by donation.


Mirjana Petercol Concerts, Frankfurt – Germany

Mirjana PetercolA concert presenting new music for accordion and recorder featuring Mirjana Petercol (accordion) and Sabine Ambos (recorder) accordion takes place on Friday November 15th, 7.30pm, at the Künstlerclub (Artists) Club, Frankfurt.

On Saturday November 16th, 7.30pm, Dr. Hoch's Conservatory, Sonnemannstrasse 16, Frankfurt, Mirjana Petercol performs at the Hindemith memorial concert.

For further information email: miripetercol@gmx.de


Nikolai Ryskov’s ‘Russian Evening’, London – UK

Nikolai RyskovA Russian Evening with accordionist Nikolai Ryskov and vocalist/pianist Tatiana Rybakova takes place on Saturday November 16th, 7pm, at the Jakob's Restaurant, 20 Gloucester Road, London SW7 4BR (Gloucester Rd tube station).

Nikolai Ryskov says, “We will perform Russian, Cossacks, Gypsy folk songs, playing accordion and piano. The evening starts with light music in nice atmosphere of the amazing Armenian cuisine café, then our musical journey is going to more hottest parts of Russia. If you would like to have a really different Saturday evening, come and join us”.

For further information email: nryskov@gmail.com


NHAA November Meeting, New Hampshire – USA

New Hampshire Accordion Association logoThe New Hampshire Accordion Association monthly meeting takes place on Saturday November 16th, 12.30pm until 4pm. All welcome. The agenda includes an informal pre-meeting jam session, club business meeting, ‘Just-for-Fun’ play-along of members’ selections, playing through NHAA repertoire (2008 Waltz Medley, Repasz Band), new repertoire – Joe Cerrito arrangements of Besame Mucho and Nadia’s Theme.

On January 18th (weather permitting) Angelo di Pippo performs as guest.

NHAA meets at Accordion Connection, LLC, 136 Route 106, Gilmanton, NH 03237.

For further information email: regisdonna@yahoo.com


Milos Milivojevic Concert, Lancashire – UK

Milos MilivojevicAccordionist Milos Milivojevic performs with guitarist Craig Ogden on Sunday November 17th, 2.30pm, at Christ Church, Carr Rd, Nelson, Lancashire.

The programme includes ‘Concerto in D major’ – Antonio Vivaldi, ‘Felix Tango’, ‘Jewel’, ‘Pirotango’ - Matteo Falloni, ‘Five Views on Country Gulag’ - Viktor Vlasov, ‘Introduction and Tarantella’ - Pablo Sarasate, ‘Lute Suite No.4’ – JS Bach, ‘Lough Caragh’, ‘Rondo Rodeo’ - Gary Ryan, ‘Kontroverse’ - Jan Truhlar, ‘Histoire du Tango’ - Astor Piazzolla.

Serbian born accordionist Milos Milivojevic is a graduate of London’s Royal Academy of Music, he has won international competitions and has performed at the Wigmore Hall, St Martin in the Fields, National Portrait Gallery, Keble College Oxford, and has performed at the Foundation Day awards ceremony in front of HRH The Princess Royal.

Appearances at festivals include Cheltenham International Festival of Music Aldeburgh Festival, Oxford Chamber Music Festival, Deal and Chichester, Swaledale, and many more.

For further information email: milosmusic@hotmail.com


19th Festival de l’Accordeon, Chatellerault – France

19th Festival de l’Accordeon posterThe 19th Festival de l’Accordeon takes place at the Salle des Fetes, Centre Culturel de l’Angelarde, Rue de l’Angelarde, Chatellerault, on Sunday November 17th, 2.30pm.

This event is a non-stop dance, featuring accordionists James Leseur, Jean-Michel Sonnereat, Manu Maugain, Denis Glomeau, Virginie Pouget, Patrick Brugalieres, and many more.


1st Annual Polkapocalypse, Austin, Texas - USA

First Annual Polapocalypse poster
The 1st Annual Polapocalypse will be held at the Elisabet Ney Museum, 304 East 44th Street, Austin, Texas on Saturday, November 23, 2013 from 12 to 5 PM.

What is this? Polkapocalypse is a free, family friendly event featuring violinist Brian Marshall, The Fabulous Polkasonics, Conjunto Los Pinkys, The Flying Balalike Brothers, and tuba player Mark Rubin, accordionist Mark Halata and Texavia which is a Houston based Czech polka band with a country music flair led by Mark Halata.

Mark is very involved with the Czech-Moravian music of his ancestry. The songs he performs today are songs he has performed his entire life. Weekend trips to Moravia, Texas and exposure to Texas polka bands such as Joe Patek, Wence Shimek and The Red Ravens kept Mark in touch with the music and culture that has always been a part of his life.

As a teenager, Mark was exposed to other forms of accordion-flavored music. He is proficient in country, Cajun, Zydeco, Tex-Mex and rock 'n' roll. He has performed with The Rounders and the Romeo Dogs, both hybrid retro country and roots rock bands. Mark would occasionally slip in a Czech polka to educate and entertain the crowds on the Texas roots rock circuit.

He has jammed with Dave Alvin and Los Lobos. In 1998, Texas Polish fiddler Brian Marshall wanted Mark to play on his acclaimed Polish roots CD. For Texavia, Mark wanted simple, uncluttered arrangements. He recruited renown Austin bassist Mark Rubin from the band Bad Livers. On rhythm guitar and drums are Bruce and Jeff Brosch, respectively, sons of legendary Czech band leader Jimmy Brosch, who wrote the famous Corn Cockle Polka.

From Austin, Texas, The Fabulous Polkasonics play "old country" polkas, obereks, mazurka, waltz, shotis and features Chemnitzer concertina, drums and clarinet.
The Fabulous Polkasonics play "old country" polkas, obereks, mazurka, waltz, shotis and features Chemnitzer concertina, drums and clarinet.

The group often adds trumpet, tenor and soprano saxophone, bowed bass, tuba and button accordion. Musicians in the group include: Bradley Jaye Williams: concertina, trumpet, button accordion; Clemencia Zapata: drums; Tim Walsh: clarinet, tenor and soprano saxophone; with special guests Mark Rubin on tuba, bass and Robby Jewett on bass.
The Austin Parks and Recreation Department and the staff of the Elisabet Ney Museum present The First Annual Polkapocalypse Pan-Ethnic Polkextravaganza, produced with help from Texas Folklife.

Come Saturday November 23 to see and hear a showcase of Texas cultural tradition in Austin – Polka music—drawing on the diverse ethnic cultures that helped build the current Texas cultural landscape. Tap your feet to the Czech, Polish, Slavic, Mexican-American and Ukranian Polka beat! Family-Friendly and Free Admission! You can also visit booths from KOOP Radio, PolkaWorks, Texas Folklife, and more!

Funded in part by a gracious grant from the Texas Commission on the Arts. Support the Arts in Texas.

For further information: Phone 512-458-2255 or email Mark@halatamusic.com


Harry Hussey @ Black Country Accordion Club, West Midlands – UK

Harry HusseyOn Monday November 25th, 7.30pm, the ever popular Harry Hussey and a Fish & Chips Supper are the main attractions at the Black Country Accordion & Music Club, The Rowley Regis Disability Centre, Rowley Village, Rowley Regis B65 9AT.

Harry Hussey is well known as a jazz accordionist and for his uncanny ability to play almost anything by request. A regular at UK accordion festivals since the 1980s, Harry Hussey has become one the most admired and well known accordionists in the country.

For further information email: lumicprod@aol.com


Zoe Tiganouria, Accordion, Piano and Dance, Athens – Greece

Zoe TiganouriaOn November 20th, 9pm, accordionist Zoe Tiganouria and pianist Spyros Moschopoulos accompany members of the dance school ‘Choroatktis’ in a demonstration of Argentine Tango.

Admission: 10 euro. The venue is the Foundation Auditorium Theocharakis, Merlin Street, Athens.

For further information email: info@zoe-music.net


Новые и обновленные сайты

Franco Cambareri release music

Franco Cambareri eSheet sampleFranco Cambareri - accordionist, composer, producer, release a new composition for accordion available for purchase online.

'Salsa Fusion', catalog:cfranco185

The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Charnwood Publications release music

Charnwood eSheetCharnwood Publications releases 4 new eSheet pieces for accordion available for purchase online.

'A Cool Thing', catalog:DW920E,
'A Summer Breeze', catalog:DW927E,
'Abbadabba', catalog:DW502E,
'Clairette ', catalog:DW925E

The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Karen Fremar releases music

Karen Fremar eSheet sampleKaren Fremar - accordionist, composer, release 1 new composition for accordion available for purchase online.

'One Hundred and One Green Goblins', catalog:kfremar309

The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card


6th Gary Dahl "Easy Listening Variety" eBook, Now Released - USA

Gary Dahl eBooks
Gary DahlFollowing on the very successful Gary Dahl arranged eSheet music (able to be sent to you by email), Gary Dahl has now released the 6th of his music eBooks.

Cat No: DH06-eB Collection #6 Easy Listening Variety

26 Titles: You Belong To My Heart, Walk On By, Tumbling Tumbleweeds, Ebb Tide, Time To Say Goodbye, Baby Face, Rocky Top, Lara's Theme, Impossible Dream, Danny Boy, It's All In The Game, Can't Help Falling In Love, California Dreaming, Adagio, Music Of The Night, Port Orchard Blues (Cajun Blues), Eloise (A Cajun Waltz), It Had Better Be Tonight, Hello My Baby, The Godfather, What A Friend We Have In Jesus, The Baby Elephant Walk, Abide With Me, Rockin' The Blues, Lyin' Eyes, Perdido.

65 pages of music for only US$40.00 or Euro equivalent. Click the link to see music samples and see why Gary Dahl arrangements are very popular. These eBooks make excellent gifts for Christmas.

The previous eBooks recently released are:
Cat No: DH01-eB Collection #1 Latin Spectacular (click link to see music samples)
Cat No: DH02-eB Collection #2 Favorite French Standards (click link to see music samples)
Cat No: DH03-eB Collection #3 The American Songbook (click link to see music samples)
Cat No: DH04-eB Collection #4 Favorite Waltzes & Polkas (click link to see music samples)
Cat No: DH05-eB Collection #5 Easy Listening Jazz (click link to see music samples)

There are over 200 Gary Dahl arrangements available online at:


Gary Dahl Updates eBooks Music Cover - USA

Gary Dahl eBook coverGary Dahl - Author, composer, arranger, recording artist and music educator announces the following updated eBooks music cover for purchase on-line.

'Latin Spectacular!', catalog:DH01-eB,
'Favourite French Standards', catalog:DH02-eB,
'The American Songbook', catalog:DH03-eB,
'Favorite Waltzez Polkas', catalog:DH04-eB,
'Easy Listening Variety', catalog:DH05-eB,
'Easy Listening Variety', catalog:DH06-eB

Samples for these eBooks are now available at the Music For Accordion web site. The eBooks music are in eSheet format e-mailed directly to your computer. Easy purchase with credit card.


CD Отзывы

Logos Futura CD by N. Antonio Peruch

Logos Futura  CDCD Reviews Index for the Review of Logos Futura CD by N. Antonio Peruch, in English language, reviewed by Joan C. Sommers.


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