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Weekly News from Around the World - 15-Mar-2013
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Особенности Highlights

Заметка редактора – Гервасио Маркосиньори (Gervasio Marcosignori – 1927-2013)
Гервасио Маркосиньори (Gervasio Marcosignori – 1927-2013), Кастельфидардо – Италия
IV Международный фестиваль и III Международный конкурс “Аккордеон плюс” – Ростов-на-Дону
7 фестиваль и конкурс аккордеонного искусства, Пинето – Италия

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Martynas Levickis at the Royal Festival Hall, London – UK
Video: Nikola Pekovic with Orchestra Performing Anxiety - Serbia
Buttons & Bellows Concert, Feldkirchen – Austria
Ian Holmes LP ‘Sounds Scottish’ now on CD, Scotland – UK
Видео: Олег Добротин с полосы в Концертном - Россия
Video: Bjørn-Petter Tøsse Trio Performs Cannon in D, Pachelbel
‘14 Years Ago’ – An accordion playing Korean Santa!!

Будущие события

Zoltán Orosz Siberian Tour Dates - Russia
NHAA Meeting, New Hampshire – USA
Petar Ralchev Online Master Class - Iconic Music Academy
John Nolan’s St Patrick’s Day Celebration, New Jersey – USA
Concert ‘Carte Blanche’, Paris - France
Tynedale Accordion and Fiddle Club, Northumberland - UK
XV1 Grand Prix International, Montrond-les-Bains – France
Arizona Accordion Club Orchestra Concert, Phoenix – USA
‘Accordions at the Castle’, Blackpool – UK
Accordion Festival, Zagreb – Croatia
Quarteto de Cordas e Acordeão Concert, Braga – Portugal

Новые и обновленные сайты

Gary Dahl Music eBooks Now Released - USA
Franco Cambareri release new music

CD Отзывы

“Wing Span” – Contemporary Danish Accordion Music & Classical Works CD by Adam Ørvad

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Особенности Highlights

Заметка редактора – Гервасио Маркосиньори (Gervasio Marcosignori – 1927-2013)

Gervasio MarcosignoriПуть к славе начался для Гервасио в семь лет, когда он играл перед Бенито Муссолини в 1934 году. Восхищенный исполнением, Дуче обнял мальчика и сказал: «Bravo, Ballilla», что было тогда высшей похвалой итальянскому ребенку. Его первым учителем стал отец, Джованни. В 15 лет Гервасио Маркосиньори выиграл свой первый конкурс.

За свои достижения в аккордеонном искусстве в 1959 году он получил престижную международную награду, Оскар в мире аккордеона того времени. Одной из важных его работ в тот период стала публикация трехтомника «Аккордеонная техника».

Гервасио Маркосиньори знают и ценят как выдающегося исполнителя, сочетавшего техническую безупречность с уникальной интерпретацией оригинальной музыки, транскрипций и любого другого репертуара.

Весь баянно-аккордеонный мир скорбит о потере выдающегося музыканта.


Гервасио Маркосиньори (Gervasio Marcosignori – 1927-2013), Кастельфидардо – Италия

Gervasio MarcosignoriВ двух видеороликах 2006 года, расположенных выше, мы видим 79-летнего Макросиньори. Сообщество баяна и аккордеона оплакивает ушедшего от нас Гервасио Маркосиньори, возможно самого известного и любимого аккордеониста своего поколения.

Гервасио Маркосиньори, называвшийся иногда «поэтом аккордеона», родился в Кастельфидардо (провинция Анкона, Италия) 3 декабря 1927 года. В юном возрасте он занимался с отцом, Джованни. В 1934 году он играл переда Бенито Муссолини
и удостоился похвалы итальянского диктатора. Несмотря на военное время в 1943 году Гервасио выигрывает свой первый конкурс, а в послевоенное время становится победителем многочисленных международных конкурсов, прокладывая себе дорогу в большую концертную жизнь, становясь выдающимся исполнителем-виртуозом.

В 1950-е годы Маркосиньори уже признанный артист с международной известностью, он интенсивно выступает по всей Европе и за ее пределами, оставляя о себе неизгладимое впечатление. Он также работает в жюри многих крупнейших конкурсов и фестивалей. В тот период он играет на акустических инструментах. Его имя ассоциируется с легендарными марками и моделями аккордеонов Settimio Soprani Artist VI и Scandalli Super VI.

В 1959 Маркосиньори получает награду ‘Аккордеонный Оскар’ от Всемирной конфедерации аккордеона и баяна CMA за вклад в развитие аккордеонного искусства.

В 1962 году Маркосиньори начинает сотрудничество с компанией Farfisa в проекте по созданию электронного аккордеона Cordovox, работавшего на транзисторах.
С этого периода имя артиста ассоциируется с электронным аккордеоном, он много выступает, демонстрируя новые модели Farfisa ‘Transicord’ и ‘Syntaccordion’.

На протяжении всей карьеры Маркосиньори выступает с разнообразным репертуаром. В 50-70 годы он исполняет много эстрадной европейской и латиноамериканской музыки. В 70-е он постепенно концентрируется на классическом репертуаре.

Маркосиньори много выступает перед известными политическими деятелями – итальянским президентом Сандро Пертини, папой Иоанном Павлом II, королевой Елизаветой II и многими другими.

Удивительно, но на протяжении всей своей блестящей карьеры Маркосиньори записывался очень редко. Его альбомы, записанные компаниями Decca (Великобритания) и Cetra (Италия): ‘Accordion Travelogue’ (1959), ‘Dancing Continental’ (1961), ‘Record of the Century’ (1962), ‘Accordion Showpieces’ (1972), ‘The Poet of the Accordion’ (1991), и ‘Encore!’ (1995).

Несколько лет назад Гервасио Маркосиньори потерял свою супругу, смерть Лючии повергла его в депрессию. Никто не имел такого количество друзей, как он, однако никто и ничто не смогло заменить ему его утрату.

Усилившиеся признаки деменции также мешали играть ему на прежнем высоком уровне.

8 марта итальянские СМИ сообщили о попытке самоубийства, совершенной Маркосиньори. Он скончался в госпитале Чезены 9 марта 2013 года в возрасте 85 лет.

Известие повергло в шок аккордеонное сообщество, которое оплакивает уход из жизни выдающегося музыканта.


IV Международный фестиваль и III Международный конкурс “Аккордеон плюс” – Ростов-на-Дону

PosterВидео вверху: ансамбль Motion Trio исполняет произведение "Stars" в концертном зале Nikolaisaal - Потсдам.

Департамент культуры города Ростов-на-Дону и Международный музыкальный центр «Гармония» проводят IV Международный фестиваль и конкурс «Аккордеон плюс» с 29 марта по 1 апреля 2013 года.

Председателем жюри конкурса станет Виктор Власов. В программе фестиваля также мастер-классы и конференции.

Торжественное открытие фестиваля пройдет в Концертном зале Ростовской филармонии. Состоятся концерты заслуженного артиста России Юрия Шишкина (программа «С Востока на Запад»), концерт известного российского композитора Евгения Дербенко и ансамбля «Донцы».

Концерт 30 марта посвящен композитору Александру Доренскому (Ростов-на-Дону), 31 марта в концерте «Браво, Аккордеон плюс!» выступят Владимир Мурза (Одесса), Александр Поелуев (Ростов-на-Дону), Алексей Шалыгин (Ростов-на-Дону), обладатели Гран-при конкурса 2012 года Алена Булатецкая и Анна Крышталева и русский народный оркестр «Дон» (художественный руководитель и главный дирижер Крикор Хурдаян).

Гала-концерт и закрытие фестиваля состоятся 1 апреля в Государственном драматическом театре им. Горького, где выступят победители конкурса и знаменитый польский ансамбль Motion trio.

Массимо Пиджини, директор компании Pigini, вручит специальные спонсорские призы. Спонсорами фестиваля выступили также компании Roland Russia и АККО.


7 фестиваль и конкурс аккордеонного искусства, Пинето – Италия

7th Accordion Art Festival and Contests, Pineto
Salvatore Cauteruccio.Renzo RuggieriАссоциация Associazione Promozione Arte в сотрудничестве с муниципалитетом города Пинето (Италия), сообществом Club Voglia d'Arte и частными спонсорами проводит 7-й международный фестиваль и конкурс аккордеонного искусства 15-16 июня 2013 года.
Конкурсные состязания на приз “Italia Award” открыты для участников из любой страны. Условия конкурса здесь: 2013Pineto

Заявки принимаются до 10 июня 2013 года. В рамках конкурса состоится отбор итальянских исполнителей на конкурс «Трофей мира 2013».

Важная часть фестивальной программы – вручение награды Orpheus Awards – награды музыкальных критиков за выпуск аккордеонных CD, MP3 записей, разделенные на джазовую категорию, классику и World music.

Артистический директор фестиваля – джазовый аккордеонист Ренцо Руджиери (фото справа), артистический директор премии Orpheus Awards Джерландо Гатто, президент фестиваля Сальваторе Каутеруччо (фото слева).


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Martynas Levickis at the Royal Festival Hall, London – UK

Martynas LevickisA classical accordion recital at London’s Royal Festival Hall is a rare event. On Sunday February 24th Martinas Levickis gave an hour-long pre-concert recital in the South Bank’s main hall before a large audience. The recital was made possible by an award from the Martin Music Scholarship Fund for promising young artists.

Martynas Levickis comes from Lithuania and in his own country is already well known as the winner of the 2010 television contest, ‘Lithuania’s Got Talent’.  Video above from a more recent TV performance in Lithuania. Martynas is a graduate of London’s Royal Academy of Music, tutor Owen Murray, who has won many awards including the 2010 Coupe Mondiale Piano Accordion category. 

His program in the Royal Festival Hall was classical beginning with César Franck’s ‘Pastoral in E major (Op.19)’, Efrem Podgaits’ ‘Sonata No.1’ and then J S Bach’s ‘Fantasia and Fugue in A minor (BWV 561)’ – three large and lengthy works. 

Martynas concluded his recital with a friend, Abraham McWilliams (violin), with arrangements for violin and accordion of the popular ‘Hungarian Dance No 5’, by Brahms, and ‘Jewish Folk Tunes on the Theme of Hava Nagila’.

Such was the audience enthusiasm that Martynas received a standing ovation. His encore was a movement from Vivaldi’s ‘Four Seasons’, the ‘Winter Concerto’. This recital was indeed a wonderful example of refined virtuoso accordion playing.

During 2013, date yet to be announced, Decca Classics (London) will release a CD by Martynas Levickis.


Video: Nikola Pekovic with Orchestra Performing Anxiety - Serbia

Published on Mar 14, 2013
Nikola Pekovic (accordion) with orchestra "Crvcanin" from Kraljevo. Video from festival "Constantinus" in Niš performng Anxiety by Astor Piazzolla.

Nikola Pekovic won the CMA 2010 National Trophée category in Spain and is also a winner of Serbian Got Talent competition.


Buttons & Bellows Concert, Feldkirchen – Austria

Petar Maric and Aleksandar NIkolicButtons & Bellows duo of Petar Maric (Coupe Mondiale, Trophee Mondiale, Kingenthal and Castelfidardo Winner) and Aleksandar NIkolic (Director of the Beltango Quintet) have just performed a successful concert in Feldkirchen, Austria on March 2nd.

The public were impressed with the unique combination of bandoneon and four different accordions and many styles of music. Their program started with classical repertoire played by Maric alone, after that Nikolic joined the concert stage and they performed tango and world music.

Petar also showed new modern music played on a Roland digital accordion followed by a few encores.
The duo, with their combination of bandoneon and 4 different accordions will play in Zagreb, Croatia, for a big concert on World Accordion Day on May 6th.

Trilogia Pack Of Three CD's by Beltango


Ian Holmes LP ‘Sounds Scottish’ now on CD, Scotland – UK

Ian HolmesIan Holmes LP ‘Sounds Scottish' CD cover‘Sounds Scottish’, a 1963 LP by the Ian Holmes Scottish Dance Band, has just been released on CD, also available as a download.

Ian Holmes led one of Scotland’s leading dance bands, and has since composed, performed and recorded much dance music in Scandinavian and Swiss styles. Originally a piano accordion player, the still very active Ian Holmes nowadays plays Continental chromatic and various diatonic button systems.

Tracks: Jean’s Reel/High Level Hornpipe/Tony Reid of Balnakilly; Beauty of the North/ Marchioness of Huntly/Pat Cushnie's Strathspey/Caerlaverock Castle; Maiden Of Morven / In Praise of Islay/Farewell to Fuinary; Duchess Of Edinburgh/Eilean Donan Castle; The Mason's Apron; The Atholl Highlanders/Wade's Welcome to Inverness/There Cam' A Young Man; Teetotaler's Reel/Peter Davidson/The Moving Cloud; Madge Wildfire’s Strathspey/Mrs Garden of Troupe/Lady Charlotte Campbell/The Lass of Corrie Mill; The Devorgilla Reel/The Earl Of Dalhousie/David Findlay; The Firelight Waltz/Doreen/The South West Wind; The 78th Highlanders/Flett From Flotta/Hills of Alva; The Honeymoon/The Newhaven Jig/Ian Holmes' Compliments to Jimmy Shand

For further information email: support@allcelticmusic.com


Видео: Олег Добротин с полосы в Концертном - Россия

Концерт Центрального оркестра ФСИН России 11 марта 2013 г.
Министерство юстиции.


Video: Bjørn-Petter Tøsse Trio Performs Cannon in D, Pachelbel

Canon in D by Pachelbel performed by Bjørn-Petter Tøsse. In this recording, the arranger and performer Bjørn-Petter Tøsse plays all three accordion parts (overdubbed) himself.


‘14 Years Ago’ – An accordion playing Korean Santa!!

Santa Claus playing accordionThe Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending March 19th 1999 included an unusual and slightly wacky article about Kim Yong-nam, South Korea’s accordion playing Santa. Eccentrics like Kim Yong-nam help make life interesting. We wonder if he is he still doing his Santa act somewhere?

Musical Santa Skis at the Asian Games - South Korea
Contributed by Reuters News Service

Santa Claus was seen skiing and playing the accordion on the slopes of a Yongpyong, South Korean resort recently! The resort was hosting the Asian Winter Games and Kim Yong-nam (alias Santa) helped to relax competitors with his music.

The Saint Nicholas impersonator claims to be Korea's first Santa Claus and said he plays over 20 musical instruments. He was also a former a professor at Sangmyung University Education College, South Korea.

Since he began his musical activities on the slopes 10 years ago, Kim has suffered broken ribs, implanted steel rods in his right ankle and had all of his upper teeth replaced because of ski accidents!

It seems that playing the accordion is definitely safer! (Wayne Knights, Editor)


Будущие события

Zoltán Orosz Siberian Tour Dates - Russia

Zoltán OroszHungarian accordionist performs concerts this month in Russia, as follows:
March 15th – Chelyabinsk,
March 17th – Smolensk,
March 18th – Moscow,
March 22nd – Kemerovo,
March 24th – Kemerovo.

Zoltán Orosz studied the accordion and the organ at the Bela Bartok Conservatory and the Franz Liszt Music College in Budapest, and at the age of 13, made his name at the international accordion competition in Klingenthal, Germany. He has since become a virtuoso performer, with an international repertoire and appeal, and with several recordings to his credit.

CD's available online at: Zoltán Orosz


NHAA Meeting, New Hampshire – USA

New Hampshire Accordion Association banner
The New Hampshire Accordion Association monthly meeting takes place on Saturday March 16th, 12.30pm until 4pm. The agenda is:

12.30pm - Informal Pre-meeting Jam Session/Warm-up
1pm - Open Mike – ALL accordionists, including guests, are welcome to play
1.30pm - Business Meeting
• Welcome to guest visitors, invitation to join NHAA
• News of members’ recent and upcoming activities
• Details about Catfish Howl performance at May meeting
• Update on ACCORDIONS NOW! 2013, August 9th -11th
• Other Business
1.45pm - Social Time – Snacks by NHAA, beverages by Accordion Connection LLC
2.15pm - Just-for-Fun (JfF) Music-Making
• New music to be distributed for sight-reading
• Members’ selections – Sylvia Miskoe will coach the group
2.50pm - Break – Non-orchestra members may leave or stay to listen silently to the rehearsal
3pm - Orchestra Rehearsal – Bring your parts for ‘Historia de un Amor’ and ‘Rock Medley’

NHAA meets at Accordion Connection, LLC, 136 Route 106, Gilmanton, NH 03237.

For further information email: regisdonna@yahoo.com


Petar Ralchev Online Master Class - Iconic Music Academy

Petar RalchevBulgarian accordionist Petar Ralchev holds an online master class via the Iconic Music Academy, 12 until 2pm, on Saturday March 16th. The topics will be Balkan music, jazz, and improvisation.

For further information email: office@iconicacademy.com


John Nolan’s St Patrick’s Day Celebration, New Jersey – USA

John NolanDiatonic button accordionist John Nolan celebrates St Patrick’s Day on Sunday March 17th, 4pm until 8pm, at the Blackthorn Restaurant, 735 Rte 46, Parsippany, NJ.

New York-based John Nolan, specializing in 2 and 3 row diatonics, repairs, tunes, sells and teaches accordions, and has his own website.

Born and raised in the Bronx, John Nolan’s first introduction to Irish music was listening to his father play a Baldoni D/C# button accordion. He learned the fundamentals of the B/C accordion from John Glynn and Billy McComiskey. In 1982, John journeyed to Listowel, County Kerry, to compete in the All Ireland Fleadh Cheoil Na hEireann and became the first American to win the Senior All Ireland Championship on both the two and three row button accordions.

For further information email: john@accordionwizard.com


Concert ‘Carte Blanche’, Paris - France

Vincent LhermetConcert by ‘Carte Blanche’ take place at l'Amphithéâtre de la Cité de la Musique, Paris, on March 17th and June 14th, as follows:

March 17th, 3pm – 1st half: Manuel Vioque-Judde, alto, Cédric Lorel, piano, performing music by Brahms and Hindemith; 2nd half: Vincent Lhermet, accordion, performing music by JP Rameau, B. Mantovani, Couperin, Lievonen

June 14th, 8pm – Vincent Lhermet – accordion, Cécile Kubik – violin, François Robin – cello, performing music for trios by Bernard Cavanna, Philippe Hersant, Jexper Holmen, Philippe Leroux, Wolfgang Rihm

For further information email: lhermet.vincent@gmail.com


Tynedale Accordion and Fiddle Club, Northumberland - UK

John Morgan playing at the Tynedale Accordion and Fiddle Club,Tynedale Accordion and Fiddle Club start their 2013 season on Thursday March 21st at 7.30pm with a concert starring Dick Black's Band.

Tynedale Accordion and Fiddle Club meet at the Hexham Ex-Service Club, 1 Hallstile Bank,Hexham, Northumberland NE46 3PQ, NE England.

For further information email: secretarytafc@hotmail.co.uk


XV1 Grand Prix International, Montrond-les-Bains – France

XV1 Grand Prix International, Montrond-les-Bains – France poster
The 16th Grand Prix International competition for ‘Jeunes Talents’ (young accordionists) takes place at the JOA Casino, Montrond-les-Bains (42), on March 20th and 21st.

The jury members include Vogan Vasovic (Serbia), Alexander Selivanov (Russia), Xia-Qing Cao (China), Franck Angelis, Andréas Nebl (Germany), Bernard Albaynac, Grayson Masefield (New Zealand), Domi Emorine, Jérôme Chassagneux, Crystal Wang (China), Gorka Hermosa (Spain).

For further information email: jeunes-talents@montrond-les-bains.fr


Arizona Accordion Club Orchestra Concert, Phoenix – USA

Arizona Accordion Club Orchestra banner
Jack DermodyThe Arizona Accordion Club Orchestra (Jack Dermody) will present a concert on Sunday April 21st, 2pm, at the Franciscan Renewal Center Chapel, 5803 East Lincoln Drive, Scottsdale, AZ.

The program will include classical and standards. In addition, there will be solos, duets, trios to round out a 90 minute program. rector. The AZACO will play along with Gabe Hall-Rodrigues, 2010 AAA Virtuoso Champion, and Quinn and Liam Collins, 2012 AAA award winning accordionists.

The AZAC monthly meetings are held on the third Monday of each month at St. Stephen's Church Hall, 8141 North 16th Street, Phoenix AZ 85020. Pre-meeting music begins at 5.45pm, and the main program starts at 6.30 PM. Local accordionists, musicians and music lovers are invited to attend and to participate as well.

For further information email: dermody@cox.net


‘Accordions at the Castle’, Blackpool – UK

Heather SmithThe festival ‘Accordions at the Castle’, organised by Heather Smith (pictured left), takes place from May 12th/17th at the Norbreck Castle Hotel, Blackpool. The guests this year include Stefan Andrusyschyn & Denise Leigh, Giancarlo Caporilli (Italy), David Vernon (Scotland), Gennaro Ruffolo (Italy), Harry Hussey, Roy Hendrie & Dave Morrice (Scotland), Rosemary Wright, and Bert Santilly.

Caroline Hunt will be there with a display of her fantastic antique accordions. There are concerts, workshops, dancing, and a trade show. There is also an organ/keyboard festival at the Norbreck Castle at the same time, with many great guest organists booked, so if organs or keyboards are your thing, it’s virtually two festivals for the price of one! To book, tel 01780 782 093 during office hours (Sceptre Productions).

For further information email: heather@accordions.karoo.co.uk


Accordion Festival, Zagreb – Croatia

Semir HasicThis year’s Accordion Festival in Zagreb, Croatia, takes place June 11th to 15th in the square Zrinjevac. There will be 5 world famous accordionists in 5 days performing, duets, orchestras – for all who love the accordion. The Festival Director is Semir Hasic, and the event is supported by the Ivana Art Studio and the Zagreb Tourist Board.

For further information email: semir.sammy.hasic@gmail.com


Quarteto de Cordas e Acordeão Concert, Braga – Portugal

Quarteto de Cordas e Acordeão
Accordionist Paulo Jorge Ferreira guests with the chamber string ensemble Quarteto de Cordas in a concert at the Sala Principal, Theatro Circo, Braga, Portugal, on Saturday March 16th, 9.30pm. The programme includes music by A. Piazzolla, R. Galliano, Klaus Paier, and Paulo Jorge Ferreira.

For further information email: pjorgef@hotmail.com


Новые и обновленные сайты

Gary Dahl Music eBooks Now Released - USA

eBooks graphics
Gary DahlUpdated Site: Following on the big success of the Gary Dahl graded specials series of eSheet music (able to be sent to you by email), Gary Dahl has now released four Music eBooks.

Cat No: DH01 Collection #1 Latin Spectacular - 10 titles, Besame Mucho, Amapola, Tico Tico, Brazil, Beyond the Sea, El Cumbanchero, Adios Muchachos, Spanish Eyes, A Day in the Life of a Fool, Amour, over 26 pages of high quality arrangements for only US$24.95 or Euro equivalent.

Cat No: DH02 Collection #2 Favorite French Standards - 10 titles, La Vie en Rose, Les Bicyclettes de Belsize, Moulin Rouge, Clair de Lune, Pigalle, Domino, Michelle, Padam Padam, Under Paris Skies, The River Seine, 32 pages of high quality arrangements for only US$24.95 or Euro equivalent.

Cat No: DH03 Collection #3 The American Songbook - 10 titles, Tenderly, Angel Eyes, Misty, September Song, Moon River, Summertime, Sentimental Journey, Crazy, The Godfather, Autumn Leaves, over 32 pages of music for only US$24.95 or Euro equivalent.

Cat No: DH04 Collection #4 Favorite Waltzes & Polkas - 18 titles, Achtung Los, Amazing Grace, Beer Barrel Polka, Beer Barrel Polka (adv), Champagne Polka, Chicken Dance, Clarinet Polka, Edelweiss, Just Because, Let's Have A Party, Maria Elena, Liechtensteiner Polka, My Wild Irish Rose, Red River Valley and You Are My Sunshine, Sunrise Sunset, Vienna My City Of Dreams, Tulips From Amsterdam, You Can't Be True Dearover 56 pages of music for only US$24.95 or Euro equivalent.

You can view sample pages of the music online (DH01, DH02, DH03, DH04) and order from the shopping basket which links to the high security eCommerce site run by Worldpay.com, one of the world's largest internet payment processing systems.

There are nearly 200 arrangements on his MusicForAccordion.com website of Gary Dahl.


Franco Cambareri release new music

cfranco164 A Lonely SoulFranco Cambareri - accordionist, composer, producer, releases 2 new composition for accordion available for purchase nline. 'A Lonely Soul', catalog:cfranco164 and 'Burnt Pot', catalog:cfranco165. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


CD Отзывы

“Wing Span” – Contemporary Danish Accordion Music & Classical Works CD by Adam Ørvad

“Wing Span” – Contemporary Danish Accordion Music & Classical Works CD cover by AdamCD Reviews Index for the Review of “Wing Span” – Contemporary Danish Accordion Music & Classical Works CD by Adam Ørvad, in Italian language, reviewed by Alessandro Mugnoz.


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